
Warforged in Equestria : Chapter Fourteen - Rest

Apr 15th, 2012
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  1. > Basics
  2. > Yeah, this was not basic.
  3. > You have been standing here for at least five hours, likely close to six, with Twilight reading this book.
  4. > So far you've learned that Pegasi manifests in there ability to fly and control the weather.
  5. > Earth p0nies have there magic manifest in strength, durability and a close tie to nature.
  6. > Unicorns caught the short end of the stick, because they get nothing passive.
  7. > Instead they use there horns as a sort of focus for there magic, allowing them to cast spells.
  8. > Their spells are a little different from the way races of your world use magic.
  9. > Rather than casting through hand gestures and verbal components as well as physical components, they cast by building up energy in their horns and manifesting there power through will.
  10. > It's intriguing to say the least.
  11. > More intriguing is the presence of a fourth type you haven't seen yet.
  12. > An alicorn.
  14. > The alicorns are apparently some kind of amalgamation...
  15. > You liked that word!
  16. > Of the other three types of p0nies.
  17. > They combined the traits of p0nies, pegasi, and unicorns.
  18. > Not only did they combine them however.
  19. > They amplified them.
  20. > A lot.
  21. > They where incredibly rare though, only a handful being known to exist.
  22. > Two of whom are apparently the current rulers of the land you now know to be called 'Equestria'
  23. > More than that, they also use there massive magical power to move the sun and moon across the sky.
  25. > This has the fortunate side effect of confirming that you are in fact, not in Eberron anymore.
  26. > You don't even pause to consider the fact that most creatures would be heart-broken or terrified of figuring out that they are in a completely different realm of existence.
  27. > In fact figuring that out was a second day making event for you.
  28. > No more idiot rogues leading you to your death for easy money.
  29. > No more psycho cults.
  30. > No more ignorant people, paranoid that you'll try and take over the world and wipe out all the fleshy's.
  31. > That's the Lord of Blades thing, not yours.
  32. > Gods damned psychopath.
  33. > Yes, you where stronger, and much harder too kill than the mortal races.
  34. > No that does not mean you should be some kind of tyrant overlords for all of them.
  35. > Where were you going with that?
  37. > You come back to reality when the sound of a book hitting the floor reaches you.
  38. > You look to see that Twilight has fallen asleep on the floor while reading.
  39. > Ah the needs of flesh and blood creatures.
  40. "Twilight."
  41. > Nothing, louder.
  42. "Twilight"
  43. > Nope, shes out.
  44. > You try poking her and calling her name to the same end.
  45. > That being, shes still sleeping on the floor in the middle of the library.
  47. > You aren't entirely sure what to do.
  48. > You ponder for a moment and come to a conclusion.
  49. > She has a bedroom.
  50. > Therefore she has a bed.
  51. > So it probably isn't healthy for her to sleep on the floor.
  52. > Knowing this you know what must be done.
  53. > You give her a stronger nudge than before.
  54. > Her ear flicks, but she doesn't awaken.
  55. > So you do what any good Warforged...
  56. > That is too say, any socially retarded war-machine with a heart of gold...
  57. > Would do.
  59. > You go into a low crouch and as carefully as you can, pick up the sleeping unicorn.
  60. > With as much grace as you can muster...
  61. > That really isn't much mind you.
  62. > You begin walking towards to stairs
  63. > As you begin to make your way up the stairs you note that you can't keep track of your footing easily.
  64. > Mainly due to the fact that the sleeping unicorn in your arms is blocking your already rather limited peripheral sight.
  65. > Due to this, you nearly stumble backwards a few time.
  66. > To your surprise she doesn't awaken.
  67. > Did she use a deep slumber spell on herself or something?
  68. > You make it too the landing at the top of the stairs and carefully maneuver your way through the door.
  70. > The bedroom is pretty basic.
  71. > Bed, door you came through, door to bathroom, more books, simply study area, purple reptilian creature sleeping in a basket...
  72. > Okay thats not so basic.
  73. > No time to ponder, sleeping p0ny needs to be in bed.
  74. > So you do just that.
  75. > You slowly, so as not to disturb the sleeping creatures, creep over to the bed.
  76. > As best you can with a foot, you withdraw the covers and place Twilight on the bed.
  77. > You don't risk moving her once you put her down.
  78. > Instead you just pull the covers over her and begin to walk out as quietly as you can.
  79. > For a construct weighing in at over a quarter ton, you are surprisingly quiet.
  80. > As you reach the door you turn back to make sure all is right in the room.
  82. > You gaze back into the dimly lit room and are content.
  83. > The sound of peaceful snoring tells you that you have finished your self appointed task well.
  84. > You turn and exit the room, closing the door behind you.
  85. > You make your way back down the stairs and begin to ponder what to do now.
  86. > You can't read the books, because you don't know how to.
  87. > You can't even re-shelf the ones that Twilight left on the ground, because you can't read the titles.
  88. > The building is in immaculate condition, so cleaning would be outright pointless.
  89. > You are left with nothing to do but snuff out the candles and wait in the dark.
  90. > Whoever in the darkness you begin to further reflect on the day you've had.
  91. > A sudden thought comes crashing in like an over-sized and pissed off troll chieftain.
  93. > How in Kyhber do you explain what just happened when Twilight wakes up?
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