
Blue Babbeh

Dec 26th, 2019
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  1. Feyascia, June 12, 2015; 20:59 / FB 32047
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. Blue Babbeh
  5. By Fey
  7. ****************
  9. There once was a little fluffy foal named Blue Babbeh.
  11. He lived in a biiig place full of fluffies and fluffy things and sometimes even hoomins. The fluffies lived in different safe places called "pens". Blue lived in a pen with his mummah, his bruddas and sissies, and a whole bunch of other fluffy families like his. Blue was a good babbeh because of his pretty, light-cyan fluff and beginnings of a deeper blue tail. In fact, all of his siblings were good, pretty babbehs. Mummah didn't have a bestest babbeh because there was always food and love and milkies enough for everyfluffy!
  13. The safe place was such a fun place to live! It had Mummah and siblings, balls and stuffy friends, and lots of other babbehs of all sizes and colors to play with!
  15. For Blue, though, the best part of the pen (after Mummah and milkies...and wuvs) where the blocks.
  17. Marvels of form, those beautiful boxie shapes with rounded corners. Each painted in a solid pastel or color straight from a rainbow. From the day that Blue first opened his eyes and saw these cubic wonders, the tiny earthie colt understood their endless potential. They could be stacked up, to one side or the other, or even back! There was no form that the foal could envision that couldn't be mirrored with blockies. He knew that the blocks were "toys", but he saw them as so much more.
  19. Even Blue's fourth word (after "Mummah", "miwk", and "wuv") was "bwock!"
  21. Before he could even walk, Blue would often strike out towards the scattered pile of blocks, leaving behind the warmth and comfort of the family fluffpile. Even though he never got far before having to chirp for rescue, he kept on trying.
  23. When he did learn to walk, Blue hugged his proud Mummah tight then stumbled off to obtain the square objects of his desire. He made it nearly half-way before a massive leggie appeared in his path. He looked up to the face of the fluffy the hoof belonged to.
  25. "Bwue Babbeh," his mother said, "bwockies nu am gud fo' wittwe babbehs. Bwockies am too dan-gew-wous. Am onwy fo' big babbehs. Nu gu too neaw bwockies"
  27. Blue was heart-broken, but he was a good babbeh and obeyed his mother. Blue waddled himself a little closer and just watched the older foals stacking the blocks.
  29. He saw that his mother was right, not that he ever doubted her. Foals two or even three times his size had to use both front leggies just to lift a single block. Blue doubted that he could lift a single block up even if he used all four of his little leggies!
  31. Far from discouraged, little Blue was even more amazed by the majesty of the blockies.
  33. He became determined to master them. During feeding times, Blue would drink voraciously of his mother's milkies so he could grow into a big, strong toughie stallion who could move mountains (of blockies). During play time, Blue would sit and watch the stackers from a safe distance. His head spun at the way they could move one block ontop of another ontop of another. He was astounded when he saw them place one block ontop of two side-by-side blocks, forming a triangle shape out of squares!
  35. Blue would get a little sad when he watched the giggling and cheering builders knock down their towers, but he would also be excited about getting to watch them build again. Towers and walls and triangles and big boxies would be raised and razed in endless succession.
  37. Blue Babbeh still made great friends in the safe place. He would play games with the other babbehs when invited, and he loved to give huggies. When the games broke up and his friends got distracted, though, Blue would always find his way back to watch the builders and dream of a block-filled future. When he could find a lone block sitting away from the pile, Blue would ask it nicely not to hurt him and then hug on it like a stuffy friend as he watched.
  39. ****************
  41. One day, when he had grown rather big and strong, Blue Babbeh was looking at the latest creation of the builders. It was a glorious wall, three blocks high and many blocks long. The builders were so proud of this wonder that the left it standing as they all left to num kibbles.
  43. Blue waddled around the structure, getting as close as he dared but keeping a few blocks' distance. As he observed, he noticed a flash of color out the corner of his eye. A giggling little pegasus foal had just run past him.
  45. "Pway! Hidies!" The little filly exclaimed. "Wuv!" The foal looked behind herself to check on her playmates and did not notice the wall coming so close. She waddled into it at full speed and gave a startled "Whaaaa!" The column that the foal had hit crumbled. One blockie bounced off the ground and then tumbled over onto her backside, eliciting a scared chirping from the filly. "Nu! Chirp! Bad! Chirp Chirp!"
  47. Blue quick waddled over to the filly to help free her, but then he noticed the adjacent column give a shudder and a teeter. Blue knew that motion; it meant that the structure was unsteady and would soon fall. This time, it would fall right on the little babbeh's head!
  49. Somefluffy had to do something, but no one else was close. It was up to Blue, and Blue knew what to do. He knew blockies better than anyfluffy. Without hesitation, Blue charged at the next column over, pushing it back so that it would turn the collapsing column of blockies away from the little foal. Both towers collapsed on top of Blue Babbeh, and a black block fell corner-first on his head.
  51. ****************
  53. *Months later*
  55. A dark-purple domestic fluffy with black mane and tail was stacking up blocks in his safe room. He had just reached his current record of a five-block tower, and he was determined to make it to six. Blockie between his forehooves, back leggies standing him up, and tongue stuck out the side of his mouth, he was ready. The fluffy stood up as straight and tall as he could and cupped the blockie up with his hooves. He reeeached up high to place the record-breaking blockie, but the tower started to move away.
  57. Oh, no! The tower wasn't moving; he was falling backwards! He closed his eyes tight and screamed.
  59. "Nuuu! Pwease safe fwuffeeeeeeeeeee..."
  61. The scream trailed off as the fluffy realized that he was no longer falling. "Am safe? Tank you fo' safe Inkie, Dadd-" but there was no one there when the fluffy opened his eyes. He was sitting alone in the safe room, blockie still clutched in his hoofies.
  63. "Oh...Otay den..."
  65. The fluffy took a deep breath and approached the tower again. Standing tall, he just baaaarely managed to tip the blockie ontop of the fifth one. He moved back and held his breath for a long moment. The tower stood. The fluffy let out a cheer and scampered happily about his safe room.
  67. Unseen, Blue Babbeh rested on top of the sixth block, smiling down at the celebrating fluffy, a kindred spirit. Blue watched for a while longer before fading away. The world was so big, much bigger than the old big place, and Blue Babbeh had many places to go.
  69. And there were so many blockies to play with.
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