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May 27th, 2017
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  1. # Music Room Interface Info
  3. [game]
  4. name = "東方天空璋 ~ Hidden Star in Four Seasons (trial ver.)"
  5. name_en = "Touhou Tenkuushou ~ Hidden Star in Four Seasons (trial version)"
  6. artist = "ZUN"
  7. circle = "上海アリス幻樂団"
  8. circle_en = "Team Shanghai Alice"
  9. year = 2017
  10. gamenum = "16"
  12. packmethod = 2
  13. bgmfile = "thbgm_tr.dat"
  14. zwavid_08 = 0x00
  15. zwavid_09 = 0x16
  17. tracks = 8
  19. [update]
  20. wikipage = "Hidden_Star_in_Four_Seasons/Music"
  21. wikirev = 0
  23. [01]
  24. name_jp = "桜舞い散る天空"
  25. position = "0x00000010, 0x0011EC00, 0x00ED7800"
  26. frequency = 44100
  27. name_en = "The Sky Where Cherry Blossoms Flutter Down"
  28. comment_jp = "タイトル画面のテーマです。\n\nこれから始まるよーという感じの曲です。\n\n和風と軽快さとちょっぴりのシリアスという感じになりました。"
  29. comment_en = "This is the title screen theme.\n\nA theme with a "we're about to begin" sort of feeling.\n\nIt ended up having a Japanese, light-hearted and somewhat serious feel to it."
  31. [02]
  32. name_jp = "希望の星は青霄に昇る"
  33. position = "0x00ED7810, 0x0009AB70, 0x01203CC8"
  34. frequency = 44100
  35. name_en = "A Star of Hope Rises in the Blue Sky"
  36. comment_jp = "1面のテーマです。\n\n導入らしさと夏の爽快感を出してみました。\n\n東方の中でもかなり軽めな曲で、スピード感が出たかなぁと思います。\n\n何といってもビールが進む奴ですね。"
  37. comment_en = "The first stage theme.\n\nThis song is a bit long for the first stage. \nThe game is pretty long as a whole, so I designed it to match.\n\nIt feels like they are making up their mind to leave their beautiful green earth for a while."
  39. [03]
  40. name_jp = "真夏の妖精の夢"
  41. position = "0x020DA4D8, 0x00105700, 0x01253180"
  42. frequency = 44100
  43. name_en = "A Midsummer Fairy's Dream"
  44. comment_en = "This is Eternity Larva's theme.\n\nI went for a feeling of a fairy with something mysterious hidden within her.\n\nI think butterflies that appear in video games are definitely a symbol of mysteriousness.\n\nI mean, she's just a fairy so her head's empty, but still."
  45. comment_jp = "エタニティラルバのテーマです。\n\n何か謎めいたものを秘めた妖精という感じを目指しました。\n\nゲームに出てくる蝶々って、やっぱりミステリアスの象徴だと思うんですよね。\n\nまあ中身は妖精なんで頭は空っぽですが。"
  47. [04]
  48. name_jp = "色無き風は妖怪の山に"
  49. position = "0x0332D658, 0x00112900, 0x013BED80"
  50. frequency = 44100
  51. name_en = "The Colourless Wind on Youkai Mountain"
  52. comment_jp = "2面のテーマです。\n\n一面の底抜けの軽快さとは対照的に、何かもの悲しさを入れて秋っぽさを出しました。\n\n季節が変わっても、ゲーム全体では同じ系統な曲になるように調整するのも面白いですね。"
  53. comment_en = "This is the stage 2 theme.\n\nIn contrast to Stage 1's unending cheer, I added a sort of melancholy to this one and brought out an autumnal feel.\n\nTailoring the music to sound uniform across the whole game, even as the seasons change, is kind of fun."
  55. [05]
  56. name_jp = "山奥のエンカウンター"
  57. position = "0x046EC3D8, 0x0022E200, 0x0114AD00"
  58. frequency = 44100
  59. name_en = "Deep-Mountain Encounter"
  60. comment_en = "This is Nemuno Sakata's theme.\n\nI think this theme turned out particularly video-gamey.\n\nYikes, it's a yamanba. They show up often in folk tales, but in spite of that they're a pretty hard creature to pin down.\n\nUsing eerieness and hot-blooded fervor as my base, I made a Touhou-style theme."
  61. comment_jp = "坂田 ネムノのテーマです。\n\n非常にゲームらしい曲になったと思います。\n\nいやー、山姥ですよ。昔話に頻繁に出てくる割には正体不明な存在ですよねぇ。\n\n不気味さ、血気盛んな様子、そんな感じを東方風に仕上げました。"
  63. [06]
  64. name_jp = "桜色の海を泳いで"
  65. position = "0x058370D8, 0x0008B9F0, 0x015C2E78"
  66. frequency = 44100
  67. name_en = "Swim in a Cherry Blossom-Colored Sea"
  68. comment_jp = "3面のテーマです。\n\n月光に照らされて桜だけが光っている夜の上空を飛んでいるイメージです。\n桜はどうしても儚さが付きまとうのですが、今回もそんな感じで。"
  69. comment_en = "This is the stage 3 theme.\n\nThe concept for this one is flying high in the night sky, where only the cherry blossoms are shining in the moonlight.\nCherry blossoms always have a sense of fleetingness about them, and this time is no different."
  71. [07]
  72. name_jp = "一対の神獣"
  73. position = "0x06DF9F50, 0x007243D4, 0x01640ABC"
  74. frequency = 44100
  75. name_en = "A Pair of Divine Beasts"
  76. comment_en = "This is Aunn Komano's theme.\n\nA feeling of spring, bravery, and a somewhat-strong opponent, as well as that of a Yuru-chara.\n\nIt's an all-over-the-place theme with all those things crammed into it.\n\nHer character concept is "a single divine beast acting as a pair", but she doesn't have a split personality or anything.\nAlso, you can't see it, but she's got herself a tail!"
  77. comment_jp = "高麗野 あうんのテーマです。\n\n春らしさと勇敢さと、そこそこの強敵感。そしてゆるキャラ感。\n\nそんなのをごちゃごちゃ詰め込んだ無節操な曲です。\n\n彼女は一人で一対の神獣という設定ですが、多重人格という訳ではありません。見えないけど尻尾もあるんやでー。"
  79. [08]
  80. name_jp = "プレイヤーズスコア"
  81. position = "0x0843AA0C, 0x001CACC8, 0x0066DCC0"
  82. frequency = 44100
  83. name_en = "Player's Score"
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