
Blue Robin 5

Feb 11th, 2015
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  1. >You are Anon and things just keep getting weirder and weirder
  2. >You can handle Caramel pulling her bullshit on you and Robin
  3. >You can handle Robin actually wanting to go through with it
  4. >But Virgo losing his shit over something so trivial?
  5. >Nah, this is too much
  6. >Hearing his concerns about things sure does get boring fast
  7. >But it reminds you of being in high school
  8. >Fuckin' drama
  9. >Even so, it's not like you have anything better to do right now
  10. >"... so I don't know, Anon. I've never really-"
  11. "You actually like her, that's why."
  12. >Interesting
  13. >So that's what Virgo looks like when he blushes
  14. >"I... like all mares, you know that."
  15. "Nah, you like getting laid my all mares, but you like this one."
  16. >Virgo looks down at his hooves
  17. >This nigga serious?
  18. >Has he never...?
  19. >Virgo sighs
  20. >"I don't like this feeling."
  21. >Welp here's a side of Virgo you never though you'd know
  22. >Kinda gay
  23. >You whip out your vaporizer and take a good long hit and exhale slowly
  24. "Tell her."
  25. >Virgo coughs and he locks eyes with you
  26. >He looks slightly panicked
  27. >"N-no!"
  28. >Oh yeah, he's got it bad
  29. "Why not?"
  30. >Virgo locks up
  31. >You cock an eyebrow
  32. >"But the club-"
  33. "You for real? Shit was an accident dude. Damn, you know how sensitive some of your antenna-thingies get."
  34. >"Well, why did she want to talk to you in private then?"
  35. "Caramel's playing some kind of prank on her and, look dude just chill. It's not this big a goddamn deal."
  36. >You cross your arms
  37. >You don't have time for this shit
  38. "Anymore questions, ya friggin' wuss?"
  39. >He just looks at you silently
  40. >Obviously not sure what to say
  41. "Well, then I got a question for you."
  42. >"What?"
  43. "Did you lose your balls or somethin'? You're like a little school filly."
  44. >Virgo deadpans
  45. >"I need a drink."
  46. "Fuck yeah, let's roll."
  48. >You are Virgo and you really need a hard nectar
  49. >Anon's knocked three shots back already
  50. >You don't know how he does it
  51. >Maybe it's because he's such a big guy
  52. >It's like he metabolizes booze into vitamins or some shit
  53. >Tonic puts a shot in front of you
  54. >And you dunk that shit
  55. >Ohhh yeah
  56. >"You two must really like that hard nectar."
  57. "Shuddup Tonic I do wuddaye want."
  58. >Okay maybe the booze is starting to work already
  59. >Anon laughs
  60. >"Ya friggin' lightweight."
  61. "Is stronk stuf okie?"
  62. >Tonic looks at Anon
  63. >Anon shrugs
  64. >"But yeah, the nectar's good stuff man."
  65. >Tonic smiles
  66. >"Well, glad to hear it. 'Nother round?"
  67. >"You know it."
  68. >As Anon and Tonic chat, you think
  69. >Or at least try to
  70. >Is Anon right?
  71. >Are you really this much of a lightwei- no, wait wrong issue
  72. >Should you just tell her?
  73. >How do you even go about doing that?
  74. >Your next shot seems to appear out of thin air
  75. >And you slam it
  76. >But it doesn't calm your nerves
  77. >...
  78. >You really hate this feeling
  80. >You are Robin
  81. >The sun is starting to set on this long, long day
  82. >But you can't shake this nervous feeling
  83. >Tomorrow
  84. >Tomorrow, you gotta...
  85. >You shake your head
  86. >You don't even like him like that
  87. >Sure that incident at the club happened... and those "thoughts" you had afterwords...
  88. >But it was instinct!
  89. >Anon's just... a curiosity
  90. >New and strange
  91. >But tomorrow... there's got to be an easier way
  92. >You look around your shop
  93. >Shelves lined with various tools
  94. >Until your eyes settle on something
  95. >Yeah... yeah that could work
  96. >You grab a box off a shelf and open it up
  97. >Yes!
  98. >You still have some left
  99. >You'll just have Anon make a silicon mold
  100. >The you can just make a resin model and make the glass product out of that
  101. >Brilliant!
  102. >A wave of relief washes over you
  103. >Major crisis averted
  104. >You look outside and see Ms. Goldie trotting down your side of the street
  105. >Well it IS time to go to the cafe...
  106. >Maybe Ms. Goldie will go with you
  108. >You walk out of your shop and trot up to Goldie
  109. >While you catch up, you spot Anon and Virgo inside Tonic's bar
  110. >They must be good friends
  111. >Maybe you could ask Goldie why her and Caramel don't like Virgo
  112. >He seems friendly enough, though you've hardly heard a word from-
  113. >Then you notice a large flock of sheep on the other side of the road
  114. >Leading them is a fluffy-looking mare riding one of the sheep
  115. >That sheep has liberty spikes and sunglasses
  116. >Within moments, they round a corner and are gone
  117. >That was... unexpected
  118. >Goldie notices you catch up to her
  119. >"Ah, hiya Robin. Did ya see Baa over there?"
  120. >Baa?
  121. "Baa? Do you mean those sheep?"
  122. >Goldie giggles
  123. >"Kinda. Baa's the mare that was leading 'em. She's the town baaaaadass."
  124. >You snicker
  125. "That was terrible Ms. Goldie."
  126. >"I told ya you can call me Goldi- eh whatever. What're ya up to?"
  127. "I'm heading to the cafe to relax a little."
  128. >"Ooh, mind if I tag along? I'm just kinda out and about today."
  129. "If you want, sure."
  130. >"Well, then lead the way."
  131. >As you trot along, Goldie speaks
  132. >"Ya know, you really opened up."
  133. >You smile
  134. "You think so?"
  135. >"Oh yeah, I remember when you hardly would say three words at a time. Good to see ya settling in."
  136. "Everyone is easier to get along with. That helps."
  137. >"Easier?"
  138. "Yeah, things are... different than where I'm from."
  139. >"Oh."
  140. >A period of silence hangs in the air
  141. >"Well, we're glad to have ya here at least."
  142. "I-it means a lot..."
  143. >The two of you continue to the cafe making small talk along the way
  144. >Goldie mentioned Minty's cafe at some point
  145. >You'll definitely have to check it out some time.
  147. >Sitting at your favorite table with your drinks, Goldie wraps up telling you about Dust Valley's legend and lore
  148. >And maybe a little of its history
  149. >You didn't think she'd be so intrigued with things like that
  150. >But then again, you have some rather... outlandish hobbies of your own
  151. >"... and so nowadays, we have a regular town guard to keep the rot and shadow beasts at bay."
  152. "Isn't Virgo and Anon part of the guard?"
  153. >"Anon is, but Virgo kinda just does whatever the town needs. He's like a kind of multi-tool."
  154. "Oh, I've been wondering lately..."
  155. >"Hm? About what?"
  156. "I get the feeling you and Caramel don't like Virgo too much."
  157. >To your surprise, Goldie laughs
  158. >"What gave ya that idea?"
  159. >Well... maybe you were wrong
  160. "W-well back at the club-"
  161. >"Oh yeah, that. We were just kinda screwin' with him it was nothin' serious."
  162. "But h-he was just trying to say hi."
  163. >Goldie pauses
  164. >"That may be true, but there's somethin' ya don't know about Virgo."
  165. >You sit still, bracing for something
  166. >"Virgo's been known to, uh, get around if ya know what I mean. Don't get me wrong, he's a good stallion, but..."
  167. >Oh
  168. >So he was trying to hit on you?
  169. >...
  170. >That's it?
  171. >"Me and Caramel... well we didn't wanna let him jump all over ya when ya just got here, you know?"
  172. >Well then
  173. "I appreciate the concern, but I've known worse stallions back home. I don't mean to sound rude, but I can handle myself quite well."
  174. >That had to be the most stern thing you've said in months
  175. >Goldie looks a little taken back
  176. >"Oh... I, well I'm sorry about that Robin. I guess we just thought that cause you were so timid..."
  177. >You put a hoof on hers
  178. "I'm not upset. I understand and I really do appreciate it, but you don't have to protect me."
  179. >You smile
  180. >Goldie seems to relax a bit
  181. >"Y-yeah."
  182. >The two of you go back to your drinks
  183. >After a moment, Goldie speaks up
  184. >"Virgo... he's a good colt."
  185. >You look at Goldie
  186. >Her smile has come back
  187. >Good
  188. >"I think he just... doesn't know what he wants."
  189. >Goldie winks at you
  190. >You pause
  191. >Wait, does she?
  192. >She thinks you...
  193. >Golly
  194. >You feel your cheeks warm up quick and you down your drink as fast as possible
  195. "W-well this was nice, b-but I really must be going! So many things to do and, hahaha, whatnot."
  196. >You trot for the cafe door as Goldie calls after you
  197. >A slight teasing tone to her voice
  198. >"Don't worry, I won't tell Caramel!"
  199. >Why you?
  201. [End chapter 5]
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