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Nov 26th, 2014
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  1. (Fenix)Obelisk: Yes it does.
  2. TwerkBootieClap: kk
  3. (Fenix)Obelisk: Detatch is cost, preventing destruction and gain are the effect.
  4. (Fenix)Obelisk: So I heard you wanted to duel me?
  5. TwerkBootieClap: con perdn?
  6. TwerkBootieClap: perdon*
  7. (Fenix)Obelisk: I heard that you wanted to duel me.
  8. TwerkBootieClap: No hablo Ingles
  9. (Fenix)Obelisk: As me enter que queras duelo?
  10. TwerkBootieClap: Creo que tienes a la persona equivocada
  11. TwerkBootieClap: jajajajaja
  12. (Fenix)Obelisk: Nop. Me dijeron que por Archfiend que queras duelo.
  13. TwerkBootieClap: que es archfiend
  14. (Fenix)Obelisk: El que usted ha estado hablando con los ltimos par de minutos, el que amenaz con informe.
  15. TwerkBootieClap: que?
  16. (Fenix)Obelisk:
  17. (Fenix)Obelisk: El que usted ha estado hablando con los ltimos par de minutos, el que amenaz con informe.
  18. TwerkBootieClap: ???
  19. (Fenix)Obelisk: El que usted ha estado hablando con los ltimos par de minutos, el que amenaz con informe.
  20. TwerkBootieClap: No entiendo
  21. (Fenix)Obelisk: Seamos realistas aqu, vi la conversacin, yo s que t sabes Ingls, s Ingls y espaol, as que puedo hablar tanto.
  22. TwerkBootieClap: Tampoco me presiono enlaces aleatorios.
  23. TwerkBootieClap: Voy a dejar de hablar con mi amigo
  24. TwerkBootieClap: que hablan diferentes idiomas
  25. (Fenix)Obelisk: Yo s quin es. Est en mi clan, slo ests demostrando que ests mintiendo.
  26. TwerkBootieClap: so my spanish friend wanted me to talk to you?
  27. (Fenix)Obelisk: No, (Fenix)Archfiend, the one you just spoke to in English, He said you wanted to duel me.
  28. TwerkBootieClap: I believe there must be a misunderstanding
  29. (Fenix)Obelisk: Nope, it's not. I have pictures :)
  30. TwerkBootieClap: of?
  31. (Fenix)Obelisk: The conversation.
  32. TwerkBootieClap: of?
  33. (Fenix)Obelisk:
  34. (Fenix)Obelisk:
  35. (Fenix)Obelisk: gg.
  36. TwerkBootieClap: I don't click on random links sent to me
  37. (Fenix)Obelisk: They're not random, Do you want me to put them on imgur?
  38. TwerkBootieClap: that would be ideal
  39. (Fenix)Obelisk:,SYquE1O#0
  40. (Fenix)Obelisk: Those are the two images
  41. TwerkBootieClap: ohhhh
  42. TwerkBootieClap: no wonder my little brother ran out of the room crying
  43. (Fenix)Obelisk: What?
  44. TwerkBootieClap: He doesn't like being called racial slurs
  45. TwerkBootieClap: sry i mean homophobic
  46. (Fenix)Obelisk: Racial slurs? Where are they?
  47. TwerkBootieClap: read above comment
  48. (Fenix)Obelisk: homophobic? You mean the fear of homosexuals?
  49. TwerkBootieClap: mhm
  50. TwerkBootieClap: from what i see
  51. TwerkBootieClap: the other person my brother was talking to must be one.
  52. TwerkBootieClap: telling someone to "go fuck themselves" isn't exactly class act behaviour, huh?
  53. (Fenix)Obelisk: I'm sorry that you're not able to handle the way people speak, but welcome to the internet. I'll be your tour guide. :)
  54. TwerkBootieClap: I really don't give a damn.
  55. TwerkBootieClap: but my little brother does
  56. TwerkBootieClap: to each his own
  57. (Fenix)Obelisk: Than I suppose he needs a tour of the internet.
  58. TwerkBootieClap: k
  59. (Fenix)Obelisk: Also, why is your younger brother ( I assume he's about 10 ) using an account named " TwerkBootieClap " ???
  60. TwerkBootieClap: thats actually my accound
  61. TwerkBootieClap: account*
  62. (Fenix)Obelisk: So why is he using it?
  63. TwerkBootieClap: cuz... hes using my computer
  64. (Fenix)Obelisk: So why doesn't he make his own account?
  65. TwerkBootieClap has logged out
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