
Playtest 5E Campaign #3 - 21 Feb 2015

Feb 24th, 2015
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  2. Start of #CoastalArea buffer: Sun Feb 22 06:10:56 2015
  3. [22:45] * Now talking in #CoastalArea
  4. [22:48] * DRomero (~Xamdiz@9E587BDF.50F4EC69.E047A2E.IP) has joined #CoastalArea
  5. [22:53] * _evawan_ ( has joined #CoastalArea
  6. [22:57] <_DM_> 1,8--- [ L O A D I N G ] ---
  7. [22:57] <_DM_> 1,8--- ---
  8. [23:07] <_DM_> 1,8--- [Ready? And Color Test please] ---
  9. [23:07] <_loading_que_sera_sera_> 13["as always!" (OwO)/]
  10. [23:07] <Bruno_F> 2(tes)
  11. [23:07] <Bruno_F> 2(... and redi)
  12. [23:08] <_muh> 4[redi]
  13. [23:08] <_Kayloading_> 14[Ready]
  14. [23:08] <_DM_> 1,8--- Bruno_F , make an Cha (Investigation) check, representing your gathering information ---
  15. [23:08] <_DM_> 1,8--- and spend 10 gp for drinks ---
  16. [23:09] <Bruno_F> 2!roll 1d20
  17. [23:09] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? Bruno_F [8] = 8"
  18. [23:09] <Bruno_F> 2(8 saja)
  19. [23:09] * _Kayloading_ is now known as Michalla_Truesilver
  20. [23:09] * _loading_que_sera_sera_ is now known as Incendie_Scarlett
  21. [23:10] * _muh is now known as Vinan_Melivan
  22. [23:12] <_DM_> 1,8-- DRomero ready? --
  23. [23:12] <DRomero> k
  24. [23:12] <_DM_> (color?)
  25. [23:12] <DRomero> 3k
  26. [23:13] <_DM_> 1,8----- Silver Saints Saga, DnD 5E Playtest Campaign -----
  27. [23:13] <_DM_> 1,8----- Year of the Voyage, 1398 DR -----
  28. [23:14] <_DM_> 1,8----- 2nd of Leaffall -----
  29. [23:14] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(brb buka galon)
  30. [23:14] <_DM_> 1,8----- Yesterday was a totally exhaustive for all of you -----
  31. [23:15] <_DM_> 1,8----- Either in the battlefield, or in the taverns looking for information, or in the temples helping the poor -----
  32. [23:15] <_DM_> 1,8----- Luckily the inn provided, Three Old Kegs, is a very comfortable inn, and you enjoyed a good night rest -----
  33. [23:17] <_DM_> 1,8----- Today the sun is already rise, while Michalla_Truesilver returned from the temple, Bruno_F arriving from long night chats, Incendie_Scarlett done cleaning the common room -----
  34. [23:17] <Michalla_Truesilver> !roll 1d0
  35. [23:17] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? Michalla_Truesilver [1] = 1"
  36. [23:17] <_DM_> 1,8----- DRomero and Vinan_Melivan have also awaken by the nice scent of warm porridge, a compliment from the inn -----
  37. [23:18] <DRomero> 3"Hm..."
  38. [23:18] <DRomero> 3*woke up and started praying*
  39. [23:18] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"mu..."
  40. [23:18] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*beres beberes common room* (=w \) *lap keringet* "Nya.. Beres.." *jalan taro sapu ke tempat semula*
  41. [23:18] <_DM_> 1,8----- now what do you do? You met / heard the others at the common room of 5th floor, where Silver Saints mercenary charter members reside -----
  42. [23:18] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"bau..."
  43. [23:18] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"enak..."
  44. [23:19] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*uring uringan ke common room*
  45. [23:20] <Bruno_F> 2*bersantai di common room*
  46. [23:20] <_DM_> 1,8----- Bruno_F and Incendie_Scarlett met one another, and saw Vinan_Melivan went to the room as well -----
  47. [23:21] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( OwO) "Nya? Pagi Tuan Bronto, mbak Pega nya" *sambil masih beberes dikit*
  48. [23:21] * Disconnected
  49. [23:21] * Attempting to rejoin channel #CoastalArea
  50. [23:21] * Rejoined channel #CoastalArea
  51. [23:21] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(wut)
  52. [23:21] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"sa...rapan..."
  53. [23:21] * _dadu_si_bebek_ is now known as Incendie_S
  54. [23:21] * _anggap_saya_org_lewat_ ( has joined #CoastalArea
  55. [23:22] <_DM_> 1,8----- Vinan_Melivan , there are some porridge prepared at the 5th floor today -----
  56. [23:22] <Incendie_S> 13( OwO) "Nya? Pagi Tuan Bronto, mbak Pega nya" *sambil masih beberes dikit*
  57. [23:22] <_DM_> 1,8----- DRomero , you finished praying -----
  58. [23:22] <Incendie_S> 13( =w=)b "Ah ada bubur tuh mbak Pega nya"
  59. [23:22] <Bruno_F> 2"Pagi..." *yawn*
  60. [23:22] * Incendie_Scarlett ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  61. [23:22] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"bubuuuuur" /-w-)/
  62. [23:23] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*uring uringan ke tempat bubur*
  63. [23:23] <Incendie_S> 13( O_O) "..." *liatin yg uring2an*
  64. [23:24] <Incendie_S> 13(O_O ) *Nods nods* "pasti lagi masa 'itu' nya.." *sambil liat ada siapa aja yg blm bangun*
  65. [23:24] <Incendie_S> 13*diruangan cm be3 DM?*
  66. [23:25] <_DM_> (sementara iya, unless Michalla_Truesilver sudah datang O_O )
  67. [23:25] <_DM_> (harusnya Michalla_Truesilver sudah datang sih)
  68. [23:25] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*baru naik dari lantai 1 deh *nawar**
  69. [23:26] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*makan bubur* (panas?)
  70. [23:26] <_DM_> (panas)
  71. [23:26] <Incendie_S> 13(O_O ) ( O_O) "Hmm.. Tuan Romario ama mbak Sisir blum bangun ya nya..?"
  72. [23:26] <_DM_> (oke silakan atur timing Michalla_Truesilver )
  73. [23:26] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"ACK" ;A;
  74. [23:26] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"pa... panas.." ;A;
  75. [23:26] <Incendie_S> 13*sambil ambil minum buat smua* ( OAO) "A! Hati-hati mbak Pega nya!"
  76. [23:27] <Bruno_F> 2*selonjoran kaki sambil duduk, tangan di belakang kepala*
  77. [23:27] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"...telat" ;A;
  78. [23:27] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*suap berikutnya ditiup-tiup dulu*
  79. [23:27] <Incendie_S> 13( OAO)_且 *bawa minum seadanya* *taro di depan masing2*
  80. [23:28] <_DM_> 1,8--- sepertinya Michalla_Truesilver sudah sampai lantai 5 ---
  81. [23:28] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"huo... makasih indie" O_O)
  82. [23:28] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(brb sejenak)
  83. [23:28] <_DM_> (wut)
  84. [23:28] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*lanjut niup* -3-
  85. [23:28] <Incendie_S> 13( =w=)b "sama-sama nya"
  86. [23:28] <_DM_> (okeh bertiga dulu)
  87. [23:28] <Bruno_F> 2"Ah, terima kasih"
  88. [23:28] <Incendie_S> 13*minumnya terserah _DM_ apaan*
  89. [23:28] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"hum?"
  90. [23:28] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"oh ada uno!" O_O)
  91. [23:28] <_DM_> 1,8---- buburnya agak asin, minuman standar watered down warm wine ----
  92. [23:28] <Bruno_F> 2"..."
  93. [23:29] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"kemarin kemana?" -3-)/
  94. [23:29] <Incendie_S> 13*mikir dl*
  95. [23:29] <Bruno_F> 2*menikmati minuman*
  96. [23:29] <_DM_> 1,15--- oh Vinan_Melivan , roll 1d100 ---
  97. [23:29] <Bruno_F> 2"Jalan-jalan di kota"
  98. [23:29] <Incendie_S> 13(O_O ) "Iya jg ya kmaren Tuan Bronto ndak ada nya.." *nods nods* *ikutan duduk ambil bubur*
  99. [23:29] <Vinan_Melivan> !roll 1d100
  100. [23:29] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d100? Vinan_Melivan [52] = 52"
  101. [23:29] <_DM_> 1,8--- you found a cut of bacon too inside the porridge ---
  102. [23:29] <DRomero> *pergi ke tempat sarapan*
  103. [23:29] <Bruno_F> 2"Sambil nyari-nyari informasi"
  104. [23:30] <_DM_> 1,8--- DRomero met the three others at the common room of 5th floor ---
  105. [23:30] <Bruno_F> 2"Kota yang besar Balduir's Gate ini, aku baru tahu..."
  106. [23:30] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*~* "enaaak"
  107. [23:30] <Incendie_S> 13( OwO) "Ah pagi, tuan Romario nya!"
  108. [23:30] <_DM_> 1,8--- exactly after you left the room ---
  109. [23:30] <DRomero> 3"Good morning, what a fine day today is."
  110. [23:30] <Incendie_S> 13p(O_O ) "Heee...aku juga belum pernah ke sini sih nya.." *nods nods*
  111. [23:30] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"hoh, mero, pagi~" -3-)/
  112. [23:31] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(back)
  113. [23:31] <_DM_> 1,8--- *GELEGUR* suddenly some thunders can be heard ---
  114. [23:31] <_DM_> 1,8--- and it started to rain ----
  115. [23:31] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(wut)
  116. [23:31] <Incendie_S> 13(OAO ) "Nya?" *nengok*
  117. [23:31] <Vinan_Melivan> 4(OAO )|||
  118. [23:31] <Bruno_F> 2"!"
  119. [23:31] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"hoh hujan, kukira kaykay lagi ngapain" '_')
  120. [23:31] <DRomero> 3"Aaah, a blessing for the land."
  121. [23:31] <DRomero> 3*ambil sarapan*
  122. [23:32] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*sampai di lantai 5*
  123. [23:32] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*kalau boleh*
  124. [23:32] <Bruno_F> 2"Ada kekuatan di kata-katamu..." @DRomero
  125. [23:32] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*lanjut makan* '~')
  126. [23:32] <Incendie_S> 13*berdiri* *ambil minum buat Romario* ( =w=)_且 "Silahkan tuan Romario nya" *taro dpan Romero*
  127. [23:32] <_DM_> 1,8--- oh there is a window to the city at the common room; and stacks of books on many shelves ---
  128. [23:32] <_DM_> (yak silakan Michalla_Truesilver )
  129. [23:33] <DRomero> "Thank you very much for your help." *smiles*
  130. [23:33] <DRomero> 3*minum sedikit lalu makan*
  131. [23:33] <Incendie_S> 13( =w=)b "santai nya!"
  132. [23:33] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Good morning, everyone"
  133. [23:34] <Bruno_F> 2"Pagi..."
  134. [23:34] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*datang dari arah tangga*
  135. [23:34] <Incendie_S> 13"Ah, pagi mbak Sisir nya!" (OwO ) "Udah sarapan nya?"
  136. [23:34] <DRomero> 3"By the way."
  137. [23:34] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"hoh hay!" '~') *gulp* "oh suara tadi ternyata beneran kamu?" O_O)
  138. [23:34] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"I already have one. Thank you for asking"
  139. [23:34] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Huh?"
  140. [23:34] <Incendie_S> 13(OAO ) "Ah.. Oke mbak Sisir nya.."
  141. [23:35] <DRomero> 3"When I visited the temple yesterday, I heard that in the past few weeks there have been a case of missing people."
  142. [23:35] <Bruno_F> 2*jalan ke arah jendela, liat hujan dari balik jendela*
  143. [23:35] <Incendie_S> 13*duduk dan mulai makan* ( =w=) *pelan2 ditiup dan pastikan telan dulu sblm makan*
  144. [23:35] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"!"
  145. [23:35] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"What are you talk...oh"
  146. [23:35] <Incendie_S> 13*eh sebelum ngomong*
  147. [23:35] <Bruno_F> 2"Untung aku sudah sampai disini...."
  148. [23:35] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*berenti makan*
  149. [23:35] <DRomero> 3"Clerics of Waukeen and adventurer just started disappearing."
  150. [23:35] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Is it the cleric from Temple of Wau..."
  151. [23:35] <Bruno_F> 2*dengerin DRomero*
  152. [23:35] <Incendie_S> 13"Eh..? Orang ilang nya?" (OAO )
  153. [23:35] <DRomero> 3"I intend to investigate it today, do any of you want to help?"
  154. [23:36] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"mau berangkat kapan?" (O_O
  155. [23:36] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"What a coincidence. I intend to ask everyone here to help me regarding that matter, too"
  156. [23:36] <Bruno_F> 2"....Aku juga mendengar rumor itu, dan aku sedikit penasaran dengannya..." @DRomero
  157. [23:36] <Incendie_S> 13\(=w= ) "Nya kosong sih nya.. Jadi ikut-ikut aja nya!"
  158. [23:36] <Incendie_S> 13*lanjut makan lagi pelan2*
  159. [23:36] <Incendie_S> 13( ._. ) *makan bubur*
  160. [23:37] <DRomero> 3"Well it must be the will of the Gods then."
  161. [23:37] <DRomero> 3"Let us depart after finishing our breakfast."
  162. [23:37] <Vinan_Melivan> 4O_O) *liat bubut*
  163. [23:37] <Incendie_S> 13(O_O ) "..."
  164. [23:37] <Bruno_F> 2"Semoga saja hujan segera reda..."
  165. [23:37] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*bubur*
  166. [23:37] <Incendie_S> 13*lirik rak buku*
  167. [23:38] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Then I will prepare myself in the meantime"
  168. [23:38] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"lebih cepat dingin kalo siap siap dulu"
  169. [23:38] <Incendie_S> 13*beresin makanan dl* ( ._. )
  170. [23:38] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Do not rush yourself"
  171. [23:38] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14@yang lagi makan
  172. [23:38] <Incendie_S> 13*telen* d(=A= ) "Siap nya!"
  173. [23:38] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"aku siap siap dulu ya, buburku jangan ada yang makan."
  174. [23:38] <Incendie_S> 13*baru lanjut makan lagi* ( =~=)
  175. [23:38] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*sambil jalan ke arah kamar*
  176. [23:38] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*melipir balik ke kamar*
  177. [23:38] <_DM_> 2Sundere: *mendekati bubur Vinan_Melivan *
  178. [23:39] <Bruno_F> 2"Aku cuci muka dulu kalau begitu, dan mempersiapkan barang2ku*
  179. [23:39] <Bruno_F> 2"
  180. [23:39] <Incendie_S> 13( O_O) *liat Sundere*
  181. [23:39] <_DM_> 2Sundere: *mendekati dan endus2 deket bubur*
  182. [23:39] <Incendie_S> 13(OAO ) "Tuan Bronto nya.. doggienya boleh dikasi makan nya?"
  183. [23:39] <Incendie_S> 13*sambil angkat piring pega* (OAO )-♨
  184. [23:40] <Bruno_F> 2"Kasih saja, kasihan dia kalau belum makan nanti" *sambil jalan ke arah kamar*
  185. [23:40] <_DM_> 2Sundere: "@_@"
  186. [23:40] <Incendie_S> 13( =3=)b "Doggie ngga bole makan ini nya.."
  187. [23:40] <_DM_> 2Sundere: *phei* *jalan ikut ke kamar*
  188. [23:40] <Incendie_S> 13*sambil masih angkat piring bubur pega*
  189. [23:41] <Incendie_S> 13(O_O ) "Eh doggie ngga mau makan nya?"
  190. [23:41] <Incendie_S> 13(OAO ) "Tadinya mau dikasi bubur yang lain nya.."
  191. [23:42] <Incendie_S> 13*sambil naro piring pega di meja* *jalan ke tpt bubur, cari mangkok kecilan n tuang situ* *taro di lantai* ( ._.)♨
  192. [23:42] <Incendie_S> 13*balik duduk lanjut makan lagi* ( =~=)
  193. [23:42] <_DM_> 1,8---- so what do you do at the room? ----
  194. [23:43] <Bruno_F> 2*beres2 & siap2, sambil berdoa agar hujan reda*
  195. [23:43] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*pake adventurer's clothing, half-plate, bawa tas beserta isi, ambil senjata*
  196. [23:44] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"..."
  197. [23:44] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"oh iya"
  198. [23:44] <_DM_> !roll 1d20+2
  199. [23:44] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+2? _DM_ [7] + 2 = 9"
  200. [23:44] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14-siap-siap langsung pasang armor half-plate dan peralatan biasanya-
  201. [23:44] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*bawa 3 gem + 100gp*
  202. [23:44] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14-tas dkk-
  203. [23:44] <_DM_> 2*stealth makan bubur*
  204. [23:44] <Incendie_S> 13( ._.) *beres makan, cuci piring, balik ke kamar ambil barang2 dan balik lagi* (O_O )"~~~~
  205. [23:44] <DRomero> 3*bawa perlengkapan lengkap*
  206. [23:45] <Incendie_S> 13*balik ke common room nunggu yg lain* *liat bubur pega aman apa ngga* ( O_O)
  207. [23:45] <_DM_> (aman bubur pega)
  208. [23:45] <_DM_> 1,8---- so everyone is back to the common room ----
  209. [23:46] <_DM_> 1,8---- now what do you do? ----
  210. [23:46] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*liat kondisi bubur*
  211. [23:46] <Bruno_F> 2*liat cuaca*
  212. [23:46] <Incendie_S> 13*beresin piring2 yg udah pada beres dimakan buburnya* ( =w=) *cuci2*
  213. [23:46] <DRomero> 3"Now let's talk about where we should start investigating."
  214. [23:46] <_DM_> 1,8--- bubur dan cuaca masih seperti sebelumnya ---
  215. [23:47] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"I actually wish to visit Temple of Waukeen"
  216. [23:47] <Bruno_F> 2"..."
  217. [23:47] <Bruno_F> 2"...cih, malas keluar aku..."
  218. [23:47] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"a...aku sambil makan ga apa-apa?" \(O_O
  219. [23:47] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"However, I do not know where is the temple's location"
  220. [23:47] <Incendie_S> 13( O_O) "Nya?" *nengok ke kayla*
  221. [23:47] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Go ahead, Ms. Viega"
  222. [23:48] <Incendie_S> 13*jalan ke rak buku ambil buku itu* *cek cek cek* (._. ) *ada peta ga ya?*
  223. [23:48] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"ma...maaf ya" *mulai makan*
  224. [23:49] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"di peta ga ada?" '~'
  225. [23:49] <_DM_> (ada Incendie_S )
  226. [23:49] <Incendie_S> 13( ._. ) "Ah ada nya.." *nods nods*
  227. [23:49] <Vinan_Melivan> 4O~O) "ada?"
  228. [23:50] <Incendie_S> 13*jalan balik ke yg lain* ( =w=)-o "Di buku ini ada nya!" *tunjukin peta lokasi*
  229. [23:50] <DRomero> "That's good, let's go there then. Good work!"
  230. [23:50] <_DM_> 1,8--- there are some information about the temples in Baldur's Gate ---
  231. [23:51] <Incendie_S> 13( =w=)7 "Sama-sama nya!"
  232. [23:51] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"se...sebentar" *percepat makan*
  233. [23:52] <Incendie_S> 13( OAO)/ "m..mbak pega.. pelan-pelan nya!"
  234. [23:52] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14" not rush yourself, Ms. Viega"
  235. [23:52] <Bruno_F> 2*panggil Sundere8
  236. [23:52] <Bruno_F> 2*
  237. [23:52] <_DM_> 2*approaches*
  238. [23:53] <Incendie_S> 13*lirik doggie* (O_O ) *lirik mangkok kecil tempat bubur tadi* ( O_O)
  239. [23:53] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"henang, haku hukan hindie" '~')
  240. [23:53] <_DM_> 1,8--- yg tadi habis ---
  241. [23:53] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"..."
  242. [23:53] <Incendie_S> 13( O_O) "..."
  243. [23:53] <_DM_> 1,8--- dan Vinan_Melivan , Con (saves) ---
  244. [23:53] <Vinan_Melivan> !roll 1d20+6
  245. [23:53] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+6? Vinan_Melivan [14] + 6 = 20"
  246. [23:54] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(hoh)
  247. [23:54] <_DM_> (hoh)
  248. [23:54] <Incendie_S> 13*liatin piring doggie* *ambil dan cuci* (-o=w=)-o
  249. [23:54] <Incendie_S> 13(dem)
  250. [23:54] <Incendie_S> 13(tck <_<)
  251. [23:54] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Still, be careful"
  252. [23:54] <_DM_> 1,8--- yup, she is not indie alright ---
  253. [23:54] <Incendie_S> 13( =3=) "Apa itu maksudnya mbak pegaaaa nyaaaa..." *sambil cuci piring*
  254. [23:54] <Incendie_S> 13-o(OAO ) "Mbak sisir juga nambahin nya!"
  255. [23:54] <Incendie_S> 13*points*
  256. [23:54] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Huh?"
  257. [23:55] <DRomero> O_O
  258. [23:55] <Incendie_S> 13( =3=) "donmai nya.. donmai nya.." *sambi lanjut cuci piring*
  259. [23:55] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"?"
  260. [23:56] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Did I say something that I should not say?"
  261. [23:56] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*nomnomnom*
  262. [23:56] <Incendie_S> 13\(=A= ) "...."
  263. [23:57] <Incendie_S> 13( O_O) "Ngga apa kok nya.." *nods nods* "Itu kemajuan buat mbak Sisir sih sebenernya nya.." *nods nods* *sambil keringin piring dan lap tangan*
  264. [23:57] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"If yes, then I apologize if it insult you, Ms. Incendie"
  265. [23:57] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...huh?"
  266. [23:58] <Incendie_S> 13(O_O ) "Nya? Ngga menyinggung kok nya.."
  267. [23:58] <Incendie_S> 13\(=w= ) "makanya nya bilang santai aja mbak Sisir nya.."
  268. [23:58] <_DM_> 1,8--- Vinan_Melivan beres makan ----
  269. [23:58] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*gulp*
  270. [23:58] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"jadi... langsung berangkat?" (O_O
  271. [23:58] <_DM_> 1,8---- so, what do you do now? ----
  272. [23:58] <DRomero> 3"If there isn't any problem."
  273. [23:58] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"..."
  274. [23:58] <Bruno_F> 2"Cepat juga kau makannya"
  275. [23:59] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"ack"
  276. [23:59] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"lu...lupa" ;A;
  277. [23:59] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Well...oh? Are you already finished?"
  278. [23:59] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"What is wrong, Ms. Viega?"
  279. [23:59] <Incendie_S> 13( O_O) "Dah beres mbak Pega nya..?" *deketin mau ambil piring* "Boleh dicuci nya?"
  280. [23:59] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"ke...kemaren..."
  281. [23:59] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"minjam uang buat beli kuda..."
  282. [23:59] <Incendie_S> 13( O_O) "nya..?"
  283. [23:59] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"tapi karena kemaleman belum sempat beli..." ._.)
  284. [00:00] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Oh"
  285. [00:00] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"kalau bolak balik stable-sini buang waktu" ;A;
  286. [00:00] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"maaf" ;A;
  287. [00:00] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Then just hold the jewels for now"
  288. [00:01] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*nod* ;_;
  289. [00:01] <Incendie_S> 13( OwO) *jalan aja k tpt cuci piring dan cuci piring dl* *keringin piring* *dan lap tangan* ( =w=) *nods*
  290. [00:01] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Perhaps we can procure the horse after we visit the Temple"
  291. [00:01] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"apa dorong dulu keretanya sampe stable ya" ._.
  292. [00:01] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"eh?"
  293. [00:01] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"oh iya"
  294. [00:01] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Shall we go now?"
  295. [00:01] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"ayo" O_O)
  296. [00:02] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14@all
  297. [00:02] <_DM_> (mule-chan dibuang? @A@ )
  298. [00:02] <Bruno_F> 2"Aku siap"
  299. [00:02] <Incendie_S> 13( =w=)/ "Siap nya!" *ambil tas di kursi dan halberd*
  300. [00:02] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(noooo)
  301. [00:02] <_DM_> 1,8--- Anyways, FF to the Temple? ---
  302. [00:02] <Incendie_S> 13(FF =w=/)
  303. [00:02] <Vinan_Melivan> 4(FF)
  304. [00:02] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14--FF--
  305. [00:03] <_DM_> 1,8--- ---
  306. [00:03] <_DM_> 1,8---- Temple of Waukeen ----
  307. [00:03] <_DM_> 1,8---- It is usually a crowded place, with some nice, pleasant, and cheerful attitude ----
  308. [00:04] <_DM_> 1,8---- But today, it feels very empty ----
  309. [00:04] <Incendie_S> 13(OAO ) ( OAO) "Hooooo..." *celingukan*
  310. [00:04] <_DM_> 1,8---- There is only several priests, and one of them greeted you in sorrow ----
  311. [00:05] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(morning? afternoon?)
  312. [00:05] <Incendie_S> 13(OAO ) ( OAO)
  313. [00:05] <Incendie_S> 13( ._. ) *baca buku dl biar tau ini temple apaan*
  314. [00:05] <Incendie_S> 13(OAO ) "..hoooo..." *kayak turis liat guide book sambil liat tpt wisata*
  315. [00:05] <_DM_> (afternoon)
  316. [00:05] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(bole coba...religion buat inget-inget soal...waukeen? *plak*)
  317. [00:06] <_DM_> 1,8--- int (religion) ---
  318. [00:06] <Incendie_S> 13(... perlu religion juga GM? =3=a)
  319. [00:06] <Vinan_Melivan> 4(eh goddess of trade? boleh int juga?)
  320. [00:06] <Michalla_Truesilver> !roll 1d20+1
  321. [00:06] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+1? Michalla_Truesilver [10] + 1 = 11"
  322. [00:06] <_DM_> (silakan)
  323. [00:06] <DRomero> 3"Good afternoon, priest of waukeen." *bows*
  324. [00:06] <Vinan_Melivan> !roll 1d20
  325. [00:06] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? Vinan_Melivan [14] = 14"
  326. [00:06] <_DM_> 12"Welcome, traveler"
  327. [00:07] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(11 saja <_<)
  328. [00:07] <Incendie_S> !roll 1d20+1+1
  329. [00:07] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+1+1? Incendie_S [13] + 1 + 1 = 15"
  330. [00:07] <_DM_> (yah DC 5 = goddess of trade, DC 10, temennya Tymora, tp lebih ke arah fairtrade kali ya, bukan pure luck)
  331. [00:07] <Incendie_S> 13*efek baca buku di tgn keknya*
  332. [00:08] <Incendie_S> 13(OAO ) ( OAO) "...nya..." *nods nods*
  333. [00:08] <_DM_> 12"Do you seek counsel, or blessings from the goddess of coin?"
  334. [00:08] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(GM, bole coba inget-inget sesuatu? O_O)
  335. [00:08] <_DM_> (ya? silakan wis roll)
  336. [00:08] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(inget-inget...soal sesuatu yang dulu dibilang berhubungan dengan temple ini)
  337. [00:09] <Michalla_Truesilver> !roll 1d20
  338. [00:09] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? Michalla_Truesilver [18] = 18"
  339. [00:09] <_DM_> (ingat)
  340. [00:09] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(wut)
  341. [00:09] <_DM_> (wkwk)
  342. [00:09] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*geleng geleng* O_O)
  343. [00:09] <Incendie_S> 13"coin nya?" ( OAO)
  344. [00:09] <Vinan_Melivan> 4(wait cowo/cewe?)
  345. [00:09] <DRomero> 3"We're here to offer our help regarding the missing people case."
  346. [00:09] <_DM_> (cowo kok, kan Priest)
  347. [00:09] <_DM_> 12".. Ah, the news indeed spreading fast"
  348. [00:10] <Bruno_F> 2"Rumor ini sepertinya sudah umum ya...."
  349. [00:10] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"And we were told to tell you that...Sil sent us here if we happened to visit this temple"
  350. [00:10] <_DM_> 12"But may I ask, what is the compensation you expected, in helping this temple regarding the case?"
  351. [00:10] <Vinan_Melivan> 4O_O)
  352. [00:11] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"ga per-"
  353. [00:11] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"..."
  354. [00:11] <Incendie_S> 13(O_O ) *nengok ke kayla*
  355. [00:11] <DRomero> 3"As a follower of God, I just feel the obligation to help."
  356. [00:11] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*lirik ketua*
  357. [00:11] <_DM_> 12"…Sil..? Do you know her?" @Michalla_Truesilver 
  358. [00:11] <Incendie_S> 13(OAO ) "Ah! Yang dibilang ama mbak Pil ya nya?"
  359. [00:11] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"We were able to reach Baldur's Gate thanks to Ms. Silversnow's aid"
  360. [00:11] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"Sil? Pil?" (O_O
  361. [00:12] <Incendie_S> 13( =w=)/ "Itu lo.. mbak2 yang bawa kapal waktu itu mbak Pega"
  362. [00:12] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"ho..."
  363. [00:12] <_DM_> 12"I see. Well if that is the case, then we are friends :) I thank you for your offers of help too, traveler @DRomero "
  364. [00:12] <Incendie_S> 13( =w=)b "Yang masih belum punya pasangan itu nya" *nods nods*
  365. [00:13] <_DM_> 12"Let us discuss about it inside"
  366. [00:13] <_DM_> 12*jalan masuk*
  367. [00:13] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*ikut*
  368. [00:13] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"And as for myself, it is also my obligation to aid the ally of Tymora who is in trouble"
  369. [00:13] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(oh telat)
  370. [00:13] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*ikut masuk*
  371. [00:13] <Incendie_S> 13*nunggu yg lain jalan dlan* *baru ngikut* ~~~~"( =w=)
  372. [00:13] <DRomero> *ikut masuk*
  373. [00:15] <Incendie_S> 13*sambil celingukan liat sekeliling ya DM* (OwO ) ( OwO)
  374. [00:15] <_DM_> 1,8---- Inside, after you are offered seats and something to drink ----
  375. [00:15] <_DM_> 12"I do not know where to start, actually"
  376. [00:15] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Perhaps you can start from...telling us about the missing cleric?"
  377. [00:15] <Incendie_S> 13(OwO ) ( OwO) *masih celingukan* ( ._. ) *minum* (OwO ) ( OwO) *celingukan*
  378. [00:15] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*sambil melihat ke yang lain sejenak*
  379. [00:15] <_DM_> 12"Ah right. Brother Gascon is the missing cleric"
  380. [00:16] <_DM_> 1,8---- the temple is, well, temple of wealth; so you drink with silverwares ----
  381. [00:16] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*lalu balik ke priest yang tadi*
  382. [00:16] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"eh? cuma satu?" O_O)
  383. [00:17] <Incendie_S> 13(OwO ) ( OwO) *celingukan* ( ._. ) *liat gelas* "..pasti mahal nya.." (OwO ) ( OwO) *celingukan lagi*
  384. [00:17] <_DM_> 12"He was enlisted in a mercenary charter under the name of Shooting Stars, legal to work in Baldur's Gate and around"
  385. [00:17] <_DM_> 12"Yes, we lost one cleric; however it seems there are several adventurers missing as well, traveler @Vinan_Melivan "
  386. [00:17] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"ho..."
  387. [00:18] <Incendie_S> 13(OAO) "Eh? Ilangnya barengan nya?"
  388. [00:18] <_DM_> 12"Brother Gascon is a very cheerful and energic fellow; however on the last day I saw him, he seemed to be troubled with something"
  389. [00:19] <_DM_> 12"He only tells that, there might be some person he knew who 'choose a wrong path', and he went to investigate it further"
  390. [00:20] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14" 'Wrong path'?"
  391. [00:20] <Bruno_F> 2"Terdengar mencurigakan..."
  392. [00:20] <_DM_> 12"He went to Candlekeep, but then went missing; the whole adventuring company, consisting of five people.."
  393. [00:20] <Vinan_Melivan> 4O_O)
  394. [00:20] <Incendie_S> 13(O_O) "...nyasar nya..?" *miringin kepala*
  395. [00:20] <Vinan_Melivan> 4(boleh... roll buat connect the dots?)
  396. [00:20] <_DM_> 12"Yes, 'the wrong path'. He did not want to talk about it further, but it seems it is very personal"
  397. [00:21] <_DM_> (… Int (Investigation) ? )
  398. [00:21] <Vinan_Melivan> !roll 1d20
  399. [00:21] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? Vinan_Melivan [8] = 8"
  400. [00:21] <_DM_> (wew)
  401. [00:21] <Bruno_F> 2"Candlekeep?" (perlu roll sesuatu untuk tahu Candlekeep _DM_?)
  402. [00:21] <DRomero> (mau juga dong)
  403. [00:21] <DRomero> !roll 1d20+3
  404. [00:21] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+3? DRomero [19] + 3 = 22"
  405. [00:21] <_DM_> ( Int (History) buat tahu Candlekeep) )
  406. [00:21] <DRomero> ( <_< )
  407. [00:21] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Candlekeep?"
  408. [00:21] <DRomero> (investigation 22)
  409. [00:21] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(history =3=/)
  410. [00:22] <Bruno_F> 2!roll 1d20
  411. [00:22] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? Bruno_F [5] = 5"
  412. [00:22] <_DM_> (oh wait, DRomero tahu tentang Candlekeep)
  413. [00:22] <Incendie_S> 13( mau OAO)/ history! )
  414. [00:22] <Bruno_F> 2(His 5 saja T_T)
  415. [00:22] <Michalla_Truesilver> !roll 1d20+1
  416. [00:22] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+1? Michalla_Truesilver [6] + 1 = 7"
  417. [00:22] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(7 saja =w=)
  418. [00:22] <_DM_> (Bruno_F sering dengar, tp lupa itu apa; cuma sejenis kota terkenal. Michalla_Truesilver jg sering dengar)
  419. [00:22] <Incendie_S> !roll 1d20+1+3
  420. [00:22] <_DM_> (silakan Incendie_S )
  421. [00:22] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+1+3? Incendie_S [4] + 1 + 3 = 8"
  422. [00:22] <_DM_> (oh sama saja)
  423. [00:22] <Incendie_S> 13(8 doang.. wutd a)
  424. [00:22] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Hmm..."
  425. [00:22] <Bruno_F> 2"Mau apa dia kesana?" @Priest
  426. [00:22] <DRomero> "Anything else that you know about?"
  427. [00:23] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...anyone know about Candlekeep? I have only heard about it several times..."
  428. [00:23] <Incendie_S> 13(O_O)a "...ilangnya.. kapan nya?" *penasaran*
  429. [00:24] <Vinan_Melivan> 4(iseng deh, roll history juga bole?)
  430. [00:24] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Is there something happened there before they went missing?"
  431. [00:24] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14@priest
  432. [00:24] <DRomero> "It's the city of knowledge."
  433. [00:24] <DRomero> 3"Where people who seek more knowledge gather."
  434. [00:24] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"City of knowledge?"
  435. [00:24] <Vinan_Melivan> 4(eh nvm)
  436. [00:24] <_DM_> (boleh2)
  437. [00:24] <Incendie_S> 13"...knowledge nya...?" ( OAO)
  438. [00:25] <DRomero> 3"I heard that you'll have to bring a rare book to enter that city."
  439. [00:25] <DRomero> 3"Since he said something about wrong path..."
  440. [00:25] <_DM_> 12"We tried to contact the Candlekeep, and they replied that Brother Gascon have not arrived at all"
  441. [00:25] <Incendie_S> 13(OAO ) "Rare book nya..?" *nengok*
  442. [00:25] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"buku... langka?" O_O)
  443. [00:25] <DRomero> 3"Maybe he got lost and brother Gascon went to find him and got lost too."
  444. [00:26] <DRomero> 3"Or they tried to find a rare book to enter the city, found a ruin and explore it but then got trapped inside when an accident blocked their only way out."
  445. [00:26] <Incendie_S> 13(=3=)a "..anu..emang harusnya kira-kira Brother Scone kapan sampai nya..?"
  446. [00:27] <_DM_> 12"Traveling to Candlekeep does not take a long time, only around 2 days"
  447. [00:27] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"sepanjang perjalanan ada reruntuhan?" (O_O
  448. [00:27] <_DM_> 12"He… I do not know why he went there, traveler" @Bruno_F 
  449. [00:28] <Incendie_S> 13( O_O) "Nya! 2 hari ya nya.."
  450. [00:28] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...or did he bring any rare book with him...?"
  451. [00:28] <_DM_> 12"I can only guess, it has something to do with the person he knew"
  452. [00:28] <Bruno_F> 2"Mau masuk kota saja perlu membawa buku, merepotkan sekali...."
  453. [00:28] <_DM_> 12"Brother Gascon already have gained free entry to the Candlekeep. He lived there and raised as one of the Candlekeep's sage"
  454. [00:28] <Bruno_F> 2"hoo..."
  455. [00:29] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"I see"
  456. [00:29] <_DM_> 12"And, I do not think there are any ruins along the way" @Vinan_Melivan 
  457. [00:29] <Incendie_S> 13( O_O)/ "anu.. anu.. nama orang yang pergi bareng brother Scone siapa aja nya?"
  458. [00:29] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"....then it is not possible for them to be trapped inside a ruin to find a rare book..."
  459. [00:29] <_DM_> 12"As for the events on Candlekeep, it is a very secluded city, so only insiders know about it" @Michalla_Truesilver 
  460. [00:30] <_DM_> 12*menyebutkan nama 5 orang* @Incendie_S 
  461. [00:30] <_DM_> (pemalas mode:on)
  462. [00:30] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(wut)
  463. [00:30] <DRomero> 3"No, it's possible that the guy he's looking is inside the ruin and brother Gascon went inside to find him."
  464. [00:30] <_DM_> (eh nama 4 orang lainnya)
  465. [00:30] <DRomero> 3"Or he have a really terrible sense of direction and went to the wrong path."
  466. [00:30] <DRomero> 3"And brother Gascon decided not to come back before finding him."
  467. [00:31] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Well...wait"
  468. [00:31] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Who has the terrible sense of direction?"
  469. [00:31] <_DM_> 12"… I had similar thoughts, regarding 'not coming back before finding him'.."
  470. [00:31] <Incendie_S> 13(OAO ) "temennya brother Scone bukan nya?"
  471. [00:31] <Vinan_Melivan> 4O_O)
  472. [00:31] <_DM_> 12"But brother Gascon is a native from Candlekeep, and lived in Baldur's Gate for a long time"
  473. [00:31] <DRomero> 3"I see, then there's a high chance that I'm right."
  474. [00:32] <DRomero> 3"Brother gascon and the other 4 might not be missing, but they're still struggling to find the guy."
  475. [00:32] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Pardon me, but I did not get it at all"
  476. [00:32] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"tapi masa ga pulang buat makan?" (O_O
  477. [00:32] <DRomero> 3"Or it could be... that they got kidnapped when trying to find the guy."
  478. [00:32] <_DM_> 12"… Recently, there are news about another group of starting adventurers, missing again, somewhere after leaving Friendly Arms Inn"
  479. [00:33] <Incendie_S> 13( O_O) "....jadi yang ilang termasuk brother Scone 5 atau 6 orang nya..?" *mulai bingung*
  480. [00:33] <DRomero> 3"Maybe the guy went to the wrong path and met a group of bandits and got involved in their business."
  481. [00:33] <DRomero> 3"That is bad..."
  482. [00:33] <_DM_> 12"Friendly Arms Inn is a famous inn, en route from Baldur's Gate to Candlekeep, and goes south towards Athkatla"
  483. [00:33] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"..."
  484. [00:33] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"..."
  485. [00:33] <_DM_> 12"There were five including brother Gascon, traveler" @Incendie_S 
  486. [00:33] <DRomero> 3"I see, that inn might be a hiding ground for the group of bandits."
  487. [00:33] <Incendie_S> 13( O_O) "...jangan-jangan... inn-nya yg bermasalah nya..?"
  488. [00:34] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"kenapa ga bilang dari tadi?" OAO
  489. [00:34] <DRomero> 3"Dangerous."
  490. [00:34] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Wrong this comrade of Brother Gascon took the wrong path because of...bandit?"
  491. [00:34] <DRomero> 3"I see that all of you have arrived in the same conclusion as I am."
  492. [00:34] <_DM_> 12"Friendly Arms Inn is a well-respected inn, and a very popular. It is also crowded"
  493. [00:34] <Bruno_F> 2"Bandit eh? Menyulitkan saja..."
  494. [00:34] <DRomero> 3"Let's get prepared to investigate that place then."
  495. [00:34] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"ayo" (O_O
  496. [00:34] <DRomero> 3"A crowded place is an ideal hiding ground for the bandits."
  497. [00:34] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...well...very well then"
  498. [00:35] <Incendie_S> 13( ._.) *cek2 di buku ada apa ngga friendly fire inn* *pake apa gm?*
  499. [00:35] <DRomero> 3"Hide a tree in a forest, as the old saying goes."
  500. [00:35] <Incendie_S> 13*eh friendly arms inn*
  501. [00:35] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"hebat juga banditnya bikin cover" O_O)
  502. [00:35] <_DM_> (friendly arms inn? ada di buku)
  503. [00:36] <_DM_> (dibuat ex-adventurer, bentuknya kastil)
  504. [00:36] <_DM_> (dipakai buat jadi inn)
  505. [00:36] <_DM_> (1 hari dari Baldur's Gate)
  506. [00:36] <Incendie_S> 13( ._.) "...nya... jaraknya 1 hari dari sini nya.. friendly arms inn nya.." *nods nods* *tutup buku*
  507. [00:36] <Incendie_S> 13( O_O) *nods*
  508. [00:36] <Bruno_F> 2"dekat juga...."
  509. [00:36] <_DM_> 12"Is there anything that you need, traveler?"
  510. [00:37] <Incendie_S> 13( O_O)b "Ada ciri2 brother Scone nya?"
  511. [00:37] <_DM_> 12"I believe our humble temple can provide a caravan with two healthy horses, if you want to"
  512. [00:37] <_DM_> 12*mendeskripsikan Gascon* @Incendie_S 
  513. [00:38] <Vinan_Melivan> 4(O_O )
  514. [00:38] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"caravan boleh juga, biar kita lebih cepat sampai"
  515. [00:39] <_DM_> 1,8---- So, what do you do now? ----
  516. [00:39] <Bruno_F> 2"...."
  517. [00:39] <Incendie_S> 13( O_O)> "Nya ngikut nya.."
  518. [00:39] <DRomero> 3"Let us depart then."
  519. [00:40] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*nod*
  520. [00:40] <Bruno_F> 2"Lebih cepat lebih baik"
  521. [00:40] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Thank you for your assistance, Priest"
  522. [00:41] <_DM_> 1,8---- So the Temple of Waukeen provide you a caravan to travel ----
  523. [00:41] <_DM_> 1,8---- but it is not for 'faster' travel, it is for easier and comfortable traveling ----
  524. [00:42] <_DM_> 1,8---- is there anything you want to buy / prepare before departing? ----
  525. [00:42] <_DM_> 1,8---- The travel will take around 8 hours, and you will reach Friendly Arms Inn around midnight ----
  526. [00:42] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"How long will it take to reach the Inn by using this caravan?"
  527. [00:42] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(oh, udah kejawab)
  528. [00:43] <_DM_> 1,15---- so what do you do? ----
  529. [00:44] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Everyone ready to depart? Or is there anything else you need to prepare before we leave Baldur's Gate?"
  530. [00:44] <Bruno_F> 2"Nope, Aku siap berangkat"
  531. [00:44] <Incendie_S> 13"Nya..? Harusnya..Ngga deh nya.." ( O_O)>
  532. [00:44] <DRomero> 3*smiles and waves*
  533. [00:44] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"ga ada."
  534. [00:45] <_DM_> 1,8---- FF? ----
  535. [00:45] <DRomero> (FF)
  536. [00:45] <Vinan_Melivan> 4(FF)
  537. [00:45] <Incendie_S> 13(FF 3 (=3=)7)
  538. [00:45] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Very well. Let us go then"
  539. [00:45] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14--FF--
  540. [00:46] <Bruno_F> 2(FF)
  541. [00:46] <_DM_> 1,8---- The journey was quite un-eventful; but contrary to the should be patrolling Flaming Fist Mercenaries around Baldur's Gate, you seldom met them; as if they are busy somewhere else ----
  542. [00:46] <DRomero> 3"Hm..."
  543. [00:46] <DRomero> 3"Suspicious."
  544. [00:46] <_DM_> 1,8---- by almost midnight, under the light rain, you reached a castle, around the size of D'Arnise Keep ----
  545. [00:47] <Incendie_S> 13*sesekali main lute d caravan*
  546. [00:47] <_DM_> 1,8---- With a large board and lamp posts, bearing the letters: 'FRIENDLY ARMS INN' ----
  547. [00:47] <Incendie_S> 13( O_O) "...besar nya..."
  548. [00:47] <_DM_> 1,8---- There are stables and their stablehand, some parking space / caravansary, and many local militias ----
  549. [00:48] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"tenang... mereka ga mungkin beraksi depan umum" O_O)
  550. [00:48] <DRomero> 3"This inn is an actual castle, even more suspicious."
  551. [00:48] <Incendie_S> 13"jadi... kudanya mau ditaro di mana nya..?" ( OAO)
  552. [00:48] <_DM_> 1,8---- and the inn is actually a very nice one; the interior is well decorated, and you can hear calming music from inside ----
  553. [00:48] <_DM_>
  554. [00:49] <_DM_> 1,8---- The cost for 1 night stay is 2gp per person, including dinner, breakfast, and stabling ----
  555. [00:49] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Why it is suspicious because it is an actual castle, Brother Domine?"
  556. [00:49] <DRomero> 3"A castle is big and might have dungeons."
  557. [00:49] <_DM_> 1,8---- it was crowded that night, with many adventurers, merchants, mercenaries, and maybe bandits, taking some rest at the neutral place ----
  558. [00:50] <DRomero> 3"There are plenty of hidden places for a hideout and/or secret passages as well."
  559. [00:50] <_DM_> 1,8---- The ultimate rules here is, no fighting ----
  560. [00:50] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"mero, mana mesti di interogasi?" O_O)
  561. [00:50] <Incendie_S> 13(OwO ) ( OwO) *celingukan liat sekeliling*
  562. [00:50] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"I see"
  563. [00:50] <Bruno_F> 2*liat2 tampang orang2 di dalam*
  564. [00:51] <Incendie_S> 13*urus kuda dulu dan kasi makan kuda2 baru join yg lain kalo yg lain k dlm*
  565. [00:51] <_DM_> 1,8-- Bruno_F sees any kind of people; from paladin of Tyr, to half-fiend cuthroat, are taking some rest there --
  566. [00:52] <_DM_> 1,8---- The first main hall is a huge and vast tavern ----
  567. [00:52] <_DM_> 1,8---- where you can order from hot tea, hot coffee, hot mead, or ale and beer ----
  568. [00:52] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Now...where should we start?"
  569. [00:52] <_DM_> 1,8---- the scent of roast sheep also filled this feast hall ----
  570. [00:53] <Incendie_S> 13( OAO) "!!!" *ndus2*
  571. [00:53] <Bruno_F> 2"Terlalu ramai disini...."
  572. [00:53] <Incendie_S> 13*langsung ngacir cari tempat duduk deket bartender* \(OAO ) "Nya duluan nya!"
  573. [00:54] <Incendie_S> 13@yg lain
  574. [00:54] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"benar juga" O_O)
  575. [00:54] <_DM_> 1,8( yak sementara silakan ngobrol2 dulu in group, atau kl pesan macem2, silakan order; most food costs 1gp including a cup/mug of drinks )
  576. [00:54] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"kalo ini markas bandit..."
  577. [00:54] <_DM_> ( awa brb wc )
  578. [00:55] <Incendie_S> 13*udah ngacir dlan |||OTL maaf salahkan kambing*
  579. [00:55] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"berarti staffnya bandit" O_O)
  580. [00:55] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Well..."
  581. [00:56] <DRomero> 3"No it could be that the staffs are innocent civilians."
  582. [00:56] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"..."
  583. [00:56] <DRomero> 3"The real bandits are blending somewhere... waiting to ambush."
  584. [00:56] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*menghela napas pendek*
  585. [00:56] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...where do you think we should start, Brother Domine?"
  586. [00:57] <DRomero> 3"Let's try to blend with the crowds here."
  587. [00:57] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"And after that?"
  588. [00:57] <DRomero> 3"Just act normal and talk while eating tonight."
  589. [00:57] <DRomero> 3"We'll meet in the morning and share our experiences."
  590. [00:57] <Bruno_F> 2"Normal eh, kuharap orang2 disini juga bertingkah normal..."
  591. [00:57] <DRomero> 3"See if we can find something out of ordinary."
  592. [00:58] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...pardon me if I am asking too much, but..."
  593. [00:58] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"hal... yang tidak biasa?"
  594. [00:58] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*lirik half-fiend*
  595. [00:58] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"What might be something 'out of ordinary' in a place like this?"
  596. [00:58] <_DM_> 1,8---- Yak, mau badai PM, silakan ----
  597. [00:58] <_DM_> 1,8---- declare mendekati siapa / mencari orang yg bagaimana ----
  598. [00:59] <DRomero> 3"Don't think too much, we'll find it for sure tomorrow."
  599. [00:59] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"If you say so..."
  600. [00:59] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Very well then"
  601. [00:59] <DRomero> 3"Something out of ordinary can only be found after the fact have passed."
  602. [00:59] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...I shall do my best"
  603. [01:00] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Well then, be careful, everyone"
  604. [01:00] <Bruno_F> 2"...Apapun itu, semoga saja ada dwarves yang enak untuk diajak ngobrol disini..."
  605. [01:00] <DRomero> 3*nods* "See you in the morning*
  606. [01:01] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*nod*
  607. [01:01] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*nods*
  608. [01:01] <_DM_> 1,8--- Bruno_F spotted some Dwarves; Shield Dwarves, but they look.. weird ---
  609. [01:01] <Bruno_F> 2(state action disini atau pm _DM_?)
  610. [01:01] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*coba lihat-lihat sekeliling cari yang...nampak seperti paladin/cleric*
  611. [01:01] <_DM_> (state action di sini, tp ngobrol ga usah)
  612. [01:02] <Bruno_F> 2(ok)
  613. [01:02] <DRomero> 3*went and try talking to some sages/paladin/Candlekeep aiming people."
  614. [01:02] <_DM_> 1,8--- Michalla_Truesilver spotted a lone half-elven Paladin, bearing a symbol of Tyr, keeping an eye around especially to the Half-Fiend ---
  615. [01:02] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*terutama...urutannya Waukeen, terus salah satu dari the Triad, terus...Tymora*
  616. [01:02] <Bruno_F> 2*liat ada kelompok dwarf lain?*
  617. [01:03] <_DM_> 1,8--- DRomero , there are no Candlekeep; but there is a wizard at the corner, with five spellbooks each bearing symbol of Oghma ---
  618. [01:03] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"..." *mendekat ke arah half-elven paladin*
  619. [01:03] <_DM_> 1,8--- there is another with dwarf, with greataxe ---
  620. [01:04] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*aimlessly wandering dulu, cari yang keliatan paling kayak bandit*
  621. [01:04] <DRomero> *go to the wizard to share adventure stories and small talks*
  622. [01:04] <_DM_> 1,8--- half fiend looks like a bandit alright; a female half-fiend, with several slave girls ---
  623. [01:04] <_DM_> (silakana Michalla_Truesilver dan DRomero langsung PM saja)
  624. [01:05] <Vinan_Melivan> 4(wait.... di nama yang disebutin ada nama cewe?)
  625. [01:05] <_DM_> ( nope )
  626. [01:05] <_DM_> ( yg ilang cowo semua )
  627. [01:05] <Bruno_F> 2*membaur dengan 'dwarf with greataxe'*
  628. [01:06] <Vinan_Melivan> 4(half fiend... lagi ngapain?)
  629. [01:06] <_DM_> 1,8--- just now she kissed one of the slave girls ---
  630. [01:06] <Bruno_F> 2*ngobrol dengan 'dwarf with greataxe', mencoba mengakrabkan diri dulu*
  631. [01:06] <_DM_> ( Bruno_F langsung PM saja )
  632. [01:07] <Bruno_F> 2(ok)
  633. [01:07] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"..."
  634. [01:07] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*cari yang lain yang keliatan banditty*
  635. [01:10] <_DM_> 7*seseorang di pojok* " 6_n " @Vinan_Melivan 
  636. [01:11] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"..."
  637. [01:11] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*ambil minuman*
  638. [01:12] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*melipir ke half-fiend*
  639. [01:12] <_DM_> 12*the half elven paladin stands up and make a proper bow to Michalla_Truesilver *
  640. [01:12] <_DM_> (silakan langsung pm ya Vinan_Melivan )
  641. [01:13] <_DM_> 5*one maid approaches Bruno_F and the Dwarf to give drinks and food*
  642. [01:15] <Incendie_S> !roll 1d20+3
  643. [01:15] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+3? Incendie_S [11] + 3 = 14"
  644. [01:17] <Bruno_F> 2(perlu roll sesuatu untuk tahu dia bohong atau nggak _DM_?)
  645. [01:17] <_DM_> (oh roll.. wis (insight) )
  646. [01:17] <Bruno_F> 2!roll 1d20+2
  647. [01:17] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+2? Bruno_F [10] + 2 = 12"
  648. [01:18] <Bruno_F> 2(oh, dan perlu roll His kah untuk tahu Thibbledworf Pwent dan Mithrall Hall _DM_?)
  649. [01:20] <Vinan_Melivan> !roll 1d20+2
  650. [01:20] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+2? Vinan_Melivan [11] + 2 = 13"
  651. [01:21] <_DM_> ( oh ga perlu Bruno_F (
  652. [01:21] <_DM_> ( kalau tau sejarah aslinya *plak* )
  653. [01:21] * DRomero (~Xamdiz@9E587BDF.50F4EC69.E047A2E.IP) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  654. [01:21] <Bruno_F> 2(lol)
  655. [01:21] <_DM_> ( the Battlerager, Dwarf pakai spiked armor spesialis grapple )
  656. [01:22] <_DM_> ( dengan helm -- unicorn? badak? )
  657. [01:22] * DRomero (~Xamdiz@9E587BDF.50F4EC69.E047A2E.IP) has joined #CoastalArea
  658. [01:35] <_DM_> 10*a wizard stands up suddenly, dropping books and records and knocking his head to the stairs*
  659. [01:35] <_DM_> 10*then sits back hurt, and continue talking to DRomero *
  660. [01:35] <Incendie_S> 13(O_O ) *nengok*
  661. [01:35] <Incendie_S> 13( O_O) *balik ke si mbak*
  662. [01:36] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...?" *nengok ke arah itu kalau menarik perhatian*
  663. [01:38] <_DM_> (yg di sini menarik perhatian kok)
  664. [01:38] <_DM_> (wkwk)
  665. [01:39] <Bruno_F> 2*nengok ngeliat doang, lanjutin obrolan*
  666. [01:39] <_DM_> (eh yg pindah tempat bilang ya)
  667. [01:39] <_DM_> ( yg ke #bartendersekseh ke room-nya ya)
  668. [01:39] <_DM_> ( atau di #bartendersekseh Incendie_S )
  669. [01:40] <Incendie_S> 13(he? awa pindah?)
  670. [01:40] <_DM_> (oh ada yg ke situ soalnya
  671. [01:41] <_DM_> 1,8--- Vinan_Melivan left the half-fiend and approaches bartender / Incendie_S ---
  672. [01:50] <_DM_> 7*dwarf ketawa keras*
  673. [01:51] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*melihat ke arah dwarf sejenak*
  674. [01:51] <Incendie_S> 13(O_O ) *nengok*
  675. [01:51] <Incendie_S> 13( O_O) *balik lagi*
  676. [01:53] <Bruno_F> 2(boleh roll Insight lagi _DM_?)
  677. [01:54] <_DM_> (boleh)
  678. [01:54] <Bruno_F> 2!roll 1d20+2
  679. [01:54] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+2? Bruno_F [11] + 2 = 13"
  680. [01:54] <Incendie_S> 13(OAO ) *nengok ke dwarf*
  681. [01:59] <_DM_> 7*the dwarf laugh loudly again*
  682. [02:00] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*nengok bentar ke dwarf*
  683. [02:00] <Incendie_S> 13(OAO ) *nengok lagi*
  684. [02:01] <Incendie_S> 13( OAO) *balik k si mbak*
  685. [02:04] <_DM_> 1,8--- it is getting late ---
  686. [02:04] <_DM_> 1,8--- and many people starting to retire to their room ---
  687. [02:04] <_DM_> 1,8--- including the fiend ---
  688. [02:05] <_DM_> 1,8--- followed by the Paladin ---
  689. [02:05] <_DM_> 1,8--- and the dwarven merchant ---
  690. [02:07] <_DM_> 1,8--- then the dwarf with Greatax started to sleep and snore loudly ---
  691. [02:07] <Bruno_F> 2*liat2 di ruangan masih ada siapa aja*
  692. [02:08] <Incendie_S> !roll 1d20+3
  693. [02:08] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+3? Incendie_S [15] + 3 = 18"
  694. [02:08] <_DM_> Ada Incendie_S dan Vinan_Melivan di bartender, DRomero di pojok, Michalla_Truesilver sendiri di… table
  695. [02:11] <Michalla_Truesilver> !roll 1d0
  696. [02:11] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? Michalla_Truesilver [1] = 1"
  697. [02:11] <_DM_> 1,8--- now what do you do? ---
  698. [02:11] <Bruno_F> 2*bartender seksi masih ada?*
  699. [02:11] <_DM_> (masih)
  700. [02:11] <_DM_> (ada dua orang di situ)
  701. [02:11] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*berdiri dan berjalan ke arah bartender*
  702. [02:11] <_DM_> (eh maksudnya, ada dua orang lain--- oh jadi tiga)
  703. [02:12] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*lirik sekitar cari DRomero*
  704. [02:12] <Bruno_F> 2*samperin, mau tambah minuman ama makanan*
  705. [02:12] <_DM_> (kl ke sana, gabung aja di #bartendersekseh )
  706. [02:12] <_DM_> (DRomero ada di pojok)
  707. [02:12] <Bruno_F> 2(oke, tambah makanan bayar 1 gp lagi kah _DM_?)
  708. [02:12] <_DM_> (kl pesan lagi =3=b )
  709. [02:13] <Bruno_F> 2(ok)
  710. [02:16] <_DM_> 10*the wizard drops books and scrolls again*
  711. [02:17] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*nengok ke arah wizard*
  712. [02:17] <Incendie_S> 13(O_O )o *nengok*
  713. [02:17] <Incendie_S> 13(oOwO)o *balik trok2*
  714. [02:17] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*nengok*
  715. [02:17] <_DM_> 10*beberes macem2 dan jalan ke atas*
  716. [02:17] <_DM_> *dengan ditolong DRomero *
  717. [02:18] <_DM_> 1,8--- now almost everyone gathered at #bartendersekseh ---
  718. [02:18] <_DM_> 7Dwarf: *snores loudly*
  719. [02:18] <_DM_> (DRomero , si wizard sudah ke atas)
  720. [02:19] <DRomero> *pergi ke tempat yang lain*
  721. [02:19] <_DM_> (sila.. atau balik di sini? *plak* )
  722. [02:19] <DRomero> (sini aja atau di sana?)
  723. [02:19] <Incendie_S> 13(bebash)
  724. [02:19] <_DM_> (sini aja kayaknya)
  725. [02:19] * _Eva_ ( has joined #CoastalArea
  726. [02:19] * _Eva_ is now known as Kayla_Truesilver
  727. [02:20] <_DM_> 6Bartender: *menyajikan herbal tea*
  728. [02:20] <Kayla_Truesilver> 14"...anyway, I have just confirmed that Brother Gascon and his companions had stayed here and were supposed to head to Candlekeep...a few days ago"
  729. [02:20] <Incendie_S> 13( =w=)oⅽ[ː̠̈ː̠̈ː̠̈] ͌ "makasih mbak nya" *minum teh anget*
  730. [02:21] <Incendie_S> 13*makan kue pelan2* ( OwO)
  731. [02:21] <Kayla_Truesilver> 14"And yes, the paladin whom I talked with had small contact with them when they were staying in this inn"
  732. [02:21] <Kayla_Truesilver> 14@Viega
  733. [02:21] <Vinan_Melivan> 4O_O)
  734. [02:21] * Michalla_Truesilver ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  735. [02:21] <Incendie_S> 13(O~O ) ( O~O) *celingukan aja dengerin yg lain sambil makan kue* *nomnomnom*
  736. [02:22] <DRomero> 3*datang*
  737. [02:22] <Kayla_Truesilver> 14"Oh, thank you Ma'am" @bartender
  738. [02:22] * Kayla_Truesilver is now known as Michalla_Truesilver
  739. [02:22] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"berarti... diceritain soal mbak yang serem?"
  740. [02:22] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...who?" @Viega
  741. [02:22] <DRomero> 3"Hm, I thought I told you that we'll meet in the morning. But it's quite funny that we're all here now."
  742. [02:22] <DRomero> 3*duduk*
  743. [02:22] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"yang... bawa banyak temen yang keliatan ga sehat"
  744. [02:22] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"hoh mero"
  745. [02:23] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14" cannot be helped, I guess, Brother Domine"
  746. [02:23] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"kayaknya aku nemu bandit" \(O_O
  747. [02:23] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Oh"
  748. [02:23] <_DM_> 1,8--- it is late after midnight ---
  749. [02:23] <Incendie_S> 13(O~O ) *nomnomnom* *telen* "ngumpul pagi..?"
  750. [02:23] <Incendie_S> 13*bingung*
  751. [02:23] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Well...a bit" @Vinan
  752. [02:23] <DRomero> 3"So I want to make sure..."
  753. [02:23] <DRomero> 3"The one that Brother Gascon pursue... is a woman right?"
  754. [02:24] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"hah?"
  755. [02:24] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"She is currently chasing the half-fiend" @Viega
  756. [02:24] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"berarti..."
  757. [02:24] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Eh?"
  758. [02:24] <Vinan_Melivan> 4(O_O
  759. [02:24] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14@DRomero
  760. [02:24] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"jangan jangan..."
  761. [02:24] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"That...this is the first time I heard it"
  762. [02:24] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"MERO SEKARANG AKU NGERTI"
  763. [02:24] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14@DRomero
  764. [02:24] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"beneran"
  765. [02:24] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*kaget*
  766. [02:24] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"Mbak yang seram itu pelakunya" OAO
  767. [02:24] <Incendie_S> 13(O~O ) *lanjut makan kue sambil liat sekeliling* ( O~O)
  768. [02:24] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"What is it, Ms. Viega?"
  769. [02:24] <DRomero> 3"That's also my hunch." *nods*
  770. [02:25] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14" that so?"
  771. [02:25] <Vinan_Melivan> 4O_O)
  772. [02:25] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"tadi aku coba ngobrol sama mereka"
  773. [02:25] <Bruno_F> 2"Kau tidak perlu berteriak, mengagetkan saja" @Vinan_Meliva
  774. [02:25] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"temen temennya... mukanya aneh"
  775. [02:25] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"kayak... tidur"
  776. [02:25] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"tapi bangun"
  777. [02:25] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"er..."
  778. [02:25] <DRomero> 3"Eh wait, which one is it again?"
  779. [02:25] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Sister Arabeth said the half-fiend already stayed here for a long time"
  780. [02:26] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"dan orang orang mulai menghilang baru-baru ini kan?" O_O)
  781. [02:26] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"So I do not think it possible that she was related with Brother Gascon's group"
  782. [02:26] <DRomero> "No, I don't think it's the half-fiend."
  783. [02:26] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"mungkin sebelumnya udah ada yang ilang, tapi ga ketauan aja"
  784. [02:26] <DRomero> 3"Hm."
  785. [02:26] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"ato... dia sengaja nunggu biar ga dicurigai"
  786. [02:26] <DRomero> 3"First of all."
  787. [02:27] <Vinan_Melivan> 4O_O)
  788. [02:27] <DRomero> 3"Let's move to our room before sharing the information."
  789. [02:27] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Oh"
  790. [02:27] <Incendie_S> 13(O_O ) "we have a room nya?"
  791. [02:27] <DRomero> 3*berdiri dari tempat duduk*
  792. [02:27] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*lirik bartender*
  793. [02:27] <Vinan_Melivan> 4O_O)
  794. [02:27] <DRomero> 3"Can we ask for a quiet room with extra privacy?"
  795. [02:27] <_DM_> 1,8--- room with common room: 2LDK ---
  796. [02:28] <_DM_> 1,8--- 10gp per night ---
  797. [02:28] <_DM_> 1,8--- with tapestry to reduce noise (in-or-out)
  798. [02:28] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Very well"
  799. [02:28] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"We will take that room"
  800. [02:28] <_DM_> 1,8--- yak silakan FF ke room ---
  801. [02:28] <_DM_> *plak*
  802. [02:28] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*bayar langsung?*
  803. [02:29] <_DM_> (yup)
  804. [02:29] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14--kasih 1 pp--
  805. [02:29] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14--dan siap FF--
  806. [02:29] <DRomero> (FF)
  807. [02:29] <Incendie_S> 13o-(OAO ) "mbak ini byaran buat kuenya ama makanannya ya nya.." *kasih uang* "piringnya besok dibalikin gapapa ya nya.. masih blm abis nya.."
  808. [02:29] <Incendie_S> 13(ff)
  809. [02:29] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14--eh, sama berapa gp tadi buat makanan?--
  810. [02:29] <_DM_> 1,8--- Inside the nice, warm, room, with comfortable table and chairs ---
  811. [02:30] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14--2? 1?--
  812. [02:30] <_DM_> (total 2gp Michalla_Truesilver )
  813. [02:30] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14--2 gp dari kantong koin pribadi--
  814. [02:31] <_DM_> 1,8--- silakan ---
  815. [02:31] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*duduk di salah satu kursi di common room*
  816. [02:31] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14" should we start?"
  817. [02:31] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*melihat ke arah yang lain*
  818. [02:31] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*duduk di salah satu kursi*
  819. [02:31] <DRomero> 3"First of all, before jumping to conclusions, let's recount our findings."
  820. [02:32] <Bruno_F> 2"Setuju"
  821. [02:32] <DRomero> 3"Who want to start?"
  822. [02:32] <Incendie_S> 13*duduk di deket meja* *duduk di lantai piring kue di meja* *dan masih ngunyah* (O~O )
  823. [02:32] <Bruno_F> 2*ikut duduk*
  824. [02:32] <Incendie_S> 13*kebayangnya meja pendek soalnya* *plak*
  825. [02:32] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*melihat ke yang lain sejenak*
  826. [02:32] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Well, if you do not mind, perhaps I will start first"
  827. [02:33] <Incendie_S> 13(O~O == O~O) *geleng2* *mempersilakan*
  828. [02:33] <DRomero> 3"Please do."
  829. [02:33] <Vinan_Melivan> 4O_O)
  830. [02:34] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"First, all of my information came from a loyal servant of Tyr, so I can guarantee that she would only speak truth"
  831. [02:35] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Regarding Brother Gascon and his group..."
  832. [02:35] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"It was confirmed that they were in this tavern, and they left toward Candlekeep's direction"
  833. [02:36] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"It was happened a few days ago, after Sister Arabeth and the half-fiend stayed in this inn for a while"
  834. [02:36] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Another noteworthy information is..."
  835. [02:37] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Brother Gascon and his group were looking for a way to purify someone who was corrupted by a ritual from a forbidden lore"
  836. [02:37] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"eh?"
  837. [02:37] <Vinan_Melivan> 4O_O)
  838. [02:37] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Although the ritual itself was still unclear"
  839. [02:38] <Incendie_S> 13*msh nomnom* (O~O)
  840. [02:38] <Vinan_Melivan> 4(boleh roll buat connect the dots?)
  841. [02:38] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"I guess...that is all information that I could gathered from Sister Arabeth"
  842. [02:38] <_DM_> (bo..leh)
  843. [02:38] <Vinan_Melivan> !roll 1d20
  844. [02:38] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? Vinan_Melivan [16] = 16"
  845. [02:39] <_DM_>
  846. [02:39] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"ritual..."
  847. [02:39] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"jangan jangan... kayak yang kita temuin kemaren?"
  848. [02:39] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"I apologize that I could only able to find very few informations"
  849. [02:39] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"dan... kemarennya?"
  850. [02:39] <Vinan_Melivan> 4O_O)
  851. [02:40] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"yang... keluar... gorilla..."
  852. [02:40] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"dan dimarkasnya mbak D'arnise"
  853. [02:40] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"I still could not sure about that, although they might be related"
  854. [02:40] <Incendie_S> 13*telen* (O~O)
  855. [02:40] * Disconnected
  856. [02:41] * Attempting to rejoin channel #CoastalArea
  857. [02:41] * Rejoined channel #CoastalArea
  858. [02:41] <DRomero> "Alright then, what about Miss Viega?"
  859. [02:41] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"uh..."
  860. [02:41] * _DM__ ( has joined #CoastalArea
  861. [02:41] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"yah"
  862. [02:41] <@_O_Ox> ( *intip* )
  863. [02:41] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"yang tadi"
  864. [02:41] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"temannya mbak suram... semuanya sepertinya sedang tidak sadar"
  865. [02:41] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"..."
  866. [02:42] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"OH kata bartender mungkin ada markas orc sepanjang jalan dari sini ke...sana"
  867. [02:42] <Vinan_Melivan> 4O_O)b
  868. [02:42] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"sudah"
  869. [02:42] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Orc...?"
  870. [02:43] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...I see..."
  871. [02:43] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(O_O)/ *angkat tangan*
  872. [02:43] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"kata bartendernya"
  873. [02:43] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*melihat ke arah Incendie_Scarlett*
  874. [02:43] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*menunggu diijinkan ngmg* (O_O)/
  875. [02:43] <DRomero> 3"Yes?"
  876. [02:43] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(OAO) "kata mbak bartender sih akhir2 ini lagi rame orc dan goblin di daerah sini yg jumlahnya meningkat.. dan mereka jadi lebih pinter.. bisa summon2.."
  877. [02:43] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"..."
  878. [02:43] * _DM_ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  879. [02:43] * _DM__ is now known as _DM_
  880. [02:44] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(bole coba mengingat-ingat sesuatu soal...yang sempet dibilang sama chin?)
  881. [02:44] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(=A=)b "dan the Flaming Fist Mercenary lagi sibuk ama mereka nya.."
  882. [02:44] <_DM_> (silakan Michalla_Truesilver )
  883. [02:44] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(wis ato int?)
  884. [02:44] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( ._. ) "jadinya ngga bisa ngapa2in yg lain untuk saat ini nya.. dah cuman itu aja nya.."
  885. [02:44] <_DM_> ( sama saja sih )
  886. [02:44] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(=//~//=) *lanjut nomnom kue lagi*
  887. [02:45] <Michalla_Truesilver> !roll 1d20
  888. [02:45] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? Michalla_Truesilver [11] = 11"
  889. [02:45] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(11 <_<)
  890. [02:45] <_DM_> ( oh ingat)
  891. [02:45] <_DM_> (recent dan membekas jg)
  892. [02:45] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...Mr. Chin also said the same thing..."
  893. [02:45] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(OAO) "oh.. dan org2 baru ilang itu baru2 ini kok nya"
  894. [02:45] <DRomero> 3"About the mercenary? Or...?"
  895. [02:45] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...about...the Orcs which were became more...intelligent and able to do something...that they should not be able to do"
  896. [02:45] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...oh, about the Orc. Pardon me for going out of topic"
  897. [02:46] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(O~O) *balik nomnom lagi*
  898. [02:46] <Vinan_Melivan> 4(O_O
  899. [02:47] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Please continue the discussion, Brother Domine. Do not mind me"
  900. [02:47] <DRomero> 3"The missing peope. the brother's group and the other groups?"
  901. [02:48] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*telen* (OAO)b "yg ilang2 pokoknya.. brother scone dan grup satunya jg nya kalo g salah nya.."
  902. [02:48] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*makan lg* (O~O )
  903. [02:48] <DRomero> 3"Oh okay, anything else?" @Vinan_Melivan
  904. [02:48] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*geleng-geleng*
  905. [02:49] <_DM_> ---- (maafkan saya teman2, pakai lagu ini aja deh… ) ----
  906. [02:49] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Another group?"
  907. [02:50] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(siap =3=)7)
  908. [02:51] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*telen* ( OAO) "kan yg ilang ada 2 grup mbak Sisir nya.. grup Brother Scone ama grup traveler lain nya..Iya kan nya..?" (OAO )
  909. [02:51] <DRomero> 3"Okay then..."
  910. [02:51] <DRomero> 3"Sir Bruno?"
  911. [02:52] <Bruno_F> 2'Tidak banyak yang aku dapatkan..."
  912. [02:52] <Bruno_F> 2"Aku hanya mendapat informasi kelompok mercenary Flaming Hand kurang aktif di daerah ini"
  913. [02:52] <Bruno_F> 2"Serta tidak ada yang janggal dari aktivitas penginapan di inn selama 3 hari ke belakang..."
  914. [02:52] <Bruno_F> 2"berkaitan dengan hilangnya para petualang"
  915. [02:53] <DRomero> 3"Hm? Isn't that weird?"
  916. [02:53] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Eh? Why is it, Brother Domine?"
  917. [02:54] <DRomero> 3"The Flaming Hand mercenary is supposed to be busy with handling the orcs, but there's an orc hideout here and yet the mercenaries aren't here?"
  918. [02:54] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...."
  919. [02:54] <DRomero> 3"Let's talk about that later, anything else Sir Bruno?"
  920. [02:55] <Bruno_F> 2"Itu saja"
  921. [02:56] * Vinan_Melivan (~Ixeaf@C6CC4516.A81FF04A.DAC9999A.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  922. [02:56] * _bukan_tidur_ ( has joined #CoastalArea
  923. [02:57] * Vinan_Melivan (~Ixeaf@C6CC4516.A81FF04A.DAC9999A.IP) has joined #CoastalArea
  924. [02:57] <Bruno_F> 2"bagaimana, kau bisa menarik kesimpulan dari semua informasi ini?" @DRomero
  925. [02:58] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...wait, we have not heard about what Brother Domine has found"
  926. [02:58] <DRomero> 3"Well, before we talk about the conclusion let's hear about what I find."
  927. [02:58] <DRomero> 3"I talked to a wizard who's in a journey."
  928. [02:59] <DRomero> 3"It seems that a few months ago, a woman came to her and they discussed about some rituals."
  929. [02:59] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...."
  930. [02:59] <DRomero> 3"About binding demon essence to mortals, binding devils, and making a pact with Aboleths."
  931. [03:00] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"..."
  932. [03:00] <DRomero> 3"The mysterious part is, she can't find any record of their discussion everywhere."
  933. [03:00] <DRomero> 3"She also lost her memories about that woman, until I mentioned the ritual and she suddenly remembers it."
  934. [03:00] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"...i...blis...?"
  935. [03:01] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"..."
  936. [03:01] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(O_O) "...who nya..?" *miringin kepala*
  937. [03:01] <DRomero> 3"When we encounter the hobgoblins, the undeads have some sort of connection with the hobgoblins didn't they?"
  938. [03:02] <DRomero> 3"So I assume it's the demonic essence part."
  939. [03:02] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"I...think so"
  940. [03:02] <DRomero> 3"Since the woman probably researching about the devils and aboleths now, I decided to make a counteract."
  941. [03:02] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"oh"
  942. [03:02] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"..."
  943. [03:02] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"kemarin..."
  944. [03:02] <DRomero> 3"I wrote a reference letter for the wizard to research on the mysterious lady's library."
  945. [03:02] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"orc-orcnya manggil... sesuatu..."
  946. [03:03] <DRomero> 3"The one from the giant frog case, if you remember it."
  947. [03:03] <DRomero> 3"Hm? I see."
  948. [03:03] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Giant frog..."
  949. [03:03] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(roll wis? *plak*)
  950. [03:03] <DRomero> 3"Hopefully we could find something important."
  951. [03:04] <_DM_> (oh, silakan)
  952. [03:04] <Michalla_Truesilver> !roll 1d20
  953. [03:04] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? Michalla_Truesilver [18] = 18"
  954. [03:04] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...oh..."
  955. [03:04] <DRomero> 3"And then we also talked about the contrast between the hobgoblins organized attack and the orcs plundering."
  956. [03:04] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( O_O) "ah..."
  957. [03:04] <DRomero> 3"Okay, that's the gist of it."
  958. [03:04] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"That lady..."
  959. [03:04] <DRomero> 3"Now for the conclusion."
  960. [03:04] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*kembali mendengarkan*
  961. [03:05] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*nods nods* "kodok swike nya.." ( O_O)
  962. [03:05] <DRomero> 3"I guess some of you might have the same guess as me."
  963. [03:05] <Bruno_F> 2*dengerin*
  964. [03:05] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(O_O) *mendengarkan*
  965. [03:05] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*nod nod*
  966. [03:05] <DRomero> 3"The mysterious woman came a few months ago to this place, discuss about the forbidden rituals, and then seeing the possibility went to research it."
  967. [03:05] <DRomero> 3"She made sure to alter the wizard's memories so the wizard won't be able to trace her research."
  968. [03:07] <DRomero> 3"The ritual succeeded somewhat and her body is tainted with the demonic essence, Brother Gascone want to find a way to save her and went to Candlekeep and now he's missing."
  969. [03:07] <DRomero> 3"Meanwhile someone, I assume the mysterious woman, is gathering subjects and bind demonic essence to orc and hobgoblins tribe, spreading terrors and gathering even more subjects."
  970. [03:08] <DRomero> 3"I don't know how, but I assume that this terror spreading and the tribes are crucial to bind devils and making pact with aboleths."
  971. [03:09] <DRomero> 3"Since there's an orc tribe near this place, I also assume that they're working under the mysterious woman's order and did something to Brother Gascone, since he's a thorn in her meat."
  972. [03:10] <DRomero> 3"So brother Gascone is either dead, on the run, or under the mysterious woman's control now."
  973. [03:10] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"So, our next move is to find this Orc tribe?"
  974. [03:10] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"I mean, the one near this place?"
  975. [03:10] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(O_O) "..." *miringin kepala*
  976. [03:10] <Bruno_F> 2"Hmm... masuk akal..."
  977. [03:10] <Vinan_Melivan> 4O_O)
  978. [03:10] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"..."
  979. [03:10] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"jadi..."
  980. [03:10] <DRomero> 3"The other group that gone missing is probably connected to this whole fiasco somehow, but we don't know anything about them yet."
  981. [03:10] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"si mysterious woman...."
  982. [03:11] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"sekarang punya essence sesuatu?"
  983. [03:11] <Vinan_Melivan> 4O_O)
  984. [03:11] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"..." (qO_O)q *mikir*
  985. [03:12] <DRomero> 3"That is still a theory, if the woman who talked to the wizard is the one Brother Gascone is after, then yes definitely."
  986. [03:12] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"mungkin gak... penampilannya berubah?"
  987. [03:12] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"...ung...jadi...kalo waktunya tepat... cewe yang ngobrol ama si mbak wizard itu... bisa jadi yang bikin kacau di tempat mbak Danish juga nya..?" (qO_O)q
  988. [03:12] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Well, we do not have any other lead, do we?"
  989. [03:12] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*mumbling*
  990. [03:13] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"jadi.... half-fiend?"
  991. [03:13] <Vinan_Melivan> 4O_O)
  992. [03:13] <DRomero> 3"I don't think so."
  993. [03:13] <DRomero> 3"If the half-fiend have some connection to Brother Gascone, I assume he will know."
  994. [03:14] <Vinan_Melivan> 4O_O)
  995. [03:14] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"benar juga" ._.
  996. [03:15] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"So, when shall we make our next move?"
  997. [03:16] <DRomero> 3"..."
  998. [03:16] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(penggambarannya skrg jam brapa DM?)
  999. [03:16] <_DM_> (jam 2)
  1000. [03:16] <Bruno_F> 2"bagaimana kalau kau jelaskan dulu apa yang berikutnya akan kita lakukan?"
  1001. [03:16] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(O_O)
  1002. [03:16] <_DM_> (jam 1.16 kl ya *plak* )
  1003. [03:16] <DRomero> 3"Tomorrow, after the wizard left this inn to the lady's library."
  1004. [03:16] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(o_o)
  1005. [03:16] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(_ _)
  1006. [03:16] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(OAO) "!"
  1007. [03:17] <DRomero> 3"In case someone want to trip our plan to out-research the mysterious woman."
  1008. [03:17] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(pO_Oq) *pegang kedua ujung mata* *tahan biar ga merem*
  1009. [03:17] <DRomero> 3"And that's it."
  1010. [03:17] <DRomero> 3"Dismissed, goodnight everyone."
  1011. [03:17] <DRomero> 3"The rest will be organized tomorrow on the run."
  1012. [03:17] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(OAO) "Nya!"
  1013. [03:18] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"......"
  1014. [03:18] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*nod nod*
  1015. [03:18] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13\(=A=)/ "gud nait nya~!"
  1016. [03:18] <Bruno_F> 2"..."
  1017. [03:18] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Very well..."
  1018. [03:18] <Bruno_F> 2*yawn*
  1019. [03:18] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"We need to rest after all"
  1020. [03:19] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Rest well, everyone. We will need all of you in our best condition"
  1021. [03:19] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*kucek2 mata* *yawn* "...good night smua nya..." ~~~~"( _ _) *jalan gluyung2 ke arah kamar tidur*
  1022. [03:19] <_DM_> 1,8---- FF long rest? ----
  1023. [03:19] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*sampe kasur langsung tewas long rest*
  1024. [03:19] <Bruno_F> 2(FF)
  1025. [03:19] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14--FF saja--
  1026. [03:19] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(daaan FF)
  1027. [03:19] <DRomero> (FF tapi berusaha bangun pagi buat cek inn dan orang yang masuk keluar)
  1028. [03:20] <Vinan_Melivan> 4(FF)
  1029. [03:20] <_DM_> 1,8---- FF ke pagi: ----
  1030. [03:20] <_DM_> 1,8---- DRomero wakes up early, and the inn is lively as usual ; the others also wakes up early ----
  1031. [03:21] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*berdoa dulu setelah bangun*
  1032. [03:21] <_DM_> 1,8---- you can see the 'cursed' wizard left the inn to Baldur's Gate, eager to go to the secluded library ----
  1033. [03:21] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(+_+) *duduk di kasur* (+_+ ) ( +_+) *celingukan* "..ini di..."
  1034. [03:21] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*loading* (+_+)
  1035. [03:21] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*tepuk pipi kenceng2* (>_<)
  1036. [03:21] <_DM_> 1,8---- the Half-Elf and Half-Fiend continue their cat-and-mouse eyeing one another ----
  1037. [03:21] <Bruno_F> 2"...."
  1038. [03:21] <Vinan_Melivan> 4=_=)
  1039. [03:21] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(O_O) "Nya!" *jalan ke kamar mandi dan siap2, bebersih etc*
  1040. [03:22] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"oh iya... rencana..."
  1041. [03:22] <_DM_> 1,8---- the Dwarven Barbarian left to continue his travel, as he found nothing is wrong in the inn ----
  1042. [03:22] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*langsung keluar nyari mero*
  1043. [03:22] <_DM_> 1,8---- people come and go; but none seemed to follow any of them ----
  1044. [03:22] <DRomero> 3*minum air putih*
  1045. [03:22] <DRomero> 3*sudah berdoa dan mandi*
  1046. [03:22] <DRomero> 3*kunyah bread crumbs*
  1047. [03:22] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*setelah beres berdoa, langsung beres-beres siap-siap dkk*
  1048. [03:22] <_DM_> 1,15---- what do you do? ----
  1049. [03:23] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*ke...ruang utama inn saja*
  1050. [03:23] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*beberes siap2 dulu* *liat yg lain* (OAO ) ( OAO) "Anu.. Nya balikin piring dulu ke mbak di bawah ya nya"
  1051. [03:23] <_DM_> !roll 1d20
  1052. [03:23] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? _DM_ [8] = 8"
  1053. [03:23] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*dan jalan ke tavernnya inn*
  1054. [03:23] <Bruno_F> 2*siap2*
  1055. [03:23] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*eh, tavern*
  1056. [03:23] <_DM_> !roll 1d8
  1057. [03:23] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d8? _DM_ [8] = 8"
  1058. [03:23] <_DM_> !roll 1d20
  1059. [03:23] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? _DM_ [7] = 7"
  1060. [03:23] <DRomero> 3"Good morning, did you have a nice rest?" *kalau ada aggota tim yang dateng ke tavern*
  1061. [03:24] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*yawn* =A=)
  1062. [03:24] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"yooo"
  1063. [03:24] <_DM_> (silakan, awa ga RP mba2nya dulu ya, fokus ke para PC interaksi / bikin plan)
  1064. [03:24] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"I had one. Thank you for asking. How about you, Brother Domine?"
  1065. [03:24] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"jadi... hari ini?"
  1066. [03:24] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"Ah, pagi Tuan Romario nya" \(=w= )
  1067. [03:24] <Bruno_F> 2*lanjut jalan ke tavern*
  1068. [03:24] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*jalan dl ke mbak bartender* *kasih piring dan bilang terima kasih aja trus balik ke yg lain*
  1069. [03:24] <_DM_> !roll 1d20+1d12
  1070. [03:24] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+1d12? _DM_ [10] + [2] = 12"
  1071. [03:25] <DRomero> 3"As usual."
  1072. [03:25] <Bruno_F> 2*ikut ngumpul dengan yang lain kalau udah ngumpul*
  1073. [03:25] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Has the wizard already left this inn?"
  1074. [03:25] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*keinget* *balik dulu ke si mbak* *pesen sarapan dan bekal buat di jalan* *kalo ada cookies dan jerky* *baru balik ke yg lain*
  1075. [03:25] <DRomero> 3"She leave pretty early, yes."
  1076. [03:26] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"...baru inget nya.. smalam pas tidur kepikiran nya.." (OAO )
  1077. [03:26] <_DM_> !roll 1d20+1d8+1d20+1d12
  1078. [03:26] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+1d8+1d20+1d12? _DM_ [6] + [6] + [20] + [3] = 35"
  1079. [03:26] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Very well. Now, what is our next move?"
  1080. [03:26] <DRomero> 3"Now please remind me, in our group how many can use long ranged attacks?"
  1081. [03:26] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"ga perlu kita jagain?"
  1082. [03:26] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"hah?"
  1083. [03:26] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Well...not me"
  1084. [03:26] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"If I am not mistaken..."
  1085. [03:26] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"aku... ada crossbow"
  1086. [03:26] <Bruno_F> 2"Aku bisa, tak ada masalah"
  1087. [03:26] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Oh, that is right"
  1088. [03:26] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"tapi ga terlalu jago makenya" =_=)
  1089. [03:27] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"Nya?" (OAO ) "cuman ada javelin di tas nya.." *point handy haversack* "dan kapak nya.." (OAO ) *point punggung*
  1090. [03:27] <Bruno_F> 2"Rencana pintar apa yang kali ini ada di kepalamu sekarang?" @DRomero
  1091. [03:27] <_DM_> !roll 2d20
  1092. [03:27] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d20? _DM_ [7+20=27] = 27"
  1093. [03:27] <_DM_> !roll 2d20
  1094. [03:27] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d20? _DM_ [15+16=31] = 31"
  1095. [03:28] <DRomero> 3"Eat, then let's go as fast as possible then."
  1096. [03:28] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Go where?"
  1097. [03:28] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"...oh iya.. tuan Romario nya.. nya penasaran 1 hal nya.. mbak2 wizard itu.. jujur nya..?" \(O_O ) *angkat tangan*
  1098. [03:29] <DRomero> 3"I don't know, I just assumed she is like all of my assumption."
  1099. [03:29] <DRomero> 3"If she turned out to be the mysterious woman in disguise then I'll be damned."
  1100. [03:29] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13<(O_O ) "Aku smalam cm mikir nya.. berharap dia jujur dan bukan menceritakan tentang dirinya sendiri nya.."
  1101. [03:29] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Looking for the Orc tribe near this place?"
  1102. [03:29] <DRomero> 3"Well anyway."
  1103. [03:29] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"..."
  1104. [03:29] <_DM_> !roll 1d20+1d8+1d20+1d12
  1105. [03:29] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+1d8+1d20+1d12? _DM_ [19] + [1] + [16] + [9] = 45"
  1106. [03:29] <Vinan_Melivan> 4O_O)
  1107. [03:29] <Bruno_F> 2"Hahaha, akan menjadi menarik tapinya"
  1108. [03:30] <DRomero> 3"Finding the orc tribe would need luck."
  1109. [03:30] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(O_O ) "itu doang sih nya.. baru kepikiran pas nempel kasur nya.."
  1110. [03:30] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(=w=)> *tehe*
  1111. [03:30] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"I am not sure whether it will become more interesting..."
  1112. [03:30] <Bruno_F> 2"Kita belum mengetahui lokasi Orc itu ya..."
  1113. [03:30] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( =w=)b "kalo bener kan malah bakal jadi lebih gampang nemuin orcnya nya"
  1114. [03:30] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"kalau kita dijebak dan ritual itu ada lagi..."
  1115. [03:31] <DRomero> 3"Let's just go."
  1116. [03:31] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"karena mbaknya tau kita tau nya" (=w=)b
  1117. [03:31] <DRomero> 3"We'll see the orc sooner or later."
  1118. [03:31] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*nod nod*
  1119. [03:31] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Very well then"
  1120. [03:31] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13=w=) *nods nods*
  1121. [03:31] <DRomero> 3"Since the orcs are definitely here and wrecking havoc."
  1122. [03:31] <_DM_> !roll 1d20
  1123. [03:31] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? _DM_ [1] = 1"
  1124. [03:31] <DRomero> 3"I have 5 possibilities in my mind."
  1125. [03:32] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...and what are they?"
  1126. [03:32] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*sambil sarapan dan abis itu nunggu yg lain* (O~O) *nomnomnom*
  1127. [03:32] <DRomero> 3"Wizard don't meet the orcs, we don't meet the orcs."
  1128. [03:32] <DRomero> 3"Wizard meet the orcs, we don't"
  1129. [03:32] <DRomero> 3"Wizards don't meet the orcs, we do."
  1130. [03:32] <DRomero> 3"Both of us meet the orcs."
  1131. [03:32] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...and the last one?"
  1132. [03:32] <DRomero> 3"Both of us meet the orcs at the same place."
  1133. [03:33] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"..."
  1134. [03:33] <DRomero> 3"As for the battle tactic, always aim for the orcs first."
  1135. [03:33] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(O_O)7 "siap nya!"
  1136. [03:33] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...well, we need to prepare ourselves then"
  1137. [03:33] <DRomero> 3"Long ranged would be ideal so we can jump over the undead barrier."
  1138. [03:34] <DRomero> 3"But if not. just run around or jump over them."
  1139. [03:34] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...wait, undead barrier?"
  1140. [03:34] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"kayak... pas hobgoblin?"
  1141. [03:34] <_DM_> !roll 1d20+1d8+1d20+1d12
  1142. [03:34] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+1d8+1d20+1d12? _DM_ [13] + [5] + [11] + [2] = 31"
  1143. [03:34] <Vinan_Melivan> 4O_O)
  1144. [03:34] <DRomero> 3"Like the time when we meet the hobgoblin indeed."
  1145. [03:34] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...I see"
  1146. [03:34] <DRomero> 3'We wasted too much time battling the undead."
  1147. [03:34] <Bruno_F> 2"Sayang si Kuldjargh tidak ikut bersama kita, kita butuh kekuatannya di saat seperti ini...."
  1148. [03:34] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Kuld...who?"
  1149. [03:35] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( OAO) "Kuld..siapa nya?"
  1150. [03:35] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"..."
  1151. [03:35] <DRomero> 3"So leave tanking the undead to me and Sir Bruno."
  1152. [03:35] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"......"
  1153. [03:35] <Bruno_F> 2"Aria maksudku"
  1154. [03:35] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Oh, Ms. Aria..."
  1155. [03:35] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...."
  1156. [03:35] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"Oh! Mbak Paria nya!" ( =w=)/
  1157. [03:35] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"..."
  1158. [03:35] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"hoh Ari" O_O)
  1159. [03:35] <DRomero> 3"Sir Bruno's wolf would be ideal to avoid the undeads and attack with fast pace."
  1160. [03:35] <_DM_> !roll 1d12
  1161. [03:35] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d12? _DM_ [7] = 7"
  1162. [03:35] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"..."
  1163. [03:35] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( O_O) "Kuldelarak apa tadi itu apaan nya..?"
  1164. [03:35] <_DM_> 2"?"
  1165. [03:36] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*lirik wolf*
  1166. [03:36] <DRomero> 3"Miss Viega and Miss Incendie should work as support."
  1167. [03:36] <_DM_> 2*phei*
  1168. [03:36] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*lirik sundere* (O_O )
  1169. [03:36] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"...bisa... bisa ditungnangin ga ya"
  1170. [03:36] <Vinan_Melivan> 4O_O)
  1171. [03:36] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...."
  1172. [03:36] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*sodorin jerky* ~(O_O )
  1173. [03:36] <_DM_> 2*phei*
  1174. [03:36] <DRomero> 3"While Sister-in-arms Kayla is ideal to deal a finishing blow to the orcs."
  1175. [03:36] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...."
  1176. [03:36] <DRomero> 3"Okay, if you're all set let's go."
  1177. [03:36] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*kibas2 jerky di depan idung sundere* ~(O_O )
  1178. [03:36] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13~( OAO) "Ah siap nya!" *nengok*
  1179. [03:36] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...correct me if I was mistaken, but I take that I will need mobilty for this task, am I correct?"
  1180. [03:36] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"oke" -3-)/
  1181. [03:37] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"intinya... buka jalan buat kay kan?"
  1182. [03:37] <DRomero> 3"Indeed." Michalla_Truesilver
  1183. [03:37] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...."
  1184. [03:37] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13~( =w=)7 "siap nya! Support mbak Sisir kan nya?"
  1185. [03:38] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*lirik sundere* (O_O ) "yakin ga mau ini nya?" *sodorin jerky*
  1186. [03:38] <Bruno_F> 2"Berdasarkan pengalaman melawan Wyvern dulu, kau cocok untuk menghabisi para Orc nanti dalam satu hentakan" @Michalla_Truesilver
  1187. [03:38] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*nod nod*
  1188. [03:39] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"..."
  1189. [03:39] <_DM_> !roll 1d20+2
  1190. [03:39] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+2? _DM_ [3] + 2 = 5"
  1191. [03:39] <_DM_> 2*stealth ambil jerky*
  1192. [03:39] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"If that the case, then I...think I need a bit more time for preparation"
  1193. [03:39] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(._. ) "..."
  1194. [03:39] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(._. ) "keliatan lo nya.."
  1195. [03:39] <_DM_> 2*ambil cuek* *balik ke bruno*
  1196. [03:39] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(O_O ) "..."
  1197. [03:39] <_DM_> 1,8---- Anyways, ready? ----
  1198. [03:39] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"aku siap siap dulu ya" -3-)/
  1199. [03:40] <DRomero> "Alright, let's go after you're all ready."
  1200. [03:40] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( O_O) "Doggie yg aneh nya.." *nods nods*
  1201. [03:40] <DRomero> (Romero sih sudah standby dari tadi)
  1202. [03:40] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( =w=)/ "aku siap nunggu di sini nya!"
  1203. [03:40] <Bruno_F> 2(redi)
  1204. [03:40] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13[and... ready as always!]
  1205. [03:40] <Vinan_Melivan> 4(abis ambil equip dan item + beli roti redi)
  1206. [03:40] <_DM_> 1,8---- jadi jalan ke mana? ----
  1207. [03:40] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*sebelum pergi...*
  1208. [03:41] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14( <_< )
  1209. [03:41] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14( >_> )
  1210. [03:41] <_DM_> ( jangan lupa sadel? *plak* )
  1211. [03:41] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14( *plak* )
  1212. [03:42] <Michalla_Truesilver> !roll 1d0
  1213. [03:42] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? Michalla_Truesilver [0] = 0"
  1214. [03:42] <DRomero> Well
  1215. [03:42] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*ngikut yg lain aja* ( =w=)
  1216. [03:42] <DRomero> !roll 1d2
  1217. [03:42] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d2? DRomero [2] = 2"
  1218. [03:42] <DRomero> Ke arah Candlekeep
  1219. [03:42] <DRomero> Napak tilas sekeliling. =3=/
  1220. [03:42] <DRomero> sambil cari jejak undead
  1221. [03:42] <_DM_> 1,8--- DRomero Bruno_F , Wis (Survival)
  1222. [03:43] <DRomero> hahahaha
  1223. [03:43] <DRomero> !roll 1d20-1
  1224. [03:43] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20-1? DRomero [17] - 1 = 16"
  1225. [03:43] <DRomero> wut
  1226. [03:43] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*mengikuti saja dulu*
  1227. [03:43] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*ikuti saja*
  1228. [03:43] <_DM_> ( Bruno_F ? )
  1229. [03:44] <Bruno_F> 2(Sundere boleh ikut Survival?)
  1230. [03:44] <_DM_> (boleh)
  1231. [03:44] <Bruno_F> 2!roll 1d20+4
  1232. [03:44] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+4? Bruno_F [6] + 4 = 10"
  1233. [03:44] <_DM_> (atau kl mau aid)
  1234. [03:44] <_DM_> (jadi roll 2x)
  1235. [03:44] <_DM_> (si Bruno_F )
  1236. [03:45] <Bruno_F> 2(oke)
  1237. [03:45] <Bruno_F> 2!roll 1d20+4
  1238. [03:45] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+4? Bruno_F [7] + 4 = 11"
  1239. [03:45] <Bruno_F> 2(lol)
  1240. [03:45] <_DM_>
  1241. [03:45] <_DM_> 1,8--- everyone, wis (insight) ---
  1242. [03:45] <Vinan_Melivan> !roll 1d20+2
  1243. [03:45] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+2? Vinan_Melivan [18] + 2 = 20"
  1244. [03:46] <Bruno_F> 2!roll 1d20+2
  1245. [03:46] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+2? Bruno_F [1] + 2 = 3"
  1246. [03:46] <Incendie_Scarlett> !roll 1d20+3
  1247. [03:46] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+3? Incendie_Scarlett [9] + 3 = 12"
  1248. [03:46] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(12 aja)
  1249. [03:46] <DRomero> !roll 1d20-1
  1250. [03:46] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20-1? DRomero [6] - 1 = 5"
  1251. [03:46] <DRomero> (5)
  1252. [03:46] <_DM_> 1,8--- as you try to track and check side-trek, sometimes you found 'tracks' of Orcs, being chased by soldiers in plate armor ---
  1253. [03:46] <Michalla_Truesilver> !roll 1d20
  1254. [03:46] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? Michalla_Truesilver [7] = 7"
  1255. [03:47] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14--7 saja =w=)>--
  1256. [03:47] <Vinan_Melivan> 4O_O)
  1257. [03:47] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"kok..."
  1258. [03:47] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*liat tracks*
  1259. [03:48] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(O_O ) "...nya..?"
  1260. [03:48] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"" (OAO )
  1261. [03:48] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Hm? Something wrong, Ms. Viega?"
  1262. [03:48] <_DM_> (eh Bruno_F terrain apa?)
  1263. [03:48] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"ini..."
  1264. [03:48] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*tunjuk tracks*
  1265. [03:48] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(O_O ) "...itu..."
  1266. [03:48] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"kok rasanya kayak..."
  1267. [03:48] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"disebar?"
  1268. [03:48] <Vinan_Melivan> 4O_O)
  1269. [03:48] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*liat pega* (OAO ) "mbak Pega juga mikir gitu nya..?"
  1270. [03:49] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"kayak... orcnya sengaja bikin mercenarynya kepisah-pisah?"
  1271. [03:49] <Bruno_F> 2(Forest)
  1272. [03:49] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( OAO) "kayak.. mereka emang niat untuk jalan secara acak nya.." *nods nods*
  1273. [03:49] <_DM_> (oh ini forest)
  1274. [03:49] <_DM_> (just in case ada efek)
  1275. [03:49] <Bruno_F> 2(sip)
  1276. [03:50] <Bruno_F> 2(ada, gak bakalan tersesat, kecuali magical)
  1277. [03:50] <_DM_> (wew, enak amat wkwk)
  1278. [03:50] <Bruno_F> 2(sama, kalau tracking tahu jumlah, ukuran, dan waktu)
  1279. [03:50] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"...orc-nya...kok pinter nya..?" (O_O )
  1280. [03:50] <_DM_> (oh)
  1281. [03:50] <DRomero> 3"Well, just like the hobgoblin they must have a leader."
  1282. [03:51] <DRomero> 3"Even the most stupid orc can act smart as long as they follow their order."
  1283. [03:51] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( O_O) *nods nods*
  1284. [03:51] <DRomero> 3"Okay, let's be careful not to get separated and be careful of ambush, if they circled us it will be hard to adjust our battle position."
  1285. [03:51] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"So, what should we do now?"
  1286. [03:51] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*nod nod*
  1287. [03:52] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*nods* ( O_O)
  1288. [03:52] <DRomero> 3"Let's follow one of the tracks."
  1289. [03:52] <Bruno_F> 2"Tunggu!"
  1290. [03:52] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Sir Frostbeard, do you have any suggestion about which track that we should follow?"
  1291. [03:52] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"!"
  1292. [03:52] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Eh?"
  1293. [03:52] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"eh?"
  1294. [03:52] <Vinan_Melivan> 4(O_O
  1295. [03:52] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"nya?" (OAO ) *nengok*
  1296. [03:53] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"What is it, Sir Frostbeard?"
  1297. [03:53] <Bruno_F> 2*perhatiin jejak 5 orang*
  1298. [03:53] <Bruno_F> 2"Ada jejak kaki 5 orang disini..."
  1299. [03:53] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Eh?"
  1300. [03:53] <Bruno_F> 2"...Kalau berdasarkan dari kondisi jejak ini..."
  1301. [03:53] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13" jejak 5 org nya..?" (O_O )
  1302. [03:53] <Vinan_Melivan> 4""
  1303. [03:54] <Bruno_F> 2"...sesuai dengan waktu keberangkatan Gascon menuju Candlkeep..."
  1304. [03:54] <Bruno_F> 2"...dan jejak ini mengarah k Candlekeep..."
  1305. [03:54] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"!"
  1306. [03:54] <DRomero> 3"Okay, let's go then."
  1307. [03:54] <Bruno_F> 2"...Tidak mengikuti jejak Orc yang tadi kita lihat...."
  1308. [03:54] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"!"
  1309. [03:54] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"eh..."
  1310. [03:54] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"tapi kalo orcnya ditinggalkan bisa bisa..."
  1311. [03:55] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13""
  1312. [03:55] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"..."
  1313. [03:55] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"..kalo mereka tetep ke candlekeep nya.. knapa ngga sampai nya..?" (OAO||||)
  1314. [03:56] <DRomero> 3"When is the orc's track from?"
  1315. [03:56] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...I think that is what we need to figure out..."
  1316. [03:56] <DRomero> 3"I think we'll need to follow the newest track first."
  1317. [03:57] <DRomero> 3"And follow the other later."
  1318. [03:57] <Bruno_F> 2"....Tapi ini aneh..."
  1319. [03:57] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"..nya..?" ( O_O)
  1320. [03:57] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"?"
  1321. [03:57] <Bruno_F> 2*mengamati jejak Orc*
  1322. [03:58] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*ngeliatin sekeliling aja* (O_O ) ( O_O)
  1323. [03:58] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Is there something wrong, Sir Frostbeard?"
  1324. [03:58] <Bruno_F> 2"Tidak, hanya asumsi ku orang yang mengejar jejak Orc... tidak kembali lagi"
  1325. [03:59] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...what does that mean?"
  1326. [03:59] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"berarti... mereka diserang?"
  1327. [03:59] <Bruno_F> 2"Entahlah, tapi kalau melihat kondisi jejak Orc ini...."
  1328. [03:59] <Bruno_F> 2"Jejak Orc ini sudah ada terlebih dahulu, sebelum jejak Gasco..."
  1329. [04:00] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Eh?"
  1330. [04:00] <DRomero> 3"Sebelum? Baiklah ayo kita ikuti jejak Gasco."
  1331. [04:00] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"eh? hah?"
  1332. [04:00] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Very well"
  1333. [04:01] <Bruno_F> 2"Cih, padahal aku sudah siap untuk memenggal 1 atau 2 kepala Orc"
  1334. [04:01] <_DM_> 1,8---- So, follow Orcs+Mercenary, or Gascon&co ? ----
  1335. [04:02] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Well, our main objective here is to locate Brother Gascon's whereabouts, afterall"
  1336. [04:02] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"..."
  1337. [04:02] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*nod*
  1338. [04:02] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"Orc bisa nanti... semoga"
  1339. [04:02] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*ngikut*
  1340. [04:03] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"..."
  1341. [04:03] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Besides, Brother Gascon's tracks are newer than the Orcs, aren't they?"
  1342. [04:03] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*ke indie bentar*
  1343. [04:03] <DRomero> 3"Indeed."
  1344. [04:03] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"indie, bisa pinjam buku peta?"
  1345. [04:03] <DRomero> 3"Let us proceed then, Sir Bruno please lead the way."
  1346. [04:03] <_DM_> (bukunya harusnya ada di inn)
  1347. [04:03] <_DM_> (property of Three Old Kegs)
  1348. [04:04] <Vinan_Melivan> 4(tadi bukannya dikeluarin? O_O pas nanya lokasi orc?)
  1349. [04:04] <_DM_> (eh iya ya? omaigot dia maling buku OAO||| )
  1350. [04:05] <Bruno_F> 2(wkwkwk)
  1351. [04:05] <_DM_> 1,8---- anyways, sambil jalan saja, karena ada caravan jg ----
  1352. [04:06] <_DM_> 1,8---- you walk following the trails, and now in front of you, you can see the sword coast; the sea ----
  1353. [04:06] <_DM_> 1,8---- at far left and front, you can see a Keep, on top of a cliff, on top of the sea ----
  1354. [04:06] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Sir Frostbeard, how about Brother Gascon's track?"
  1355. [04:07] <_DM_> 1,8---- however… Bruno_F spotted some trails of skirmish; Gascon went… down… to the cliff ----
  1356. [04:07] <Bruno_F> 2(thx _DM_)
  1357. [04:07] <_DM_> (bayangkan.. tanah lot?)
  1358. [04:08] <_DM_> (yg jurang tinggi di pinggir pantai)
  1359. [04:08] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(tanah banyak? *plak*)
  1360. [04:08] <_DM_> 1,8---- Gascon&co went down there ----
  1361. [04:09] <_DM_> 1,8---- and it seems no one find any tracks around, since no one competent enough was tracking around here ----
  1362. [04:09] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(OAO ) "nya?" *nengok pega*
  1363. [04:09] <_DM_> 1,8---- the mercenary patrols are busy with the orcs and goblins ----
  1364. [04:09] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"ini nya.." ( ._. ) *krusek2*
  1365. [04:09] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13o-(OAO ) *pinjemin pega*
  1366. [04:09] <_DM_> 1,8---- what do you do now? ----
  1367. [04:10] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*cek ada/enggak settlement sekitar sini*
  1368. [04:10] <_DM_> 1,8---- Gascon&co, should be down there ----
  1369. [04:10] <_DM_> 1,8---- the only settlement is… Candlekeep ----
  1370. [04:10] <_DM_> 1,8---- 1 hour walking from here ----
  1371. [04:10] <DRomero> 3"Let's go down there then."
  1372. [04:10] <DRomero> 3"They could be on the death's door already."
  1373. [04:11] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*phew*
  1374. [04:11] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"eh?"
  1375. [04:11] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"turun?"
  1376. [04:11] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"..nya?" ( OAO) "kenapa mbak Pega nya..?"
  1377. [04:11] <Vinan_Melivan> 4O_O)
  1378. [04:11] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14" least we have to find their remains..."
  1379. [04:11] <DRomero> 3"It's only 1 hour away from the Candlekeep, so why..."
  1380. [04:11] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"eh? oh ga apa apa" -3-)
  1381. [04:11] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"..."
  1382. [04:11] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...hopefully, there are still survivors amongst their group"
  1383. [04:12] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"But how are we going to head down there?"
  1384. [04:12] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"...turun ya..."
  1385. [04:12] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Is there any path leading that way?"
  1386. [04:12] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"...umm..."
  1387. [04:12] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"oh aku ada tali" O_O)/
  1388. [04:12] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"...ada..spell..sih..nya.." ( O_O)a
  1389. [04:12] <DRomero> 3"Me too, let's go."
  1390. [04:12] <Bruno_F> 2"...Dan kenapa sekarang ada jejak yang lain...." *liat jejak baru*
  1391. [04:12] <DRomero> 3"The spell wouldn't help us climb back up."
  1392. [04:12] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"....right, I have a"
  1393. [04:13] <DRomero> 3"But it will help us climb down."
  1394. [04:13] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Whose track, Sir Frostbeard?"
  1395. [04:13] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*nods* "sama tuan Romario nya.." *nods* (O_O)/
  1396. [04:13] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*gusrak gusrak tas buat hempen rope*
  1397. [04:13] <Bruno_F> 2*tunjuk lokasi*
  1398. [04:13] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*liat Bruno* (O_O ) "..ada masalah tuan Bronto nya..?" *nengok*
  1399. [04:13] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*melihat ke arah yang ditunjuk*
  1400. [04:14] <Bruno_F> 2*di lokasi yang ditunjuk ada tali di balik bebatuan*
  1401. [04:14] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...rope?"
  1402. [04:14] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(O_O ) "..."
  1403. [04:14] <_DM_> 1,8---- Play: None ----
  1404. [04:14] <DRomero> 3"Hum."
  1405. [04:14] <DRomero> 3"Any track going away from here?"
  1406. [04:15] <Bruno_F> 2"Kalau melihat jejak yang baru ini, sepertinya mereka sekelompok orang yang ahli bersembunyi...."
  1407. [04:15] <DRomero> 3"Or just down and then nothing else?"
  1408. [04:15] <Bruno_F> 2"Tapi mereka terlihat terburu-buru"
  1409. [04:15] <_DM_> 1,8---- so there is a rope to go down, no track went 'out' from here ----
  1410. [04:15] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"...kayaknya... smua petunjuk menunjukkan turun ya nya..?" ( ._.) *liat bawah*
  1411. [04:15] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"..."
  1412. [04:16] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...if that's the case, then let us climb it down"
  1413. [04:16] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"oh ada tali?" O_O)
  1414. [04:16] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*masukin tali ke tas*
  1415. [04:16] <DRomero> 3"Yeah."
  1416. [04:16] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"Lompat aja nya" ( O_O)d
  1417. [04:16] <DRomero> *turun*
  1418. [04:16] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Huh?"
  1419. [04:16] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Jump?"
  1420. [04:16] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"eh?"
  1421. [04:16] <Vinan_Melivan> 4O_O)
  1422. [04:16] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*nods* (O_O )
  1423. [04:16] <_DM_> 1,8---- DRomero climbed down ----
  1424. [04:17] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*liat bawah* *bawahnya keliatan kan DM?*
  1425. [04:17] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*liat bawah*
  1426. [04:17] <_DM_> 1,8---- and spotted there is an unnatural cave, hidden from sight from above or from the sea ----
  1427. [04:17] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*maksudnya daratan di bawah* *keliatan?*
  1428. [04:17] <Bruno_F> 2*ikut turun pake tali*
  1429. [04:17] <_DM_> (kelihatan sih, 50ft kira2)
  1430. [04:17] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"..."
  1431. [04:17] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"...yuk nya!"
  1432. [04:17] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"aku... pake tali aja" -3-)
  1433. [04:17] <_DM_> (eh wait, kok 50ft)
  1434. [04:17] <_DM_> (50m)
  1435. [04:18] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(which is..?)
  1436. [04:18] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*climb down kalo DRomero udah kelar*
  1437. [04:18] <DRomero> 3"A cave, let's proceed."
  1438. [04:18] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"...hmmm.."
  1439. [04:18] <DRomero> 3"Carefully..."
  1440. [04:18] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Well, let us save your spell for now"
  1441. [04:18] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"We might need them for later, Ms. Incendie"
  1442. [04:18] <Bruno_F> 2(Sundere kalau mau ikut loncat begimana _DM_?)
  1443. [04:18] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"..tadinya bisa buat ber5 sekaligus sih nya..." ( =3=)a
  1444. [04:19] <_DM_> (well Sundere ga bisa turun pakai tali sih)
  1445. [04:19] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*lirik sundere* (O_O )
  1446. [04:19] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*bisa dipegang dm?*
  1447. [04:19] <_DM_> (
  1448. [04:20] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"?"
  1449. [04:20] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*pegang* *gendong* *lompat* *feather fall* \( =w=)/ *biar kayla jg kena* *plak* "lompat mbak sisir"
  1450. [04:20] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Eh? What?"
  1451. [04:20] <Michalla_Truesilver> !roll 1d0
  1452. [04:20] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? Michalla_Truesilver [1] = 1"
  1453. [04:20] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"..."
  1454. [04:20] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*akhirnya loncat saja*
  1455. [04:20] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"just jump nya!" \(=w=)/ *melayang turun*
  1456. [04:21] <_DM_> 1,8--- anyways, long story short, everyone is on the ground level, and see the 'weird cave' ---
  1457. [04:21] <_DM_> 1,8--- dark, wet, with many seawaters ---
  1458. [04:21] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14".....what is this place?"
  1459. [04:21] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*sampai bawah turunin si sundere*
  1460. [04:21] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"ew"
  1461. [04:21] <_DM_> 1,8--- and very-- disturbing and unsettling, somehow ---
  1462. [04:21] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"..."
  1463. [04:21] <_DM_> !roll 1d5
  1464. [04:21] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d5? _DM_ [3] = 3"
  1465. [04:21] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*divine sense*
  1466. [04:22] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"boleh pasang.. 'lampu'..nya..?"
  1467. [04:22] <_DM_> 1,8--- Michalla_Truesilver , you 'sensed' something…! 
  1468. [04:22] <_DM_> 1,8--- and Incendie_Scarlett put the 'lights on'
  1469. [04:22] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*snap finger* *dancing lights*
  1470. [04:22] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"!"
  1471. [04:22] <Bruno_F> 2*darkvision activated*
  1472. [04:22] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(dari mana?)
  1473. [04:23] <_DM_> 1,8--- Michalla_Truesilver deep inside
  1474. [04:23] <_DM_> 1,8--- Bruno_F has not spotted anything yet
  1475. [04:23] <_DM_> 1,8--- Going in? ---
  1476. [04:23] <_DM_> 1,8--- formation? ---
  1477. [04:23] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(...jarak btw radius 60 ft doang sih =w=)>)
  1478. [04:23] <_DM_> (oh)
  1479. [04:23] <_DM_> (Berarti belum)
  1480. [04:23] <_DM_> ( *plak* )
  1481. [04:23] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14( *plak* )
  1482. [04:24] <_DM_> ( ketuker sama Darkvision jangan2)
  1483. [04:24] <_DM_> 1,8--- so, what do you do? ---
  1484. [04:24] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*jalan di tengah*
  1485. [04:24] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...let us proceed, carefully..."
  1486. [04:24] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*jalan sebelah Incendie_Scarlett*
  1487. [04:24] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*jalan depan saja...sebelah bruno*
  1488. [04:24] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*dancing lights di depan dan belakang*
  1489. [04:24] <Bruno_F> 2*depan*
  1490. [04:24] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*nod*
  1491. [04:24] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*siapin crossbow*
  1492. [04:25] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*unsheate greatsword*
  1493. [04:25] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*maintain dancing lights sambil siap halberd*
  1494. [04:25] <Bruno_F> 2*draw Warhammer*
  1495. [04:26] <_DM_> 1,8---- you walk deeper inside ----
  1496. [04:26] <_DM_> 1,8---- and as expected, you see several dead people ----
  1497. [04:26] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...."
  1498. [04:26] <_DM_> 1,8---- several weird markings ----
  1499. [04:26] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14--divine sense lagi--
  1500. [04:27] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"!"
  1501. [04:27] <_DM_> 1,8---- several dead monsters ----
  1502. [04:27] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"..." *itung berapa org mayat* (O_O ) ( O_O)
  1503. [04:27] <_DM_> 1,8---- and a weird monster -----
  1504. [04:27] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"lagi?"
  1505. [04:27] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"...get ready nya..?"
  1506. [04:27] <_DM_> 1,8---- and two 'live' monster ----
  1507. [04:27] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(O_O)
  1508. [04:27] <_DM_> 1,8---- from out-of-this-world, in a way ----
  1509. [04:27] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"..."
  1510. [04:27] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"..wait...kali ini.. 2 nya...?"
  1511. [04:27] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*ready greatsword*
  1512. [04:27] <_DM_> 1,8---- Two of them, sprang towards you ----
  1513. [04:28] <_DM_> 1,8---- gigantic lobster, with tentacles on its mouth ----
  1514. [04:28] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Incoming!"
  1515. [04:28] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(OAO|||)
  1516. [04:28] <_DM_> !roll 6d20
  1517. [04:28] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 6d20? _DM_ [4+16+17+3+6+15=61] = 61"
  1518. [04:28] <_DM_> Bruno_F Incendie_Scarlett Michalla_Truesilver Vinan_Melivan monster DRomero
  1519. [04:28] <_DM_> (monster +0)
  1520. [04:28] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(wut, 19)
  1521. [04:28] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(15)
  1522. [04:28] <Bruno_F> 2(Bruno Init = 7)
  1523. [04:28] <Vinan_Melivan> 4(5)
  1524. [04:29] <_DM_>
  1525. [04:29] <Bruno_F> 2"Ayo kita selesaikan ini dengan cepat"
  1526. [04:29] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*nods* ( OAO)
  1527. [04:29] <_DM_> (DRomero di-sekip dulu)
  1528. [04:29] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14Kayla - Indie/Romero - Bruno - Monster - Viega
  1529. [04:29] <_DM_> 1,8--- Michalla_Truesilver 's TURN !! ---
  1530. [04:29] <Bruno_F> 2(Sundere _DM_?)
  1531. [04:29] <_DM_> (bareng sama Bruno_F ?)
  1532. [04:30] <Bruno_F> 2(sip)
  1533. [04:30] <_DM_>
  1534. [04:30] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14--bisa knolej? atau ada hasil tadi sesaat pas nyalain divine sense?
  1535. [04:30] <_DM_>
  1536. [04:30] <_DM_> (bisa)
  1537. [04:30] <_DM_> (err.. apa benda ini)
  1538. [04:30] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(entah =3=a)
  1539. [04:31] <_DM_> (dungeoneering udah ga ada kan? Aberration pokoknya)
  1540. [04:31] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(tadi sempet divine sense?)
  1541. [04:31] <_DM_> (sempat)
  1542. [04:31] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(kalau sempet...harusnya ketauan abberation)
  1543. [04:31] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...abberations..."
  1544. [04:31] <_DM_> (yup, aberration; dan sempat dibahas soal Aboleth kan)
  1545. [04:31] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"nya?" ( OAO)
  1546. [04:32] <_DM_> ( oops, did I say that out loud )
  1547. [04:32] <_DM_> 1,8--- Michalla_Truesilver 's TURN ---
  1548. [04:32] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"..."
  1549. [04:32] <_DM_> (jarak 30ft)
  1550. [04:32] <Michalla_Truesilver> !roll 1d0
  1551. [04:32] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? Michalla_Truesilver [1] = 1"
  1552. [04:32] <Bruno_F> 2"Monster apa ini..."
  1553. [04:32] <_DM_> 1,8--- 5 ---
  1554. [04:32] <_DM_> 1,8--- 4 ---
  1555. [04:32] <_DM_> 1,8--- 3 ---
  1556. [04:32] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...Sir Frostbeard, please hold them off for a moment"
  1557. [04:32] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"ew"
  1558. [04:32] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14--action--
  1559. [04:33] <Bruno_F> 2"Serahkan padaku"
  1560. [04:33] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14--Channel Divinity: Sacred Weapon--
  1561. [04:33] <_DM_> (ada lagi?)
  1562. [04:34] <_DM_> (bonus action?)
  1563. [04:34] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"O the Loyal Fury, shed your light unto my blade, and guide my sword to abolish those foul creatures from this realm"
  1564. [04:34] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14--bonusnya...--
  1565. [04:34] <Michalla_Truesilver> !roll 1d0
  1566. [04:34] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? Michalla_Truesilver [1] = 1"
  1567. [04:35] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...and by the name of Torm, I challenge you!"
  1568. [04:35] <_DM_> (wut)
  1569. [04:35] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(OAO)
  1570. [04:35] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14--cast compelled duel ke salah satu <_<--
  1571. [04:35] <_DM_> (dang)
  1572. [04:35] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14--done--
  1573. [04:35] <_DM_> (saves apa? atau efek?)
  1574. [04:35] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14--eh, awalupa aturannya--
  1575. [04:35] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14--bentar--
  1576. [04:35] <_DM_> 1,8--- Incendie_Scarlett 's TURN !! ---
  1577. [04:36] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14oh
  1578. [04:36] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14wisdom
  1579. [04:36] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14DC 14 saja <_<
  1580. [04:36] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"Nya!" ( OAO)-o|---
  1581. [04:36] <_DM_> !roll 1d20
  1582. [04:36] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? _DM_ [15] = 15"
  1583. [04:36] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(cih)
  1584. [04:36] <_DM_> (ada yang mau reaction?)
  1585. [04:36] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*reaction cutting word*
  1586. [04:36] <Incendie_Scarlett> !roll 1d8
  1587. [04:36] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d8? Incendie_Scarlett [5] = 5"
  1588. [04:36] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(dia berha....wut)
  1589. [04:36] <_DM_> (yak)
  1590. [04:36] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*dikurangi 5 =3=b*
  1591. [04:36] <_DM_> (keganggu kata2 Incendie_Scarlett ,dia jadi tertantang)
  1592. [04:36] <_DM_> ( *plak* )
  1593. [04:37] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Change of plan, Sir Frostbeard. Please hold the other one"
  1594. [04:37] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14=--done--
  1595. [04:37] <_DM_> 1,8--- Incendie_Scarlett 's TURN !! ---
  1596. [04:37] <Bruno_F> 2"...."
  1597. [04:37] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"Hmm.. Looks like some seafood.. But dunno if it's tasty or not nya" ( =w=)-o|---
  1598. [04:37] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*yg deket yg mana?*
  1599. [04:37] <_DM_> (yang kanan)
  1600. [04:38] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Please attack the other one, Ms Incendie" *kalau bole ngomong*
  1601. [04:38] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(*plak*)
  1602. [04:38] <_DM_> (yg ditantang yg kiri)
  1603. [04:38] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"Nya? Siap nya!" ( =w=)-o|---
  1604. [04:38] <_DM_> (reach 10ft)
  1605. [04:38] <_DM_> (Large)
  1606. [04:38] <_DM_> (with dripping poisons from the tentacles)
  1607. [04:38] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*inhale* *exhale* "tahan emosi..." ( TwT)-o|--- *liat bentar*
  1608. [04:39] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*switch halberd ke tangan kiri*
  1609. [04:39] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*tangan kanan ambil kapak dr punggung dan lempar bisa?* =w=
  1610. [04:39] <_DM_> (bisa)
  1611. [04:39] <_DM_> (silakan)
  1612. [04:40] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"Yosh!" ( TwT)-o *lempar*
  1613. [04:40] <_DM_> (sila roll attack)
  1614. [04:40] <Incendie_Scarlett> !roll 1d20+5
  1615. [04:40] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+5? Incendie_Scarlett [9] + 5 = 14"
  1616. [04:40] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(14 doang <_< )
  1617. [04:40] <_DM_> (miss)
  1618. [04:40] <_DM_> (eh, kulit tebal)
  1619. [04:40] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"...Nya!" ( OAO)
  1620. [04:40] <_DM_> (ada lagi?)
  1621. [04:40] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( O_O) *nods nods* "kulitnya tebal nya"
  1622. [04:40] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13-done dulu-
  1623. [04:40] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"mungkin butuh latian lebih banyak nya"
  1624. [04:40] <_DM_> 1,8--- Bruno_F 's TURN ---
  1625. [04:41] <Bruno_F> 2(charge sebelah kanan bisa _DM_?)
  1626. [04:41] <_DM_> ( mau charge? oke)
  1627. [04:41] <_DM_> (silakan)
  1628. [04:41] <Bruno_F> 2*bonus action : cast hunter's mark*
  1629. [04:41] <_DM_> (weks pantas)
  1630. [04:42] <Bruno_F> 2*standard action : charge kanan*
  1631. [04:42] <Bruno_F> 2!roll 2d20
  1632. [04:42] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d20? Bruno_F [10+4=14] = 14"
  1633. [04:42] <_DM_> (plus berapa?)
  1634. [04:42] <Bruno_F> 2(+5
  1635. [04:42] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(apakah...)
  1636. [04:42] <_DM_> 1,8--- SPLIT SECOND!! ---
  1637. [04:43] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( OAO)
  1638. [04:43] <_DM_> 1,8--- do you really want this to be a hit, at the cost of.. something? ---
  1639. [04:43] <Bruno_F> 2(wut)
  1640. [04:43] <Bruno_F> 2(sikat)
  1641. [04:43] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(misal bahu lepas kek kayla waktu itu)
  1642. [04:43] <_DM_> (damage dulu aja)
  1643. [04:43] <Bruno_F> 2!roll 1d10+3
  1644. [04:43] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d10+3? Bruno_F [1] + 3 = 4"
  1645. [04:44] <_DM_> (hunters mark-nya?)
  1646. [04:44] <Bruno_F> 2!roll 1d6+4
  1647. [04:44] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d6+4? Bruno_F [3] + 4 = 7"
  1648. [04:44] <Bruno_F> 2(11 damej saja)
  1649. [04:44] <_DM_> !roll 11d10
  1650. [04:44] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 11d10? _DM_ [5+8+1+5+3+7+8+1+4+2+4=48] = 48"
  1651. [04:45] <_DM_> !roll 1d100
  1652. [04:45] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d100? _DM_ [96] = 96"
  1653. [04:45] <_DM_> (wut)
  1654. [04:45] <_DM_> (really??)
  1655. [04:45] <_DM_> 1,8--- Make a Dex(Save) !! ---
  1656. [04:45] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(*dokidokiwakuwaku*)
  1657. [04:45] <Bruno_F> 2!roll 1d20+5
  1658. [04:45] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+5? Bruno_F [17] + 5 = 22"
  1659. [04:45] <_DM_> (hanjir)
  1660. [04:45] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(woooogh!)
  1661. [04:45] <Bruno_F> 2(oo yeah)
  1662. [04:45] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(nice!)
  1663. [04:45] <_DM_> 1,8--- You Spin, and gained EXTRA ATTACK!!! ---
  1664. [04:45] <Bruno_F> 2"WOOOOOGGHHH!!!"
  1665. [04:46] <_DM_> (serang lagi)
  1666. [04:46] <_DM_> (kondisi sama kayak sebelumnya)
  1667. [04:46] <Bruno_F> 2*putar warhammer, tornado style*
  1668. [04:46] <Bruno_F> 2(advantage kah?)
  1669. [04:47] <_DM_> (yup)
  1670. [04:47] <_DM_> (Sama persis kayak sebelumnya)
  1671. [04:47] <Bruno_F> 2!roll 2d20
  1672. [04:47] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d20? Bruno_F [12+1=13] = 13"
  1673. [04:47] <_DM_> (hit)
  1674. [04:47] <_DM_> (damage)
  1675. [04:47] <Bruno_F> 2!roll 1d10+3
  1676. [04:47] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d10+3? Bruno_F [5] + 3 = 8"
  1677. [04:47] <Bruno_F> 2!roll 1d6+4
  1678. [04:47] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d6+4? Bruno_F [2] + 4 = 6"
  1679. [04:47] <Bruno_F> 2(tambah 14 demej)
  1680. [04:48] <_DM_> 1,8---- crack! crack! *chipped* ----
  1681. [04:48] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( OAO) "Nya! Nice!"
  1682. [04:48] <_DM_> 1,8---- the warhammer chipped a bit; later will need some repair ---
  1683. [04:48] <_DM_> 1,8--- Monsters!!! ---
  1684. [04:48] <_DM_> 1,8---- Attack Bruno_F ----
  1685. [04:48] <_DM_> !roll 2d20
  1686. [04:48] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d20? _DM_ [5+12=17] = 17"
  1687. [04:49] <Bruno_F> 2(mamah)
  1688. [04:49] <_DM_> ( AC 18? )
  1689. [04:49] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(wut)
  1690. [04:49] <Bruno_F> 2(hit)
  1691. [04:49] <_DM_> !roll 2d6+4
  1692. [04:49] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d6+4? _DM_ [4+2=6] + 4 = 10"
  1693. [04:49] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( OAO) "!!!"
  1694. [04:49] <_DM_> 1,8--- 10 damage, Bruno_F is grabbed by its pincer, and its tentacles starts to attack as well ---
  1695. [04:50] <_DM_> 1,8--- Bruno_F , Con (saves) [Poison] ---
  1696. [04:50] <_DM_> 1,8--- meanwhile, the other one, move forward to Michalla_Truesilver and attack using its pincers ---
  1697. [04:50] <Bruno_F> 2(dwarven resilience : resist and advantage on poison)
  1698. [04:50] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(wih)
  1699. [04:50] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(mantab)
  1700. [04:50] <Bruno_F> 2!roll 2d20
  1701. [04:50] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d20? Bruno_F [11+13=24] = 24"
  1702. [04:50] <_DM_> (yak sukses, immune mah ini jijik2 doang)
  1703. [04:50] <Bruno_F> 2(15 aja)
  1704. [04:50] <_DM_> !roll 2d20
  1705. [04:50] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d20? _DM_ [3+10=13] = 13"
  1706. [04:51] <_DM_> (AC 16 Michalla_Truesilver ?)
  1707. [04:51] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*miss by one*
  1708. [04:51] <_DM_> 1,8--- Vinan_Melivan 's TURN !! ---
  1709. [04:51] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*AC 17*
  1710. [04:52] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*charge...yang lagi grapple bruno boleh?*
  1711. [04:52] <_DM_> (boleh)
  1712. [04:52] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*dropxbow*
  1713. [04:52] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"UNOOOO!"
  1714. [04:52] <Vinan_Melivan> 4(advantej satu saja kan?)
  1715. [04:52] <_DM_> (iya)
  1716. [04:53] <Vinan_Melivan> !roll 4d20
  1717. [04:53] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 4d20? Vinan_Melivan [7+9+6+2=24] = 24"
  1718. [04:53] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(...)
  1719. [04:53] <Vinan_Melivan> 4(+7)
  1720. [04:53] <_DM_> (… hit 1)
  1721. [04:53] <Vinan_Melivan> 4(expend superiority die bole?)
  1722. [04:53] <_DM_> (boleeeh)
  1723. [04:53] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*menacing attack*
  1724. [04:53] <_DM_> (… oh… cwap)
  1725. [04:53] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( OAO)
  1726. [04:53] <_DM_> (TUH KAAAN)
  1727. [04:53] <Vinan_Melivan> !roll 2d8+4
  1728. [04:53] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d8+4? Vinan_Melivan [7+2=9] + 4 = 13"
  1729. [04:54] <_DM_> (saves-nya… Wis?)
  1730. [04:54] <Vinan_Melivan> 4(wis)
  1731. [04:54] <_DM_> !roll 1d20
  1732. [04:54] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? _DM_ [7] = 7"
  1733. [04:54] <_DM_> ( Orz )
  1734. [04:54] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(lol)
  1735. [04:54] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"LEPASIN UNO" *deathglare*
  1736. [04:54] <_DM_> 1,8(adalagi wahai makhluk yg lebih seram dari cthulhu yg punya immortal enemy?)
  1737. [04:55] <Vinan_Melivan> 4(tiada)
  1738. [04:55] <_DM_> 1,8--- Michalla_Truesilver 's TURN !! ---
  1739. [04:56] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"O, the Loyal Fury, lend me your strength to exterminate this foul creature"
  1740. [04:56] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14--bonus: thunderous smite--
  1741. [04:56] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14--action: bacok--
  1742. [04:56] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14-edpentej?-
  1743. [04:56] <_DM_> ( eh? )
  1744. [04:57] <_DM_> ( advantage dari? O_O )
  1745. [04:57] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14-ato nggak? tadi dia roll 2x itu apa? O_O-
  1746. [04:57] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14-oh, kirain doi charge wkwk-
  1747. [04:57] <_DM_> (dia nyerang 2x)
  1748. [04:57] <_DM_> (wkwk)
  1749. [04:57] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(oke)
  1750. [04:57] <Michalla_Truesilver> !roll 1d20+9
  1751. [04:57] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+9? Michalla_Truesilver [14] + 9 = 23"
  1752. [04:57] <_DM_> (hit)
  1753. [04:57] <_DM_> (alamak)
  1754. [04:58] <_DM_> (oh str awa gede)
  1755. [04:58] <_DM_> !roll 1d20+4
  1756. [04:58] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+4? _DM_ [12] + 4 = 16"
  1757. [04:58] <_DM_> (ada reaction? >_>a)
  1758. [04:59] * _Eva_ ( has joined #CoastalArea
  1759. [04:59] <_DM_> (wut)
  1760. [04:59] <_Eva_> 14(dece=w=)>)
  1761. [04:59] <_DM_> (oh hit)
  1762. [04:59] * _Eva_ is now known as Kayla_Truesilver
  1763. [04:59] <Kayla_Truesilver> 14(str berhasil ya?)
  1764. [04:59] <Kayla_Truesilver> 14--divine smite spell slot 2--
  1765. [04:59] <_DM_> (damage, dan str 16)
  1766. [04:59] <_DM_> (… ouch)
  1767. [04:59] <Kayla_Truesilver> !roll 2d6+2d6+3d8+3
  1768. [04:59] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d6+2d6+3d8+3? Kayla_Truesilver [4+2=6] + [5+1=6] + [8+4+5=17] + 3 = 32"
  1769. [05:00] <_DM_> !roll 11d10
  1770. [05:00] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 11d10? _DM_ [6+2+3+2+10+1+10+9+3+5+6=57] = 57"
  1771. [05:00] <Kayla_Truesilver> 14-reroll yang 2-
  1772. [05:00] <Kayla_Truesilver> !roll 1d6+30
  1773. [05:00] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d6+30? Kayla_Truesilver [4] + 30 = 34"
  1774. [05:00] <_DM_> (nambah 2?)
  1775. [05:00] * Michalla_Truesilver ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  1776. [05:00] <Kayla_Truesilver> 14(ho oh)
  1777. [05:00] <_DM_> (str berhasil)
  1778. [05:00] <_DM_> (ada lagi?)
  1779. [05:00] <Kayla_Truesilver> 14(aturan extra attack itu gimana? abis bonus action bisa serang lagi?)
  1780. [05:00] <_DM_> (bisa)
  1781. [05:01] <_DM_> (Attack action = 2x attack)
  1782. [05:01] <_DM_> (… dan each bisa dipasang aneh2… )
  1783. [05:01] <_DM_> ( <_< )
  1784. [05:01] <Kayla_Truesilver> 14--memanfaatkan momentum dari ayunan pertama untuk bacok sekali lagi--
  1785. [05:01] <Kayla_Truesilver> !roll 1d20+9
  1786. [05:01] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+9? Kayla_Truesilver [11] + 9 = 20"
  1787. [05:01] <_DM_> (hit)
  1788. [05:01] <_DM_> (smite once per turn nda ya?)
  1789. [05:01] <Kayla_Truesilver> 14"Begone! Filthy creature!"
  1790. [05:01] <Kayla_Truesilver> 14(thunderous sih iya)
  1791. [05:02] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( OAO)
  1792. [05:02] <_DM_> (...)
  1793. [05:02] <Kayla_Truesilver> 14--divine smite...--
  1794. [05:02] <_DM_> (sila.. damage)
  1795. [05:02] <Kayla_Truesilver> !roll 1d2
  1796. [05:02] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d2? Kayla_Truesilver [1] = 1"
  1797. [05:02] <Kayla_Truesilver> 14--spell slot...2 deh--
  1798. [05:02] <_DM_> (oke)
  1799. [05:02] <Kayla_Truesilver> !roll 2d6+3d8+3
  1800. [05:02] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d6+3d8+3? Kayla_Truesilver [5+4=9] + [8+6+4=18] + 3 = 30"
  1801. [05:02] <Kayla_Truesilver> 14sekian
  1802. [05:02] <_DM_> 1,8--- Incendie_Scarlett 's TURN !! ---
  1803. [05:03] <Kayla_Truesilver> 14--done--
  1804. [05:03] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*liat yg njapit bruno* ( TAT) "..."
  1805. [05:03] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*jarak brapa DM?*
  1806. [05:03] <_DM_> (30ft)
  1807. [05:03] <_DM_> (barely)
  1808. [05:04] <_DM_> (27.6 kira2.. plus minus galat 5% )
  1809. [05:04] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*maju sampai jarak reach*
  1810. [05:04] <Kayla_Truesilver> 14(...)
  1811. [05:04] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*pindahin halberd ke tangan kanan dan maju sampai jarak reach dan bacok*
  1812. [05:04] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*boleh? =w=*
  1813. [05:04] <_DM_> (oke)
  1814. [05:04] <_DM_> (silakan roll)
  1815. [05:05] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( OwO)-o|--- *inhale* *exhale* "Nya!"
  1816. [05:05] <Incendie_Scarlett> !roll 1d20+5
  1817. [05:05] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+5? Incendie_Scarlett [9] + 5 = 14"
  1818. [05:05] <_DM_> (wew)
  1819. [05:05] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( Orz demit)
  1820. [05:05] <_DM_> (bena jarang roll dua digit ya)
  1821. [05:05] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( O_O)-o|--- "..."
  1822. [05:05] <_DM_> 1,8--- Bruno_F 's TURN ---
  1823. [05:05] <_DM_> (atau ada action?)
  1824. [05:05] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13-done-
  1825. [05:06] <Bruno_F> 2(bisa nyuruh Sundere nyerang di samping Vinan_Melivan?)
  1826. [05:06] <_DM_> (wut… bisa)
  1827. [05:06] <_DM_> (serang?)
  1828. [05:06] <_DM_> (silakan)
  1829. [05:06] <Bruno_F> 2(yup)
  1830. [05:06] <Bruno_F> 2"Sundere!!"
  1831. [05:06] <_DM_> 2*melesat*
  1832. [05:07] <Bruno_F> 2*standard action : order Sundere - Attack, Pack Tactics*
  1833. [05:07] <Bruno_F> 2!roll 2d20+
  1834. [05:07] <@_O_Ox> "おろ、 Bruno_F?" 092d2004+14( 申し訳ございません ).
  1835. [05:07] <Kayla_Truesilver> 14(wut)
  1836. [05:07] <_DM_> (ga usah pakai plus)
  1837. [05:07] <Bruno_F> 2!roll 2d20
  1838. [05:07] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d20? Bruno_F [17+14=31] = 31"
  1839. [05:07] <_DM_> (wut hit)
  1840. [05:07] <_DM_> (...)
  1841. [05:07] <Bruno_F> 2!roll 2d4+2
  1842. [05:07] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d4+2? Bruno_F [2+3=5] + 2 = 7"
  1843. [05:07] <_DM_> !roll 1d20+4
  1844. [05:07] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+4? _DM_ [14] + 4 = 18"
  1845. [05:07] <_DM_> (hoh ga prone)
  1846. [05:07] <Bruno_F> 2(7 demej saja)
  1847. [05:07] <Bruno_F> 2*done*
  1848. [05:07] <_DM_> 1,8--- Monsters ---
  1849. [05:08] * Kayla_Truesilver is now known as Michalla_Truesilver
  1850. [05:08] <_DM_> *serang Vinan_Melivan *
  1851. [05:08] <_DM_> !roll 2d20
  1852. [05:08] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d20? _DM_ [6+19=25] = 25"
  1853. [05:08] <_DM_> (13 AC?)
  1854. [05:08] <_DM_> (eh 12)
  1855. [05:08] <Vinan_Melivan> 4(miss)
  1856. [05:08] <_DM_> *lalu remas Bruno_F +
  1857. [05:08] <_DM_> !roll 2d20
  1858. [05:08] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d20? _DM_ [17+12=29] = 29"
  1859. [05:08] <Vinan_Melivan> 4(eh kan tadi saya charge)
  1860. [05:08] <_DM_> (18 AC ? )
  1861. [05:08] <_DM_> (oh)
  1862. [05:08] <_DM_> !roll 1d20+6
  1863. [05:08] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+6? _DM_ [2] + 6 = 8"
  1864. [05:08] <Bruno_F> 2(AC 17)
  1865. [05:09] <_DM_> (lol)
  1866. [05:09] <Vinan_Melivan> 4(lol)
  1867. [05:09] <_DM_> !roll 2d6+4
  1868. [05:09] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d6+4? _DM_ [4+6=10] + 4 = 14"
  1869. [05:09] <_DM_> (wew 14 damage ke Bruno_F )
  1870. [05:09] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*cutting words bisa dm?*
  1871. [05:09] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*ack telat ya =3=a*
  1872. [05:09] <Bruno_F> 2"ARRGGHH!!"
  1873. [05:09] <_DM_> (oh silakan)
  1874. [05:09] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"UNO!"
  1875. [05:09] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*ngurangin demej*
  1876. [05:09] <_DM_> (bisa)
  1877. [05:09] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( OAO) "nya!"
  1878. [05:09] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Sir Frostbeard!"
  1879. [05:09] <Incendie_Scarlett> !roll 1d8
  1880. [05:09] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d8? Incendie_Scarlett [6] = 6"
  1881. [05:09] <_DM_> (8 damage)
  1882. [05:09] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(6 demej dikurangin ya dm)
  1883. [05:09] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(thx)
  1884. [05:09] <_DM_> (instead of 14, kena 8)
  1885. [05:10] <Bruno_F> 2(mantap)
  1886. [05:10] <_DM_> 1,8--- con (saves) [poison] sekarang ---
  1887. [05:10] <Bruno_F> 2!roll 2d20
  1888. [05:10] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d20? Bruno_F [18+5=23] = 23"
  1889. [05:10] <_DM_> (tahan)
  1890. [05:10] <_DM_> (geli2 geuleuh)
  1891. [05:10] <Bruno_F> 2(seger)
  1892. [05:10] <_DM_> *attacking Michalla_Truesilver *
  1893. [05:10] <_DM_> !roll 2d20
  1894. [05:10] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d20? _DM_ [8+4=12] = 12"
  1895. [05:10] <_DM_> (alamak)
  1896. [05:11] <_DM_> 1,8--- Vinan_Melivan 's TURN ---
  1897. [05:11] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(eh, dia hp piro?)
  1898. [05:11] <_DM_> (si..apa?)
  1899. [05:11] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(yang tadi didepan kayla)
  1900. [05:11] <_DM_> ( ada efek apa ?)
  1901. [05:11] <_DM_> ( oh itu.. *lirik notes* bedarah2)
  1902. [05:11] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(hoo, oke oke)
  1903. [05:12] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"MU!"
  1904. [05:12] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*stab stab slash*
  1905. [05:12] <Vinan_Melivan> !roll 3d20
  1906. [05:12] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 3d20? Vinan_Melivan [14+20+11=45] = 45"
  1907. [05:12] <_DM_> (alamak)
  1908. [05:12] <Vinan_Melivan> 4(saya mau cuan boleh?)
  1909. [05:12] <_DM_> (silakan..)
  1910. [05:12] <Vinan_Melivan> 4(superiority die di yang critical bagaimana?)
  1911. [05:13] <_DM_> double
  1912. [05:13] <_DM_> >_>
  1913. [05:13] <_DM_> (itu kan curangnya)
  1914. [05:13] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*menacing attack ke stab kedua*
  1915. [05:14] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"UNOO!"
  1916. [05:14] <Vinan_Melivan> !roll 6d8+12
  1917. [05:14] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 6d8+12? Vinan_Melivan [7+3+4+8+6+3=31] + 12 = 43"
  1918. [05:14] <_DM_> 1,8--- Bruno_F merasa segar ---
  1919. [05:14] <_DM_> 1,8--- terlepas dari capit dan lumut2 aneh ---
  1920. [05:14] <Bruno_F> 2"YAAAH!!!"
  1921. [05:14] <_DM_> 1,8--- Michalla_Truesilver 's TURN !! ---
  1922. [05:15] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14--bonus: thunderous smite--
  1923. [05:16] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"O, the Loyal Fury, guide my blade!"
  1924. [05:16] <_DM_> (silakan)
  1925. [05:16] <Michalla_Truesilver> !roll 1d20+9
  1926. [05:16] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+9? Michalla_Truesilver [20] + 9 = 29"
  1927. [05:16] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14wut
  1928. [05:16] <_DM_> (....)
  1929. [05:16] <_DM_> (dah ah bubar2)
  1930. [05:16] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(yang dikali 2 apa aja?)
  1931. [05:16] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(weapon aja?)
  1932. [05:17] <Bruno_F> 2(lol)
  1933. [05:17] <_DM_> (smite sama dkk)
  1934. [05:17] <_DM_> (ANY bonus dice)
  1935. [05:17] <_DM_> (kali dua
  1936. [05:17] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14....
  1937. [05:17] <_DM_> (yep)
  1938. [05:17] <Michalla_Truesilver> !roll 1d0
  1939. [05:17] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? Michalla_Truesilver [0] = 0"
  1940. [05:17] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14--kata dadu ga baik berlebihan--
  1941. [05:17] <Michalla_Truesilver> !roll 4d6+4d6+3
  1942. [05:17] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 4d6+4d6+3? Michalla_Truesilver [6+3+4+4=17] + [1+1+4+3=9] + 3 = 29"
  1943. [05:18] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14--29 tambah...sila str--
  1944. [05:18] <_DM_> (yah mati)
  1945. [05:18] <_DM_> 1,8--- Encounter Ends ---
  1946. [05:19] <Bruno_F> 2(bubar2, wkwkwk)
  1947. [05:19] <_DM_> 1,8--- and… now you can see… there are several… bodies ---
  1948. [05:19] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(O_O ) ( O_O)
  1949. [05:19] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Sir Frostbeard!"
  1950. [05:19] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*tepuk bruno*
  1951. [05:19] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*ambil xbow*
  1952. [05:19] <Vinan_Melivan> 4O_O)
  1953. [05:19] <Incendie_Scarlett> !roll 1d8+3
  1954. [05:19] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d8+3? Incendie_Scarlett [8] + 3 = 11"
  1955. [05:19] <_DM_> 1,8--- and Incendie_Scarlett , spotted a weird pile of.. stuffs ---
  1956. [05:19] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*11 hp heal*
  1957. [05:19] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"eh iya, uno ga apa-apa?" OAO)
  1958. [05:19] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(O_O ) "..nya..?" *langsung jalan ke pile weird stuffs*
  1959. [05:19] <Bruno_F> 2"GUAAH, cuh..." *meludah cairan tentakel yang masuk mulut*
  1960. [05:19] <_DM_> 1,8--- Bruno_F , your wound is closing most of them ---
  1961. [05:20] <_DM_> (maksudnya luka menutup)
  1962. [05:20] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"are you alright?"
  1963. [05:20] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*deketin* *liatin* "...?" (o_o )
  1964. [05:20] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*pile of what?"
  1965. [05:20] <_DM_> 1,8--- Incendie_Scarlett spotted several equipments.. seems magical… collected by these.. monsters ---
  1966. [05:20] <Bruno_F> 2"Kalau hanya segini masih belum ada apa2nya, hahaha"
  1967. [05:20] <Bruno_F> 2"Ah?"
  1968. [05:20] <Bruno_F> 2*liat kondisi Warhammer*
  1969. [05:20] <_DM_> 1,8--- some have markings of Waukeen temple or other organizations ---
  1970. [05:21] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"..." (O_O ) "..nya..? equipment..? magical nya..?"
  1971. [05:21] <_DM_> 1,8--- the warhammer is broken now ---
  1972. [05:21] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*ke deket indie*
  1973. [05:21] <Bruno_F> 2"Cih..."
  1974. [05:21] <Vinan_Melivan> 4O_O)?
  1975. [05:21] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( OAO) "Mbak Sisir!"
  1976. [05:21] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Glad to hear that" @BRuno
  1977. [05:21] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Yes?"
  1978. [05:21] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( OAO)~ "sini deh nya"
  1979. [05:21] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"What is it, Ms. Incendie?"
  1980. [05:21] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*sambil mendekat*
  1981. [05:21] <_DM_> 1,8--- however, there are… 5… that are not have organizations/waukeen temple marks ---
  1982. [05:21] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*point tumpukan stuffs*
  1983. [05:21] <_DM_> (cek contekan bentar)
  1984. [05:21] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"?"
  1985. [05:22] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*melihat ke arah tumpukan*
  1986. [05:22] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"Kayaknya... Udah ngga mungkin selamat brother scone-nya.." -o( O_O)
  1987. [05:22] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*liat ke tumpukan*
  1988. [05:22] <_DM_> (… you know what? this really gives me creepy feeling...)
  1989. [05:22] <Bruno_F> 2*liat ke arah tumpukan juga*
  1990. [05:22] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(wut)
  1991. [05:22] <_DM_> 1,8--- there are 11 human bodies
  1992. [05:22] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(wat?)
  1993. [05:22] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"...."
  1994. [05:22] <_DM_> 1,8--- one resembles Gascon
  1995. [05:22] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"geh..."
  1996. [05:22] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"..."
  1997. [05:22] <_DM_> 1,8--- several Chuuls ---
  1998. [05:22] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"terlambat lagi..."
  1999. [05:22] <_DM_> 1,8--- an Aboleth ---
  2000. [05:22] <_DM_> 1,8--- and summoning circle ---
  2001. [05:22] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14" Aboleth"
  2002. [05:23] <_DM_> 1,8--- you guys are late for around… five days? six? tendays? ---
  2003. [05:23] <Bruno_F> 2[Dwarvish] "Gordul...."
  2004. [05:23] <_DM_> 1,8--- anyways, most of the 'magical items' are property of others ---
  2005. [05:23] <_DM_> 1,8--- there are only 5 'peculiar' items ---
  2006. [05:23] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...they were fighting those creatures days ago before us...?"
  2007. [05:23] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"...mungkin terlambat sih... tapi paling ngga.. Sekarang mereka bisa istirahat dengan tenang kan nya..?" (O_O )
  2008. [05:23] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"..."
  2009. [05:24] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"..Karena bisa didoain nya..."
  2010. [05:24] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"..." *nod*
  2011. [05:24] <_DM_> 1,8--- ---
  2012. [05:24] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*liat sekitar*
  2013. [05:24] <_DM_> 1,8--- They were fighting these, and managed to stall these insidious creatures from rampaging the area ---
  2014. [05:24] <Vinan_Melivan> 4(ini goa natural ato ada support kayu?)
  2015. [05:24] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*keinget* *ambil kapak yg tadi mental* ~~~~~"( OAO)
  2016. [05:24] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*terus balik lagi ke yg lain*
  2017. [05:24] <_DM_> 1,8--- unnaturally made ---
  2018. [05:25] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...Ms. Viega, Ms. Incendie, Sir Frostbeard"
  2019. [05:25] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"....."
  2020. [05:25] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"tempat ini... mesti kita segel juga ya"
  2021. [05:25] <Bruno_F> 2"..."
  2022. [05:25] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"Nya..?" (OAO ) "Kenapa mbak Sisir nya..?"
  2023. [05:25] <_DM_> 1,8--- So the 5 items, first a [MACE], in the form of scepter, of Dwarven made ---
  2024. [05:25] <Vinan_Melivan> 4(O_O?
  2025. [05:26] <_DM_> 1,8--- Bruno_F recognize it as the Mace made at Citadel Felbarr ---
  2026. [05:26] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...could you please help me gather their bodies into one place? So I could pray and perhaps purify them at once"
  2027. [05:26] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"Siap nya!" ( =w=)7
  2028. [05:26] <Bruno_F> 2*liat item yang lainnya*
  2029. [05:26] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"pasti."
  2030. [05:26] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*taro tas* *langsung jalan bantu2 ngumpulin jenazah di 1 tempat*
  2031. [05:26] <_DM_> 1,8--- the bodies can be gathered, one step at a time ---
  2032. [05:27] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...thank you"
  2033. [05:27] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*kumpulin jenazah*
  2034. [05:27] <_DM_> 1,8--- at outside, you can see the sunset ---
  2035. [05:27] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"...oh"
  2036. [05:27] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"..maaf ya.." *bisik pelan* *tiap angkat jenazah manusia*
  2037. [05:27] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( OAO) "Nya!"
  2038. [05:27] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"mesti kubuatkan... kuburan untuk mereka?"
  2039. [05:27] <_DM_> (ala pemandangan tanah lot bali)
  2040. [05:27] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"Baguuuusss nyaaaa!!!" ( =w=)7
  2041. [05:27] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*mulai mengumpulkan jenazah juga*
  2042. [05:27] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*ada tempat yang bisa buat...bikin kubur?*
  2043. [05:27] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*liat jenazah* "Tempat peristirahatan terakhir kalian bagus ya nya." *nods nods* *grin* (=w= )
  2044. [05:27] <_DM_> (ada)
  2045. [05:28] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*dikumpulkan di situ*
  2046. [05:28] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"Tiap hari bisa liat pemandangan kayak gini nya" *sambil bantu2 bikin kubur kalo dah beres angkut2 jenazah*
  2047. [05:28] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*lalu dikubur dan didoakan*
  2048. [05:28] <Bruno_F> 2*melihat ke arah sunset dan kuburan*
  2049. [05:28] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( OwO) *liat pemandangan sunset dengan muka senang saja*
  2050. [05:29] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(berdoanya kurang lebih begini)
  2051. [05:29] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14
  2052. [05:29] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(*ga penting*)
  2053. [05:29] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( *plak* =w=/)
  2054. [05:30] <Bruno_F> 2[Dwarvish] "Semoga kalian beristirahat dengan tenang, Kuldar"
  2055. [05:30] <_DM_> 1,8--- night is setting, and the deceased have been buried properly ---
  2056. [05:30] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"..."
  2057. [05:31] <_DM_> 1,8--- now what do you do? ---
  2058. [05:31] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...and may you find your peace in the afterlife..." *menutup doa*
  2059. [05:31] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*melihat kuburan*
  2060. [05:32] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"met istirahat yg damai ya nya" \(=w= ) *puk2 kuburan*
  2061. [05:32] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*liat sekitar*
  2062. [05:32] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...I shall not let your brave deeds to be unheard"
  2063. [05:32] <Bruno_F> 2*ngecek 4 item yang lain, kalau gak ikut dikuburin*
  2064. [05:32] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"Dan yang pasti harus meluruskan kalo Inn-nya ngga ada hubungannya ama org2 ilang ya nya" (=w=) *nods*
  2065. [05:32] <_DM_> 1,8--- Well, there is a candlekeep over there ---
  2066. [05:32] <_DM_> (ada item yg ikut dikubur?)
  2067. [05:33] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*liat langit malam* ( 'w')
  2068. [05:33] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*hmm, item itu sih...paling bawa...sesuatu yang bisa diambil untuk konfirmasi kematian Gascon*
  2069. [05:33] <_DM_> 1,8-- there are: Shield from dragon scales --
  2070. [05:33] <_DM_> 1,8-- weird hand crossbow --
  2071. [05:34] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*item-item yang teridentifikasi milik orang-orang itu...ikut dikubur*
  2072. [05:34] <_DM_> 1,8-- weird single javelin --
  2073. [05:34] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*kalau ada yang ga masuk akal ga dikubur sama mereka*
  2074. [05:34] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*keinget* *cari2 bunga d sekitar kalo ada*
  2075. [05:34] <_DM_> (oh ok)
  2076. [05:34] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*kalo nemu bunga atau tanaman bagus, hias makamnya* ( =w=)
  2077. [05:34] <_DM_> 1,8--- no flowers around here; maybe up over the cliff ---
  2078. [05:34] <_DM_> 1,8--- with a rope it is easy ---
  2079. [05:35] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13('_' ) *liat rope*
  2080. [05:35] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*yang gascon ambil sesuatu yang kira-kira ga terlalu berpengaruh dengan 'honor'nya Gascon*
  2081. [05:35] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*naik turun dl bentar deh*
  2082. [05:35] <_DM_> 1,8--- and an elven chain ---
  2083. [05:35] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"eh indie kemana?"
  2084. [05:35] <_DM_> (ada nametag)
  2085. [05:35] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*bantuin*
  2086. [05:35] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*boleh deh*
  2087. [05:35] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"...elven chain nya..?" (O_O ) (elven chain di dkt rope?)
  2088. [05:35] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Well then..."
  2089. [05:36] <_DM_> (err itu tumpukan 5 item, beserta belasan items lain tadi)
  2090. [05:36] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(hoh kirain XD)
  2091. [05:36] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*naik turun tali aja ambil bunga seadanya*
  2092. [05:36] <Bruno_F> 2(mace dikubur kah?)
  2093. [05:36] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14", whose items are those?"
  2094. [05:36] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*melihat 5 item mencurigakan*
  2095. [05:36] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*kasih2 bunga ke tiap makam* =w=)/
  2096. [05:36] <_DM_> 1,8--- yg mau mengetahui 5 item mencurigakan, silakan Int (History) ---
  2097. [05:36] <Bruno_F> 2"Ini senjata yang bagus..." *nunjuk mace*
  2098. [05:36] <Michalla_Truesilver> !roll 1d20+1
  2099. [05:36] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+1? Michalla_Truesilver [3] + 1 = 4"
  2100. [05:36] <Bruno_F> 2!roll 1d20
  2101. [05:36] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*mau =w=/*
  2102. [05:36] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(lol)
  2103. [05:37] <Bruno_F> 2!roll 1d20
  2104. [05:37] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? Bruno_F [11] = 11"
  2105. [05:37] <Bruno_F> 2(yikes, His 11)
  2106. [05:37] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*jalan ke deket benda2*
  2107. [05:37] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*liatin* "Hmmm?" (O_O )
  2108. [05:37] <Incendie_Scarlett> !roll 1d20+3
  2109. [05:37] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+3? Incendie_Scarlett [3] + 3 = 6"
  2110. [05:37] <_DM_> 1,8--- Bruno_F recognize the Mace is made by dwarves of citadel Felbarr, symbol of dwarven pride ---
  2111. [05:37] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(cm 6 XD)
  2112. [05:37] <Vinan_Melivan> 4O_O)
  2113. [05:37] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*liatin benda-benda juga*
  2114. [05:37] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*pengen liat fokus ke yg javelin sih kalo blh* (O_O )
  2115. [05:37] <_DM_> 1,8--- that usually, not meant to be touched by non-dwarf ---
  2116. [05:37] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*tadi buat liat smua* *plak*
  2117. [05:37] <Bruno_F> 2"Jika kalian tidak keberatan, aku ingin membawa yang satu ini..." *ambil dan pegang mace*
  2118. [05:37] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Huh?"
  2119. [05:38] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Well..."
  2120. [05:38] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( OAO) "Nya..?"
  2121. [05:38] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( O_O)/ "Aku sih ngga masalah nya"
  2122. [05:38] <_DM_> (next item, silakan Int (History) )
  2123. [05:38] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"I guess...until we know who owns those items..."
  2124. [05:38] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(oh, lagi?)
  2125. [05:38] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*cek javelin* *roll history lagi ya gm =3=d*
  2126. [05:38] <_DM_> 1,8[Shield with a symbol of Dragons]
  2127. [05:38] <_DM_> (per item)
  2128. [05:38] <_DM_> (silakan)
  2129. [05:38] <Michalla_Truesilver> !roll 1d20+1
  2130. [05:38] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+1? Michalla_Truesilver [9] + 1 = 10"
  2131. [05:38] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(10 lol)
  2132. [05:38] <Incendie_Scarlett> !roll 1d20+3
  2133. [05:38] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+3? Incendie_Scarlett [20] + 3 = 23"
  2134. [05:38] <Bruno_F> 2"baiklah, aku bawa dulu untuk saat ini"
  2135. [05:38] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(wut)
  2136. [05:38] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(23 javelin)
  2137. [05:39] <Bruno_F> 2(ikut roll~)
  2138. [05:39] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(10 shield)
  2139. [05:39] <Bruno_F> 2!roll 1d20
  2140. [05:39] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? Bruno_F [17] = 17"
  2141. [05:39] <Vinan_Melivan> 4"...tanya ke guildnya pak gascon?"
  2142. [05:39] <Vinan_Melivan> 4O_O)
  2143. [05:39] <Bruno_F> 2(17 untuk Shield)
  2144. [05:39] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*liat yg javelinnya* (O_O ) "..." *pegang* "..?"
  2145. [05:39] <_DM_> 1,8--- Michalla_Truesilver recognize the Shield, was held by a hero of old time, but the hero(es) always died by multiple arrows ---
  2146. [05:39] <Bruno_F> 2*simpen mace*
  2147. [05:39] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"..."
  2148. [05:40] <_DM_> 1,8--- Incendie_Scarlett recognize the beautiful javelin has potent Lightning magic made by merfolks, to defend themselves against seafaring Aberrations such as Aboleth ---
  2149. [05:40] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14" was belonged to the heroes of old times...but they were always died by multiple arrows...?"
  2150. [05:40] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(O_O ) "..nyaaa..."
  2151. [05:40] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"javelin with potent lightning magic...made by..merfolks nya.."
  2152. [05:40] <_DM_> 1,8--- ( Bruno_F jg tahu seputar shield ) ---
  2153. [05:41] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...why it was here...?"
  2154. [05:41] <_DM_> 1,8--- the javelin seems to be made from corals ---
  2155. [05:41] <Bruno_F> 2(apakah tahu siapa hero nya?)
  2156. [05:41] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(O_O ) *pegang* "...nya..."
  2157. [05:42] <_DM_> (Shield-nya terbuat dari adamantine yg tidak pernah rusak, tp hero-nya senantiasa rusak)
  2158. [05:42] <_DM_> (dibuat oleh Dragon of old)
  2159. [05:42] <Bruno_F> 2(sip)
  2160. [05:43] <_DM_> (siapa pegang apa?)
  2161. [05:43] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*liat yg elven chain DM*
  2162. [05:43] <Bruno_F> 2(bruno pegang Mace +1)
  2163. [05:43] <_DM_> 1,8--- elven chain. elven chain *plak* ---
  2164. [05:43] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*saat ini masih melihat shield*
  2165. [05:43] <Bruno_F> 2*cek item lainnya*
  2166. [05:43] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*penasaran liat doang dr jauh* ( O_O) *masih megang javelin*
  2167. [05:43] <Vinan_Melivan> 4O_O)
  2168. [05:43] <_DM_> 1,8--- Bruno_F feels more confident, somehow ---
  2169. [05:43] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"I seldom use a shield, but..."
  2170. [05:43] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*liat... yang belom diliat itu handxbow kan?*
  2171. [05:43] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(iyo)
  2172. [05:44] <Vinan_Melivan> 4*coba liat*
  2173. [05:44] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...I guess I will hold it for now."
  2174. [05:44] <_DM_> 1,8--- Incendie_Scarlett , you can hear the sea from the Javelin, like a music… and sometimes you can see it is shifting, as if waves ---
  2175. [05:44] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"" (OAO )
  2176. [05:44] <_DM_> (ah)
  2177. [05:44] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"I wonder, where is Brother Domine might be?"
  2178. [05:44] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*sambil ambil shield*
  2179. [05:44] <_DM_> 1,8--- hand xbow that looks very complicated and weird ---
  2180. [05:44] <Vinan_Melivan> 4O_O)
  2181. [05:44] <Vinan_Melivan> 4(roll something?)
  2182. [05:45] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*liat javelin* "..." (._. )
  2183. [05:45] <_DM_> 1,8--- looks 'technological' made by the near-extinct race of Gnome ---
  2184. [05:45] <_DM_> (roll Int (History) )
  2185. [05:45] <Vinan_Melivan> !roll 1d20
  2186. [05:45] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? Vinan_Melivan [2] = 2"
  2187. [05:45] <Vinan_Melivan> 4O_O)?
  2188. [05:45] <_DM_> 1,8--- Michalla_Truesilver , as you touch the Shield, you felt something… is wrong ---
  2189. [05:45] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Well, perhaps he will interested with this shi...huh?"
  2190. [05:45] <_DM_> 1,8--- at first, you thought that it was Bahamut's shield ---
  2191. [05:46] <_DM_> 1,8--- but now you can see Tiamat is laughing at you, as if cursing you for eternity, to take the previous heroes' burden ---
  2192. [05:46] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*pegang javelin*
  2193. [05:46] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"What the..."
  2194. [05:46] <_DM_> 1,8--- and you suddenly have an urge to keep all the wealth by yourself; but you still able to control it ---
  2195. [05:47] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(do I know it was a tiamat?)
  2196. [05:47] <_DM_> (yup)
  2197. [05:47] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...Tia...mat?"
  2198. [05:47] <_DM_> (the Evil slumbering dragon god)
  2199. [05:47] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"..nya..? apa nya..?" ( O_O)
  2200. [05:47] <_DM_> 1,8--- at your hand, the javelin shifting colors beautifully again, Incendie_Scarlett ---
  2201. [05:47] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"............."
  2202. [05:47] <_DM_> (dan Vinan_Melivan tidak paham macem2)
  2203. [05:48] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"...may... I take this javelin nya..?" ( O_O) *liat yg lain*
  2204. [05:48] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(bisa roll sesuatu buat...tau sesuatu tentang curse ini?)
  2205. [05:48] <_DM_> (hmm? silakan Int (History)
  2206. [05:48] <Michalla_Truesilver> !roll 1d20+1
  2207. [05:48] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+1? Michalla_Truesilver [4] + 1 = 5"
  2208. [05:48] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(lol)
  2209. [05:48] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"......."
  2210. [05:48] <_bukan_tidur_> hasil roll2 tadi...
  2211. [05:49] <_bukan_tidur_>
  2212. [05:50] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"..huh?"
  2213. [05:50] <_DM_> (detail di… DMG)
  2214. [05:50] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Oh...sure"
  2215. [05:50] <_DM_> 1,8--- Michalla_Truesilver starts to wondering… why now she starts to think about material wealth.. just like the covetous dragons.. ---
  2216. [05:50] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"thank you" ( ^w^)
  2217. [05:51] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"........."
  2218. [05:51] <_DM_> 1,8--- sementara kita tutup dulu ---
  2219. [05:51] <_DM_> 1,8--- karena sudah jam segini ---
  2220. [05:51] <_DM_> 1,8--- thank you for playing ---
  2221. [05:51] <_DM_> 1,8--- 1,8つづく1,8 ---
  2222. [05:51] <Bruno_F> 2(arigatou _DM_~)
  2223. [05:52] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(arigatou DM =3=/)
  2224. [05:52] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(makasih DM \(=w=)/)
  2225. [06:09] * _bukan_tidur_ ( has left #CoastalArea
  2226. [06:09] * _DM_ ( Quit
  2227. End of #CoastalArea buffer Sun Feb 22 06:10:56 2015
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