
Butthole Plants and Zebra Lips [90+ to 110]

Oct 6th, 2013
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  1. Day 90+? (Shit I don't know)
  2. Got a group of friends to help me get the passion flowers so I can get to sleep and stay asleep. We headed south where it would be slightly warmer and hopefully have more of a chance to find them.
  4. When we stopped at the first clearing I found sunflowers and Boris found a family of owls and accidentally stepped on them. The parents were not amused. After a small scuffle we defeated the owls. I did see that Golden didn't feel right about killing them. I guess since he's going to be a dad and all he sympathize with them.
  6. After many failed attempt we made it up a small cliff. By small I mean we could have easily walked up the less steep side but for some reason we just did it the hard way. Boris and Booze couldn't even make it up themselves and I had to pull them up. Star did find a cave.
  8. Something inside the cave was glowing. Vines were all over the entrance of it and they were covered in petals that slightly glowed. Star plucked one of the flowers and then shit started getting real. The vines wrapped around her leg and started dragging her in. I wasn't even fast enough to cut through them at first. Luckily she managed to kick free before she was dragged to far into it.
  10. It did manage to wrap around Ders's leg and after pulling him in deeper I cut him free. I did it just in time to Booze looked like he was getting ready to use is molotov and I prefer not to have my skin extra crispy. Golden for some reason raced ahead and started cutting more vines while one coiled around my leg. I kicked it off with ease.
  12. Only if Golden didn't race ahead we could have left. The vines got Golden and started pulling him in. It was then that we saw what we were actually fighting. It was a giant bulb that looked like the plant from jumanji. That plant looked like a giant asshole to me. Disgusting. We did manage to free Golden before he got got but we were pretty close to the plants asshole like mouth.
  14. The plant would have tried to attack again but Booze's molotov made short work of it. Everyone started leaving because the plant was on fire and was thrashing around but Booze wanted to stay and see the spectacle. I had to shake him out of his trance and we all left. I did manage to snag some of the plants vines for scientific purposes.
  16. Outside of the still flaming cave we looked around. I was excited when I found the passion flowers that I had been looking for. Now I could finally get that much need sleep.
  18. Day 90-100+?
  19. So in the inn Matches stopped me from leaving to ask about the butt-hole plant. She seemed excited that I was going to try to propagate it. Booze then stopped me and asked if I would like to expand my greenhouse to accommodate Matches and some bees. I agreed Matches is a fun person to be around. I like honey so my food doesn't have to taste like grass all the time. Plus the bees can help with my flowers. Booze did later return and told me the expansion was a go.
  21. Phoenix lost a bet against Feldspar and he had to do something embarrassing. He had to go around the whole day wearing my maid outfit and get me flowers. I had to go home for a second and find them but I did wear them back. Mary got a nose bleed when she saw me and everyone else blushed. I was going to give Phoe my outfit until Feldspar stopped me and told him to get it. He had a boner. Hues were had all around. I left for home after I told Phoe the rules for my outfit.
  23. I did see my seldom seen roommate when I got home. We talked about voodoo that night. He told me he was going to invite me next time he was going to do another voodoo thing. The hype train was inbound. The talk of voodoo did have a thought go across my mind. What id George was a spirit rock or something of the likes. I did tell him about George and a example of us talking. He probably thinks I'm crazier then I already am.
  25. Day 90-100+?
  26. I did find Silent in the inn. I told her about the little plant adventure that I had. I found out that if you squeeze her tightly she squees. She's so cute when she does it. I must remember to do it to her later.
  28. Day has to 100+ by now
  29. I did meet another zebra today. Her name is Curious and she seems like a nice person. Might be the next town engineer next to Nova. I did take her to meet Nova. I did get my spigots. 15 of them to be exact.
  31. Day 100+
  32. Rain fell from the ceiling in the inn greeting me. Lucky for her Mary caught her. Payed her for some poison joke and thyme. After some talking I went down to the clinic. To see if I could find Able or Liven to answer some of my questions.
  34. In the clinic I did discover a very sick Phoenix and a worried Matches with the aid of Rain. Phoe looked like a mess. I had him describe to me what was wrong with him. He told me things that fever-few, lavender, lemon balm, and clary would help with.
  36. I did find out where Able was. He's in the quarantine unit because his cold is pretty serious. That meant I wouldn't get my questions answered today. Matches did ask about why I needed Able and I told her it was about babies. Rain also said something about mining for copper. Now I can get grow lights with the proper technology.
  38. Day 100+
  39. Mary is sad about something but her and her puppets wont tell me. This concerns me.
  40. I did meet up with Uni. He followed me down to the spa so I could cut his hair and dye it. I dyed it pink. It did take him some time to consider it but Golden and my persuasion he agreed on it. I also tried to give him a mohawk but he said no so I faked some sniffling. Apparently I was pretty believable because Uni told me to grow up and Golden scowled a him. Uni did call out my bull shit.
  42. While I was dyeing Uni's hair he brought up the subject of popsicle. Somehow Wisp the shadow monster guy make blueberry popsicles and delivers them to Uni. I just want to know how the fuck he make blueberry popsicles. He going to take me to see him later on. I really hope he has coconut flavored popsicles.
  44. Day 100+
  45. Phoe went crazy and ran into the woods. I only know this because I saw Golden, Hospik, and Hoof looking for him. That cold that he had must have been worse then I thought. We did find Phoe; he was all the way up a tree holding a lynk kitten with the parent circling around like pissed sharks.
  47. One of the cats started climbing the tree and Golden shot a bolt at it making it jump off the tree. I decided to climb up the tree in a attempt to reach the delusional bird horse. Just as I started climbing Hoof nailed one of the cats in the leg with a bolt. Now we had a bigger problem; Phoe is still in the tree and we have two angry cats wanting revenge for the bolt to the knee.
  49. While the others were fighting down below I was almost at the top and could reach Phoe then suddenly Golden flies by and slaps Phoe's shit. I guess that slap shook some sense into him because Phoe recognized Golden and gave him the cub. Then the tragic happened. I fell out of the tall ass tree and landed square on my head. How I didn't die I will never know but I was out of it for awhile. I didn't see it happen but one of the damn cats bit the fuck out of my side. I think the cat had it worse then me; I smacked its teeth out with George the rock and the cat flew off of me.
  51. I was in my daze for awhile and really came to when I saw Hoof getting demolished by a baby lynx.
  52. (I felt at this point so I don't know what else happened)
  54. I did go out with Uni, Mary, and Arrant to see Wisp with some other zebra named Zulu after I dressed my cat scratch wounds. We didn't find Wisp but he did leave us a note on how to find him. So after following a certain delicious smell we found him in his shack holding some dead rabbits. I guess he eats them somehow I never have seen his mouth. After some brief reintroduction and talk of chocolate I left with Zulu.
  56. Day 100+
  57. Walked into the inn and signed for Chere to sit next to me for some simple conversation and he just ups and pops some sort of pearl cotton plant. I didn't know that cotton came in such a color and I just stared at it for awhile and poked around at it. Chere found it out in the woods while he was cutting down trees. I wish he noted the particular spot. Chere left after telling me that he had some more plants to deliver to me later on. After some more poking around I did find some seeds. 20 to be exact.
  59. In the spa I looked around for Golden to see if he was okay from our excursion with the lynx. I didn't find him at first but I did find his little angry cat. I had to urge to poke at it with a stick but I didn't go out on it because I didn't have a stick and because Nova walked in. I filled her in on what happened to its parent while she poked around at it in its cage. Golden walked in and laid some feels on me and then I had to leave as everyone was getting in the pool.
  61. Day 110
  62. Walked into the inn and saw everyone playing poker and joined in. While playing Phoe mentioned something about Nero having some plant that changes colors based on light. I did hear Feldspar humming something while she was walking out and I stopped her. It sounded like some booty shaking music. So I did the only thing I could do. I pulled her to a corner and twerked on her. I swear Feldspar must have been a white guy in her past life because she was stiff as a board. All she did while I was doing my stuff was lightly touch my plot. I laughed when I asked if she wanted to pop a molly and she didn't know what it was. I had to stop and rest a minute and I signaled for her to sit next to me.
  64. Rain showed up and showed me some glowing sunflower but I was too busy with Feldspar. I had to tell her to relax and just dance. She wasn't ready for the booty and we had to start slow. By slow I mean start out with Get Down On It by Kool and the Gang. It was a shakey start but Feld started getting some groove in her. I guess it was contagious because before we knew it we got Mary and some other pony to join us.
  66. After dancing for awhile I had to sit. I had been shaking up a storm. Then something I never expected to happen happened. My gay roommate Liven straight kissed me on the lips. I was in shock as he walked away saying something about Green Hoof. I was ready to leave at this point until Feldspar stopped me and gave me some jade. I thanked her kindly and left.
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