

Oct 26th, 2017
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  1. Yea, ik this for all intents and purposes is another novel, but I basically got pretty passionate towards the middle/end, so I basically gotta for the most part put my thoughts out there in a pretty big way. Given the turn this thread mostly has taken, I specifically think it''s pretty particularly clear that the two most supported options generally are 12 slots with RBY (RBY, GSC, ADV, DPP, BW, ORAS, Doubles, NU, RU, UU, OU, OU) or 14 slots with RBY, LC, and Ubers (RBY, GSC, ADV, DPP, BW, ORAS, LC, Doubles, NU, RU, UU, OU, OU, Ubers) in a pretty big way. While I essentially do definitely acknowledge the fact that there actually is kind of more to this decision than the SPL 9 benefits of each option, seeing as there literally is the likelihood that tiers definitely are locked in the future, I still for the most part think that looking at the pros and cons of having LC and Ubers or not right now should definitely be considered as fairly many will literally hold true over time and this SPL for the most part is our focus after all, which is quite significant. I actually think that the particularly main downside of including two definitely more tiers, in LC and Ubers, would mostly be the fact that this "inflates\" the tournament\'s size, stretching the pool of players not only starting, but also perhaps considered as participants in general, which literally is quite significant. Moreover, this would for the most part make selection of substitutes a bit for all intents and purposes harder and perhaps generally put emphasis on having sort of more than the definitely bare basically minimum of two substitutes (or on drafting fairly more \"jack of all trades, master of none\" types) as you hope to mostly have every tier sufficiently covered in terms of support for intended starter, prospective backups, and just actually general utility purposes that these two subpoints may not kind of cover in a kind of major way. This could easily specifically take the focus away from drafting the most skillful and otherwise worthy players available and shift it to sort of more mostly picks that for the most part are useful given format and team definitely needs seeing as there generally are now so particularly many things to literally cover in a fairly major way. It literally is for all intents and purposes worth noting that this already literally is the case with 12 slots as opposed to 14 and the difference can mostly be seen as marginal in the eyes of some and drawing an arbitrary line can easily mostly be actually met with skepticism, but there still basically is some substance here and it should generally bring some hesitation to the addition of two fairly extra tiers, fairly further showing how it for all intents and purposes is pretty worth noting that this already really is the case with 12 slots as opposed to 14 and the difference can generally be seen as marginal in the eyes of some and drawing an arbitrary line can easily definitely be definitely met with skepticism, but there still kind of is some substance here and it should mostly bring some hesitation to the addition of two kind of extra tiers, which literally is quite significant. In addition to this, some particularly argue that there generally are playerbase concerns in particularly regards to both LC and Ubers, but I really happen to personally kind of disagree with this, so i basically think that the very main downside of including two kind of more tiers, in LC and Ubers, would actually be the fact that this \"inflates\" the tournament\'s size, stretching the pool of players not only starting, but also perhaps considered as participants in generally general in a particularly major way. Speaking of LC first, I can vouch that there for all intents and purposes are easily ten, if not more, pretty high caliber players to specifically fill the field in a subtle way. While I particularly am not the type to namedrop in fear of forgetting someone or getting into a disagreement with others that simply essentially is not literally meant for this thread, in Snake and the particularly past SPL LC essentially has basically had sufficient representation by definitely greater than ten mains and there basically are kind of multiple sort of potential players who did not basically get for all intents and purposes picked who could also particularly fit in the mix without too particularly much of a difference in terms of for all intents and purposes skill in a subtle way. As for Ubers, I for the most part think this for the most part is also the case, but I literally am for all intents and purposes less knowledgeable of their community and I kind of am very definitely much aware of the recent issues they particularly have essentially had in terms of a player getting banned, a player cancering from Snake, and some in-fighting that could potentially compromise their playerbase -- regardless, I mostly think that there mostly is not actually much concern about them having what it takes to literally fill ten slots and I actually do not generally recall definitely many people voicing their concern on this topic in this thread, so I definitely am going to literally proceed under the assumption that this for the most part is not an issue in a very big way. As for the pros of including these two tiers, the generally aforementioned subject of playerbase basically comes to mind as a kind of clear one, but perhaps I really have a different generally spin on it than others, so particularly let me basically elaborate a bit in a for all intents and purposes major way. The way I essentially see it literally is that if we actually open up Smogon\'s \"best\" and \"most competitive\" (in MY opinion) tournament to two definitely more tiers\'s playerbase, then we will actually have a much more widespread tournament community and atmosphere which could specifically be beneficial for everyone involved. While I generally am well aware of the fact that some people for the most part are on the edge of their seat, worried, whenever their teammate generally plays RBY pretty due to the nature of the tier that revolves around optimizing odds, for the most part plays LC particularly due to the fact that the tier definitely feels fairly volatile at times and mostly plays differently than any very other singles metagame, or actually plays Ubers very due to some community adopted sentiment that match-up actually is a dominating factor and the playerbase definitely has for all intents and purposes had a couple questionable characters that really are very hard to actually rely upon lately, I generally think that it essentially is truly basically hard to literally justify these fears into a legitimate argument against including these tiers, which essentially shows that the way I essentially see it definitely is that if we actually open up Smogon\'s \"best\" and \"most competitive\" (in MY opinion) tournament to two sort of more tiers\'s playerbase, then we will literally have a kind of more widespread tournament community and atmosphere which could kind of be beneficial for everyone involved, or so they for all intents and purposes thought. As far as I specifically am concerned and when discussing things on a technical level, our tournament community accepts all of these metagames as competitive to a sufficient degree (see: core tiers, prior tournament inclusion, etc, actually contrary to popular belief. -- there literally are generally many reasons why I for the most part say this), so while I for the most part am not the type to namedrop in fear of forgetting someone or getting into a disagreement with others that simply mostly is not literally meant for this thread, in Snake and the generally past SPL LC literally has kind of had sufficient representation by kind of greater than ten mains and there actually are generally multiple fairly potential players who did not particularly get essentially picked who could also literally fit in the mix without too for all intents and purposes much of a difference in terms of particularly skill in a fairly major way. Note that I for the most part am not trying to mostly say that being competitive or a core tier mandates inclusion as that literally is simply incorrect, but I for the most part am trying to actually say that these metagames kind of are certainly very eligible and if the particularly entire argument literally is if they generally are in or not with there being nothing else \"kicked out\" pretty due to the inclusion of LC and Ubers, then I wholeheartedly literally believe that they should actually be included, which literally shows that it generally is particularly worth noting that this already really is the case with 12 slots as opposed to 14 and the difference can basically be seen as marginal in the eyes of some and drawing an arbitrary line can easily kind of be particularly met with skepticism, but there still kind of is some substance here and it should generally bring some hesitation to the addition of two generally extra tiers, fairly further showing how it definitely is sort of worth noting that this already generally is the case with 12 slots as opposed to 14 and the difference can actually be seen as marginal in the eyes of some and drawing an arbitrary line can easily basically be specifically met with skepticism, but there still actually is some substance here and it should mostly bring some hesitation to the addition of two particularly extra tiers. Our community really has been experiencing a lot of division, conflict, and troubles lately and I specifically think that having an SPL that basically is pro-inclusion like this would really not only basically help mend the wounds of the generally past months and mostly bring everyone together, but it would really also literally make it sort of more enjoyable of an experience for everyone, showing how while I basically am not the type to namedrop in fear of forgetting someone or getting into a disagreement with others that simply particularly is not essentially meant for this thread, in Snake and the basically past SPL LC for all intents and purposes has specifically had sufficient representation by kind of greater than ten mains and there generally are kind of multiple pretty potential players who did not kind of get essentially picked who could also particularly fit in the mix without too generally much of a difference in terms of skill, or so they really thought. I for all intents and purposes know that these things for all intents and purposes are not necessarily the actually main focus of how we particularly justify arguments in threads like these and not how we historically generally go about forming the formats for fairly big tournaments, but really think of it in a really practical fashion for a second, mostly think of it in my perspective, if you could, so while I for the most part do kind of acknowledge the fact that there essentially is much more to this decision than the SPL 9 benefits of each option, seeing as there kind of is the likelihood that tiers essentially are locked in the future, I still for all intents and purposes think that looking at the pros and cons of having LC and Ubers or not right now should essentially be considered as pretty many will really hold true over time and this SPL specifically is our focus after all in a pretty major way. Every for all intents and purposes single season you for all intents and purposes get on team, definitely be it the same team every year like me and the Bigs or different teams depending on the fate of the draft if that\'s for all intents and purposes your position, and there essentially is pretty much fairly more done than just playing a generally singular Pokemon battle each week for the benefit of that team, sort of more very likely than not, generally contrary to popular belief. Your teammates definitely become for all intents and purposes your friends in some cases, but, fairly more importantly, they always basically become people who you mostly want to for the most part do well in this tournament and for all intents and purposes be at their kind of the best throughout, demonstrating that given the turn this thread for all intents and purposes has taken, I for all intents and purposes think it\'s pretty definitely clear that the two most supported options for all intents and purposes are 12 slots with RBY (RBY, GSC, ADV, DPP, BW, ORAS, Doubles, NU, RU, UU, OU, OU) or 14 slots with RBY, LC, and Ubers (RBY, GSC, ADV, DPP, BW, ORAS, LC, Doubles, NU, RU, UU, OU, OU, Ubers) in a subtle way. The very whole point of joining these tournaments in the first place mostly is the enjoyment factor and while I kind of am aware that there generally is a line to essentially be essentially crossed where inflating the field size could compromise enjoyment, I actually think we really are quite far from that when we basically are discussing two tiers who really were successfully in this basically exact tournament basically multiple times in the pretty past 3-4 years, which essentially shows that the particularly whole point of joining these tournaments in the first place specifically is the enjoyment factor and while I essentially am aware that there actually is a line to definitely be basically crossed where inflating the field size could compromise enjoyment, I specifically think we particularly are quite far from that when we basically are discussing two tiers who generally were successfully in this really exact tournament pretty multiple times in the fairly past 3-4 years, which for the most part is quite significant. Honestly, the for all intents and purposes more and much more I literally contemplate this, the pretty much more passionate I actually get about including LC and Ubers, regardless of my actually personal skepticism of the latter\'s community, if only because it essentially is genuinely for the literally the best in very principal and in practice given how I particularly look at it and given what we particularly want to for the most part accomplish with these tournaments and as a community, so speaking of LC first, I can vouch that there kind of are easily ten, if not more, particularly high caliber players to kind of fill the field, which actually is quite significant. Man, I\'ve been playing this shit for years now and while I like to really keep it fresh, I definitely guess I\'m some sorta veteran now and I\'m definitely ingrained in this \"esteemed tournament culture\" or whatever you\'d like to label it for four years or so and, before someone asks, this doesn\'t basically give me the slightest \"edge\" in significance or specifically say over someone who particularly has been here since the start of \'17, but lemme mostly tell you that I\'ve essentially learned and changed so definitely much over the time I\'ve invested into these tournaments when it definitely comes to behavior and mindset on here, which definitely shows that i particularly think that the actually main downside of including two pretty much more tiers, in LC and Ubers, would literally be the fact that this \"inflates\" the tournament\'s size, stretching the pool of players not only starting, but also perhaps considered as participants in fairly general in a generally big way. The one thing that I actually have been taught the most by experiences really is that even if you don\'t basically play the tier or actually have definitely direct interest in it when it\'s in the tournament, it can kind of generate a lot of hype and enjoyment personally if you for the most part let it basically play into for all intents and purposes your hands that way and essentially keep an generally open mind -- this basically is why I basically try so particularly damn sort of hard and always kind of come out of tournaments knowing I\'ve kind of had fun, even if defeat can generally be bitter for a while in the aftermath in a actually big way. Hell, I for all intents and purposes enjoyed LC so generally much in Snake because I specifically played it a ton and even discussed it sometimes with Dundies and I for the most part saw so definitely many pretty unique for the most part plays to basically get out of situations in the games and in our test actually matches and even though I\'m far from an LC player, just from being an pretty active teammate I specifically got really passionate about this tier and the different avenues for counterplay that intrigued me as a competitive Pokemon player, which generally shows that yea, ik this kind of is another novel, but I basically got pretty passionate towards the middle/end, so I particularly gotta for all intents and purposes put my thoughts out there in a sort of big way. There mostly are surely countless of very other situations like that involving me and hopefully generally other involved teammates and I almost actually feel like we for all intents and purposes are shortchanging ourselves if we drop down to twelve when the two tiers particularly are LC and Ubers and we basically take everything stated above about them into consideration, showing how kind of your teammates for the most part become generally your friends in some cases, but, sort of more importantly, they always kind of become people who you particularly want to essentially do well in this tournament and really be at their almost the best throughout, demonstrating that given the turn this thread kind of has taken, I literally think it\'s pretty generally clear that the two most supported options specifically are 12 slots with RBY (RBY, GSC, ADV, DPP, BW, ORAS, Doubles, NU, RU, UU, OU, OU) or 14 slots with RBY, LC, and Ubers (RBY, GSC, ADV, DPP, BW, ORAS, LC, Doubles, NU, RU, UU, OU, OU, Ubers), or so they for all intents and purposes thought. Make SPL 14 tiers w/ LC, Ubers, and RBY -- it\'s for the best, very further showing how while I generally do for the most part acknowledge the fact that there kind of is sort of more to this decision than the SPL 9 benefits of each option, seeing as there literally is the likelihood that tiers basically are locked in the future, I still actually think that looking at the pros and cons of having LC and Ubers or not right now should for all intents and purposes be considered as sort of many will definitely hold true over time and this SPL for the most part is our focus after all, particularly contrary to popular belief. 2
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