
RP Log 1 Anna Cross/Casino

Nov 2nd, 2015
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  1. [22:01] Casiphia approached through the telltale sound of shoes stepping on the dock, really just someplace she'd visit on occasion. Despite the rain, of course, which was probably obvious that she'd decided to go without an umbrella through the whole totally unexpected storm. Regardless, she'd move over and just take a seat at the edge of the dock, watching the waves and mountains in the distance.
  3. [22:02] Jac Destiny: (( gonna roll a stealth ))
  4. [22:03] ::CV:TC DICE:: Jac Destiny(Master Rank Skills Roll) has rolled a 16 + 4 for a total of 20
  6. [22:04] ::CV:TC DICE:: Casino(Unranked Roll) has rolled a 6
  7. [22:04] ::Roll Validation:: Casino's Roll Has been Validated.
  9. [22:20] Cross: she has slipped off the dock and was peeking over the edge. she saw the woman walking on the dock and kept her eyes on her as she sat down. She would creep under the dock, she was sure the woman wasn't a typical guard and sh was willing to bet that she could lead her off these stupid docks. she pulled her blade as quiet as can be just in case things got ugly.-
  11. [22:24] Casiphia hadn't a clue about anyone around, it was just quiet as always. Likely the sound of that perpetual rain drowned out much else, and the chance of hearing footsteps from that distance wasn't very possible, at least at the moment. Preoccupied, and not really all that dangerous looking, she simply leaned forward a bit and opened up a book to read, her body good for shielding the pages from getting soaked.
  13. [22:39] Cross: she waited, curiously peering up through the docks she would notice the book and try to get a decent view of the cover so that she might see what it is. Unfortunately despite her stealth, below the docks was incredibly slippery and she wasn't paying attention as she went down, the water splashing loudly and the slight feminine voice crying out "Shit !"
  15. [22:47] Casiphia would have just sat peacefully there, reading her lil book of some weird occult nature. Just some silly ghost stories, really. And while the footsteps couldn't be heard over the rain, it was incredibly impossible to miss that big splash. Or the cursing that followed, the suddenness of both causing her to jump with surprise, her head whipping around for sight of anyone before leaning over the edge. Raised brows, there would probably be some sight of the woman there, moving to sit on her knees and lean over, "Oh my-- Madam! Are you okay?"
  17. [22:51] Cross: she would get up carefully, her hand still gripping the blade as she put the kukri back in to it's sheath once more.- "Only my pride really. Is this Convergence by any chance?" -she'd look around the docks.- "I really thought it would be quite a bit more impressive than this to be honest. This is just a few shacks in the woods."
  19. [22:57] Casiphia blinked at the woman, shutting the book she held and turning her head over to the walls nearby with a nod, "Ah, yes this is. Mor or less, it is actually more over that wall there." She lifted a hand to motion towards it, "It is much more populated, I promise this." Eyes back to the woman she'd lean to the side a bit, asking curiously, "You come from afar learning of these lands too, no?"
  21. [23:08] Cross: she nodded a bit as she placed her hands on the dock and lifted herself up with little to no issue. She would pull the respirator she wore down around her neck.- "Not as far as some people. I was born in Oregon actually, right over in Portland about 14 years before D13 hit. I stayed in Vegas for most of it though. I didn't go back to Portland until after the plague though, by then it was overrun by gangs."
  23. [23:15] Casiphia stayed seated there while the woman stood nearby, going back to hugging her little book to herself. Looking up, this meant her glasses quickly ended up speckled horribly with rain, leaving her to begrudgingly remove them and wipe them off with a sleeve. She gave a bit of a bittersweet, maybe awkward laugh, although quiet, nodding a bit. "Yes, yes I suppose that coming here is a better alternative to that. I come from France, only arrived recently. The Alps, mostly, ah." She'd place her glasses, albeit them being smudged and squint to the distant mountains. "Must be why I enjoy looking at these so much. But, it is more safe here, yes. Seems so, thus far at least."
  25. [23:22] Cross: her eyes widened a bit as she heard that the woman was from france.- I've always dreamed of going to France one day, that was before all this though." -she sighed softly.- "I just got here today actually." -she would point over to the wooden crate that no longer had a lid.- "I dumped out whatever was in that crate and I've been hiding in it for almost a day and a half.
  27. [23:32] Casiphia pressed her lips together solemnly with a bit of a hum. "Mm yes, France was quite lovely before the... Everything, happened. I do miss it so, but.. it is very unlikely to return." She shrugged, before furrowing her brows, a hint of concern showed at the last statement. "A crate? What are you hiding there for? Oh, madam, you have not even seen the city nor more people it seems yet you hid for so long?" She gave a laugh, though a bit more lightheartedly. "A barrel is no home, madam."
  29. [23:36] Cross: she'd laugh softly as she shook her head and motioned to the crowbar sticking out of her pack.- "I'm no madam, I'm barely even an adult" -she looked as if she was thinking about something.- "2 months, that's how long I've been 18. Anyways. I have tieswith some...unsavory people so I thought if my past was discovered that I wouldn't be let into the city. So I hid in that crate and came here by boat. When I got unloaded...rather roughly I might add. I waited until dark and opened the crate so I could sneak out."
  31. [23:42] Casiphia scratched at a cheek awkwardly at the correction. "Oh, ah.. miss?" She'd huff a breath with a grin, shrugging. Best she's got as a substitute what with some constant need to be polite as all hell. But with the explanation she'd seem rather interested, shifting where she sat to a more crosslegged position. "I see, I suppose this makes sense. I do not see it likely many would know of the past unless you where a major figure in our history, though, no? I believe.. many, many of us would have problems otherwise." As bittersweet at the statement seemed for a moment, she'd suddenly perk up for some advice, "Subterfuge!" She exclaimed, "If any ask of you, simply state the more positives of the past. None have to know what is unnecessary, agree?"
  33. [00:09] Cross: -she'd nod a little bit as she lifted her goggles, her eyes black with red slits, the one thing that showed the world she wasn't quite human.- "I hadn't heard much about the city so I wasn't really sure what sort of hoops one had to go through to get in. It seems all my subterfuge was a moot point if you can simply walk into the cit once you get to the island."
  35. [00:17] Casiphia stared for a moment. Just.. stared, though only a brief bit of it was out of surprise, then some curiosity, preeetty clearly looking right into those eyes. And then she'd just smile and nod genuinely, "Understood, well. First, there do seem to be rules here, oui? One of which- 'appear human,' some of that effect." She'd just keep glancing over the eyes, pausing, "If you are unable to hide like the rest, do not fret, simple sunglasses may do the trick if that mask gets too warm. You should have no problems if you mind yourself and do not harm the ducks."
  37. [00:20] Cross: she would tap the goggles on her forehead as she nodded a bit.- "Yeah I kinda figured that. I'm surprised though..the last person that saw my eyes called me a demon and tried to stab me in the neck with a sharpened crucifix. I'm guessing that you've seen some stuff weirder then just spooky eyes before."
  39. [00:31] Casiphia laughed, a little more loudly and genuinely at the woman's words, a hand set over her mouth. Probably a little awkwardly placed after such comments, but it seemed so suddenly hilarious, it took a couple seconds before she'd put both hands within her lap over her book, shaking her head. "Well, I have no doubts on what you are then, miss," She chucked more softly, "I apologize, miss. I know exactly how you feel, you see. I am just.. better at hiding all of the things which make me more different, no?" The woman lifted her shoulders, "I could not possibly assume one a demon upon first meeting. Never. There is a difference between odd eyes and wanting to murder a child to worship the highest of evils, it is a shame some fall to such ideas." A sigh, and she'd turn eyes to the mountains in the distance, "Fear not, I haven't a single crucifix on my person."
  41. [00:50] Cross: she'd laugh loudly as well, glad that she had met such a nice person in her first her moments outside of her box. SHe'd offer her gloved hand to the woman.- "I'm Anna, most people call me Cross though. It's a pleasure to meet you miss. Before long you'll hear a lot more about me in this city."
  43. [00:55] Casiphia grinned cheerily, not able to help a faint giggle at the name give, "Cross, coincidental to the conversation?" She'd stick a hand out and give a shake to the woman regardless, "Casiphia. Casi will do fine, or Phi, I am.. new to nicknames and uncertain what others prefer in that respect." She'd shrug one shoulder. "I do hope word heard of you will be good things, ah?" Seemingly said in a teasing manner, "If not, do try not to bring too much havoc to the Bistro, I only just got this job."
  45. [01:07] Cross: she'd shake her head a bit.- "No, it used to be my mom's last name" -she looked down at the water, a sad expression crossing her face.-"The crucifix thing was complete coincidence I promise. Well.. they'll be good things for sure I don't know about legal things." -she'd pull her phone out of her pocket and frown at it.- "Stupid thing hasn't worked since I got off the boat. You know what time it is Miss Casi ?"
  47. [01:14] Casiphia frowned slightly with that sad expression, looking back to the mountains for a moment if anything just to avert her gaze a bit for whatever reason. "Ah, yes, of course." A simple reply, but she'd have her attention back at least with a glance to see the frustration over a poorly functioning phone. "Oh. Hm." Brown eyes glanced to the moon for a moment. Sure, she had a phone. ...Somewhere. She didn't really care for it enough to *not* lose it at every chance. Speaking while in thought, she'd muse about it. "I.. made the trip here not too long ago, though it was maybe nearing Midnight. It must be early morning by now. Odd, had I been here alone I might have fallen asleep reading again."
  49. [01:26] Cross: she laughed softly.- "I was trying to get a peek at what you were reading when I fell actually." -she's kick her feet over the edge of the dock.- "I should probably try to get in to town so that I can find some dry clothes and maybe get my phone figured out." -she would point to the sky,- "Is that the dome I heard about ? Is it really magic ?"
  51. [01:33] Casiphia blinked and looked to the sky. "Magic, I suppose so, yes. Necessary for keeping.. well. I am not sure how successful it is at keeping anything out, actually." Her lips twisted in thought, "Or at least not asteroids. Or Earth Elementals. I was not here for those disasters, but I certainly heard of them." A look back to the woman as she got back up, and she'd give a nod, "Well do take care in the city! Perhaps I will show you my collection of books another time, if you are so interested? Oh, and.. If you run into trouble, seek me out somehow, will you? I do not mind giving another a hand when necessary."
  53. [01:47] Cross: she'd wipe her hands on her pants as she stood up and turned to face the city.- "I will, you said you work at the bistro in town, right ? I'll be sure to look you up there !" -she ran back to the crate she arrived in and pulled out a few things, in addition to the messenger bag she slung on a backpack, pulling the goggles back down over her eyes and the respirator up over the her lower face. The sound of aerosol cans clanging together as she offered her new friend a salute and ran off in to the forest towards teh wall.-
  55. [01:51] Casiphia nodded in confirmation, "Yes, you'll likely know the place when you see it. I will see you around, Madam!" Oops back to that word again. Not that she'd realize, simply giving a wave of the hand and opening the book, right before shifting a bit to get to her feet. Too much rain to not hang out in that building nearby instead.
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