
F Cancer luck

Jun 5th, 2016
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  1. [Power Flaw 16]: The character acquired a dead or leftover shard. The power wasn't given many resources to draw on; the GM should roll a dice in secret, gauging the length of the campaign, noting a point 10-90% of the way through the campaign. The power is a step stronger at the outset, but the power will run out of juice, reconfiguring and adjusting to conserve energy. The later in the campaign this happens, the more severe the effects. This will result in the GM's choice of: needing an appropriate power source nearby (ie. open flame, or defeating parahumans as a power source vampire), having a longer cooldown, or having reduced effects/power.
  3. [Power Flaw: 38]: Powers ruined everything. Roll on the life disadvantage chart twice. Such was the fallout of the character's trigger event, the aftermath of their powers, their early cape career, or changes that were provoked by their power.
  4. resulted in:
  6. [Life Flaw 68]: Rock Bottom. An issue consumes the individual, but it's not all bad... Roll again for life disadvantage. Double down on the strength of the resulting disadvantage. Roll three times for a life advantage. The GM picks one that fits best, or is least effective.
  7. Results in
  8. [Life Perk 74]: Vindictae. After suffering a loss, the character bounces back hard and with a vengeance.
  9. Pick one - gain 3 rerolls to use in combat for the rematch, scrounge up $1k in temporary funds/assets to better fight back, the character gets 150% of lost rep back and causes rep loss if successful, gain additional soldiers (three points worth) for the rematch and keep them/the points if successful, or the character gets a morale boost when fighting back and retain the boost against that foe
  10. for a month if successful. The morale boost is a +1 to rolls involving emotion or leadership, and can be consumed to add +2 to a roll. The Revenge perk can apply to noncombat losses or situations, unless otherwise stated, and effects can be granted to the character's gang (such as giving them morale, one of the rerolls, or collective rep) if the character has any leadership skills (Street Smarts, Command, Presentation).
  11. Those interacting with the character may get the impression that they're not to be trifled with - that they're vicious, spiteful, or tenacious survivor types. This is a mild drawback - knowing that anything that doesn't completely destroy the character may make them stronger, enemies may be more inclined to pull out the big guns.
  13. Triple down on: [Life Flaw 36]: Back-stabbing and paranoia. A sword of damocles hangs over the character's head, or they think it does. There's a likelihood that the character will be betrayed by a friend or friends, anywhere between the beginning and end of the campaign/arc, and the betrayal will be -bad-.
  14. Short of preparing, keeping allies at arms length, giving them false information, or taking serious countermeasures, the betrayal may end the character, by virtue of the timing, the power of the allies (possibly banding together with other foes) or the abstract nature of the attack (giving critical information to an enemy, etc).
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