
The Screaming Room (Interlude)

Mar 1st, 2014
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  1. The Screaming Room (Interlude)
  2. >"Hgnn... Mhn..."
  3. >The Pony was mumbling again.
  4. >It had been quiet for a few hours now after finally collapsing in exhaustion.
  5. >Made sense, most creature couldn't stand the degree of pain she was in.
  6. >"Mnn... Anon..."
  7. >She was still stuck in that delusion, the one where she was back with that human nestled in his arms.
  8. >The one where they had escaped The Screaming Room.
  9. >The one where he was still there with her.
  10. >Anon was dead.
  11. >He had died as soon as I branded him with my mark, purging his soul.
  12. >Not long after I had turned to her. Trapping her.
  13. >Trapping her within this void.
  14. >A room of pain and misery.
  15. >She sat there now, hugging some old rags, her mane and wings burned beyond recognition. Her face once clean was now covered in ash, tears leaving their streaks through the grime.
  16. >I reached out and gently brushed the singed rainbow hairs that still clung to her scalp, watching as she stirred a shook, subtly aware of my presence.
  17. >She was in this one for the long haul as they say.
  18. >Anon's body was... Nice. Far better than anything the quadrupeds could have left me with. I was starting to like these humans. Surely they would be bountiful if I ever reached their realm.
  19. >"Uhn... Augh!"
  20. >She screamed. It hurt. Her voice. Her fucking raspy voice. The sound of nails running along rusty steel.
  21. >I loved it.
  22. >The sound of her agony, several years of abuse bottled up deep inside her and only being revealed through her voice.
  23. >The voice of someone who used to cry themselves to sleep. Who subconsciously hates what they see in the mirror.
  24. >The voice of a fucking liar.
  25. >She was perfect.
  26. >"Augh!!!!"
  27. >She screamed again, but this time it was different.
  28. >It wasn't a scream of sadness. It was a scream of pain. A different kind of scream. The kind that made me want to hurt her more.
  29. >I raised my hand again, hearing the foghorn, the sound of my power; roar.
  30. >She would have to stop that.
  31. >I reached for her throat, feeling the fur brush against my fingers before dissolving, her flesh burning and filling my nostrils. Her scream winked out in a soft wheeze as her throat blackened and bubbled.
  32. >No more words from you Rainbow Dash.
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