Guest User


a guest
Dec 14th, 2016
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  1. (radiadoresv2) radiadores@debian:~/virtualenv/radiadoresv2/trytond/bin$ ./trytond -c trytond.conf --verbose
  2. 13762 140402655278848 [2016-12-14 16:37:07,539] INFO trytond.config using trytond.conf as configuration files
  3. 13762 140402655278848 [2016-12-14 16:37:08,295] WARNING py.warnings /home/radiadores/.virtualenvs/radiadoresv2/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/relatorio/templates/ UserWarning: Unable to load plugin 'chart'
  4. warnings.warn("Unable to load plugin '%s'" % name)
  6. 13762 140402655278848 [2016-12-14 16:37:08,351] INFO trytond.modules ir:registering classes
  7. 13762 140402655278848 [2016-12-14 16:37:08,352] INFO trytond.modules res:registering classes
  8. 13762 140402655278848 [2016-12-14 16:37:08,352] INFO trytond.modules tests:registering classes
  9. 13762 140402655278848 [2016-12-14 16:37:08,360] INFO werkzeug * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
  10. 13762 140402560108288 [2016-12-14 16:37:21,269] INFO werkzeug - - [14/Dec/2016 16:37:21] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
  11. 13762 140402560108288 [2016-12-14 16:37:21,299] INFO trytond.backend.postgresql.database connect to "radiadoresv2"
  12. 13762 140402560108288 [2016-12-14 16:37:21,319] INFO trytond.pool init pool for "radiadoresv2"
  13. 13762 140402560108288 [2016-12-14 16:37:21,389] INFO trytond.modules ir
  14. 13762 140402560108288 [2016-12-14 16:37:21,391] INFO trytond.modules res
  15. 13762 140402560108288 [2016-12-14 16:37:21,392] INFO trytond.pool setup pool for "radiadoresv2"
  16. 13762 140402560108288 [2016-12-14 16:37:21,723] INFO trytond.modules all modules loaded
  17. 13762 140402560108288 [2016-12-14 16:37:21,739] INFO werkzeug - - [14/Dec/2016 16:37:21] "POST /radiadoresv2/ HTTP/1.1" 200 -
  18. ##DEBUG##
  19. SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."language" AS "language", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT(%s FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_configuration" AS "a" WHERE %s ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC LIMIT 1
  20. ##DEBUG##
  21. ##DEBUG##
  22. SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."language" AS "language", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT(%s FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_configuration" AS "a" WHERE %s ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC LIMIT 1
  23. ##DEBUG##
  24. ##DEBUG##
  25. SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."user" AS "user", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."group" AS "group", CAST(EXTRACT(%s FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "res_user-res_group" AS "a" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "b" ON ("b"."id" = "a"."group") LEFT JOIN "ir_translation" AS "c" ON ((((("c"."res_id" = "b"."id") AND ("c"."name" = %s)) AND ("c"."lang" = %s)) AND ("c"."type" = %s)) AND ("c"."fuzzy" = %s)) WHERE (("a"."user" IN (%s)) AND ("a"."group" IS NOT NULL)) ORDER BY COALESCE(NULLIF("c"."value", %s), "b"."name") ASC
  26. ##DEBUG##
  27. ##DEBUG##
  28. SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."on_create" AS "on_create", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."on_delete" AS "on_delete", "a"."on_time" AS "on_time", "a"."action_model" AS "action_model", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."model" AS "model", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."on_write" AS "on_write", "a"."active" AS "active", "a"."action_function" AS "action_function", "a"."limit_number" AS "limit_number", "a"."condition" AS "condition", CAST(EXTRACT(%s FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_trigger" AS "a" LEFT JOIN "ir_model" AS "b" ON ("b"."id" = "a"."model") LEFT JOIN "ir_translation" AS "c" ON ((((("c"."res_id" = "a"."id") AND ("c"."name" = %s)) AND ("c"."lang" = %s)) AND ("c"."type" = %s)) AND ("c"."fuzzy" = %s)) WHERE ((("b"."model" = %s)) AND ("a"."on_create" = %s) AND ("a"."active" = %s)) ORDER BY COALESCE(NULLIF("c"."value", %s), "a"."name") ASC, "a"."id" ASC
  29. ##DEBUG##
  30. 13762 140402560108288 [2016-12-14 16:37:26,038] INFO trytond.protocols.dispatcher successful login 'admin' from using http on database 'radiadoresv2'
  31. 13762 140402560108288 [2016-12-14 16:37:26,039] INFO werkzeug - - [14/Dec/2016 16:37:26] "POST /radiadoresv2/ HTTP/1.1" 200 -
  32. ##DEBUG##
  33. SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT(%s FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."create_uid" = %s)) AND ((("a"."create_uid" = %s)))) ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC
  34. ##DEBUG##
  35. 13762 140402560108288 [2016-12-14 16:37:26,091] INFO trytond.protocols.dispatcher <class 'trytond.res.user.res.user'>.get_preferences(*(True, {}), **{}) from admin@
  36. ##DEBUG##
  37. SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."user" AS "user", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."group" AS "group", CAST(EXTRACT(%s FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "res_user-res_group" AS "a" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "b" ON ("b"."id" = "a"."group") LEFT JOIN "ir_translation" AS "c" ON ((((("c"."res_id" = "b"."id") AND ("c"."name" = %s)) AND ("c"."lang" = %s)) AND ("c"."type" = %s)) AND ("c"."fuzzy" = %s)) WHERE (("a"."user" IN (%s)) AND ("a"."group" IS NOT NULL)) ORDER BY COALESCE(NULLIF("c"."value", %s), "b"."name") ASC
  38. ##DEBUG##
  39. ##DEBUG##
  40. SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT(%s FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."key" = %s)) ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC
  41. ##DEBUG##
  42. ##DEBUG##
  43. SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."language" AS "language", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT(%s FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_configuration" AS "a" WHERE %s ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC LIMIT 1
  44. ##DEBUG##
  45. ##DEBUG##
  46. SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."language" AS "language", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT(%s FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_configuration" AS "a" WHERE %s ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC LIMIT 1
  47. ##DEBUG##
  48. 13762 140402560108288 [2016-12-14 16:37:26,185] INFO werkzeug - - [14/Dec/2016 16:37:26] "POST /radiadoresv2/ HTTP/1.1" 200 -
  49. ##DEBUG##
  50. SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."key" AS "key", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT(%s FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_session" AS "a" WHERE ((("a"."create_uid" = %s)) AND ((("a"."create_uid" = %s)))) ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC
  51. ##DEBUG##
  52. 13762 140402560108288 [2016-12-14 16:37:26,194] INFO trytond.protocols.dispatcher <class 'trytond.res.user.res.user'>.get_preferences(*(False, {u'language_direction': u'ltr', u'language': None, u'groups': [1]}), **{}) from admin@
  53. ##DEBUG##
  54. SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."language" AS "language", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT(%s FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_configuration" AS "a" WHERE %s ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC LIMIT 1
  55. ##DEBUG##
  56. ##DEBUG##
  57. SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."language" AS "language", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT(%s FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_configuration" AS "a" WHERE %s ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC LIMIT 1
  58. ##DEBUG##
  59. ##DEBUG##
  60. SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."user" AS "user", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."group" AS "group", CAST(EXTRACT(%s FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "res_user-res_group" AS "a" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "b" ON ("b"."id" = "a"."group") LEFT JOIN "ir_translation" AS "c" ON ((((("c"."res_id" = "b"."id") AND ("c"."name" = %s)) AND ("c"."lang" = %s)) AND ("c"."type" = %s)) AND ("c"."fuzzy" = %s)) WHERE (("a"."user" IN (%s)) AND ("a"."group" IS NOT NULL)) ORDER BY COALESCE(NULLIF("c"."value", %s), "b"."name") ASC
  61. ##DEBUG##
  62. ##DEBUG##
  63. SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."language" AS "language", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT(%s FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_configuration" AS "a" WHERE %s ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC LIMIT 1
  64. ##DEBUG##
  65. ##DEBUG##
  66. SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."language" AS "language", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", CAST(EXTRACT(%s FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_configuration" AS "a" WHERE %s ORDER BY "a"."id" ASC LIMIT 1
  67. ##DEBUG##
  68. ##DEBUG##
  69. SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."user" AS "user", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."group" AS "group", CAST(EXTRACT(%s FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "res_user-res_group" AS "a" LEFT JOIN "res_group" AS "b" ON ("b"."id" = "a"."group") LEFT JOIN "ir_translation" AS "c" ON ((((("c"."res_id" = "b"."id") AND ("c"."name" = %s)) AND ("c"."lang" = %s)) AND ("c"."type" = %s)) AND ("c"."fuzzy" = %s)) WHERE (("a"."user" IN (%s)) AND ("a"."group" IS NOT NULL)) ORDER BY COALESCE(NULLIF("c"."value", %s), "b"."name") ASC
  70. ##DEBUG##
  71. ##DEBUG##
  72. SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."sequence" AS "sequence", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."active" AS "active", "a"."act_window" AS "act_window", "a"."view" AS "view", CAST(EXTRACT(%s FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_action_act_window_view" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."act_window" IN (%s)) AND ("a"."active" = %s)) ORDER BY "a"."sequence" ASC, "a"."id" ASC
  73. ##DEBUG##
  74. ##DEBUG##
  75. SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."count" AS "count", "a"."create_uid" AS "create_uid", "a"."domain" AS "domain", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."sequence" AS "sequence", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid", "a"."write_date" AS "write_date", "a"."active" AS "active", "a"."act_window" AS "act_window", CAST(EXTRACT(%s FROM COALESCE("a"."write_date", "a"."create_date")) AS VARCHAR) AS "_timestamp" FROM "ir_action_act_window_domain" AS "a" WHERE (("a"."act_window" IN (%s)) AND ("a"."active" = %s)) ORDER BY "a"."sequence" ASC, "a"."id" ASC
  76. ##DEBUG##
  77. 13762 140402560108288 [2016-12-14 16:37:26,341] ERROR trytond.protocols.dispatcher <class 'trytond.res.user.res.user'>.get_preferences(*(False, {u'language_direction': u'ltr', u'language': None, u'groups': [1]}), **{}) from admin@
  78. Traceback (most recent call last):
  79. File "/home/radiadores/.virtualenvs/radiadoresv2/trytond/trytond/protocols/", line 160, in _dispatch
  80. result = rpc.result(meth(*c_args, **c_kwargs))
  81. File "/home/radiadores/.virtualenvs/radiadoresv2/trytond/trytond/res/", line 383, in get_preferences
  82. preferences = cls._get_preferences(user, context_only=context_only)
  83. File "/home/radiadores/.virtualenvs/radiadoresv2/trytond/trytond/res/", line 360, in _get_preferences
  84. res[field] = getattr(user, field)
  85. File "/home/radiadores/.virtualenvs/radiadoresv2/trytond/trytond/model/fields/", line 261, in __get__
  86. return inst.__getattr__(
  87. File "/home/radiadores/.virtualenvs/radiadoresv2/trytond/trytond/model/", line 1364, in __getattr__
  88. read_data =, ffields.keys())
  89. File "/home/radiadores/.virtualenvs/radiadoresv2/trytond/trytond/res/", line 242, in read
  90. result = super(User, cls).read(ids, fields_names=fields_names)
  91. File "/home/radiadores/.virtualenvs/radiadoresv2/trytond/trytond/model/", line 773, in read
  92. getter_results = field.get(ids, cls, field_list, values=result)
  93. File "/home/radiadores/.virtualenvs/radiadoresv2/trytond/trytond/model/fields/", line 91, in get
  94. return dict((name, call(name)) for name in names)
  95. File "/home/radiadores/.virtualenvs/radiadoresv2/trytond/trytond/model/fields/", line 91, in <genexpr>
  96. return dict((name, call(name)) for name in names)
  97. File "/home/radiadores/.virtualenvs/radiadoresv2/trytond/trytond/model/fields/", line 85, in call
  98. return dict((, method(r, name)) for r in records)
  99. File "/home/radiadores/.virtualenvs/radiadoresv2/trytond/trytond/model/fields/", line 85, in <genexpr>
  100. return dict((, method(r, name)) for r in records)
  101. File "/home/radiadores/.virtualenvs/radiadoresv2/trytond/trytond/res/", line 183, in get_pyson_menu
  102. Action.get_action_values(, [])[0])
  103. File "/home/radiadores/.virtualenvs/radiadoresv2/trytond/trytond/ir/", line 97, in get_action_values
  104. return, list(columns))
  105. File "/home/radiadores/.virtualenvs/radiadoresv2/trytond/trytond/model/", line 754, in read
  106. getter_result = field.get(ids, cls, fname, values=result)
  107. File "/home/radiadores/.virtualenvs/radiadoresv2/trytond/trytond/model/fields/", line 98, in get
  108. targets.append(, order=self.order))
  109. File "/home/radiadores/.virtualenvs/radiadoresv2/trytond/trytond/model/", line 1178, in search
  110. cursor.execute(*select)
  111. ProgrammingError: la columna «» debe aparecer en la cláusula GROUP BY o ser usada en una función de agregación
  112. LINE 1: SELECT "a"."id" AS "id", "a"."count" AS "count", "a"."create...
  113. ^
  115. 13762 140402560108288 [2016-12-14 16:37:26,350] INFO werkzeug - - [14/Dec/2016 16:37:26] "POST /radiadoresv2/ HTTP/1.1" 200 -
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