
Ziv - Awkward as Fuck (Twi, unfinished)

Dec 9th, 2013
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  1. >Be Anon in Highschool.
  2. >You are awkward as fuck.
  3. >Everyday you sit in class gawking at girls.
  4. >Most dont even realise it.
  5. >On your way to school this morning you were alone instead of having the company of that shy,queit girl,with pink hair.
  6. >You think her name is Fluttershy.
  7. >She acted pretty weird when she was around you.
  8. >She was always a bright shade of crimson as well.
  9. >Oh well,doesn't matter.
  10. >Your walk down the seemingly endless street was lonely.
  11. >Just as you were able to make it to the courtyard of the school you tripped on a rock.
  12. >You hit your face hard.
  13. >Hopefully after this you wont have teeth like Austin Powers..
  14. >Carefully you dust yourself off while everybody is laughing at you.
  15. >Except for Miss Cheerilee.
  16. >She scolds students for not being sincere.
  17. >Damn she looks pretty sexy even when she's scolding other students.
  18. >She turns around and sees you gawking at her.
  19. >"Anonymous are you just gonna stare at me for the rest of the day?"
  20. >Snapping out of your false reality you see Cheerilee waving a hand in front of you.
  21. >"Hello?"
  22. "Huh?"
  23. >"Anonymous are you okay? Do you need to call home?"
  24. "Oh..No,i'm fine.."
  25. >"Okay Anonymous,whatever you say."
  26. >She walks off and the group of students still laugh at you.
  27. >You just try to play it off like nothing happened.
  28. >You are laughed at even in biology but not much...
  29. >Just a few stifled giggles.
  30. >Dammit you and you and yur awkwardness.
  31. >Seems even teachers were laughing at you behind yur back.
  32. >Oh well....
  33. >Today was shit.
  34. >Atleast there's tommorrow....
  35. >On your way home you see a fire red mustang pull up next to you.
  36. >This car belongs to the notorius Flash Sentry.
  37. >Everybody calls him Brad though your not entirely sure why.
  38. >The door swings open and Flash approaches you with that shit eating grin on his face as usual.
  39. >Under your breath you mumble about how much of a dick he is but you dont think he hears it.
  40. >He raises his hand and you flinch at the gesture only surprising him.
  41. >"What are you doing?"
  42. >Slowly you realise he was raising his hand for a high-five.
  43. "I thought that you were gonna...."
  44. >"What beat you up?No.Just because im the capitan of the football team doesnt mean that I beat up my fellow colleagues."
  45. >You're a bit taken by this statement and you lower your guard.
  46. >Flash still has his hand up.
  47. >"You gonna leave me hanging like that?"
  48. >You return the gesture by raising your hand and smacking his.
  49. >"Alright your not as much of a "nerd" as everybody thinks."
  50. "Oh t-thanks?"
  51. >"Come on my girlfriend lives here maybe you know her."
  52. >He's inviting you to hang out with him.
  53. >Holyshit are you cool now?
  54. >Flash goes up to the door and rings the doorbell.
  55. >You and him wait a bit and the door opens with a creak.
  56. >A pale woman who looks similar to Twilight Sparkle appears.
  57. >"Hello Flash!I see you brought a friend."
  58. >Flash simply responds with a head nod and a "Mhm."
  59. >"Why hello there young man what's your name?"
  60. "Oh..It's..Anonymous."
  61. >"Well aren't you a handsome young man!"
  62. "Oh thank you Mrs..."
  63. >"Sparkle.Mrs.Sparkle."
  64. "Are you the mother of Twilight Sparkle?"
  65. >"Yes I most certainly am."
  66. "I see where she gets her looks from."
  67. >"Flattery will get you nowhere Anonymous im married."she finishes with a smile,raising ehr hand showing off her 4 karrot ring.
  68. >"Please do come inside."
  69. >Mrs. Sparkle gestures for you to come in.
  70. >You and Flash step inside and it seems like a normal house.
  71. >You know kitchen in the back,living room as soon as yo enter bedrooms upstairs.
  72. >Flash goes towards the stairs and shouts
  73. >"Mrs. Sparkle im going to Twi's room!"
  74. >"Be careful dear...I dont want any grandchildren yet."
  75. >"No promises!"
  76. >Mrs.Sparkle simply laughs at the statement and takes a seat on the couch.
  77. >She gestures for you to take a seat as well.
  78. >"Now Anonymous."
  79. "Yes?"
  80. >"Are you friends with my daughter?"
  81. "No I've heard about her though."
  82. >"You've heard what about her?"
  83. " the Fall Formal dance she and her friends stopped a girl named Sunset Shimmer fom ruining everything."
  84. >"Thats all people seem to talk about now."
  85. >She stops and pics up a mug previously left on the table,takes a sip and sets it in its original locaton.
  86. >"Seems Sunset Shimmer was a real bully."
  87. "Well she did "control" the school."
  88. >"Is everything you say hypothetical?"
  89. "In a way."
  90. >Mrs.Sparkle giggles and shifts around a bit resting her head head on the back of the couch,setting her head sideways to look at you from her "comfortable" spot.
  91. >"You know Anonymous I feel comfortable around you."
  92. "Really now?"
  93. >"Yes,"she inches towards you a bit"I feel comfortable enough to tell you anything about myself."
  94. "Uh..."
  95. >"Anonymous are you afraid of me?"
  96. "No..Just.."
  97. >"Scared even the slightest bit?"
  98. "No...I just.."
  99. >"Then whats the problem?"
  100. "Well sometimes when I talk to girls who I think are pretty I just...freeze up and-"
  101. >"So you think im pretty?"
  102. "Well I didnt exactly-"
  103. >"Answer the question,do you think im pretty?"
  104. "Well quite frankly...yes."
  105. >"Are you attracted to me?'
  106. "I...uhm..."
  107. >"Are you or are you not attracted to me?"
  108. >She has a large grin on her face as she scootches closer towards you placing her hands on your thigh moving in every direction but towards your dick.
  109. >"You know...I've always wandered what it'd be like to make love to a younger partner for once..."
  110. >She makes little circular motions closer towards your genitals.
  111. >"It's probable exciting...both of our..sweaty bodies rubbing against one another.."
  112. >She makes the last motion towards your dick and she squeezes it.
  113. >"How does that sound?"
  114. >She applies more pressure and your BENIS:DD instantly becomes rock hard.
  115. >"Seems your little friend enjoys the idea..whaddaya say to it?"
  116. >You are hesitant to answer Flash beinga newfound "friend"
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