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Mar 24th, 2017
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  1. import os
  2. import subprocess
  3. import sys
  4. import time
  5. import io
  7. #def decider(ruleList, counter, line):
  8. #IN: <direction> <ip> <port> <flag>
  9. #ruleList = <direction> <action> <ip> <port> <flag>
  10. # finalaction = "drop"
  11. # if finalaction != ("allow" or "deny")"
  12. # input= line.split()
  14. # use AND for ip addresses
  17. # return ""
  18. #OUT: <action>(<rule number>) <direction> <ip> <port> <flag>
  20. def ruleLine(line,counter):
  21. #<direction> <action> <ip> <port> [flag]
  22. split = line.split("#")[0].strip().lower().split(" ")
  23. length = len(split)
  24. returner = ""
  25. test = 0
  26. count = str(counter)
  27. if line[0] == '#':
  28. return ""
  29. elif length not in range(4,6):
  30. print(split)
  31. sys.stderr.write("Line " + count + ": Invalid rule, Ignoring Line\n")
  32. return ""
  33. else:
  34. direction = split[0]
  35. if direction not in {"in", "out"}:
  36. sys.stderr.write("Line " + count + ": Invalid Direction, Ignoring Line\n")
  37. return ""
  38. returner = direction + " "
  39. #------------------------------
  40. action = split[1]
  41. if action not in {"accept", "deny"}:
  42. sys.stderr.write("Line " + count + ": Invalid action, Ignoring Line\n")
  43. return ""
  44. returner = action + " "
  45. #------------------------------
  46. iprange = split[2].split("/")
  47. if len(iprange) > 2:
  48. sys.stderr.write("Line " + count + ": Invalid CIDR Notation, Ignoring Line\n")
  49. return ""
  50. elif (iprange[0] == "*"):
  51. returner = returner + "* "
  52. elif len(iprange) == 2:
  53. try:
  54. iprangeint = int(iprange[1])
  55. except:
  56. sys.stderr.write("Line " + count + ": Accepts IPv4 format only, Ignoring Line\n")
  57. return ""
  58. if (iprangeint < 0 or iprangeint > 32):
  59. sys.stderr.write("Line " + count + ": Invalid IP Range, Ignoring Line\n")
  60. return ""
  61. elif (iprangeint == 0):
  62. returner = returner + "* "
  63. else:
  64. ip4 = iprange[0].split(".")
  65. if (len(ip4) != 4):
  66. sys.stderr.write("Line " + count + ": Invalid IP Format, Ignoring Line\n")
  67. return ""
  68. else:
  69. try:
  70. i = 0
  71. while (i < 4):
  72. returner = returner + "{0:08b}".format(int(ip4[i]))
  73. i = i+1
  74. returner = returner + split[2] + " "
  75. except:
  76. sys.stderr.write(asdasd + "Line " + count + ": Accepts IPv4 format only2, Ignoring Line\n")
  77. return ""
  78. #------------------------------
  79. try:
  80. ports = split[3].split(",")
  81. if (split[3] == "*"):
  82. pass
  83. else:
  84. for port in ports:
  85. test = int(port)
  86. if test not in range(0, 65536):
  87. sys.stderr.write("Line " + count + ": " + str(test) + " is not a valid port number, Ignoring Line\n")
  88. return ""
  89. except:
  90. sys.stderr.write("Line " + count + ": Supplied port not a number, Ignoring Line\n")
  91. return ""
  92. returner = returner + split[3] + " "
  93. #------------------------------
  94. if (length == 5):
  95. if (split[4] != "established"):
  96. sys.stderr.write("Line " + count + ": Invalid Flag, Ignoring Line\n")
  97. return ""
  98. returner = returner + split[4]
  99. return returner
  101. if __name__ == "__main__":
  102. if len(sys.argv) == 2:
  103. config_file = sys.argv[1]
  104. else:
  105. sys.stderr.write("Usage: ./client [rule_file]\n")
  106. sys.exit(1)
  108. try:
  109. f = open(sys.argv[1],'rb')
  110. except:
  111. sys.stderr.write("Error reading rule file\n")
  112. sys.exit(1)
  114. ruleList = []
  115. counter = 0
  116. #reading rules
  117. sys.stderr.write("Rules parsed:" + "\n")
  118. with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as f:
  119. for count,line in enumerate(f):
  120. ruleList.append(ruleLine(line,(count+1)))
  121. #ruleList= [[rule1 as a string, line 1],[rule2 as a string, line 2]....... etc]
  122. for x in ruleList:
  123. sys.stdout.write(x)
  125. #for line in sys.stdin:
  126. # sys.stdout.write(decider(ruleList,counter,line))
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