
Anon In Earth Ch. 2

Aug 2nd, 2012
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  1. >[Press Start]
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  6. >Morning has come and you awaken, wrapped up in your bed sheets
  7. >The morning sun feels heavenly shining upon your fuzzy cheek
  8. >A cool breeze rolls over your body like a gentle message
  9. >The window above the bed is open, the outside air flows throughout the bedroom.
  10. >You roll around lazily, hoping not to rip anything with your horn
  11. >You ponder what you’ll have for breakfast
  12. >You could gallop to Sugarcube Corner and grab one of Pinkie Pie’s famous morning cupcakes
  13. >You remind yourself that you promised go easy on the sweets. Eating cupcakes every morning would do horrible things to a mare’s body
  14. >Maybe you could trot to the Café and grab a hay sandwich?
  15. >Your friends go there pretty often.
  16. >Options eagerly list themselves in your mind while you struggle to lift your eyelids, which are apparently made of lead today
  17. >You’re eager to embark on your morning jog around Ponyville today
  18. >Eyes finally open, you notice your bed seems to have doubled in size
  19. >So has your room
  20. >You roll your head and notice a poster hanging on the wall
  21. >It’s an image of a naughtily attractive woman posing in knee deep water. Beside her is a calendar for the year 2013
  22. >A human woman.
  23. >Suddenly, the events of the previous day crash into you
  24. >You woke up in a dirty alley beside a tipped over garbage bin
  25. >You saw humans and wanted to meet then
  26. >Then you were attacked by that crazy monster, that “car” the human called it.
  27. >If it weren’t for your shield spell…
  28. >After that…
  29. >The humans, the black-haired one and the other with a silly hat
  30. >They were going to send you someplace to be “put down”
  31. >You got scared and ran
  32. >You ran for so long your legs are still burning
  33. >You ran into a vicious dog held behind a metal fence.
  34. >Instead of being ‘put down’ you were afraid it might break free and maul you to death
  35. >You ran some more. Until you crashed into another human
  36. >A man named Jack
  37. >Jack, who so generously carried your battered body into his home
  38. >Fed you
  39. >Gave you a bath
  40. >Patched up your wounds
  41. >Let you sleep in his bed…
  42. >The human you’ve already started to develop a crush on for these acts of kindness
  43. >Jack
  44. >It’s such a special name to you.
  45. >No pony had one like it back home in Equestria
  46. >Home…
  47. >You’re not in Equestria anymore
  48. >You’re on Earth
  49. >A totally different world
  50. >The human world
  51. >A world you’ve always fantasized about because it was in that cartoon you loved
  52. >My Little Human
  53. >However, ever since you arrived, you’ve been running scared and in pain
  54. >It’s not at all what you dreamed
  55. >You wish you were home again, in Ponyville, with other Ponies you knew.
  56. >Suddenly, the morning sun is no longer pleasant
  57. >It hates you for being in its world, a place you don’t belong, and it wants to burn you alive
  58. >You try to hug Jack tighter, in hopes that he can put out the fire that’s trying to burn you to ashes
  59. >You hold your hooves to your chest and it finally dawns upon you
  60. >Jack is no longer in the bed with you
  61. >You feel a wave panic rush over your body like an electric shock
  62. >He has already woken while you were still asleep
  63. >You were hugging him last night
  64. >It was a childish thing
  65. >Wanting to hug a human
  66. >But you did it without his knowledge
  67. >It was only a hug, sure, but you feel like a liar
  68. >What if he thinks you’re some kind of creep?
  69. >You wonder if you’ve always been this clingy
  70. >You sit up, leaning against the pillows squished between your back and the wall
  71. >You stare at your hooves resting between your legs
  72. >You tell yourself that everything is okay.
  73. >Maybe you rolled away from him in your sleep.
  74. >You’re scared again.
  75. >Your breath quickens as you think about the possible repercussion of your impulsiveness
  76. “You’re overreacting. It’s okay, you’re overreacting.”
  77. >You mutter to yourself
  78. >It’s not very convincing
  79. >It’ll have to do for now, you decide.
  80. >You sigh and try to a stand
  81. >You hold yourself unsteadily on your hooves; the springs of the bed make it hard to stay upright
  82. >You awkwardly shamble to edge of the bed
  83. >Stretching out your foreleg, your gently lower yourself to the floor.
  84. >You’re out of bed. That is, Jack’s bed, not yours.
  85. >You wonder where he is.
  86. >The door to the bedroom is hanging open, allowing a view into the hallway
  87. >You begin to make your way to the door
  88. >Your whole body feels sore but it’s nothing too serious
  89. >You noticed your reflection on the wall beside you as you approach the door
  90. >It’s a hanging mirror.
  91. >You examine yourself
  92. >You’re now realizing how bruised up you really are. The right side of your face us covered in scabs and bruises. The various bandages over your body look like they need to be replaced.
  93. >You really took a beating…
  94. >At least your fur looks lush and healthy
  95. >You wonder what kind of shampoo Jack used.
  96. >You really need to pay him back somehow.
  97. >You continue to stare at yourself.
  98. >You scrunch you nose and pout.
  99. >Were you always this self-conscious?
  100. >You tell yourself to stop acting like a foal and just forget about it
  101. >You leave your reflection and enter the hallway
  102. >No humans here!
  103. >Various pictures and portraits are displayed along the wall
  104. >A painted waterfall, a poster of a human with long hair holding a stringed instrument, and an official-looking document in a wooden frame
  105. >You don’t understand any of them
  106. >The white carpet tickles the underside of your hooves
  107. >You recall that your home in Ponyville had a wooden floor.
  108. >Walking on hard surfaces, especially those strange grey pathways that humans walk on, are hard on your hooves
  109. >You’re used to the minor pain, like most ponies, but now that it is absent/ You feel as if you’ve been missing out on a luxury
  110. >The design of Jack’s house is pretty straightforward. The hallway exits straight into the kitchen
  111. >As you enter, the thick scent of roasted coffee flares your nose, Smells good man
  112. >There he is
  113. >Standing alongside the countertops, sipping his coffee from a blue mug
  114. >His short brown hair, the slight furs on his chin, his “average” (as far as you knew) body, He is outfitted in a clean white shirt and smooth pants. He looks quite presentable.
  115. “Um…”
  116. >You mutter
  117. >Jack turns his head and watches you. He bears a hearty grin
  118. >”Good Morning, Anon!”
  119. >He doesn’t seem to be upset…
  120. “Good Morning, Jack.”
  121. >”You’re just in time. I’ve made breakfast. I was about to come wake you up.”
  122. “…You made breakfast for me?”
  123. >“Of course, it’s customary for any of my houseguests.”
  124. >Yes, that’s right. You’re his guest. Not his prisoner or an invader…
  125. >You trot to the wooden dining table. It’s the perfect size for a family.
  126. >You hop on a chair beside a prepared plate
  127. >It’s a salad. It has lettuce, carrots, radishes, cucumbers… It’s an ideal dish for your appetite.
  128. >Jack grabs a chair beside the nearest table corner. He has two slices of buttered toast and his mug of coffee.
  129. >He take a bite “Y’all gonna eat?”
  130. >Your pull your gaze away from him and eyeball the salad. Just staring at it makes you hungry
  131. >You take a bite of a carrot.
  132. >It’s a nice fresh and familiar flavor. You’re certain carrots were your favorite vegetable…
  133. >You savor the flavor while you let your gaze return to Jack
  134. >He’s also made this breakfast for you. A small grin cracks your lips and your cheeks feel warm
  135. “Thank you, Jack.”
  136. >”Don’t mention it, Anon.” He takes a swig of his coffee
  137. >He’s not bringing up the hug, if he even saw it. You decide to stuff the subject in the back of your mind. It’s probably not even an issue.
  138. >He lowers his coffee mug to the table and lowers his eyes
  139. >So, Anon…”
  140. >Shit….
  141. >[Ctrl + Shift + C]
  142. >[Run Pokerface Mode]
  143. “Y-Yes Jack?”
  144. >He dips his head,”I’m about to head off to work. Can I trust you to watch the house and not burn it down.”
  145. >That feeling of relief…
  146. “Oh. Um, Yeah, I’ll stay here… And nothing will get broken, I promise!”
  147. >He chuckles, “Relax, Anon, I know you’ll be just fine. You’re a really shy pony aren’t you?”
  148. “I, um… I don’t really know. I can’t remember what my personality was exactly like. But yeah, you CAN trust me.”
  149. >God damn you feel like a fucking idiot
  150. >He shrugs and finishes his coffee and toast. He rises from the table sets his cup on the countertops.
  151. >He makes his way to front door, reaching for his coat hanging from a hook beside the door
  152. “Jack?”
  153. >He turns to you with nod
  154. “I’m curious, where do you work?”
  155. >He smirks, “I’m a school teacher, at the elementary school.”
  156. “A teacher..”
  157. >You’re reminded of your old school teacher. The teacher before that pony…what was her name… Cheerilee became Ponyville’s current teacher.
  158. >She was your classmate when you were a filly
  159. >You don’t remember if you were friends with her, you just know who she is.
  160. >With that thought, you remember that you’ve been in ponyville all your life.
  161. >”You okay, Anon? You’ve got this distant look in your eyes.”
  162. “Oh, I’m fine. I just remembered something. The teacher in Ponyville is named Cheerilee.”
  163. >He snaps the fingers of right hand and point to the ceiling, ”Ah yes, Cheerilee. She’s one of my favorite ponies on MLP.”
  164. >You heart skips a beat
  165. “You know her? She’s on the cartoon, ‘My Little Pony’?”
  166. >”Well, yeah, of course!”
  167. >You’re not sure how to feel about this news.
  168. >It feels like this should be obvious but it bothers you that this cartoon involves ponies you actually know.
  169. >It feels like an invasion of privacy
  170. >You haven’t met any characters from ‘My Little Human’ yet either. This feels a little unfair
  171. >Wait… If he’s seen Cheerilee…
  172. “Jack, have you seen me on this show? Do you know who I am?”
  173. >He shifts his weight from one foot to the other, crosses his arms, and rubs his chin with a free hand, “You do look kind of familiar… I don’t know exactly who you are. Perhaps you’ve shown up in a background scene.”
  174. >Well, if your personality was the same as you are now, you’re sure you would have preferred to stay in the background
  175. “Oh, I see…”
  176. >You exhale a sigh and smile weakly
  177. “…Well; have a good day at work, Jack.”
  178. >You almost add ‘I’m going to miss you’ but you change your mind at the last minute
  179. >He gives you his hearty grin and a brief wave as he grabs his coat.
  180. >It almost hurts to see him walk out the front door.
  181. >You’re alone now
  182. >You ignore that feeling. You notice you haven’t finished your salad.
  183. >Eating will make you feel better!
  184. >The meal is pretty damn good overall. The veggies are fresh and you feel full for the first since you’ve come to Earth.
  185. >Sure, It’s only been a day but it’s still a nice feel
  186. >When you’re finished, you’re left with the empty bowl
  187. >You don’t want to leave a mess; what kind of house guest would do that?
  188. >You hop off the chair and focus your magic on the bowl
  189. >You levitate it at eye level and trot into the kitchen
  190. >You don’t remember counters being so tall. You’re barely tall enough to see their surfaces
  191. >You approach a counter with multiple drawers and place a hoof on its corner to hold yourself steady while you stand on your hind legs.
  192. >Now your head is just high enough for you get a full view of the countertops
  193. >You see a bowl of fruit, some folded towels, some strange black box with a lot of buttons and glowing numbers, and Jack’s coffee mug.
  194. >You spot the kitchen sink. It’s a single bowl with a everything it needs to be functional
  195. .>To the right of it is a plastic-lined strainer for drying dishes
  196. >Above it, there is a window, showing a view of the back yard with the town in the distance over the fence.
  197. >You drop to your fours, trot to its appropriate counter, and stand on your hind legs again
  198. >You like this sink; it feels relieving to see something so simple and familiar
  199. >You float the bowl into it
  200. >You stare at dish. Should you just leave it there?
  201. >Jack has given you so much…
  202. >You look to his empty coffee mug
  203. >After a few seconds of staring at it, float it into the sink as well.
  204. >You examine the faucet and surrounding objects
  205. >There is a sponge, a bottle of colored soap, and a rubber plug. There are two knobs on each side of it, the right knob is red (Hot?) and left is blue (Cold?).
  206. >You focus your magic on the plug and press into the drain.
  207. >You turn the red knob
  208. >Hot water pours from the faucets and slowly fills the sink
  209. >You float the soap bottle and aim it at the stream of water. Focusing your magic on it, you give it a light squeeze
  210. >The colored liquid shoots into the stream and the waters foams up almost instantly
  211. >You return the soap to its original spot and focus on the sponge
  212. >Being careful to keep a grasp on the sponge, you also focus your telekinesis on the salad bowl
  213. >You drip the sponge in the soapy water and you start scrubbing the dish.
  214. >It’s not very dirty; you’re a clean eater, so you finish up quickly
  215. >You place the dish back in soapy water, now for the coffee mug.
  216. >It’s pretty easy to clean that as well
  217. >You place the mug back in the soapy water
  218. >You suppose you should drain the sink now…
  219. >Instead, you float the bowl in front of you and start to clean it again
  220. >You do the same for the coffee mug
  221. >When that’s done…
  222. >You repeat the process.
  223. >You’re starting to feel a little silly, washing these two dishes over and over but…
  224. >You’re enjoy it.
  225. >It’s keeping you occupied; it’s all you need to think about, making sure not to drop anything, and making sure you scrub every inch.
  226. >You feel an itch in the back of your head; you remember that you used to enjoy washing dishes
  227. >You’d wash every dish as soon as you were done with it.
  228. >It was your ritual, the thing you would do in preparation for whatever you did next
  229. >Washing the breakfast dishes before your morning jog. Scrubbing the knife you would use to make favorite hay sandwich. Scraping the burnt food from that dinner you accidentally over-cooked…
  230. >You’re doing the menial hobby that was your brief little escape from the world
  231. >For a single moment, as you switch between the bowl and the coffee mug for the fifth time, you’re back in your home in Ponyville. Wondering what you’re going to do for the rest of that day; where you’ll run to in your morning jog, if you’ll meet one of your friends on the way. Maybe even see that stallion you liked in the park again.
  232. >You feel warm inside and a smile cracks onto your face; a real, honest-to-celestia, smile. The biggest smile you remember having since you’ve come to Earth.
  233. >…Since you left Equestria.
  234. >Yes, that’s right…
  235. >You’re not in Equestria anymore
  236. >Did you smile a lot before you forgot who you were?
  237. >You find yourself slowing down just a little bit more with each second
  238. >You can wash these dishes as long as you want but you won’t be jogging to Sugercube Corner for Pinkie Pie’s famous morning cupcakes. You won’t be meeting your friends at the Café’ to discuss that crush you have on that stallion over a hay sandwich and a carrot smoothie. You won’t be burning your own food and laughing it off because you enjoyed cooking it in your own home, just for yourself
  239. >No, you’re in Earth.
  240. >A strange place where there are no other ponies like you. Where gigantic roaring monsters called “cars” roam and will attack without warning or reason. A place where vicious dogs bark and snarl at you behind metal fences. A place where you get ‘put down’…
  241. >…The warm feeling turns into a sinking hole in your gut and you start to feel sick.
  242. >You try to scrub the bowl and coffee mug again but it’s just a repetitive chore now.
  243. >You begin to tremble as you return the dish into the soapy water and focus on the plug.
  244. >The water drains and you bite your lower lip.
  245. >You twist on the red knob and try to focus on rinsing the dishes
  246. >It’s hard to see through all that water welling in your eyes
  247. >Just don’t think about it Anon. Crying won’t take you back home. Don’t waste your time thinking about it. You’ll find a way home, crying won’t help you with that. So just don’t think about it.
  248. >You place the rinsed dishes in the strainer.
  249. >You open your mouth to tell yourself not to think about it.
  250. >You just sob loudly instead
  251. >You feel pathetic.
  252. >You were stupid for ever thinking that leaving Equestria for a strange world would ever be a good idea. You hate yourself for ever wishing for something so idiotic like a stupid naïve foal.
  253. >You sit in the kitchen, sobbing quietly and trying to calm yourself down.
  254. >The sun’s rays shine on the mane covering your face.
  255. >You look up to the window above the sink.
  256. >The sun is shining in the middle of the sky. It’s really warm today…
  257. >You wonder how long you’ve been in the kitchen; it feels like it’s been awhile.
  258. >You sniff and wipe your cheek dry with your hoof. Then you balance yourself on your hind legs against the kitchen counter again.
  259. >The lawn out back is clean and trimmed. Jack seems to take care of his property
  260. >In the middle of the lawm there is a single tree
  261. >It’s an apple tree. The apples themselves don’t appear to be ripe yet but seeing an apple tree is somehow reassuring to you
  262. >There were apple trees everywhere in Ponyville. There are apple trees here as well.
  263. “Stupid Anon....”
  264. >You tell yourself
  265. “…Stop acting like such a helpless schoolfilly.”
  266. >It still hurts but you feel like you can pull yourself together.
  267. >You consider going outside and enjoying the weather…
  268. >…but you decide against it. You’re still sore, tired and honestly, you’re a little scared of the outside.
  269. “Tomorrow…I’ll go outside tomorrow.”
  270. >You declare
  271. >You sigh and enter the living room.
  272. >There’s the couch, the desk, the ‘television’…
  273. >Everything is the same it was yesterday.
  274. >For some reason, that also makes you feel better. Familiarity…
  275. >The living room feels so empty. You don’t want to be in such an empty room.
  276. >You enter the hallway, enjoy the soft carpet against your hooves, and return to Jack’s bedroom.
  277. >His bed is still unmade
  278. >You’re considering going back to sleep but first, you focus your magic the blankets and magically fold the bedding back into place. The bed looks much better made.
  279. >You examine the room, making sure to ignore the mirror
  280. >There are the same posters you saw when you woke, the closet, bookcase and desk with a small lamp attached to the side post by a sort of spring-based clamp.
  281. >Stacks of papers and office supplies are splayed across the desk
  282. >You probably shouldn’t go rummaging through his things.
  283. >You take a glance at the documents on the desk and whatever else is out in the open
  284. >You don’t understand any of them.
  285. >You assume they have something to do with his job.
  286. >You’re about to walk away when you notice something under the desk.
  287. >It’s hidden behind an open cardboard box.
  288. >You lean your head beside the box to try and get a look at the object
  289. >It’s a glass bottle. Two actually, one is hidden further behind the box.
  290. >The one you saw is empty but the other if half-full with a dark-brown liquid.
  291. >The shape of those bottles are quite familiar
  292. >You read their labels
  293. “…Whiskey. Is that some brand of cider?”
  294. >Cider must be popular here as well
  295. >You leave the bottles alone
  296. >You catch a glimpse inside the open box.
  297. >It’s not like a peek will harm anything, it’s already open after all…
  298. >It’s filled with an assortment of seemingly unrelated objects.
  299. >You guess that they are mementos of some sort.
  300. >Among the objects that stand out to you there is…
  301. “Is that a Pacifier? And some ribbons, a few complimentary cards, a fancy looking ring, a bottle, a little doll of some kind of animal and… there’s a photograph.”
  302. >You levitate said photograph, holding it delicately
  303. >It’s a photo of Jack and a Pretty Woman standing beside each other. She wasn’t the naughty kind of pretty like the calendar woman on wall but a nice kind of pretty that puts you at ease.
  304. >They’re holding hands, smiling, looking really happy with life.
  305. >Jack has the same hearty grin he gives you. Something is different however. You can’t really place your hoof on it. It’s like the smile is ‘heartier’ than usual.
  306. >The woman has a round belly but the rest of her body still seemed thin.
  307. >You remember ‘My Little Human’ did something like this once. If it’s accurate, that means she’s pregnant.
  308. >You squint take a closer look at the picture
  309. >You see that fancy ring from the box on finger of her free hand that is rubbing her belly.
  310. “Are they married? That’s what fancy rings are for right?”
  311. >You stare at the photo for a minute before you oh-so-carefully return to the exact you picked it up.
  312. >You wonder who she is. Why the ring is in the box and where she is now.
  313. >Your mind brings up a few implications but none of them are particularly pleasant.
  314. >Did something bad happen?
  315. >You shouldn’t jump to conclusions.
  316. >You consider asking Jack when he returns but you’re not sure if it would be a good idea.
  317. >You feel you shouldn’t have even looked in the box in the first place
  318. >Well, now you’re pondering about other people’s business. You feel tired.
  319. >Maybe you should take a nap
  320. >You approach the bed and are about to climb upon it when you hear a dull roar outside the house and footsteps
  321. >Your body freeze, your ears perk up, and you stare at the bedroom door
  322. >There is a sound of door opening and then closing
  323. >”I’m home, Anon!”
  324. >Your body jolts to life and you grin like an idiot as you gallop for the living room
  325. >There stands Jack at the front door, hanging his coat on the same hook it hung from in the morning
  326. >He gives you that hearty grin you enjoy so much, “You look happy.”
  327. >You ARE happy! Happy that you are no longer alone in the house.
  328. >You trot up to him, stand on your hind legs, and wrap your hooves around his waist.
  329. >You don’t even care if it seems like you’re coming on too strong.
  330. “I missed you so much!”
  331. >He chuckles lightly and pats your head, “I missed you too, Anon.”
  332. >You just want to keep hugging him forever but after about half a minute has passed, you awkwardly peel yourself away, your cheeks flushing profusely
  333. >Jack just rolls his eyes
  334. >He walks past you and approaches the coach, “I like to watch the news after I get home from work. It’s my way unwinding. Wanna watch with me?”
  335. “Of course!”
  336. >You are more than eager to hop on the couch and sit beside him
  337. >You plant your forelegs against his jeans and rest your head on his lap
  338. >He reaches for that small plastic device and punches a button on it. The television flickers to life and you see the same pretty woman sitting at the desk. Her suit is a different color today though. It’s bright red.
  339. >It seems kind of cheesy to you…
  340. >”So Anon, how are you adjusting? Do you feel any better today?”
  341. >You lift your head and try to force a smile
  342. “I’m…doing okay. I mean, I’m still sore from yesterday and I was too scared to go outside but I think I’ll be okay.”
  343. >”I noticed you washed the dishes. Thanks for that.”
  344. >You flatten your ears and looks away shyly at the compliment. You couldn’t stop smiling if you even wanted to.
  345. “…It was the least I can do for you. I don’t want to be useless and there’s so much you’ve done for me…”
  346. >Jack pets the top of your head, rubbing over your ears and down the length of your mane
  347. >You shudder at delight, hoping he doesn’t notice it
  348. ”But Jack, I also don’t want to be a liar.”
  349. >He raises an eyebrow, “What do you want to tell me?”
  350. >You shift uneasily on your hooves
  351. “While you were gone, I went in your room and…. I saw an open box under the desk.”
  352. >Almost immediately, Jack’s grin melts away, the color seems to leave his face and his features turn grim. He stares you with a hollow gaze that feels like it’s accusing you.
  353. “I-I saw this, um, photo and…A-And I’m really sorry! I shouldn’t have looked through your belongings without asking, I’m sorry!”
  354. >He looks away from you, staring at the carpet, seeming to focus on nothing physical
  355. >Your stomach lurches and you are suddenly scared, like you’ve just made a horrible mistake and you fear the worst is about to happen
  356. >A painful moment of silence passes in the room, so chokingly thick it even drown out the television droning on in the background
  357. >Jack inhales then exhales deeply, he looks back you with a wry grin, “It’s alright Anon, I’m not upset.”
  358. >You hold your hooves together, trying not to cry
  359. “Y-Your not?”
  360. >He nods, “I mean, I don’t like that you looked through that box but it’s not like you knew. I didn’t tell you about it or even try to hide it. It’s not some secret anyway.”
  361. >He reaches for you and his fingers travel to that spot right behind your horn that you just melt when he starts to scratch it
  362. >”You saw the photograph then, the one of me and a woman?”
  363. “Yes.. she was really pretty… Who is she?”
  364. >He nods contemplatively “She was my wife...”
  365. “Where is she now?”
  366. >He stares straight into your eyes with dull expression, “…Gone.”
  367. >Was that really all had to say?
  368. >As you watch him, his eyes almost seem like they’re pleading with you
  369. >I decide not to push the subject any further. So you just slump beside him with a frown
  370. >You feel the palm of his hand travel down the back of your neck.
  371. >”You’re a good pony, Anon. Thank you for being honest with me. You don’t ever need to be afraid to tell me the truth.”
  372. >Hearing him say those words seem put your mind at relative ease. You’re just happy he’s not angry with you.
  373. >You wonder how you managed to get so lucky find someone like Jack
  374. >You have someone here for you.
  375. >Despite that, that hole in your gut returns, you start to tremble and you bite your lower lip.
  376. >”Are you okay, Anon?”
  377. >You keep your eyes shut and you nod excitedly.
  378. “I-I’m fine. I’m, okay.”
  379. >You lay back down and rest your head in his lap. He continues stroke your mane as you do your best to not break down in front of him
  380. >You’re scared, lonely, and you’re not sure how you’re going to ever get home but you know that tomorrow. You’ll start being brave and start searching. And you won’t ever do anything behind his back ever again.
  381. >And you know you will find a way home somehow
  382. >That’s what you tell yourself.
  383. >Everything is going to be okay
  384. >You silently repeat it until you nod yourself to sleep on Jack’s lap
  385. >Everything is going to be okay
  387. > [Save Your Progress y/n]
  388. >y
  389. > [End Chapter]
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