
Braviary Council Discussion

Apr 21st, 2012
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  1. @DTC>
  2. [16:31] <%Raseri> not broken
  3. [16:31] <+cbb> yes better not think about adv ou
  4. [16:31] <+Keiran> why is braviary a suspect
  5. [16:31] <%shnen> braviary isn't really broken imo
  6. [16:31] <+cbb> or the rage will take over again
  7. [16:31] <%Raseri> ^^^
  8. [16:31] <@DTC> see: choice band braviary
  9. [16:32] <@DTC> It 2HKO's practically everything and barely has to predict
  10. [16:32] <+cbb> yeah obviously CB is the only one that even comes close to being broken
  11. [16:32] <%shnen> can regirock take superpowers
  12. [16:32] <@DTC> Not well
  13. [16:32] <%Raseri> see: SR Weak, recoil move, slow and needs perfect prediction
  14. [16:32] <+Keiran> it tanks cc from band sawk
  15. [16:32] <%shnen> well that 2hkoes
  16. 12[16:32] * pstats ( has joined #nucouncil
  17. 15[16:32] * shnen sets mode: +v pstats
  18. [16:32] <@DTC> You can just spam Brave Bird most of the time
  19. [16:32] <@DTC> Not much resists that
  20. [16:32] <%shnen> pstats, braviary
  21. [16:32] <+pstats> Braviary [Normal/Flying] Keen Eye/Sheer Force/Defiant (DW, Unreleased) | 100/123/75/57/75/80 | NU | GK/LK: 60 BP
  22. [16:32] <+cbb> 252Atk Choice Band Sheer Force Braviary (+Atk) Superpower vs 252HP/0Def Sturdy Regirock (Neutral): 62% - 73% (226 - 266 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
  23. [16:32] <+cbb> it can take
  24. [16:33] <+cbb> two superpowers once
  25. [16:33] <+cbb> without rocks
  26. [16:33] <+cbb> !
  27. [16:33] <@DTC> Most matches you'll only have to predict with Braviary once
  28. [16:33] <%Raseri> braviary dies really quick
  29. [16:33] <@DTC> Maybe twice
  30. [16:33] <%shnen> I actually like regirock with more def
  31. [16:33] <%Raseri> and it is in an unfortunate speed tier
  32. [16:33] <+cbb> braviary actually doesnt die that quickly
  33. [16:33] <@DTC> It doesn't die very quickly
  34. [16:33] <@DTC> Even if Sr is up
  35. [16:33] <+Luck> BU braviary???
  36. [16:33] <%shnen> but anyway that's irrelevant as no one runs that except for me
  37. [16:33] <+cbb> if you spam brave bird all the time you#re doing it wrong
  38. [16:33] <+cbb> frustration gets almost the same kills
  39. [16:33] <%Raseri> I prefer swellow
  40. [16:33] <+cbb> and doesnt have recoil
  41. [16:34] <@DTC> Braviary can actually tank a hit, is slightly stronger, has Superpower, and doesn't die so quickly because of Toxic Orb
  42. [16:34] <+cbb> yeah superpower is the
  43. [16:34] <%shnen> it's just the horrible speed issue
  44. [16:34] <+cbb> big one imo
  45. [16:34] <+cbb> horrible?
  46. 01[16:34] <@NatGeo> i don't think braviary is broken imo
  47. [16:34] <+cbb> sure its slower than stuff like sawk but
  48. 01[16:34] <@NatGeo> nor swellow
  49. [16:34] <%shnen> I mean in comparison to swellow
  50. [16:34] <%Raseri> if Braviry had base 90 speed id say ban it
  51. [16:35] <+Luck> ???
  52. [16:35] <+Luck> braviary hits very hard, has perfect coverage, has enormous bulk and 2 immunities
  53. [16:35] <+Luck> what else do you want
  54. [16:35] <+cbb> more speed
  55. [16:35] <+cbb> !
  56. [16:35] <+Luck> adaptability braviary???
  57. [16:35] <%shnen> enormous bulk?
  58. [16:35] <%Raseri> more speed
  59. [16:35] <%shnen> pstats, braviary
  60. [16:35] <+pstats> Braviary [Normal/Flying] Keen Eye/Sheer Force/Defiant (DW, Unreleased) | 100/123/75/57/75/80 | NU | GK/LK: 60 BP
  61. [16:35] <+cbb> its not enormous
  62. [16:35] <@DTC> Basically you're saying that underspeeding Sawk and Magmortar is the only thing that's keeping it from being broken?
  63. [16:35] <+cbb> but 100/75/75
  64. [16:35] <%shnen> decent bulk but not enormous
  65. [16:35] <+cbb> is really good
  66. [16:35] <+Luck> 100/75/75 is enormous for something like that
  67. [16:35] <+cbb> for such a strong attacker
  68. [16:35] <+cbb> pstats, Emboar
  69. [16:35] <+pstats> Emboar [Fire/Fighting] Blaze/Reckless (DW, Unreleased) | 110/123/65/100/65/65 | NU | GK/LK: 100 BP
  70. [16:35] <@DTC> When Magmortar isn't that common in NU right now and Sawk is scarfed or adamant a lot of the time
  71. [16:35] <+cbb> about the same
  72. [16:35] <@Steamroll> btw
  73. [16:36] <@Steamroll> I already talked about the mons I'm worried about
  74. [16:36] <%Raseri> and rotom-s/skuntank
  75. [16:36] <@DTC> rotom-s is usually scarfed
  76. [16:36] <@Steamroll> so I'll be out of this discussion and be taking care of other matters for now
  77. [16:36] <@Steamroll> see you guys later
  78. 09[16:36] * @Steamroll ( has left #nucouncil
  79. [16:36] <@DTC> skuntank doesn't run max speed
  80. [16:36] <%Raseri> there have been fewer scarved ones
  81. [16:36] <%Raseri> i run max speed skuntank
  82. [16:36] <%shnen> I don't know why the analysis has that silly bulky spread
  83. [16:36] <%Raseri> subroost braviary gogogo
  84. [16:36] <%shnen> max speed skuntank is the way to go imo
  85. [16:36] <@DTC> I like bulky much more
  86. [16:37] <%shnen> it doesn't get roost
  87. [16:37] <@DTC> it doesn't have roost
  88. [16:37] <%Raseri> oh really?
  89. [16:37] <%Raseri> gay
  90. [16:37] <+cbb> yes
  91. [16:37] <+cbb> thats the one problem
  92. [16:37] <%Raseri> subBU
  93. [16:37] <+cbb> with roost it would AMAZING
  94. [16:37] <+cbb> instead of amazing
  95. [16:37] <%shnen> yeah subroost would be briliant
  96. 01[16:37] <@NatGeo> lol
  97. 01[16:37] <@NatGeo> yeah def
  98. [16:37] <@DTC> I'm not convinced that Braviary is broken
  99. 01[16:37] <@NatGeo> lets wait for bw2 for that!
  100. [16:37] <@DTC> But you're not giving it enough credit
  101. 01[16:37] <@NatGeo> and yeah its not... broken
  102. 01[16:37] <@NatGeo> when has it ever been
  103. [16:38] <+cbb> yeah I wouldn't say its broken
  104. [16:38] <%Raseri> nor would i
  105. [16:38] <@DTC> Alright, tell you what: Use Choice Band Braviary more
  106. [16:38] <@DTC> We'll discuss about Braviary next meeting
  107. 01[16:38] <@NatGeo> ok!
  108. [16:38] <%shnen> yeah tbh I've never used CB braviary
  109. 01[16:38] <@NatGeo> what's next?
  110. [16:38] <%Raseri> absol time?
  111. [16:38] <@DTC> yeah, absol time
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