
In Eri's Eyes

Sep 7th, 2015
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  1. >Stepping into the room you felt a lot of regret
  2. >It really did hurt, leaving before fulfilling your promise to her
  3. >It's the only thing she had ever asked you for, and you weren't going to be able to keep it
  4. >The four alicorns surrounded Discord
  5. >Twilight stepped forward
  6. >She looked upset
  7. >"Again, I'm sorry you didn't enjoy your stay in Equestria."
  8. >Exactly a week ago you would have agreed, but this week changed everything
  9. >This was the week you met 'her'
  10. >You nodded, but said nothing
  11. >Discord seemingly tore into reality with his claw, leaving a portal behind
  12. >Before stepping into the rift you turn to discord
  13. "Can I ask you a f-"
  14. >He interrupts you
  15. >"You know I can't do that Anon, it's against the rules."
  16. >You sigh
  17. "Yeah I know, worth a shot."
  18. >He smirks
  19. >"Keep that chin up Anon, you aren't forgetting now are you?"
  20. "No..."
  21. >You hesitate, wanting to remember everything at least one more time before those memories are taken from you
  23. [Post 2]
  25. >It was still very early in the morning when you stepped into Sugar Cube Corner
  26. >The aroma wafting through the air was magnificent
  27. >The confectioners all hard at work prepping pastries and baking desserts
  28. >This was one of the few places you actually liked in Equestria, you were going to miss it
  29. >Sitting down at your usual booth you continue reading the letter you had received
  30. >'...I'd like to once again apologize that you've not enjoyed your time in Equestria. With the help of Discord we've located Earth and are currently preparing a portal, though it will be about a week until it's safe for use. -Twilight'
  31. >You were actually going through with it, you were going to leave Equestria
  32. >People would kill to be where you are now, so why would you leave?
  33. >You're practically yanked from your train of thought once you hear somethi- rather someone shifting in the seat across from you
  34. >A black mane with a streak of light ruby veiled an ash gray earth mare
  35. >Her eyes matched the streak in her mane, but colorful as they were, they still looked... sad
  36. >You couldn't look away from her eyes
  37. >The same eyes that seemed to be looking right through you
  39. [Post 3]
  41. >Looking around the shop you see that she couldn't possibly be looking at anyone but you
  42. >After a moment passes you decide to break the silence
  43. "Hey?"
  44. >The mare winced
  45. >"S-Sorry.."
  46. >She takes a deep breath, regaining her composure before continuing
  47. >"I guess I kinda zoned out."
  48. >You wave it off
  49. "Nothing to worry about, happens to the best of us."
  50. >She doesn't reply but she does fidget with her hooves
  51. >Glancing towards the window you see it's still early
  52. >Even the Apples wouldn't be up until around an hour from now
  53. >Other than you and the mare on the other side of the table, the only ponies awake would be the Cube Corner staff
  54. >Speaking of the staff
  55. >Ponyville's pink party planner Pinkie Pie, came bounding from the kitchen while humming that same tune she always does in the morning
  56. >She stops by your table and looks to you
  57. >"Hey Nonny!"
  58. >Then to the mare
  59. >"Hey Eri!"
  60. >Eri Murmurs something and raises a hoof to wave at the party planner
  61. >The party pony turns back to you
  62. >"Why didn't you tell me you knew each other!?"
  64. [Post 4]
  66. >You shrug
  67. "Well, we don't really know each other."
  68. >She sits for a moment before turning to Eri
  69. >"The usual order then, Eri?"
  70. >Receiving a nod in response Pinkie looks to you
  71. >"Same for you Nonny?"
  72. "Surprise me, I won't be in Equestria much longer and still haven't tried everything."
  73. >Pinkie's expression faltered for a fraction of a second
  74. >It was obvious that she still wasn't too happy about it but she would never try to stop you
  75. >She gestures to you but leaves before you can make any sense of it
  76. >It's not until the sound of Pinkie's humming is gone that Eri speaks
  77. >"So... you're leaving Equestria?"
  78. "Don't get me wrong. Equestria is great, I just don't belong here."
  79. >She slumps in her seat
  80. >"That makes two of us."
  81. "You too?"
  82. >"Yeah."
  83. >From the sound of her voice you could tell she was feeling down
  84. >It always worked for you, so maybe...
  85. "Chin up Eri, I'm sure everything'll get better
  86. >You offer a smile but it doesn't seem to really help
  87. >An upbeat humming announces the return of Pinkie and the arrival of your order
  88. >Whatever that is
  90. [Post 5]
  92. >Even after the plates are set down you continue to look at the party pony
  93. "Pinkie, when I said surprise me I didn't mean to give me dessert for breakfast."
  94. >She laughs
  95. >"That's not a dessert silly, they're strawberry shortcake stacked pancakes."
  96. >She leans in close to you
  97. >"Eri's favorite."
  98. "Regardless, what part of strawberry shortcake says breakfast?"
  99. >"The stacked pancake part! I mean, how often do you eat pancakes for dessert?"
  100. >You look over to Eri
  101. >Sure enough, she has a plate similar to yours
  102. >She repeatedly circled the stack with her fork
  103. >You will never get over how ponies hold things in either of their hooves
  104. >You noticed Pinkie gesturing again
  105. >Her hoof passing over her own face
  106. >You're still not sure-
  107. >You look back to Eri who finally began eating
  108. >You turn back to Pinkie who mouths two words
  109. >Turning back to Eri you catch her take her first bite
  110. >Eri very slowly reaches towards her milk
  111. >You thought Pinkie might of been joking
  112. >She wasn't
  113. >[Spoiler]She's blind[/Spoiler]
  115. ------[Post 6] - Day 2
  116. >As usual, Pinkie broke the silence
  117. >"Come on Nonny. The pancakes won't bite, that's your job!"
  118. >Having been broken out of your trance you pick up your fork
  119. >The pancakes couldn't be described as anything but a dessert
  120. >From the plate to your mouth, it was nothing but enjoyable
  121. >But more than anything
  122. "These are pretty sweet."
  123. >Eri shifted slightly before quietly speaking
  124. >"They're not that sweet."
  125. >She took another bite but said nothing else
  126. >"Gotta get back to work, you two have fun!"
  127. >As Pinkie left, you again began eating
  128. >But your eyes are glued to the mare sitting across from you
  129. >She wouldn't notice but you still didn't like to stare
  130. >Once again glancing to the window you see the sun still has yet to rise
  132. [Post 7]
  134. "So Eri, What's got you awake so early?"
  135. >She takes a moment to respond, swallowing down the last of her food
  136. >"Nothing special, I always come here this early."
  137. >She finishes the last of her pancakes before continuing
  138. >"What about you... Nonny was it?"
  139. "Names Anonymous but you can call me Nonny, all of my friends do."
  140. >It still hurts to say that
  141. >You did have one friend who didn't call you Nonny but he's really busy these days
  142. >The sound of her fork placed onto her plate grabs your attention
  143. >"Ano- Nonny, would you really consider me a friend?"
  144. >She sounded a little nervous
  145. "Of course. We're sitting here eating breakfast together, pretty sure strangers don't do that."
  146. >She doesn't answer, instead she walks to the counter pays, and begins heading towards the door
  147. >Though she does say something to you before she leaves
  148. >"Thanks."
  150. [Post 8]
  152. >The sun had just started rising as you stepped outside, your thoughts constantly coming back to the blind mare
  153. >According to Pinkie she usually arrived after you left, today you had been late while waiting for the letter
  154. >You would think the mail mare would deliver later in the day, but apparently this was urgent
  155. >If you consider an apology urgent that is
  156. >You couldn't keep letting these things distract you
  157. >You had errands to run and a house to sell
  158. >With breakfast checked off the to-do list it was time to head to the marketplace
  159. >Today was looking to be a pretty good day, you've already made another friend
  160. >If you were even more lucky you wouldn't see any of the other elements
  161. >Pinkie was cool, fun even. Her friends on the other hand
  162. >One specifically over the others
  163. >You sigh
  164. "Come on Anon. You're getting off track, shop stalls are just around the corner."
  166. [Post 9]
  168. >Shopping went as easily as usual
  169. >The lines seemed to move quickly but you knew they were just dispersing
  170. >The usual hustle and bustle fading as everyone scrambled to their jobs or homes
  171. >Leaving you, the shopkeepers and a handful of other ponies in the marketplace
  172. >Aside from a few whispers between owners and customers it was quiet
  173. >So it wasn't much of a surprise when you heard the only conversation in a normal tone
  174. >"Well if it isn't my #1 Customer. Something in mind or looking for something new, what'll it be?"
  175. >Turning to the source of the disturbance you see Bon bon and on the other side of her counter stands Eri
  176. >You had plenty of time before anybody would be by to see the house, more than enough time to drop by and say hi
  177. >You caught her just before she started to leave the stall
  178. "Hey Eri."
  179. >She turned to you, looking slightly surprised
  180. >"N-Nonny? You must be tall."
  182. [Post 10]
  184. >You two apparently didn't live too far from each other
  185. >Both of your homes being just on the outskirts of town
  186. >She was headed home now and you still had a few ponies interested in your house
  187. "Yeah, my height is just a side effect of being a human."
  188. >"A human?"
  189. "Yeah, well humans are.."
  190. >How could you explain this to her
  191. >As far as you knew, there weren't many if any other creatures with hands that you knew of
  192. "I don't have hooves, but I wouldn't consider these claws.."
  193. >The way you worded it only made things worst and more complicated
  194. >"I'm not sure if you noticed Nonny, but I'm blind.."
  195. "Oh yeah, sorry about that."
  196. >Even if you were able to explain your appearance it wouldn't have helped much
  197. >The two of you were rounding a corner when a mixture of bright yellow and pink caught your eye
  198. "Great..."
  199. >It couldn't be Applejack, Dash, Rarity or Twilight
  200. >You still didn't trust yourself around her, so instead of risking what Eri thought of you
  201. "Hey, I just remembered I had something to take care of."
  202. >You're still really bad at making excuses
  203. "I'll catch you tomorrow?"
  204. >She slows down but continues walking
  205. >"Oh.. uh sure."
  206. >While taking the long way around to your house you can't help but feel that you just screwed up
  208. [Post 11]
  210. >You arrived home a few minutes late
  211. >Today was shaping up to be a good day
  212. >The mare that would be looking to buy wasn't here yet
  213. >You didn't see any of the elements but Pinkie
  214. >You even made another friend
  215. >Granted, you did just leave her but you could explain that tomorrow
  216. >You just didn't want to deal with Fluttershy
  217. >Maybe it was time that you got over that
  218. >Looking over the house once more, you're finally satisfied
  219. >It was clean, presentable and already furnished
  220. >What more could someone ask for?
  221. >"Excuse me,"
  222. >The soft spoken voice pulls you out of your thoughts
  223. >A sunflower mane and bubblegum coat came together to form the mare in front of you
  224. >"Are you Anonymous?"
  226. [Post 12]
  228. "That would be me."
  229. >She glances behind you
  230. >"I'm here about the house!"
  231. >She practically blurted the whole sentence out as one word
  232. "Of course, is there anything you wanna know, any questions?"
  233. >She seems to look everywhere and at everything but you
  234. >You weren't surprised, most ponies acted the same way
  235. >"No, not really."
  236. >You extend your arm out towards the house
  237. "How about we start with a tour then?"
  238. >"Sure!"
  240. [Post 13]
  242. >The house was by no means a mansion but it was larger than most in Ponyville
  243. >Being nearly twice the height of a pony it was thought that you needed about twice the space
  244. >You would've been fine in a normal home but there certainly weren't any complaints
  245. >The mares attitude reminded you a little of Pinkie, just not as spontaneous
  246. >Sometime after reaching the second floor she started to look uneasy
  247. "Something the matter?"
  248. >"Nothing, just a little nervous is all."
  249. "Wasn't expecting a human were ya?"
  250. >"Well no, but that's not it. I actually think humans are pretty cool."
  251. >She thought humans were.. cool?
  252. >She looks into the guest room
  253. >"I've just never bought a house before, or lived alone."
  255. [Post 14]
  257. >Your schedule for the week had just been hit with a wave of release
  258. >With the house sold you had no real priorities left while you were in Equestria
  259. >..Other than leaving
  260. >Though there was something odd about that mare
  261. >Aside from you forgetting to get her name that is
  262. >As she was leaving the house you took notice of her legs
  263. >You would have asked but it wasn't your business, you didn't really know her and you would only be here for a few days anyway
  264. >Other than a few meals your checklist was now empty
  265. >If only things were always this easy, you might have actually stayed in Equestria
  267. [Post 15]
  269. >Another early day, another early letter
  270. >You skip the letter for now, planning to read it later and head to Sugar Cube Corner
  271. >As always the smell of pastries fill the air
  272. >Your seat felt just as comfortable as it always does
  273. >You find yourself quietly humming along with Pinkie while she was in the kitchen
  274. >Or you thought she was in the kitchen at least
  275. >"Hiya Nonny!"
  276. >To this day you'll never admit that Pinkie scared the ever living s-
  277. >"So I hear someone sold their house to the new pony in town."
  278. "Where did you hear-"
  279. >Pinkie's playful expression disappeared
  280. >"I know you saw them."
  281. "Saw what?"
  282. >She frowned
  283. >"The cuts, Nonny. They're all over her legs."
  284. "It' kind of hard to see passed coats Pinkie, I didn't see anything."
  285. >Her expression told you she wasn't buying it
  286. >Lucky for you, the door opened
  288. [Post 16]
  290. >It would be rude to say you were disappointed but you'd be lying if you said you weren't
  291. >The familiar sunflower maned mare stepped inside
  292. >..Only to basically be ambushed by the party pony
  293. >"Hi!"
  294. >Being caught off guard the mare jumps back before laughing
  295. >"Oh, uh hi."
  296. >Pinkie jumps circles around the guest who looks over to you
  297. >"I know you were busy yesterday but how about today I give you the grand tour of Ponyville! Or maybe you want to order something? That's okay too!"
  298. >"Haha sure, maybe later but right now I have to talk t-"
  299. >Pinkie cuts her off, pointing a hoof in your direction
  300. >"To Nonny? He's right over there!"
  301. >She chuckles and steps towards you
  302. >"Nonny? I like it. Hey Nonny, I gotta ask you something."
  304. [Post 17]
  306. >This time you had actually got her name
  307. >Connie was sitting across from you
  308. >"I know you'll be in Equestria for a couple more days but.."
  309. >She trailed off but continued before you could ask anything
  310. >"I was wondering if I could move in a little early and stay with you."
  311. >Her tremulous voice spoke volumes about how afraid she was
  312. >Even so, she still tried to give you a smile
  313. >She was actually afraid that you would say no, you couldn't help but wonder why
  314. >You nod reassuringly
  315. "Of course, I mean it's your house after all."
  316. >From a fake smile to beaming in only a few words
  317. >"Really Nonny, you have no idea how much this means to me!"
  318. >You shrug
  319. "Well, you could tell me."
  320. >She looks over to Pinkie and waves her over
  321. >"So what's good here, Nonny? I haven't had breakfast yet."
  322. >10/10 topic dodge, you'd let her have it for now
  323. "I have a friend who really enjoys these pancakes they serve."
  325. [Post 18]
  327. >Pinkie brought over Connie's order of 'Definitely not dessert' pancakes
  328. >A couple of times you caught the concerned look in the party ponies eyes as she brought things over
  329. >No doubt still worried about Connie
  330. >Maybe when you get back to the house you could ask
  331. >"This is amazing!"
  332. >You had yet to order anything but you were planning to actually get the pancakes for the second day in a row
  333. >Pinkie stopped by the table
  334. >"She's usually here by now, maybe she just slept in."
  335. >Connie looks between the two of you
  336. >"Who what now?"
  337. >As if to answer her question the door slowly creaked open
  338. >In walked a set of gray hooves
  339. >Walking over to the table and sitting next to Connie, was Eri
  340. >And did she look upset
  342. [Post 19]
  344. "Morning Eri, something the matter?"
  345. >Her expression slightly worsens as she replies
  346. >"Oh, hey."
  347. >You gesture to Connie trying to explain Eri's blindness
  348. >Unlike you yesterday, she got it immediately
  349. >"Hiya"
  350. >Eri waved in her general direction
  351. >A moment passes and you wait for her to say something, anything
  352. >She never does
  353. >Pinkie makes another return to the table
  354. >"The usual order, Eri?"
  355. >Eri groans
  356. >"No.."
  357. >To everyone's surprise, she stands up and leaves
  358. >No one says anything but you get up and head towards the door
  359. >You weren't sure of what to say so you just opened it and stepped out
  361. [Post 20]
  363. "Hey, wait up!"
  364. >When you got outside you were surprised to see how far she had gotten
  365. >Ponyville didn't have many lamps outside so if she got too far you could lose her
  366. >Starting towards her you begin to call out but remember that it's extremely early
  367. >She had only been walking so it didn't take you too long to catch up
  368. "Hey, what's the matter?"
  369. >She continued walking
  370. >"Nothing, don't worry about it."
  371. "Come on, Eri-"
  372. >"No Anon!"
  373. >You reach out towards her
  374. "Eri, tell me what the problem is."
  375. >You couldn't help but notice how softly that came out
  376. >"Why would you care?"
  377. "Because we're friends!"
  378. "..Right?"
  379. >You've consciously ignored the fact that she hadn't called you Nonny
  380. >You wanted to believe that she just preferred Anon..
  381. [spoiler]>"I.. don't know, Anon."[/spoiler]
  382. [spoiler]>..Guess not[/spoiler]
  384. [Post 21]
  386. >Those sorrow filled words stopped you from reaching towards her
  387. "W-what do you mean?"
  388. >It was getting difficult to speak over the lump in your throat
  389. >You could see the tears slowly build in her eyes
  390. >She sniffles
  391. >"I mean, we can't be friends."
  392. >You feel your heart begin to sink
  393. >It's becoming even more difficult to speak, you find yourself trying desperately not to choke on your words
  394. "Of course we can!"
  395. >You have to raise your voice, otherwise all that comes out are mumbles and murmurs
  397. [Post 22]
  399. >"Then can you tell me, what kind of friend ditches another friend to be with some mare?"
  400. >Your heart sinks even deeper
  401. >But... Fluttershy, you still didn't trust yourself not to make the same mistake that you had all that time ago
  402. >You don't have a chance to respond as Eri turns to leave
  403. >"Just... leave me alone."
  404. "But Eri-"
  405. >"Please Anon, just leave me alone."
  406. >The tears in her eyes finally begin to fall
  407. >"You've done it before, you can do it again."
  408. >She starts walking once again
  409. >You felt that if you didn't stop her now, that you'd never see her again
  410. >You felt that she wasn't walking away from you, but out of your life
  411. >You felt that you could stop her, say something and then everything would be alright
  412. >But what would you say?
  413. >You might end up saying something stupid and make things worst
  414. >But at this point it's worth the risk, right?
  415. >Then why were you still standing here as she rounded a corner
  416. >Why wouldn't you run after her?
  417. >Why were you standing here alone?
  418. >Why were you such a fuck up
  420. [Post 23]
  422. >You didn't bother going back to Sugar Cube Corner
  423. >You weren't that hungry anymore
  424. >You lay in bed, looking towards the ceiling
  425. "What a great way to start the day."
  426. >You'd been in bed for hours, it was already past noon
  427. >You hear your door unlock and open from downstairs
  428. >Bolting up you remember that you'd let Connie stay in the house
  429. >As if to confirm your belief Connie calls up the stairs
  430. >"Nonny?"
  431. >You sigh, not wanting to be bothered
  432. "Upstairs."
  433. >After making the trip that is the stairs, she steps into the room
  434. >A worried expression adorns her face
  435. >"Hey Nonny."
  436. >Even if you hadn't seen her face, the tone in her voice told you that she was concerned
  438. [Post 24]
  440. "Heya."
  441. >You throw in a smile and wave to try and reassure her
  442. >Your voice however, isn't on the same page as your body
  443. >She crawls onto the mattress and sits herself next to you
  444. >"How're ya feeling?"
  445. >You lie back down and look up into her aquamarine eyes
  446. "You want the truth or a lie?"
  447. >A faint smile threatened to upturn the corners of Connie's frown
  448. >"Lie to me."
  449. >Admittedly this got a smirk out of you but it didn't last long
  450. "Never been better, I feel like a million bits. Sunshine, rainbows and all that good stuff."
  451. >Her expression doesn't change
  452. >Her voice however, mellows down from worrisome to caring
  453. >"Do you wanna talk about it?"
  455. [Post 25]
  457. "Not really."
  458. >"Didn't think so, it was worth a shot."
  459. >She gives you a heartwarming smile
  460. >"Just know that I'm here for you."
  461. >Connie may never know just how much those words mean to you
  462. "Thanks, maybe I'll tell you later but not right now."
  463. >"Alright, it's better not to keep things all bottled up."
  464. "You would know."
  465. >You just said that outloud
  466. >She drew her forelegs closer to her body
  467. >"W-What do you mean?"
  468. >You sit up and instinctively throw an arm around Connie
  469. "Nothing, forget I said anything."
  470. >She looks down to her hooves and exhales
  471. >"No... you're right."
  473. [Post 26]
  475. >"I'm just now moving here, to Ponyville I mean."
  476. >She doesn't look to you, she only sits there, head hanging whilst telling her story
  477. >"I used to live in Canterlot but I didn't have many friends."
  478. >She sighs
  479. >"I guess you can't blame them, I'm only ever a burden."
  480. "No yo-"
  481. >"I lived with the only friend I had and we'd split rent... sometimes."
  482. >She leans against you
  483. >"Never was that great at keeping jobs but she never seemed to mind."
  484. >A faint smile spreads on her face
  485. >"Whenever I would lose a job she would give me this nice smile and tell me that 'Everything is fine, I know you'll do even better next time!'"
  486. >The smile faded as quickly as it appeared
  487. >"She was always like that, even when we were little."
  488. >She attempts to blink away the tears forming in her eyes but they come right back
  489. >"And once she didn't come home for the whole day."
  491. [Post 27]
  493. >"She told me she would be out with friends once a week."
  494. >Connie shrugs
  495. >"I didn't think anything of it. I wasn't her only friend, even if she was mine."
  496. >She started to hit home with you there, you had a pretty good idea what that was like
  497. >"The 'one day a week' eventually became two."
  498. >"Then three..."
  499. >"And I guess she had trouble with numbers when we were in elementary, because she skipped straight to five."
  500. >She ended that with possibly the weakest laugh you've ever heard
  501. >"One day she decided that she was done, she was going to move out,"
  502. >"To leave me alone."
  503. >She stammers unsure of how to continue
  504. >"I-it wasn't until a few weeks later that I..."
  505. >"...That I.."
  506. >She is unable to finish the thought, collapsing into you and finally letting herself cry
  507. >You pull her into an even tighter embrace, stroking her mane as she cries into your shirt
  508. >You don't say anything to try to calm her down, she needed this
  509. >Instead you wait for her sobbing to decrescendo into nothing more than sniffles
  511. [Post 28]
  513. "Feeling better?"
  514. >"Thanks Nonny, sorry about your shirt..."
  515. >You wave it off
  516. "Don't worry about it, sometimes it's good knowing someone is there for you."
  517. >"Guess I can enjoy that feeling for a few days."
  518. "Don't think about it that way, you've gotta keep your chin up Connie."
  519. >"What?"
  520. "Chin up, it's something an old friend of mine once told me."
  521. >You don't think you could ever forget that saying
  522. "Still want to know what happened?"
  523. >"You don't have to tell me-"
  524. "After what you told me, I feel like I owe you."
  525. >You're not sure where to start
  526. >And then you remember, the nickname
  527. "When did you start calling me Nonny?"
  528. >"Just today."
  529. "Can you guess how many ponies call me Nonny?"
  531. [Post 29]
  533. >You're both in the kitchen, Connie at the table and you preparing food at the counter
  534. >You still hadn't eaten so it was about time you made something
  535. >It felt good..
  536. >Having been able to tell her everything, to finally get everything out there
  537. >You look over to Connie
  538. "Sure you don't want anything?"
  539. >She shakes her head
  540. >"After those pancakes from earlier, I couldn't if I wanted to."
  541. >She was still new to Ponyville so you thought it'd be a good idea to show her around later
  542. >But for now you could only focus on the food in front of you
  544. [Post 30]
  546. >Stomach finally full, you decide to wait for everything to settle before you getting up
  547. >At least that's what you would have wanted if it weren't for someone knocking at your door
  548. >It wasn't often that you had visitors so you usually didn't have a problem getting the door
  549. >But you were so comfortable, why now
  550. >Trudging over to the door you wonder who could possibly be visiting you
  551. >As the door swings open it takes you a moment to realize what you're looking at
  552. >Or rather who
  553. >Standing at the door, was your old friend
  554. >[spoiler]Discord[/spoiler]
  555. >And unlike last time, he's smiling
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