
Up Past Bedtime [AiE]

Mar 3rd, 2014
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  1. >"Anonymous!" called Celestia.
  2. >She wandered up and down the corridors of the large Canterlot castle.
  3. >"Anonymous!"
  4. >"Can we assist you, princess?"
  5. >Celetsia turned to see a pair of royal guards walking up to her.
  6. >"Yes, please. Could you help me look for Anonymous? It's almost his bedtime."
  7. >"I believe I last saw the prince playing with Princess Luna, your highness."
  8. >"Ah. Thank you, gentlecolts."
  9. >"Yes, my Princess," they say with a bow.
  10. >Celestia nods and walks past them.
  11. >Luna knows that Anonymous isn't allowed to stay up past 8.
  12. >Why she keeps undermining you, you'll never know.
  13. >But it's teaching Anonymous some bad habits.
  14. >And you won't have your adopted son running around like a ruffian.
  15. >Celestia turns down another corridor towards Luna's bedroom.
  16. >Her private quarters are usually where she resides unless there's work to do.
  17. >And if Celestia can recall, there's nothing of importance to be done tonight.
  19. >Celestia knocks on the bedroom door and stands by.
  20. >The door swings open, Luna eyeing her sister questionably.
  21. >"Yes?" she asks.
  22. >"Where is he?" demands Celestia.
  23. >Luna rolls her eyes.
  24. >"He's probably in the garden toying with the patrols. Why? Did he turn your throne into cheese again?"
  25. >Celestia's annoyed expression went quizzical as she tried to understand what was just said.
  26. >Then she shakes her head.
  27. >"Not Discord. Anonymous! It's past his bed time."
  28. >"I haven't seen him all evening," replied Luna. "Check with Discord. They might be playing some perverted game of chess with the statues outside."
  29. >Discord is the last person Celestia would want teaching Anonymous about anything.
  30. >He could be corrupting him for all she knows.
  31. >"I'll go check. Thank you."
  32. >Celestia walked away, leaving Luna at the door.
  33. >"Good night to you too," she said to herself as she closed the door.
  35. >Walking back over to the bed, Luna dropped down to the floor and peered underneath.
  36. >"She's gone," Luna said with a smile.
  37. >A little boy crawled out from under the bed now that the coast was clear.
  38. "You sure fooled her, huh Auntie!" you said with a laugh.
  39. >"I sure did," responded Luna. "Although your mother is going to flip when she realizes you're not with Uncle Discord."
  40. "Oh..."
  41. >Your face turns down to the floor at the thought of your future punishment.
  42. >"Hey," said Luna, lifting your chin up with a wing. "Ever have ice cream after bed time?"
  43. >You shake your head.
  44. >"Did you want to?"
  45. >You nod.
  46. >"That's what I thought."
  47. >She walked over to her balcony and opened the large glass double door to the outside.
  48. >"Just get your shoes on and we can go."
  49. >You get your shoes out from under her bed and slip them on.
  50. >"Do you remember how to tie them?"
  51. "I can do it."
  52. >You sit on the floor and start fiddling with the first shoe.
  53. >It's harder than you thought it was.
  54. "Like this," says Luna, tieing your other shoe. "Cross, bunny ear, around, and through."
  55. >You slowly emulate you auntie's action and repeat the words to yourself.
  56. >"Good job, Anonymous," she says when you finish. "Now hop on and hold tight."
  57. >She crouches down to allow you little legs to climb up and swing over.
  58. >"You ready?"
  59. >You bury your face in her mane and shake your head.
  60. >"You'll be alright," she says as she walks to the balcony.
  61. >Luna spreads her wings and leaps into the night sky.
  63. >The cool summer wind blew by as your auntie rose above the city.
  64. >You clutched her mane tight aand kept your face hidden in the back of her neck.
  65. >"You okay back there?" called Luna
  66. >Shaking your head, you refrain from moving much in any way.
  67. >Luna has a laugh at your expense.
  68. >It's smooth sailing for the most part.
  69. >Luna looks up and sees a single cloud silhouetted by the moon.
  70. >A devious look comes over her face as she rises up to meet it.
  71. >"Anonymous, look."
  72. >You finally lift your face away from her in time to be enveloped by the cloud.
  73. >As it turns out, Luna had flown just low enough for her to go under the cloud and you to be enveloped in the cloud when you lifted your head.
  74. >Out the other side, Luna looked back and laughed as your head and upper body were soaked.
  75. "That's not funny, Auntie Luna!" you shout.
  76. >The wind was suddenly much colder and goosebumps popped up on your skin immediately after contact with the cool air.
  77. >You hugged yourself closer to our auntie's warm fuzzy body, much to her chagrin.
  78. >"Aww... Anonymous! You're wet!"
  79. "It's cold, auntie."
  80. >You shivered hard and Luna started to feel bad.
  81. >"We'll get you warmed up," she said. "How does some hot cocoa sound?"
  82. >You nod your head while pressed into her.
  83. >"Do you still want some ice cream?"
  84. >You nod again.
  85. >A soft giggle escaped her.
  86. >"I kind of figured."
  88. >Luna had circled around and landed in the streets in front of an ice cream parlor.
  89. >"Ooh"s and "Ahh"s came from some passing ponies.
  90. >"You're safe now," you auntie said to you.
  91. >You peek out from her main and tried to climb down, your legs too short to reach the ground.
  92. >Luna sat down to allow you to slide off of her back.
  93. >You fell onto your butt but picked yourself up without issue.
  94. >You shiver a bit and makke for the ice cream parlor.
  95. >The door is just a little heavy for you so Luna has to help you open it.
  96. >Holding the door open for your auntie and Princess of the Night earns you a thank you and the compliment of being a fine gentlecolt.
  97. >Having nice things said to you makes you happy.
  98. >Your mommy told you that doing nice things for others will make nice things happen to you.
  99. >You believe it.
  100. >The closing door rings the bell that you didn't notice before, causing you to look at it.
  101. >"Good evening, princess," said the handlebar mustachioed stallion behind counter.
  102. >He leaned over when he spotted you walking over from the door.
  103. >"And hello to you too, Prince Anonymous," he greeted with a smile.
  104. "Hi," you mutter as you hide behind your auntie's leg.
  105. >The ice cream pony was nice but you are still kind of shy around him.
  106. >Maybe it's the way he smiles.
  107. >You're not sure why.
  109. >"Glad to see you're open tonight," said Luna.
  110. >"I'm actually surprised to see the little tyke there out this late. Isn't it past his bedtime?"
  111. >"We're feeling a bit adventerous tonight," replied Luna with a smile.
  112. >"And what of his mother?"
  113. >"That's part of the adventure."
  114. "Adventure!" you piped up with a smile.
  115. >"And just what kind of adventure are you looking for in my ice cream shop tonight?" he asked you.
  116. >You stayed quiet and moved back behind your auntie.
  117. >"He got a little wet on the way over here," said Luna.
  118. >You scowl at her but she didn't see.
  119. >"How about a little cocoa for each of us?" she asks.
  120. >"Right away, princess," said the shop owner as he started to prepare your drinks.
  121. >You moved up to the counter to watch in fascination as he got the milk, cocoa, vanilla all mixed and frothy, add a couple marshmellows, and then put up some whipped cream on top before sprinkling on some cocoa powder.
  122. >"Here you are, your highness."
  123. >"Thank you very much, kind sir," said Luna as she dropped five bits onto the counter, one for tip. "What do you say to the nice gentlecolt, Anonymous?"
  124. "Thank you."
  125. >"You're quite welcome, little one. You two enjoy."
  126. >"We will, thank you."
  128. >You grabbed your cup and went to sit at a table, followed by your auntie.
  129. >When you first got here, Celestia had taken you in as another protegie after her last student had surpassed all of her teachings and then some.
  130. >You were to be just another student.
  131. >It seems Celestia had taken a liking to the strange creature under her care.
  132. >You were an absolute blank slate and Celestia had decided to take you under her wing, both figuratively and literally.
  133. >An almost motherly bond had somehow formed between her and you.
  134. >Most ponies just viewed you as the prince because of your status of being so close to the princesses and Discord himself.
  135. >Celestia had practically taken you in as the son she never had.
  136. >Luna and Discord were there to fill the Auntie and Uncle roles when Celestia wasn't around to watch you due to important royal matters.
  137. >Some could argue that Luna was more of a mother to you than Celestia, but Luna doesn't have that nurturing aspect a mother requires.
  138. >She is still very young and naive herself.
  139. >Discord enjoyed watching you cause mischief, but he still means well.
  140. >To him, you are a true embodiment of chaos.
  141. >Neither good nor bad and able to flip a switch to become either.
  142. >You can do anything you want if you put your mind to it.
  143. >Compared to ponies with their seemingly pre-determined destinies, this was true chaos.
  145. >You finish gulping down your hot cocoa, not even taking the time to lick up all the whipped cream.
  146. >A large splotch of cream stayed on your nose and around your mouth.
  147. >Luna gave you that look that you know you were doing something wrong.
  148. >A nearby napkin cleaned it up and made it all better.
  149. >"Did you even taste it?" asked Luna in reference to how fast you drank it down.
  150. >You nod your head and smile.
  151. "The best."
  152. >"I'm partial to agree with you," replied Luna as she took another sip of her cocoa.
  153. >A large bowl suddenly falls between the two of you.
  154. "Whoa!" you comment.
  155. >The ice cream pony was standing there beaming a large smile at you.
  156. >"How's about a sundae for the little guy? On the house."
  157. >"Are you sure?" asked Luna. "We have no qualms about paying."
  158. >"Nonsense," said the pony. "It's a night of adventure, is it not?" he asked looking at you.
  159. >You nod excitedly.
  160. >"And you'll probably get an earful when you get back anyways so why not enjoy it while you can?"
  161. >Luna pulled out a couple more bits.
  162. >"I just wouldn't feel right. If you won't take payment, then take this tip."
  163. >She placed them on the table to which the pony swiped them up.
  164. >"Thank you, your highness. And you enjoy, little fella," he said, rustling the hair on your head.
  165. >You are still admiring the large sundae before you when you look up from the ice cream, silently asking your auntie's permission with begging eyes.
  166. >She simply nods.
  167. >You're going to need two spoons for this.
  168. >Taking one in each hand, you dig in.
  170. >Celestia entered the gardens to find nothing amiss.
  171. >Searching around for a minute, she found Discord napping on a hammock made of a giant banana peel.
  172. >She stomped up to him, ground shaking.
  173. >"Where is he!" she demanded.
  174. >Discord cracked an eye and sighed.
  175. >"Well if you must know," he said as he sat up.
  176. >He put his hand to his chin to think.
  177. >"Lets see... The last place I saw him was..."
  178. >A scream and the shattering of falling dishes was heard from the garden.
  179. >"In the kitchen," finished Discord.
  180. >Celestia looked up towards where the noise had come from and saw a figure swoop down.
  181. >It landed at her hooves and hissed.
  182. >A flying squirrel... that had been twisted and given bat wings and a draconic appearance...
  183. >The little creature hopped up onto Discord's belly and curled up to lie down.
  184. >Discord reached his lion paw over and scratched under it's chin, eliciting a purr or growl or something from it.
  185. >Celestia just stood dumbfounded.
  186. >She shook her head to clear her sense.
  187. >"I meant Anonymous!"
  188. >"Now, dear Celly. What makes you think I would know anything about his whereabouts?"
  189. >She gave him her best blank stare.
  190. >"Fair enough," said Discord. "I, however, haven't a clue where our young Anon may be. Have you tried asking your sister?"
  191. >"She said she doesn't know either."
  192. >"Well it looks like you find yourself in quite the predicament, eh?"
  194. >Celestia was not in the mood to fool around.
  195. >She flipped Discord's banana hammock and dropped him to the ground.
  196. >"I don't have time for this!" she shouted. "Do you not know what time it is!"
  197. >Discord checked his watch.
  198. >Except he didn't have a watch.
  199. >Snapping his fingers, he now has a watch.
  200. >"Eight-twenty," he said in a less-than-joyful tone.
  201. >"That's twenty, count 'em, twenty minutes past Anon's bedtime!"
  202. >"Calm down, Miss Murder," said Discord. "I think you're becoming a little less teacher and more overly-defensive mother."
  203. >The comment caused Celestia to hesitate.
  204. >"Besides, I'm sure he's not out in the city doing anything delinquent. I hear some folks enjoy their houses being painted on. I wouldn't even doubt his ability to pull off a heist on the Equestrian National Bank and-"
  205. >Discord hadn't even realized that Celestia had taken off in a panic long before he noticed.
  206. >"This should be funny," he said to himself as he lied back down on his banana hammock.
  208. >Celestia flew high over Canterlot, scanning for her child.
  209. >She even gave herself and optical enchantment to help find Anonymous specifically.
  210. >For all she knows, he could be hurt or commit some kind of horrible crime!
  211. >A guard patrol in the palace gardens had spotted Celestia take off without an escort in such a hurry.
  212. >When questioned, Discord had told them that Celestia had rushed off in response to a threat of the imminent invasion of Canterlot.
  213. >The pegasi were scrambled.
  214. >Sentries were doubled.
  215. >Tripled in some places.
  216. >The entire guard force was in a state of panic.
  217. >Discord was in hysterics.
  218. >In her haste, Celestia had totally overlooked her sister and son leaving the ice cream parlor.
  219. >Luna holds the door for you as you come waddling out.
  220. >Chocolate sauce, whipped cream, and ice cream cover your face.
  221. >Your hands clutch your stomach.
  222. "Auntie Luna, I don't feel so good," you groan.
  223. >"Well what did you think was gonna happen from eating so much ice cream?" she asked.
  224. "That it tasted good so i would feel good."
  225. >A flashback of her sister clutching and bucket of ice cream and sobbing over the most miniscule things brought a quick laugh to Luna.
  226. >"Well I'll give you a quick lesson," she started. "Too much of anything, even good things, is bad."
  227. >You simply nod your head.
  228. >Luna thanks the ice cream pony one last time before she closes the door.
  229. >"Lets see... What else would you like to do?"
  230. >You shrug your shoulders.
  231. >"Would you like to go to the park?"
  232. >You nod your head.
  233. "Yeah, lets go to the park."
  234. >Luna crouched down to allow you the ability to climb on.
  235. >When she lurched upward, you groaned again and clutched your stomach.
  236. >"Anonymous, if you throw up on me, I swear I will not be a happy camper," said your auntie as she flew.
  238. >The short ride to the park went without incident, much to Luna's relief.
  239. >Smooth sailing.
  240. >Luna follows you over to the slide and watches you go down a couple times.
  241. "Slide with me, Auntie!" you call from the top of the slide.
  242. >"I'm a little big for that, Anonymous," she says back.
  243. "Pleeease," you beg with large pleading eyes.
  244. >Luna rolls her eyes.
  245. >"Alright, but just this once."
  246. >Instead of climbing the slide, Luna simply leapt up to the top.
  247. >She sits behind you with her hind legs on ether side of you and her forelegs wrapped around your tummy.
  248. "Go!" you cheer, trying to scoot the both of you until you start sliding.
  249. >Luna nudges you along with a flap of her wings.
  250. >You slide down with yiur Auntie clutching you tight to her body.
  251. >The ride lasted all of two seconds.
  252. >At the bottom, Luna had caught herself by planting her hind legs into the ground and landing on her front legs.
  253. >You landed on your feet originally, but with Luna leaning forward and standing on all fours, her momentum forced you forward and caused you to fall and plant your face into the grass.
  254. >"Oh my gosh! Anonymous, are you okay?" asked your Auntie as she picked you up by the shirt with magic and set you back on your feet.
  255. >Your silly grin was enough to calm her down.
  257. "Again!" you shout as you start back for the top of the slide.
  258. >"Anonymous, don't you want to go on something else?" asked your Auntie.
  259. >You continue climbing the slide.
  260. >The slide is only about twice Luna's height, but the ladder for you was like climbing a mountain.
  261. "Auntie Luna, can I go down on your back?" you ask from the top.
  262. >"Do what?" asked Luna, not sure if she heard the right.
  263. "Pleeease."
  264. >Luna looked up to the top of the slide and followed in down with her eyes.
  265. >Looking straight out in front was the merry-go-round.
  266. >A devious but playful idea came into her mind.
  267. >"Okay," agreed Luna. "Just get back on the ladder real fast."
  268. >You step back as your Auntie leaps up and crouches at the top of the slide.
  269. >You hop on her back as if she was going to start flying.
  270. >"Ready?"
  271. "Yeah!"
  272. >"Hold on tight," she warns.
  273. >Luna's wings unfold all the way, standing out like the silhouette of a black angel against the dimly-lit park sky.
  274. >With a hard flap, she pushes herself forward and down the slide.
  275. >But instead of one flap, she flaps as hard and fast as she can.
  276. >Upon reach the bottom of the slide, Luna takes off fast and low above the ground.
  277. >Her nephew cheers and hollers in laughter with the wind in his face.
  279. >Luna makes like an arrow and bolts straight to the merry-go-round.
  280. >She banks left and hooks her left foreleg to the safety bar.
  281. >Flapping hard and fast, she hangs on to the bar as it goes round and round.
  282. >You hang on for dear life to you auntie while simultaneously having the time of your laugh.
  283. >The outward force on you from the spinning is countered by Luna banking in towards the turn to help keep you from flying off.
  284. >You laugh and holler for your auntie to go faster.
  285. >Your laughing comes to a screeching halt when you feel yourself slipping off.
  286. "Auntie, he-!"
  287. >You can't even ask for help in time before you lose your grip and sail through the air.
  288. >Luna realizes the sudden change of weight on her back and looks back to see you no longer there.
  289. >Eyes going wide, she drops to the ground,
  290. with her hooves skidding through the dirt and grass.
  291. >Coming to a stop, Luna scans the area but can't find you.
  292. >A moment later, her eyesight starts tilting and skipping like a broken record.
  293. "Auntie!" she hears you call.
  294. >At least you're alive.
  295. >You call again, allowing Luna to get a general direction of where you are.
  296. >"I'm coming, Anon!" she calls.
  297. >Luna tries to step forward but ends up walking sideways instead.
  298. >"Go straight, legs!"
  299. >She beats her wings to get balance but to no avail.
  300. >Luna tips in the direction she's stumbling in, eventually falling over herself and hitting the ground.
  302. >"Ow..." groans Luna.
  303. >She is virtually paralyzed by being so insanely dizzy.
  304. >Stars and planets circle her head and her eyes roll like a slot machine.
  305. >After a minute of lying in the grass, Luna feels that she has recuperated.
  306. >Jumping to her feet, she starts walking towards where you were.
  307. >Her vision suddenly goes black, eyes roll up into her head, and she becomes dizzy once more before collapsing to the ground once more.
  308. >"Ah-ha-how..." Luna groans again.
  309. >Stupid blood.
  310. >When she is steady again, she slowly rises back up to her hooves again.
  311. >For the third time, Luna will now attempt to locate you again.
  312. "Auntie," you call again.
  313. >Luna walks beneath a tree and looks up.
  314. >She finds you up in the higher branches of the tree.
  315. "Auntie, look! I'm a woodpecker!"
  316. >You take your finger and repeatedly poke the trunk of the tree really fast.
  317. "I flew up here, Auntie," you tell her very proudly.
  318. >"You look more like a monkey to me," replied Luna with a grin.
  319. "Auntie, that's mean," you say at her joke.
  320. >"You're right, I'm sorry," apologized Luna, her grin not disappearing from her face. "Now how about you make like a woodpecker and fly down here?"
  321. >You look up, down, and around the spot on the branch you were sitting.
  322. >No reason except to stall.
  323. >Maybe she will come get you instead.
  324. >When that doesn't happen right away, you admit your secret.
  325. "I don't know how..."
  326. >"That's okay. I got you. Just hold still."
  327. >Your auntie's magic aura envelopes your body and slowly lifts you from the tree.
  328. >The sparkles and magic feeling tickles.
  329. >You giggle and kick as your auntie lowers you onto her back for safety.
  330. >"So what else would you like to do tonight?" Auntie Luna asked you.
  331. >You responded with a long, loud yawn.
  332. >"I think it mighy be time to put you to bed. It must be almost nine o'clock."
  333. "Okay," you reply while sleepily rubbing an eye.
  334. >"Hold on," says Luna before she takes to the skies.
  336. >Coming up on the castle caused Luna to raise an eyebrow at the commotion she was seeing.
  337. >Guards were running everywhere, trying to coerce Luna to get inside.
  338. >Luna let you off her back and she told you to walk close to her side.
  339. >Luna found Discord on the castle's front step sitting in a lawn chair and munching on popcorn.
  340. >"Enjoying the show?" he asked as Luna approached.
  341. >"What did you do?" demanded Luna.
  342. >"Hey, don't blame me," defended Discord. "It was your sister that caused them to freak out like this."
  343. >Uncle Discord offered you some popcorn to which you took and munched on a handful.
  344. >"My sister?" asked Luna.
  345. >"Yeah you know. Tall, white, controls the sun, sent you to the-"
  346. >"I know who Celestia is," interupted Luna. "I want to know what she did."
  347. >"Well after she flew off in a panic at not knowing where little Anonymous here was, the guard force assumed something tragic has or was about to happen. I had nothing to do with it," Discord explained.
  348. >He leaned back in his chair and sipped some cola out of a large cup through a crazy straw.
  349. >"Somehow I doubt that," replied Luna.
  350. >"If you say so," said Discord with a shrug. "Want a sip?" he asked you, holding the cup to you.
  351. >You reach a hand out before Luna stops you.
  352. >"Not before bedtime," she says.
  353. "Aww..." you pout.
  354. >"Yeah Luna. 'Aww...'," mimicked Discord. "And wasn't his bedtime like, an hour ago? Technically, it's 'after' his bedtime."
  355. >Luna gave it a moment to think about.
  356. >It's Discord logic, but it does make sense.
  357. >Especially since she's the one who's kept you out of bed.
  358. >Luna shrugged.
  359. >"Sure. Why not?"
  360. >You happily take the cola and take a long sip, enjoying watching it swirl through the crazy straw.
  361. >"So where is my sister now?" asked Luna.
  362. >Discord looked at Luna, then leaned over a bit to look past her.
  363. >"Why don't you ask her yourself?" he said, pointing behind her.
  365. >Luna turned around in time to see a very pissed-off Princess of the Sun land behind her.
  366. >"Where is-!" started Celestia before her gaze met yours. "Anonymous!" she finished.
  367. >Your mom picked you up with her magic and pulled you to her, the cup of cola slipping from your grasp as she does.
  368. >"Anonymous! I missed you so much!" she tells you, almost in tears.
  369. >Celestia's magic hold plus her snuggling her face into your tickled a lot, eliciting a laugh from you.
  370. >"Where were you?" she asked.
  371. >Discord answered for you by pointing a claw at Luna, getting a silent look of 'You traitor' from Luna.
  372. >"And who gave you soda this late?" asked you mom.
  373. >Luna pointed a hoof at Discord, getting a glare from him as well.
  374. >"Well we're going to have a talk, you two. Anonymous, you go brush your teeth."
  375. "Aww..." you groan.
  376. >"You monster!" commented Discord at Celestia.
  377. >Celestia gave him a glare of death.
  378. >"Er... I mean, you blessed angel," corrected Discord.
  379. >Celestia retorted with a snort before calling over a contingent of guards.
  380. >"Please see to it that Prince Anonymous brushes his teeth and puts on his jammies. I will be in shortly to tuck him in," she orders them.
  381. >"Yes, princess," respond the guards. "Come along, prince," says one as he extends his wing.
  382. >Your mom puts you on the ground and you grab hold of the guard's wing as he leads you inside.
  383. "Good night, Auntie. Good night, Uncle."
  384. >Luna and Discord wave goodnight until you disappear from view
  385. >They then turn back to Celestia and give her a sheepish grin.
  387. >Celestia says in a calm, but obviously angry voice, "Anyone care to explain why my little Anonymous is up so late and drinking soda before bed?"
  388. >"Luna hid him and stole away for a night out on the town!" blurted Discord.
  389. >"He lies!" defended Luna.
  390. >They press their faces together and growl at each other.
  391. >"Well that's half of it," said Celestia.
  392. >"That's like ninety-five percent of it!" said Discord.
  393. >"And the soda?" asked Celestia.
  394. >"He gave Anon soda and popcorn!" shouted Luna.
  395. >"That's-! Actually that's about the whole of it." said Discord with a shrug.
  396. >"Well while I would love to threaten you each with the moon and becoming a lawn ornament again, I need to tuck my son in for bed. If you will excuse me."
  397. >Discord and Luna stepped aside to allow Celestia ample room to walk past.
  398. >"No fun allowed," commented Discord when Celestia was gone. "So what did you do with Anonymous anyways?"
  399. >"He got sick on ice cream and got thrown off the merry-go-round at a hundred miles an hour," said Luna with a chuckle.
  400. >"And you didn't even ask me to come along too," said Discord with a disapproving shake of his head. "I like ice cream and merry-go-rounds too."
  401. >He put sone sunglasses on and hent back to the garden to his banana hammock with a sun tanning reflector.
  402. >"You're a child," muttered Luna as she went back inside to her own room.
  404. >When Celestia made it back to your room, two guards were standing outside the door.
  405. >They pop to attention when Celestia approaches.
  406. >"Good evening, princess;" greets one. "The prince has brushed his teeth and is dressed for bed."
  407. >"Thank you. You two are relieved."
  408. >The guards salute the princess and march off down the hall.
  409. >When Celestia openes your bedroom door, she found the other two guards crouched below the foot of your bed and holding up a pair of your stuffed animals.
  410. >"Rawr!" growled one while holding a dragon plush.
  411. >The second guard had a wooden pony doll and smacked the dragon.
  412. >"Nooo!" said the dragon as it fell over.
  413. >"And that's how our champion Anonymous defeated the greatest, most powerful dragon, rescued the princesses, and saved Equestria!" narrated the guard holding the pony doll.
  414. >You were sitting at the head of your bed laughing and clapping, snug in your footy pajamas.
  415. >"Thank you," said the guards as they stood up and bowed.
  416. >"Good show," commented Celestia from the door.
  417. >"Princess!" said the startled guards as they spun around to face her.
  418. >Thank you for watching Anonymous for me," said Celestia. "You two may go now."
  419. >"Yes, princess. Sleep well, Anon," they said as they left.
  421. >"So what was that story about?" asked your mom as she walked over to your side.
  422. "They said I would grow up and save you from a big dragon!" you exclaim.
  423. >"Really? Wow, that sounds exciting!" said your mom as she layed the blankets over you and tucked you in snug.
  424. >"My hero~" she said as she smooched your cheek. "You're going to be big and strong one day."
  425. >Suddenly you sit up on bed and look around.
  426. "Wait! I can't find Sir Bearington!"
  427. >Your mom takes a peek under your bed and around the room.
  428. >"There he is," she says as she levitates the teddy bear down from the chandelier. "Was he a spacebear today?" she asked.
  429. "Yes," you say as your mom hands him over.
  430. >You hug Sir Bearington tight before laying him on the pillow beside you.
  431. >Celestia tucks you in one last time and gives you a kiss on the forehead.
  432. >"Goodnight, Anonymous."
  433. >Then she kisses the teddy bear on the head.
  434. >"Goodnight, Sir Bearington."
  435. "I love you, mommy," you say as you close your eyes with a yawn.
  436. >"I love you too, Anonymous."
  437. >As Celestia goes to walk out the door, you call for her once more.
  438. >"Yes?"
  439. "You're my hero, mommy."
  440. >Celestia smiles silently as her son rolls over and hugs his teddy bear.
  441. >A soft snoring is heard not one minute later.
  442. >"Sweet dreams, my prince," whispered Celestia as she quietly back out of the room and shut the door.
  443. >Celestia only now realizes that she's going to miss this.
  444. >These days are going to go by so fast so she better get to cherishing the little moments like this.
  445. >...
  446. >Right after she knocks together the heads of Anon's auntie and uncle...
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