
Me and You

Mar 3rd, 2017
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  1. °S P R I N G D A Y°
  3. ➡Username: Thamilini18
  5. ➡Birth Name: Choi Chiyuki - Raina Choi
  7. ➡Nickname:
  8. - Chi
  9. - Yuki
  10. - Snow (Yuki means snow in English)
  11. - Yura (Combination off Yuki and Raina, LI calls her that)
  12. - Rain
  14. ➡Birth date: 18 - 06 - 1996
  16. ...................................
  18. ➡Age: 20 years old
  20. ➡Birthplace: Utrecht, the Netherlands
  22. ➡Hometown: Seoul, South - Korea
  24. ➡Nationality: Dutch
  26. ➡Ethnicity: Korean - Japanese
  28. ..............................................
  30. ➡Blood Type: B+
  32. ➡Height: 1, 65 cm
  34. ➡Weight: 54 kg
  36. ................................
  38. ➡Personality: Yuki is a sweet, calm and smart girl. She wasnt unfriendly and people mostly were suprised because of her personality wich stood in contrast with her face. She has a IQ of 148 and easly passes test in school, for her age she is very wise and sometimes people think she is too wise for her age. That is until they get to know her loose side where she loves to take care of people and unexpectedly has dry jokes. She always took the lead among her friends even though she is gentle when she bring her opinions she is very straighforward. Always calm no mather what happens and is always prepared for the worst situation. Despite her gentle features she can become strict a cold in one second time a silence everyone with her cold and icy gaze if needed. When she is mad or hurt she can hide it very well by putting up a poker face and acting like nothing happened, but her beloved ones and friends learned how they can crack her open. In times when she is in love she doesn't actually change much despite the fact that she starts to becoming a bit more teasing towards her crush. She doesn't get easly flusterd and is pretty laid back in a relationship going allong with her partner. This doesn't mean she does not care as she really puts lots off efforts in a relationship and is always aware off her partners everything. She's just not the type to be overly possesive on them. The only time she will loose her cool is when she sees a ghost at that time she will accidently let a curse slip trough her her mouth. If she is nervous she will start eating random stuff and thats the only sign you can see. Yuki needs coffee in the morning or she will be the walking dead herself and migh even hit you with a pan if she preffers it. Her personality flips a 360 degree when she either starts baking or childeren approach her as she starts humming and smiling like crazy totally enjoying it, she might even start dancing around like a goofball.
  40. ➡Background: Yuki's mom and dad met in Utrecht, the Netherlands were they fell in love and married. 2 years after marriage her brother was born and another 1 years later Yuki herself was born. Her family was a real warm one and even though her parents were really busy with their patissiery they never forgot to give the siblings lots of love. From when Yuki was small she would always venture in to the patisiery which was located on the ground floor of their house as she was really interested in baking herself. When she was old enough she started helping out in the patisiery. Thats where here dream of opening one herself started. After finishing middle school her brother decided he wanted to continue his education further in South-Korea and moved there because he wanted to see where his roots layed. Her brother was very interested in the music industry and was very talented on the piano as he had won various national contests. With a good recomondation from a famous school in the Netherlands her brother managed to get accepted in SOPA. Yuki who was really attached to him really missed him and frequently decided to go visit him on vacations as she was quite worried about him. When she went there much to her relieve he didn't really have many struggels and even managed to make friends quite quickly. On one of her visits she found out there was this famous academy in Seoul specialising in baking and confectionary majors, this school was a elevator school consisting off a middle school, high school and a college to finalise their career so Yuki decided she wanted to attend this one and she wouldn't accept no for an answer. Yuki got totally excited and managed to pursue her parents in letting her move to Seoul too after she had graduated middle school. At first they were reluctant to let her move but the prescense of her brother living there made them accept.
  42. ............................
  44. ➡Face claim: Jisoo (Black Pink)
  45. ➡Backup face claim: Seulgi (Red Velvet)
  47. °B O Y I N L U V°
  49. ➡Boyfriend: Kim Taehyung
  51. ➡Backup boyfriend: Kim Seokjin
  53. ➡Did he ever had a girlfriend?: Probably one or 2 in middle school or something
  55. ➡ How did you met?: Trough her brother who attended SOPA at the same time as Taehyung. They were in the same year and despite Taehyung being busy with idol activities they still managed to keep quite a good bond. So when Yuki once went over in her vacation her brother introduced them. At first they became causal aquintance gradually becoming friends as they found common interests and allong that way something started sprouting.
  57. ➡How long have you been together?: 3,5 years, they didn't start dating immediately after they met partly because off the distance they lived in
  59. ➡How he acts around you? His usual hyper dorky alien style who's adorkably cute but at the same time can be really an idiot at times making Yuki worry he might get himself in shit. He’d go from sexy to squishy in 0.003 seconds but Yuki doesn't get suprisd by it and he starts pouting or annoying her (Making weird faces or poking her sides while she is doing something) to at least get some reaction from her. When he gets tired, he’d make whining noises and get really cuddly not accepting no as an answer or he'll give her the tickle punishment. He likes to make their relationship verry playfull and happy and he would do anything to keep her laughing. If needed he can become the very protective and serious boyfriend as he knows by now how to read her mood and will become what she needs in those times. In the beginning he knew how to test her borders very well and sometimes they got in fights but they always quickly made up as he couldn't stay mad nor could she with him. When he's being his typicall clumsy self even though her ties not to disturb her she can't help but laugh at his blank and sometimes even stupid expressions and he will start laughing too glad he didn't mess up. He likes to wake her up by poking her, tickling her and giving her little kisses everywhere. He uses his beautiful rectangular smile and his aegyo to get out of scolding because he knows she can't recist it or When she's annoyed at him, he would pick her up and bear hug her He loves doing skin ship and giving her sweet little kisses to just show her he cares if only for 1 second. When they are together he mostly wants her full attention as those moments are quite rare due to his bussy life and he'll be jelous and mad like a kid at anything that disturbs him.
  62. ➡What do you call him?
  63. - TaeTae (if in a playfull mood or when she wants to tease him)
  64. - Oppa ( Because he likes it and wants her to call him this, she had struggels in the beginning due to her growing up in Nl were she didn't have to use these kinde adressings)
  65. - (Kim) Taehyung (When she's being serious or when he did something stupid, the Kim only gets added when she's seriously pissed off)
  66. - Blank Tae (When he does something idiotic but she laughs more than that she is mad)
  67. - Tae
  68. - Babe or Baby (To tease Him as he finds it quite sexy)
  70. ➡What does he call you?
  71. - Chi
  72. - Rain
  73. - Yura (He made this one up himself)
  74. - Jagiya/ Jagi (Mostly this because it sounds close to him)
  75. - Cupcake (To irritate Yuki because she hates it)
  76. - Babe/ Babygirl (He thinks it sounds sexy and uses it when he wants something from her but Yuki's unfazed by it allthough she might like it slightly)
  78. ➡Couple trivia:
  79. - Partners in crime
  80. - He likes watching her fall asleep and likes to sing her too sleep
  81. - Dance and singing competitions (Mostly non serious idiotic ones)
  82. - Her personality really becomes more loose and open around him
  83. - Imitating the other members and each other (Especially when they are in a non serious quarell)
  84. - Their ship names are: YuTa, TaeYu, TaeChi and VRain
  85. - He gave her a pomeranian tea cup dog for her 20th birthday and they named it snow
  86. - Loads of couple accessories and clothing
  87. - Tickle and pillow fights are a daily routine for him
  88. - She wears his clothing (mostly his hoodies) because they are oversized and when he's not around it still feels like he's there and he finds it irrestable cute
  89. - Whenever he leaves for tours and such he tries to act serious telling her all kinds off rules but he ends up failing and just hugs her for a long time
  90. - He likes laying his head on her lap and just sitting there peacefully listening to soft music or something
  91. - She has met all the members and they are now protective oppa's over her as they approce off her and this made taehyung proud
  92. - They usually either go on trill dates like (amusement park, wall climbing, forest stroll, aqua park) or food dates (walking around the streets eating all kind of foods) and then afterwards cuddling on the couch watching a movie, Taehyung manages to convince her to build a pillow and blanket fort during the movie night and they always fall asleep in there
  93. - They have those inside jokes only they understand
  96. ° D A N G E R°
  98. ➡Who likes you?: Leo (Vixx)
  99. backup: Minho (Shinee)
  101. ➡Did you receive anything from him?: Flowers, card with his number
  103. ➡Do you know he likes you?: Yeah she's aware off it because she's not dense but she doesn't really pay attention to it as she isn't really interested in him maybe only as a friend
  105. ➡Would you accept him to be your bf?: No because she's totally happy with Taehyung especially since they are together for quite a long time :)
  107. °F O R Y O U°
  109. ➡Message to Boyfriend: Hey I'm sorry if I made you have doubts about our relationship but trust me I won't leave you because I only love you and I wouldn't trade this relationship for anything in the world! Thank you for always being there for me and having my back Tae oppa :)
  111. ➡Message to others: Hey thank you for alway supporting us and I hope we can be friends with each other for a very long time!
  113. ➡Message to author: Hey Yun nice to meet you my name is Thami and I really like your apply fic idea! Don't stress yourself too much with writing and if you need help don't be shy to ask! Hwaiting!
  115. ...E N D...
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