
Wave 4 units Dining Hall/Activity Datamined Dialogue

Jan 20th, 2020
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  1. === Yuri/Bernadetta ===
  3. You want me to work with Yuri? Alone?! I'm not afraid to say it... I'm terrified.
  4. If you've got time to whine, you've got time to work. Otherwise, this won't ever get done.
  5. Why should I care if it never gets done?! Because I'll be stuck here forever?! OK, OK, let's get to work!
  7. I hope you'll remember how good I did the next time you're assigning partners, Professor.
  8. "Yuri is the best! He made all this worth doing!" *laughs* We were quite the team, I must say.
  10. Well, it wasn't perfect, but it all worked out in the end, yeah?
  11. Sure! Great! I only had three panic attacks, so yeah, pretty good day!
  13. Still as a stone, Bernie. If he can't see you, then you're not in his way.
  14. What a weird, lumpy rock. Definitely doesn't belong here—better toss it into a nearby body of water!
  15. What?! No! Opposite! Look, I'm helping!
  17. Apparently miracles do come true. We somehow worked well together.
  18. Is that good? Is it over? Can I go?
  20. We're done, now... Right, Yuri?
  21. Nope, we sure aren't! It's not done until we've wrapped this up and reported back.
  23. *laugh* This reminds me of our academy days. We had a lot of fun back then, didn't we?
  24. Keeping an eye on you so you didn't go and do something dumb was never my idea of fun...
  25. Hey! I was just a kid!
  27. Look, Professor, we did it! *laugh* I knew it'd be a piece of cake for us!
  28. And we had fun doing it. Win win.
  30. We did well, but we could have done even better.
  31. Speak for yourself, Yuri! No, OK, you're right... I wasn't at my best, either.
  33. Meals are better enjoyed when in the company of others. Don't you agree, Bernadetta?
  34. Sure, but...can I get all this, go?
  36. Will you talk to her for me? She's been avoiding me nonstop.
  37. Of course I avoid you! I avoid everyone! And I'm sitting right here, you know!
  39. I don't mind going out, if I get to eat with you two! Here, Yuri, try some of this!
  40. Yes, yes, adorable, Bernadetta. Plopping the food you dislike onto my plate. Cut it out, will you?
  45. === Hapi/Constance ===
  47. My darkest fear is that I shall be a burden to you, dear Hapi.
  48. Yeesh. Try not to worry about that, OK? Let's both just focus on getting this done.
  49. Maybe see if you can work in the shade, Coco. We might finish up more quickly that way.
  51. This is proof enough that the bond we forged underground has borne fruit!
  52. That's a little dramatic, but you're not wrong. We work well together.
  54. I don't like to point fingers, but Coco really slowed us down.
  55. Th-that wasn't my— Very well, it was my fault. But only technically!
  57. I already know what you're going to say. Let's just get this done, all right?
  58. I am dazzled by your instant grasp on the situation, but in truth—
  60. You didn't get enough sleep. What else is new?
  61. Pushing past the limits of sleep deprivation gives one a sensation unlike any other.
  62. Sure, job well done, yay for us. Maybe get some sleep now, OK?
  64. Your contributions were immense next to my pitifully meager efforts.
  65. Eh. To be honest, neither of us did all that great.
  67. Hapi! Have we not discussed your revolting table manners enough?!
  68. Here we go again. Coco, food tastes better when I eat it like this.
  70. Behold, Professor! We need only sprinkle a bit of this secret ingredient that Hapi and I found and—
  71. Coco... If you go and tell everyone about it, it's not much of a secret.
  75. === Balthus/Hilda ===
  77. I've got this, Hilda. Just leave everything to me!
  78. Fine by me! Though just so you know, I won't be paying you for your services.
  79. What?! No deal, then. Guess we'll have to split the work down the middle.
  81. Take a look at that, Professor! We nailed it, all thanks to Baltie.
  82. She means it. I was the only one pulling my weight. You're getting too old for that nonsense, Hilda.
  84. Eh, you can't win 'em all. Trust me. We'll do better next time, pal.
  85. I don't think it was all that bad. But yeah, Baltie will do better next time!
  87. Stand back, everybody! I'm going to give it my all, for once.
  88. What's your angle, Hilda? You don't expect me to pay you, right?
  89. *sigh* Of course not. I just want to prove that I can handle things without your help.
  91. Hilda did a great job. I'm surprised too! With her help, it was a piece of cake.
  92. I know, right? So you don't have to worry so much about me. OK, Baltie?
  94. You did great work, but this was supposed to be a job for the both of us. Rely on me next time, yeah?
  95. You might have a point. Next time I won't try to handle it all on my own.
  97. Look at us, sitting down and enjoying a meal together. Just like the good old days, eh Baltie?
  98. Heh, that's right. Brings me back to the days when you, Holst, and I were inseparable.
  100. We may not have a lot more chances to eat together like this. But don't go getting all sentimental on me, got it?
  101. No morbid talk allowed while we're eating, Baltie. You hear me? None of us is dying any time soon.
  105. ===Balthus/Lysithea ===
  107. All right, Little Lady. I've got something special planned to help you through this task.
  108. Something like what? You're making me nervous.
  109. Heh, it's just a little treat. Something to eat once the job is done. Something...sweet.
  111. Things turned out wonderfully! Now then, I'll take that treat you mentioned.
  112. We really killed it, didn't we? Who knew we'd make such a great team...
  114. *pouting noise* The scent of that treat in your pocket kept wafting past my nose and distracting me. I'm sorry...
  115. Don't worry your little head over it. We did well enough. You can still have the treat, so chin up.
  117. Guess this doesn't count as repaying my debt to your family, but I'll still give it my all.
  118. It's my parents you're repaying—not me.
  119. Anyway, regarding that treat you mentioned— Er... No. You know what?
  120. I excel at any task—regardless of whether or not there are sweets involved. I'm not some little kid.
  121. That a fact? Could have sworn you zeroed in on my sweets pocket the second I showed up...
  123. Gah, I was overeager and messed it up for both of us. Want some sweets in place of an apology?
  124. Is that a question? Hand them over, Balthus.
  126. Look at the little lady go! And here I thought you wouldn't know a vegetable if it bit you on the nose.
  127. When the occasion calls for it, sure. Although, not sure there's much room left for these ones. *laugh*
  129. You...uh, you missed something, Balthus. You're not going to eat your dessert?
  130. Eh, I'm too full of pure protein for that stuff. Do me a favor and eat it for me, yeah?
  134. === Constance/Edelgard ===
  136. Constance, do you think you'll be able to work in your...present condition?
  137. Let us hope that I prove no barrier to accomplishing our given task.
  138. Hm. Indeed. Let's just get through this as best we can, shall we?
  140. A matchless accomplishment, yes? Take note, your Highness! *laugh*
  141. You're most fascinating. With that attitude, I feel confident your house will be restored in no time.
  143. This isn't indicative of my true capabilities. It so happens that I was somewhat off form today.
  144. I am well aware of your capabilities, so perhaps you could refrain from using your least while we're indoors.
  146. One more failure could mean utter ruin for House Nuvelle...
  147. That is utterly ridiculous. One small assignment cannot affect your fate to such a degree.
  148. It is kind of you to say so. It does nothing for my house, helps me a small bit.
  150. We've done it, your Majesty! Our strengths mesh quite well together.
  151. Agreed. Perhaps we bring out the best in each other.
  153. You must promise to stay strong, Constance. We worked hard, and we should be proud.
  154. I need no consolation, your Majesty. Though I can feel my house's fortunes slip through my fingers...
  156. Dear me, there is a stain on your Highness's dish! Hmm. The plating hasn't survived on mine, either.
  157. I appreciate your concern, but this isn't the place for such formality. We must make allowances for the dining hall, don't you think?
  159. Five years in, and I still marvel at how people from every walk of life can dine peacefully together here. Truly miraculous, don't you think?
  160. It is indeed. It helps your Majesty to seem not so high above the rest of the populace.
  165. === Constance/Mercedes ===
  167. I couldn't bear to inconvenience you, Mercedes. The mere thought of it leaves me weak-kneed.
  168. Are you feeling all right, Constance? If not, perhaps you'd better rest a bit...
  169. Nonsense. Consider me a beast of burden, existing only to toil at your command.
  171. *laugh* We've worked hard and finished our task quickly. It feels wonderful!
  172. *laugh* The task posed no challenge at all between the two of us.
  174. This was...not up to my usual standard. There must be some mistake! It's unbecoming!
  175. Please don't worry yourself! Your face is too lovely to mar with a frown.
  177. You always try so hard. This time, it's my turn to pull us through!
  178. Incorrect. It is my turn. And it shall be my turn next time as well. Find some shade to rest in, hmm?
  179. Oh no, that just won't do! It will be much better if we work together.
  181. *laugh* Observe, Professor! Who but we two could come close to such results?
  182. We finished our work so quickly today! It's all thanks to Constance, I'm sure of it.
  184. Oh, if only I had tried even harder! Next time, I promise I won't let you down.
  185. I loathe being this millstone around her neck... I must work harder to ensure it never happens again!
  187. I have a lovely idea! How about I invite another friend next time so that the four of us can enjoy each other's company?
  188. O-of course! That sounds delightful, and not the least bit likely to cause anxiety!
  189. Constance... Am I mistaken, or were you somewhat averse to vegetables in the past?
  190. Mercedes! Shush! Keep these embarrassments to yourself while there are others present.
  195. === Balthus/Yuri ===
  197. Heh, looks like it's up to the two of us. Feelin' pretty good about our odds, Boss.
  198. We do make a fine pair, don't we? Upshot for me: you can tackle all the heavy lifting so I don't have to.
  199. Ha! Perfect. I'll leave all of that other nonsense to you, then.
  201. Not bad, Yuri. Not bad at all.
  202. Couldn't agree more. We complement one another nicely. Here's to hoping we're paired together again.
  203. Not great, but not awful. Perfectly mediocre...
  205. Gah, this is awful. I want to either succeed wildly or fail spectacularly. How unsatisfying!
  206. All right, let's do this. These tasks will be a breeze, being paired with you.
  207. Back at ya, pal. Hard labor goes by quicker when you like the person you're working with.
  208. Come on, Boss. Let's kill this task and show everyone what we're made of!
  210. You're not bad, you know that, Balthus? You make even the most mundane of tasks enjoyable.
  211. Heh, glad to hear it. That was so fun, I don't even mind that I broke a sweat free of charge.
  213. That wasn't awful, but it wasn't great, either. Gah, how unsatisfying.
  214. We need to figure out where things went south. Let's have a chat about it later, yeah?
  216. *laughs* Watching you eat is always entertaining. Just look at you go!
  217. Heh, it takes a lot of fuel to keep the Insatiable King of Grappling at the top of his game!
  219. Hot damn, it's been too long since I've finagled a meal like this. What could be better?
  220. Lose another bet? That might be a silly question. You just seem more enthusiastic than usual about your food.
  222. A vision of nobles picking weeds alongside the commoners—pretty damn amusing, isn't it? *laughs*
  223. Sure, but all I can think about is how ripped my abs are going to be tomorrow. This is good training for heavy armor as well.
  224. Right. I'm sure it's great for that.
  226. I'll help out for a bit, and then I'll get to work on writing the report.
  227. Back it up, pal. There won't be any slacking off unless we both get in on the action.
  228. I was doing it for you, Balthus. Unless you want to sit at a desk and do some writing?
  232. === Linhard/Hapi ===
  234. I heard a rumor about you. I wonder if there's any truth to it...
  235. Which one? You can't believe everything you hear.
  236. If you say so. For now, let's just finish up so I can get back to my nap.
  238. Our hearts weren't really in that one, but we still pulled it off well enough. Don't you think?
  239. You wouldn't stop staring at me, so I was in a rush to get it over with as quickly as possible.
  241. Linny, why did you keep staring at me? That really got on my nerves.
  242. Oh, it's nothing. I just couldn't stop thinking about that rumor I heard. I'll watch you in secret next time.
  244. If you get tired, feel free to take a break. Maybe we can take turns or something.
  245. Wow, that's nice of you. You'd do that for me, huh?
  246. Nah, I'm thinking of myself. I don't feel like facing off with a demonic beast today.
  248. Gotta say, Linny did a good job. It all went pretty smoothly thanks to him.
  249. *yawn* I'm just glad it's over. If I don't get to sleep soon, I'm going to die.
  251. I'd say these results are...acceptable. You can't say we didn't try our hardest.
  252. I'm not that disappointed. There's no need to be so patronizing.
  254. Let's wrap this up quickly so that we can get back down there. I want to find the book today.
  255. Rushing doesn't help anyone. If we're stuck doing this, we'd better at least be deliberate.
  256. Lives are in the balance here. Show a little initiative for once.
  258. That was kinda perfect. We work well together.
  259. We've been working way too hard lately. Don't you think?
  260. Research shows that the harder people work, the less efficient they are. *yawn* In that spirit, I'm overdue for a nap.
  261. Hey, we're in the middle of explaining... Oh, fine. I guess you got the gist.
  265. === Ashe(?)/Hapi ===
  267. Are there any foods you particularly dislike, Hapi? Anything on today's meal, for instance?
  268. Nope. But also, none of your business.
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