
CerxesXRatosk Plot?

Jan 15th, 2016
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  1. [23:24] <charitableCalyptra> =START=
  2. [23:24] * charitableCalyptra began espering squirrelyAdonis
  3. [23:25] <charitableCalyptra> ·•°ღ°•· the fair maiden excitedly searches for her prince, hoping to share some exciting news ·•°ღ°•·
  4. [23:26] <squirrelyAdonis> *thE princE iS sittinG withiN hiS thronerooM, lonelY withouT thE sweeT companY oF hiS lovE mosT deaR*
  5. [23:26] == Roland [] has joined #RPGStuck_Potatopancakeparty
  6. [23:28] <squirrelyAdonis> *hE riseS tO hiS feeT smilinG handsomelY aS thE beautiouS anD purE visagE oF thE maideN enterS, "aH, cerxeS, thE suN tO mY moonS, havE yoU returneD oncE morE tO bathE theM witH youR lighT?" *
  7. [23:30] <charitableCalyptra> ·•°ღ°•· yes my love, i have come to be with you! and soon, i hope we shall never have to part again! for i have decided that i cannot bear to live without your pity for another perigee, and have decided to face my captor and demand to be free of my eternal prison! ·•°ღ°•·
  8. [23:31] <charitableCalyptra> that is... if you would desire to have your fair maiden join you in your castle.
  9. [23:35] <squirrelyAdonis> * thE princE stepS forwarD, "fairesT onE, hoW coulD yoU eveN dreaM thaT I woulD noT desirE youR companY? withouT yoU, I aM naughT buT aN extremelY attractivE nomaD, searchinG foR onE whO caN offeR mE thaT whicH yoU sO wonderfullY providE. eveN onE morE nighT knowinG I gO withouT thE sweeT linguaL joyS oF youR companY iS aS torturE mosT heinouS."
  10. [23:35] <squirrelyAdonis> *
  11. [23:37] <charitableCalyptra> cerxes sighs with relief and falls into her prince's arms, overjoyed to hear this!
  12. [23:39] <charitableCalyptra> ·•°ღ°•· forgive me, my most flushed and dearest companion! i did not mean to doubt the veracity and turgid strength of your pity. it is only, despite my faith in our bond, i find myself so filled with worry. ·•°ღ°•·
  13. [23:41] <charitableCalyptra> ·•°ღ°•· as you well know, my lusus, the caretaker and warden of my homeland, has warned me of a great prophecy of doom that shall befall all should i seek to leave my kingdom for good ·•°ღ°•·
  14. [23:41] <squirrelyAdonis> * "worrY noT mY dearesT, wheN yoU arE freE, yoU maY filL yourselF oN mY nutS anD lovE, witH thiS worrY lefT aS nothinG morE thaN whaT onE mighT havE thoughT A baD dreaM." *
  15. [23:44] <charitableCalyptra> ·•°ღ°•· ah, what i would not give to feast on your delicious nuts without fear or shame! but alas, i fear nothing so much as to break my lusus' heart with worry, should i leave. ·•°ღ°•·
  16. [23:45] <charitableCalyptra> ·•°ღ°•· is it cowardly, for me to fear hurting her when it is her rule which keeps us apart so? ·•°ღ°•·
  17. [23:47] <squirrelyAdonis> * "youR lusuS iS simplY misguideD, sweethearT, shE understandS noT whaT iT iS wE sharE, anD sO shE worrieS foR thiS foretolD dooM. buT, beforE A pitY filleD bonD oF sucH strengtH aS ourS, eveN thE enD oF thE worlD woulD bE onlY thE slightesT oF uncomfortS, sO lonG aS wE remaiN togetheR." *
  18. [23:54] <charitableCalyptra> the maiden nods. ·•°ღ°•· yes, of course you're right! pity is the strongest of powers, and no pity is so pure tnd true as ours! as long as my ruddy feelings for you still burn in my bloodpusher, shall not know despair. ·•°ღ°•·
  19. [23:56] <charitableCalyptra> ·•°ღ°•· with your pity by my side, there is no darkness that can overcome my heart! ·•°ღ°•·
  20. [23:58] <squirrelyAdonis> * "yeS mY, mosT treasureD onE, sO lonG aS thE darK reD ribboN oF romancE bindS uS sO closE, therE shalL bE nothinG whicH maY comE betweeN uS." *
  21. [00:00] <squirrelyAdonis> * "noW, whilE I woulD wisH nothinG morE thaN tO remaiN iN youR embracE untiL eternity'S enD, I feaR I musT bE goinG. A magnificenT beasT oF thE wooD haS founD himselF injureD, anD I founD myselF unablE tO remaiN idlE beforE hiS sufferinG."
  22. [00:01] <squirrelyAdonis> *
  23. [00:06] <charitableCalyptra> oh no! ·•°ღ°•· oh brave prince, how generous of you to offer this poor creature aid! my incarnadine emotions only grow redder to see your kindness in action for the benefit of others. ·•°ღ°•·
  24. [00:07] <charitableCalyptra> but... if it is a dangerous beast, please do be careful. your maiden would worry should harm befall you when i would not be there to nurse you back to your full strength.
  25. [00:09] <squirrelyAdonis> * "worrY noT, mY maideN, I wilL ensurE thaT nO harM comeS tO youR princE. althougH, I believE thaT thE beasT anD I havE formeD A connectioN, anD thaT iT shalL nO sooneR harM mE thaN yoU mighT." *
  26. [00:11] <squirrelyAdonis> * "alaS, I feaR I lacK thE medicinaL knowledgE tO tenD tO hiS woundS witH thE necessarY delicacY, iF yoU, mY mosT pitiablE oF damselS, happeneD tO possesS sucH knowledgE, I woulD bE highlY indebteD tO yoU iF yoU woulD sharE iT witH mE." *
  27. [00:15] <charitableCalyptra> cerxes giggles, blushing jade. ·•°ღ°•· of course it has! what conscious creature could look upon your beautiful heart and wish you harm? as for medical knowledge... i do have a... certain level of knowledge when it comes to healing, but it is hardly something a pysiscerator would consider qualifies as medical expertise. ·•°ღ°•·
  28. [00:19] <squirrelyAdonis> * "youR praiseS arE kinD anD truE, aS alwayS. froM thE momenT wE lockeD eyeS, iT waS understooD thaT neitheR meanT thE otheR harM. buT, I digresS froM thaT whicH iS immediatelY relevanT. whaT knowledgE lieS withiN youR purE anD gooD minD? regardlesS oF expertisE, I aM surE onE aS wonderouS aS yourselF caN offeR mE greaT assistancE iN thiS momenT."
  29. [00:19] <squirrelyAdonis> *
  30. [00:26] <charitableCalyptra> of course! ·•°ღ°•· anything ·•°ღ°•· for you my prince. what is the poor creature's predicament?
  31. [00:28] <squirrelyAdonis> * "hE haS takeN A greaT deaL oF damagE tO hiS hinD leG, firstlY thE bitE oF somE crueL beasT, anD secondlY iT waS completelY brokeN iN halF." *
  32. [00:32] <charitableCalyptra> oh my! the poor thing! yes, i know ·•°ღ°•· exactly ·•°ღ°•· what you should do to help!
  33. [00:35] <charitableCalyptra> ((Rolled 13+2 = 15 for Occult Knowledge check, for the record.))
  34. [00:36] == Letaali [] has joined #RPGStuck_Potatopancakeparty
  35. [00:40] <charitableCalyptra> okay so ·•°ღ°•· first ·•°ღ°•· you need to look for some bloodthorn weed, preferably harvested during a dim season's equinox, but if not, store bought is fine. then once you have that, you'll need to get a small stone bowl or other container, into which you'll need to collect a small amount of the intended tar-- patient's blood.
  36. [00:42] <charitableCalyptra> once you have the blood, dip the weeds in and let it soak in sunlight for two hours. then bind the weeds to the poor creature's injury with a yellow thread, and voila! one limb, ·•°ღ°•· good as new! ·•°ღ°•·
  37. [00:44] <squirrelyAdonis> mY thankS tO yoU, mY maideN, youR knowledgE iN thiS fielD faR outstripS mY owN, anD I finD myselF eveR morE reD foR yoU.
  38. [00:44] <Letaali> (jesus christ)
  39. [00:46] <charitableCalyptra> oh ·•°ღ°•· ratosk, ·•°ღ°•· it's no trouble at all! i would happily lay every power at my disposal at your feet, because i trust you ·•°ღ°•· implicitly! ·•°ღ°•·
  40. [00:46] <Letaali> Roll investigation Ratosk
  41. [00:47] <squirrelyAdonis> !roll 1d20-1
  42. [00:47] <NOTTyche[Dice]> rolled 1d20-1 --> [ 1d20=7 ] | {6}
  43. [00:47] <Letaali> You remember that bloodthorn is pretty common, but you have no idea where it usually grows
  44. [00:49] <Letaali> Would you like to go look for some bloodthorn anyway?
  45. [00:50] <squirrelyAdonis> cerxeS, mY darlinG, mY puresT onE, mY mosT divinE partneR, I finD thaT therE iS buT onE morE insighT I requirE. I havE forgotteN wherE onE maY finD bloodthorN. woulD you, iN youR incalculablE pitY, offeR mE thE knowledgE necessarY foR sucH A tasK?
  46. [00:51] <charitableCalyptra> oh, hmm. let me see if i can remember; usually my lusus gathers any supplies not found in our cenote!
  47. [00:51] <charitableCalyptra> ((Ok first time rolling with the chat dice, let's see how this works.))
  48. [00:52] <charitableCalyptra> !roll 1d20+2 to divine the location of bloodthorn
  49. [00:52] <NOTTyche[Dice]> rolled 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=4 ] | {6}
  50. [00:52] <charitableCalyptra> ((... bahahaha.))
  51. [00:52] <squirrelyAdonis> ((pffft))
  52. [00:52] <Letaali> Your lusus wasn't very informative on the matter
  53. [00:55] <charitableCalyptra> ·•°ღ°•· well, ·•°ღ°•· i know it's fairly common. it's a black weed with thorns on it, it shouldn't be ·•°ღ°•· too ·•°ღ°•· hard to find!
  54. [00:58] <squirrelyAdonis> verY welL theN, I shalL seT ofF iN searcH oF iT immediatelY, farewelL, mY dearesT maideN, remembeR, sO thaT yoU shalL noT misS mE toO harshlY, eacH momenT wE spenD aparT iS simplY anotheR whicH bringS uS closeR tO reunioN.
  55. [00:59] <charitableCalyptra> ·•°ღ°•· goodbye, dearest prince! ·•°ღ°•· and may this be the last time we say as such for a long time!
  56. [00:59] * squirrelyAdonis ceased espering charitableCalyptra
  57. [00:59] <charitableCalyptra> =END=
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