
Smidget & Bit VI

Mar 29th, 2012
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  1. >master leaves and the neighbor girl can't find fluffy pegasus
  2. >she still cuddles you, but she's crying over the dead fool the entire time
  3. >she leaves for school and you trot around the backyard, pantomiming the ignited fluffy, mimicking the wails
  4. >hit from the side by unseen mass
  5. >not very hard, mind you
  6. >roll up, and you see a pissed, dirty earth fluffy
  7. >you bleat "fwiend?"
  8. >she responds "You take my pwace! Smidget kiww you!"
  9. >she attempts to trample your face in, but she doesn't get very far with her marshmallow soft limbs
  10. >roll her off and charge with your horn
  11. >doesn't even penetrate the layers of fluff, as if it could even cause more than a slight bruise
  12. >still enough that you roll over in a ball of fluffy violence
  13. >you say "I am now his favowite! You twaded his wuv for skasketties!"
  14. >you think this is the most vicious battle in history
  15. >it's actually an utterly ineffectual slap-fight
  16. >you are both tuckered out in minutes
  17. >wake up inside
  18. >Smidget in the pillow basket
  19. >your master is staring at both of you
  21. ***
  23. >you found your two fluffy psychopaths, sleeping on top of each other in your back yard
  24. >your love them both, but your neighbors are starting to suspect that you're some kind of petty sadist
  25. >they both look up at you with big watery eyes
  26. >"Stop killing my neighbor's pets. Their daughter is now thinking she's cursed or something"
  27. >they mewl and apologize, hugging your legs
  28. >"You don't have to deal with them, I can just board up the hole in the fence..."
  29. >they're start crying
  30. >Smidget is clearly thinking you tried to replace her
  31. >Bit thinks you'll throw him back in the adoption center for killing ponies and because Smidget is back
  32. >you consider throwing them BOTH back in the bin so you won't have to deal with this any more
  33. >although... they still love you more than life itself
  34. >you sigh, picking them up into your arms
  35. >they stop crying
  36. >"I'm sorry for smashing your head into the fridge, Smidget. Bit, why do you have fluffy ponies so much?"
  37. >Bit wiggles his front legs, "Thew jus... thew so stupid! They dwown from ceiwing spwinkwers!"
  38. >Smidget wriggles as well, "You hate dem fow dat too?"
  39. >you smile, feeling unhinged, "See? You don't have to fight! You can be murderbuddies!"
  40. >you all have a big group hug.
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