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mY SuBrEdDiTs ;^}

a guest
Feb 1st, 2015
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  1. Askreddit
  2. BlackOps2
  3. AdvancedWarfare
  4. CodCompetitive
  5. OpTicGaming
  6. Minecraft
  7. Mindcrack
  8. SubgenreID
  9. MonstercatCringe
  10. Monstercat
  11. Music MultiReddit: basically all the subreddits of genres I like)
  12. Teenagers
  13. Jailbreak
  14. out of the loop
  15. today i fucked up
  16. does anyone else?
  17. explain like im 5
  18. you should know
  19. internet is beautiful
  20. cringe
  21. quit your bullshit
  22. shower thoughts
  23. im going tohell for this
  24. reddit_news (android app)
  25. freegames
  26. android questions
  27. randnsfw (random nsfw subreddit, no exclusions)
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