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- Wealth: $16,305.84 ($0 checking, $13,648 savings, $2,657.84 cash)
- Assets: Suburban Home, 2230 Porsche Malicious Convertible, 2264 Ford Intergalactic Sedan
- Supplies:
- 4 magazines; PDW
- 4 stripper clips; Gewehr 98
- Arctic Weather Gear:
- Cold Weather Gas Mask
- Scarf
- 3x Arctic Weather coats
- 10x thermal t-shirts
- Water Resistant Jacket
- 3x Water Resistant Pants
- 3x thick gloves
- 3x fur lined hats
- Insulated tent
- Insulated sleeping bag
- 3x blankets
- Pillow
- Weapons:
- RRA Model 19 Plasma Pistol ([Range: Distant*] Shots: 4/4; 1 shot/round; Low Damage; No Reload; +2 due to Familiarity)
- Gewehr 98 ([Range: Distant] Shots: 5/5; 1 shot/round; High Damage; 2 rounds to reload; Hidden Effects)
- E.E.F Laser Rifle ([Range: Distant] Shots: 10/10; 1 shot/round; Medium Damage; 1 round to reload; Hidden Effects)
- PDW ([Range: Medium] Shots: 25/30; 5 shots/round; Low Damage; 1 round to reload; Hidden Effects)
- Crow's Dagger ([Range: Melee] Medium Damage; Grants ESP; +2 Fighting, +2 Mysticism, Hidden Effects)
- *The plasma pistol is a weapon designed for use in vacuum, as such the range in atmosphere is reduced to Close.
- Ammunition:
- 7.92x57mm Mauser; 299 rounds: Gewehr 98
- 7.62x35mm 300 BLK; 85 rounds; PDW
- Hi-P Laser Battery; 5 batteries; E.E.F Laser Rifle
- Armor:
- Military-Grade Ballistic Vest (+6/+4 to Soak rolls vs Ballistic/Laser weaponry)
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