
home alone

Sep 12th, 2013
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  1. >The front door shuts with a slam.
  2. >You jump out of the tub and try your best to dry yourself off, but your fur stays damp
  3. >You look up to see snowflakes bounce off the bathroom window.
  4. >How long is college?
  5. >You make you way out to the hall.
  6. “Boy it’s chilly!”
  7. >You feel sad that Anon left, but it’s not like he’s not coming back.
  8. >To the right is his room and adjacent to that is a closet that’s slightly opened.
  9. >You glanced in there before you went in the bathroom.
  10. >It consisted of a washing machine and dryer.
  11. >To the left of u is the staircase.
  12. >You want to go exploring, but your still a little sleepy.
  13. >You jump under his blanket.
  14. >Anons scent lingers under the covers.
  15. >There are so many questions you want to ask, mainly how you got here.
  16. >Is there anyone on earth that can give you the answers?
  17. >How are the girls, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom? How are they holding up?
  18. >Maybe all of Ponyville is trying to find a way to bring you back.
  19. >Maybe Princess Celestia is using her magic right now.
  22. >What if that can’t bring you back? What if you’re stuck here forever.
  23. >Happy memories float around in your head, which only makes it worse.
  24. >You feel horrible, and alone. Maybe you’ll never have more memories like that again.
  25. >Fustrantingly, you toss around his bed in an attempt to clear your mind.
  26. >The only thing that seems to calm your nerves is Anon’s scent.
  27. >It makes you feel like he’s beside you, that you’re not alone.
  28. >You focus on his scent, and quickly drift to bed.
  29. >Not even a minute passes by before you awake.
  30. >The whole house seems to come alive!
  31. >The lights turn on, air conditioning sends air through the ventilation shafts, and the bathroom fan turns on.
  32. >You have no idea what either of those are. For all you know, there’s a ghost in the house!!
  33. >There is a loud rumbling sound coming from downstairs. The closest thing you can compare it to is a tornado.
  34. >You huddle under the covers for what seems like ages.
  35. >A few minutes pass by, but nothing happens.
  36. >“What would Rainbow Dash do?”
  37. > Rainbow Dash isn’t afraid of anything! She would laugh at you if she saw you right now.
  38. “Okay Scoot, you got this.”
  39. >You get out of bed and sneak to the hallway. You want to prove to Rainbow Dash that you can be strong as well.
  40. >The noise seems to get louder and scarier.
  45. >You find yourself shaking.
  46. “Get it together Scoot!”
  47. >You crawl ever so slowly down the stairs, you’re so low, your belly brushes against the corners. of each step.
  48. You get down the steps and pear into the living room.
  49. >There you see the beast!
  50. >It has a glowing eye, and razor sharp teeth!
  51. >there is a long hose like tail coming out the back of it, and it sounds like its sucking up air!
  52. >You scream in terror and gallop back into anons bed. and slam the door shut.
  53. >You’re breathing heavily. This monster has invaded Anons house.
  54. >How long has it been here? Maybe it has some sort of mind control over him!
  55. >You have to do something about it and quick! You have no idea how long this monster will stay at bay.
  56. >You Must slay the beast, and save Anon...but how?
  57. >You need armor, and a weapon, and….A cape? Yes. You need one of those.
  58. You empty the contents of Anons trash can and use it as a helmet.
  59. >After looking through a couple of drawers, you find a long sleeve t-shirt and turn it into a makeshift cape.
  66. Some duct tape and a pillow later, and you're ready to slay the beast.
  67. >All you need now is a weapon.
  68. >You look around anon closet and all around the second story, but it’s hopeless.
  69. >Maybe theres something downstairs. Oh man, what do you do now?
  70. >What would RD do?
  71. >Dang it.
  72. >You crawl downstairs again, the sound of howling wind getting louder.
  73. >You peak into the room and see the monster once again.
  74. “Eeeep”
  75. >You jump back hugging the walls of the staircase.
  76. >You in back and try to take a look again.
  77. >Leg gets caught on anons longsleeve, and before you can react, you tumble down the last few step.
  78. >You shriek, gallop into the kitchen, and hide underneath a chair.
  79. >The beast doesn’t move.
  80. >You stay there for what seems to be forever.
  81. >What if it’s waiting? For the right moment to suck my brains out of your skull!! Maybe it’s laughing at you?
  82. >Nows your chance….right?
  83. >You look around and spot at broom. That’s it!
  84. >In your little filly mind, you imagine it as a godly lance, and you, it’s faithful knight!
  85. >You will destroy the Vortex monster!
  87. >You take a moment to settle down and concentrate then sneak up and grab the broom.
  88. >There is another door on the far end of the kitchen that leads into the living room.
  89. >You do an army crawl and roll to the doorway.
  90. >You’re behind the beast now.
  91. >A wave of fright passes you.
  92. >It’s now or never.
  93. >You ready to charge.
  94. >In your mind, you gallop at full speed jump 50 feet in the air and thrust your lance into the beast, killing it on impact.
  95. >In reality you scream and gallop like a derp with a trash bin blocking most, if not all of you view.
  96. You trip over a wire, and fall face first into a vacuum.
  97. >The vacuum turns off because you tripped over its cord, thus unplugging it.
  98. >The beast dies and you jump up in triumph.
  99. “The honorable knight Scootaloo, of the house of Ponyville has slain the…”
  100. >You see a logo saying Dirt Devil
  101. “The Dirt Devil?...Wow it really was a Devil!!”
  103. >What if you made it angry? Is it still alive?
  104. >You take a step back and accidentally step on something.
  105. >A strange box turns on and you hide behind the couch.
  106. >You’re scared to death again.
  107. >You peek out from the couch and moving figures inside the box.
  108. >There is an old skinny man, and fat old lady in a living room.
  109. >There is a weird little dog.
  110. >The old man takes out a scary mask from his pocket, puts it on, and screams out “OGA-BOGA-BOGA!”
  111. >The dog screams in fright and jumps up, and breaks the ceiling making a hole in his shape.
  112. >You find yourself forgetting about being cold, or the dirt devil, and start laughing.
  113. >You watch for another couple of minutes behind the couch before your stomach starts to growl.
  114. >Anon said he put something in the dining table for you.
  115. >You trot there and find it.
  116. >You spend the next couple of minutes trying to take the wrapper off.
  117. >Finally, you unwrap the poptarts and put them back in the plate Anon had left on the table, and them on the table in front of the couch.
  118. >You go back upstairs and take off the pillow, long sleeve, and trash can. You grab Anon’s blankets, come back down stairs, and hope back on the couch.
  119. >You spend the rest of the day watching cartoon network until you fall back asleep.
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