
Roger Stone on Newsmax (05/10/2016)

Apr 24th, 2017
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  1. Supplemental document for: "Theory that Roger Stone's back channel to Wikileaks was Randy Credico", link:
  3. Roger Stone on Newsmax Prime. Broadcast date: May 10, 2016.
  5. Excerpt runs from 5:09 to 8:14
  7. Youtube link:
  9. Direct link to start point of clip excerpt:
  12. Michael Reagan, who we cited with a tweet earlier, Michael we appreciate your time tonight, if we could put back up the tweet, that you put out, saying "the party of Reagan is now the party of Trump..Good luck". I believe- here it is, "The Republican Party is no longer the Party of Reagan it is now the Party of Trump [sic]..Good Luck" Is- Michael Reagan, are you saying goodbye to the Republican party tonight?
  15. No, I'm just saying good luck to the Republican party, because Donald Trump has a lot of work to do, between now and November. And that work is, he''s gotta bring the party together. He's gotta bring the Ted Cruz people in, he's gotta bring all of those that he ran against, he's gotta bring them all to the dance, if you will, and especially he's gotta bring the women, _the wives_ of those who ran against him, to the table, along with the wives of many Republicans, whose husbands might be voting for Donald Trump in November, but the wives may stay home.
  18. It's interesting as we speculate about who may show up to vote, and who may not, as we look at the other side of the aisle tonight, and I haven't seen the latest numbers for Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, but it looks again as if Bernie Sanders continues to surprise and be a major thorn in the side of Mrs. Clinton, and indeed, with over half the precincts reporting tonight in Indiana, Bernie Sanders maintains a 53 to 47 lead. Now, Roger Stone, with your knowledge of political history, let me ask you, as Michael Reagan pointed out, perhaps what could be a gender gap, to a certain degree, for Donald Trump, what about an economic gap, a demographic gap for Hillary Clinton? Is it possible, given what goes on with Bernie Sanders, that, if the superdelegates stay with Mrs. Clinton, and Bernie is denied, a whole lot of activists from the progressive realm with Bernie Sanders, will stay home in November?
  21. You know, J.D., I think a number of Bernie Sanders voters, not his hard left voters, but his blue collar voters, who realize that the NAFTA, and TPP, globalist trade deals foisted on us by the Bushes and the Clintons, have been an ignominious failure for this country. And have destroyed our job market. I think those voters become available to us. I heard from a progressive activist today, in New York, Randy Credico, who told me he was starting "Sander Supporters For Trump". As far as the women's vote is concerned, as you know, I've written a book about this, _The Clintons' War on Women_, when women voters learn about how Hillary has bullied and intimidated Bill Clinton's various sexual assault victims, I don't think there's going to be a lot of sympathy for Hillary Clinton. The idea that she's been an advocate for women is completely bogus.
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