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Dec 1st, 2015
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  1. Altariser
  3. The Altariser are the most prominent religious faction in Skrell space due to the less mystic views that they have. The Altariser religion is considered a way to better oneself as their main goal is to reach a higher state of being where they can learn the secrets of the universe. They believe the way to reach this state is through physical and mental improvement, humans have compared the religion to Buddhism but the religion is far more selfish than the ancient oriental religion that it’s compared to. The Altariser makes up for 47% of all of Skrell and even has been taken up by the other sentient races. Many people have theorized that the religion was invented to push Skrell to be the best, or give them comfort near death. The argument to this is that just because we don’t see the Skrell ‘evolve’ doesn't mean they don’t, the people that argue this point also state that it is possible that there are certain rules for an evolved one, such as no sharing the knowledge and power with lesser beings, although again this is all theory as no scientist from any race has been able to prove or disprove this religion. This religion has been around since Skrell history was recorded and as such is considered one of the oldest religions in the known Galaxy.
  5. Dienabi
  7. The Dienabi are best described as Diona worshipers, their religion bases itself around the idea that the Diona are gods, every last one of them and that all the good fortune the Skrell have had since discovering them has come as a reward for the Skrell treatment of the Dionae. The religion teaches that Weiru Tup, the Captain of the famous Epsilon mission did not infact die due to poisonous vegetation but instead was transformed into a mystical Diona as a reward for his kindness to the strange species and he is often referred to as the first Dienabi(In the Skrell language Dienabi means ‘Tree child’) and is revered as the savior of the Skrell species. The only beings that the Dienabi revere more than Weiru Tup are the Dionae themselves, the members of the religion are often fanatic about their protection of the species and it is not too much of a stretch that they would die for the ones they consider gods, hoping that in turn they will be granted a place of immortality beside them as The First Dienabi was. This religion is one of the youngest Skrell religions and has only been around for about three centuries it only encompasses a minor amount of Skrell 6% in total.
  9. Eloish
  11. Eloish is the most controversial of religions in Skrellian space and by many Skrell it is considered a black stain on the Skrell history and is often used to wound many proud Skrell. The religion was first founded by it’s namesake Elois Guf a general in the Qerrballak Yuer(A proud country that followed the lead of one man ,Yuer Iu,) Army and is considered one of the greatest warriors to ever walk the Skrell homeworld. Elois Guf was a powerful general and due to the Qerrballak Yuer’s war with the Skrellian Tumpat(The Tumpat was a coalition of independent city states that formed due to increasing tension from Yuer), Elois was leading many attacks on the independent city states which was quite common for him as he had a reputation as a very blood thirsty man, but all the killing changed him and led to him seeing himself as a god, mainly due to the men following him seeing him as such. After twenty years of bloody war the Yuer decided to sign a treaty with the Tumpat which enraged Elois, he had fought and bled for his people and he felt like they had in turn betrayed him, he considered the Yuer a coward and declared a one man war against both the Tumpat and the Yuer. It wasn’t long before his one man raids and battles inspired men to join him and before long he had thousands behind him, he started taking villages, both Tumpat and Yuer. And recruited their people into his army, he made it a point to have his soldiers burn anyone that didn’t see him as their true god and so, many millions of Skrell died. After four years Elois was finally closing into the Yuer capital, Warufsh, and planned to take it, he had the manpower and the drive. But as the battle commenced unexpectedly the Tumpat had sent aid in the way of General Rinoi Laush, he commanded fifty thousand men into battle against Elois and it is said that General Laush was forced to fight Elois with an energy axe, removing his head from his body. Today all that remains of this religion are remnants and it is a religion mainly followed by old warriors and descendants of Elois’ troops.
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