
Kong Euology

Jul 21st, 2020
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  1. # Kongregate #
  2. _Verb_
  4. to come together; assemble, especially in large numbers.
  7. # Anyways.... #
  9. I don't know how to write this to be honest. There's lots of emotions going on right now and I don't know how I want to go about this. I want to write a long rant about why we are here, and why MTG is a shitty company, and how the last month has been a complete dumpster fire, and all the bad things about this site..... but there's no point to that. I don't think anybody nosediving this plane to the ground cares about the passangers inside, and I don't think anything I'll say will ever reach them to make any impact so....
  11. # I'm here to talk about you! #
  12. Cause after all, we are all Kongregated here today to mourn the end of this site. While the site will still be running after tomorrow, they are pretty much taking almost everything that allows us to Kongregate together, making the site lose it's meaning. At least what it means to me. Most people will say Kongregate is just a flash games website, and that with the recent announcment is just the result of flash dying but that's the real tradegy here. You can still play the games here. You can still go to Armor Games and Newgrounds and play flash games there. Hell, people are figuring out ways you can still play flash games after it's discontinued support so that you can play them.
  14. The problem is that nobody outside of this site grasps what the annoucement actually means. This isn't just the death of the site. This is a goddamn massacare of not just the Kong community, but its hundreds of children as well. Whether it be:
  15. * Your favorite game
  16. * Your favorite chat
  17. * The Mod Squad
  18. * OT
  19. * FGF
  20. * Badge Hunters
  21. * **CROWS :>**
  22. * Kongpanion Collectors
  23. * High Score Enthusiast
  24. * Admins
  25. * [Developers](​)
  26. * That one weird group of trolls who exists on this site for whatever reason.
  27. * Just being involved with the site itself.
  29. All of those communities and many more are going away tomorrow and that's really heartbreaking. Especially the last few weeks where communities are hopping on life boats and trying to figure out where to go and what to do to survive. No more new communities will be born here. It will be an apoctalyptic wasteland of what it once was.
  31. # The Part Where I Talk About My Time Here #
  32. It's nice being on this site long enough to know why Kong was great. Why people Kongregated to this site for such a long time. It was cool starting out on a community like Everybody Edits. Being involved by writing cringy fanfics about the group of regs there who I'm still friends with till this day. Knowing the intresting development history behind it, like it was started by the guy who cofounded which is responsble for running the multiplayer side of some of the popular games on this site. Then to have the game owned by many different people including a youngyun as old as 16 at the time? It's wild.
  34. To be part of the ShellShock live community later on starting out with SSL2. Meeting more friends and getting involved with the community there. To be there when Kchamp decided to move to Steam and make SSL there as well. To be part of the early access before it became popular. To watch it expand on console and eventually have it's full release just a few months ago!
  36. To meet developers like Tukkun who were the pioneers of the idle game genere that most people love. To work on the game for all these years and to check up on it till today. All done without trying to figure out how to make a profit on it like what most idle game devs do now a days. :') It definitely wasn't the only idle game I was involved in either. Crush Crush and NGU idle were also fun to be part of. I even have a kitty in the game:
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  40. But it wasn't just the game communities that made me join the Kongregation almost every day, but the site itself as well. To be part of the Kong community was probably my favorite thing about this site to me. To be involved in the contests Kongregate did.To be there for events like Extralife, the April Fool's Day Pranks, the live streams where they interview developers & Jimp. To particpate in the tournaments the community has thrown (Sorry for not joining the last one, I would if I wasn't busy working all the time.) To collect Kongpanions and even have two of my own:
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  42. ![](​)
  43. To talk to Greg, Heather, IamtheCandyMan, JohannasGarden, and all of the other faces of Kongregate who people looked up to guide the community to a better place. To have PumpkinBrigade & Trickyrodent listen to our suggestions and feedback. Jmtb02 being Jmtb02 by trying to convince people Donks is the best Kongpanion, when **IT WOULD'VE BEEN STABBY IF YOU GUYS RELEASED HIM! >:(** To look back on the older threads and see how involved previous admins were, as well as Jim and Emily. Even the smaller admins who aren't as popular (No offense) like QueenTakesRook, SageofForest, BeardyLeo, Minaminamina, ImmitaionOctopus, CaveDragon and all the others one who've at least posted here at some point.
  45. It felt great to be able to kongtribute to this community. It was nice to feel listened to and cared for, even when I was in my darkest moments. It was cool to learn the lore of this site, and to understand how some of the stuff around here and gaming in general works. I'm not the perfect person on this site (That's Greg) but it was nice to have a voice and be able to make an impact.
  47. [Oh and OT.](
  49. I guess that's why I'm so bitter about this now and have been for the past year. It felt like all the great things that gave me a reason to come here everyday were going away slowly. We aren't talked to as often as we once were. They add stuff no-one asks for, and stuff we do ask for gets ignored. All because well "Kongregate is a buisness" and while Kongregate has always been a buisness I felt like it hit different post MTG era and came to the realization that pretty much "We're fucked" It feels like we've reached a point where the company, Kongregate, has disconnected itself from the community and it's frustating. To argue knowing that nothing you could say would change their mind. To see everybody argue to know nothing they could say would change their mind. The only good thing to come to this is that I at least don't have to fight anymore lol.
  51. # But Enough About Me, Let's Get Back To You #
  52. [Mood song ftw](
  54. I think the strongest part of this site is the community. Without it, the site loses all meaning and just becomes an inferior flashgame site like Armor Games and Newgrounds. I don't see how Kongregate can "evolve" when the community is doing the opposite but whatever. I'm here, you're here, it's a shame that nobody else will be able to experience the magic this site has brought all of us. They will just be excited to play the future Spongebob Idle Game because it's Spongebob and not care what Kongregate is or was lol :')
  56. But seriously though we are all Kongregated here today to mourn the death of our community, and all the communities that have come from this site. While this game is over for us, there are more games out there to choose from. No matter what game you choose to play next, hopefully we end up playing the same game one day. I don't think I'll ever find a community like this one. I'm glad to be part of it.
  58. Thank you.
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