
DuskQuest recap

Mar 15th, 2015
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  1. >You are Dusk Shine
  3. Dusk Shine, through his infinite curiosity and magical experimentation, pulled a creature from an unknown universe into Equestria
  4. That creature was a deathclaw.
  5. Luckily, the creature is pretty docile for right now
  6. After a quick examination, we find out that the creature is a female giant lizard
  7. Dusk decides to tell Celestia what he has done
  8. She comes to see the creature Dusk summoned, and is very happy with what he has accomplished.
  9. Celestia offers Dusk anything that he wants
  10. Dusk asks for the entirety of Fillydelphia, and an hour with the royal booty
  11. She immediately gives Dusk the deed to Fillydelphia, and begrudgingly accepts his second request
  12. Dusk tells Celestia that she is best princess. Better than Luna, and way better than Cadence
  13. Celestia takes her leave, and we give Barb the deed to Fillydelphia for safe keeping
  14. Having finished up with Celestia, Dusk decided to show his friends the creature
  15. He invites over Butterscotch, because he's good with animals, and Bubble Berry, because he owns a lizard
  16. Bubble wishes to throw a 'Welcome to Equestria' party for the deathclaw
  17. He puts a party hat on the creature, who doesn't like it too much
  18. Butterscotch defuses the situation by removing the party hat
  19. After defusing another potential situation involving Bubble Berry, Scotch decides to take the deathclaw outside for some fresh air and sunshine
  20. The deathclaw goes a little 'mother hen' on Scotch, and treats it as it's own
  21. We appoint Butterscotch as the official inter-dimensional creature watcher
  23. PART 2: Enter Luna
  25. Dusk decides to go to Canterlot the next day to claim his other reward
  26. He stops in and talks with Celestia
  27. She is feeling down, because Luna has fallen into a bit of a depression
  28. Dusk agrees to go talk to Luna
  29. After teasing a guard and getting a kiss for luck, Dusk finally makes his way into Luna's chambers
  30. After quite the long talk, and reminding Luna that plenty of ponies still love her, Luna is happy
  31. In fact, so happy that she pulls Dusk into bed with her
  32. Dusk and Luna have a long intimate night together
  33. ...and Dusk has finally lost his virginity!
  34. After telling a guard to get the custodians, Dusk heads to Celestia again and tells her that Luna isn't down anymore
  35. Dusk also tells Celestia that Luna and him are in a relationship now
  36. Celly's not very enthusiastic about Dusk dating Luna, but she's glad that Luna is happy now
  37. Dusk decides to switch his 'hour with the royal booty' for advice for dating Luna
  38. Celestia tells Dusk some of her likes and all that, then asks him how Fillydelphia is
  39. Dusk then decides that he needs to go check on how Fillydelphia is doing, and to invite Luna along with him
  40. He makes his way back to Luna's chambers, and finds her taking a royal bath
  41. He joins her, and they have some fun in the tub
  42. Afterward, while talking, Dusk invites Luna to Filly with him
  43. Luna happily agrees to go with him, and they head out immediately
  44. Once in Fillydelphia, Dusk and Luna go to the city hall and meet with the mayor
  45. Dusk and the mayor talk for a while, and he finds out that the city is doing very well
  46. Deciding that the city is doing fine for itself, Dusk decides that he's just going to let them keep doing what they're doing
  47. The mayor graciously thanks him, and Dusk and Luna decide to take a tour of the city
  48. They end up making a date of it, and spend most of the day in the museum
  49. Eventually, they get hungry and go find some food
  50. It turns out that Luna absolutely loves cheese-steaks
  51. Dusk narrowly avoids what could have been a pretty embarrassing situation involving the waitress of the diner
  52. After eating and going on a walk, Luna realizes something
  53. The sun has set, and she hasn't raised the moon yet!
  54. The two make their way to the park, so she can raise the moon
  55. After watching Luna flawlessly raise the moon, Dusk realizes that they aren't alone in the park
  56. A young pegasus mare watched Luna raise the moon also
  57. Luna has a fan!
  58. After an autograph, Dusk and Luna take a seat and watch the night sky for a bit
  59. Luna wakes Dusk up after a weird dream, and asks if they should head home now
  60. Dusk agrees and the two pile back into Luna's chariot for a ride back to canterlot
  61. Unbeknownst to those two, they actually travel through a time warp, that takes them a few hours into the past
  62. They use their time wisely, and get to cuddle in the chariot for a little longer
  64. PART 3: Scotch Time
  66. After waking up in Luna's bed, Dusk is feeling pretty good about everything so far
  67. He's pretty 'excited' this morning
  68. He asks a guard where Luna is, and she tells him that Luna is in her observatory
  69. The guard also tells Dusk that Celestia wishes to speak with him.
  70. Dusk decide that Luna is the priority, and head to the observatory to see her
  71. He greets her, and after a little talk, they get frisky on Luna's desk
  72. Afterwards, Dusk heads to Celestia's quarters to talk with her
  73. Celestia's happy things went well, Both in Fillydelphia and with Luna
  74. She tells Dusk that the college in Filly seeks a grant for multidimensional research
  75. Dusk tells Celestia that he trusts that Fillydelphia will use the money wisely
  76. ...but then she gave Dusk a deadly serious talk about Luna
  77. If he were break Luna's heart, he would have to deal with Celestia herself
  78. Dusk would have a fate far worse than being banished...
  79. He promises to be the best boyfriend to Luna, and takes his leave
  80. Dusk then decides to head back to Ponyville to check up on Scotch and the deathclaw
  81. He makes his way to Scotch's house, to find everything eerily quiet
  82. Turns out that the deathclaw's fine, it hasn't murdered anyone or anything
  83. But, it's been alternating between nursing him and dryhump-raping him
  84. With one instance of actual rape.
  85. Dusk then locks the deathclaw in a cage, to be shipped to Fillydelphia for research
  86. He then takes Butterscotch to the hospital
  87. All of their friends come and see Scotch in the hospital
  88. Rainbow Dash is particularly upset.
  89. She blames herself for this, since she was going to visit Scotch yesterday to check on him, but didn't.
  90. Butterscotch insists it's okay, that he forgives her, that he's fine now
  91. But she's still distraught
  92. Finally, her emotions overwhelm her, and she goes in for a kiss
  93. Butterscotch reciprocates.
  94. Rarity notes that they make a cute couple
  95. After feelings are shared for a little bit, Eventually, Dusk negotiate with the other ponies to let him speak to Scotch alone
  96. Dusk apologizes for the situation and offer him anything he wants to make up for it
  97. Butterscotch and Dusk have a heart-to-heart, and there are no hard feelings between the two
  98. Dusk also gives Scotch a bit of dating advice
  99. Dusk goes to leave the hospital, and has a word with Dash to make sure she knows to be good to his bro
  101. (and there was a time-skip to the future where Scotch and Dash are happily married, with three beautiful kids and a happy life together. BUT remember, this is liable to change...)
  103. PART 4: Our New Big Sister
  105. The next morning, Dusk is in his office
  106. He's doing research, and takes a break to 'relax' a little to a photo of Luna
  107. After a while, Barb comes in and drops off a couple letters for Dusk
  108. She's initially creeped out, because Dusk is out of breath and sweaty
  109. Dusk says he was exercising, but she doesn't buy it, saying she knows what Dusk does in his office alone
  110. he apologizes, and offers to take her to Happ E. Horses later, and she cheers up
  111. First one is from Shining Armour, saying he has a problem and will come by later
  112. The other from the University of Fillydelphia, offering to let him name a new building on campus, dedicated to multidimensional research
  113. Dusk decides to name the building after Butterscotch
  114. His best bro and the only stallion who actually has experience with Xenobiology at this point
  115. Dusk sends off the letter, and waits for his brother Shining to show up
  116. A mare knocks on the door, and Dusk answers it.
  117. The mare has the same coat and mane color as Shining Armor, and claims to be him
  118. After bringing up an embarrassing childhood incident, Dusk is convinced the mare is actually Shining
  119. After a purely scientific examination of mareShining's 'bountiful' assets, Dusk asks Shining for an explanation
  120. Shining tells Dusk that Cadence and him were experimenting with spells in the bedroom, Cadence messed up casting the spell, and now he is a mare.
  121. He asks Dusk to tell him if he is a pretty mare
  122. Dusk assures Shining that he is indeed a pretty mare (Dusk didn't admit that he was aroused)
  123. With renewed confidence, mare!Shining begins teasing Dusk with her body, and makes a comment of 'trying it out' with Dusk
  124. Before anything else can happen, Dusk tells Shining that he wants written permission from both Luna and Cadence
  125. Thinking that both Cadence and Luna won't agree to it After a bit they receive two letters.
  126. Cadence says she's fine with it, and Luna says that she agrees to it, but she wants to be there for it, and is on her way.
  127. (Note: Rolled a 20, That is Luna's fetish)
  128. After a bit more teasing from mare!Shining, Luna arrives and is ready to watch us put on a 'show' for her
  129. Although somewhat hesitant, Dusk does it.
  130. For Luna.
  131. And with some magical help from his favorite princess, Dusk turns mare!Shining into a babbling mess of bliss
  132. While Shining was left to bask in the afterglow, Dusk and Luna spent some quality time together, until they fell asleep on the couch
  134. (in the meantime, we took control of Cadence and did some shenanigans, which include some revenge sex and messing with some magic, ending up with Cadence showing up at Dusk's house to pick up her now-mare husband. The two ended up having a romp in Dusk's spare bedroom)
  136. Taking control of Dusk again, He goes upstairs to get Shining for breakfast, but she can't walk so we carry her down for something to eat.
  138. DuskQuest Miniquest 1: Babysitting!
  140. (takes place after Cadence's quest)
  141. Dusk babysits Cadence's adopted changeling daugher, Boxxy
  142. As she's poking around his office, Dusk asks Boxxy about changelings
  143. She shows him one of Carapace's book, and through that and some of Boxxy's explanations, He learns more about changelings than he ever thought he'd know.
  144. After a while, Her and Dusk go and get some lunch.
  145. All three of them have some delicious salad, and Barb has some gems
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