

Mar 14th, 2024 (edited)
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  2. - Merged together Character Creation/Advancement.
  3. - Pilot points now have a cap of 15. Come v1.2 of Slipstream RX, playing the exact aspect value for a Check will be considered a partial success, so consider this a portense to oppression.
  4. - Pilot points are increased once every three sessions now, instead of two.
  5. - Why was the Hosting information *not* in the hosting section? Fixed.
  6. - A brief list of things that can be bought has been included.
  7. - New vehicles are *no longer* acquired through playing X number of sessions, but now must be bought via Heat and/or Pop. On the plus side, this means characters are no longer limited to one vehicle of each class.
  10. - Put the document (for a bit) in pageless view.
  12. RIVALS:
  13. A tentative system has been put in with regards to Rivals and Rivalries, as well as a tentative metacurrency that can sort-of-kind-of pass for XP and loot.
  14. This is still EXTREMELY WIP and EXTREMELY UNDER CONSTRUCTION, and so exact values are going to need to be felt out over time and expanding is going to need to be done to make it more enticing/welcoming. But hopefully this will go a long way towards rewarding people who want to roleplay with character stuff while not barring off people who want to zoom and go fast and don't care much for all this "story" stuff.
  16. Suggestions, breakdowns, and expansions are thoroughly encouraged.
  19. - Cannonball Run removed. Full Throttle is available to everyone now, and it's a little bit more flexible at that, too.
  20. - Collusion Course removed. PvE ended up going in a completely different direction, negating the possible niche it had to begin with.
  21. - New Ability: Cruise Control. For mindgame afficionados.
  22. - New Ability: 99 Problems. There clearly were not enough abilities that encouraged violence.
  23. - Backblast text in document did not match sheet. Fixed.
  24. - Trump Suit was extremely vague and that made it difficult for GMs to rule properly. It's been rewritten to clarify that A: additional redrawing only happens if a Shift Card is drawn, B: you only get one card, even if you use multiple shift cards, and C: it does not go into your hand but directly to the table. There is also now a very slight nerf in that there is a cap to drawing, in case someone hits a 1/256 chance to continue drawing past 3. The amount of text has also necessitated another slight nerf, in that all cards provide a +1 value--so there's no longer a 6/52 chance of getting a +2 or +3 value.
  25. - Clarified that the It's About Family NPC can't defend from attacks. Also clarified that it can't persist past being Retired. Sorry, it's not THAT strong. Very minor buff in that the NPC can be manually dismissed by the user any time. If I have to make any more wording edits to this, I will cry.
  26. - Clarified that Exploding Pistons doesn't eat the victim's turn. Minor buff in that, if the user redraws it, they can cruise an extra 2sq. This is probably abusable if the deck is almost empty, but still a gamble and cruising doesn't let you do much.
  27. - Minor buff to Emergency Repairs in that it can heal off Retiring enemies as well--but only 1 En per Retire per turn. Clarified that you need 3 En to survive Retiring.
  28. - Fuck it, I want to see what chaos ensues. Overclock gets you a free point to update your vehicle with. DO NOT BE SURPRISED IF I REMOVE THIS, I AM 90% SURE THIS IS A TERRIBLE IDEA.
  30. PvE RULES:
  31. - Moved the Team Roles to an optional mutator.
  32. - Added Pit Stop as an optional mutator.
  33. - Enemy NPC rules have been streamlined, moving from 4 individual racers to three minions ("Lackeys") and a big guy ("Ace").
  34. - Clarified the specifics of how enemy movements were taken.
  35. - Additional points are now given for attacking and retiring racers.
  36. - Clarified exactly how points can be given in various different events.
  37. - GMs must now spend 6 Drive to play a card as a Stunt. Still prolly preeeeeeeeetty cheap. Don't be surprised if I change it 10 or something later.
  38. - Clarified that attacking NPCs summoned with a Gang-Up do not add to the player's score, but attacks from Gang-Up NPCs CAN add to the GM's score.
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