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Gay stuff ak has to go through

a guest
May 28th, 2016
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  1. Hobbes: Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  2. Ak ε>: sup homie
  3. Ak ε>: How are you
  4. Hobbes: Sick, but slowly getting better
  5. Hobbes: Kaj vi?
  6. Ak ε>: Been better
  7. Hobbes: What's goin' on?
  8. Ak ε>: my boss is trying to get rid of me
  9. Hobbes: ?
  10. Ak ε>: so I might not have a job next week
  11. Hobbes: What's goin' on with your boss?
  12. Hobbes: Do I gotta go kneecap a bitch?
  13. Ak ε>: I don't even know where to start mang
  14. Hobbes: I'd pick the beginning, if I were you
  15. Hobbes:
  16. Ak ε>: The begining
  17. Ak ε>: got it
  18. Ak ε>: So
  19. Ak ε>: 4 weeks ago, my boss decided that he was going to start fucking up my schedule by giving me shitty shifts and really split days off. The first week I was like, "Uh okay, I'll just tell him I want my days off not split and to work my normal shift." I requested it and he said he can give me my days off and what not and I went on with my day. The week after, I look at the schedule and I see, "Collinge, Jeremy Brooks- 4pm-12am, 1pm-9pm, etc...". Naturally, I was all like, "What the fuck man? I told you that I can't stay until midnight like 2 months ago. What's the deal?"
  20. Ak ε>: The next scheduel I see I got wednesday and saturday off with 3 4pm-12pm shifts. So I start to bitch about and end up switching with a few of my coworkers
  21. Ak ε>: So around the 3rd schedule I see the same shit and confront him about it and he tells, "Jonel (Assistant Manger) wrote the scheudule." I'm all like, "Okay, he didn't know. I guess I'll let it slide." Then come this week I get 2 days off in a row, but I have 4pm-12am and 8am-4pm, then 4pm-12am
  22. Ak ε>: so i confront the bitch about it and he tell me, "Dude, at least you have 2 days off."
  23. Ak ε>: All while he throws the new hire at me for 4 days in a row expecting me to train him WHILE IT'S HIS JOB TO TRAIN NEW HIRES. Just to top it off, he gave the new guy the schedule I've been requesting and gives me the shit when I have 4 1/2 years of senority on almost everyone
  24. Ak ε>: Naturally, I confronted my boss with a little bit of salt and he didn't like that
  25. Ak ε>: so i might be taken off the schedule next week
  26. Ak ε>: oh and he talks shit behind my back to my coworkers. Just you know, a manager thing to do I guess
  27. Ak ε>: :[
  28. Hobbes: Sounds like he's a massive dickhead who's too incompentent to be the manager
  29. Hobbes: Any chance you can go over his head?
  30. Ak ε>: I have no power
  31. Ak ε>: I'm just a disposable worker
  32. Hobbes: Never doubt the power of bitching
  33. Ak ε>: I've tried
  34. Hobbes: And making a scene
  35. Ak ε>: I'd rather have a job
  36. Ak ε>: but making a scene sounds great tbh
  37. Ak ε>: To rub his shit in his face
  38. Ak ε>: would feel good mang
  39. Ak ε>: Not literally of course
  40. Ak ε>: but the "shit" he has given me
  41. Hobbes: Ye
  42. Hobbes: Sorry you have that shit goin' down, man
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