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a guest
May 27th, 2014
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  1. INFO: Faction \0003
  2. WARNING: Error resolving bank 'C04_VO' to audio engine
  3. INFO: Warning: Unable to find file \000/icons/units/
  4. INFO: Warning: Unable to find file \000/icons/units/
  5. INFO: Warning: Unable to find file \000/icons/units/
  6. INFO: Warning: Unable to find file \000/icons/units/
  7. INFO: Warning: Unable to find file \000/icons/units/
  8. INFO: detected by \0001\000 focus = \0001
  9. WARNING: Error resolving cue 'UAS0201_Depth_Charge' in bank 'UALWeapon'
  10. WARNING: Error resolving bank 'C04_VO' to audio engine
  11. WARNING: Error resolving bank 'C04_VO' to audio engine
  12. INFO: Debug: SetPlayableArea before round : 147.5,435.5 1013.5,837.5
  13. INFO: Debug: SetPlayableArea after round : 144,432 1012,836
  14. INFO: Camera:SyncPlayableRect \000{ x0=144, x1=1012, y0=432, y1=836 }
  15. INFO: Request: \000{
  16. INFO: Name="WorldCamera",
  17. INFO: Region={ x0=144, x1=1012, y0=432, y1=836 },
  19. INFO: }
  20. WARNING: Error resolving bank 'C04_VO' to audio engine
  21. WARNING: Error resolving bank 'C04_VO' to audio engine
  22. WARNING: Error resolving bank 'C04_VO' to audio engine
  23. WARNING: Error resolving bank 'C04_VO' to audio engine
  24. INFO: detected by \0001\000 focus = \0001
  25. INFO: detected by \0001\000 focus = \0001
  26. INFO: detected by \0001\000 focus = \0001
  27. INFO: detected by \0001\000 focus = \0001
  28. INFO: detected by \0001\000 focus = \0001
  29. INFO: detected by \0001\000 focus = \0001
  30. INFO: detected by \0001\000 focus = \0001
  31. INFO: detected by \0001\000 focus = \0001
  32. INFO: detected by \0001\000 focus = \0001
  33. INFO: detected by \0001\000 focus = \0001
  34. INFO: detected by \0001\000 focus = \0001
  35. INFO: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff00c35) supplied in a pose update.
  36. INFO: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff00c37) supplied in a pose update.
  37. INFO: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff00c3c) supplied in a pose update.
  38. INFO: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff00c7d) supplied in a pose update.
  39. INFO: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff00c87) supplied in a pose update.
  40. INFO: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff00c92) supplied in a pose update.
  41. INFO: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff00c93) supplied in a pose update.
  42. INFO: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff00c9c) supplied in a pose update.
  43. INFO: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff0057d) supplied in a pose update.
  44. WARNING: Error resolving bank 'C04_VO' to audio engine
  45. WARNING: Error resolving bank 'C04_VO' to audio engine
  46. WARNING: Error resolving bank 'C04_VO' to audio engine
  47. INFO: Debug: SetPlayableArea before round : 147.5,163.5 1013.5,837.5
  48. INFO: Debug: SetPlayableArea after round : 144,160 1012,836
  49. INFO: Camera:SyncPlayableRect \000{ x0=144, x1=1012, y0=160, y1=836 }
  50. INFO: Request: \000{
  51. INFO: Name="WorldCamera",
  52. INFO: Region={ x0=144, x1=1012, y0=160, y1=836 },
  54. INFO: }
  55. INFO: detected by \0001\000 focus = \0001
  56. INFO: detected by \0001\000 focus = \0001
  57. WARNING: Error resolving bank 'C04_VO' to audio engine
  58. WARNING: Error resolving bank 'C04_VO' to audio engine
  59. INFO: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff00b88) supplied in a pose update.
  60. INFO: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff00c8e) supplied in a pose update.
  61. WARNING: Error resolving bank 'C04_VO' to audio engine
  62. INFO: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff0058c) supplied in a pose update.
  63. INFO: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff00c8e) supplied in a pose update.
  64. INFO: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff00d1f) supplied in a pose update.
  65. INFO: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff00833) supplied in a pose update.
  66. INFO: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff0083c) supplied in a pose update.
  67. WARNING: Error resolving bank 'C04_VO' to audio engine
  68. INFO: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff00d0c) supplied in a pose update.
  69. INFO: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff0058c) supplied in a pose update.
  70. WARNING: Error resolving bank 'C04_VO' to audio engine
  71. WARNING: Error resolving bank 'C04_VO' to audio engine
  72. WARNING: Error resolving bank 'C04_VO' to audio engine
  73. WARNING: Error resolving bank 'C04_VO' to audio engine
  74. WARNING: Error resolving bank 'C04_VO' to audio engine
  75. INFO: detected by \0001\000 focus = \0001
  76. WARNING: Error resolving bank 'C04_VO' to audio engine
  77. WARNING: Error resolving bank 'C04_VO' to audio engine
  78. WARNING: Error running lua script: Failed to attach entity ual0208 to ual0401 on bone 21
  79. stack traceback:
  80. [C]: in function `AttachBoneTo'
  81. ...forged alliance\gamedata\lua.scd\lua\aeonweapons.lua(142): in function <...forged alliance\gamedata\lua.scd\lua\aeonweapons.lua:121>
  82. WARNING: Error resolving bank 'C04_VO' to audio engine
  83. WARNING: Error resolving bank 'C04_VO' to audio engine
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