
John 117 in equestria: U Rastle edition

Aug 26th, 2012
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  1. >The shrieks and groans of tortured metal and failing superstructure greet your ears as you come to
  2. >The stasis pod hatch opens, and you immediately exit
  3. >She wouldn't wake you unless the situation is dire, or rescue arrives
  4. >You're guessing the former
  5. Cortana, what's the situation?
  6. >"It's bad, Chief"
  7. >You grab your assault rifle out of its cradle as a female figure appears before you
  8. >"We are currently experiencing re-entry in the atmosphere of an unknown planet"
  9. >You place your hand upon the pedestal
  10. In
  11. >Cortana obediently jumps to the chip in the back of your helmet
  12. >Good
  13. >Now for your exit
  14. >You make your way back down the hallway and to the gaping maw of the open cargo bay
  15. >Lucky for you, the Dawn is plunging prow first into the atmosphere
  16. >A final few steps and a lunge are all it takes to launch you free of the doomed ship
  17. >Now for the fun part
  18. >Your armor begins to glow as the speed and friction of the air heat it up
  19. >Re-entry without a ship
  20. >For anyone else, it would be sure suicide
  21. >For you, it's an unpleasant reminder
  24. >"Damnit Chief, one of these days you're gonna land on something as stubborn as you are"
  25. >The line plays through your head as you plummet
  26. >Johnson...
  27. >Now's not the time
  28. >He died doing his duty
  29. >You can only wish for the same
  30. >You look down
  31. >The world looks almost like Earth
  32. >You can see dense, green forests, mountains, oceans and savannahs
  33. >Although the landmasses are no-
  34. >A purple glow over your visor derails your train of thought spectacularly
  35. Cortana, are you seeing this?
  36. >"It's all over your body"
  37. >You watch the accelerometer in amazement as your downward speed slows
  38. >Whatever aliens occupy this world, they must have insanely advanced technology
  39. >Although you saw precious few cities on your way down...
  40. >Maybe they all live underground
  41. >By now you are roughly 100 feet off the ground
  42. >The forcefield carries you off over a forest
  46. >Your targeting arrays must be out of wack again
  47. >All the colors in this place glow with an intensity you rarely see outside your regenerating energy shields
  48. >Up ahead, you can see lights in the night
  49. >It appears to be some sort of village...
  50. >And fairly primitive at that
  51. >The building construction is primarily wood, with the occasional brick and mortar
  52. >There are no people about either
  53. >The purple glow carries you out over the village
  54. >You find yourself hovering 5 feet off the ground in front of a tree with a door and several windows
  55. >In front of you stand six...
  56. >You wrack your brains to find an accurate comparison
  57. >They look like horses you saw in a holo-text once
  58. >But they are much too small
  59. >And the proportions are off
  60. >Their heads are fairly oversized, with short snouts and massive eyes
  61. >Two of them are normal looking, one orange with a blonde mane and wearing a...
  62. >You remember from your childhood
  63. >It's a stetson
  64. >The other is pink with a deeper pink, curly mane
  65. >it seems to be vibrating slightly
  66. >Two of them appear to have wings
  67. >Although they are much to small to render any sort of actual flight
  68. >One is a light blue with a rainbow colored mane
  69. >The other is yellow with a pink mane that partially obscures its face
  70. >Finally, two of them appear to have horns sticking out of their heads
  71. >One is white and has a curly purple mane
  72. >The other is purple with a deeper purple mane
  73. >This one's horn is glowing with the same purple glow that currently supports you
  76. Cortana, are you getting this?
  77. >You say inside your helmet, carefully making sure the external speakers are disabled
  78. >"I am, Chief."
  79. Anything in the logs of known alien species?
  80. >"Nothing"
  81. >"See? I told you it was a meteor!"
  82. >The sound seems to have come from the purple horse thing
  83. >"That's a mighty odd looking meteor if ya ask me"
  84. >This from the orange one
  85. >Did they just talk?
  86. >You've seen many things in your years
  87. >but you've never seen talking horses
  88. >You reach up and tap your audio relays, just in case
  89. >Your sudden motion startles the horse things in front of you
  90. >The yellow one emits a quiet "eep!" and makes for the tree house
  91. >"DID IT JUST MOVE?"
  92. >"WHAT THE HAY"
  93. >The cyan one flies up in front of you
  94. >Despite having wings too small to fly
  95. >At this point, you're not sure anything can surprise you anymore
  96. >"What the hay are you supposed to be? Can you hear me?"
  97. >It taps on your visor with a hoof
  98. Cortana, recommendations?
  99. >"They seem to be friendly. I suggest greeting them"
  100. >Well, it's not like you have anything to lose
  101. >You enable your external speakers
  102. I am Master Chief
  105. >The rainbow maned horse nearly falls out of the air in front of you
  106. >All the others react with varying degrees of shock
  107. >Except the pink one
  108. >"I knew there was somep0ny in there! I'm Pinkie Pie, nice to meet you!"
  109. >p0ny
  110. >That's the word you were searching for
  111. >The purple one shakes its head
  112. >"Pinkie has the right idea. I'm Twilight Sparkle"
  113. >"Ah'm AppleJack" says the orange one
  114. >"You may call me Rarity" Says the white one
  115. >"And I'm Rainbow Dash!" Finishes the cyan one
  116. >You file their names away in your head and mark their radar blips as friendly
  117. Could you let me down?
  118. >"Oh. Of course! I forgot" says Twilight
  119. >The purple aura disappears and you land with a THUMP, flexing your knees slightly
  120. >These p0nies really are tiny
  121. >They barely come up to your thighs
  122. >You immediately remove your assault rifle from your back and scan the area visually for threats
  123. >Finding none, you turn back to the p0nies in front of you
  124. >They haven't taken any hostile actions against you
  125. >And were kind enough to save you the trouble of smashing into the ground at terminal velocity
  126. >You're not quite sure how to continue however
  129. >The blaring of your armor's proximity alarms saves you that indignity
  130. >"Chief, there's hundreds of them!"
  131. >You address the purple horse
  132. >She seems to be the leader of the small group
  133. Twilight, I am picking up many, many approaching life forms on my long range radar.
  134. Are they hostile?
  135. >"That would be the changelings."
  136. Changelings?
  137. >"They're moving to take P0nyville right now. The whole place has been evacuated, except for us"
  138. >"Princess Celestia is on her way to pick us up personally, but I don't know if she'll make it in time..."
  139. >"Chief, we don't know how long we'll have to stay here"
  140. >This from Cortana
  141. So I need to stay on the good side of the beings in power
  142. >That settles it then
  143. >You are a soldier first and foremost
  144. >You will protect these p0nies
  147. >You need an equalizer
  148. >A choke point, if possible
  149. I see. Is that your house over there?
  150. >"Yeah..."
  151. Does it have a basement?
  152. >She seems to understand
  153. >"It does"
  154. Then go. I will cover you
  155. >"Come on everyp0ny! To the basement!"
  156. >They all file through the doorway
  157. >For your part, you crouch through the door
  158. >The place appears to be a library
  159. >Old fashioned, though
  160. >Instead of holopoints there are shelves and shelves of books
  161. >There's hardly enough room for you to stand
  162. >But you manage to do so
  163. >They all file into a door on the left
  164. >Except the one called Rainbow Dash
  165. >She flutters to the upper level, and begins cajoling something
  166. >"Come on Fluttershy, the Changelings are coming, we need to get in the basement..."
  167. >You activate the lights on your helmet
  168. >Hiding under a bed is the yellow p0ny from before
  169. >There is no time for this
  170. >The blips are coming too quickly
  171. >You flip the bed off the cowering p0ny
  172. >Then you seize her in your arms and run for the basement
  173. Come on, Dash!
  174. >you crouch down the stairs and place Fluttershy next to her companions
  175. >Then you run back up the stairs
  178. >The basement door stands closed behind you
  179. >You flick the safety on your assault rifle off
  180. >This will be interesting
  181. >The blips on your radar slowly circle the housbrary
  182. >Then, as one, they advance
  183. >The first one breaks through a window
  184. >It it completely black, with a pair of instectile wings
  185. >There are holes in both its jet black legs and its horn
  186. >A well aimed burst from your assault rifle ends its miserable life
  187. >But another pops in to take its place
  188. >They begin pouring in through the windows and the door
  189. >You fire and fire, and soon your assault rifle clicks empty
  190. >You slam in a fresh mag and resume firing
  191. >All to soon, your last mag runs dry
  192. >You put the assault rifle back on your back and smack your fists together
  193. >Now the real fun starts
  196. >The tide surges toward you
  197. >You choose a target, put all of your considerable might behind your armored fist in an exploratory punch
  198. >It more or less explodes
  199. >Things just got easier
  200. >These changlings are weaker than Grunts
  201. >You fall back on the training and experience that has carried you through countless firefights and twice as many melees
  202. >You swing your arms and kick your legs, snapping extremities and pulping torsos like so much balsa wood
  203. >Your shields eventually go down under the constant poke of jagged horns
  204. >But they don't seem to be able to penetrate your armor
  205. >Gore coats the floor as you fight on
  207. >Eventually, the horde becomes too much to hold at bay
  208. >You could survive yourself
  209. >But they keep getting past you to kick at the door
  210. >With one arm, you sweep the changelings at the door off
  211. >With the other, you draw and prime your last and only grenade
  212. >You open the door and toss the grenade over your shoulder
  213. >Then you jump through the door and slam it shut behind you
  215. >A muffled BOOM shakes the house
  216. >You head back into the main room
  217. >Ever inch of the place is covered in gore
  218. >On your radar, the main body of blips has retreated from the tree
  219. >Instead, a single, larger blip approaches
  220. >It enters the door
  221. >You see...
  222. >The thing that walks through the door
  223. >It looks very much like Cortana
  226. >"John..." It says
  227. >You reach your hand out towards it
  228. >"CHIEF, THAT'S NOT ME!" screams Cortana through your neural link
  229. >And then you feel it
  230. >A presence in your mind that is neither yours nor Cortana's
  231. >The moment you notice it, it shrinks away
  232. >how dare it
  233. >After all you've been through
  235. >You're seeing red
  237. >There is no force, idea or object that can save this thing from you now
  238. >It realizes its folly
  239. >It morphs and twists until before you stands a larger version of the changelings from before
  240. >This one comes up to your chest plate, and has sickly green hair and a blueish sash
  241. >It lowers its head and charges
  244. >You sidestep the thing's horn and catch its neck in your arms
  245. >It keeps pushing, skidding you across the gore-slick floor and into the basement door
  246. >The door, already weakened by changeling assault and frag grenade, gives behind you and you both tumble down the stairs
  247. >At the bottom of the stairs, you come out on top
  248. >You transform into a blizzard of vicious punches and kicks
  249. >It gets in a few jabs with its horn and kicks with its legs, but they serve only to increase your wrath
  250. >If your helmet was off, you would be biting it
  251. >Without pause, you rise
  252. >Then preform an elbow drop on its torso, which results in a sickening CRUNCH
  253. >Finally, you seize the neck with one hand and the horn with the other
  254. >Then you pull
  255. >The head comes away with a wet ripping sound
  256. >You dash back up the stairs with it and run outside the house
  259. >You wave the head at the army of changelings and roar your fury, your external speakers on max
  260. >They respond by turning tail and fleeing
  261. >Just like Grunts
  262. >You chuck the head at them, impaling one
  263. >Then you shake the bloodlust out of your eyes
  264. >"Chief, are you alright?"
  265. I'll live
  266. >You turn around and go back inside
  267. >In the basement, the six p0nies sit in various states of shock
  268. >Fluttershy is crying, with Rainbow cooing to her
  269. >"Master Chief, ya saved us..."
  270. >"But that was brutal"
  271. I am a soldier. It is my calling
  272. >There's nothing more to say
  273. >Another alarm goes off
  274. >Two large blips are approaching from the air
  275. I think your princess is about to arrive, Twilight
  276. And she has company
  277. >The six immediately get up and head for the stairs
  278. >You join them
  281. >Outside, you can see two winged p0nies approaching
  282. >They both have horns
  283. >One is white and has a stylized sun on its flank
  284. >Its mane flows in the wind, rippling various shades of green and purple
  285. >The other is slightly smaller and a deep blue
  286. >It has a crescent moon on it's flank
  287. >And its mane is deep black with twinkling stars, just like the night sky
  288. >They both land in front of you and the p0nies
  289. >These ones also come up to your chest plate
  290. >The white one's horn glows, and you find yourself floating in the air once more
  291. >You can't say you blame her
  292. >If you saw a gore covered alien standing next to some civilians you wouldn't be friendly either
  293. >Twilight takes it upon herself to make introductions
  294. >"Master Chief, this is Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, co rulers of the land."
  295. >"Princesses, this is Master Chief. He protected us from the oncoming changeling swarm and... did away with Queen Chrysalis."
  296. >You simply nod at them
  297. >"That's... quite an accomplishment"
  298. >"But I have no way of knowing if you're not Queen Chrysalis her self. Save one..."
  299. N-
  300. >A golden beam of light shoots out of her horn and impacts the front of your helmet, silencing your protest
  303. >There's another being in your mind
  304. >It must be this... Celestia
  305. >On the other end of the link you can sense a vast intelligence
  306. >And yet, somehow so naive
  307. >It takes control and begins to play back your memories
  308. >All of them
  309. >It starts in your childhood
  310. >And goes over your abduction into the ranks of the UNSC
  311. >Where they gave you metal bones, and strength to match
  312. >Your training with your squad of fellow SPARTAN IIs
  313. >Then shipping out as the war against the Covenant worsened
  314. >Their deaths, one by one, at the claws and mandibles of the Covenant until you were the only one left
  315. >The atrocities and war crimes of the Covenant
  316. >Your meeting and acquisition of Cortana
  317. >Your friend and comrade, the one bright shining star that kept you going
  318. >And then your loss
  319. >After that, the grunts came up with a nickname for you
  320. >"Demon" they called you
  321. >You agreed with them
  322. >Allying with the elites
  323. >And recovering Cortana
  324. >The death of Johnson
  325. >And the final, desperate flight to avoid the destruction of the Flood
  326. >Then, settling into stasis
  327. >And waking up here
  330. >All this happens in less than a second
  331. >When she finishes, Celestia withdraws back across the link
  332. >And begins sobbing openly
  333. >"Oh, John..."
  334. >She releases you, and tackles you the moment you touch the ground
  335. >Is...
  336. >Is she trying to hug you?
  338. >Luna's yelllng now
  339. >She preforms a similar mind scan
  340. >It's not a pleasant experience
  341. >Now you have two Princesses sobbing on your gore covered chest plate
  342. >And you have no idea how to react
  343. >"Hug them back, John"
  344. What?
  345. >"You've had your entire life to come to terms with your troubles. They both absorbed them in an instant."
  346. >"Now Hug. Them. Back"
  347. >You end up with an arm around each of them
  348. >You are a soldier
  349. >You aren't good with this touchy-feely stuff
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