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Nov 27th, 2015
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  1. [The Raven's Court, Foyer]
  2. Soft Ilithic carpetry, flanked by tiled marble flooring, muffles the sound of patrons entering and exiting the club. Low tables are arrayed near the polished wooden walls, with plush high-backed chairs providing a place for members to chat with visiting guests. Paintings of various Elanthian landscapes are placed aesthetically throughout the foyer, meshing with the rest of the decor to provide an aura of comfortable luxury. You also see an obsidian raven launching into flight carrying a massive trillion-cut diamond in its platinum beak and a large wooden door.
  3. Also here: Squire Eckan and Warrior Priestess Khaelyn who is emanating a bright holy aura.
  4. Obvious exits: north, northeast, east, west.
  5. You arch your eyebrow.
  6. Khaelyn hugs you.
  7. You say, "Fancy this."
  8. You hug Khaelyn who gives you a smile in return. A faint scent of falling rain clings to her skin.
  9. Khaelyn exclaims, "Hi!"
  10. You give Eckan a great big hug, pinching his cheeks despite his long-suffering sigh.
  11. You ask, "Coming to ruin the dart board?"
  12. Eckan beams at you! What a warm feeling!
  13. Eckan hugs you.
  14. Khaelyn says, "Eckan was kind enough to keep me company while I tried to get some boxes."
  15. You smile.
  16. Khaelyn says, "It was a bust though."
  17. Khaelyn says to Eckan, "Sorry."
  18. Eckan asks, "Cant pass up a chance to hunt can I?"
  19. Eckan says, "BAH."
  20. Eckan says, "My goal was completely met."
  21. Khaelyn giggles.
  22. Khaelyn says, "Thank you."
  23. You cluck your tongue and shake your head.
  24. Eckan is already following Khaelyn.
  25. You reach over and hold Khaelyn's hand.
  26. You reach over and hold Eckan's hand.
  27. Khaelyn says, "It seems the guards are looking for me."
  28. You say, "They look for me a lot."
  29. Khaelyn says, "It was purely a misunderstanding."
  30. Eckan says, "It always is."
  31. Eckan nods.
  32. You say, "Frankly, I think they just like to undress me. Who could blame them? No charges ever seem to stick."
  33. Eckan grins at Khaelyn.
  34. You gaze at your fingernails.
  35. Eckan blushes a bright red color.
  36. Khaelyn giggles.
  37. You say, "I do love a Paladin blush."
  38. You hum to yourself.
  39. Eckan sighs.
  40. Khaelyn says, "It is kinda sweet."
  41. Eckan reaches up and moves his mail balaclava about on his head.
  42. Khaelyn just tickled Eckan, making him laugh.
  43. Eckan grins at Khaelyn.
  44. You say, "I have to work to get one out of Sam lately, but it is so worth it."
  45. Eckan asks, "He still blushes?"
  46. You say to Eckan, "I can melt a soulstone."
  47. Khaelyn says, "Not that he'd admit, I'm sure."
  48. Eckan coughs.
  49. Eckan rubs his head.
  50. Eckan reaches up and moves his mail balaclava about on his head.
  51. You grin slowly.
  52. You lean against a fine-grained goldenoak bar.
  53. You take a sip of the brandy. A dry tartness fills your mouth, chased by a smooth, sweet finish.
  54. Eckan says, "So about that Dart thing."
  55. You chuckle at Eckan.
  57. You saunter west, leading your group.
  58. [The Raven's Court, Entertainment Room]
  59. A babble of noise greets those who enter the spacious room, from the quiet thud of well-aimed darts, to the tinkle of glasses, to the low murmur of voices as players strategize. Challengers and onlookers gather around an armwrestling table in the center, while others observe and converse in one of the many leather chairs positioned near the gaming apparatuses. Long mirrors placed along the upper halves of the black marble walls trick the eye into thinking the area is larger than its actual size. You also see a goldenoak stand with a chess board on it and a goldenoak pole with a two-toned dartboard on it.
  60. Also here: Squire Eckan and Warrior Priestess Khaelyn who is emanating a bright holy aura.
  61. Obvious exits: east, south.
  62. The cerulean orb hovering near Khaelyn suddenly dips behind her left shoulder, circling timidly behind her back.
  63. Eckan grins at you.
  64. Eckan just left.
  65. Khaelyn blinks.
  66. You ask, "Did I break him?"
  67. Khaelyn says, "I hope not."
  68. You continue to instruct your student on Locksmithing.
  69. Khaelyn is absorbing your teaching.
  70. Khaelyn pulls some red darts from the two-toned dartboard.
  71. Khaelyn asks, "Darts huh?"
  72. Khaelyn throws her dart at a two-toned dartboard and...
  73. She hits a *single BULLSEYE*!
  74. Khaelyn throws her dart at a two-toned dartboard and...
  75. She hits a *double BULLSEYE*!
  76. Khaelyn sighs.
  77. Eckan just arrived.
  78. Eckan coughs.
  79. You reach over and hold Eckan's hand.
  80. Eckan smiles.
  81. Khaelyn grabs Eckan by the shoulders and shakes him!
  82. Eckan says, "Sorry about that. Important...matters...yes."
  83. Eckan chuckles.
  84. Khaelyn throws her dart at a two-toned dartboard and...
  85. She hits a single 19.
  86. Eckan pulls some black darts from the two-toned dartboard.
  87. Khaelyn throws her dart at a two-toned dartboard and...
  88. She hits a single 5.
  89. Eckan moves some black darts to his right hand.
  90. Khaelyn throws her dart at a two-toned dartboard and...
  91. She hits a single 15.
  92. Khaelyn exclaims, "I'm horrible at this!"
  93. Eckan chuckles.
  94. You say, "You just need competition."
  95. You glance at Eckan, a male Human.
  96. You take a sip of the brandy.
  97. Eckan throws his dart at a two-toned dartboard and...
  98. He hits a *single BULLSEYE*!
  99. Eckan throws his dart at a two-toned dartboard and...
  100. He hits a *single BULLSEYE*!
  101. Eckan throws his dart at a two-toned dartboard and...
  102. He hits a *single BULLSEYE*!
  103. Eckan smiles.
  104. Khaelyn says, "Oh."
  105. Khaelyn says, "Hrm."
  106. Khaelyn frets.
  107. Eckan grins at Khaelyn.
  108. Khaelyn pulls some red darts from the two-toned dartboard.
  109. Khaelyn throws her dart at a two-toned dartboard and...
  110. She hits a *double BULLSEYE*!
  111. Khaelyn throws her dart at a two-toned dartboard and...
  112. She hits a *single BULLSEYE*!
  113. Khaelyn throws her dart at a two-toned dartboard and...
  114. She hits a single 4.
  115. Eckan beams at Khaelyn!
  116. Eckan coughs.
  117. Khaelyn smiles.
  118. Khaelyn says to you, "I let him win."
  119. You say, "Mhm."
  120. Eckan nods in agreement.
  121. Eckan says, "And I cheated."
  122. Khaelyn says, "That also."
  123. Eckan pulls some red darts from the two-toned dartboard.
  124. Khaelyn says, "Pardon me a moment."
  125. Khaelyn taps something inside her hitman's backpack.
  126. Eckan nods.
  127. Khaelyn gets a gossamer-white satin prayer cloth embroidered with glossy silver steelsilk threads from inside her hitman's backpack.
  128. Khaelyn reverently lays her prayer cloth on the ground, smoothing out its corners.
  129. Khaelyn kneels down and touches her lips with the tips of her fingers.
  131. Khaelyn bends forward and kisses a gossamer-white satin prayer cloth embroidered with glossy silver steelsilk threads.
  132. Khaelyn looks up and sighs, smiling.
  133. You continue to instruct your students on Locksmithing.
  134. Eckan nods his head vigorously in comprehension.
  135. Khaelyn listens, enraptured and enthralled by your teachings.
  136. Khaelyn gets some deep red wine from inside her hitman's backpack.
  137. Khaelyn pours some of her red wine onto the prayer cloth. Oddly, the liquid seems to turn into a pale mist as it touches the cloth. Khaelyn takes a deep, long breath, and sighs.
  138. Khaelyn looks up and sighs, smiling.
  139. Khaelyn puts her wine in her hitman's backpack.
  140. Khaelyn stands up.
  141. Khaelyn begins to dance, her eyes tightly shut and her head thrown back.
  142. Khaelyn dances, seeking the attentions of her deity.
  143. Eckan throws his dart at a two-toned dartboard and...
  144. He hits a *double BULLSEYE*!
  145. Khaelyn dances; a perfect, beautiful creation that ends with deft grace.
  146. Khaelyn looks up and sighs, smiling.
  147. Eckan throws his dart at a two-toned dartboard and...
  148. He hits a *double BULLSEYE*!
  149. You take a sip of the brandy.
  150. Eckan throws his dart at a two-toned dartboard and...
  151. He hits a *single BULLSEYE*!
  152. Khaelyn glances heavenward a moment and utters a desperate prayer.
  153. Eckan sits down on the leather chair.
  154. Eckan takes a kadepa mail balaclava off his head.
  155. Khaelyn says to Eckan, "Very nice throws."
  156. Eckan rubs his head.
  157. Khaelyn carefully gathers up the delicate folds of a gossamer-white satin prayer cloth embroidered with glossy silver steelsilk threads.
  158. Eckan puts a kadepa mail balaclava on his head.
  159. Eckan beams at Khaelyn!
  160. Khaelyn puts her cloth in her hitman's backpack.
  161. Eckan says, "Thank you."
  162. The powerful divine aura slowly wanes from about Khaelyn.
  163. Khaelyn smiles at Eckan.
  164. Eckan rummages through a worn grey hitman's backpack with fraying straps but it's clear he hasn't a clue if what he is looking for is there.
  165. The air around Khaelyn shimmers with a weak yellow light that quickly disperses.
  166. Khaelyn pulls some red darts from the two-toned dartboard.
  167. Khaelyn throws her dart at a two-toned dartboard and...
  168. She hits a *single BULLSEYE*!
  169. Khaelyn throws her dart at a two-toned dartboard and...
  170. She hits a *single BULLSEYE*!
  171. Khaelyn throws her dart at a two-toned dartboard and...
  172. She hits a *single BULLSEYE*!
  173. Eckan says, "Well unfortunately, it appears I need to excuse myself for the evening."
  174. Eckan lets out a hearty cheer for Khaelyn!
  175. You say, "So other than failing to find boxes..."
  176. Eckan exclaims, "Very nice throws!"
  177. Khaelyn grins.
  178. Eckan chuckles.
  179. Eckan grins at you.
  180. You say, "You boys, always vanishing early."
  181. You waggle your fingers mystically at Eckan!
  182. Eckan laughs!
  183. Khaelyn says to Eckan, "Thank you again, for coming with."
  184. Eckan says, "Anytime, I always enjoy getting to hunt with you, no matter the place."
  185. Eckan stands up.
  186. You say, "I imagine young Eckan is happy to follow you anywhere."
  187. Khaelyn smiles.
  188. Khaelyn hugs Eckan, getting a smile in return.
  189. Eckan hugs you.
  190. You smile.
  191. Khaelyn says, "Rest well."
  192. You give Eckan a great big hug, pinching his cheeks despite his long-suffering sigh.
  193. Eckan says, "Rest well the both of you when you do."
  194. Squire Eckan walks south.
  195. You cluck your tongue and shake your head.
  197. [The Raven's Court, Brandy Bar]
  198. Aged wooden casks support caramel-colored glass tops to create makeshift tables interspersed between the comfortable leather chairs. Each barrel bears official stamps from foreign lands, indicating only the finest imports are served to the Court's exclusive members. Deep burgundy carpeting stretches between the black marble walls to immerse patrons in extravagance from all angles. Dozens of glass snifters hang over a fine-grained goldenoak bar dominating the eastern half of the room. You also see a curtained archway.
  199. Also here: Warrior Priestess Khaelyn.
  200. Obvious exits: north, south, west.
  202. Khaelyn says, "I dont recall the boxes being so bad in shadow beast."
  203. You say, "I never hunted there."
  204. Khaelyn says, "I got one box."
  205. Khaelyn says, "A horrible waste of time."
  206. You say, "That is pretty bad."
  207. You say, "So, what is on your mind? No one comes to see me on purpose."
  208. Khaelyn says, "Well."
  209. Khaelyn says, "I really would be interested in joining your family, if you would have me."
  210. You raise an eyebrow in Khaelyn's direction.
  211. You switch to speaking in Ilithic.
  212. Khaelyn says, "Though, I may be more trouble than I am worth."
  213. You say in Ilithic, "Why me, and not say...the Remlanes, for example."
  214. Khaelyn says, "I."
  215. Khaelyn says, "I dont know that I am worthy of either family."
  216. Khaelyn sighs.
  217. You ponder the meaning of Khaelyn's existence.
  218. Khaelyn says, "I dont want to be a bother to anyone."
  219. You say in Ilithic, "I am not saying no, I am just wondering why."
  220. Khaelyn says, "I."
  221. Khaelyn says, "I dont know."
  222. Khaelyn sighs.
  223. You say in Ilithic, "Sit. Have a drink."
  224. You motion toward a comfortable leather chair.
  225. Khaelyn sits down on the leather chair.
  226. Khaelyn casually observes the area.
  227. You point at a fine-grained goldenoak bar.
  228. Khaelyn says, "The Remlanes seem so."
  229. Khaelyn says, "Royal almost."
  230. You flash a quick grin.
  231. You say in Ilithic, "Samsaren would choke if he heard that."
  232. Khaelyn says, "Above me, perhaps I am not worthy."
  233. Khaelyn says, "I certainly do not wish to reflect badly on them."
  234. You say in Ilithic, "So you figure you could not tarnish my name any more than I already have."
  235. Khaelyn says, "I am horrible with my words."
  236. Khaelyn smiles.
  237. Khaelyn says, "Nothing like that."
  238. You take a sip of the brandy. A dry tartness fills your mouth, chased by a smooth, sweet finish.
  239. Khaelyn says, "I only wish to prove my worth."
  240. You ask in Ilithic, "What clan do your people come from?"
  241. Khaelyn says, "My people."
  242. Khaelyn says, "I wish I knew."
  243. Khaelyn says, "Sadly I do not."
  244. You say in Ilithic, "Also, it is customary when one switches to our native tongue, to switch along as well. Unless you have forgotten it."
  245. Khaelyn says, "As I was very young when my parents died."
  246. You frown slightly.
  247. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "Pardon me."
  248. You nod.
  249. You wave your hand distractedly.
  250. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "I have lived on the street to long."
  251. You say in Ilithic, "These are things which can be taught."
  252. You smile.
  253. Khaelyn smiles.
  254. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "The clans are of great interest to me."
  255. (Sendithu studies your face intently for a moment.)
  256. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "I have been doing a bit of research."
  257. Khaelyn takes a sip of her brandy.
  258. You say in Ilithic, "You have the look of the Forest clans about you, but these days the lines are so intermingled it can be difficult to say."
  259. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "Sadly they did not discuss such things in the orphange."
  260. You nod.
  261. You say in Ilithic, "No, I imagine not."
  262. You say in Ilithic, "Well. If I were to do this, I would expect that you make certain oaths to the Mountain."
  263. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "I certainly would, they seem very strong and have withstood the ages."
  264. You say in Ilithic, "We take such things much more seriously than most. We live and die by the will of Her Majesty, Queen Morganae, may she live forever. Her, and her son, Prince Fayne, are everything. Their line is the center to all that it means to be Mountain."
  265. Khaelyn smiles.
  266. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "I have much studying to do."
  267. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "If you would be willing to teach."
  268. You say in Ilithic, "My family, such as it is, is quite small now."
  269. You take a sip of the brandy.
  270. You finish off the rest of it, and set the snifter aside.
  271. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "I would gladly take your lead."
  272. You say in Ilithic, "My brother, who you met, and myself. My cousin is here in Crossings, handling business matters for me, but for reasons she does not keep the name publicly."
  273. You say in Ilithic, "There was an incident some years ago, and the rest were...killed. I am eldest now of my name."
  274. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "I am truly sorry for loss."
  275. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "I know well of loss."
  276. You say in Ilithic, "It was a complicated situation but things are much simpler now."
  277. You smile.
  278. You ask in Ilithic, "You have severed ties with those other people, I gather?"
  279. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "I have."
  280. You nod.
  281. You continue to instruct your student on Locksmithing.
  282. Khaelyn seems to have a natural aptitude for Locksmithing.
  283. You ask in Ilithic, "And that signet ring signifies...?"
  284. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "A few have inquired."
  285. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "Its currently just holding some gems."
  286. You nod.
  287. Khaelyn takes a sip of her brandy.
  288. You say in Ilithic, "I am willing to give it a try."
  289. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "I."
  290. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "I will be forever grateful."
  291. Khaelyn blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.
  292. You say in Ilithic, "Your first lesson is that our people do not kneel to anyone."
  293. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "I know I have much to learn."
  294. You say in Ilithic, "Prayers are one thing."
  295. You wave your hand distractedly.
  296. Khaelyn gives a slight nod.
  297. You say in Ilithic, "We are proud, and for good reason. We have never been conquered, even the Outcasts kept a wide berth of Elamiri when they swept through Ilithi."
  298. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "I've never seen it on map."
  299. You say in Ilithic, "Even were Her Majesty to grace us with her presence right now, we do not kneel. We show our respect to the Sunderstones with a formal curtsy, as graceful as one can manage, but never kneeling."
  300. You say in Ilithic, "Like so."
  301. Hands moving gracefully, you sink down in a formal curtsy.
  302. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "I will practice."
  303. You say in Ilithic, "If you can make your hands imitate the feathers of a swan, which is Their symbol, that is showing proper respect."
  304. You nod.
  305. Khaelyn jots down some notes.
  306. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "Flutter."
  307. Khaelyn nods.
  308. You say in Ilithic, "It gave me great pleasure when in Therengia to stay on my feet with only the barest of nods while the rest flopped around like salmon."
  309. You continue to instruct your student on Locksmithing.
  310. Khaelyn smiles broadly as she grasps your lesson, encouraging you.
  311. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "My dealings with them have been brief."
  312. You nod.
  313. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "My first encounter I was dragged into some meeting."
  314. You continue to instruct your student on Locksmithing.
  315. Khaelyn seems to have a natural aptitude for Locksmithing.
  316. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "Then told to go wait outside while they debated some things."
  317. You say in Ilithic, "I served the Tower for some time, I am well acquainted with many of the Morzindaen."
  318. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "They made me stand on the street, in the snow."
  319. You smirk.
  320. You say in Ilithic, "They are little better than animals."
  321. You continue to instruct your student on Locksmithing.
  322. Khaelyn seems to have a natural aptitude for Locksmithing.
  323. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "Needless to say, I have not ever attempted to help them since."
  324. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "Little did they know I was in on letting the ice adder loose in the keep."
  325. You say in Ilithic, "Ask Samsaren sometime about his history in Therengia."
  326. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "But that is neither here nor there."
  327. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "Synamon has told me tales."
  328. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "I do love her dearly."
  329. You say in Ilithic, "Synamon...walks her own path."
  330. You continue to instruct your student on Locksmithing.
  331. Khaelyn seems to have a natural aptitude for Locksmithing.
  332. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "Her kindness to me."
  333. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "It is."
  334. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "I am blessed."
  335. You nod.
  336. You say in Ilithic, "She has a good heart, but she is impulsive."
  337. Khaelyn takes a sip of her brandy.
  338. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "She was a breath of fresh air."
  339. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "When I though surely I would drown."
  340. You smile.
  341. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "That is a mean class in locksmithing, I am full already."
  342. You grin.
  343. You say in Ilithic, "I dabble."
  344. Khaelyn laughs!
  345. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "And the troubles of late, in these parts."
  346. You say in Ilithic, "Well. Shall we, then? I will call for my Factor if you are still willing."
  347. Khaelyn asks in Ilithic, "Do you help at all?"
  348. You raise an eyebrow in Khaelyn's direction.
  349. You ask in Ilithic, "Help? With what?"
  350. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "The invasions on The Crossing."
  351. You chuckle.
  352. You say in Ilithic, "No. I could care less."
  353. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "I will go anywhere for a good fight."
  354. Khaelyn stands up.
  355. You say in Ilithic, "If Samsaren wishes to come stretch his legs, I am by his side always. For myself? I do not care what happens here."
  356. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "I did not realize it was so late, or early as the case my be."
  357. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "I hope I did not take you from important matters."
  358. You wave your hand distractedly.
  359. You say in Ilithic, "Samsaren is at his prayers, I was leaving him be."
  360. You say in Ilithic, "I do drive the man to the chapel frequently."
  361. You hum to yourself.
  362. Khaelyn giggles.
  363. You continue to instruct your student on Locksmithing.
  364. Khaelyn listens, enraptured and enthralled by your teachings.
  365. You ask in Ilithic, "So?"
  366. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "If you will have me, I wish to join you and learn."
  367. You nod.
  368. You already are holding her hand.
  370. ---
  372. [Town Hall, Genealogy Office]
  373. Motes of dust drifting gracefully through muted shafts of light intertwine with the smell of old parchment. A barrier of desks, dull with age and use, straddles the room to create a counter between the public and the clerk whose job it is to maintain the records of the province and handle citizens' requests. Elegantly illuminated genealogical charts framed in rosewood hang behind the clerk's counter. You also see an oak door and a meticulously dressed office clerk.
  374. Also here: Shopkeeper Zaherli.
  375. Obvious exits: none.
  376. Khaelyn followed.
  377. Zaherli sinks down in a deep curtsy to you, her lashes lowered.
  378. You give a slight nod.
  379. You say in Ilithic, "You have met my cousin."
  380. Khaelyn waves to Zaherli.
  381. You nod to Khaelyn.
  382. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "Indeed."
  383. You continue to instruct your student on Locksmithing.
  384. Khaelyn smiles broadly as she grasps your lesson, encouraging you.
  385. Khaelyn curtsies to Zaherli.
  386. Zaherli offers you a name adoption license. Enter ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
  387. Zaherli grins at Khaelyn.
  388. You accept Zaherli's offer and are now holding a name adoption license.
  389. Zaherli gets a long white swan feather quill with a thin silver nib from inside her traveler's cloak.
  390. Zaherli offers you a long white swan feather quill with a thin silver nib. Enter ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
  391. You accept Zaherli's offer and are now holding a long white swan feather quill with a thin silver nib.
  392. You sign your name on the adoption license.
  393. You offer your adoption license to Khaelyn, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
  394. You move a name adoption license to your left hand.
  395. You move a long white swan feather quill with a thin silver nib to your right hand.
  396. Khaelyn has accepted your offer and is now holding a name adoption license.
  397. You offer your feather quill to Khaelyn, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
  398. Khaelyn has accepted your offer and is now holding a long white swan feather quill with a thin silver nib.
  399. Khaelyn appears to be writing on the adoption license.
  400. You continue to instruct your student on Locksmithing.
  401. Khaelyn listens, enraptured and enthralled by your teachings.
  402. Khaelyn offers you a name adoption license. Enter ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
  403. You accept Khaelyn's offer and are now holding a name adoption license.
  404. Khaelyn moves a long white swan feather quill with a thin silver nib to her right hand.
  405. Khaelyn offers you a long white swan feather quill with a thin silver nib. Enter ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
  406. You accept Khaelyn's offer and are now holding a long white swan feather quill with a thin silver nib.
  407. You sign your name on the adoption license.
  408. You offer your adoption license to Zaherli, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
  409. Zaherli has accepted your offer and is now holding a name adoption license.
  410. You move a long white swan feather quill with a thin silver nib to your right hand.
  411. You offer your feather quill to Zaherli, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
  412. Zaherli has accepted your offer and is now holding a long white swan feather quill with a thin silver nib.
  413. Zaherli appears to be writing on the adoption license.
  415. Shaking Khaelyn's hand, the clerk says, "Congratulations, Khaelyn Shima'ionare!"
  417. You smile.
  418. You give Khaelyn a formal hug, pressing first your right cheek, then your left, against hers.
  419. Khaelyn asks in Ilithic, "It is done?"
  420. You say in Ilithic, "It is."
  421. Khaelyn lets out a sigh of contentment.
  422. You continue to instruct your student on Locksmithing.
  423. Khaelyn listens, enraptured and enthralled by your teachings.
  424. Zaherli beams at Khaelyn!
  425. Zaherli says in Ilithic, "Welcome."
  426. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "Thank you, so very much."
  427. Zaherli gives Khaelyn a formal hug, pressing first her right cheek, then her left, against Khaelyn's.
  428. Khaelyn gives you a formal hug, pressing first her right cheek, then her left, against yours.
  429. Khaelyn gives Zaherli a formal hug, pressing first her right cheek, then her left, against Zaherli's.
  430. Zaherli says in Ilithic, "Do feel free to call on me if you need anything."
  431. Zaherli flashes a wide grin.
  432. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "I will strive to make you proud."
  433. You say in Ilithic, "I believe that you will."
  434. Khaelyn smiles.
  435. Zaherli puts her quill in her traveler's cloak.
  436. You say in Ilithic, "For now, though, I need to return south."
  437. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "My first mission."
  438. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "I will study."
  439. Zaherli sinks down in a deep curtsy to you, her lashes lowered.
  440. Shopkeeper Zaherli went through an oak door.
  441. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "Thank you again."
  442. You nod.
  443. Khaelyn says in Ilithic, "It is late."
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