
one version at a time

Sep 10th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. One Version at a Time
  2. Get every obtainable item and their variants in survival.
  4. I am playing this for my own fun, it's up to you if you wish to play with extreme rules.
  5. I decided not to obtain all items such
  6. Glitched items
  7. Potion variants after release 1.0
  8. Enchanted book variants
  9. Mob heads obtained with charged creeper (skipped until trident with channeling)
  11. Most often I obtained only 1 of lingering potion, tipped arrow, enchanted book etc
  12. My primary goal is to have fun, so the completion times all far from speedrunning
  14. All up to you what to include to the challenge, examples:
  15. -every major version
  16. -every version that comes out with new obtainable item
  17. -every snapshot and release candidate (cool exploits but risks corrupting save file)
  18. -29 quintillion firework combinations
  20. Not all versions are available through MultiMC client, so I played only the once that are which ends up being most major versions.
  21. Completion time is taken from MultiMC timer which includes time in main menu
  23. I listed obtainables by scrolling each version startiong from inf-2010618, so this may not contain everything
  27. Here's a list I obtained in each version I played
  29. Infdev 2010618
  31. Dungeons do not spawn in this version, therefore they can't be obtained even if they were mineable, this is also the only infdev listed in MultiMC
  33. Notes: Mostly regular minecraft game play, just a lot of mining for diamonds
  35. Completion play time unknown
  37. a1.04
  38. saddle, golden apple dungeons
  39. oak, cobble stais
  41. iron door
  42. lever
  43. redstone
  44. redstone torch
  45. stone button
  46. wooden, stone pressure plate
  47. mossy cobblestone
  49. alpha v1.0.4
  50. Some bug that get me stuck, one way to fix this is to move the player by 1 block using nbt editor or similar
  51. "Map generation creates "bad chunk" areas of the map in which the player and all NPCs stutter and move very slowly through."
  53. Golden apples gave chance of 1/125 appearing in a dungeon chest
  54. if every dungeon has two chests, (not always), you have ~50.0% chance finding golden apple at 44th dungeon, good luck...
  56. ceil( ln2(1/(1-(124/125)^2) ) = 44 (1/62.75 drop rate)
  58. Confessions:
  59. I got stuck few times due to a bug and used NBTExplorer to move myself 1 block up which fixes the issue
  60. After 4-6 hours of searching I found 1 dungeon... So I didn't feel like finding golden apple 100% legitimately
  61. I converted the save to beta 1.7.3 and then to 1.8.1 to locate dungeons in spectator mode (I only opened the chests in alpha v1.0.4)
  62. Even then this is taking a lot of time.
  64. For a while I thought it doesn't exist. But at last I have found one. I lost count on dungeons, but it must have been +30
  66. Completion play time 49hr 46min
  68. "Upon world creation there is a 25% chance for it to become a winter world."
  69. Hence it's not possible to obtain snow biome related items if your world is not winter world
  71. alpha 1.0.11
  72. Boat
  73. Leather (cloth armor is converted to leather)
  74. Milk Bucket
  75. Reeds
  76. Clay
  77. Clay Ball
  78. Paper
  79. Book
  80. Brick
  81. Slimeball
  82. Bookshelves
  83. Bricks
  84. cactus
  86. Completion 58hr 30min
  88. alpha 1.0.14
  89. Jukebox
  90. Music Discs 13 and cat
  91. Minecart with Furnace
  92. Minecart with Chests
  93. egg
  95. Completion 59hr 32min
  97. alpha 1.0.17_02
  98. Fences
  100. alpha 1.1.0
  101. Compass
  103. alpha 1.1.2
  104. Fishing rods
  105. Additional note: Fire proof your house...
  107. Completion time (after base building) 68hr 58m
  109. Alpha 1.2.0
  110. Nether!
  112. Netherrack
  113. Soul Sand
  114. Glowstone
  115. Glowdust
  116. Carved Pumpkin
  117. Jack o'Lantern
  118. Clock
  119. Cooked Fish
  120. Raw Fish
  122. Tundra biomes can now generate
  123. Snow
  124. Snow block
  126. Completion time 72hr 26min
  129. Minecraft alpha completed! Rest updates are bug fixes or changes until Beta 1.2
  131. Beta 1.2
  132. Cake
  133. Dispenser
  134. Lapis Lazuli block
  135. Lapis Lazuli
  136. Note Block
  137. Sandstone
  138. Spruce Log
  139. Birch Log
  140. Every wool except brown
  141. Every dye except Cocoa Beans
  142. Bone
  143. Bone Meal
  144. Ink Sac
  145. Charcoal
  146. Sugar
  148. Completion time 76hr 59min
  150. Beta 1.3
  151. Bed
  152. Redstone Repeater
  153. Cobblestone Slab
  154. Wooden Slab
  155. Sandstone Slab
  156. Oak wooden slabs are converted to petrified
  158. Completion time 77hr 50min
  160. Beta 1.4
  162. Locked chests: Can be only exploded for a drop (the drop can break in explosion, so make backup) and only generate if system time is set to April 1, 2011
  163. Cocoa beans: More dungeon crawling...
  164. Cookies
  165. Brown wool
  167. Some websites will work funky, update first then:
  168. Go back in time
  169. # timedatectl set-ntp 0
  170. # timedatectl set-time "2011-04-01 00:00:00"
  172. Back to the Future
  173. # timedatectl set-ntp 1
  174. # ntpd -qg
  176. Completion 81hr 54min
  178. Beta 1.5
  179. Birch Sapling
  180. Spruce Sapling
  181. Detector Rail
  182. Powered Rail
  184. Beta 1.6
  185. Trapdoor
  186. Maps
  188. Beta 1.7
  189. Pistons
  190. Sticky Pistons
  191. Shears
  192. Brich, Spruce, Oak leaves
  193. Grass
  194. Vines
  196. Completion 83hr 42min (afk mostly)
  198. Beta 1.8
  199. Despite wiki saying Pumpkin seeds are obtainable in mineshafts, this doesn't appear to be true.
  200. I checked dozens of chests and later more in creative, and I only found melon seeds.
  201. Strongholds generate but without portals
  203. Stone Bricks
  204. Stone Bricks (cracked)
  205. Stone Bricks (Mossy)
  206. Stone Brick slab
  207. Brick slab
  208. Raw Beef
  209. Steak
  210. Melon seed
  211. Iron Bars
  212. Glass pane
  213. Fence gate
  214. Stone brick stairs
  215. Brick stairs
  216. Ender Pearl
  217. Rotten Flesh
  218. Sapling (??? doesn't stack with alpha sapling)
  219. Melon (block)
  220. Melon (slice)
  221. Raw chicken
  222. chicken
  224. Minecraft Wiki:Issues/Beta 1.8.1 ... It is not possible to get the "Sniper Duel" achievement in SMP when killing skeleton even at a distance of 60 blocks.
  225. I should have looked that up 2 hours ago...
  227. Completion 92hr 52min
  229. I am tired of listening coil whine so I installed OptiFine for vsync. Up till now I have played unmodded.
  234. Depending how you play, obtain either 1 potion and 1 enchanted book
  235. or
  236. Every book with unique enchantment and every unique potion like they appear in newer version Creative inventory
  238. As I'm playing MultiMC versions only, there's no version that allows me to obtain spawner as item
  240. ---- Release 1.0 ----
  242. Every potion and splash potion
  244. at 1.0.0 you can make 50 different potions, splash and reuglar ones combine
  246. Brewing stand
  247. Cauldron
  248. Dragon Egg
  249. Enchanting Table
  250. End Stone
  251. Lily Pad
  252. Mycelium
  253. Nether Bricks
  254. Nether Wart
  255. Blaze Powder
  256. Blaze Rod
  257. Eye of Ender
  258. Fermented Spider Eye
  259. Ghast Tear
  260. Glass Bottle
  261. Glistering Melon Slice
  262. Gold Nugget
  263. Magma Cream
  264. Spider Eye
  265. Mushroom (block from giant mushroom using silktouch (red and brown have different id))
  266. Pumpkin seeds
  268. Silktouch
  269. Grass
  270. Ores: Coal, Gold, Diamond, Redstone, Lapis Lazuli
  272. Completion 154hr 50min
  274. 1.1
  275. all Music Disks except 11
  277. Completion 155hr 23min
  279. 1.2.1
  280. Redstone Lamp
  281. Jungle Log
  282. Jungle Leaves
  283. Jungle Sapling
  284. Fire Charge
  286. Completion 167hr 17min (after building redstone clock)
  288. 1.2.4
  289. Birch Wood Planks
  290. Spruce Wood Planks
  291. Jungle Wood Planks
  292. Sandstone (smooth)
  293. Sandstone (creeper)
  295. Completion 167hr 25min
  297. 1.3.2 (optifine wouldn't work in 1.3.1, 1.3.2 doesn't bring any new obtainables)
  298. Silktouch:
  299. Ice
  300. Wooden slabs and stairs spruce, jungle, birch variations
  301. Book and quill
  302. Written book
  303. Golden Apple (8 blocks of gold)
  304. Emerald ore
  305. Emerald
  306. Block of Emerald
  307. Ender Chest
  308. Tripwire hook
  309. Fern
  310. Wood and variants (all sides barked)
  312. completion 177hr 1min
  314. 1.4.2
  315. Beacons
  316. Anvil
  317. Flower Pots
  318. Cobblestone walls
  319. Wither skeleton
  320. Wither skull
  321. Wither
  322. Wooden buttons
  323. Potatoes
  324. Carrots
  325. Carrot on a stick
  326. Pumpkin pie
  327. Nether star
  328. Potion of Night Vision
  329. Potion of invisibility
  330. Item frames
  332. Obtaining every single enchanted book, potion variations and tipped arrows is very tedious, so I decided to opt out from that.
  334. completion 567 days
  336. I had to create new .minecraft instance because old configs were causing issues.
  337. In the process I lost my notes and don't remember the completed hours from 1.4.2 to 1.9
  338. MultiMC timer also reset, so I will be using days as completion times
  340. 1.5
  341. activator rail
  342. block of redstone
  343. daylight sensor
  344. dropper
  345. hopper
  346. comparator
  347. trapped chest
  348. weighted pressure plate gold, iron
  349. nether quartz ore
  350. block of quartz
  351. quartz slab
  352. quartz stairs
  353. chisseled quartz
  354. quartz pillar
  355. nether brick
  356. nether quartz
  357. minecart with hopper
  358. minecart with tnt
  360. 1.6.1
  361. hay bale
  362. carpets
  363. hardened clay
  364. stained clay
  365. block of coal
  366. horse armor
  367. lead
  368. name tag
  369. completion 640 days
  371. 1.7.2
  372. stained glass
  373. acacia dark oak sapling, plank and item variants
  374. packed ice
  375. pdzol
  376. coarse dirt
  377. red sand
  378. flowers
  379. sunflowers
  380. peonies
  381. rose bushes
  382. lilacs
  383. puffer fish
  384. water breathing potion
  386. 1.8
  387. diorite, andesite, granite and polished
  388. prismarine, bricks, dark
  389. red sandstone
  390. iron trapdoor
  391. sea lantern
  392. sponge
  393. wet sponge
  394. slime block
  395. banners
  396. primarine crystals
  397. primarine shard
  398. raw mutton
  399. cooked mutton
  400. raw rabbit
  401. cooked rabbit
  402. rabbit stew
  403. rabbit hide
  404. rabbit's foot
  405. potion of leaping
  407. 1.9 (F combat)
  408. chorus plants
  409. dragon head
  410. end rods
  411. end stone bricks
  412. purpur blocks
  413. purpur pillars
  414. purpur stairs
  415. purpur stairs
  416. purpur slabs
  417. structure blocks
  418. beetroot soup
  419. beetroot seeds
  420. chorus fruits
  421. dragon's breath
  422. elytra
  423. end crystal
  424. any lingering potion
  425. popped chorus fruits
  426. shield
  427. spectral arrow
  428. any tipped arrow
  429. boat variations
  431. completion 711 days
  433. 1.10
  434. Magma blocks
  435. Nether wart blocks
  436. Red nether bricks
  437. Bone blocks
  439. 1.11
  440. Observer
  441. Shulker boxes
  442. Shulker shells
  443. Totem of undying
  444. completion 801 days
  446. 1.11.1
  447. iron nugget
  448. completion 801 days
  450. 1.12
  451. all bed colors
  452. concrete and concrete powder
  453. glazed terracotta
  454. completion 875 days
  456. 1.13
  457. blue ice
  458. button, pressure plate and trapdoor variants
  459. carved pumpkin
  460. conduit
  461. coral
  462. coral dead, blocks and fans, 5 variants coral blocks
  463. dried kelp blocks
  464. dried kelp
  465. kelp
  466. prismarine stairs and slabs
  467. seagrass
  468. sea pickels
  469. shulker box purple
  470. stripped wood
  471. turtle eggs
  472. bucket of fish
  473. hearts of the sea
  474. nautilus shell
  475. Phantom membranes
  476. scute
  477. smooth quartz, smooth red sandstone, smooth sandstone and smooth stone
  478. trident
  479. turtle shells
  480. tropical fish, cod
  481. stripped log
  482. stripped wood
  484. completion ~910 days
  486. 1.14
  487. (fun bug "The protection, blast protection, fire protection, and projectile protection enchantments are no longer mutually exclusive.")
  489. bamboo
  490. barrel
  491. bell
  492. blast furnace
  493. campfire
  494. cartography table
  495. composter
  496. fletching table
  497. cornflower
  498. lily of the valley
  499. wither rose
  500. grindstone
  501. lantern
  502. lectern
  503. loom
  504. scaffolding
  505. sign variations
  506. smithing table
  507. smoker
  508. stone cutter
  509. sweet berry bush
  510. leather horse armor
  511. smooth sandstone
  512. wall variations (12): brick, andesite, diorite, granite, prismarine, stonebrick, mossy stone brick, sandstone, redsandstone, netherbrick, red netherbrick, endstone
  513. stone stair variations (14) : stone, andesite, polished andesite, diorite, polished diorite, granite, polished granite, mossy stone brick, mossy cobblestone, smooth sandstone, smooth red sandstone, smooth quartz, red nether brick, and end stone brick stairs
  514. stone slab variations: (14) : stone, andesite, polished andesite, diorite, polished diorite, granite, polished granite, mossy stone brick, mossy cobblestone, smooth sandstone, smooth red sandstone, smooth quartz, red nether brick, and end stone brick slabs
  515. crossbow
  516. suspicious strew
  517. blue, brown, black, white dye (why tho?)
  518. banner pattern globe
  520. completion 968 days
  522. 1.15
  523. beehives
  524. bee nests
  525. honeyblock
  526. honeycomb block
  527. honey bottles
  528. honeycombs
  531. 1.16
  532. ancient debris
  533. basalt
  534. blackstone
  535. block of netherite
  536. chain
  537. chiseled nether bricks
  538. crimson, warped fungi
  539. crimson, warped nylium
  540. crimson, warped planks (and item variants slabs, stairs, fences, fence gates, pressure plates, signs, buttons, doors, trapdoors )
  541. crimson, warped root
  542. crimson, warped stem
  543. crimson, warped hyphae (all side barked log variant)
  544. crying obsidian
  545. gilded blackstone
  546. nether gold ore
  547. nether sprouts
  548. quartz bricks
  549. respawn anchor
  550. shroomlight
  551. soul campfire
  552. soul fire
  553. soul lantern
  554. soul torch
  555. soul soil
  556. target
  557. twisting vines
  558. warped wart block
  559. weeping vines
  560. loadstone compass
  561. pigstep
  562. netherite armor and tools (yes, including hoe)
  563. netherite ingot
  564. netherite scrap
  565. warped fungus on a stick
  566. banner pattern snout
  568. day 1151
  570. 1.17
  571. Amethyst cluster
  572. block of amethyst
  573. block of copper, waxed, oxidized and waxed oxidized varations
  574. raw copper, gold iron
  575. block of raw copper, gold, iron
  576. calcite
  577. candle
  578. cobbled deepslate
  579. copper ore
  580. cut copper slab, stairs and waxed variant
  581. deepslate variants (18)
  582. Cobbled Deepslate Slab
  583. Cobbled Deepslate Stairs
  584. Cobbled Deepslate Wall
  585. Deepslate Brick Slab
  586. Deepslate Brick Stairs
  587. Deepslate Brick Wall
  588. Deepslate Tiles
  589. Deepslate Tile Slab
  590. Deepslate Tile Stairs
  591. Deepslate Tile Wall
  592. Deepslate Bricks
  593. Cracked Deepslate Bricks
  594. Cracked Deepslate Tiles
  595. Chiseled Deepslate
  596. Polished Deepslate
  597. Polished Deepslate Slab
  598. Polished Deepslate Stairs
  599. Polished Deepslate Wall
  600. deepslate ores (8)
  601. dripstone brick
  602. dripstone block
  603. glow lichen
  604. lighting rod
  605. pointed dripstone
  606. powder snow bucket
  607. smooth basalt
  608. tinted glass
  609. tuff
  610. amethyst shard
  611. bucket of axolotl
  612. copper ingot
  613. glow berries
  614. glow ink sac
  615. spyglass
  616. Azalea
  617. flowering Azalea
  618. Azalea leaves
  619. flowering Azalea leaves
  620. moss block (from ship wrecks)
  621. moss carpet
  622. rooted dirt
  623. hanging roots
  624. hanging roots
  626. day 1319
  628. 1.18
  629. spore blossom
  630. big and small drip leaf
  632. 1.19
  633. froglight
  634. Mangrove Leaves
  635. Mangrove Log
  636. Mangrove Planks
  637. magrove propagule
  638. magrove roots
  639. magrove wood
  640. magrove wooden items
  641. mud
  642. mud brick
  643. muddy magrove roots
  644. packed mud
  645. sculk
  646. sculk shrieker
  647. sculk vein
  648. bucket of tadpole
  649. disc gragment
  650. echo shard
  651. goat horns
  652. music disc 5
  653. recovery compass
  654. boats with chests
  656. day ~1400
  658. 1.20
  660. Confession:
  661. It is no realistic for me to legitimely find silence armour trim.
  662. Therefore I copied the map, scouted ancient cities until I found one in creative.
  663. Then I went back to my main save file and, without any cheats, I navigated to that location. (3070 -37 5568) = 383.75 721
  664. Technically not cheating, but definitely meta gaming.
  665. I am not going to spend potentially +100 hours searching for a cosmetic. After 5th ancient city it stops being fun.
  667. Block of Bamboo
  668. Bamboo
  669. planks
  670. raft
  671. raft with chest
  672. fence
  673. door
  674. fence gate
  675. pressure plate
  676. trapdoor
  677. button
  678. slab
  679. mosaic
  680. mosaic stairs
  681. sign
  682. Hanging signs all variants
  683. Chiseled bookshelf
  684. Pigling head
  686. Sniffer egg
  687. Decorated pot
  688. Cherry
  689. Cherry sapling
  690. pink petals
  691. brush
  692. torch flower
  693. Pitcher pod
  694. Smithing templates
  695. silence
  696. sentry
  697. snout
  698. wild
  699. spire
  700. coast
  701. rib
  702. eye
  703. dune
  704. vex
  705. ward
  706. tide
  707. Netherite Upgrade
  708. Torchflower Seeds
  710. Pottery shards (20)
  711. Angler Pottery Sherd
  712. Danger Pottery Sherd
  713. Brewer Pottery Sherd
  714. Heart Pottery Sherd
  715. Heartbreak Pottery Sherd
  716. Howl Pottery Sherd
  717. Mourner Pottery Sherd
  718. Plenty Pottery Sherd
  719. Prize Pottery Sherd
  720. Sheaf Pottery Sherd
  721. Shelter Pottery Sherd
  722. Blade Pottery Sherd
  723. Explorer Pottery Sherd
  724. Burn Pottery Sherd
  725. Friend Pottery Sherd
  726. Snort Pottery Sherd
  727. Miner Pottery Sherd
  728. Archer Pottery Sherd
  729. Arms Up Pottery Sherd
  731. Music Disc (Relic)
  732. Host Armor Trim Smithing Template
  733. Raiser Armor Trim Smithing Template
  734. Shaper Armor Trim Smithing Template
  735. Wayfinder Armor Trim Smithing Template
  737. Day 1742
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