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Dec 27th, 2011
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  1. fuzzy88
  2. creeperded
  3. Vortex326
  4. ben3661
  5. jeffman13mosfet
  6. malf789
  7. Tibboh
  8. mrchewtoy
  9. september9
  10. SourCsG
  11. mathoman200
  12. 010408
  13. finnyfoo
  14. MegaChallenger
  15. lsthornt
  16. hamish766
  17. fuzzy88
  18. sondr99
  19. leobuttermore
  20. padraig123
  21. Phreaky312
  22. cooldudetommy
  23. mariobro151
  24. OfficeCreeper
  25. astarinc
  26. Gurumanlives
  27. daysaw
  28. fuzzy88
  29. fun69
  30. firehawk2131
  31. fisherblue23
  32. fizikz
  33. fappymeal
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  36. grimblade20
  37. dyn4mit3
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  41. drago2323
  42. devin8062
  43. dcorkery
  44. davdie09
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  47. cypher517
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  49. csos95
  50. creeperded
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  99. walker1248
  100. voidie
  101. Vortex326
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  103. Ultrysandox
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  111. TheIMightyPotato
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  222. itsjolteonb1tch
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  240. Brandy890
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  259. MaxNV
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  270. knight222
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  273. thesuperc
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  275. _monkey_man
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  282. goodguy5
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  295. colinmacphie
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  326. jonnatooth
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  329. sam65658
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  341. omegabrat
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  344. JabbuhWocky
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  363. GoblinDrake
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  366. Winrarz
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  375. NeXusFIN
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  377. wegie125
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  381. bandosldz
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