
Chat with Zach

Aug 21st, 2015
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  1. [23:09] <jocoseZirconium> Hello!
  2. [23:09] <jocoseZirconium> My name is Zach.
  3. [23:09] <SnuffshotMartyr> Uh
  4. [23:09] <SnuffshotMartyr> Hi
  5. [23:09] <SnuffshotMartyr> I'm Lyra
  6. [23:09] <jocoseZirconium> Good to meet you.
  7. [23:09] <SnuffshotMartyr> You too, I guess
  8. [23:09] <jocoseZirconium> At this point, I'm just glad i can talk to people who dont hate me.
  9. [23:10] <SnuffshotMartyr> Heh
  10. [23:10] <SnuffshotMartyr> Sounds pretty reasonable
  11. [23:10] <jocoseZirconium> So you're in the game too?
  12. [23:10] <SnuffshotMartyr> Yep
  13. [23:10] <SnuffshotMartyr> And I s'pose so are you
  14. [23:10] <jocoseZirconium> Yep. Faerzen told me about that.
  15. [23:11] <SnuffshotMartyr> Oh, are you another of their teammates?
  16. [23:11] <jocoseZirconium> So do you know any more about the game? I know that I'm on this strange purple planet because I'm dreaming.
  17. [23:11] <jocoseZirconium> Oh, no.
  18. [23:11] <SnuffshotMartyr> O.O
  19. [23:11] <SnuffshotMartyr> Run
  20. [23:11] <SnuffshotMartyr> Get out NOW
  21. [23:11] <jocoseZirconium> Run? Why?
  22. [23:11] <SnuffshotMartyr> You're on Derse, and Derse sucks
  23. [23:11] <jocoseZirconium> It seems quite nice, i Kinda like the aesthetic.
  24. [23:11] <SnuffshotMartyr> Just get away
  25. [23:11] <jocoseZirconium> And i can fly.
  26. [23:11] <jocoseZirconium> How would i get out?
  27. [23:11] <SnuffshotMartyr> Fly into space
  28. [23:12] <SnuffshotMartyr> Head to the big blue ball in the sky
  29. [23:12] <jocoseZirconium> Hmm. I kind of want to explore the planet a bit more.
  30. [23:12] <SnuffshotMartyr> Prospit's near it - they'll keep you relatively safe
  31. [23:12] <SnuffshotMartyr> No, you do not!
  32. [23:12] <jocoseZirconium> I'll be careful.
  33. [23:12] <jocoseZirconium> It cant be that bad.
  34. [23:12] <SnuffshotMartyr> Careful isn't good enough
  35. [23:12] <jocoseZirconium> Extremely careful then.
  36. [23:12] <SnuffshotMartyr> Zach, I'm missing an arm because of Derse
  37. [23:13] <jocoseZirconium> Whats to be scared of ooh.
  38. [23:13] <SnuffshotMartyr> Get
  39. [23:13] <SnuffshotMartyr> lost
  40. [23:13] <jocoseZirconium> How, exactly?
  41. [23:13] <jocoseZirconium> Alright Ill start heading toward the planet.
  42. [23:13] <SnuffshotMartyr> Good
  43. [23:13] <jocoseZirconium> ((<- isnt heading toward the planet. For now))
  44. [23:13] <jocoseZirconium> So how did you lose an arm?
  45. [23:13] <SnuffshotMartyr> Queen had one of her thralls rip it off
  46. [23:13] <SnuffshotMartyr> Fun stuff
  47. [23:13] <jocoseZirconium> And did it persist when you woke?
  48. [23:14] <jocoseZirconium> Oh ouch.
  49. [23:14] <jocoseZirconium> Are those the black shelled dudes i see down there?
  50. [23:14] <SnuffshotMartyr> Nah, just a bit of phantom pain
  51. [23:14] <SnuffshotMartyr> Yeah, those are her minions
  52. [23:14] <jocoseZirconium> This queen, I assume she's not a nice lady.
  53. [23:14] <jocoseZirconium> Whats up with her?
  54. [23:14] <SnuffshotMartyr> Designated villain
  55. [23:14] <jocoseZirconium> Of the game?
  56. [23:15] <jocoseZirconium> Dang.
  57. [23:15] <SnuffshotMartyr> Yep
  58. [23:15] <jocoseZirconium> Speaking of the game, Faerzen cut off just before he was about to tell me something.
  59. [23:16] <jocoseZirconium> He said he had a large quantity of information that would be "Very Pertinent to me"
  60. [23:16] <jocoseZirconium> Do you know what that would be?
  61. [23:16] <SnuffshotMartyr> No clue
  62. [23:16] <jocoseZirconium> Then he said that H was bogged down in life or death matters.
  63. [23:16] <jocoseZirconium> And idea on that?
  64. [23:16] <SnuffshotMartyr> Oh yeah, that'd be me
  65. [23:16] <SnuffshotMartyr> Sorry to interrupt your thing
  66. [23:17] <jocoseZirconium> I mean you were in a life or death situation apparently.
  67. [23:17] <jocoseZirconium> What exactly was it?
  68. [23:17] <SnuffshotMartyr> Eh, y'know
  69. [23:17] <SnuffshotMartyr> Regular Sabath stuff
  70. [23:17] <jocoseZirconium> Sabath is the game I assume?
  71. [23:17] <SnuffshotMartyr> Deals with the devil, alternate selves, the like
  72. [23:17] <SnuffshotMartyr> Yeah, Sabath is the game
  73. [23:17] <jocoseZirconium> Alternate selves? Other than dream selves?
  74. [23:17] <SnuffshotMartyr> Yep
  75. [23:17] <jocoseZirconium> Fun.
  76. [23:18] <SnuffshotMartyr> That's a word
  77. [23:18] <jocoseZirconium> And its not a literal devil I assume.
  78. [23:18] <jocoseZirconium> Well, i guess it could be.
  79. [23:18] <SnuffshotMartyr> Same concept
  80. [23:18] <jocoseZirconium> Crazy game wouldnt suprise me.
  81. [23:18] <SnuffshotMartyr> Another me traded away my soul, and now Nickolai's mask is here to collect
  82. [23:18] <SnuffshotMartyr> It's a long, stupid story
  83. [23:18] <jocoseZirconium> I'm gonna go ahead and not inquire further.
  84. [23:19] <jocoseZirconium> Do you have any other information about the game that would help me out in any way?
  85. [23:19] <SnuffshotMartyr> Uh
  86. [23:19] <jocoseZirconium> I've been mostly on my own, and havent really figured anything out.
  87. [23:19] <SnuffshotMartyr> D'you know about item combining?
  88. [23:19] <jocoseZirconium> Yep. Got some sweet swords and a cloak that somehow persists into my dream self.
  89. [23:19] <jocoseZirconium> Also i made a bombsword. Love that thing.
  90. [23:19] <SnuffshotMartyr> O.O
  91. [23:20] <SnuffshotMartyr> I need this
  92. [23:20] <SnuffshotMartyr> This is a thing I need now
  93. [23:20] <SnuffshotMartyr> Code?
  94. [23:20] <jocoseZirconium> Dont have it right now unfortunately. Only my cloak went into my dream oddly
  95. [23:20] <jocoseZirconium> enough.
  96. [23:20] <SnuffshotMartyr> Oh, right
  97. [23:20] <SnuffshotMartyr> Send me it when you wake up?
  98. [23:21] <jocoseZirconium> Sure! Got any cool codes for me?
  99. [23:21] <SnuffshotMartyr> Lemme see
  100. [23:21] <SnuffshotMartyr> You have food and water already?
  101. [23:21] <jocoseZirconium> Yup. Tons of it.
  102. [23:22] <jocoseZirconium> Plus dried lizard and hamster.
  103. [23:22] <SnuffshotMartyr> Oh, fun
  104. [23:22] <SnuffshotMartyr> Uh
  105. [23:22] <SnuffshotMartyr> Did you alchemize yourself extra captcha cards yet?
  106. [23:22] <jocoseZirconium> Yup. Extra pages into the book.
  107. [23:22] <SnuffshotMartyr> Hands-free computer glasses?
  108. [23:22] <SnuffshotMartyr> They're also flashlights
  109. [23:23] <jocoseZirconium> No need, my cloak has a built in computer.
  110. [23:23] <SnuffshotMartyr> An empty strife card, maybe?
  111. [23:23] <jocoseZirconium> Strife card?
  112. [23:23] <SnuffshotMartyr> Yeah
  113. [23:23] <SnuffshotMartyr> So you can use a new kind abstratus
  114. [23:23] <jocoseZirconium> Nope, Ill take it. I only use swords right now.
  115. [23:24] * SnuffshotMartyr sends the code for [Strife Card]
  116. [23:24] <SnuffshotMartyr> ((37 Build Grist + 15 Shale))
  117. [23:24] <jocoseZirconium> Thanks!
  118. [23:24] <SnuffshotMartyr> Any time
  119. [23:24] <jocoseZirconium> I'm thinking bows or something.
  120. [23:24] <SnuffshotMartyr> Yeah, that was what I was planning on
  121. [23:24] <jocoseZirconium> Oh, you said you know Nickolai, do you know either Blake or Alex?
  122. [23:25] <SnuffshotMartyr> Alex I know
  123. [23:25] <jocoseZirconium> Those are the people who havent responded to my messages yet
  124. [23:25] <SnuffshotMartyr> Not Blake
  125. [23:25] <jocoseZirconium> You do know alex?
  126. [23:26] <SnuffshotMartyr> Yes
  127. [23:26] <jocoseZirconium> Is he just not responding to me or is he doing something crazy?
  128. [23:26] <SnuffshotMartyr> Probably both
  129. [23:26] <SnuffshotMartyr> He hasn't gotten back to me either
  130. [23:27] <jocoseZirconium> Too bad.
  131. [23:27] <SnuffshotMartyr> It's been quite a while now
  132. [23:28] <jocoseZirconium> So what are those planets in the distance.
  133. [23:28] <jocoseZirconium> There are a bunch
  134. [23:28] <SnuffshotMartyr> The different levels, I think
  135. [23:28] <jocoseZirconium> Levels?
  136. [23:28] <SnuffshotMartyr> Worlds
  137. [23:28] <SnuffshotMartyr> The place you started in
  138. [23:29] <SnuffshotMartyr> That's one of them
  139. [23:29] <jocoseZirconium> Oh, like my jungle world and Kara's forest.
  140. [23:29] <SnuffshotMartyr> Exactly
  141. [23:29] <SnuffshotMartyr> Wait, Kara
  142. [23:29] <SnuffshotMartyr> You've talked to her?
  143. [23:29] <SnuffshotMartyr> When?
  144. [23:29] <jocoseZirconium> Yeah, she was the person who hated me.
  145. [23:29] <jocoseZirconium> Beginning of the game, and just a day or so ago.
  146. [23:29] <jocoseZirconium> I tried to help her out of a cursed art gallery.
  147. [23:29] <jocoseZirconium> and mostly just made an idiot of myself.
  148. [23:29] <SnuffshotMartyr> Aww crumbs
  149. [23:30] <SnuffshotMartyr> And then she went in, and then opened the memo
  150. [23:30] <jocoseZirconium> I assume that makes thing make a bunch of sense?
  151. [23:30] <SnuffshotMartyr> In a sick way, yeah
  152. [23:31] <jocoseZirconium> Good? or bad, im not sure really.
  153. [23:31] <SnuffshotMartyr> Bad
  154. [23:31] <SnuffshotMartyr> She's dead now, I think
  155. [23:31] <jocoseZirconium> Oh shit.
  156. [23:31] <jocoseZirconium> I
  157. [23:31] <jocoseZirconium> How?
  158. [23:31] <SnuffshotMartyr> Um
  159. [23:31] <SnuffshotMartyr> I might not be the best at giving advice
  160. [23:31] <SnuffshotMartyr> I thought I knew how the art gallery thing worked
  161. [23:31] <SnuffshotMartyr> Obviously did not
  162. [23:32] <jocoseZirconium> I mean she got out.
  163. [23:32] <jocoseZirconium> But I didnt really help.
  164. [23:32] <SnuffshotMartyr> Wait what
  165. [23:32] <jocoseZirconium> Just hit myself in the face a couple of times.
  166. [23:32] <jocoseZirconium> With an exploding sword
  167. [23:32] <SnuffshotMartyr> She got out!?
  168. [23:32] <jocoseZirconium> Yeah, she put her fingers in these little red holes and turned them in circles.
  169. [23:32] <SnuffshotMartyr> O.O
  170. [23:32] <jocoseZirconium> Wierd shit, then the sun did crazy shit, i dont even know.
  171. [23:33] <jocoseZirconium> I sat on my ass and was mostly useless.
  172. [23:33] <SnuffshotMartyr> No, but
  173. [23:33] <SnuffshotMartyr> She's ALIVE
  174. [23:33] <SnuffshotMartyr> !!!!!
  175. [23:33] <jocoseZirconium> Well yeah.
  176. [23:34] <jocoseZirconium> Our last meeting was somewhat tenuous. She does'nt really like me as I've mentioned.
  177. [23:34] <SnuffshotMartyr> Yeah
  178. [23:34] <jocoseZirconium> I can give you her contact info.
  179. [23:34] <SnuffshotMartyr> I have it
  180. [23:34] <jocoseZirconium> Thats where I got yours.
  181. [23:34] <SnuffshotMartyr> I knew her
  182. [23:34] <SnuffshotMartyr> Before
  183. [23:34] <jocoseZirconium> Before?
  184. [23:34] <SnuffshotMartyr> Before Sabath
  185. [23:34] <SnuffshotMartyr> Back in the real world
  186. [23:35] <jocoseZirconium> Wow.
  187. [23:35] <jocoseZirconium> I lost everyone I knew when I entered wchich sucks.
  188. [23:36] <jocoseZirconium> I'm suprised people know each other.
  189. [23:36] <SnuffshotMartyr> Yeah
  190. [23:36] <SnuffshotMartyr> And me and Tarane, too
  191. [23:36] <jocoseZirconium> We seem to come from very different places.
  192. [23:36] <jocoseZirconium> Tarane?
  193. [23:36] <SnuffshotMartyr> Another friend
  194. [23:36] <jocoseZirconium> I'll add her to the "call first" list.
  195. [23:37] <SnuffshotMartyr> frozenFire
  196. [23:37] <jocoseZirconium> Thanks, i already have her contact info though.
  197. [23:37] <jocoseZirconium> I just stole Kara's entire contact list.
  198. [23:37] <SnuffshotMartyr> Heh
  199. [23:37] <SnuffshotMartyr> That'll do it
  200. [23:38] <SnuffshotMartyr> Actually, I guess I could just poach that memo she made
  201. [23:38] <SnuffshotMartyr> Steal the list from there
  202. [23:38] <Naviai[K1K]> ((How do you know Tarane's a her? /suspicious look))
  203. [23:38] <jocoseZirconium> ((true))
  204. [23:38] <jocoseZirconium> ((accidental metaing my bad))
  205. [23:38] <SnuffshotMartyr> ((Presumably the fact that Lyra and Kara are obviously girls, and presumably would have female IRL friends?))
  206. [23:39] <Naviai[K1K]> ((How does he know Lyra's a girl though? ;) ))
  207. [23:40] <jocoseZirconium> ((lyras a female name))
  208. [23:40] <Naviai[K1K]> ((Meh. I can see a boy having that name but w/e ==>))
  209. [23:40] <jocoseZirconium> I didn't find the memo board incredibly useful.
  210. [23:40] <SnuffshotMartyr> Well yeah, it obviously didn't provide help
  211. [23:41] <SnuffshotMartyr> But still, lots of names to grab
  212. [23:41] <jocoseZirconium> Yup.
  213. [23:41] <jocoseZirconium> Or indirectly grab in this case.
  214. [23:41] <SnuffshotMartyr> Actually, I've already got one name left to look into
  215. [23:41] <SnuffshotMartyr> I'll have to check on him first
  216. [23:42] <jocoseZirconium> Who?
  217. [23:42] <SnuffshotMartyr> D'you know Byron?
  218. [23:42] <SnuffshotMartyr> Nickolai gave me a handle for him
  219. [23:42] <jocoseZirconium> Looking at my list, masterfulShooter?
  220. [23:42] <SnuffshotMartyr> Yup
  221. [23:42] <jocoseZirconium> What abuot him?
  222. [23:42] <jocoseZirconium> about*
  223. [23:43] <SnuffshotMartyr> I have his handle, so I should message him sometime soon
  224. [23:43] <jocoseZirconium> He was close to the top of the list when i was doing it alphabetically but i gave up pretty fast with that.
  225. [23:44] <SnuffshotMartyr> Ah
  226. [23:44] <jocoseZirconium> for some reason people at the top of the list dont respond much, so i gave up after blake.
  227. [23:45] <SnuffshotMartyr> Fair enough
  228. [23:45] <SnuffshotMartyr> I assume most people died already
  229. [23:45] <jocoseZirconium> Oh.
  230. [23:45] <SnuffshotMartyr> It's not exactly a user-friendly game
  231. [23:45] <jocoseZirconium> Yeah i figured that out.
  232. [23:45] <jocoseZirconium> I only managed to beat a giant hamster by covering it in ants.
  233. [23:46] <jocoseZirconium> That was a wierd day.
  234. [23:46] <SnuffshotMartyr> ...
  235. [23:46] <SnuffshotMartyr> Not even gonna ask
  236. [23:46] <jocoseZirconium> Probably a good idea.
  237. [23:46] <jocoseZirconium> Alright well I'm gonna end this conversation here if you dont mind.
  238. [23:46] <SnuffshotMartyr> Probably should
  239. [23:47] <SnuffshotMartyr> I'm getting close to Faerzen
  240. [23:47] <jocoseZirconium> It was good talking, see ya!
  241. [23:47] <SnuffshotMartyr> Will have a whole mess to deal with when that happens
  242. [23:47] <SnuffshotMartyr> Yeah, good luck
  243. [23:47] <SnuffshotMartyr> Just make sure you avoid Derse, yeah?
  244. [23:47] <jocoseZirconium> I mean Im gonna hve to sleep eventually.
  245. [23:47] <SnuffshotMartyr> Not necessarily
  246. [23:48] <SnuffshotMartyr> Could go full Russian Sleep Experiment
  247. [23:48] <jocoseZirconium> Sorry?
  248. [23:48] <SnuffshotMartyr> Duplicate some tea or coffee
  249. [23:48] <SnuffshotMartyr> Stay up for as long as possible
  250. [23:48] <jocoseZirconium> Alright sure.
  251. [23:48] <jocoseZirconium> Farewell.
  252. [23:48] <SnuffshotMartyr> Later
  253. [23:49] * jocoseZirconium has stopped espering snuffshotMartyr
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