
TSW: 3.1 Mary's Angel Dream

Feb 13th, 2016
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  1. [15:40] IcePickLobotomy Date: May 22nd. Location: DeSantos Memorial Hospital.
  2. [15:40] IcePickLobotomy It's blurry. Everything hurts and you feel light, insubstantial. The last thing you remember is the siren.
  3. [15:41] Mary (The one that happend prior to the evas?)
  4. [15:41] IcePickLobotomy (Yes. When you were at the park.)
  5. [15:42] IcePickLobotomy Your eyes flutter open a moment. Harsh light greets you. "She's awake." A man's voice, it seems distant, you can see a blurry orange figure looming over you. "Heart rate stabilizing. Delta waves are still in flux." His voice distorts, like someone speaking underwater. Blackness begins to crawl in from the edge of your vision,
  6. [15:43] Mary blinks, and tries to raise her hand to protect against the light.
  7. [15:44] IcePickLobotomy Your arm, long and soft and wrong rises up a moment but it's too much. It sinks back onto your chest. The darkness claims you.
  8. [15:44] IcePickLobotomy Date: ???
  9. [15:44] IcePickLobotomy Location: ???
  10. [15:45] IcePickLobotomy You are standing in a tunnel. A few blue lines of glowing light snake and curl along the slick rock surrounding you. It's the only light in this cramped dark space.
  11. [15:48] Mary blinks and then looks around and then over herself
  12. [15:48] IcePickLobotomy Mary: You
  13. [15:48] Mary feels wozily, and discordinated.
  14. [15:48] Mary (un)
  15. [15:49] Mary (plug, civilian, back home clothes ?)
  16. [15:49] IcePickLobotomy Mary: You're wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Your feet are bare from the feel of the cold stone beneath your feet. The tunnel seems to slowly snake upwards.
  17. [15:54] Mary shivers and moves onto her toes and then tries to see if there is anything that shows her what is at either end of the tunnel
  18. [15:56] IcePickLobotomy There's a small cold wind moving uphill.
  19. [15:58] Mary thinks for a moment, up means usually that it is better, but air has to enter somewhere, which means that the opening is down..
  20. [15:59] IcePickLobotomy The tunnel is slick and the footing treacherous. At more than a few points you slip and fall, bruising your legs and rear.
  21. [16:04] Mary "darn" she wimpers as she stands up once more and then continues her way feeling creeped out and resting her hand against the slick wall, only to remove it after a few moments again thanks to how..ugh it feels to her
  22. [16:07] IcePickLobotomy Mary: The wind pauses and starts periodically. Slowly, but there is a cycle to it. A consistent one.
  23. [16:08] IcePickLobotomy A wash of static rolls down your sight. A dull throbbing pain accompanied by a buzzing sound follows it.
  24. [16:08] Mary (is it comperable to breathing , long breathing or does it feel different ?)
  25. [16:08] Mary (and does the static influence my hair and my body or does the electric just wash over me ?
  26. [16:08] IcePickLobotomy (It is comparable to breathing. The long pauses like a sleeping person. And it just washes over you.)
  27. [16:08] Mary (ah wait
  28. [16:09] Mary (static as in electric or as in televion/monitor)
  29. [16:09] IcePickLobotomy (TV static.)
  30. [16:12] Mary ( ah I read it as electronic there)
  31. [16:12] Mary "wha.." she says as she stumbles for a moment and she tries to look around if she can see the source of it
  32. [16:13] IcePickLobotomy It's deeper down into the cave.
  33. [16:15] Mary "Okay, at least there is no light " she whispers to herself knowing after all what that usually means.
  34. [16:17] IcePickLobotomy You continue to make your way down, then something shifts. You are thrown off balance, sent tumbling down the steepening slope. The blue lines of light fade, leaving you falling in the darkness.
  35. [16:18] Mary screams as she scrambles, fears , needs something to hold on
  36. [16:20] IcePickLobotomy Your hands scrabble across the slick bare rock before it leaves your grip. The howl of the wind tears your screams away. You fall. You hit water. Standing up, the water is only waste deep, but painfully cold. The sound of the wind is stronger hear, sounding more like some massive thing breathing above you.
  37. [16:23] Mary has to fight to resist the scream as some red droplets join the water as she stumbles onto hands and knees and shakes her head to free her eyes before she tries to orientate herself
  38. [16:24] IcePickLobotomy It's dark. Utter pitch blackness that leaves you dizzy and your head swimming as it seems to swallow all sense of sound and balance.
  39. [16:32] Mary blinks and tries, to stay calm even if she barely fails to do so and sl she kicks a bit of water as she panics . Did she die... is this hell? a taunting part of her mind asks her as she stumbles onwards
  40. [16:33] IcePickLobotomy You move forward. No sense of progress in the black void. The cold seems to sap the strength from your limbs.
  41. [16:38] IcePickLobotomy You try and keep going, but your legs give out, falling deeper into the water. It's up to your neck now. It's all you can do to remain kneeling. In the distance a baleful golden light emerges. Slowly it creeps forward, illuminating the wet grey walls and the inky black water. Slowly, very slowly is makes it's way to you.
  42. [16:39] Mary "Help... I don't.. anyone.. I don't want to die "
  43. [16:40] Mary stops, like a animal, fearfull of the things, the dark encounter that is promsied and the fear of the darkness, chained to the twilight
  44. [16:42] IcePickLobotomy You see something moving in the light, a sort of phantasmal image of something massive. Before you can make it out in any detail, you feel a pair of arms wrap around you as you are lifted out of the water. When you turn to your rescuer all you can see is a pair of red eyes that fade into the dark, leaving you.
  45. [16:42] IcePickLobotomy You dream of strange vistas and a starless sky.
  46. [16:43] Mary fears the lonelyness as she tries to remember the gaze of her rescuing angel
  47. [16:44] IcePickLobotomy Date: May 23rd. Location: DeSantos Memorial Hospital.
  48. [16:46] IcePickLobotomy You awake to a private room overlooking the sea. The sun is high in the sky. You're wearing a hospital gown and beside you is a cup of water with a stray. Your head hurts and feels like it's full of wool. There's a IV hooked into your arm as well, and beside your bed is Walker, a book on her lap and her head lolled to the side as she naps.
  49. [16:49] Mary shivers and tries uncordinate to move, and reach out for walker.
  50. [16:50] IcePickLobotomy Your hand reaches her lap. She stirs, a light sleeper apparently. "Mary?" She sits up, awake and alert instantly "Mary! How are you feeling?" She fishes her pager from a pocket and sends out a quick message on it.
  51. [16:53] Mary "strange, , not ill I.. "
  52. [16:53] Mary shivers and tries to feel her being there
  53. [16:53] IcePickLobotomy Walker leans over and grabs your hand. "Hey. It's ok, Doctor Vernbeck says you'll make a full recovery."
  54. [16:55] Mary "What..why am.. why am I here?"
  55. [16:57] IcePickLobotomy "There was a malfunction with your unit. Long story short the OS update interacted poorly with some old testing hardware that was in your unit. It created a feedback loop, with you stuck in the middle of it. We're adding some safeties so it won't happen again though."
  56. [16:58] Mary "So a test went wrong?"
  57. [17:01] IcePickLobotomy She shakes her head. "No, we didn't have time to test it. We deployed you and everyone else against a Intruder." She holds out her hands "It's ok though, it's dead and everyone is ok. You're the only person to really get hurt."
  58. [17:04] Mary "I.. I don't remember it? The last , the last thing that I remember is the Nuclear Siren.."
  59. [17:04] IcePickLobotomy "The alarm." Walker nods "Verbeck said you may not remember anything, so it's not too worrisome."
  60. [17:06] Mary "What.. happend with the fight?"
  61. [17:09] IcePickLobotomy "It got stuck in the main defensive line with all the others. Kasra drew it's attention and took a beating allowing everyone else to focus on killing it. The docks are wrecked, but that's well within our established parameters." Walker taps her leg "Things got. . . strange afterwards. The emitter suffered a error as well, and it caused some radio anomalies. John and Arina went out on foot to...
  62. [17:09] IcePickLobotomy ...investigate and somehow managed to get to Layer 13 without anyone seeing them. It's. . . very strange but the emitter is known to make people act strangely and even see things, but they'll be fine."
  63. [17:13] Mary "And I was trapped in my unit while the others fought?="
  64. [17:13] IcePickLobotomy "We managed to guide you into a recovery tube once thing started going bad for you."
  65. [17:16] Mary "Recovery tube?" She asks still a bit out of it
  66. [17:16] IcePickLobotomy "A launch rail set up to recover the units back into the hangar."
  67. [17:17] IcePickLobotomy "From there we extracted you from the plug and brought you here for emergency care."
  68. [17:17] Mary "Ahh"
  69. [17:17] Mary (is the mix up planed for a mistake of walker?)
  70. [17:18] IcePickLobotomy (Mix up? Not sure what exactly you are referring to here?_
  71. [17:18] Mary (mary pilot escape hatch was afaik open)
  72. [17:18] Mary (if I remember the log right)
  73. [17:19] IcePickLobotomy (Ahh that was meant that her IFF was under the hatch, which was closed.)
  74. [17:20] Mary (ah okay )
  75. [17:25] Mary "That is.. good to hear. and.. how. how mch where they hurt because of that?"
  76. [17:25] IcePickLobotomy "They're fine. A bit rattled but no real injuries."
  77. [17:26] Mary "And.. what about me? I ... How many painkillers did you give me?"
  78. [17:27] IcePickLobotomy "Nothing too intensive. We'll take you off them once you feel up for."
  79. [17:28] Mary "I , well they gave me a bit of a trip"
  80. [17:29] Mary shivers
  81. [17:29] IcePickLobotomy Walker smiles sympathetically. "They tend to do that, just let the nurse know you'd like to be taken off them if you want."
  82. [17:30] Mary "And.. can you stay here a bit? And.. Meagan can't come right?"
  83. [17:31] IcePickLobotomy "I can, and Megan can actually. Hanan is watching her but I can send for her if you'd like."
  84. [17:37] Mary "I. thanks "
  85. [17:37] Mary shivers and leans closer and tries to hug her, now showing her youth in fully instead of the mature facade
  86. [17:39] IcePickLobotomy Walker leans forward and joins the embrace. She's warm and you feel her gently rubbing your back. "Mary? I have a few things to take care of I'm afraid, but I can stay a little while longer. I'm sure Reagan, Arina, and the others will want to visit, and I'll make sure Meagan comes by."
  87. [17:39] Mary ( I have no idea where the fear of being alone comes from, it isn't the shame as shulas)
  88. [17:40] IcePickLobotomy (Heh. Well she's been on her on for so long, and she's just now starting to get people she can be with, the fear of losing that again is fair.)
  89. [17:40] Mary "T-thanks I.. I don't know why I am breaking down.. maybe. Maybe its the stress that my body remembers
  90. [17:40] Mary (Especially as being a choirgirl +preacher daughter means that even if she was a nerdish outsider she was always part of something, and then she was cast out )
  91. [17:41] IcePickLobotomy "There's no shame in that. It's never an easy thing being hurt that badly." You get the feeling Walker is speaking from experience here "But you are alive and well, and you can get stronger from this."
  92. [17:46] Mary "I. I am sorry Mam , "
  93. [17:47] IcePickLobotomy "You've done nothing wrong Mary, I'm the one who should be apologizing for putting you here."
  94. [17:49] Mary "Well, you had no choice"
  95. [17:51] IcePickLobotomy She nods tiredly.
  96. [17:54] Mary "Does the Doctor think that it is only a short term amnesia or, that other memorys are also affected?
  97. [17:55] IcePickLobotomy "Just short term, everything else should be fine, but if you think there are any issues you /need/ to let Doctor Vernbeck know, alright?"
  98. [18:03] Mary nods
  99. [18:03] Mary "I will do so Ma'am "
  100. [18:04] IcePickLobotomy "Good. I am sorry, but I need to get going. Doctor Vernbeck will be here in a moment, and I'll send for Hanan and Meagan, alright?"
  101. [18:06] Mary "Yes, and, I hope that it won't happen again, but then you said that it was not my fault.."
  102. [18:06] IcePickLobotomy "Not you fault at all. And it shouldn't, Vernbeck and Dr. Kirmani are both making sure of that."
  103. [18:06] Mary nods again
  104. [18:07] IcePickLobotomy Walker gives you one last hug before heading out of the room.T
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