

Jan 26th, 2012
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  1. Moxthranir (Teraunce)
  2. Psuedodragon Trickster-Scholar
  3. "Chirp!"
  5. [ Image: http://tinyurl.com/7baxt8j ]
  6. Weighing in at an impressive 7 pounds, this tiny dragon is 3 feet long from stinger to snout, 2 feet of which are his tail.
  9. I had a long spiel here that got deleted due to pastebins stupidness. The gist of it was that he joined Widget on his Life Quest to find out what makes a dragon's breath weapon work scientifically after he sensed that Widget has a good, if befuddled heart. He serves technically as Widget's familiar, but acts more as a companion to widget, taking care of the non-researchy things if and when widget forgets them. He also helps with research as well.
  12. Moxthranir has...
  13. Decent Strength
  14. Remarkable Agility
  15. Decent Health
  16. Decent Knowledge
  17. Good Perception
  18. No Magic
  20. Moxthranir is...
  21. A Psudodragon
  22. A Scholar and Trickster.
  24. Moxthranir can...
  25. Sting with his tail
  26. (Causing drowsiness and unconciousness for minutes or hours)
  27. Not speak
  28. (but may make noises normally)
  29. Fly very Well
  30. Able to Speak into people's minds, but not read them.
  31. See clearly in poor lighting
  32. Resist unnatual sleep and paralysis.
  33. Hide, and move without being noticed
  34. Cook, Read and Write.
  35. Use most small tools and items
  36. (a human pen's not far from a sword for him)
  39. Moxthranir carries...
  40. Custom suit of light red dragonscale armor
  41. (lightly enchanted, A gift from widget)
  42. Harness with a couple pouches of holding
  43. (containing few gold coins, a pen, and a pad of paper)
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