
[Melody Grove - Day 4]

Jun 16th, 2015
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  1. [14:40] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Sherly arrives at your dorm to discuss music... and other less happy things.
  2. [14:40] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] An unmarked package arrives for Suzume, you should make sure she gets it.
  3. [14:40] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Milly wants you to model for a sculpture and is totally stoked about it!
  4. [14:41] <Ausbrosephski> [X] An unmarked package arrives for Suzume, you should make sure she gets it.
  5. [14:41] <HyakkoF> [x] Milly
  6. [14:52] <Imouto> [ ] An unmarked package arrives for Suzume, you should make sure she gets it.
  9. [15:05] <Emilybroshoujo> [Day 4]
  10. [15:06] <Emilybroshoujo> You wake up feeling well rested.
  11. [15:07] <Emilybroshoujo> You get out of bed and get ready for the day, after showering and getting dressed you place the crystals you got from Caroline in a Tupperware container so you can show them to Blendy later.
  12. [15:10] <Emilybroshoujo> There's a knock on your door, you walk over and open it and are greeted with the sight of an unmarked package, a note on the top of the long thin cardboard box says to deliver it to room 2-4.
  13. [15:10] <Emilybroshoujo> That's Suzume.
  14. [15:11] <Emilybroshoujo> Come to think of it, you have no idea what she's been up to. You might as well take it to her yourself... still, who left this here?
  15. [15:12] <Emilybroshoujo> You look around and find no one, then you suddenly remember that Suzume is a Kunoichi...
  16. [15:13] <Emilybroshoujo> You very carefully pick up the package and take it to her room... if they knew her room number couldn't they have given this to her directly?
  17. [15:14] <Emilybroshoujo> When you arrive at the room via the stairs, since Franky is working on fixing up the elevator, you feel like something is wrong.
  18. [15:14] <Emilybroshoujo> You can almost hear something from inside Suzume's room, and there's no response when you knock.
  19. [15:15] <Emilybroshoujo> When you place your hand on the door you feel vibrations but you can't hear anything... maybe some kind of Kunoichi trick to dampen sound?
  20. [15:15] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Place an ear right against the door.
  21. [15:16] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Knock louder
  22. [15:16] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Just walk in under the pretense of making sure she's not up to something unscrupulous like a certain other "mostly human but not really" tenant.
  23. [15:16] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose.
  24. [15:17] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  25. [15:17] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  26. [15:17] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  27. [15:17] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  28. [15:17] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  29. [15:17] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  30. [15:17] <Ausbrosephski> [X] Knock louder
  31. [15:18] <HyakkoF> [x] Knock louder
  32. [15:37] <Emilybroshoujo> You back on the door louder, but there's still no response. The vibration isn't constant, it's in bursts.
  33. [15:38] <Emilybroshoujo> It's almost like... screaming. What the hell is going on in there?
  34. [15:42] <Emilybroshoujo> You're not even sure you want to find out to be honest.
  35. [15:42] <Emilybroshoujo> Maybe you should...
  36. [15:42] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Leave the package and go.
  37. [15:43] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Barge in and check on her, better to face an awkward situation than ignore her if she needs help.
  38. [15:43] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Go and get somebody less... mortal for backup.
  39. [15:44] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose
  40. [15:44] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  41. [15:44] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  42. [15:44] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  43. [15:44] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  44. [15:44] <Ausbrosephski> [X] Barge in and check on her, better to face an awkward situation than ignore her if she needs help.
  45. [15:45] <HyakkoF> Well, lets face our death, I guess. [x] Barge in
  46. [15:46] <Emilybroshoujo> You unlock the door and open it, and you're immediately met with a wall of sound and the seal on the door is broken and blood curdling screams assault your ears.
  47. [15:47] <Emilybroshoujo> Suzume is on the ground, topless and face down doubled over in pain. She's digging her fingernails into both of her shoulders as she shrieks in agony.
  48. [15:48] <Emilybroshoujo> Smoke rises from what looks like a new tattoo on her back, and you smell a scent like burning meat.
  49. [15:48] <Emilybroshoujo> Blood is all over the room, and covering her body but she's still screaming and jerking around violently.
  50. [15:48] <Emilybroshoujo> You're panicked at first, but then you assess the situation.
  51. [15:49] <Emilybroshoujo> All the furniture has been moved back to make room, and the door was locked and sealed to prevent her screams from escaping.
  52. [15:49] <Emilybroshoujo> This seems less like a disaster and more like some sort of ritual you don't understand.
  53. [15:50] <Emilybroshoujo> You close the door and pick the paper seal up off the ground placing it back over the door so the other tenants aren't disturbed.
  54. [15:50] <Emilybroshoujo> Then you walk towards Suzume as she lays on the ground flailing.
  55. [15:51] <Emilybroshoujo> The new tattoo is another dragon, red instead of black like the last one.
  56. [15:51] <Emilybroshoujo> It coils around her chest and then down her back.
  57. [15:51] <Emilybroshoujo> She's so beaten up and bloody you barely even notice her exposed breasts.
  58. [15:52] <Emilybroshoujo> You don't say anything, she probably won't hear you anyway.
  59. [15:52] <Emilybroshoujo> You place the package on the ground and sit down.
  60. [15:53] <Emilybroshoujo> Whoever bought this package to your door probably knew that Suzume was going through whatever this is.
  61. [15:53] <Emilybroshoujo> Maybe more than a delivery man they wanted you to serve as an observer, just in case.
  62. [15:54] <Emilybroshoujo> There seems to be a lull in the pain she's experiencing after a time.
  63. [15:54] <Emilybroshoujo> Her voice sounds strange when she screams, such a sharp contrast to her usual stoic measured speech.
  64. [15:54] <Emilybroshoujo> She doesn't even form words, just a pained howling like she's being tortured.
  65. [15:54] <Emilybroshoujo> It's hard to listen to.
  66. [15:55] <Emilybroshoujo> As she lays on the ground catching her breath she looks up at you.
  67. [15:55] <Emilybroshoujo> Her eyes are glassy...
  68. [15:56] <Emilybroshoujo> "Why... are you here?" She asks... her vocal chords are destroyed from the screaming, she sounds like she swallowed broken glass.
  69. [15:56] <Emilybroshoujo> "Some mysterious messenger told me to bring you this package." You say quietly.
  70. [15:57] <Emilybroshoujo> She doesn't react.
  71. [15:57] <Emilybroshoujo> It occurs to you that she can't see or hear you... she's blind and deaf at the moment. Just reacting to your presence.
  72. [15:58] <Emilybroshoujo> She crawls towards you...
  73. [15:58] <Emilybroshoujo> Very slowly, like every move is agonizing.
  74. [16:00] <Emilybroshoujo> Her breathing is ragged and labored, you can hear a rattling with every wheezing breath she takes.... you've honestly never seen a person in worse shape and it's almost making you tear up.
  75. [16:00] <Emilybroshoujo> Why would anyone, monster or not, do this to themselves?
  76. [16:00] <Emilybroshoujo> She finally reaches you and her hand touches your knee as you sit on her floor.
  77. [16:01] <Emilybroshoujo> She stops there, motionless for a very long time aside from the occasional twitching of her fingers as if checking to make sure you're real.
  78. [16:01] <Emilybroshoujo> You don't know why you're here either honestly... what are you going to do? Take her to the doctor if she get's bad enough? She already looks like she's dying.
  79. [16:02] <Emilybroshoujo> You weren't mentally prepared for this.
  80. [16:02] <Emilybroshoujo> As though to emphasize your lack of preparation, the sizzling of her mark starts again and with her her agonized screams.
  81. [16:03] <Emilybroshoujo> She digs her fingers into your leg and screams, but she doesn't move around or flail.
  82. [16:03] <Emilybroshoujo> The smoke from the tattoo burns your nose, it smells like chemicals.
  83. [16:04] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Embrace her, give her something tangible to cling to.
  84. [16:04] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Sing to her... maybe she'll be able to hear you.
  85. [16:05] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Do nothing, observe silently until she's able to respond to you.
  86. [16:05] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose.
  87. [16:05] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  88. [16:05] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  89. [16:05] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  90. [16:05] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  91. [16:05] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  92. [16:07] <HyakkoF> I hope this doesn't lead to where I think it will, she seems like she could use a hug. [x] Embrace her
  93. [16:08] <Imouto> ] Embrace her, give her something tangible to cling to.
  94. [16:08] <Emilybroshoujo> You pick her up and cling to her.
  95. [16:09] <Emilybroshoujo> Her screaming stops and she wraps her arms tightly around you, squeezing as she grits her teeth.
  96. [16:09] <Emilybroshoujo> You stay like that for what must be two hours.
  97. [16:10] <Emilybroshoujo> The pain comes and goes in bursts... then after a while she starts coughing and develops a high fever.
  98. [16:10] <Emilybroshoujo> You lay her down and get her a cold towel.
  99. [16:10] <Emilybroshoujo> After you've washed her body for a while... a prospect a lot less erotic than it could be given the circumstances, she seems to come to her senses a bit.
  100. [16:11] <Emilybroshoujo> "Why?..." She says in a barely audible voice.
  101. [16:11] <Emilybroshoujo> "I don't know, I couldn't just ignore you." You say as you continue your nursing duty.
  102. [16:12] <Emilybroshoujo> You don't ask questions.
  103. [16:13] <Emilybroshoujo> "It's poison..." She says as she looks up at the ceiling with a vacant expression.
  104. [16:14] <Emilybroshoujo> "The ink for the tattoo is an extreme poison, if we survive it's application it causes changes in our body that enable our... abilities." She says softly.
  105. [16:14] <Emilybroshoujo> "I see." You reply as you wipe her face gently.
  106. [16:15] <Emilybroshoujo> "The first mark is given when we complete our training as children... about 50% die. Those that do not continue training until we come of age and are permitted to leave the clan."
  107. [16:15] <Emilybroshoujo> She's so exhausted from her ordeal, you want to tell her she doesn't have to explain but you're also curious.
  108. [16:16] <Emilybroshoujo> "At age 18, we can choose one of several marks to compliment the first. Our path... of them only one frees us from the clan."
  109. [16:18] <Emilybroshoujo> "The path of the twin dragons... the Path of Freedom. The poison is by far the most deadly of them... but I will not have my life decided for me." She says as her lower lip quivers slightly. She's clearly holding back more screams.
  110. [16:19] <Emilybroshoujo> "A day of torture for a life of freedom..." She smiles softly as she looks up at you, her eyes are so cloudy, you're sure she can't see anything.
  111. [16:19] <Emilybroshoujo> "I couldn't ask for a better 18th birthday present." She concludes.
  112. [16:19] <Emilybroshoujo> You grit your teeth, you have a lot you'd like to say but it's not your place.
  113. [16:21] <Emilybroshoujo> Mostly you're just awestruck. You had no idea she was carrying such a huge burden, how long has she been in here alone enduring this pain? You haven't seen her since the party concluded.
  114. [16:21] <Emilybroshoujo> "May I lay on your lap?" She asks weakly.
  115. [16:22] <Emilybroshoujo> You don't say anything, you just reposition yourself slightly so her head can rest on your lap.
  116. [16:22] <Emilybroshoujo> It seems the worst of it is over, though you suspect this is the phase most people die during. Her fever is terrible.
  117. [16:23] <Emilybroshoujo> "Our bodies are special..." She starts talking again. "We're distantly related to succubi, but our powers are not fueled by 'life force' stolen through semen."
  118. [16:25] <Emilybroshoujo> "We instead use a different sort of protein... when we metabolize toxins it results in new abilities. Each of our many marks are made up of combinations of toxins for a specific set of powers but I don't care about that."
  119. [16:26] <Emilybroshoujo> "The role we have in the clan is decided by our chosen path... we can be spies, assassins, bodyguards. Only the path of freedom allows us to choose our own way of life."
  120. [16:27] <Emilybroshoujo> "Because it is the most deadly, but also because the abilities it grants us make us impossible for the clan to control anyway... when I recover, I would love to show them to you." She says reaching up and running her hand across your cheek.
  121. [16:27] <Emilybroshoujo> She's drained... you can tell she doesn't have the strength to even talk anymore.
  122. [16:28] <Emilybroshoujo> You sit by her side until her fever breaks, it takes several hours.
  123. [16:29] <Emilybroshoujo> Finally, she seems to be through the worst of it. Her pained wheezing gives way to a gently breathing as she's fallen asleep.
  124. [16:29] <Emilybroshoujo> You feel a strange closeness to her now.You're still curious about the package but you should leave her to her rest.
  125. [16:30] <Emilybroshoujo> Her rather impressive chest heaving gently beneath the towel you placed over it as she sleeps is somehow much more attractive when she's not in excruciating pain.... at least you know you're not a sadist now.
  126. [16:31] <Emilybroshoujo> You collect yourself and leave her room, you.... you need to clear your mind. You weren't expecting to start your day like this.
  127. [16:32] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Sherly arrives at your apartment to discuss music... and other less happy things.
  128. [16:32] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Milly wants you to model for a sculpture and is totally stoked about it!
  129. [16:32] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Meet Blendy's new room mate and DISAPPROVE ENTIRELY
  130. [16:32] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose.
  131. [16:32] <HyakkoF> [x] Milly
  132. [16:32] <Ausbrosephski> [ ] Milly wants you to model for a sculpture and is totally stoked about it!
  133. [16:32] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  134. [16:32] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  135. [16:32] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  136. [16:32] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  137. [16:32] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  141. [19:00] <Emilybroshoujo> [Intermission Out]
  142. [19:01] <Emilybroshoujo> You return back to the first floor for... like a nap or something.
  143. [19:02] <Emilybroshoujo> On your way to your room Milly bursts from her room and grabs onto you.
  144. [19:02] <Emilybroshoujo> "Hey Mr. Landlord, can you help me with something?" She says energetically with stars in her eyes.
  145. [19:04] <Emilybroshoujo> "That depends on what it is I guess." You say lethargically.
  146. [19:05] <Emilybroshoujo> "I need to do a sculplture of a man for a lady. She said she'd pay me a lot! I'll give you half of it." She says as she tugs on you.
  147. [19:05] <Emilybroshoujo> "A lady?" You ask before you agree to anything.
  148. [19:05] <Emilybroshoujo> Milly nods excitedly.
  149. [19:06] <Emilybroshoujo> "I met her at an ert thingy I went to today, and she told me she likes my style and technique... then she asked me if she could.................." Her face goes COMPLETELY blank.
  150. [19:07] <Emilybroshoujo> "Com-...... Com-.... Comus....." She says as she stares with the most dead eyes you've ever seen, which after this morning is saying something.
  151. [19:08] <Emilybroshoujo> "Commission something?" You take a guess.
  152. [19:08] <Emilybroshoujo> "Yeah!" She says immediately, color comes rushing back to her face and she resumes her normal glow. Jeez, she's not very good at big words.
  153. [19:09] <Emilybroshoujo> "Did she give you any details?" You ask.
  154. [19:10] <Emilybroshoujo> "Sort of! She said I should..." Milly takes a step back and strikes a pose as if getting into character then clears her throat.
  155. [19:10] <Emilybroshoujo> "Heh... pay special attention to the details." The ant girl says with a perverted expression and a bit of drool before snapping back to normal.
  156. [19:11] <Emilybroshoujo> You applaud her impression of a horny middle aged monster.
  157. [19:11] <Emilybroshoujo> "So it's nude then?" You ask looking suddenly really reluctant.
  158. [19:12] <Emilybroshoujo> Milly turns into a fucking cherry. "W-what?! Sh-she just wants me to make it really detailed right? That's why I wanted a live model."
  159. [19:12] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Allow Milly to maintain her innocence despite the fact it might leave her client unhappy.
  160. [19:13] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Explain it to her and advise her against accepting commissions so readily in the future unless she knows exactly what they're asking for.
  161. [19:17] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Explain it to her and reluctantly agree to model since she's already agreed to the commission.
  162. [19:17] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose.
  163. [19:18] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  164. [19:18] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  165. [19:18] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  166. [19:18] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  167. [19:18] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  168. [19:18] <HyakkoF> Hmm.
  169. [19:21] <HyakkoF> I think the second option is a bit smarter, and this may backfire, but being a nude model sounds fun. [x] Explain and agree
  170. [19:22] <Imouto> [x] Explain and agree
  171. [19:35] <Emilybroshoujo> "You were in a public place right? She was trying to be discreet. She was probably trying to subtly ask for a nude sculpture." You explain.
  172. [19:35] <Emilybroshoujo> Milly appears very distraught.
  173. [19:36] <Emilybroshoujo> "I'm just a worker, I've never seen a man naked before!" She says with a red face.
  174. [19:36] <Emilybroshoujo> You sigh.
  175. [19:36] <Emilybroshoujo> "I'll pose for you if you want." You say reluctantly.
  176. [19:37] <Emilybroshoujo> "Eh?..." Milly.exe has crashed.
  177. [19:37] <Emilybroshoujo> You give her a few moments to process it.
  178. [19:37] <Emilybroshoujo> "O-okay!" She says suddenly, right as you were about to walk away.
  179. [19:38] <Emilybroshoujo> Steam shoots out of her nostrils. She seems pumped up for a totally different reason now.
  180. [19:38] <Emilybroshoujo> You sigh and follow her into her room... she's harmless right?
  181. [19:39] <Emilybroshoujo> You watch as Milly sets up her work station.. she's got a really nice butt.
  182. [19:39] <Emilybroshoujo> It occurs to you you probably shouldn't get an erection right now.
  183. [19:39] <Emilybroshoujo> She sets up a stool for you and pats it.
  184. [19:39] <Emilybroshoujo> You shake your head and start taking off your clothes.
  185. [19:40] <Emilybroshoujo> She sits in front of her preform clay.
  186. [19:41] <Emilybroshoujo> Once you're topless she starts to get progressively redder as she stares, a process that only worsens as you take off your pants, then finally your boxers.
  187. [19:41] <Emilybroshoujo> Her eyes are almost popping out when you turn around and take a seat on the stool.
  188. [19:41] <Emilybroshoujo> You try to strike a pose that's both interesting and comfortable enough that you can hold it for a while.
  189. [19:42] <Emilybroshoujo> Milly's eyes are LOCKED onto your junk.
  190. [19:42] <Emilybroshoujo> "Milly... Milly..."
  191. [19:42] <Emilybroshoujo> ...
  192. [19:42] <Emilybroshoujo> "MILLY!" She snaps to.
  193. [19:42] <Emilybroshoujo> "H-huh?" She asks puzzled.
  194. [19:42] <Emilybroshoujo> "Are you gonna start?" You ask.
  195. [19:43] <Emilybroshoujo> "W-what but I'm still wearing my clothes." She says looking confused.
  196. [19:43] <Emilybroshoujo> She turns red immediately realizing what she said.
  197. [19:43] <Emilybroshoujo> "R-RIGHT! Let's do this!" She says as she starts sculpting.
  198. [19:43] <Emilybroshoujo> She is eyefucking you like mad but you grin and bare it.
  199. [19:44] <Emilybroshoujo> She works quickly and the preform starts to look humanoid.
  200. [19:44] <Emilybroshoujo> After a while she seems to get into sculpting enough that she's no longer entranced by your dick.
  201. [19:45] <Emilybroshoujo> She begins sculpting fine details, muscle definition, individual hairs... it's amazing to watch her work.
  202. [19:45] <Emilybroshoujo> She doesn't blink at all when she works, instead her eyes dart back and forth furiously like a typewriter.
  203. [19:47] <Emilybroshoujo> It doesn't take her long at all, she works at an impossible pace for such precision and detail.
  204. [19:47] <Emilybroshoujo> The preform is done in a little over an hour.
  205. [19:47] <Emilybroshoujo> She spent 15 minutes on the crotch alone...
  206. [19:48] <Emilybroshoujo> You cover yourself with a towel and approach to get a better look at the sculpture.
  207. [19:48] <Emilybroshoujo> It looks just like you... but somehow it doesn't.
  208. [19:50] <Emilybroshoujo> "Did you exaggerate the muscle definition a little? I don't think I'm that ripped." You ask.
  209. [19:50] <Emilybroshoujo> "You are." She says glancing at you as you lean over her shoulder.
  210. [19:51] <Emilybroshoujo> "I... I didn't have to exaggeramate anything." She insists.
  211. [19:51] <Emilybroshoujo> "I need to make the marble version she wanted now...." Milly says as she fidgets.
  212. [19:51] <Emilybroshoujo> "Thank you Mr. Landlord." She says looking up at you with a smile.
  213. [19:52] <Emilybroshoujo> The smile is innocent enough, but the way she's shifting her thighs isn't.
  214. [19:52] <Emilybroshoujo> You smile and tell her it was fun before getting dressed and leaving her room.
  215. [19:53] <Emilybroshoujo> You REALLY wanted to... you really did, but it's too soon. Even if she does have hips and thighs that make your mouth water.
  216. [19:54] <Emilybroshoujo> You head to your room to unwind, you can't deal with today man...
  217. [19:54] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Sherly arrives at your apartment to discuss music... and other less happy things.
  218. [19:54] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Meet Blendy's new room mate and DISAPPROVE ENTIRELY
  219. [19:54] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Marcene needs your help getting her car back from her old running mates after her jail time.
  220. [19:54] <Emilybroshoujo> rip not dog-girl options.
  221. [19:54] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose,
  222. [19:54] <HyakkoF> lol [x] Marcene
  223. [19:55] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  224. [19:55] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  225. [19:55] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  226. [19:55] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  227. [19:55] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  228. [19:55] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  229. [19:55] <Taco_Hell> [x] Marcene
  230. [20:02] <Emilybroshoujo> You enter your room.... Marcene is just on your bed watching an auto show.
  231. [20:02] <Emilybroshoujo> Franky is eating some of the pizza left over from last night.
  232. [20:02] <Emilybroshoujo> He looks up at you.
  233. [20:02] <Emilybroshoujo> "She knocked so I let her in."
  234. [20:03] <Emilybroshoujo> "WHO THE FUCK LET YOU IN!?" You shout as you collapse onto your bed next to Marcene.
  235. [20:03] <Emilybroshoujo> You turn your head towards her... she's blushing a little.
  236. [20:03] <Emilybroshoujo> "I'm yelling at him not you." You assure her.
  237. [20:03] <Emilybroshoujo> "I know." She says wagging her tail.
  238. [20:04] <Emilybroshoujo> you turn your face towards Franky without moving your body.
  239. [20:04] <Emilybroshoujo> "Rough day baby?" He asks in a girl voice.
  240. [20:04] <Emilybroshoujo> "You want mama to massage your shoulders for you?~"
  241. [20:05] <Emilybroshoujo> He puts down his pizza and starts violently kneading your shoulders.
  242. [20:05] <Emilybroshoujo> "Ow.... ow... ow... ow..."
  243. [20:05] <Emilybroshoujo> Marcene smiles at his bullshittery which makes it worth it you guess.
  244. [20:11] <Emilybroshoujo> "By the way, Fluffbutt wanted something from you." Franky says as he pounds your back with his fists.
  245. [20:12] <Emilybroshoujo> "Is that true fluffbutt?" You ask looking up at Marcene.
  246. [20:12] <Emilybroshoujo> She frowns at you a little but her tail doesn't stop wagging.
  247. [20:13] <Emilybroshoujo> "I need a ride. When I got put in jail my car was kept by a friend of mine. I need a ride to go pick it up though, she lives in the junkyard outside of town." She explains.
  248. [20:13] <Emilybroshoujo> You get up tossing Franky onto the floor.
  249. [20:14] <Emilybroshoujo> "Alright then! Why not, after all the shit I've dealt with today I could use one." You say as you grab your keys.
  250. [20:14] <Emilybroshoujo> "One what?" Marcene asks.
  251. [20:15] <Emilybroshoujo> "Come fluffbutt, Francis. Road trip!" You say as you open the door.
  252. [20:15] <Emilybroshoujo> "Wooooo!" Franky says from the floor.
  253. [20:15] <Emilybroshoujo> God damn it Franky. That son of a bitch always puts you in a good mood.
  254. [20:15] <Emilybroshoujo> Seeing Marcene being all cute and laying on your bed didn't hurt either though.
  255. [20:16] <Emilybroshoujo> Well as cute as a 6ft muscular werewolf can be anyway.
  256. [20:16] <Emilybroshoujo> Which is turns out is pretty cute.
  257. [20:18] <Emilybroshoujo> The three of you pile in the car and head out, a long drive might be exactly what you need to unwind.
  258. [20:18] <Emilybroshoujo> At least you hope, but something about the way Marcene is acting leads you to believe this might not be the friendly reunion you're hoping for.
  259. [20:22] <Emilybroshoujo> Franky sings every song that comes on the radio as you drive to the junkyard. At least him being around is making the air less tense than it would be with just you and Marcene.
  260. [20:23] <Emilybroshoujo> You pull up to the gates and they open automatically, you head into the junkyard a bit before Marcene tells you to stop the car and get's out.
  261. [20:23] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Wait here with Franky.
  262. [20:23] <Emilybroshoujo> ]
  263. [20:23] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Go with her, leave Franky in the car with the radio.
  264. [20:23] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Go with her and bring Franky.
  265. [20:23] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose.
  266. [20:24] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  267. [20:24] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  268. [20:24] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  269. [20:24] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  270. [20:24] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell
  271. [20:26] <HyakkoF> Ah hell. We should probably stay together, if she's that on edge. [x] Bring him
  272. [20:28] <Taco_Hell> [x] Go with her and Bring Frany
  273. [20:30] <Emilybroshoujo> This choice could be a little... route locky, so I'm gonna let everyone vote.
  274. [20:35] <Imouto> [ ] Go with her and bring Franky.
  275. [21:10] <Ausbrosephski> [X] Go with her and bring Franky.
  276. [22:52] <ants> [X] go with and bring third wheel
  277. [23:18] <Emilybroshoujo> You motion for Franky to follow you as you get out and go after Marcene.
  278. [23:18] <Emilybroshoujo> The three of you head into a nearby building.
  279. [23:19] <Emilybroshoujo> It seems deserted but Marcene continues onward, this is like where the person who owns the junkyard and parts out the old cars and shit in it would normally live... or at least work.
  280. [23:20] <Emilybroshoujo> You follow her into a back room, when you get there the plump ass of a woman is what greets you, she's wearing daisy dukes and is leaning under the hood of a car.
  281. [23:21] <Emilybroshoujo> "Hey, Chelsea." Marcene says, crossing her arms nervously.
  282. [23:21] <Emilybroshoujo> The girl looks up.
  283. [23:21] <Emilybroshoujo> You already figured because of her tail but she's some kind of catgirl.
  284. [23:21] <Emilybroshoujo> Her hair, fur, tail, eyes... everything are different shades of purple.
  285. [23:22] <Emilybroshoujo> "Oho~ Look who they let out of the pound." The cat says as she walks towards Marcene.
  286. [23:23] <Emilybroshoujo> "Did you have fun in there? Make any new friends?" She says wrapping her arms around your hell hound friend.
  287. [23:23] <Emilybroshoujo> "I just want my car." Marcene says.
  288. [23:23] <Emilybroshoujo> No sooner does she get the words out than her "friend" replies with "Sold it.~" in an almost happy voice.
  289. [23:24] <Emilybroshoujo> Marcene visibly flinches.
  290. [23:24] <Emilybroshoujo> "Technically I sold the body and most of the engine, you can have the exhaust and the rear axel if you want though. Ahahahaha~" The girl says with a smile, like it's no big deal.
  291. [23:25] <Emilybroshoujo> Marcene's face tells you she knew but didn't want to admit it.
  292. [23:25] <Emilybroshoujo> "Alright, let's go." She says coldly, clearly holding back tears, as she turns back towards you and Franky.
  293. [23:26] <Emilybroshoujo> Marcene flinches, not because of the scowl on your face, though you're sure it surprised her, but because of the look on Franky's.
  294. [23:27] <Emilybroshoujo> There is one thing Franky can't stand, and that's people who take advantage of their friends.
  295. [23:27] <Emilybroshoujo> He looks as angry as you've ever seen him.
  296. [23:27] <Emilybroshoujo> The cat girl sits on the car she was tearing apart.
  297. [23:28] <Emilybroshoujo> "You're not leaving are you Marcy? I could use some sum muscle to secure some merchandise for me." The girl says with a sadistic grin, almost a taunt.
  298. [23:29] <Emilybroshoujo> Marcene looks extremely uncomfortable. You get the impression there's a lot of history here.
  299. [23:29] <Emilybroshoujo> "I'm going straight." Marcene says without turning around. "I got a job working repo."
  300. [23:29] <Emilybroshoujo> "I heard!~" The cat replies immediately.
  301. [23:31] <Emilybroshoujo> "I also heard you were shacked up with some human in a monster poor house. I see that's not true, honestly I'm impressed you managed to shack up with TWO humans." Chelsea laughs.
  302. [23:31] <Emilybroshoujo> Franky is fuming, you probably are too to be fair.
  303. [23:33] <Emilybroshoujo> "When I heard you got busted trying to steal that Anterio Traveler, I was a little upset. Of all the goons I hired you were the only one stupid enough to consistently break into high class car lots. Business slowed down a little after that."
  304. [23:34] <Emilybroshoujo> The catgirl lets out a light chuckle and smiles really wide. "You were really useful."
  305. [23:34] <Emilybroshoujo> !!!
  306. [23:34] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Comfort Marcene before she starts to cry.
  307. [23:34] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Control yourself, this girl might be some kind of really dangerous monster.
  308. [23:34] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] STOP. FRANKY.
  309. [23:34] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose
  310. [23:35] <ants> [X] STOP. FRANKY.
  311. [23:35] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell ants
  312. [23:35] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell ants
  313. [23:35] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell ants
  314. [23:35] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell ants
  315. [23:35] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbrosephski HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell ants
  316. [23:35] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbroseidon HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell ants
  317. [23:35] <Ausbroseidon> [X] Control yourself, this girl might be some kind of really dangerous monster.
  318. [23:39] <Sanzaru> Control yourself, this girl might be some kind of really dangerous monster
  319. [23:40] <HyakkoF> Well. [x] Control yourself
  320. [23:41] <Emilybroshoujo> You grit your teeth and look Marcene up and down.
  321. [23:41] <Emilybroshoujo> She's infuriated right now but she's not acting on it.... this is a really dangerous situation.
  322. [23:42] <Emilybroshoujo> As if on cue Franky fails to interpret ANY of that and runs at the catgirl with a lead pipe.
  323. [23:43] <Emilybroshoujo> You move to stop him but he's already too close to her, he goes to swing at her right as Marcene turns her head to tell him to stop.
  324. [23:44] <Emilybroshoujo> If it were you, you'd be dead. The catgirl teleports immediately and take a shot at Franky's neck.
  325. [23:44] <Emilybroshoujo> Luckily Franky isn't you.
  326. [23:44] <Emilybroshoujo> He throws an upwards hook with his left, reading her teleport and punching her in the face with a satisfying crack as she's driven to the ground.
  327. [23:45] <Emilybroshoujo> The catgirl is more surprised than hurt.
  328. [23:45] <Emilybroshoujo> She bounces twice and lands on her feet as Franky grips the pipe and makes a few baseball swings. His eyes still wide with anger.
  329. [23:46] <Emilybroshoujo> "Who the fuck are you?" Chelsea asks baring her teeth... her mouth is huge. You get it, she must be a cheshire cat.
  330. [23:47] <Emilybroshoujo> Marcene recovers from her shock and turns towards you frantically. "You have to stop him, Chelsea is a gangster she won't hesitate to kill him."
  331. [23:47] <Emilybroshoujo> "Franky will be fine." You say without concern.
  332. [23:48] <Emilybroshoujo> "We went to a public school that had a mix of humans and monsters. It was a long time ago but Franky used to be a real asshole, he was always starting fights and shit." You say with a smirk.
  333. [23:48] <Emilybroshoujo> "With everyone."
  334. [23:49] <Emilybroshoujo> Chelsea lunges at Franky again and he jukes around her claw attacks and hits her in the gut with the pipe.
  335. [23:51] <Emilybroshoujo> "Besides, if he didn't do it you would have right?" You say looking at the blood trailing from Marcene's clenched fist.
  336. [23:52] <Emilybroshoujo> "And if neither of you did it, I would have." You continue as Franky gives the bitch cat the ass kicking of a lifetime.
  337. [23:52] <Emilybroshoujo> "It won't bring your car back. It won't take back the hurtful shit she said. There's really no point to it at all." You say watching Franky with his moves as impressive as ever.
  338. [23:54] <Emilybroshoujo> "But she still deserves it. Even though it won't fix anything nobody will be happy until she get's her ass kicked."
  339. [23:55] <Emilybroshoujo> "It doesn't matter if she's a woman, or a monster or whatever. sometimes people just deserve to get the shit beat out of them."
  340. [23:56] <Emilybroshoujo> "Now imagine you spend years beating up people weaker than you even when your best friend tells you to stop. Imagine picking fights for no reason other than to get out your aggression."
  341. [23:56] <Emilybroshoujo> "Then when you finally figure out how much energy you've been wasting you settle down, you make friends with some of the people you used to bully."
  342. [23:57] <Emilybroshoujo> "But they're all total pussies from your perspective, these people who you enjoy hanging out with and care about refuse to ever throw a punch."
  343. [23:57] <Emilybroshoujo> "Would you blame yourself for that?" You ask.
  344. [23:57] <Emilybroshoujo> Marcene watches as Franky pummels the girl who ruined her life.
  345. [23:59] <Emilybroshoujo> "That's Franky. He's always fighting other peoples battles, always ready to be labeled the asshole. He understands that sometimes being a good person has to take a back seat."
  346. [00:00] <Emilybroshoujo> "That motherfucker right there, that's my best friend, and once he's decided you're his friend he won't let anyone fuck with you."
  347. [00:00] <Emilybroshoujo> As if to punctuate what you were saying Chelsea drops to her knees.
  348. [00:00] <Emilybroshoujo> Franky spits on the ground and walks towards you.
  349. [00:01] <Emilybroshoujo> She got him good a couple times.
  350. [00:01] <Emilybroshoujo> He pats Marcene on the head as he walks past her and back out to the car.
  351. [00:03] <Emilybroshoujo> Marcene walks over the the catgirl who lays on the ground coughing. Jesus monsters are tough he wailed on her with a lead pipe for two minutes straight and she's just winded.
  352. [00:03] <Emilybroshoujo> "You should thank Franky if you ever see him again." Marcene says picking the catgirl up by her shirt.
  353. [00:04] <Emilybroshoujo> "The only reason you're still alive is because he decided to give you your ass kicking instead of me." She says with a lot rumble in her voice.
  354. [00:05] <Emilybroshoujo> "I'll give you two years, but you'd better get me a car of the exact make and model I lost because of you." MArcene says.
  355. [00:05] <Emilybroshoujo> Chelsea is now the one who looks like she's about to cry.
  356. [00:05] <Emilybroshoujo> Marcene's hand starts to glow red and the catgirl squirms and screams but her feet don't touch the ground.... Marcene's entire arm looks like molten rock.
  357. [00:06] <Emilybroshoujo> "Two years, just like the time you took from me."
  358. [00:06] <Emilybroshoujo> "I-I didn't..." "SHUT UP!" Marcene shouts.
  359. [00:06] <Emilybroshoujo> "I know you set me up. I'm not as stupid as you think I am." She says dropping the cat.
  360. [00:07] <Emilybroshoujo> Chelsea is trembling. It's not pain, she's terrified of Marcene.
  361. [00:08] <Emilybroshoujo> Marcene walks towards you.
  362. [00:08] <Emilybroshoujo> "One more thing." She says.
  363. [00:09] <Emilybroshoujo> Turning quickly she opens her mouth and fires an orb of what looked like lava that hits the car Chelsea was chopping and destroys it.
  364. [00:09] <Emilybroshoujo> "I'll shack up with whoever the hell I want. Don't talk shit about my friends." The hell hound says, smoke still fuming from her mouth.
  365. [00:10] <Emilybroshoujo> You whistle as Marcene walks back towards you and tells you she'd like to leave.
  366. [00:11] <Emilybroshoujo> The two of you head out to the car, Franky is laid up in the back with a paper bag over his eyes.
  367. [00:11] <Emilybroshoujo> He raided the glove compartment for bandages and patched himself up a bit.
  368. [00:11] <Emilybroshoujo> Marcene seems relieved he's alright when she hears him snoring.
  369. [00:11] <Emilybroshoujo> Franky doesn't snore, he's pretending to be asleep to give you some alone time with Marcene.
  370. [00:12] <Emilybroshoujo> "You have really good friends." She says as she opens the passenger side door.
  371. [00:12] <Emilybroshoujo> "Nah, he's more trouble than he's worth." You say, Franky kicks the door you're leaning on slightly.
  372. [00:14] <Emilybroshoujo> Marcene starts to get in the passenger seat but you stop her by gently tapping her shoulder.
  373. [00:15] <Emilybroshoujo> You hold out your keys. "You want to drive?"
  374. [00:15] <Emilybroshoujo> Her eyes light up like... well like Milly's usually do.
  375. [00:15] <Emilybroshoujo> You're nervous for about 10 seconds before it becomes apparent that she's a fantastic driver and probably loves your car as much as you do.
  376. [00:17] <Emilybroshoujo> She drives really slowly back to the apartment, clearly just enjoying the sensation of driving a nice car again.
  377. [00:17] <Emilybroshoujo> You never asked what model her car was, but you're sure it was nice.
  378. [00:19] <Emilybroshoujo> When you arrive back at the apartment Franky yawns as you pull into the garage.
  379. [00:20] <Emilybroshoujo> "Man I'm beat, I think I'm gonna head home sexy." He says patting your shoulder as he gets out of the car and exits the garage headed for his truck parked out front.
  380. [00:20] <Emilybroshoujo> You and Marcene sit in your car alone together.
  381. [00:21] <Emilybroshoujo> She looks over at you.
  382. [00:21] <Emilybroshoujo> "I'm not going to ask." You say.
  383. [00:21] <Emilybroshoujo> "I was a car jacker. Chelsea was my 'partner' but I use that term loosely."
  384. [00:21] <Emilybroshoujo> "It was the best way I knew to make money. I had to eat, you know?"
  385. [00:22] <Emilybroshoujo> She looks up at the roof.
  386. [00:22] <Emilybroshoujo> "It's never enough though, we got greedier and eventually things got too hot."
  387. [00:22] <Emilybroshoujo> "Chelsea set me up to take a dive and get the law off her back... I knew as soon as the cops jumped me it was a set up."
  388. [00:23] <Emilybroshoujo> "Still, I decided not to rat her out. She probably assumed I just didn't know I was set up but honestly I just didn't want to bring her down with me."
  389. [00:24] <Emilybroshoujo> "Even at the end I gave her more credit than she deserved."
  390. [00:24] <Emilybroshoujo> "You see where it got me... but thanks to you and Franky, I think I'll be okay."
  391. [00:25] <Emilybroshoujo> "It's funny... I really didn't hate prison. Not a lot of people wanted to screw with a hellhound and I was left alone by pretty much everyone."
  392. [00:25] <Emilybroshoujo> "Even though Chelsea was being a jerk when she asked I actually did make a friend. She get's out in a couple months and I'm hoping to get her a job at the dealership I work for."
  393. [00:27] <Emilybroshoujo> "I think you'll like her, she's really sweet. She got put in for beating a man half to death because he drugged and raped her... you know, because monsters can't be raped."
  394. [00:27] <Emilybroshoujo> "It was pretty messed up, I don't know how she;ll feel about humans but I'm sure you guys can win her over."
  395. [00:27] <Emilybroshoujo> You sit there in silence as Marcene pours her heart out.
  396. [00:28] <Emilybroshoujo> This is probably good for her.
  397. [00:29] <Emilybroshoujo> She goes on about her time in jail, she tells you about her Salamander cell mate who became her friend.
  398. [00:29] <Emilybroshoujo> She tells you about her life before she got put in jail, the highs and lows of being a car jacker.
  399. [00:30] <Emilybroshoujo> She admits that she got involved in drugs with Chelsea when they started making bigger scores, but got clean while in prison.
  400. [00:31] <Emilybroshoujo> She tells you about how her mother died when she was little and she lived on the streets alone surviving off scraps until she met Chelsea when they were 13.
  401. [00:31] <Emilybroshoujo> Then she developed her love of cars.
  402. [00:31] <Emilybroshoujo> She explains that she loves the feeling of driving, going faster than she ever could on foot, even though she's a monster.
  403. [00:32] <Emilybroshoujo> She loves the feeling of controlling this machine built for speed.
  404. [00:32] <Emilybroshoujo> She get's a certain high from driving at top speed on an open road that she could never reproduce with drugs.
  405. [00:33] <Emilybroshoujo> She tells you about a specific memory she has of driving alone, on a long trip between cities while Chelsea slept in the passenger seat.
  406. [00:34] <Emilybroshoujo> She remembers driving towards the morning sun and watching as the sun seemed to rise faster than it would if she were just sitting on a hillside watching it.
  407. [00:34] <Emilybroshoujo> She says she knows it was just in her head, but it felt like she was in control of the whole universe, and she's been obsessed with sports cars ever since.
  408. [00:35] <Emilybroshoujo> You listen to all of this without a word. What a fascinating woman she is.
  409. [00:35] <Emilybroshoujo> She seems like an almost completely different person when seated behind the wheel of a fast car.
  410. [00:35] <Emilybroshoujo> Even if it's stationary, she just opens up.
  411. [00:36] <Emilybroshoujo> When she's run out of things to talk about she turns towards you with a gentle smile, her eyes half open.
  412. [00:36] <Emilybroshoujo> "Micheal, do you want to have sex with me?" She asks you.
  413. [00:37] <Emilybroshoujo> Not with a lewd smile, but just a smile. Like she's barely there at all, lost somewhere in her thoughts.
  414. [00:37] <Emilybroshoujo> You know you could reject her right now, and it wouldn't change anything.
  415. [00:38] <Emilybroshoujo> But do you want to reject her?
  416. [00:38] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Have sex with Marcene in your car.
  417. [00:38] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Take her inside and make love to her.
  418. [00:38] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Turn her down... this time.
  419. [00:38] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose.
  420. [00:39] <Ausbroseidon> [X] Turn her down... this time.
  421. [00:39] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbroseidon HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell ants
  422. [00:39] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbroseidon HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell ants
  423. [00:39] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbroseidon HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell ants
  424. [00:39] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbroseidon HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell ants
  425. [00:39] <Emilybroshoujo> Ausbroseidon HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru Taco_Hell ants
  426. [00:39] <ants> [X] Turn her down... this time.
  427. [00:40] <Imouto> [ ] Turn her down... this time.
  428. [00:42] <Emilybroshoujo> It's like Mike said, if you had stopped Franky Marcene would have done it and catbitch would have died.
  429. [00:43] <Emilybroshoujo> If you had comforted Marcene, Mike would have been enraged by catbitches reaction and he'd have attacked her himself. Which would have, after a series of bad things in a row locked him out of the Marcene route, she'd have moved out at the end of the month.
  430. [00:44] <Emilybroshoujo> Franky was the only option that kept cat bitch alive and kept Marcene around.
  431. [00:44] <Imouto> but is cat bitch worth being alive
  432. [00:44] <Imouto> probably.
  433. [00:44] <Imouto> cheshires gonna cunt though
  434. [00:44] <Emilybroshoujo> You'll have to find out later won't you?
  435. [00:45] <Emilybroshoujo> Of course, her fat booty is arguably reason enough not to kill her, but you know...
  436. [00:45] <Ausbroseidon> She's not getting a room
  437. [00:46] <Emilybroshoujo> She can be reformed into a route girl by following a certain path in some future Marcene events, or you can get one hate sex scene out of her and lock her out as a route girl.
  438. [00:47] <Emilybroshoujo> It's also possible to trigger a yuri sub route between her and Marcene.
  439. [00:47] <Emilybroshoujo> None of those are likely though.
  440. [00:47] <Emilybroshoujo> It's most likely you'll just never see her again.
  441. [00:52] <Emilybroshoujo> You reach out and touch Marcene's cheek. "Not yet, I'm sorry." You say.
  442. [00:52] <Emilybroshoujo> She takes your hand gently in her claw, her paw pads are really soft.
  443. [00:53] <Emilybroshoujo> "It's okay, I can wait." She says leaning in and kissing you on the cheek.
  444. [00:53] <Emilybroshoujo> The two of you head inside, she gives you your keys when you part ways at the stairs.
  445. [00:54] <Emilybroshoujo> You make no qualms about staring right at her ass as she climbs them up to the second floor.
  446. [00:54] <Emilybroshoujo> You head back to your apartment and pick up your phone.
  447. [00:55] <Emilybroshoujo> Before you go to bed you call the pizza place and have a veggie pizza with white sauce and cucumber slices delivered to Franky's place.
  448. [00:55] <Emilybroshoujo> He'd just get pissed if you actually thanked him, so that'll have to do.
  449. [00:56] <Emilybroshoujo> You turn out the lights and go to sleep. It's been a long day.
  450. [00:56] <Emilybroshoujo> [Day 4 - End]
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