
The Past (B)

Mar 27th, 2015
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  1. I am thinking of you, father. This whole time, I was only thinking of you. I lie here in my own wake. My legs detached are motionless in one of the men 's arms. He looks to be enjoying himself as he plucks the toes off one by one. No amount of Tonic could bring those back, father. But I am out of luck in that regard as well. Shards of my flask on the bottom of the other 's boot. They are talking now. The older one wears a fine coat with many badges and a cap the same way. He yells an order to the younger one and points to me.
  2. My ears are ringing. The younger points a gun to my face and stares into my face. He turns away from me and screams something back to his overseer. I take the time he does this and draws the attention from me to shift my arms under my body and grip my left hard with my right. I take a deep breath and tear the forearm off at the joint. The older looks back at me and yells again. I dig my left nub into the soil and loosen a patch. The younger has his gun raised at me again. He has an uneasy look.
  3. I push hard up with my right and flick my left nub up. Dirt sprays into the younger one 's eyes and he takes a blank shot. More dirt flies up from the bullet. I steady myself with my right and stand on what is left of my legs. The older one unholsters his weapon. I chuck my left arm at the older 's chest like an axe. And miss. I lose track of what is real and what is not. I feel lighter. And the vision on my right is gone. I fall over and stare into the sky. Things are swimming there. And something flies out of me, it joins them.
  4. ******
  5. Turtle looks back again. The Coat still follows. Tears threaten to cloud her vision as she breaks out into a sprint once more. Turtle reached the top of the hill and only took a moment to look at her surroundings below before quickly scurrying into an alley close to the top. Turtle rested panting only for a few seconds before a long shadow encased by an orange light rounded over the peak of the hill. The Coat strolled down the hill at a mild pace with his head pointed to the air. It stopped at Turtle 's alley and sniffed. Turtle 's breathing faltered and she let out a small scream as The Coat began walking to her.
  6. A voice behind them sounded like it stood straight and tall even though it was short. It was soaked with bravery through its constant shaking. ”Just what do you think you are doing, Empire coward?” The voice stepped out of the shadows of the alley and walked past young Turtle. It wore a hood and had a large book strapped to its back. The voice threw his hood back and revealed a boy.
  7. The Coat spoke as if it had been standing tall for many years and had nothing to lose. ”You should be grateful the great Other Other Major Discharge of the Empire has graced you with his presence. I have come to collect this girl and her family for harboring Unit soldiers.” The major straightened his coat and fixed his badges without losing any power in his voice. The boy took a strange stance and took a more serious tone.
  8. ”Then you leave my no choice” The boy then yelled something Turtle could not understand. The major 's sleeve caught flame and he screamed wild insults at the boy.
  9. ”Freak! Magic freak! Wizard!” The boy stood proud and watched as the major flailed and finally threw his coat off and left it to burn. The major took one last look at the two in disgust before dashing into the late evening.
  10. Turtle spoke first trying to sound as brave as the boy was against the major. ”Who are you? Why did you help me? I have no money with me.”
  11. The boy shook his head and responded.
  12. ”I don ' t want money. I just really hate the Empire 's followers. You can call me Wizard.” And he smiled.
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