
[Satyr] Herc

Jun 1st, 2014
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  1. >You are Herc and you are a satyrical young lad.
  2. >With a powerhouse of a father who rose you with an iron -hoof- Snowflake.
  3. >Working your body to its fullest and healthiest, he brought you to your fullest physical capability.
  4. >You mother was very supporting of him and you, and you love her for that.
  5. >But there was a time in your life when you felt you lacked a connection to the natural world around you.
  6. >You went out on a self discovery for several years, living off the land.
  7. >Now you are back and better than ever.
  8. >There is nothing that can stop you now!
  9. >Except
  10. >The law
  11. >You are still a minor, and must attend school.
  12. >So here you are.
  13. >Flexing your muscles, as green forget her talking to you about studying.
  14. >She's just like you though so that's something, you guess.
  15. >Just like you as in, half human and half pony person.
  16. >Green called you a 'satyr'. Never really caught on in your mind, but whatever.
  17. >She is explaining something boring about anthropology as a yellow and pink beauty walks by grabbing your attention from her.
  18. >She is also a half person too, cool!
  19. >Green notices this and isn't very happy about it.
  20. >"Hey Herc, are you even paying attention."
  21. >Mint girl starts going on and on about how you should be studying for your classes and learning this valuable information.
  22. >You slowly shift your head back towards the yellow elegance.
  23. >Her hips shifts and sways in ways you've never seen before.
  24. >You don't know what it is about her but it's driving you wild.
  25. >Green has not stopped about whatever she is still going on about.
  26. >You stare at her trying to make sense of her blathering.
  27. "Yeah, I'll get right on that Green, but I'm going to talk to that yellow elegance over there."
  28. >Green is bewildered, she also becomes flustered.
  29. >She stops you before you leave.
  30. >"Yellow what!? That's my sister! You want to talk to her!" She scoffs at the last bit.
  31. "Gasp! You two are related, how?"
  32. >Green perks up at your sudden interest in her.
  33. >"Well you see, she and I have the same dad, but different moms. When my dad met her mom..."
  34. >Your mind went to more entertaining thoughts. What if you weren't here. What if you were with yellow.
  35. >Green snaps you from your daydream.
  36. "Yeah yeah very interesting."
  37. >That seemed to satisfy her for now, you go back to your thought.
  38. >You imagine yourself with Yellow, flying through the gym and working out. Gosh, you want to show her how much you can bench.
  39. >Your dad always said that drove girls crazy.
  40. >Green is looking upset at you for some reason.
  41. "Hey yeah cool stuff Green, so do you think you can introduce me to her?
  42. >Green asks you one more question. She is squinting her eyes at you.
  43. >"What is my name, Hercules?"
  44. >You realize you've been calling her -Green- all this time.
  45. "... I know your name." Panic, remember it begins with H, remember statistically 1-8 girls are named hope, pray you are right
  46. >You say to yourself.
  47. "Hope, this is right." But you freeze up right then as you closely watch her face change.
  48. >"Yeah that's right." She sighs.
  49. >"I was about to call you are jerk and kick your shin otherwise" Hope sticks her tongue out to you.
  50. >"Okay, lets go."
  51. >Hope takes you by the arm and leads you to the yellow goddess of your eye.
  52. >Your realize you don't know her name either.
  53. >Remember that Hope is introducing you, realize you just bullshitted yourself to safety, ego stroke.
  54. >You relax your brain muscles. The second most important muscles you know you have.
  55. >Right behind your wicked pectorals. Damn you can crack an egg between these babies.
  56. >Oh snap. They're she is... right in front of you.
  57. >"-Yup and this is Herc." Hope says. You didn't catch the first part of what she said.
  58. >Dammit brain!
  59. >You look awkwardly at her and bring a nervous smile to your face.
  60. >Think quick; You offer her a hand shake.
  61. >She shakes your hand.
  62. >However she takes a moment to hold it.
  63. >"Wow that's interesting."
  64. >Her voice is of angles.
  65. >"I didn't know you could get so many muscles in your hands."
  66. >You practically have biceps in each finger.
  67. >Your mom taught you how to do those work outs. Fucking Win, thanks Mom!
  68. >Your smile fills with confidence.
  69. >Hope actually looks at your hands with intrigue now.
  70. >You continue to hold them out and let them brag on.
  71. >#Humblebrag
  72. >They take to your massive hand power in awe.
  73. >They've only ever seen their father's hands, and he didn't have nearly as chiseled a pair as you do.
  74. >You then remember your whole body is muscle city.
  75. >You sneak in a flex.
  76. >They follow the muscles up your arms and watch them ripple. You usually just wear a tank top and work out shorts.
  77. >You bring forth the trick your pops taught you.
  78. >You bounce one pec, then the other and go back and forth.
  79. >The girls are in total shock. They have never even seen their dad's chest like that before.
  80. >You suddenly feel their hands touching you all over your joice pack!
  81. "Ladies, please, go on."
  82. >You are being felt up so much. Your muscles have never been physically appeased like this.
  83. >The blood runs right to your head.
  84. >At this point you have drawn the attention of a small crowd of ponies.
  85. >They are murmuring to amongst themselves about how totally ripped you are.
  86. >The girls are first to step up and feel your sweet set.
  87. >All hands and hooves are on you.
  88. >You then take your shirt off and let them feel your skin.
  89. >The Ooo and awes erupt at your tight, well toned body.
  90. >Thank the celestial star itself for your unbeatable bod!
  91. >You flex and flex then suddenly a gasp is heard.
  92. >The girls are blushed and staring down past your pecs, down past your abs.
  93. >You popped a boner.
  94. >All this attention you got must have go to that head too.
  95. >An insane idea comes to mind.
  96. >Shoot, you'll have to go with it.
  97. >Flex it!
  98. >You flex your boner like the mighty muscle it is!
  99. >Your ripple your belly into it, anything to break the shock.
  100. >Flexing your Johnson brings a mixed reaction in the crowd.
  101. >The guys reel back away from the phallic display of your might.
  102. >They then took the first nope train out of here.
  103. >The girls are stricken by how its... half horse and human shaped.
  104. >You never really thought about it before, but you're not stopping this cock train's motion.
  105. >Ivy and Hope are backed up into the crowd just watching it go. And go, and go, and go...
  106. >Another satyr shows up, Timber, your good ol' buddy, he's actually Ivy's brother you realize.
  107. >How the fuck are you supposed to keep a boner in front of him.
  108. >He is trying to find what the crowd is looking at too.
  109. >His gaze coming closer and closer to your dong‏.
  110. >His gaze meets with the your pulsating bulge and you stop awkwardly.
  111. "...I can explain."
  112. >The remaining pony girls stay flushed and finally disburse around you four.
  113. >The giggles die down and you four satyrs are the last ones in this part of the hall.
  114. >You have to think the horse god again for none of those girls being in heat.
  115. >Hope and Ivy are telling Timber about how ripped you are. They then start trying to pull off his shirt.
  116. >Timber is bow-legged about it.
  117. >He doesn't like taking his close off outside of the house.
  118. "Relax man, let them have a peek and they'll calm down."
  119. >They get his shirt off.
  120. >Timber has an ounce of baby fat he hasn't lost yet.
  121. >Hey if you can talk your dad into it you can get Timber a subscription at the gym. And you can rev with your buddy!
  122. >The girls start laughing. They compare you and him right before the two of you.
  123. >It's apparent they are praising your abs more and laughing harder about your buddy's lack of.
  124. >Timber stampers back but is trapped between them and lockers.
  125. "Hey girls! Rome wasn't built in a day. Just you wait, I will make Timber here ripped!"
  126. >They've never heard of Rome.
  127. >You were taken back by this a little.
  128. >Their father must not have told them much of Earth like your radical awesome Mom has.
  129. >You further explain how he will be able to pop and flex it just like you, all the while they have came back to feeling up every muscle you bounce.
  130. >Wow these girls really do love this stuff.
  131. >All this time you have been flexing away your worries about yello-Ivy. You still haven't asked her anything yet.
  132. >Shoot but Timber might not like you taking off with his sister right in front of him.
  133. >How can you make these girls see the light of this?
  134. "You know what, I have a to talk you two. Timber, bro, I'm going to need a moment with them."
  135. >He is putting his shirt back on, recomposing himself. He nods.
  136. >This is it. You have two girls on you right now. And now you are going to give them a world of body building knowledge and how not to use and abuse it.
  137. >You start.
  138. >It is never alright to laugh at the -unbuilt-. Muscles like this aren't just bought, they are earned. They actually define a lot about Equestria.
  139. >A fact of the man's soul it is coursing through his veins as each rev pierces the heavens with its mighty flex.
  140. >Powerhouses are not born, they are molded, chiseled to the sturdy being of ultimate masculinity!
  141. >Those who ignore their essence of strength have no place in this physical world they shape with their own two hooves!
  142. >The hours dedicated are nothing to scoff at as each one goes to brighter tomorrow. Tomorrows that would not come if powerhouses of our past never set the world to spin in the first place.
  143. >The first ponies of this world knew the rotation of the planet would be vital to life. It didn't just want to happen on its own though. So in the early centuries of young there were ponies that held marathon runs around the planet at blinding, powerful speeds to set the planet on its axis twirling forever and for ever so long eternity ever quakes. In commemoration of these ponies there was a competition held yearly, housing running events to thank these ponies for helping bring the life we know today.
  144. >As you finish you feel satisfied, letting out a world of history passed down to you from your Dad. And to him from his dad and him from his dad, and so on.
  145. >You look down, expecting to see them soaking in this valuable information.
  146. >They were feeling you up instead of listening. The entire time.
  147. >How inconsiderate!
  148. >Here you are trying to teach lesser minds and what getting ignored instead by aesthetics!
  149. >Fucking Hope.
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