
LQ Inventory

Jan 15th, 2015
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  1. Wealth: $16,305.84 ($0 checking, $13,648 savings, $2,657.84 cash)
  2. Assets: Suburban Home, 2230 Porsche Malicious Convertible, 2264 Ford Intergalactic Sedan
  4. Supplies:
  5. 4 magazines; PDW
  6. 4 stripper clips; Gewehr 98
  7. Arctic Weather Gear:
  8. Cold Weather Gas Mask
  9. Scarf
  10. 3x Arctic Weather coats
  11. 10x thermal t-shirts
  12. Water Resistant Jacket
  13. 3x Water Resistant Pants
  14. 3x thick gloves
  15. 3x fur lined hats
  16. Insulated tent
  17. Insulated sleeping bag
  18. 3x blankets
  19. Pillow
  21. Weapons:
  22. RRA Model 19 Plasma Pistol ([Range: Distant*] Shots: 4/4; 1 shot/round; Low Damage; No Reload; +2 due to Familiarity)
  23. Gewehr 98 ([Range: Distant] Shots: 5/5; 1 shot/round; High Damage; 2 rounds to reload; Hidden Effects)
  24. E.E.F Laser Rifle ([Range: Distant] Shots: 10/10; 1 shot/round; Medium Damage; 1 round to reload; Hidden Effects)
  25. PDW ([Range: Medium] Shots: 25/30; 5 shots/round; Low Damage; 1 round to reload; Hidden Effects)
  26. Crow's Dagger ([Range: Melee] Medium Damage; Grants ESP; +2 Fighting, +2 Mysticism, Hidden Effects)
  27. *The plasma pistol is a weapon designed for use in vacuum, as such the range in atmosphere is reduced to Close.
  29. Ammunition:
  30. 7.92x57mm Mauser; 299 rounds: Gewehr 98
  31. 7.62x35mm 300 BLK; 85 rounds; PDW
  32. Hi-P Laser Battery; 5 batteries; E.E.F Laser Rifle
  34. Armor:
  35. Military-Grade Ballistic Vest (+6/+4 to Soak rolls vs Ballistic/Laser weaponry)
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