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Sep 26th, 2016
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  1. [DEBUG ] 15:00:48 torrent:358 Setting trackers for c562431127955faf1984811ef11c9daafa91efc7: [{'send_stats': True, 'fails': 0, 'verified': False, 'url': 'xxx', 'fail_limit': 0, 'complete_sent': False, 'source': 1, 'start_sent': False, 'tier': 0, 'updating': False}, {'send_stats': True, 'fails': 0, 'verified': False, 'url': 'xxx', 'fail_limit': 0, 'complete_sent': False, 'source': 1, 'start_sent': False, 'tier': 0, 'updating': False}, {'send_stats': True, 'fails': 0, 'verified': False, 'url': 'xx', 'fail_limit': 0, 'complete_sent': False, 'source': 1, 'start_sent': False, 'tier': 0, 'updating': False}]
  2. method flush of logging.StreamHandler at 140536545246992
  3. method acquire of logging.StreamHandler at 140536545246992
  4. method acquire of threading._RLock at 140536544893264
  5. method _note of threading._RLock at 140536544893264
  6. method release of logging.StreamHandler at 140536545246992
  7. method release of threading._RLock at 140536544893264
  8. method _note of threading._RLock at 140536544893264
  9. method release of logging.StreamHandler at 140536545246992
  10. method release of threading._RLock at 140536544893264
  11. method _note of threading._RLock at 140536544893264
  12. method force_reannounce of deluge.core.torrent.Torrent at 140536477781904
  13. method set_options of deluge.core.torrent.Torrent at 140536477781904
  14. method set_max_download_speed of deluge.core.torrent.Torrent at 140536477781904
  15. method set_file_priorities of deluge.core.torrent.Torrent at 140536477781904
  16. method get_files of deluge.core.torrent.Torrent at 140536477781904
  17. function decode in /usr/lib/python2.7/encodings/, line 15
  18. function decode in /usr/lib/python2.7/encodings/, line 15
  19. function decode in /usr/lib/python2.7/encodings/, line 15
  20. function decode in /usr/lib/python2.7/encodings/, line 15
  21. function decode in /usr/lib/python2.7/encodings/, line 15
  22. function decode in /usr/lib/python2.7/encodings/, line 15
  23. method debug of logging.Logger at 140536545111440
  24. method isEnabledFor of logging.Logger at 140536545111440
  25. method getEffectiveLevel of logging.Logger at 140536545111440
  26. method _log of logging.Logger at 140536545111440
  27. method findCaller of logging.Logger at 140536545111440
  28. function <lambda> in /usr/lib/python2.7/logging/, line 81
  29. function normcase in /usr/lib/python2.7/, line 51
  30. method makeRecord of logging.Logger at 140536545111440
  31. method __init__ of logging.LogRecord at 140536477540752
  32. function getLevelName in /usr/lib/python2.7/logging/, line 153
  33. function basename in /usr/lib/python2.7/, line 119
  34. function splitext in /usr/lib/python2.7/, line 104
  35. function _splitext in /usr/lib/python2.7/, line 85
  36. function currentThread in /usr/lib/python2.7/, line 1152
  37. method name of threading._MainThread at 140536546326864
  38. method handle of logging.Logger at 140536545111440
  39. method filter of logging.Logger at 140536545111440
  40. method callHandlers of logging.Logger at 140536545111440
  41. method handle of logging.StreamHandler at 140536545246992
  42. method filter of logging.StreamHandler at 140536545246992
  43. method acquire of logging.StreamHandler at 140536545246992
  44. method acquire of threading._RLock at 140536544893264
  45. method _note of threading._RLock at 140536544893264
  46. method emit of logging.StreamHandler at 140536545246992
  47. method format of logging.StreamHandler at 140536545246992
  48. method format of logging.Formatter at 140536544893520
  49. method getMessage of logging.LogRecord at 140536477540752
  50. method usesTime of logging.Formatter at 140536544893520
  51. method formatTime of logging.Formatter at 140536544893520
  52. [DEBUG ] 15:00:48 torrent:317 setting file priority with compact allocation does not work!
  53. method flush of logging.StreamHandler at 140536545246992
  54. method acquire of logging.StreamHandler at 140536545246992
  55. method acquire of threading._RLock at 140536544893264
  56. method _note of threading._RLock at 140536544893264
  57. method release of logging.StreamHandler at 140536545246992
  58. method release of threading._RLock at 140536544893264
  59. method _note of threading._RLock at 140536544893264
  60. method release of logging.StreamHandler at 140536545246992
  61. method release of threading._RLock at 140536544893264
  62. method _note of threading._RLock at 140536544893264
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