

Jul 28th, 2014
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  1. http://illyriad.com/?237186
  3. [08:15]*Luciferiana waves
  4. [08:15]<Urp!> Hi Luci
  5. [08:15]<Luciferiana> very quiet tonight. oh well
  6. [08:15]<Luciferiana> hi urp
  7. [08:15]<Luciferiana> how's you?
  8. [08:16]<Urp!> 6 out of 10.
  9. [08:16]<Urp!> Yourself?
  10. [08:16]<Luciferiana> make it an 8 at least :/
  11. [08:17]<Urp!> What does :/ mean?
  12. [08:17]<Urp!> 8 is good.
  13. [08:17]<Luciferiana> im a bit sleepy but remembered to claim my daily pres
  14. [08:17]<Luciferiana> its an expression = :/
  15. [08:18]<Urp!> It means your colon has been slashed, yes?
  16. [08:18]<Luciferiana> for the life of my i cant articulate it
  17. [08:18]<Urp!> Sounds awful.
  18. [08:18]<Luciferiana> me*
  19. [08:19]<Luciferiana> indeed. poor colon
  20. [08:19]<Urp!> You live in NorCal, right?
  21. [08:19]<Luciferiana> SoCal. why?
  22. [08:20]<Urp!> Just wondering.
  23. [08:20]<Urp!> Most of North America is in bed.
  24. [08:20]<PrincessTanya> some of us are not
  25. [08:21]<Anyu> LUUUUCCCIII!!!! I'M HOOOMMMEEE!!! <3
  26. [08:21]<Urp!> Most. Not all.
  27. [08:21]<Luciferiana> my laptop is slowly dying. ugh
  28. [08:21]<mano ranjith> what is neutral occupying force on a mine
  29. [08:21]<WarBoy-> ily tanya!
  30. [08:21]<mano ranjith> ?
  31. [08:21]<Luciferiana> hi tanya
  32. [08:21]<WarBoy-> ily luci!
  33. [08:21]<Anyu> ha ha
  34. [08:21]<WarBoy-> ily anyu!
  35. [08:21]<madmano> someone who is not ur friend or enemy is occupying
  36. [08:21]<PrincessTanya> ily?
  37. [08:22]<Anyu> awhh!! *blush*
  38. [08:22]*WarBoy- puts the drinks away XD
  39. [08:22]<Luciferiana> welcome home, anyu
  40. [08:22]<Anyu> ha ha
  41. [08:22]<mano ranjith> thanks mano
  42. [08:22]<Urp!> It means a player form an alliance who your alliance has no NAP or confed with is occupying.
  43. [08:22]<mano ranjith>
  44. [08:22]<Luciferiana> ily more, wb!
  45. [08:22]<WarBoy-> yay
  46. [08:22]<WarBoy-> lol
  47. [08:22]<PrincessTanya> no you don't Warboy...you defriended me
  48. [08:22]<Anyu> ha ha...
  49. [08:22]<mano ranjith> can we fing night diamond anywhere ?
  50. [08:22]<Anyu> he loves me more. ;D
  51. [08:22]<WarBoy-> i defriended most people
  52. [08:22]<WarBoy-> haha
  53. [08:22]<madmano> nope
  54. [08:22]<WarBoy-> sammie got lucky i missed her name
  55. [08:22]<PrincessTanya> ok Anyu...he is yours...not my type
  56. [08:23]<mano ranjith> why ?
  57. [08:23]<Anyu> she's not on. >:P
  58. [08:23]<WarBoy-> my buddy list was to big
  59. [08:23]<Urp!> GC was too slow before. Now it is too fast.
  60. [08:23]<Luciferiana> ok where were we? my laptop froze and i got distracted
  61. [08:23]<madmano> still no one found it,it is a kinda discovery or mystery
  62. [08:23]<mano ranjith> i see
  63. [08:23]<mano ranjith>
  64. [08:24]<Anyu> Luci!! add me pweese??
  65. [08:24]<Luciferiana> why arent you in bed, urp? and especially you, wb >_<
  66. [08:24]*Luciferiana adds Anyu
  67. [08:24]<Anyu>
  68. [08:24]<Urp!> I'm a grown ass man. I do what I want.
  69. [08:24]<Luciferiana> oh! friend list. brb
  70. [08:24]<Anyu> because they're busy nuggling me! <3
  71. [08:24]<Anyu> ha ha
  72. [08:24]<Anyu> huggling* ha ha ha ha
  73. [08:24]<mano ranjith> does puzzlelogic illy gems has location for all gems in illy
  74. [08:24]<PrincessTanya> Anyu becareful about Luci...she is nice and all but sometimes Epidemic sits her and says dumb things
  75. [08:24]<Anyu> <3
  76. [08:25]*Anyu *nuzzles Luci.. shares chocolate*
  77. [08:25]<madmano> not sure
  78. [08:25]<madmano> i dont use it
  79. [08:25]<Anyu> lol... I get along with Epi
  80. [08:25]<WarBoy-> im alittle not tired luci i got other things keeping me up
  81. [08:25]<WarBoy->
  82. [08:25]<mano ranjith> who updates those ?
  83. [08:25]*Luciferiana takes a bite and brings out stash
  84. [08:25]<Anyu> yeah.. he has a kick stand.
  85. [08:25]<PrincessTanya> most of us do not though Anyu
  86. [08:25]<madmano> mogul
  87. [08:25]<WarBoy-> lmao
  88. [08:25]<madmano> he changed his name
  89. [08:25]<WarBoy-> personal
  90. [08:25]<Anyu> ')
  91. [08:26]<Anyu>
  92. [08:26]<mano ranjith> oh..
  93. [08:26]<WarBoy-> well it was
  94. [08:26]<Urp!> I don't hate Epi, Tanya. He is just aggressively dumb sometimes.
  95. [08:26]<WarBoy-> lol
  96. [08:26]<Anyu> well.. I must not be on when lots of peoples don't get along with him.. cuz I haven't seen anyone else having issues.. but maybe I was asleep too..
  97. [08:26]<WarBoy-> +1 for urp
  98. [08:26]<Anyu> I want my bike back
  99. [08:26]<Anyu> the kick stand was great!
  100. [08:26]<Anyu> I wouldn't fall.
  101. [08:26]<PrincessTanya> Anyu...ask Captain Kindly
  102. [08:27]*Luciferiana prefers riding a bike with kickstand
  103. [08:27]<WarBoy-> thats what they make hands for
  104. [08:27]<Anyu> I get along with CK too!
  105. [08:27]<Urp!> Epi can be confrontational, Anyu. But I don't think he's a bad person or anything.
  106. [08:27]<Luciferiana> lez go bike riding, anyu
  107. [08:27]<PrincessTanya> well he does not prefer Epidemic
  108. [08:27]<Anyu> YES!! through the chocolate fields!
  109. [08:27]<Luciferiana> and gingerbread houses
  110. [08:27]<Anyu> I steal his lap and he doesn't kick me out.. so all's good for me
  111. [08:28]*Anyu *glances at WB* bike ride?
  112. [08:28]<WarBoy-> good night all
  113. [08:28]<WarBoy-> maby later anyu
  114. [08:28]<Luciferiana> epi does like to stir the pot
  115. [08:28]<Anyu> nooo..
  116. [08:28]<Luciferiana> buhbye wb
  117. [08:28]<Anyu> come with Luci and I!
  118. [08:28]<Anyu> we'll dip the ginger bread in the chocolate and nom away..
  119. [08:28]<Anyu> where's the icecream?!
  120. [08:28]<Urp!> Night WB
  121. [08:28]<PrincessTanya> if he ever comes to Hawai'i...I am going to get some Hawai'ian surfer boys to beat him up
  122. [08:29]<Luciferiana> yes! we gonna explore them chocolate fields
  123. [08:29]<Luciferiana> :O aaaaak
  124. [08:29]<wandermist> lol Tanya
  125. [08:29]<Urp!> Do you live in Hawaii, Tanya?
  126. [08:29]<Luciferiana> ice cweeeeeeaaam!
  127. [08:29]<Luciferiana> she does
  128. [08:29]<PrincessTanya> aloha Wander
  129. [08:29]<wandermist> Aloha Tanya
  130. [08:29]<Urp!> Which island?
  131. [08:29]<PrincessTanya> Wander...you know how territorial those surfer gangs can be
  132. [08:29]<PrincessTanya> lots of fights
  133. [08:29]<wandermist> Yup
  134. [08:30]<Urp!> They hate haoles.
  135. [08:30]<PrincessTanya> the Big Island Urp
  136. [08:30]<Urp!> Nice - my cousin lives on the big island.
  137. [08:30]<PrincessTanya> Urp...they will beat up Epidemic just cuz
  138. [08:30]<wandermist> Yup
  139. [08:30]<PrincessTanya> lol
  140. [08:31]<wandermist> Some places on our island too
  141. [08:31]<Urp!> I have only been to Oahu and Kauai.
  142. [08:31]<Luciferiana> ive only been to Honolulu
  143. [08:31]<PrincessTanya> well I have heard the Oahu boys are the worst
  144. [08:31]<Urp!> I would like to move to Hawaii, though. Anyone wanna give me a job?
  145. [08:31]<Luciferiana> but nice driving around for a day tho
  146. [08:32]<Urp!> Any island will do.
  147. [08:32]<Luciferiana> me too! but expensive to live there
  148. [08:32]<Urp!> Well, not the one that was a leper colony and has no people on it.
  149. [08:32]<wandermist> Well... If yah make it to the Big Island you'll see Tanya, if Maui.. Me
  150. [08:32]<PrincessTanya> Urp that is what I did...course I got the job first
  151. [08:32]<Luciferiana> so you're not originally from hawaii?
  152. [08:32]<PrincessTanya> me?
  153. [08:32]<Anyu> Luci.. looks like it's just you and I.. because.... I don't think WB is safe on a bike.. we might need a roller cart to hook him up to us.. ;D
  154. [08:33]<Luciferiana> yes
  155. [08:33]<PrincessTanya> no...Los Gatos, California
  156. [08:33]<Anyu> the cats Cali?
  157. [08:33]<Luciferiana> maybe we could do one of those tandems with a sidecart, Anyu
  158. [08:33]<Anyu> YES!!
  159. [08:33]<Luciferiana> we'll put him in the sidecart to carry the picnic baskets
  160. [08:33]<Anyu> he can grab the extras and hold it in his lap!
  161. [08:33]<Anyu> ha ha
  162. [08:34]<PrincessTanya> Anyu Los Gatos is a suburb of San Jose
  163. [08:34]<Luciferiana> zactly!
  164. [08:34]<Anyu> oohh...
  165. [08:34]<Anyu>
  166. [08:34]<Anyu> is that where the kitty cats are? :
  167. [08:34]<Anyu> :D* I wanna baby kitty..
  168. [08:34]<Anyu> in the side cart. ;D
  169. [08:34]<PrincessTanya> I lived there 23 years and here 3 1/2
  170. [08:34]<Luciferiana> sigh i love the beaches. California beaches... meh
  171. [08:34]<Anyu> I've been to a shelf in LA.. I think..
  172. [08:35]<Anyu> but never to the beach..
  173. [08:35]<Urp!> There are some good beaches in CA.
  174. [08:35]<Luciferiana> lol
  175. [08:35]<Anyu> and it was 2 am.
  176. [08:35]<Anyu> so we could only hear the ocean.. we couldn't see it.
  177. [08:35]<Anyu> lol
  178. [08:35]<Urp!> Not as good as HI, but still.
  179. [08:35]<wandermist> Oh man, we got the beaches
  180. [08:35]<Luciferiana> oh booo! thats no fun. you shouldve picked somewhere on the water
  181. [08:35]<Luciferiana> yes you do, wander
  182. [08:35]<PrincessTanya> Wander's island is prettier than mine...and more humid...lol
  183. [08:36]<Anyu> I was in HS and we were going back to 'Vegas from Redlands.
  184. [08:36]<wandermist> Sure is right now, sweat ola
  185. [08:36]<Luciferiana> lol
  186. [08:36]<Luciferiana> im used to the humidity, doesnt make me sweat any less tho
  187. [08:37]<Luciferiana> which ones you suggest, urp?
  188. [08:37]<PrincessTanya> I do not prefer humidity...is the only bad part about moving here
  189. [08:37]<Urp!> The nude beach in Kauai is gorgeous. Go there.
  190. [08:37]<Luciferiana> its better than SE Asia, Tan
  191. [08:38]<PrincessTanya> I never been there Luci
  192. [08:38]<Luciferiana> the CA beaches you were talking about, urp
  193. [08:38]<wandermist> Urp's recommendation is good, add extra sunscreen
  194. [08:38]<Urp!> Oh ... lol
  195. [08:38]<Urp!> I like the beaches in Carmel
  196. [08:38]<Urp!> You have to leave before high tide, though
  197. [08:38]<Luciferiana> Carmel by the Sea is pretty, the town too
  198. [08:38]<PrincessTanya> Carmel is cold...LaJolla is better
  199. [08:39]<Luciferiana> but cold no
  200. [08:39]<Urp!> La Jolla is nice but more crowded
  201. [08:39]<Urp!> Cold water is fine with me. Just takes a few minutes to get used to.
  202. [08:39]<Urp!> I grew up in Maine, though.
  203. [08:39]<Luciferiana> La Jolla is nice but i never swam there
  204. [08:39]<PrincessTanya> Luci...compared to Los Gatos....Carmel was always cold....so was Santa Cruz
  205. [08:40]<Urp!> The current is NorCal is a different (and colder) current than SoCal.
  206. [08:40]<Luciferiana> come to think of it, I can count the times ive been on the water here with my hands O_O
  207. [08:41]<Luciferiana> and im about 2-3 miles from the beach
  208. [08:41]<wandermist> I could handle cold water as a youth, but after 30 years here, no way...brrrr...lol
  209. [08:41]<PrincessTanya> so 2 times..or do you have more hands
  210. [08:41]<Urp!> It is micropenis cold there. But you won't die.
  211. [08:41]<Luciferiana> i just dont like the sand here. the water too. too dark and gravelly
  212. [08:41]<wandermist> lol
  213. [08:41]<PrincessTanya> its what
  214. [08:41]<Anyu> I need to go lay down.. I'm getting sick...
  215. [08:41]*Anyu *huggles everyone tight* gn&sd
  216. [08:41]<Luciferiana> awww gnight anyu
  217. [08:41]<Urp!> Yikes. Feel better, Anyu.
  218. [08:41]<wandermist> About, fingers apart, that cold, he said
  219. [08:41]*Luciferiana hugs
  220. [08:42]<PrincessTanya> go sit down mommi
  221. [08:42]<Anyu> ty
  222. [08:43]<Luciferiana> NSW has nice beaches. textures still pebbly but much whiter than SoCal
  223. [08:43]<Urp!> I have never been to Australia.
  224. [08:43]<Luciferiana> but i was too scared fo the sharks
  225. [08:43]<Urp!> Hahahaha
  226. [08:44]<Urp!> You swim in CA, though?
  227. [08:44]<PrincessTanya> Luci is that you on your profile..or an add
  228. [08:44]<PrincessTanya> California has sharks
  229. [08:44]<Luciferiana> seriously. great whites and box jellyfish... im staying on chest high water
  230. [08:44]<PrincessTanya> but sometimes the Orcas kill them
  231. [08:44]<Urp!> NorCal has more sharks than almost anywhere.
  232. [08:44]<Urp!> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Triangle_(Pacific_Ocean)
  233. [08:44]<Urp!> South Africa may have more.
  234. [08:45]<Urp!> Big sharks that can eat you, I mean.
  235. [08:45]<Luciferiana> i think i only went swimming... once or twice here
  236. [08:45]<Luciferiana> i dont like it. too dark and murky
  237. [08:45]<Urp!> I'm pretty sure I could take a Great White out.
  238. [08:45]<Luciferiana> oh yes i heard
  239. [08:45]<Urp!> I'm a really good swimmer.
  240. [08:45]<Urp!>
  241. [08:46]<Luciferiana> what's an add, tan?
  242. [08:46]<PrincessTanya> advertisement
  243. [08:46]<PrincessTanya> my keyboard is bad and adds letters sometimes
  244. [08:47]<Luciferiana> but if you want sugar white sand... philippines has so many small uninhabited islands.
  245. [08:47]<PrincessTanya> too bad Urp or someone doesn't know how to fix keyboards
  246. [08:47]<Luciferiana> we would go out on a 30 person boat and island hop during the weekend
  247. [08:47]<PrincessTanya> so Luci I wanted to know if the picture was you or from an ad
  248. [08:48]<Luciferiana> you can cover about 3-5 with some protected underwater sanctuaries along the way.
  249. [08:48]<Luciferiana> oh... i prefer to say... maybe, maybe not
  250. [08:48]<Urp!> Marlon Brando bought a little island in French Polynesia after he filmed "Mutiny on the Bounty" there.
  251. [08:49]<PrincessTanya> lol...ok fine... I know not everyone is comfortable with showing their picture
  252. [08:49]<Urp!> He proceeded to impregnate like half the women on the islands in the area.
  253. [08:49]<Luciferiana> French Polynesia has some pristine beaches. someday...
  254. [08:49]<Urp!> RIP Marlon Brando
  255. [08:50]<Luciferiana> well i dont usually mind tanya but i dunno here. kinda awkward showing my face and knowing other people but not seeing their faces in return
  256. [08:50]<PrincessTanya> I hear you Luci...I only did it because I did not know anyone
  257. [08:50]<Luciferiana> do same, urp
  258. [08:51]<Urp!> Do same?
  259. [08:51]<Urp!> As Marlon?
  260. [08:51]<Luciferiana> like marlon brando
  261. [08:51]<Urp!> I think islands are a lot more expensive nowadays.
  262. [08:51]<PrincessTanya> Urp...she wants you to buy an island and impregnate all the females
  263. [08:51]<Luciferiana> you actually have a photo of yourself, tan
  264. [08:52]<PrincessTanya> yes Luci
  265. [08:52]<Urp!> If I can get me an island for $10k, I'm down.
  266. [08:52]<Luciferiana> i forgot >_<
  267. [08:52]<Urp!> I can probably finance $100k.
  268. [08:52]<Urp!> Call me with offers.
  269. [08:52]<PrincessTanya> on one of my profiles
  270. [08:52]<PrincessTanya> no...both of them
  271. [08:52]<Luciferiana> yeah both
  272. [08:53]<Luciferiana> oooh buy one, urp!
  273. [08:53]<Luciferiana> lets invite ourselves when he's got one, tan
  274. [08:53]<Urp!> Some of my Illy friends have seen my picture, but I wouldn't put one on my profile.
  275. [08:53]<PrincessTanya> no I will pass
  276. [08:53]<PrincessTanya> lol
  277. [08:53]<Urp!> Having an Urp baby is not a requirement, Tanya. You can just visit.
  278. [08:54]<Sisren> o/
  279. [08:54]<PrincessTanya> lol...there was never going to be an Urp baby....maybe Luci will have twins
  280. [08:55]<Sisren> one of the stranger conversations to walk into...
  281. [08:55]<Luciferiana> anywho... i shared a photo of me congratulating my team when we won a world. i wore shades but lots of creepy virgin nerds suddenly wanted to play with me so im like... no more
  282. [08:55]<Luciferiana> \o
  283. [08:55]<PrincessTanya> not really ...you were not invited
  284. [08:55]<PrincessTanya> no worries Luci...lol
  285. [08:55]<Sisren> sure i was, when you had it here
  286. [08:55]<PrincessTanya> vergin nerds?
  287. [08:55]<Sisren> heya Luci, how are ya?
  288. [08:56]<CanesRule> all children get b'urp'ed.
  289. [08:56]<Urp!> Hi Sisren.
  290. [08:56]<PrincessTanya> hey Canes
  291. [08:56]<Sisren> lol Canes
  292. [08:56]<Urp!> Also Canes.
  293. [08:56]<Luciferiana> uhm no thanks on twins. i dont commit unless i get visual confirmation first!
  294. [08:56]<Sisren> heya Upper
  295. [08:56]<CanesRule> Hi everyone
  296. [08:56]<Luciferiana> im good sis, shouldve been in bed but got stuck chatting in gc... as usual. how's you?
  297. [08:56]<Urp!> I am a nerd, but not creepy or a virgin (since age 25 thank you very much).
  298. [08:56]<Sisren> im alright, waking up
  299. [08:57]<Sisren> going to the gym -wanna hit the elliptical for an hour before work starts
  300. [08:58]<Luciferiana> i got mails of guys saying they'll help me out next world, wanna be my friend, etc etc. (i think i know how to play tyvm xD)
  301. [08:58]<Urp!> I've been jogging at 10 pm. It's too hot to do it earlier here.
  302. [08:58]<PrincessTanya> sounds annoying Luci
  303. [08:58]<Luciferiana> way to go, sis
  304. [08:59]<Luciferiana> ... and awkward >_> lol
  305. [08:59]<Urp!> I wouldn't put a picture of myself on a game like this if I were a chick.
  306. [08:59]<Urp!> I'd probably use a male avatar too.
  307. [08:59]<Urp!> Maybe I am a chick ...
  308. [09:00]<Sisren> so Urp!... when did you hatch?
  309. [09:00]<PrincessTanya> I didn't worry about it Urp...I am never going to meet anyone from here
  310. [09:00]<Luciferiana> i mean lets play and lets see how good you are. ive made good friends in that game tho. i still talk to them in fb
  311. [09:00]<Urp!> That's probably true, Tanya.
  312. [09:00]<Luciferiana> exactly, tan
  313. [09:00]<Urp!> I hatched in 1983, Sis.
  314. [09:00]<Urp!> I'm an old chick
  315. [09:01]<Luciferiana> now i just tell people im a ladyboy *bats lashes*
  316. [09:01]<Sisren> heh, younger than me
  317. [09:01]<Sisren>
  318. [09:01]<Luciferiana> lol
  319. [09:01]<Luciferiana> chirp
  320. [09:01]<PrincessTanya> Urp I was born in 1987...so not so old
  321. [09:01]<Sisren> Luci - start telling htem that you play the guy on the date with them
  322. [09:02]<Sisren> up to and including any relations that might happen, and you have the 'hardware' to put on to help with it
  323. [09:02]<Urp!> 1987 is a baby
  324. [09:02]<Luciferiana> lol oh sis, thats pretty tame compared to what my female teammates would do when someone tries to be fresh
  325. [09:02]<Urp!> I will be 31 soon. I am a middle aged man.
  326. [09:03]<PrincessTanya> yes but that doesn't have to mean old unless you let it
  327. [09:03]<Luciferiana> there's sex toys and very colorful words that will get them 12 hour silences
  328. [09:03]<Luciferiana> oh my, you're babies
  329. [09:03]<Sisren> anyways, i gotta head out
  330. [09:03]<Sisren> seems that dawn is running late
  331. [09:03]<PrincessTanya> now, Sisren is old...but you are not
  332. [09:03]<Urp!> Cya Sis
  333. [09:04]<Luciferiana> buhbye and hf, sis
  334. [09:04]<Sisren> thursday i will be older than my brother
  335. [09:04]<Luciferiana> eh?
  336. [09:04]<Luciferiana> how so?
  337. [09:04]<Urp!> Idk ... I am stiff as heck when I wake up in the morning, even if I don't exercise the day before.
  338. [09:04]<Sisren> urp - vit d, zinc and more water maybe
  339. [09:05]<Sisren> luci - he stopped aging
  340. [09:05]<Urp!> I take a multi-vitamin that has those, I think.
  341. [09:05]<Sisren> later folks
  342. [09:05]<Luciferiana> bye
  343. [09:05]<Urp!> Sorry about your brother.
  344. [09:06]<Luciferiana> hmm maybe i should put a tagline in my profile
  345. [09:07]<Luciferiana> ladyboy: succesful op!
  346. [09:07]<Urp!> I used to write taglines for a living.
  347. [09:07]<Luciferiana> used to?
  348. [09:07]<Urp!> Yeah. Basically.
  349. [09:08]<Urp!> Not doing that now.
  350. [09:08]<Luciferiana> https://scontent-b-lax.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t1.0-9/10576918_10153006777633835_7673731357835263584_n.jpg
  351. [09:08]<Luciferiana> Bantayan Island
  352. [09:08]<Flavius Aetius> sup
  353. [09:09]<Urp!> How much?
  354. [09:09]<Urp!> I got 5 on it.
  355. [09:09]<Flavius Aetius> Sup
  356. [09:09]<Luciferiana> sup flav
  357. [09:09]<Urp!> Sup indeed, Suba.
  358. [09:09]*Flavius Aetius turns to luci
  359. [09:09]<Flavius Aetius> Suup
  360. [09:09]<Flavius Aetius> Nothing much
  361. [09:10]<Luciferiana> same old same old
  362. [09:10]<Flavius Aetius> I took a break from my Russian short stories to talk to you two
  363. [09:10]<Flavius Aetius> you should feel spethial
  364. [09:10]<Urp!> Which short stories?
  365. [09:11]<Flavius Aetius> Chekhovs
  366. [09:11]<Urp!> I am not huge on Chekhov's short stories.
  367. [09:11]<Urp!> I prefer his plays.
  368. [09:11]<Flavius Aetius> I like the one I'm reading right now
  369. [09:11]<Luciferiana> whats the title?
  370. [09:11]<Flavius Aetius> On The Road
  371. [09:12]<Luciferiana> premise and your opinion on it. discuss
  372. [09:12]<Flavius Aetius> I started it tonight
  373. [09:12]<Flavius Aetius> but uh if i recall..
  374. [09:12]<Urp!> I don't remember that one specifically.
  375. [09:12]<Flavius Aetius> hm
  376. [09:12]<Luciferiana> i never read Chekhov so enlighten me
  377. [09:12]<Flavius Aetius> A man and his daughter in the travelers room of an inn, after a heavy day of traveling
  378. [09:13]<Flavius Aetius> and the man ends up talking to another woman of high class about his life and misery
  379. [09:13]<Flavius Aetius> and thats as far as i am
  380. [09:13]<Urp!> I just skimmed it.
  381. [09:13]<Urp!> It is, in essence a short one act play.
  382. [09:13]<Urp!> *,
  383. [09:14]<Flavius Aetius> hurm
  384. [09:14]<Urp!> Have you read any more Dostoevsky?
  385. [09:14]<Flavius Aetius> No
  386. [09:14]<Urp!> You should.
  387. [09:14]<Flavius Aetius>
  388. [09:14]<Flavius Aetius> I should
  389. [09:15]<Urp!> I think you will love it.
  390. [09:15]<Flavius Aetius> That face came out a little late
  391. [09:15]<Flavius Aetius> I was trying to open myself up to another
  392. [09:15]<Urp!> He's quite good.
  393. [09:15]<Flavius Aetius> Chekhov?
  394. [09:15]<Luciferiana> dostoevsky
  395. [09:15]<Luciferiana> but... i never read him either
  396. [09:16]<Flavius Aetius> I liked the some I read
  397. [09:16]<Flavius Aetius> But I need to reread them
  398. [09:16]<Flavius Aetius> I am horrible at retention, I wonder why
  399. [09:16]<Urp!> Well, yes. But I meant Dostoevsky. And ideal for a person of your age, intelligence and disposition.
  400. [09:16]<Flavius Aetius> Why, Urp?
  401. [09:16]<Urp!> Or what I gather of that from a couple hours of chat interaction.
  402. [09:17]<Urp!> Explaining it properly would be a 10,000 word essay.
  403. [09:17]<Urp!> And f that.
  404. [09:17]<Flavius Aetius> I have time
  405. [09:17]<Urp!> I don't/
  406. [09:17]<Flavius Aetius> Could you explain this?
  407. [09:17]<Flavius Aetius> [09:16]<Urp!> Well, yes. But I meant Dostoevsky. And ideal for a person of your age, intelligence and disposition.
  408. [09:18]<Urp!> Read the first 10,000 words of The Idiot or The Brothers Karamazov.
  409. [09:18]<Urp!> Better than me trying to explain.
  410. [09:19]<Pericles> nice
  411. [09:19]<Flavius Aetius> I am halfway through The Idiot
  412. [09:19]<Flavius Aetius> It is somewhere in my car
  413. [09:19]<Urp!> Find it
  414. [09:19]<Urp!> Hello Pericles. Welcome to Illyriad.
  415. [09:19]<Flavius Aetius> I forget why I put it there
  416. [09:19]<Urp!> To impress nerdy girls.
  417. [09:20]<Flavius Aetius> I don't talk to my peers
  418. [09:20]<Flavius Aetius>
  419. [09:20]<Urp!> You're right. We're not peers.
  420. [09:20]<Urp!>
  421. [09:20]<Flavius Aetius> heh
  422. [09:20]<Flavius Aetius> They're all spethial, Urp
  423. [09:20]<Flavius Aetius> They're just concerned with sex and drinking.
  424. [09:20]*Flavius Aetius sighs
  425. [09:21]<Urp!> Sex and drinking are awesome.
  426. [09:21]<Flavius Aetius> It's boring conversation
  427. [09:21]<Urp!> Unless anyone under 18 is here.
  428. [09:22]<Urp!> They aren't awesome to talk about.
  429. [09:22]<Urp!> They're fun to do.
  430. [09:22]<Flavius Aetius> I never would have guessed.
  431. [09:22]<Haldier> walks out of GC
  432. [09:22]<Urp!> Cya Haldier
  433. [09:22]<Haldier> Can i have bows before i go plz
  434. [09:23]*Urp! bows
  435. [09:23]<Flavius Aetius> do need to read Brothers Karamazov
  436. [09:23]<Flavius Aetius> I have that right here
  437. [09:24]<Urp!> Russian culture at the end of the Tsarist era was phenomenal
  438. [09:24]<Urp!> You should listen to the composers as well.
  439. [09:25]<Urp!> The Five, Tchiakovsky (sp), etc
  440. [09:25]<Flavius Aetius> I have something from Tchaikovsky on Itunes
  441. [09:25]<Flavius Aetius> lemme copy and paste it..
  442. [09:26]<Flavius Aetius> String Quartet In D - Andante Cantabile
  443. [09:26]<Urp!> Get some Mussorgslky
  444. [09:26]<Flavius Aetius> ok
  445. [09:26]<Urp!> And read the post-tsarits as well - Nabokov, Solzhenitszn (sp) et al
  446. [09:27]<Urp!> Fantastic stuff
  447. [09:27]<Urp!> *in
  448. [09:27]<Urp!> *yn
  449. [09:27]<Urp!> Something Russian
  450. [09:27]<Flavius Aetius> Right now I'm reading a couple books...
  451. [09:27]<Flavius Aetius> I'll put them on my todolist
  452. [09:28]<Flavius Aetius>
  453. [09:29]<Urp!> I may have said something like this to you, but Nabokov is, imo, the greatest stylist in the history of the English language.
  454. [09:30]<Urp!> Above Joyce, above Faulkner, above Carver.
  455. [09:30]<Urp!> And his first few novels were in Russian.
  456. [09:30]<Urp!> Among novelists, I mean.
  457. [09:31]<Flavius Aetius> I shall look them up
  458. [09:31]<Urp!> Anyway, I'm drunk.
  459. [09:31]<Urp!> See you guys in the funny pages.
  460. [09:32]<Flavius Aetius> bye bye
  461. [09:37]<Martilicious> gooooooooooood evening all
  462. [09:41]<System> ** News Flash: RuneFyre (Abandoned)'s large town of MournBlade is now under siege by madram's [OUCH] small city of royals
  463. [09:44]<System> ** News Flash: Rityi's sprawling city of 8. Landzsa is now under siege by Highlife's [DARK] large city of Millerville
  464. [09:46]<Glunk> Chekov? Dostoevsky? Joyce? Oh puhlease.
  465. [09:46]<Glunk> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7dq6w9klDg&safe=active
  466. [09:47]<Martilicious> hii Glunk
  467. [09:50]<Dottore> you missed Enid Blyton Glunk lol
  468. [10:10]<-Pongo-> ugh where is everyone gone to Scun-thorpe or something
  469. [10:10]<Sat1> Yep
  470. [10:10]<Sat1> Hi Pongo
  471. [10:10]<Glunk> You're not supposed to say the S word. GM Rikoo told me to tell everyone.
  472. [10:12]<Martilicious> ROFL
  473. [10:13]<Sat1> Hi Glunk, Marti
  474. [10:13]<Martilicious> did he really? that poor town.... if only it knew what havoc it causes
  475. [10:14]<System> ** News Flash: Aleksanders' legendary city of Citadel Rage is now under siege by kayteen's [Shade] sprawling city of Froyo
  476. [10:15]<Sat1> And it's such a wonderful town.
  477. [10:26]<Martilicious> steady on....
  478. [10:27]<Martilicious> let's not get too carried away huh?
  479. [10:27]<Wartow> .
  480. [10:27]<Martilicious> nice dot warty
  481. [10:27]<Wartow> Best one I've seen all day.
  482. [10:28]<Martilicious> really? I pulled off a cracker earlier. End of a sentence and everything!
  483. [10:28]<Sat1> lol.....
  484. [10:28]<Wartow> Sounds like you are having one heck of a day!
  485. [10:28]<Martilicious> what can I say, it's Monday
  486. [10:30]<Wartow> But my Monday is just starting... yours is probably over?
  487. [10:31]<Martilicious> 4 hours left.
  488. [10:31]<Wartow> 6:30am
  489. [10:31]<Martilicious> don't get your hopes up, it's a shocker of a day. sorry. I do feel it is best to warn you though
  490. [10:31]<Martilicious> it's my civic duty
  491. [10:32]<Wartow> I'm glad you are a loyal servant.
  492. [10:33]<Martilicious> you'd hate me if I let you think it was a good day, whe n I could have prepared you for the experience
  493. [10:33]<Wartow> I'm sure I'll be mumbling "Marti!" all day.
  494. [10:34]<Martilicious> in a good way, I trust?
  495. [10:34]<Wartow> Depends on how bad it is.
  496. [10:35]<Martilicious> good point
  497. [10:35]<Wartow> How is life down under?
  498. [10:35]<Martilicious> cold lol
  499. [10:36]<Wartow> Only 60 here. High will get to 70. Unseasonably cool for late July.
  500. [10:36]<Martilicious> similar temps to here lol, if my rough translation of the numbers is right
  501. [10:37]<Sat1> 72 here glorious sunshine.
  502. [10:37]<Martilicious> pfft
  503. [10:39]<Wartow> What else are you willing to share about Marti's life down under?
  504. [10:39]<Wartow> 1. She thinks its cold.
  505. [10:41]<Martilicious> 2. I was on the TV last night!
  506. [10:41]<Wartow> I usually just sit in front of mine.
  507. [10:42]<Sat1> Does it still work.
  508. [10:45]<Martilicious> hahaha
  509. [10:49]*Wartow is off to get ready for work. Will update Marti on his Monday later.
  510. [10:49]<Meredythe> morning all
  511. [10:49]<Crawling Chaos> morning
  512. [10:50]<Sat1> Hi Guys
  513. [10:51]<Martilicious> WOOP! Level 502. Tick!
  514. [10:51]<Martilicious> where is TC when you need him?!
  515. [10:51]<Crawling Chaos> so if you're a dwarf on plains
  516. [10:51]<Crawling Chaos> what woulde be best to use as a defensive commander?
  517. [10:51]<Sat1> Congrats Marti. Finally beat lev 500
  518. [10:52]<Crawling Chaos> t1 cavalry commander?
  519. [10:53]<Crawling Chaos> would a axeman be best on hills?
  520. [10:54]<Sat1> Halbardier would be my choice.
  521. [10:54]<Crawling Chaos> Sat1, why?
  522. [10:54]<Sat1> on plains
  523. [10:54]<Crawling Chaos> doesn't packsman provide a bigger defence bonus against cavalry?
  524. [10:55]<Crawling Chaos> Or is a attack bonus for spears more important?
  525. [10:55]<Sat1> Not too sure about dwarf mil
  526. [10:58]<Sat1> As a human Spears are prob best defence against cav
  527. [10:58]<Sat1> And I would prob use Archers on Hills
  528. [10:58]<Crawling Chaos> Yeah
  529. [10:58]<DeliciousJosh> Monday Monday
  530. [10:58]<DeliciousJosh> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h81Ojd3d2rY
  531. [10:58]<DeliciousJosh>
  532. [10:58]<Crawling Chaos> but what's you're logic on using a halberdie commander?
  533. [10:59]<DeliciousJosh> T2 pike commander gets +15 division bonus
  534. [10:59]<Crawling Chaos> so annoying that your city can't send anything out 5 days after exodusing
  535. [10:59]<DeliciousJosh> T1 gets +15 def
  536. [10:59]<DeliciousJosh> T2 gets +15 atk
  537. [10:59]<Crawling Chaos> yeah, I get that
  538. [10:59]<DeliciousJosh> thats all there is
  539. [10:59]<DeliciousJosh> then the terrain bonus
  540. [10:59]<Crawling Chaos> But you think spear attack bonus is more important than defence against cav?
  541. [10:59]<DeliciousJosh> no
  542. [11:00]<DeliciousJosh> T1 spear commanders always best
  543. [11:00]<DeliciousJosh> unless you wanna be retardo
  544. [11:00]<Crawling Chaos> ?
  545. [11:00]<Crawling Chaos> How so josh?
  546. [11:00]<Lord Julien> heya DJ
  547. [11:02]<Martilicious> *ignores Josh's comment
  548. [11:03]<DeliciousJosh> hey LJ (:
  549. [11:04]<DeliciousJosh> be more serious people. come'on
  550. [11:04]<DeliciousJosh> oO
  551. [11:04]<mjc's_tera_alt8> DJ, you do realize that t1 spear commanders only have +15 def against spear right?
  552. [11:04]<DeliciousJosh> bbiab
  553. [11:04]<DeliciousJosh> yes I mean T1 in general
  554. [11:04]<Crawling Chaos> http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=bbiab&defid=3787170
  555. [11:05]<Crawling Chaos> Gotta agree with urban dictionary on this
  556. [11:05]<Crawling Chaos> Josh, that has done absolutely nothing to clear up your statements
  557. [11:05]<Crawling Chaos> please elucidate?
  558. [11:07]<Sat1> Time for lunch. Have fun.
  559. [11:09]<Crawling Chaos> bye
  560. [11:20]<Crawling Chaos> elven marshals are good?
  561. [11:21]<Leinad> yes, they are pretty strong considering they are very fast
  562. [11:22]<APOPIS> hi
  563. [11:23]<Erista> good afternoon GC
  564. [11:37]<Martilicious> back
  565. [11:37]<Martilicious> and yes CC
  566. [11:38]<Kojootti> hi there folks
  567. [11:38]<Kojootti> hi marti
  568. [11:38]<Martilicious> hey Koj
  569. [11:42]<madmano> hi eris
  570. [11:45]<Erista> hi
  571. [11:45]<Erista> hows you?
  572. [11:47]<madmano> fine
  573. [11:47]<madmano> u?
  574. [11:47]<madmano> only 3 days left for school
  575. [11:48]<Maegary> oh nooooooooooo
  576. [11:48]<Maegary> thats a shame
  577. [11:48]*Maegary is good thanks
  578. [11:48]<madmano> :|)
  579. [11:48]<madmano>
  580. [11:58]<WarBoy-> night night all
  581. [11:59]<Martilicious> latrs WB, sleep tight
  582. [12:00]<Wartow> So far so good Marti...
  583. [12:01]<Martilicious> scha-weeet
  584. [12:01]<Crawling Chaos> You can only occupy for 15 days at a time?
  585. [12:01]<Martilicious> yep
  586. [12:02]<Crawling Chaos> Huh
  587. [12:02]<Wartow> Not sanitary to set up for more than 15 days.
  588. [12:02]<Crawling Chaos> Hah
  589. [12:04]<Martilicious> lol Warty
  590. [12:04]<TheBillPN> hello
  591. [12:05]<Martilicious> hey Bill
  592. [12:05]<TheBillPN> HRU?
  593. [12:05]<Martilicious> ? Real words please
  594. [12:05]<TheBillPN> how are you this fine day my lovely martilicious?
  595. [12:06]*Crawling Chaos claps
  596. [12:07]<Martilicious> about to go to bed lol, been a long one
  597. [12:07]*Wartow has inherited Marti's day.
  598. [12:08]<TheBillPN> have a nice rest marti, im sure you deserve it...
  599. [12:08]<Wartow> Did we just find a way to make Mondays longer?
  600. [12:08]<Martilicious> sorry, but I did say I felt duty bound to warn you tht Monday 28th July is a crappy day
  601. [12:08]<Sat1> Why is today such a crappy day for you Marti?
  602. [12:08]<Sat1> Was
  603. [12:09]<Martilicious> work crap.
  604. [12:09]<Martilicious> dealing with a bunch of idiots.
  605. [12:09]<Sat1> Ahh. What do you do?
  606. [12:09]<Martilicious> the usual lol
  607. [12:09]<Wartow> I just wasn't as Martaculous as she wanted it to be.
  608. [12:09]<Martilicious> I deal with a bunch of idiots lol
  609. [12:09]<Sat1> Lol
  610. [12:11]*TheBillPN opens the abr and gives marti her extra large regular, so she can forget her woes...
  611. [12:12]<Sat1> Hi Neighbour
  612. [12:12]<Pericles> a glass of still water please
  613. [12:12]<TheBillPN> hi neighbour
  614. [12:12]<Sat1> I'll have a pint of Southern Comfort please
  615. [12:12]*TheBillPN gives pericles a glass of still water...and a small cup of ice if you want it...
  616. [12:13]<Pericles> thank you
  617. [12:13]*TheBillPN gives sat1 a pint of southern comfort
  618. [12:13]<Sat1> Sweet.
  619. [12:15]<Martilicious> wow, a pint of southern comfort? and I thought my day was bad....
  620. [12:15]*Wartow is starting with coffee...
  621. [12:15]<Sat1> Sadly I'm getting used to being out of work
  622. [12:15]<Martilicious> and wtg Peri, last of the big spenders huh?
  623. [12:17]<Martilicious> aww Sat1, that sux
  624. [12:17]<Sat1> Yep but at least the weather is good.
  625. [12:17]<Martilicious> you're lucky for that, it is awful here
  626. [12:18]<Sat1> It usually is here in July.
  627. [12:18]<Martilicious> northern hemisphere then?
  628. [12:19]<Sat1> Uk
  629. [12:19]<Martilicious> whereabouts?
  630. [12:19]<Sat1> About an hour from North Lincs town that can't be mentioned
  631. [12:19]<Martilicious> hehehe, north or south of there?
  632. [12:19]<Sat1> Wakefield. Yorkshire
  633. [12:20]<Martilicious> oop north then
  634. [12:20]<Sat1> About 15mins from Bill by the sounds of it
  635. [12:20]<TheBillPN> me in wakefield hur hur...
  636. [12:20]<Martilicious> vair nice
  637. [12:20]<TheBillPN> i am the cookie Kingpin of Wakefield City aCADEMY...
  638. [12:20]<Sat1> Lol
  639. [12:21]<Martilicious> but not the king of caps eh?
  640. [12:21]<TheBillPN> check this link out, i made this a few months ago...
  641. [12:21]<TheBillPN> http://www.wakefieldcityacademy.com/Showcase/WCA-3D-Printed-Chess-Set/
  642. [12:21]<Martilicious> not going there, but title sounds impressive
  643. [12:23]<Martilicious> do 3d printers really work?
  644. [12:23]<Crawling Chaos> yes?
  645. [12:23]<Crawling Chaos> They're expensive and generally not really worth the trouble currently iirc
  646. [12:23]<TheBillPN> yes...i used it to build a full chess set, but they arent very good for big things
  647. [12:24]<Martilicious> so I can't build myself a new dining table or anything?
  648. [12:24]<TheBillPN> http://vimeo.com/99245886
  649. [12:24]<Sat1> They are getting better
  650. [12:24]<SimplyDivine> only 3D printer worth bothering about http://money.cnn.com/2014/01/16/technology/3d-printer-chocolate/
  651. [12:25]<Martilicious> hmmm, it can print chocolate? this might be worth investigating
  652. [12:25]<SimplyDivine> No household should be without one!
  653. [12:26]<Martilicious> I agree if chocolate is involved
  654. [12:26]<TheBillPN> wow...me want one
  655. [12:26]<Martilicious>
  656. [12:26]<SimplyDivine> oh, and Hi, everyone
  657. [12:26]<Crawling Chaos> lol
  658. [12:26]<Crawling Chaos> coffin knight chess piece
  659. [12:26]<SimplyDivine> sorry, been a bit out of it the past few days
  660. [12:26]<Crawling Chaos> coffinhead knight
  661. [12:26]<TheBillPN> coll innit...
  662. [12:26]<Martilicious> and hey SD
  663. [12:26]<TheBillPN> *cool
  664. [12:26]<Sat1> So Bill you live on eastmoor?
  665. [12:26]<TheBillPN> Hey SD
  666. [12:26]<SimplyDivine> hi, Marty and Bill
  667. [12:27]<TheBillPN> how are you?
  668. [12:27]<SimplyDivine> Much better, thanks, and you?
  669. [12:27]<SimplyDivine> I see that Marty has been giving Monday spoilers...
  670. [12:28]<Martilicious> *hangs head in shame
  671. [12:28]<TheBillPN> Sat1 im not telling you where i live cos i dont want anyone finding me...
  672. [12:28]<Martilicious> I'd do lottery numbers, but that would be unethical
  673. [12:28]<SimplyDivine> hehehe
  674. [12:28]<Martilicious> quite right too Bill
  675. [12:28]<SimplyDivine> unethical unschmethical
  676. [12:28]<Martilicious> good word that
  677. [12:28]<SimplyDivine> oh, wait, I don't gamble
  678. [12:28]<Sat1> Lol Bill
  679. [12:29]<TheBillPN> im not laughing
  680. [12:29]<Sat1> I am
  681. [12:30]<Martilicious> I'm kinda smiling. does that make me a yay or a nay in the laughing convo?
  682. [12:30]<TheBillPN> well if you ever want to meet me, ask instead of being sneaky...
  683. [12:30]<SimplyDivine> What are we laughing or not laughing about?
  684. [12:30]<Martilicious> no idea
  685. [12:30]<SimplyDivine> oh, okay
  686. [12:30]<TheBillPN> telling people where we are so they can stalk you lol
  687. [12:30]<Martilicious> but you gotta choose either way SD
  688. [12:31]<SimplyDivine> Choices? ACK!
  689. [12:31]<Sat1> I guess Bill thinks I'm a stalker
  690. [12:31]<SimplyDivine> Are you?
  691. [12:31]<TheBillPN> i dont think you are a stalker....i like to joke aroud a lot
  692. [12:31]*TheBillPN hugs everyone in GC
  693. [12:31]*SimplyDivine hugs right back
  694. [12:31]<Martilicious> leaves at the hugging... it's too much
  695. [12:32]*SimplyDivine grabs Marty and hauls her back in
  696. [12:32]<TheBillPN> hey sd we ahve the same medal active
  697. [12:32]<SimplyDivine> You will note, no hugs were sent in Marty's direction.
  698. [12:32]<SimplyDivine>
  699. [12:32]<Martilicious> *calls on GM anyone to help. I'm being kidnapped!!!
  700. [12:32]<Crawling Chaos> There can be only one!
  701. [12:32]<SimplyDivine> I whined loud enough and they finally gave me one.
  702. [12:32]<Crawling Chaos> Fight!
  703. [12:33]<SimplyDivine> Well, dang, let's make it a food fight and have some real fun.
  704. [12:33]*TheBillPN throws choclate cake at marti
  705. [12:33]*SimplyDivine preloads spoon with mashed potatoes and peas
  706. [12:33]<TheBillPN> you cant throw anything the same as the people before you, lets have a competition...
  707. [12:34]<Martilicious> Bill is off my friends list. how dare anyone waste chocolate cake?
  708. [12:34]*Sat1 throws tripe at Bill
  709. [12:34]*TheBillPN launches carrots at sat1
  710. [12:34]<Martilicious> and SD is just weird, tbh....
  711. [12:34]<Lord Julien> helllo choco eaters
  712. [12:34]<SimplyDivine> awww
  713. [12:34]<Lord Julien> hello GC
  714. [12:34]<SimplyDivine> She called me weird!
  715. [12:34]<TheBillPN> marti i was off your friend list the other day, so am i back on it now because of the double negative?
  716. [12:34]<Sat1> Hi LJ
  717. [12:35]*SimplyDivine launches a barrage of corn on the cob @ Marty
  718. [12:35]*SimplyDivine hugs Lord J
  719. [12:35]<Lord Julien> http://elgea.illyriad.co.uk/#/World/Map/329/226/12 << this is crazy
  720. [12:35]<TheBillPN> hey LJ what happened to your alliance?
  721. [12:35]*Sat1 lobs a potato grenade into GC
  722. [12:35]<Martilicious> 'A barrage of corn on the cob'?!! WTF is the world coming to?
  723. [12:36]<SimplyDivine> What's crazy...is that your gatherer or someone else, Lord J?
  724. [12:36]<Lord Julien> ddnt go as i thought it would Bill
  725. [12:36]<Lord Julien> back home now
  726. [12:36]<TheBillPN> ah well, you had to try though right?
  727. [12:36]*SimplyDivine follows up with a vat of butter
  728. [12:36]<Lord Julien> nah mine SD, going to search around elgea for mysteries, been a while i havnt done that
  729. [12:36]*TheBillPN pours custard into GC to drown the food fighters
  730. [12:36]<Lord Julien> maybe since 2012 last time
  731. [12:37]<Lord Julien> yep Bill, was nice to try and see how things are going in illy
  732. [12:37]<SimplyDivine> I'm awful at mysteries...and even worse at quests.
  733. [12:37]<SimplyDivine> So I just buy and sell stuff and kill critters that get to close to my towns.
  734. [12:37]<Lord Julien> lol
  735. [12:38]<SimplyDivine> I've decided to give crafting a try...but it seems like a lot of work.
  736. [12:38]<Lord Julien> i gave up on it before it was introduced
  737. [12:39]<SimplyDivine> But creating the crafting spreadsheet was kinda fun.
  738. [12:39]<TheBillPN> im just doing trading atm...
  739. [12:39]<TheBillPN> SO BORING
  740. [12:39]<Lord Julien> yeah i just buy crafting gear
  741. [12:39]<SimplyDivine> Buy low, sell high. Best advice I can offer.
  742. [12:39]<Martilicious> I'm liking crafting.... keeps me busy
  743. [12:39]<TheBillPN> anyone want 1,100 minerals?
  744. [12:39]<System> ** News Flash: Aleksanders' legendary city of Citadel Harbour is now under siege by madmano's [TROUT] huge city of 4.tam
  745. [12:40]<Lord Julien> omg war !
  746. [12:40]<SimplyDivine> sure, Bill, I'll take 'em off your hands
  747. [12:40]<Martilicious> while waiting for my gazillion troops to cook hehehe
  748. [12:40]<Lord Julien>
  749. [12:40]<SimplyDivine> not war, inactive
  750. [12:40]<SimplyDivine> go, mano, go!
  751. [12:40]<TheBillPN> theya re just basic minerals nothing special...
  752. [12:40]<Lord Julien> haha
  753. [12:40]<TheBillPN> what will you give for em...i dont know what they are worth...
  754. [12:41]<SimplyDivine> basic minerals are very important in crafting in all kinds of stuff
  755. [12:41]<TheBillPN> does that make them expensive?
  756. [12:41]<SimplyDivine> Low sell price is 240G each @ Centrum
  757. [12:41]<TheBillPN> well 1100*240=26400
  758. [12:42]<SimplyDivine> Send what you have to Marty and I'll pay the tab, Bill.
  759. [12:42]<TheBillPN> want herbs aswell?
  760. [12:42]<TheBillPN> got 300 of those
  761. [12:42]<SimplyDivine> Marty? You need herbs?
  762. [12:43]<Willomious> Bill i just asked Lucus to send Armies to 2 Towns for you and Torment to blockade them for you guys
  763. [12:43]<Willomious> cause you got to jump on them
  764. [12:43]<Willomious> first come first serve
  765. [12:43]<TheBillPN> cool will, y'know you are in GC right?
  766. [12:43]*SimplyDivine wonders if she wandered into DaWal AC
  767. [12:43]<Willomious> i was
  768. [12:44]*Lord Julien spills choco syrup all over GC
  769. [12:44]<SimplyDivine> Paging Marty!
  770. [12:44]*TheBillPN slurps up the choco syrup
  771. [12:44]*SimplyDivine resists the urge to lick the floor
  772. [12:44]<Willomious> sorry
  773. [12:44]<Willomious> people
  774. [12:44]<SimplyDivine> hi, Will
  775. [12:45]<SimplyDivine> [12:40]<Martilicious> while waiting for my gazillion troops to cook hehehe//perhaps she's checking on their progress...
  776. [12:46]<TheBillPN> so SD, did you want the 1100 minerals and 300 herbs?
  777. [12:46]<SimplyDivine> Bill, check your incoming.
  778. [12:46]<TheBillPN> ok, where do you want me to send them?
  779. [12:46]<SimplyDivine> No, thanks, send it all to Marty, please. She's crafting she said and it will come in useful.
  780. [12:47]<SimplyDivine> or handy
  781. [12:47]<Willomious> hi simply
  782. [12:47]<Martilicious> oops sos, was on Candy Crush
  783. [12:47]<SimplyDivine> I dunno, just pick a town close to you.
  784. [12:47]<Martilicious> summary of what I missed please
  785. [12:47]<SimplyDivine> Marty!
  786. [12:47]<MicroMe> *whispers to SD* Do you have 50k stone you can spre for Ozy's Oreos? *bats eyelashes*
  787. [12:47]<SimplyDivine> Bill is sending you crafting stuff, Marty.
  788. [12:47]<TheBillPN> wow 4d trip, check your incoming marti
  789. [12:47]*SimplyDivine hugs MM
  790. [12:47]<SimplyDivine> sure thing
  791. [12:47]<Lord Julien> dnt send her
  792. [12:48]<Lord Julien>
  793. [12:48]<MicroMe> *hugs SD and slips on a pile of chocolate falling and hitting my bum*
  794. [12:48]<MicroMe> o.O @ LJ
  795. [12:48]<SimplyDivine> incoming, MM
  796. [12:48]<MicroMe> morning SD
  797. [12:49]<SimplyDivine> morning!
  798. [12:49]<SimplyDivine> Despite Marty's previous spoilers re: Monday, it's going to be a good day.
  799. [12:49]<Martilicious> wow SD, you mu st live in an alternate reality....
  800. [12:49]<MicroMe> pppppssttttttt SD thanks but I said to Ozy's Oreos lol
  801. [12:50]<SimplyDivine> I do! How did you know?
  802. [12:50]*Lord Julien throws choco syrup at MM
  803. [12:50]<SimplyDivine> oh, crap, MM, I'm sorry
  804. [12:50]<SimplyDivine> one sec
  805. [12:50]<MicroMe> *catches syrup and adds to coffee* Thanks LJ! You're not so bad afterall!
  806. [12:51]<Tessera> Let's see if I can read any better than that silly Divine person.
  807. [12:51]<MicroMe> lol Tess
  808. [12:51]<WOLFEATER> Hi Micro big hugs
  809. [12:51]*Lord Julien winks @ tess
  810. [12:51]*Tessera hugs Wolfy
  811. [12:52]<WOLFEATER> Hi Tess Hugs
  812. [12:52]<Tessera> oooh *winks back*
  813. [12:52]<Tessera> gah, no vans in BL!
  814. [12:52]<Martilicious> [12:47]<SimplyDivine> Bill is sending you crafting stuff, Marty. <------ crafting stuff = pens, paper, glue and awesome boxes with lots of space to put all the'things' in?
  815. [12:52]<MicroMe> Hi WOLF *hugs*
  816. [12:52]<Tessera> nooo! Illy crafting stuff...herbs and minerals and stuff.
  817. [12:52]<MicroMe> Marti... you forgot to list all the jewelry making stuff too!!
  818. [12:53]<Martilicious> awww, don't we all love those awesome storage boxes and stuff?
  819. [12:53]<Tessera> oooh, but we DO!
  820. [12:53]<Pericles> I do
  821. [12:53]<Tessera> and a label maker with unlimited label tape refills
  822. [12:53]<Martilicious> mmm, labels. you know how ti pique my excitement lol
  823. [12:54]<Tessera> MM, let me check and see if I can find some vans...50K stone to Ozy's Oreos...50K stone to Ozy's Oreos
  824. [12:55]<Martilicious> you sound like a supermarket announcer lol
  825. [12:55]<MicroMe> *giggles and kisses Tess*
  826. [12:57]<SimplyDivine> awww, dang, Marty was right! Monday's not starting off well at all...
  827. [12:57]<Martilicious> *polishes halo, in a sanctimonious fashion
  828. [12:58]<SimplyDivine> wow, I do believe that's the first time I've seen "sanctimonious" used correctly in GC in 2 1/2 years.
  829. [12:58]*SimplyDivine hands Marty some halo polish
  830. [12:58]<Lord Julien> nice
  831. [12:58]<SimplyDivine> I really don't need it...
  832. [12:58]<Boru> and it just had to be an elf
  833. [12:59]<SimplyDivine> hi, Boru
  834. [12:59]<Boru> Hi SD
  835. [12:59]<Martilicious>
  836. [13:00]<Martilicious> but of course Boru
  837. [13:02]<Martilicious> and continuing the predictions... I foresee a potential profile update in my future....
  838. [13:05]*SimplyDivine breathlessly awaits promised profile update
  839. [13:05]<Martilicious> top tip for SD: breathe. NOW.
  840. [13:05]<Martilicious> i did not say wheen... ::P
  841. [13:05]<Martilicious> when
  842. [13:06]<Asio> Hi folks is anyone here bald please?
  843. [13:06]<SimplyDivine> um, what?
  844. [13:06]<Asio> Come on dont be shy
  845. [13:06]*SimplyDivine is breathing again
  846. [13:06]<Martilicious> WOW, chat topic change medal goes to Asio
  847. [13:06]<Asio> TOR need a new Consul or two, but must be bald
  848. [13:06]*SimplyDivine has waist length red hair and is therefore disqualified
  849. [13:07]<Asio> this is sure fire way of avoiding hair loss due to leadership burnout
  850. [13:07]<SimplyDivine> Excellent plan, Asio.
  851. [13:08]<Martilicious> seems legit
  852. [13:08]<Asio> A couple of guys in Skype are killing themselves laughing now
  853. [13:08]*RoundRobin became bold yesterday
  854. [13:08]<Martilicious> anyone we know?
  855. [13:08]<SimplyDivine> um, Robin, that was BALD not bold, but congrats
  856. [13:09]<RoundRobin> Good point
  857. [13:09]<Martilicious> yay RR for being buld
  858. [13:09]<Martilicious> or was that bild?
  859. [13:09]<Asio> Bold sounds good as well
  860. [13:10]<RoundRobin> one of them for sure
  861. [13:10]<Boru> well...to go bald is a bit of a bold statement
  862. [13:12]<Mad Cow> Mooorning GC
  863. [13:12]<RoundRobin> Mooorning MC
  864. [13:13]<Boru> is sufficiently cowed by that greeting
  865. [13:13]<SimplyDivine> moo
  866. [13:13]<Mad Cow> hita SD RoundRobin and Boru
  867. [13:13]<Martilicious> *is gonna name change so her initials are GC and she feels loved lol
  868. [13:13]<SimplyDivine> ooh, speaking of spoilers, next year's new GoT characters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WH2ri8RhSnw
  869. [13:14]<SimplyDivine> You do realize, Marty, that GC implies a full acceptance of hugs?
  870. [13:14]<RoundRobin> Grand Cow
  871. [13:14]<Martilicious> won't spoil it for me SD, no idea what you are talking about
  872. [13:14]<Martilicious> pah Sd, never
  873. [13:14]<SimplyDivine> Game of Thrones
  874. [13:15]<CanesRule> am I on the list SD?
  875. [13:15]<Martilicious> never seen any of it
  876. [13:15]<SimplyDivine> hiya, Canes
  877. [13:15]<SimplyDivine> and, yes, I do believe I saw your name on the list
  878. [13:15]<CanesRule> you mean you didnt see me in S4 E 9 and 10 Marti
  879. [13:16]<SimplyDivine> You don't know what you're missing, Marty!
  880. [13:16]<Martilicious> nope and nope CR and SD
  881. [13:20]*SimplyDivine is wondering if a Newb Trivia Quiz will get us past this awkward moment...
  882. [13:20]<Martilicious> only if I can enter
  883. [13:20]<Martilicious>
  884. [13:22]*SimplyDivine isn't quite sure how to break the news that over 10K pop isn't exactly a newb
  885. [13:22]<Mad Cow> anyone use plainsman spears?
  886. [13:22]<Fiona> i dont have 10k pop
  887. [13:22]<Mad Cow> or hilltribe spears?
  888. [13:22]<SimplyDivine> No, Fiona, you most assuredly don't.
  889. [13:23]<Martilicious> *needs to send SD on a 'Communication skills' training course
  890. [13:23]<tupu> price MC ?
  891. [13:23]<Fiona> lol Marti
  892. [13:23]<SimplyDivine> heh, think I"ll do any better than I did the other 5 times?
  893. [13:23]*Aquennomi is a newb...
  894. [13:23]<SimplyDivine> hi, Nomi
  895. [13:24]<Martilicious> doubt it SD, but eventually, you'll crack it. Straw that broke the camel's back and all that....
  896. [13:25]<SimplyDivine> hehehe
  897. [13:25]<SimplyDivine> Okie, here we go...Newb Trivia Quiz for folks with 3K or less population.
  898. [13:25]<SimplyDivine> *sorry, Marty*
  899. [13:26]<Martilicious> *I CLAIM SIZE discrimination
  900. [13:26]<Martilicious> whoa, weird caps thing there, sorry
  901. [13:26]<SimplyDivine> In one answer, name 4 of the tasks that you can perform in the Commander's page.
  902. [13:27]<ghannima> trivia?
  903. [13:27]<SimplyDivine> For 1000 moooo cows
  904. [13:27]<Martilicious> upgrade, dismiss, flirt, assign
  905. [13:27]<Aquennomi> commanders page?
  906. [13:27]<Martilicious> wait, we have commanders?
  907. [13:27]<SimplyDivine> http://elgea.illyriad.co.uk/#/Military/Commanders
  908. [13:28]<SimplyDivine> Flirt??
  909. [13:28]<SimplyDivine> hahaha
  910. [13:28]<Fiona> create new commander, lvl up, equip, rename
  911. [13:28]<Fiona> idk
  912. [13:28]<Martilicious> I cna flirt on any page. just sayin'
  913. [13:28]<SimplyDivine> We have a winner!
  914. [13:28]<Martilicious> can'
  915. [13:28]<SimplyDivine> Congrats, Fiona!
  916. [13:28]<Fiona> that was right? LOL
  917. [13:28]<Martilicious> pffft, suck up
  918. [13:29]<Sat1> lol
  919. [13:29]<Fiona> shush marti
  920. [13:29]<SimplyDivine> Marty! That wasn't very nice!
  921. [13:29]<Martilicious> #winning smole
  922. [13:29]<Fiona> oh shes fine
  923. [13:29]<Martilicious> smile
  924. [13:29]<SimplyDivine> Incoming, Fiona, and congrats again.
  925. [13:29]*ghannima offers Marti chocolate
  926. [13:29]<Fiona> thanks
  927. [13:29]<Martilicious> although actually smoing could be fun
  928. [13:29]<Martilicious> smolin
  929. [13:29]<Martilicious> smoling
  930. [13:30]<Martilicious> i give up
  931. [13:30]<SimplyDivine> good plan
  932. [13:30]<Sat1> Smoking?
  933. [13:30]<Martilicious> lord knows any more Sat
  934. [13:30]*ghannima giggles and chocohugs everyone
  935. [13:30]<Martilicious> and Ineed togo sleep
  936. [13:30]<Martilicious> and my spacebar needs to get a life and do some work
  937. [13:31]*SimplyDivine chocohugs ghanni back
  938. [13:31]*ghannima winks at SD and sprays her with ice cream
  939. [13:31]<SimplyDivine> woohooo!
  940. [13:32]<ghannima> next question, pls?
  941. [13:32]<Fiona> thanks Ghann
  942. [13:32]<ghannima> is waiting for newbies
  943. [13:33]<Sat1> Sweet dreams Marti
  944. [13:33]<ghannima> yw, little orc
  945. [13:34]<SimplyDivine> Y'all ready for another Newb Trivia Quiz? Remember, total pop 3K and answer in one reply.
  946. [13:34]<Lord Julien> hello ghanni
  947. [13:34]<ghannima> hi LJ
  948. [13:35]*Aquennomi hops excitedly
  949. [13:36]*ghannima sprays LJ with chocolate
  950. [13:36]<SimplyDivine> Name 4 Build stats that are provided on the World Stats page.
  951. [13:37]*Lord Julien runs in circles
  952. [13:37]*ghannima bounces
  953. [13:37]<Lord Julien> lol
  954. [13:37]<SimplyDivine> steady, y'all, the newbs are thinking
  955. [13:37]<Fiona> may i enter again
  956. [13:37]<SimplyDivine> if you wish
  957. [13:37]<Fiona> play build trade research
  958. [13:38]<Aquennomi> towns settled, current popo, in production and levels built
  959. [13:38]<ghannima> i'm a very quet bouncer!
  960. [13:38]<SimplyDivine> Nomi is correct!
  961. [13:38]<Fiona> good job!
  962. [13:38]<SimplyDivine> Congrats, Nomi!
  963. [13:38]<ghannima> yay Nomi!
  964. [13:38]<ghannima> what's the prize?
  965. [13:39]<SimplyDivine> horsies
  966. [13:39]<ghannima> 1k?
  967. [13:39]<SimplyDivine> Check your incoming, Nomi, and congrats again!
  968. [13:39]<SimplyDivine> No, 3K.
  969. [13:40]<ghannima> nice!
  970. [13:40]<Aquennomi> dang, ghannima doubled it
  971. [13:40]<SimplyDivine>
  972. [13:40]<ghannima> shush
  973. [13:41]<SimplyDivine> heh, no secrets in GC
  974. [13:42]<ghannima> next question, pls?
  975. [13:42]<Johair Sox> Gossip Central
  976. [13:42]<SimplyDivine> hi, Sox
  977. [13:43]<Johair Sox> Hi
  978. [13:43]<SimplyDivine> http://elgea.illyriad.co.uk/#/World/HeraldDiplomatic Now that's the REAL Illy gossip column.
  979. [13:44]<SimplyDivine> Okie, last question for today...
  980. [13:45]<SimplyDivine> For a grab bag of goodies....What are the 2 types of Relocation and how are they different?
  981. [13:45]<Fiona> exo and teneril, one moves instantly the other a month or more
  982. [13:45]<SimplyDivine> ummm
  983. [13:45]<Sat1> lol
  984. [13:45]<SimplyDivine> no, sorry
  985. [13:45]<Kylinneira> Hello GC! Hope everyone's day is going passably well...
  986. [13:45]<Fiona> pk lol
  987. [13:45]<Fiona> ok
  988. [13:46]<SimplyDivine> hi, Kyli
  989. [13:46]<Gonarr> Tenaril and exodus, Tenaril takes it's res sq with it
  990. [13:46]<Aquennomi> exo and tenaril,,, exo much research and 5sq per hr, tenaril is one time teleport of a city,, exo new plots, tenaril takes with
  991. [13:46]<wink> teneral and exodus
  992. [13:46]<SimplyDivine> Again, nomi is correct.
  993. [13:46]<Mad Cow>
  994. [13:47]<wink> hi mad
  995. [13:47]<SimplyDivine> Sorry, vets, but this quiz is open to newbs only.
  996. [13:47]<Mad Cow> howdy wink
  997. [13:47]<Fiona> i kinda said that with getting technical
  998. [13:47]*SimplyDivine hugs wink
  999. [13:47]*ghannima chocohugs wink
  1000. [13:47]<Fiona> Hi wink
  1001. [13:47]<wink> hugs SD
  1002. [13:47]<wink> chocohugs ghannima
  1003. [13:47]*ghannima waves to MC
  1004. [13:48]<SimplyDivine> Congrats, Nomi, and check your incoming.
  1005. [13:48]<wink> hi fiona
  1006. [13:48]<ghannima> what's the prize?
  1007. [13:48]<madmano> lj u there?
  1008. [13:48]*ghannima bounces
  1009. [13:48]<SimplyDivine> 1K each of saddles, books & beer
  1010. [13:48]<Kylinneira> Thanks, Ghannima.
  1011. [13:48]<WOLFEATER> Hi Wink hows you
  1012. [13:49]<Aquennomi> cool
  1013. [13:49]<SimplyDivine> Thanks to all that participated. Hope y'all had fun and maybe even learned a little bit.
  1014. [13:49]<wink> hi wolf im good and you
  1015. [13:49]*SimplyDivine hugs Wolfy, too
  1016. [13:49]<WOLFEATER> great ty
  1017. [13:49]<wink> good to hear
  1018. [13:49]<WOLFEATER> Hi Divine Hugs
  1019. [13:51]<SimplyDivine> Sorry, name is SimplyDivine not Divine Hugs, but I appreciate the thought.
  1020. [13:51]<SimplyDivine> *just teasing, Wolfy, you know I lubs you*
  1021. [13:52]<WOLFEATER>
  1022. [13:57]<Meredythe> that is boarding on TMI>
  1023. [13:57]*Meredythe 's mind added an E
  1024. [13:59]<wink> lol
  1025. [14:01]<WOLFEATER> mm
  1026. [14:01]<wink> climbs out of the gutter
  1027. [14:02]*SimplyDivine has permanent spot in GC gutter
  1028. [14:02]*Erista pushes wink back in
  1029. [14:02]*SimplyDivine huggles Erist
  1030. [14:02]<SimplyDivine> a
  1031. [14:02]<wink> i live there
  1032. [14:02]<SimplyDivine> oops
  1033. [14:02]<Erista> haha
  1034. [14:03]<Erista> out of breath SD?
  1035. [14:03]<wink> hugs erista
  1036. [14:03]*Erista hugs SD and wink
  1037. [14:03]<Gemley the dwarf> I have 6241 dwarven battle axes I need to get rid of for 2,500 per axe. Any takers? I believe that is more dwarven axes then all the selling offers put together in Centrum
  1038. [14:10]<DeliciousJosh> Yes please
  1039. [14:11]<DeliciousJosh> although I would maybe bargain you down to 2,000?
  1040. [14:11]<Gemley the dwarf> No
  1041. [14:12]<Gemley the dwarf> This dwarf isn't looking to haggle
  1042. [14:12]<DeliciousJosh> neither is this one
  1043. [14:12]<DeliciousJosh> have a good day sir
  1044. [14:13]<Gemley the dwarf> You too
  1045. [14:13]<DeliciousJosh> I take it you just want gold
  1046. [14:13]<SIMPLY_BEAST> Dwarf Negotiation...
  1047. [14:13]<SIMPLY_BEAST> lol
  1048. [14:13]*DeliciousJosh in case Gemley doesn't just want gold, he lays out some options
  1049. [14:14]<DeliciousJosh> 100 draught horses and 1,000 riding horses for 6,000 axes
  1050. [14:14]<Baesil> This is DJ not haggling
  1051. [14:14]<Gemley the dwarf> I am looking for gold, just messaged the DLords about it so if you want them you have to act quickly
  1052. [14:14]<DeliciousJosh> gnu has hundreds of thousands
  1053. [14:14]<Gemley the dwarf> I'm sure they could use a few more
  1054. [14:14]<DeliciousJosh> probably
  1055. [14:15]*DeliciousJosh waves hello to Baesil the elf of shadows
  1056. [14:15]<Gemley the dwarf> Well I have to go, message me if you change your mind
  1057. [14:16]<DeliciousJosh> have a good one gemley the dwarf
  1058. [14:16]*Baesil acknowledges Delicious Josh and notes that Prince Frederic was mentioned on Last Week Tonight last night
  1059. [14:16]<DeliciousJosh> you and your royalty
  1060. [14:16]<Baesil> its your royalty
  1061. [14:16]<Baesil> ive just met them
  1062. [14:17]<DeliciousJosh> i play snooker with them on wednesdays
  1063. [14:17]<DeliciousJosh> we call it "wednesday snooker"
  1064. [14:17]<Baesil> well tell Fred he was the butt of a joke on american tv
  1065. [14:17]<DeliciousJosh> what did they say?
  1066. [14:18]<Baesil> they had footage of him putting on a bear costume and dancing and annoying people at a palace event
  1067. [14:19]<Baesil> the point of the joke was that US isnt the only country with useless leaders
  1068. [14:19]<DeliciousJosh> wahahah
  1069. [14:19]<DeliciousJosh> thing is, american leaders would never show such carelessness and liberty
  1070. [14:20]<DeliciousJosh> tell Lenno that
  1071. [14:20]<Baesil> hbo is usually pretty vigilant about protecting its stuff so it would be difficult to find on youtube i think
  1072. [14:20]<DeliciousJosh> i cant view american footage much here
  1073. [14:20]<DeliciousJosh> have to be in the us
  1074. [14:20]<Aquennomi> American and US are not equal... . geezes people.
  1075. [14:21]<DeliciousJosh> i hate being corrected on that
  1076. [14:21]<DeliciousJosh> do u understand what I mean?
  1077. [14:21]<DeliciousJosh> good
  1078. [14:21]<DeliciousJosh> then stop correcting me
  1079. [14:21]<Aquennomi> I hate it when people make that mistake.
  1080. [14:21]<DeliciousJosh> learn to live with it. it happens a lot
  1081. [14:21]<Aquennomi> US is American,, American is not US.
  1082. [14:22]<DeliciousJosh> denmark is a part of scandinavia, sweden isn't the whole of scandinavia, neither is norway and that mistake happens a lot too
  1083. [14:22]<DeliciousJosh> i learned to live with it
  1084. [14:22]<DeliciousJosh> Oo
  1085. [14:22]<Baesil> go ahead and hand them a Venezuelan passport when they ask for your american one
  1086. [14:22]<DeliciousJosh> ;p
  1087. [14:23]<Aquennomi> I will tell them I dont have an American passport, because there is no such thing.
  1088. [14:23]<DeliciousJosh> so how come they show the danish royal family on news over there
  1089. [14:23]<Baesil> it's standard terminology even among major news sources
  1090. [14:23]<Thordor> Got caught out in the rain, Aaah it felt good!
  1091. [14:24]<Baesil> @DJ it is a comedy news show
  1092. [14:24]<DeliciousJosh> whos the host
  1093. [14:24]<Baesil> john oliver
  1094. [14:24]<DeliciousJosh> hes fun!
  1095. [14:25]<DeliciousJosh> i dont like the guy who took over lenno
  1096. [14:25]<Baesil> thats the first time ive ever seen them on american tv
  1097. [14:25]<Baesil> Leno was terrible
  1098. [14:26]<DeliciousJosh> house of cards season 3 teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4P7YPtIse4w
  1099. [14:26]<Baesil> oooh
  1100. [14:27]<DeliciousJosh> yes leno was terrible, but it was still one of the most watched shows
  1101. [14:27]<DeliciousJosh> anyway
  1102. [14:28]<Baesil> I like Fallon but have to admit that time slot is more for the senior set
  1103. [14:28]<SIMPLY_BEAST> I refused to watch leno after he screwed conan
  1104. [14:29]<DeliciousJosh> happy times lindi ortega
  1105. [14:29]<DeliciousJosh> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUfFJf6CLuM
  1106. [14:29]<Baesil> NBC screwed Dave to get him -- I never liked him. Not funny. He basically ended up copying dave anyway
  1107. [14:29]<SIMPLY_BEAST> Kimmel has the best late night show now
  1108. [14:29]<Mad Cow> heya SB!
  1109. [14:29]<Baesil> Kimmel is good. I like Colbert too
  1110. [14:29]<SIMPLY_BEAST> Hey MC
  1111. [14:31]<Mad Cow> Need anything SB?
  1112. [14:31]<SIMPLY_BEAST> I need you to check your mail
  1113. [14:32]<Lord Julien> hello SB
  1114. [14:32]<SIMPLY_BEAST> Howdy LJ
  1115. [14:32]<Lord Julien> hey MC, Baesil, GC
  1116. [14:33]<Mad Cow> ok will do SB
  1117. [14:34]<SIMPLY_BEAST> Julien, LoE gone?
  1118. [14:34]<Lord Julien> yeh
  1119. [14:34]<SIMPLY_BEAST> Sorry to hear
  1120. [14:34]<Lord Julien> not easy to recruit nowadays
  1121. [14:34]<DeliciousJosh> me as well
  1122. [14:34]<Lord Julien> too many alliances and every alliance is better than the other
  1123. [14:34]<DeliciousJosh> timing was bad mate
  1124. [14:35]<SIMPLY_BEAST> I was never good at recruiting
  1125. [14:35]<Lord Julien> tough market to come in just like that
  1126. [14:35]<Lord Julien> well im a bit picky .. so that was a prob too
  1127. [14:35]<DeliciousJosh> ^^
  1128. [14:35]<wink> hi lj
  1129. [14:35]<Lord Julien> hello wink
  1130. [14:36]<Baesil> I was mcrow's recruiter for over a year I think I got two people
  1131. [14:36]<Archimedes> Alright. I'm at the end of the tutorial, where it tells me to join an alliance. Is there any way to turn this off?
  1132. [14:36]<TanyaFairy> hey Mad Cow
  1133. [14:36]<DeliciousJosh> Empire of the sun - walking on a dream
  1134. [14:36]<DeliciousJosh> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eimgRedLkkU&list=LLMVA2VmQJ5mgt9rambwpbcA
  1135. [14:37]<Aquennomi> click on the x
  1136. [14:37]<Lord Julien> when we were first recruiting for The Crows ... it took like 4 days to get like 70 members
  1137. [14:37]<Lord Julien> lol
  1138. [14:37]<Lord Julien> that's like 3yrs ago
  1139. [14:39]<wink> use to be a recruiter
  1140. [14:40]<SIMPLY_BEAST> recruiting is not easy in illy
  1141. [14:40]<wink> no it is not
  1142. [14:41]<SIMPLY_BEAST> Sorry, recruiting quality
  1143. [14:41]<WOLFEATER> very true SB
  1144. [14:41]<Lord Julien> i believe recruiting is very easy
  1145. [14:41]<Lord Julien> but holding on to an active member is not
  1146. [14:41]<SIMPLY_BEAST> I am not talking about care packages to newbs and a blind invite either
  1147. [14:41]<Fiona> Its hard
  1148. [14:41]<SIMPLY_BEAST> that is a recipe for alot of inactives
  1149. [14:42]<Lord Julien> agreed
  1150. [14:42]<SIMPLY_BEAST> Which is why most alliances in illy are empty shells
  1151. [14:42]<Baesil> I think if your alliance and alliance chat has its own feel to it recruiting will kind of take care of itself
  1152. [14:42]<SIMPLY_BEAST> big on the outside, dead inside
  1153. [14:42]<wink> yes
  1154. [14:42]<Lord Julien> like Baesil said
  1155. [14:42]<Archimedes> Y'all almost make me wanna prove you wrong. They said the same thing on LOTRO when I founded my first kinship. Still 80% active after five years.
  1156. [14:42]<Mad Cow> anyone want bulk livestock for cheap? IGM me an offer
  1157. [14:42]<wink> we are lucky here alot of active peeps
  1158. [14:43]<SIMPLY_BEAST> Baesil, active AC keeps people engaged
  1159. [14:43]<madmano> mc mail
  1160. [14:43]<Archimedes> Hrmph. New acronym. AC?
  1161. [14:43]<Baesil> yeah if you dont keep them engaged there they come here -- then all is lost
  1162. [14:43]<wink> it is hard running an alliance to
  1163. [14:44]<wink> not as easy as i thought
  1164. [14:44]<SIMPLY_BEAST> I have had the privilege to sit accounts in other alliances
  1165. [14:44]<SIMPLY_BEAST> wow
  1166. [14:44]<SIMPLY_BEAST> what a surprise
  1167. [14:45]<Archimedes> That's what I have said, many times, in my own experiences on Kins and Alliances and the like. I've been in groups where they ignore the little guys entirely and only play with the big guns. Very disappointing.
  1168. [14:45]<wink> you have to deal with alot of crap
  1169. [14:45]<SIMPLY_BEAST> why do people keep accounts inactive for so long?
  1170. [14:45]<wink> not sure
  1171. [14:45]<SIMPLY_BEAST> in NC we booted after 3 days
  1172. [14:45]<wink> we give 30
  1173. [14:45]<Archimedes> Good question, Beast. I have never found a good reason for that. Honestly, some people's lives may just have changed and no longer allow for fun.
  1174. [14:45]<WOLFEATER> 3 days good idea that
  1175. [14:45]<wink> maybe i will reveiw that
  1176. [14:45]<Archimedes> Anythign from a new job to a new kid.
  1177. [14:45]<WOLFEATER> may try it
  1178. [14:45]<darkone> wow thats a tight ship SB
  1179. [14:46]<SIMPLY_BEAST> if you cant log on every 3 days I dont want you
  1180. [14:46]<Archimedes> Right now, I just wish taht there were some way to increas the number of build slots you are allowed. Two just isn't enough sometimes.
  1181. [14:47]<SIMPLY_BEAST> ofc, vacatioins and planned afk are acceptable
  1182. [14:47]<wink> agrees
  1183. [14:47]<WOLFEATER> me too
  1184. [14:47]<-Pongo-> with Rill around its prolly 3 mins not 3 days lol
  1185. [14:48]<Aquennomi> would like to be able to queue a research that is dependent on the current one being done.
  1186. [14:49]<wink> also have to take work into condiseration SB
  1187. [14:49]<GM Rikoo> 'Morning commanders!
  1188. [14:50]<Mad Cow> moooorning
  1189. [14:50]<Lagavulin> hi Rikoo
  1190. [14:50]<Archimedes> Good morning.
  1191. [14:50]<Lord Julien> hello mr. Rikoo
  1192. [14:50]<wink> hi rikoo
  1193. [14:50]<WOLFEATER> Hi MC
  1194. [14:50]<SIMPLY_BEAST> Wink, ofc
  1195. [14:51]<Ellieh> hi rikoo
  1196. [14:51]<Mad Cow> Hiya Wolfie
  1197. [14:51]<SIMPLY_BEAST> but that being said, if you have a work schedule not good for NC style, you were a liablitity not an asset to the team
  1198. [14:51]<wink> i have been out of town for a week but i always log in as soon as i get home lol
  1199. [14:51]<wink> yes i agree
  1200. [14:51]<WOLFEATER> am on every day in illy me
  1201. [14:52]<SIMPLY_BEAST> in a standard huge illy alliance you have 15 or so actives
  1202. [14:52]<wink> i am in the winter lol
  1203. [14:52]<SIMPLY_BEAST> what do you need the others for?
  1204. [14:52]<wink> true SB
  1205. [14:52]<wink> dead weight
  1206. [14:52]<SIMPLY_BEAST> its deadweight and will be an albratross in war
  1207. [14:53]<wink> yep
  1208. [14:53]<SIMPLY_BEAST> 20 lean and mean members are as good as any big alliance in illy IMO
  1209. [14:53]<wink> and they will be the first to cry if they get sieged
  1210. [14:53]<SIMPLY_BEAST> if not better
  1211. [14:53]<wink> agrees again
  1212. [14:53]<SIMPLY_BEAST> wink, in NC targetting the criers was a strategy
  1213. [14:54]<wink> lol i like that
  1214. [14:56]<wink> SB i have alot of respect for you and i value your ideals you have played illy for a while
  1215. [14:57]<Lord Julien> oh come on
  1216. [14:57]<Lord Julien>
  1217. [14:57]<SIMPLY_BEAST> hehe
  1218. [14:57]<SIMPLY_BEAST> I am just a misfit
  1219. [14:57]<wink> he is a great player
  1220. [14:57]<wink> and you to lj
  1221. [14:57]<wink> i have learned alot from both
  1222. [14:59]<Archimedes> Can you trade gold between players? Or is that a non-tradable commodity on here?
  1223. [14:59]<Wartow> Hi wink!
  1224. [14:59]<WOLFEATER> just send it
  1225. [14:59]<Bomshanka> you can just send gold with vans Archi
  1226. [14:59]<WOLFEATER> pointless realy
  1227. [14:59]<wink> hi war
  1228. [14:59]<Lord Julien> was just kidding wink
  1229. [15:00]<Lord Julien> he is cool
  1230. [15:00]<Lord Julien> and thx
  1231. [15:00]<Archimedes> Thanks.
  1232. [15:00]<madmano> hi lj,wink,sb,
  1233. [15:00]<Bomshanka> but no.. there are no option for selling and buying gold at centrum
  1234. [15:00]<GM Rikoo> Send all of your gold to ME!
  1235. [15:00]<WOLFEATER> inless your helping some one
  1236. [15:00]<Lord Julien> hello mano
  1237. [15:00]<madmano> and rikoo
  1238. [15:00]<Lord Julien> how much u pay for it Rikoo ?
  1239. [15:00]<Ellieh> ill send you useless coupons rikoo, whats your address
  1240. [15:00]<GM Rikoo> 1 gold per.
  1241. [15:00]<Ellieh> promise not to stalk you
  1242. [15:00]<Lord Julien>
  1243. [15:00]*Bomshanka Briefly considers Rikoos command and decides to refrain
  1244. [15:00]<GM Rikoo> I only do Illy Groupons.
  1245. [15:00]<Mad Cow> okay senty
  1246. [15:01]<Ellieh> come on, ive got some good roof repair deals, air conditioning installs, and cheap first dental cleaning coupons
  1247. [15:01]<Ellieh> all i need is you address
  1248. [15:01]<Wartow> And punch and cookies!
  1249. [15:01]<Wartow>
  1250. [15:01]<Ellieh> oh yeah, you're hosting an event soon rikoo. in my dream.
  1251. [15:01]<GM Rikoo> ha you can find me at Torchy's Tacos.
  1252. [15:01]<wink> lol
  1253. [15:01]<Ellieh> never heard of it
  1254. [15:02]<wink> it is in texas
  1255. [15:02]<SimplyDivine> Taco Shack is better, just sayin...
  1256. [15:02]<GM Rikoo> Well it's super tasty. But they serve Mammoth tacos there.
  1257. [15:02]<Ellieh> i kill mammoths for breakfast
  1258. [15:02]<GM Rikoo> Well I meant size-wise. As in huge.
  1259. [15:02]<Ellieh> oh, im not very hungry
  1260. [15:02]<Ellieh> we could share one
  1261. [15:03]<Wartow> All of the tacos are belong to me!
  1262. [15:03]<SimplyDivine> Baby Acapulco's isn't bad either, come to think of it.
  1263. [15:04]*Ellieh gives hopewartow tacos
  1264. [15:04]<Sumac> canfind me on white sand beach gentle wave lapping at my feet and a sweet rum drink in my hand.......oh wait sorryjust day dreaming again
  1265. [15:04]<GM Rikoo> Hmmm the wife says Dos Batos is the bestest.
  1266. [15:05]<SimplyDivine> Another good one, but my favorite is Chuy's on North Lamar.
  1267. [15:05]<GM Rikoo> Nice!
  1268. [15:05]<Ellieh> ask your wife is she needs the roof repaired, please
  1269. [15:06]<SimplyDivine> hahaha
  1270. [15:06]<SimplyDivine> sure you don't have some vinyl siding deals?
  1271. [15:06]<Ellieh> i might, let me look
  1272. [15:06]<Ellieh> do you need one?
  1273. [15:06]<wink> will share taco with elli
  1274. [15:07]<Ellieh> ah, you can have the whole thing, im not hungry. /me gives wink my whole taco
  1275. [15:07]<SimplyDivine> nope, was thinking of a lovely housewarming gift for Mr & Mrs Rikoo
  1276. [15:07]*Wartow is hope.
  1277. [15:07]<GM Rikoo>
  1278. [15:08]*Ellieh gives Mrs. Rikoo housewarming gift
  1279. [15:08]<Ellieh> hope is wartow
  1280. [15:08]<Wartow> The epic nature of my character has increased.
  1281. [15:09]<Ellieh> thanks to my dreams
  1282. [15:09]<Wartow> Isn't that some Dokken song?
  1283. [15:09]<Wartow> BTW - shame on anyone that gets that obscure reference.
  1284. [15:09]<Ellieh> i dont know wartow, im busy. im trying to get the RIkoo's to adopt me.
  1285. [15:10]<Wartow> The meeting last night didn't convince them?
  1286. [15:10]<Ellieh> no cuz my parents were there
  1287. [15:10]<Wartow> They just won't let their little girl go?
  1288. [15:11]<Ellieh> guess not
  1289. [15:12]<Wartow> Do you think GC is dead or is everyone just reading to see where this soap opera goes next?
  1290. [15:12]<Gwendalynn> just reading
  1291. [15:12]<Ellieh> i think we'rre the only one interested
  1292. [15:12]<GM Rikoo> Sorry I am discussing stuff and things with the rest of the crew.
  1293. [15:12]<Ellieh> you promised me that i would be part of your crew, Rikoo Warbucks
  1294. [15:13]<GM Rikoo> You are. You. Are.
  1295. [15:13]<Ellieh> !!!!
  1296. [15:13]<Ellieh> my job here is done.
  1297. [15:14]<Ellieh> time to get ready for thesis research.
  1298. [15:14]<wink> good luck
  1299. [15:14]<Ellieh> ill be back in a minute. im just gettin drerssed
  1300. [15:14]<Snow dog> lol is rico starting an alliance so he can then be picked on in ac chat too lol
  1301. [15:15]<Archimedes> Yeah. I got schooling to do as well.
  1302. [15:15]<GM Rikoo> ...and the SNOW dog!
  1303. [15:15]<Snow dog> land of the over world saved again
  1304. [15:15]<Sir Edward III>
  1305. [15:17]<Snow dog> coffee time
  1306. [15:17]*SimplyDivine has just learned that thesis research cannot be attempted while wearing jammies
  1307. [15:21]<Ellieh> well SD, i was in my underwear
  1308. [15:21]<Ellieh> i have to pick up my assistant at the train station, and go the training center to run baseline probes. probably should wear pants
  1309. [15:22]<llb> Hello everyone
  1310. [15:22]*SimplyDivine has now learned that probes require pants
  1311. [15:22]<SimplyDivine> hi, llb
  1312. [15:22]<Ellieh> i know, you would think the opposite, SD.
  1313. [15:22]<SimplyDivine> as does riding trains
  1314. [15:22]<Ellieh> well, i dont have to ride the train. my assistant is riding the train.
  1315. [15:22]*SimplyDivine is having a red-letter learning day!
  1316. [15:24]<Ellieh> i have to learn a lot today. it will be hard for my brain.
  1317. [15:26]<Gwendalynn> and time freezes again can't read GC
  1318. [15:26]<Ellieh> quick, everyone talk about gwen
  1319. [15:29]<wink> lol
  1320. [15:31]<Ellieh> turns out everyone likes gwen lol
  1321. [15:32]<Wartow> Do I like gwen?
  1322. [15:32]<Ellieh> yea hope
  1323. [15:32]<Lagavulin> I like Gwen's shoes
  1324. [15:33]<Wartow> Shoes or issues?
  1325. [15:33]<Wartow> Does Gwen have issues?
  1326. [15:33]<Lagavulin> or issshoes?
  1327. [15:33]<wink> i do
  1328. [15:33]<Ellieh> gwen has issues with gc
  1329. [15:33]<Wartow> I think the mere fact that we are all here is some confirmation of issues.
  1330. [15:34]<wink> i thought you said tissues
  1331. [15:34]<Wartow> Tissues are for issues.
  1332. [15:34]<wink> lol
  1333. [15:35]<Ellieh> i use toilet paper as tissues when i run out of tissues
  1334. [15:36]<Wartow> Am I the only one who gets anxious when the number of rolls of TP is less than 4?
  1335. [15:36]<Ellieh> no you arent
  1336. [15:36]<Wartow> Whew
  1337. [15:36]<Ellieh> we keep a LOT stocked
  1338. [15:36]<wink> corncobs work better
  1339. [15:37]<Ellieh> ya nasty
  1340. [15:37]<Ellieh> ok im off to get my blood taken by the vampires
  1341. [15:37]*Bartleby waves
  1342. [15:37]<wink> be safe hun
  1343. [15:37]<Ellieh> bartie!!!! missed you darling
  1344. [15:37]<Wartow> Good luck with your bleed.
  1345. [15:37]<Ellieh> snapchatted you last night!
  1346. [15:37]<Bartleby> missed you too, i'll check it now
  1347. [15:37]<Ellieh> its just a dog.
  1348. [15:37]<Ellieh> lol
  1349. [15:37]<Wartow> No turtles?
  1350. [15:38]<Bartleby> dogs are rad
  1351. [15:38]<Ellieh> no. my neighbor's cool dog.
  1352. [15:38]<WarBoy-> ellieh!
  1353. [15:38]<Ellieh> hes this old golden retriever. and one time i hid behind this mesh net and said "but trooper, i AM your neighbor" in a british accent
  1354. [15:38]<Ellieh> mocking that thing from "the others" where she says "But mother, i AM your daughter"
  1355. [15:38]<Lagavulin> lol
  1356. [15:39]<Ellieh> and thats been going on for years now. and the dog loves it.
  1357. [15:39]<WarBoy-> ellieh sell me about 2k oak?
  1358. [15:39]<Gwendalynn> wow -- I have a self-silencing computer
  1359. [15:39]<Ellieh> WB i just gave you 1k didnt i? lol
  1360. [15:40]<System> ** News Flash: Morfarret's growing settlement of New Settlement is now under siege by DeliciousJosh's [OUCH] legendary city of Cuddly the Beard is!
  1361. [15:40]<WarBoy-> yes but i will buy 2k more and buy for what u sent yesterday
  1362. [15:40]<Ellieh> you got a trader in centrum?
  1363. [15:40]<WarBoy-> yeah
  1364. [15:40]<DreadedMan> SB still on?
  1365. [15:41]<Ellieh> ok i dont have quite 2k. i have 1k in my town, and 896 in centrum
  1366. [15:41]<Ellieh> put up a buy order for 896 in centrum
  1367. [15:41]<WarBoy-> what tab are they hunder?
  1368. [15:41]<WarBoy-> under"
  1369. [15:42]<Ellieh> herbs
  1370. [15:42]<WarBoy-> how much
  1371. [15:42]<WarBoy-> idk a cost
  1372. [15:42]<Ellieh> for you? 1,000 each
  1373. [15:42]<WarBoy-> ty <3
  1374. [15:43]<WarBoy-> i did right correct (dont normaly buy)
  1375. [15:43]<Ellieh> yes
  1376. [15:44]<WarBoy-> kk now that 1k in ur town
  1377. [15:44]<WarBoy-> were and how much total
  1378. [15:44]<Ellieh> 1k each for those thousand.
  1379. [15:44]<Ellieh> send gold anywhere
  1380. [15:44]<Wartow> send to Wartow
  1381. [15:44]<Wartow>
  1382. [15:44]<Ellieh> you want them at 1-1?
  1383. [15:45]<WarBoy-> sent
  1384. [15:45]<WarBoy-> and yes
  1385. [15:45]<Ellieh> dont pay me for the ones yesterday, those were free
  1386. [15:45]<WarBoy-> now how do i git outta hub?
  1387. [15:45]<Ellieh> click trade hubs, clikc orders
  1388. [15:45]<WarBoy-> done
  1389. [15:46]<Ellieh> ok, figured it out?
  1390. [15:46]<Mad Cow> derp
  1391. [15:46]<WarBoy-> will they come back to hub?
  1392. [15:46]<Ellieh> no you have to click the destination as your town
  1393. [15:46]<Ellieh> theyre already in the hub
  1394. [15:46]<WarBoy-> ahhh i got it
  1395. [15:47]<WarBoy-> thx ellieh
  1396. [15:47]<WarBoy-> never knew how
  1397. [15:47]<Ellieh> yup. alright i gotta run, bye!
  1398. [15:47]<WarBoy-> later ty
  1399. [15:47]<Ellieh> yw
  1400. [16:34]<Erista> gc is dead - quick - plunder and pillage!
  1401. [16:34]<Wartow> ouch
  1402. [16:34]<llb>
  1403. [16:34]<LUCUS> wake up people...........LOL
  1404. [16:34]<Wartow> Plunder someone else!
  1405. [16:34]*Wartow is not plunderable.
  1406. [16:35]*Wartow desires not a good plundering.
  1407. [16:35]<Kylinneira> oooh.. pillage!!! Is there a drunken party afterwards??
  1408. [16:35]<Erista> lol
  1409. [16:35]<Erista> haha Kylinn
  1410. [16:36]<SimplyDivine> After-pillage after-party invites will be sent out via eVite shortly.
  1411. [16:36]<Kylinneira> could have a cookout on the bonfire and drunk-rolling contests
  1412. [16:36]<ghannima> party?
  1413. [16:37]<LUCUS> yes...........
  1414. [16:37]<ghannima> yay!
  1415. [16:40]<Erista> cooking pork scratchings?
  1416. [16:40]<Erista> pr chocolate coated bananas?
  1417. [16:42]<SimplyDivine> can we have s'mores, too?
  1418. [16:42]*Wartow parties.
  1419. [16:44]<Wartow> ...and everyone leaves.
  1420. [16:45]*Wartow sits.
  1421. [16:46]*BlitzMyth throws popcorn at War
  1422. [16:46]<BlitzMyth> dance for our amusement
  1423. [16:46]<Wartow> Crap... who let him out of AC?
  1424. [16:46]<Wartow> Erista!
  1425. [16:46]<Erista> hahahah
  1426. [16:46]<Wartow> BLITZY GOT OUT AGAIN!
  1427. [16:47]<Erista> someone has to keep you company and BM is as nutty as you
  1428. [16:47]<BlitzMyth> no small little text box can contain me
  1429. [16:47]*BlitzMyth burns a sofa and jumps through a window
  1430. [17:03]<demdigs> anyone have a huge amount of saddles for sale?
  1431. [17:04]<demdigs> i am talking 50k
  1432. [17:04]<demdigs> please mail me if so
  1433. [17:10]<Rockette> for sale ghannima's second hand drum and trumpet - only 3 hides each - PLEASE BUY
  1434. [17:11]<Times> Anyone selling basic herbs?
  1435. [17:11]*.MjΓΆlnir. is not one to blow anothers trumpet...nope thanks
  1436. [17:12]<ghannima> i have more!
  1437. [17:12]<demdigs> how many do u need times?
  1438. [17:12]<Times> 10 herbs
  1439. [17:12]<Chuck Norris> more what?
  1440. [17:12]*ghannima sticks out her tongue
  1441. [17:12]<Chuck Norris> hmmmmm
  1442. [17:12]<Chuck Norris> at who?
  1443. [17:13]<ghannima> at everyone
  1444. [17:13]<Rockette> me
  1445. [17:13]<Chuck Norris> oh
  1446. [17:13]<Chuck Norris> hey rockette
  1447. [17:13]<Chuck Norris>
  1448. [17:13]*Rockette buys chuck norris a pashmina
  1449. [17:13]<Chuck Norris> ty
  1450. [17:13]<Rockette> yw
  1451. [17:13]<demdigs> i am sorry times, i thought i had some but i don't
  1452. [17:13]*ghannima offers Chuck a trumpet
  1453. [17:13]<Times> dang
  1454. [17:13]<Times> ok
  1455. [17:13]<Wartow> Times... I hooked you up.
  1456. [17:14]<Chuck Norris> ty
  1457. [17:14]<Rockette> I figure an orc can handle one
  1458. [17:14]<ghannima> and drumes!
  1459. [17:14]<Times> ty wartow
  1460. [17:14]<demdigs> what's your storage capacity?
  1461. [17:14]*Chuck Norris can handle anything
  1462. [17:14]*ghannima eyes Chuck speculativly
  1463. [17:15]*Rockette sends chuck norris a weaverfish
  1464. [17:15]*Chuck Norris eyes ghan openly
  1465. [17:15]<Rockette> oh get a room you two!
  1466. [17:15]<Chuck Norris> getting weird
  1467. [17:15]<Chuck Norris> but ty
  1468. [17:15]<Chuck Norris> cya
  1469. [17:15]<Chuck Norris> enjoy evening
  1470. [17:15]<ghannima> neah, i can look at him from here
  1471. [17:16]<.MjΓΆlnir.> spilling all res constantly cannot even get the damned stuff to hubs quickly enough. damn time to rub out some res spots
  1472. [17:16]<ghannima> cya later, mister Chucky
  1473. [17:16]<Rockette> how you doing chuck - you need anything?
  1474. [17:16]*ghannima trows M&Ms on Chuck's head
  1475. [17:19]<Dedalus> Hey everyone! Im new to this game. Can anyone spare around 3K of the core res? I'm starving myself of resources by ironically upgrading my res plots
  1476. [17:19]<Wartow> done
  1477. [17:20]<.MjΓΆlnir.> books can be read at the library to increase research points
  1478. [17:31]<Crawling Chaos> Mjolnir, I thought you can't demolish res plots?
  1479. [17:32]<Dedalus> Thanks@!!!
  1480. [17:32]<Dedalus> haha, wow thats a lot
  1481. [17:32]<Dedalus> i appreciate it
  1482. [17:39]<AndyBolk> You can demo them from the castle.
  1483. [17:40]<Odd> You cannot demolish the plot, just the building.
  1484. [17:41]<ghannima> you can demolish everything from the Castle->Demolish
  1485. [17:42]*.MjΓΆlnir. presses the big red button!
  1486. [17:45]<Epidemic> Accepting new members
  1487. [17:45]<.MjΓΆlnir.> proceeds with the sleigh through the automated car wash
  1488. [17:45]<wink> hi mj and epi
  1489. [17:45]<.MjΓΆlnir.> cheers mate happy day
  1490. [17:45]<wink> chochugs ghannima
  1491. [17:46]<Epidemic> hi wink
  1492. [17:47]<wink> i want to press it
  1493. [17:49]<.MjΓΆlnir.> finetuning the alliance thingy and posting a charter later today
  1494. [17:49]<.MjΓΆlnir.> cheers all and have great day
  1495. [17:49]<wink> cheers mj
  1496. [17:50]<Kojootti> hi there folks
  1497. [17:51]<Gimardoran667> heyyall
  1498. [17:52]<wink> hi kojo
  1499. [17:52]<wink> hi gim
  1500. [17:52]<Kojootti> hi wink
  1501. [17:52]<wink> how you feeling today
  1502. [17:52]<wink> gim
  1503. [17:55]<norsegodofmischief> Good afternoon, Gim.
  1504. [17:58]<HumanResources> hey troublemakers
  1505. [17:59]<norsegodofmischief> You rang, HR?
  1506. [17:59]<wink> hi HR
  1507. [17:59]<HumanResources> harro
  1508. [17:59]<System> ** News Flash: Barahur's [XckX] large city of Casterly Rock is now under siege by havoco's [XckX] small city of havoc
  1509. [17:59]<HumanResources> yes I rang, could you come and fix my chimney?
  1510. [17:59]<norsegodofmischief> Sure. What's wrong with it?
  1511. [17:59]<HumanResources> it has a god of mischief stuck in it
  1512. [18:00]<HumanResources> he isn't norse, so you're good
  1513. [18:00]<norsegodofmischief> Oh, now for that you're going to need a wizard.
  1514. [18:00]<HumanResources> just thought you wanted to get rid of him
  1515. [18:00]<HumanResources> maybe Jane DarkMagic can help?
  1516. [18:00]<HumanResources> orc wizard woman
  1517. [18:00]<norsegodofmischief> A really really really good wizard with an extensive range of spells.
  1518. [18:02]<System> ** News Flash: Fonkori1 (Abandoned)'s burgeoning city of Hraion is now under siege by Mooaka's [vCrow] huge city of Cow Creek
  1519. [18:05]<REX_GAMBIT> hey norse
  1520. [18:06]<REX_GAMBIT> good to see you back
  1521. [18:07]<Mistery> hello Rex
  1522. [18:08]<REX_GAMBIT> Hi Mist
  1523. [18:08]<REX_GAMBIT> how are you?
  1524. [18:09]<Mistery> good, thanks - yourself
  1525. [18:09]<REX_GAMBIT> busy
  1526. [18:09]<System> ** News Flash: Barahur's [XckX] large city of Winterfell is now under siege by havoco's [XckX] small city of ajeka
  1527. [18:09]<REX_GAMBIT> otherwise good
  1528. [18:11]<REX_GAMBIT> glad to know you are doing good
  1529. [18:11]<Mistery> lol, know that feeling only too well
  1530. [18:11]<REX_GAMBIT> how is summer going for you?
  1531. [18:11]<Mistery> dismal, rained today lol
  1532. [18:11]<REX_GAMBIT> well I don't have anything to do until 20th Aug
  1533. [18:11]<Mistery> but as I'm at work - didn't really make any odds to me
  1534. [18:12]<REX_GAMBIT> basically vacation but I am keeping myself busy
  1535. [18:12]<Mistery> sounds like a good break, but I can see how after a while it would seem as if it's dragging
  1536. [18:13]<REX_GAMBIT> well got a break like this after 10 years
  1537. [18:13]<Mistery> did you sort out a job (it was you job hunting wasn't it?)
  1538. [18:13]<REX_GAMBIT> so making most of it
  1539. [18:13]<Archimedes> What's the maximum level you can upgrade a structure to? 20?
  1540. [18:13]<REX_GAMBIT> yeah
  1541. [18:13]<Mistery> lol, not suprising
  1542. [18:13]<Archimedes> Thanks, Rex.
  1543. [18:13]<REX_GAMBIT> I start on Aug 20th
  1544. [18:13]<Mistery> yes lvl20
  1545. [18:13]<Mistery> that's brilliant news Rex
  1546. [18:13]<REX_GAMBIT>
  1547. [18:14]<REX_GAMBIT> Just keeping myself busy had some effect on my finances which I had carefully planned >.<
  1548. [18:15]<REX_GAMBIT> they say save it for rainy days
  1549. [18:15]<REX_GAMBIT> well who cares
  1550. [18:15]<HumanResources> eat a snickers bro
  1551. [18:15]<HumanResources> it's gonna be ok
  1552. [18:15]*HumanResources waves
  1553. [18:16]<REX_GAMBIT> lol i know
  1554. [18:16]<Mistery> evening HR
  1555. [18:16]<REX_GAMBIT> that is why I am not worried
  1556. [18:16]<HumanResources> and this jam session will do you good
  1557. [18:16]<REX_GAMBIT>
  1558. [18:16]<HumanResources> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Brk_GByvouY&index=45&list=LLMVA2VmQJ5mgt9rambwpbcA
  1559. [18:16]<HumanResources> Mezzoforte <3
  1560. [18:16]<REX_GAMBIT>
  1561. [18:16]<Mistery> well as long as you don't have to worry, then that is good - means you can enjoy the time more
  1562. [18:17]<REX_GAMBIT> well I did
  1563. [18:17]<REX_GAMBIT> went for snorkling, rock climbing and stuff
  1564. [18:17]<REX_GAMBIT> I won't get time for that once I start work
  1565. [18:17]<Mistery> sounds vaguely exhausting to me lol
  1566. [18:18]<REX_GAMBIT> a lil bit
  1567. [18:18]<REX_GAMBIT>
  1568. [18:18]<Mistery> as far as I'm concerned rock climbing is me stepping over a stone lol
  1569. [18:18]<Mistery> but I live in a very flat area of the UK
  1570. [18:19]<REX_GAMBIT> well same for me, jusr rocks are 50-60 feet tall
  1571. [18:19]<Mistery> lmao
  1572. [18:19]<REX_GAMBIT> I live in FL >.< doesn't get flatter than here
  1573. [18:20]<HumanResources> denmark does
  1574. [18:20]<CanesRule> highest point in Fla is Mount Trashmore in Miami
  1575. [18:20]<System> ** News Flash: Barahur's [XckX] burgeoning city of Braavos is now under siege by havoco's [XckX] small city of lsxrule
  1576. [18:21]<REX_GAMBIT> well I agree on that Canes
  1577. [18:21]<Mistery> lol @ Rex
  1578. [18:21]<REX_GAMBIT> we have landfills
  1579. [18:21]<REX_GAMBIT> those are only hills near me >.<
  1580. [18:22]<wink> has a lot of hills in ohio
  1581. [18:22]<REX_GAMBIT> Ohh I know
  1582. [18:22]<Mistery> HR, you always astound me with your eclectic mix of music
  1583. [18:22]<HumanResources> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqZJ5qunCcI&index=53&list=LLMVA2VmQJ5mgt9rambwpbcA
  1584. [18:22]<REX_GAMBIT> nearest hills I have are South carolina
  1585. [18:22]<HumanResources> this whole playlist is my liked list
  1586. [18:22]<REX_GAMBIT> and yes, nice music HR
  1587. [18:22]<HumanResources> quite a mix in there
  1588. [18:23]<HumanResources> also some random stuff
  1589. [18:23]<HumanResources> with little movies of funny or awesome things
  1590. [18:25]<REX_GAMBIT> https://www.facebook.com/officialjoshblue/photos/a.521668194537907.1073741825.132733440098053/779252812112776/?type=1
  1591. [18:25]<REX_GAMBIT> random stuff
  1592. [18:26]<Mistery> oh that is priceless
  1593. [18:26]<HumanResources>
  1594. [18:33]<HumanResources> Shadow of a smile
  1595. [18:33]<HumanResources> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNLc__DPuSk&index=60&list=LLMVA2VmQJ5mgt9rambwpbcA
  1596. [18:34]<HumanResources>
  1597. [18:34]<HumanResources> (hard bass detected)
  1598. [18:43]*Mistery doesn't have enough alcohol inside of her to listen to that
  1599. [18:44]<HumanResources> fair enough
  1600. [18:44]<HumanResources> maybe this one?
  1601. [18:44]<HumanResources> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-DldKTiqb8&list=LLMVA2VmQJ5mgt9rambwpbcA&index=82
  1602. [18:45]<HumanResources> more melodic and down to earth
  1603. [18:45]<System> ** News Flash: Soulwarrior (Abandoned)'s large city of 8. Arel VII-C is now under siege by TheDiva's [WoT] huge city of 9. CORSETTTE CIRCLE
  1604. [18:45]*HumanResources enjoys the sunset
  1605. [18:45]*HumanResources waits for Mistery's response ;P
  1606. [18:46]*Mistery has seen no sun today, nice to know it exists lol
  1607. [18:47]<Mistery> far more soothing, thank you
  1608. [18:47]<HumanResources> still ;p ?
  1609. [18:47]<Mistery> yep, I can handle that beat
  1610. [18:48]<Mad Cow> moooooooooooo
  1611. [18:48]<Mistery> it is thudding in sync with my headache
  1612. [18:49]<Mistery> hello Mad Cow
  1613. [18:51]<Gwendalynn> can someone tell me where the options button is someone said it is in the upper left corner I don't see it
  1614. [18:51]<Mad Cow> Howdy Mistery
  1615. [18:51]<Mad Cow> How are you?
  1616. [18:53]<Mad Cow> Who wants a free water salt?
  1617. [18:53]<Mistery> apart from the headache, I'm good thanks - yourself
  1618. [18:53]<wandermist> A good morning to you all
  1619. [18:53]<HumanResources> =P
  1620. [18:53]<HumanResources> glad you can handle that misty
  1621. [18:53]<Mistery> options button, we have an options button
  1622. [18:53]<Mad Cow> damn its worth 175k and no one said anything lol
  1623. [18:53]<Mistery> what happens when you press this button
  1624. [18:54]<wandermist> I would like, but i bet i am too far
  1625. [18:54]<Mad Cow> nah you can have it
  1626. [18:54]<Mad Cow> which town?
  1627. [18:54]<wandermist> Misthaven please
  1628. [18:54]<Mad Cow> I will send you 6
  1629. [18:54]<wandermist> Thank you
  1630. [18:55]<wandermist> I will make it move faster
  1631. [18:55]<Mad Cow> just 2 days 14s, not bad for 2600 squares
  1632. [18:55]<Mad Cow> yeah np
  1633. [18:55]<Mad Cow> if anyone has a good deal on random animal parts and stuff, like anything IGM me
  1634. [18:56]<wandermist> Down to just 2 hours MC, thanks
  1635. [18:56]<Mad Cow> http://elgea.illyriad.co.uk/#/Town/Inventory?id=3
  1636. [18:56]<Mad Cow> this stuff, anyone want to sell animal parts/ herbs whatever igm me please
  1637. [18:57]<HumanResources> im gonna put loads up on centrum one of these days
  1638. [18:57]<HumanResources> will hit you up
  1639. [18:58]<wandermist> Man... Just watched a report on news about the spreading Ebola virus...scary
  1640. [18:59]<Wartow> EVERYBODY PICNIC!
  1641. [19:02]<Erista> yes Wander it certainly is
  1642. [19:02]*Erista hugs Wander and smiles
  1643. [19:02]<wandermist> Hey Erista
  1644. [19:02]<wandermist> Hugs
  1645. [19:02]<Erista> you doing good?
  1646. [19:02]<wandermist> Alls well here
  1647. [19:02]<wandermist> Hunting is off the hook
  1648. [19:02]<wandermist>
  1649. [19:03]<Mad Cow> Gwendalynn mail
  1650. [19:03]<Mad Cow> i dunno, just do it
  1651. [19:04]<wandermist> How bout you E ?
  1652. [19:05]<wandermist> Hi to SD...not sure if she is on or just the light is on...
  1653. [19:05]<ronm> hi wander
  1654. [19:06]<ronm> hi erista
  1655. [19:06]<wandermist> Hey ronm
  1656. [19:06]<wandermist> Shaka
  1657. [19:06]<ronm> zula
  1658. [19:06]<wandermist>
  1659. [19:07]<wandermist> Some Iily before the ocean today
  1660. [19:07]<wandermist> Then the stars tonight
  1661. [19:07]<ronm> nothing wrong with that
  1662. [19:08]*Erista waves at Ron
  1663. [19:08]<ronm> how r u
  1664. [19:08]<Mad Cow> no one has any random animal parts they want to bulk sell for a good price?
  1665. [19:08]<Erista> is good hun thanks and I hope you are too
  1666. [19:09]<wandermist> Erista, did i ask you if you wanted any shells ?
  1667. [19:09]<ronm> not bad i guess
  1668. [19:09]<Erista> lol shells?
  1669. [19:09]<Erista> like pearls?? haha
  1670. [19:09]<wandermist> Sea shells...rl
  1671. [19:09]<ronm> seashells
  1672. [19:10]<wandermist> Ive been collecting them for years here
  1673. [19:10]<wandermist> I send bags to a few friends once in a while
  1674. [19:10]<Erista> we love them - but I would never ask
  1675. [19:10]<wandermist> Face book me your mailing address
  1676. [19:11]<Erista> if you are sure? that would be lovely
  1677. [19:11]<wandermist> Or in game message here...either
  1678. [19:11]<wandermist> Yah
  1679. [19:11]<wandermist> They are piling up again
  1680. [19:12]<wandermist> I pick them up while underwater hunting
  1681. [19:12]<Mad Cow> Erista, Hows the alliance?
  1682. [19:13]<wandermist> Simply D... If your on, same offer
  1683. [19:13]<Erista> growing MC grooooooooooooooowing
  1684. [19:13]<Mad Cow> im sending you somethi ng in a min
  1685. [19:14]<wandermist> I think i need to put " no alliance offers thanks " on my profile
  1686. [19:15]<Head Case> gratz erista
  1687. [19:15]<Gemley the dwarf> Wandermist, have any hides you're willing to sell?
  1688. [19:17]<wandermist> Hi Gemley... Sorry, i am terrible resonding to mail
  1689. [19:17]<wandermist> Not selling atm, but can send you a few, which city?
  1690. [19:17]<Toibur> if mr ears is still online... plz email me outside of game, cuz things are freaking out on my phone. email me at timinycricket@gmail.com plz mr ears man
  1691. [19:18]<Gemley the dwarf> If you sent them to Ulihus that would be helpful.
  1692. [19:18]<wandermist> Ulihus ?
  1693. [19:18]<Gemley the dwarf> Strange name right?
  1694. [19:19]<wandermist> Its neat
  1695. [19:19]<Gemley the dwarf> Thanks. Anyway, what do you want for the hides?
  1696. [19:19]<wandermist> Sent 500
  1697. [19:19]<Mad Cow> Okay sent Erista
  1698. [19:20]<wandermist> Nothing.... Enjoy
  1699. [19:20]<Gemley the dwarf> Thanks mist, if I run into any more elven thoroughbred I will send them your way.
  1700. [19:20]<Erista> WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
  1701. [19:20]<wandermist> Like a good neighbor Wandermist is there
  1702. [19:20]<Wartow> WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
  1703. [19:20]<Wartow> or
  1704. [19:20]<Wartow> WARTOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW?
  1705. [19:20]<Erista> that is awesome thank you so much I wil craft and use for the tourneys
  1706. [19:21]<Mad Cow> I like your alliance
  1707. [19:21]<Wartow> Even me?
  1708. [19:21]*Erista apreciates that very much
  1709. [19:21]<Gemley the dwarf> Lol, see you later mist.
  1710. [19:21]<wandermist> Aloha Gem
  1711. [19:22]<Psinitcha> Hi GC
  1712. [19:23]<Wartow> Hi Pstachio!
  1713. [19:23]<wandermist> After watching an hour of world news, i am so grateful i live where i do
  1714. [19:24]<wandermist> Hi Pstachio
  1715. [19:24]<Psinitcha>
  1716. [19:24]<Psinitcha> Sweet a new nickname Wander, where do you live?
  1717. [19:25]<wandermist> Maui
  1718. [19:25]<Psinitcha> I see!
  1719. [19:25]<Lanky Strongarm> hi all
  1720. [19:25]<Lanky Strongarm> what happens if you exo a city onto an NPC pack?
  1721. [19:25]<wandermist> How bout yerself?
  1722. [19:25]<Chris G> the npcs get squished
  1723. [19:25]<Psinitcha> Massachusetts. Not too far from Boston.
  1724. [19:26]<wandermist> Neat
  1725. [19:26]<wandermist> And
  1726. [19:26]<Lanky Strongarm> good lol
  1727. [19:26]<wandermist> Sqwish em !
  1728. [19:26]<wandermist> Hey Chris
  1729. [19:26]<Chris G> aloha wander
  1730. [19:27]<wandermist> How yah doing man ?
  1731. [19:27]<Chris G> tryin to stay cool,,lol
  1732. [19:27]<SimplyDivine> Holy Caravan Conga Line http://elgea.illyriad.co.uk/#/World/Map/-539/-895
  1733. [19:27]<wandermist> Man.... Tell me about it... Gonna have to get into the water soon here
  1734. [19:27]<wandermist> SD !
  1735. [19:28]*SimplyDivine huggles wander
  1736. [19:28]<wandermist> Sqwishies
  1737. [19:28]<SimplyDivine> Aloha!!
  1738. [19:28]<wandermist> Did you read what i said to you awhile ago in here ?
  1739. [19:28]<SimplyDivine> Next thing you know we'll have Diplos doing the Limbo
  1740. [19:28]<SimplyDivine> nooo
  1741. [19:29]<DragonGod> g'afternoon GC
  1742. [19:29]<wandermist> Message me with your mailing address and i will send you a bag of shells
  1743. [19:29]<SimplyDivine> ah, I see it now!
  1744. [19:29]<SimplyDivine> YES!
  1745. [19:29]<wandermist> Cool
  1746. [19:30]<SimplyDivine> thanks
  1747. [19:30]<SimplyDivine> oops, phone, brb
  1748. [19:30]<wandermist> I did a mass mailing of calendars a few weeks ago, for members of the treasure forum i am on
  1749. [19:30]<wandermist> Worldwide
  1750. [19:31]<wandermist> Wife said i was nuts
  1751. [19:31]<wandermist> Well
  1752. [19:31]<wandermist> Iam
  1753. [19:31]<wandermist> A few bags of shells will be fun too
  1754. [19:31]<wandermist> Mostly cone shells
  1755. [19:32]<wandermist> But neat
  1756. [19:32]<wandermist> Coury too.. Bad spelling
  1757. [19:33]<Toibur> can anybody see this?? :/
  1758. [19:33]<wandermist> Erista.. Make sure i get the addy
  1759. [19:33]<wandermist> :/
  1760. [19:34]<wandermist> Your seen Toibur
  1761. [19:34]<wandermist> Got your SD
  1762. [19:34]<wandermist> Yours
  1763. [19:36]<Erista> sent wander
  1764. [19:36]<Erista> via FB message
  1765. [19:41]<wandermist> Cool
  1766. [19:41]<Red_Faction> Any veteran player here?>
  1767. [19:42]<wandermist> Got some neat shells to share
  1768. [19:42]<wandermist> Hmm?.. Do i still count as a Veta.
  1769. [19:43]<Red_Faction> or anyone who buys prestige regularly here ? =D
  1770. [19:43]<wandermist> Whats up Red ?
  1771. [19:43]<Red_Faction> Nothing much sir! Yourself?
  1772. [19:43]<wandermist> Crusing
  1773. [19:43]<Red_Faction> Good to hear!
  1774. [19:43]<wandermist> Why the presige question ?
  1775. [19:44]<wandermist> Prestige
  1776. [19:44]<Red_Faction> Because I am new and do not want to make any wasted decisions.
  1777. [19:44]<wandermist> O.k. Got a question ?
  1778. [19:45]<wandermist> Firemaway
  1779. [19:45]<wandermist> Fire away
  1780. [19:46]<Red_Faction> Sent good sir via your mail
  1781. [19:51]<wandermist> Answer returned , hope it helps
  1782. [19:52]<Arctic55> wandermist, igm
  1783. [19:53]<wandermist> Just answered
  1784. [19:53]<Mistery> well I know and class you as a vet wandermist (not sure if that helps though lol)
  1785. [19:53]<wandermist> lol... Thanks Mist
  1786. [19:53]<wandermist>
  1787. [19:54]<Red_Faction> Thank you wadermist!
  1788. [19:54]<wandermist> Does it make sence for you Red?, my answers that is...
  1789. [19:55]<Red_Faction> Yes sir it does
  1790. [19:55]<wandermist> Hope so.... Enjoy
  1791. [19:55]<wandermist> Cool
  1792. [19:55]<wandermist> So you know Red, i am a returned player to illy
  1793. [19:56]<Arctic55> replied
  1794. [19:56]<wandermist> Still a shadow of my formar glory
  1795. [19:56]<Red_Faction> Well I am glad to have found you and that you answered
  1796. [19:56]<Red_Faction> I am trying to get good at it and was not sure want advantage was provided
  1797. [19:57]<wandermist> You'll find many players are willing to help with answers
  1798. [19:57]<Arctic55> Red
  1799. [19:57]<Red_Faction> Yes sir?
  1800. [19:57]<Arctic55> I suggest a visit to my profile, it has a lot of information on illyriad.
  1801. [19:57]<wandermist> As for your Q Arctic... Time may tell
  1802. [19:58]<Red_Faction> Okay!
  1803. [19:59]<Arctic55> Well wandermist, the door is always open.
  1804. [19:59]<wandermist> Hey! ...Look over there, * Points.... Then zips into the lurker shadows.
  1805. [19:59]<wandermist> Ty Ardtic
  1806. [19:59]<wandermist> Arctic
  1807. [20:00]<System> ** News Flash: Fonkori1 (Abandoned)'s small city of Messini is now under siege by CodyTheBard's [MGCP] large city of Court of Envy
  1808. [20:00]<Arctic55> another siege... ok
  1809. [20:01]<Red_Faction> Your profile does indeed have much useful information! I enjoy your story of your past Artic55
  1810. [20:01]<Red_Faction> Thank you
  1811. [20:03]<wandermist> *peeks back in for comment
  1812. [20:03]<wandermist> I remember when you joined Arctic... You grew up well
  1813. [20:05]*Erista sees wander showing his age lol
  1814. [20:05]<wandermist>
  1815. [20:06]<Erista>
  1816. [20:12]<GM Rikoo> Afternoon, commanders!
  1817. [20:13]<wandermist> Aloha Rikoo
  1818. [20:13]<GM Rikoo> /bow
  1819. [20:14]<wandermist> How yah doing ?
  1820. [20:14]<GM Rikoo> Working on an idea. I've had it for a while, so hopefully we can stitch it up sometime.
  1821. [20:14]<GM Rikoo> How's that for vague?
  1822. [20:14]<wandermist> Need thread ?
  1823. [20:15]<GM Rikoo> All good.
  1824. [20:15]<Durotan> I can't wait for my medal to be fixed
  1825. [20:15]*Durotan nags GM Rikoo
  1826. [20:16]<hershey> can anyone help me with basic res please? I can hold up to 5K. TY in advance
  1827. [20:17]<Arctic55> Hey all
  1828. [20:17]<Arctic55> Rikoo, you wanna join Shade?
  1829. [20:18]<Durotan> Arctic, shade should all merge into DARK
  1830. [20:18]<Arctic55> umm... other way around
  1831. [20:18]<Durotan> No, it's this way around!
  1832. [20:19]<Arctic55> nope
  1833. [20:19]<Durotan> Yes
  1834. [20:19]<Arctic55> nope
  1835. [20:19]<Durotan> YES!
  1836. [20:19]<Arctic55> nope, period
  1837. [20:19]<Durotan> Yes, infinity.
  1838. [20:19]<Arctic55> I already said period
  1839. [20:19]<wandermist> Well... The wife has just given me the "hey " look... So off hunting
  1840. [20:19]<Arctic55> that means end of conversation
  1841. [20:20]<Arctic55> later wandermist
  1842. [20:20]<Durotan> Infinity overpowers the period.
  1843. [20:20]<Arctic55> anyone here into yugioh?
  1844. [20:20]<wandermist> Off to the Maui blue waters
  1845. [20:20]<ShoutingArrow> no
  1846. [20:20]<wandermist> Be well everyone
  1847. [20:20]<wandermist> Aloha
  1848. [20:20]<Durotan> Hey guys
  1849. [20:20]<ShoutingArrow> no one is into yugioh
  1850. [20:20]<Arctic55> ...
  1851. [20:20]<Arctic55> hater
  1852. [20:20]<ShoutingArrow> WTF
  1853. [20:21]<HumanResources> do you know the feeling when you forgot about your coffee mug and it's gone cold
  1854. [20:21]<Red_Faction> Artic55 you like yugioh?
  1855. [20:21]<Arctic55> nopr
  1856. [20:21]<Arctic55> *nope
  1857. [20:21]<Arctic55> yea, I like yugioh
  1858. [20:21]<Red_Faction> Me too!
  1859. [20:21]<TEGID> I dink te same cup for hours, so I am more used to cold coffee than hot
  1860. [20:22]<Arctic55> Red, you will like this song (yugioh) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNsdQciK7WM
  1861. [20:22]<Red_Faction> Artic55 do you know what dueling network is?
  1862. [20:22]<Arctic55> yea
  1863. [20:22]<Red_Faction> Ok good and thanks for the link
  1864. [20:22]<Arctic55> My dueling network account is Arctic55
  1865. [20:25]<Red_Faction> It has been a little while sense I have ventured onto DN, but i do come on to keep up with the meta
  1866. [20:25]<Red_Faction> which as you know is currently the infamous HAT deck
  1867. [20:26]<Arctic55> ?
  1868. [20:27]<Arctic55> I don't keep up with the meta... they keep nerfing my favorites
  1869. [20:27]<Red_Faction> HAT = Hand Artifact Traptrix
  1870. [20:27]<Arctic55> Oh GOSH
  1871. [20:27]<REX_GAMBIT> O.o Rikoo has a sex change
  1872. [20:27]<Red_Faction> Hand cards + Traptrix used to set off the Artifacts
  1873. [20:27]<Arctic55> the Artifact deck
  1874. [20:27]<REX_GAMBIT> **had
  1875. [20:27]<Arctic55> The Artifact deck... the one that keeps creaming me
  1876. [20:29]<Arctic55> Red, here is my other favorite yugioh song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=874gXGxY4cE
  1877. [20:29]<Red_Faction> Sweet thank you
  1878. [20:30]<Red_Faction> artic you need to get a side deck with 3 D.D Crow and Vanity emptiness itll help deal with those artifacts
  1879. [20:30]<Epidemic> 2 U.S. doctors have been infected with the Ebola virus. The family of one of the doctors were with him around the time he may of been infected, but boarded a plane and are back on American soil. They have been quarantined. Any thoughts?
  1880. [20:31]<Wartow> Did Epidemic... just mention a potential epidemic?
  1881. [20:31]<Intrigue> sounds like an epidemic
  1882. [20:31]<Arctic55> Ummm... WHAT ARE THEY DOING HERE IN AMERICA
  1883. [20:31]<Arctic55> THOSE IDIOTS!
  1884. [20:31]<Epidemic> http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/07/28/ebola-potential-to-spread/13267909/
  1885. [20:31]<Arctic55> THAT BE STUPID AS HECK
  1886. [20:32]<Arctic55> Oh my gosh, I woulda thought they woulda stayed on vacation at least for a week to see if they die
  1887. [20:32]<Lagavulin> quarantine is all that is needed. ebola not all that infectious
  1888. [20:32]<Arctic55> not true
  1889. [20:32]<Arctic55> it is air conducted
  1890. [20:32]<Arctic55> so if they breath on you, you get it
  1891. [20:32]<Lagavulin> needs body fluid contact. not airborn
  1892. [20:32]<Epidemic> Ebola is transferred like an std
  1893. [20:32]<Arctic55> really?
  1894. [20:32]<Lagavulin> really.
  1895. [20:33]<Intrigue> just hope they didnt spit on the people on the plane
  1896. [20:33]<Arctic55> Thought that was the airborn virus
  1897. [20:33]<Lagavulin> nope, has to be fluids
  1898. [20:33]<Arctic55> hmmm... well, they will prob die
  1899. [20:33]<Lagavulin> I agree with Intrigue btw
  1900. [20:33]<Epidemic> just need to hop that the family members didn't kiss anybody on the plane or since they've been home.
  1901. [20:33]<Lagavulin> probably but not definately
  1902. [20:33]<Arctic55> yea
  1903. [20:33]<Belegar Ironhammer> meh, nothing will happen
  1904. [20:34]<Lagavulin> no cure but bodies own immune system but our immune system can be helped out with paliative and supportive care
  1905. [20:34]<marndar> I applaud the US Doctors for sacrificing themselves to try to help others and prevent further disease
  1906. [20:35]<Rill> people who are healthy and have good nutrition have a better chance of surviving than folks who are in bad shape, like with any virus
  1907. [20:35]*Mistery waves to Laga, and departs for the night
  1908. [20:35]<Lagavulin> hi Mistery. night Mistery!
  1909. [20:35]<Mistery> Rill - hello
  1910. [20:35]<Rill> hi Mistery! good to see you -- how are you doing?
  1911. [20:35]<Epidemic> You have to wonder if the virus has mutated to have infected 2 professionals who would of taken precautions.
  1912. [20:36]<Epidemic> Just a thought
  1913. [20:36]<Lagavulin> three professionals. other doc infected last week
  1914. [20:36]<Arctic55> lol
  1915. [20:36]<Mistery> good, will be even better shortly as going to sleep, so I wish you a good rest of the day
  1916. [20:36]<Epidemic> Have a nice day!
  1917. [20:36]<Wartow> Willds!
  1918. [20:36]<Intrigue> nite mistery
  1919. [20:36]<Wartow> Wait... did the epidemic just wish us all a good day?
  1920. [20:37]<Willd Elf> Wartow!!!
  1921. [20:37]<Epidemic> irony?
  1922. [20:37]<Wartow> Yes.
  1923. [20:37]<Arctic55> Man... I been missin YuGiOh recently in my life... time to dig up the old deck
  1924. [20:39]<Rill> One of the big challenges with Ebola is that it's a hemorrhagic fever, so in the end stages people are spewing blood and fluids
  1925. [20:39]<Rill> when there is that much blood around, it is harder to contain and increases the chances that someone will be exposed, even with precautions
  1926. [20:39]<Arctic55> yep
  1927. [20:39]<Intrigue> gross
  1929. [20:40]<Arctic55> them infected people keep to be put in a cumbustible shack for the next week
  1930. [20:40]<Arctic55> then, if they die, burn the whole thing
  1931. [20:40]*Arctic55 afk
  1932. [20:41]<Rill> hello wolfeater, how's it going?
  1933. [20:43]<WOLFEATER> it goes well rill ty
  1934. [20:45]<WOLFEATER> am my own worst enemy me
  1935. [20:46]<WOLFEATER> i hate my self most of the time
  1936. [20:46]<WOLFEATER> i try and protect them who cant help them selfs but it means lots of fighting
  1937. [20:47]<WOLFEATER> and i am tired of it i need a break
  1938. [20:47]<Smoking GNU> evening all
  1939. [20:48]<Rill> GNU! great to see you -- how are you doing?
  1940. [20:48]<Smoking GNU> ok, except for the connection problems
  1941. [20:48]<Rill> wolf, one thing that I am still learning in life is that sometimes it's better to stand back and let other people handle things
  1942. [20:48]<Rill> even if they are not doing it in the way we might prefer
  1943. [20:48]<WOLFEATER> you are wright
  1944. [20:49]<Smoking GNU> so they can F it up and you can go "I told you so" rill?
  1945. [20:52]<WOLFEATER> rill is great
  1946. [20:53]*Rockette runs in and hugs GNU
  1947. [20:53]<Rill> well, that can be fun, GNU, but also so that they can learn from mistakes
  1948. [20:53]<Smoking GNU> ello rockey
  1949. [20:53]<Rill> or sometimes even so they can do something that turns out to work better than what you would have done
  1950. [20:53]*Rockette pats GNU
  1951. [20:53]<Rill> how are things going, GNU?
  1952. [20:53]<Rockette> great to see you!
  1953. [20:54]<Smoking GNU> still looking for work
  1954. [20:55]*Meredythe hates looking for work.
  1955. [20:57]<Rill> yeah, it's awful
  1956. [20:58]<Rill> I haven't exactly been looking for work, but I'm going to be starting to teach classes at a local yarn shop
  1957. [20:58]<Rill> so I had to go talk to the owner and set up a class schedule and prepare the materials and stuff
  1958. [20:58]<Rill> earlier today I talked to my first student, lesson will be on Thursday
  1959. [20:59]<Morgweneth> Yarn as in wool or tale
  1960. [20:59]<Rill> not nearly as bad as the whole job rigamarole but it is making me grumpy
  1961. [20:59]<Rill> yarn as in wool
  1962. [20:59]<Rill> although I mostly use cotton yarn
  1963. [20:59]<Morgweneth> Yes think it us
  1964. [20:59]<Rill> I am teaching knitting and crochet
  1965. [21:00]<Bad Mule> rill, i am exodus, my capital to BL
  1966. [21:00]<Rill> in the UK I think you call it all yarn
  1967. [21:00]<Rill> congratulations Bad Mule!
  1968. [21:01]<Bad Mule> thx
  1969. [21:02]<llb> I am impressed Rill That is nearly a lost art. Crocheting and knitting.
  1970. [21:02]<llb> Congrats Mule
  1971. [21:02]<Bad Mule> thx
  1972. [21:02]<Rill> hi llb!
  1973. [21:03]<Rill> I put a sort of modern twist on it, llb
  1974. [21:03]<Rill> I use cotton yarns to make handbags
  1975. [21:03]<ronm> hi rill
  1976. [21:05]<Rill> hi ron! how's it going?
  1977. [21:05]<Rill> http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=dpz2px&s=8#.U0sCa_ldVAE
  1978. [21:05]<Rill> there's a pic of one of my bags, sorry for the poor photo quality
  1979. [21:05]<ronm> going good here and you
  1980. [21:06]<Rill> these are a couple more, courtesy of Sexy Lynn
  1981. [21:06]<Rill> http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2vjbyno&s=5
  1982. [21:06]<Rill> (she is a better photographer than I am)
  1983. [21:07]<Martilicious> Level 503. Tick!
  1984. [21:07]<RoundRobin> RR just pop in to tell you he love you all!
  1985. [21:07]<Kojootti> hi there folks
  1986. [21:07]<Rill> doing well ron
  1987. [21:08]<Rill> hi Robin!
  1988. [21:08]<Rill> how are you doing?
  1989. [21:08]<Kojootti> hi Robin, marti, rill
  1990. [21:08]<Rill> and now did that grapes thing work out?
  1991. [21:08]<Rill> hi Kojootti and Marti
  1992. [21:08]<RoundRobin> Grapes are great
  1993. [21:08]<ghannima> oooohhhhh poor hubbyyyyyy
  1994. [21:08]<RoundRobin> I'm soon getting tipsy on the sweetest wine
  1995. [21:08]<ghannima> ouch, sorry, wrong chat
  1996. [21:09]<RoundRobin> Let them know we all fell for poor hubbyyyyyy
  1997. [21:09]<RoundRobin> feel*
  1998. [21:09]<ronm> chocohugs ghannima
  1999. [21:10]<ghannima> chocohugs ronm
  2000. [21:10]*ghannima runs back to AC
  2001. [21:11]<RoundRobin> well, I got to run again. See you all later.
  2002. [21:16]<Queen Elve> hello ladies and gents
  2003. [21:16]<ronm> hello beautiful queen
  2004. [21:17]<Queen Elve> hi ronm
  2005. [21:21]<Penwith> Afk a bit
  2006. [21:26]<Blaxx Stoneaxe> well someone said that in the wrong chat !
  2007. [21:41]<Aquennomi> dead chat
  2008. [21:42]<Kojootti> silent like dog killed yesterday...
  2009. [21:42]<ronm> hi kojo
  2010. [21:42]<Kojootti> hi ron
  2011. [21:42]<ronm> how is everything going
  2012. [21:43]<Kojootti> little by little (when not speeding with pres)
  2013. [21:43]<ronm> lol
  2014. [21:43]<Erista> ron?
  2015. [21:43]<ronm> hugs erista
  2016. [21:43]<Erista> mail me please
  2017. [21:43]<ronm> yes
  2018. [21:43]<Erista> I need to know
  2019. [21:44]<Kojootti> someone should sue those developers of this game - illegal to create games get players hooked on them...
  2020. [21:45]<ronm> lmao contacting lawyer now
  2021. [21:49]<Erista> hiya Kojo
  2022. [21:49]<Kojootti> hi erista
  2023. [21:49]<Erista> how ya doing with your addiction? lol
  2024. [21:49]<isabela> hve not seen any newbies today mmm
  2025. [21:50]<Kojootti> I live (hardly)
  2026. [21:51]<Kojootti> isabela are you worried because not seeing them, or missing them for other reasons...
  2027. [21:52]<Malsvir> we are here..
  2028. [21:52]<isabela> well i like sending resouces and so forth
  2029. [21:53]<Marsupilami> hello world
  2030. [21:53]<isabela> over flowing after 3 days in jail
  2031. [21:53]<ronm> ?
  2032. [21:53]<Kojootti> ??
  2033. [21:53]<ronm> who did you beat up
  2034. [21:53]<Kojootti> speeding?
  2035. [21:53]<isabela> some btch who got on my nerve
  2036. [21:54]<SIMPLY_BEAST> Classy
  2037. [21:54]<ronm> hides
  2038. [21:54]<isabela> actually got out the couthouse like 1 hour ago gotta go back the 12th
  2039. [21:54]<ronm> hi SB
  2040. [21:54]<Kojootti> so every one should be nicely when you're around
  2041. [21:54]<SIMPLY_BEAST> Hey Rnm
  2042. [21:54]<SIMPLY_BEAST> *ronm
  2043. [21:54]<Kojootti> hi beast
  2044. [21:55]<SIMPLY_BEAST> Hi Koj
  2045. [21:56]<SIMPLY_BEAST> Nothing sexier than a girl who has done time...
  2046. [21:58]<ronm> and one with a tramp stamp
  2047. [21:58]<Urp!> I was at a fast food joint in Albuquerque a few weeks ago and there was a real loud humming coming from the fluorescent lights in the kitchen.
  2048. [21:58]<Urp!> The girl at the counter said "That sounds like death. Doesn't that sound remind you of death?"
  2049. [21:59]<Urp!> I said "No."
  2050. [21:59]<isabela> i dont respect her she had a big mouth and called the cops she had a big mouth she should know how to fight
  2051. [21:59]<Urp!> She said "You're right. Maybe it's just prison."
  2052. [21:59]<SIMPLY_BEAST> Isabela is all about omerta
  2053. [21:59]<SIMPLY_BEAST> I guess I can respect that
  2054. [22:00]<Urp!> Cute girl. She had neck tattoo. Idk whether she had a tramp stamp.
  2055. [22:00]<sn0w> Sounds like someone needs a little anger management.
  2056. [22:00]<SIMPLY_BEAST> neck tattoo eh?
  2057. [22:01]<Urp!> Yes.
  2058. [22:01]<isabela> maybe i do snow but idc because it wont happen someone talks sht to me near me they are getting knocked out simple as that
  2059. [22:01]<sn0w> and you'll go back to jail, simple as that.
  2060. [22:01]*SIMPLY_BEAST talks sht
  2061. [22:02]<Urp!> Duck, SB!!
  2062. [22:02]<isabela> i can take my jail
  2063. [22:02]*SIMPLY_BEAST is not too worried
  2064. [22:02]<isabela> i got no probs with that atleased i go with a smile
  2065. [22:02]<SIMPLY_BEAST> How old are you?
  2066. [22:03]<Kojootti> btw, isabela you can't do that - your gaming sessions would suffer too much...
  2067. [22:03]<SIMPLY_BEAST> early 20's?
  2068. [22:03]<ronm> lmao urp
  2069. [22:03]<Urp!> I went to jail for one night when I was 19 and then for another night when I was 22. I did not smile either time.
  2070. [22:03]<ronm> she has a sitter
  2071. [22:03]<isabela> bit older then early 20s but in 20s
  2072. [22:03]*Erista hugs ron tight and goes back to lurk mode
  2073. [22:04]<ronm> hugs erista
  2074. [22:04]<SIMPLY_BEAST> Urp, I hope u didnt drop the soap
  2075. [22:04]<SIMPLY_BEAST>
  2076. [22:04]<isabela> LOL
  2077. [22:05]<Elrond1> Hiya GC
  2078. [22:05]<Urp!> I wasn't there long enough to shower. Also was hoping my stink would scare away potential suitors.
  2079. [22:05]<SIMPLY_BEAST> lol
  2080. [22:05]<Kojootti> hi Elrond - the half elf
  2081. [22:05]<SIMPLY_BEAST> good call
  2082. [22:05]<ronm> in prison they have soap on a rope
  2083. [22:05]<SIMPLY_BEAST> best to avoid the shower
  2084. [22:05]<GM Rikoo> New Hobbit trailer just came out.
  2085. [22:05]<isabela> best to avoid everything in jail
  2086. [22:05]<isabela> so rusty and dirty
  2087. [22:06]<Urp!> Best to avoid jail, some might say.
  2088. [22:06]<Elrond1> How's Kojootti?
  2089. [22:06]<ronm> it is
  2090. [22:06]<demdigs> hi
  2091. [22:06]<isabela> yeah i will say that to but when i get mad well anger takes over anyways NEW hobbit?
  2092. [22:06]<isabela> :O
  2093. [22:06]<isabela> goes to youtube
  2094. [22:06]<Kojootti> nice and having shiny fur... and you half-elf?
  2095. [22:06]<ronm> i did 20years for manslaughter
  2096. [22:06]<SIMPLY_BEAST> :O
  2097. [22:07]<Elrond1> bow's to ghannima....you certainly are a wonderful help.
  2098. [22:07]<Urp!> Damn, ron
  2099. [22:07]<demdigs> hi gm
  2100. [22:07]<ronm> i learned a hard lesson
  2101. [22:07]<Elrond1> Doing well....city seems to be coming along nicely.
  2102. [22:07]<Kojootti> nice to hear that
  2103. [22:07]<Elrond1> slowly but surely. LOL
  2104. [22:08]<ronm> try not to get caught the next time
  2105. [22:08]<GM Rikoo> Yeah I didn't like a bunch about the new movies but they did some stuff SO right. And the 5 armies battle will be good.
  2106. [22:08]<isabela> 20 years thats a lot
  2107. [22:08]<Urp!> I'm not sure which parts of that are a joke, ron
  2108. [22:09]<demdigs> i am looking for a massive trade
  2109. [22:09]<ronm> lol all of it
  2110. [22:09]<Kojootti> nice ron, saying nothing about not to do that again, only mentioning trying not to get caught... [22:08]<ronm> try not to get caught the next time
  2111. [22:09]<demdigs> anyone have 50k saddles for sale?
  2112. [22:09]<SIMPLY_BEAST> He has been married for 20 years
  2113. [22:09]<Erista> ron kills me every day
  2114. [22:09]<.MjΓΆlnir.> he made it out, with a bullet in his back....Jail break!
  2115. [22:09]<.MjΓΆlnir.> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5xnc1p7BMk
  2116. [22:09]<Elrond1> hmmmmm.....50K saddles
  2117. [22:09]<Elrond1> I have 1
  2118. [22:09]<demdigs> please mail me if interested
  2119. [22:10]<.MjΓΆlnir.> all in the name of liberty
  2120. [22:10]<Kojootti> hi The Hammoer of Thor
  2121. [22:10]<Elrond1> are saddles lucrative in trade?
  2122. [22:10]<Kojootti> hammoer=hammer
  2123. [22:10]<demdigs> not as lucrative as cows
  2124. [22:10]<Urp!> Cows are easier, Elrond
  2125. [22:10]<Urp!> Also hides
  2126. [22:10]<Elrond1> ah....cows.
  2127. [22:10]<ronm> lol mj
  2128. [22:11]<Elrond1> Roger that....
  2129. [22:11]*.MjΓΆlnir. bows to all and ^5's ronm
  2130. [22:11]<REX_GAMBIT> if anyone interested http://spaceflightnow.com/delta/d368/status.html
  2131. [22:11]<Elrond1> Bows to Erista......ty much for the resources
  2132. [22:11]<.MjΓΆlnir.> just in fer quick sec to send res to hubs
  2133. [22:12]<.MjΓΆlnir.> sees Rex and waves
  2134. [22:12]<.MjΓΆlnir.> cheers to all and have good one
  2135. [22:13]<isabela> just watched it rikoo looks nice
  2136. [22:13]<demdigs> hi isabela
  2137. [22:13]<isabela> hello
  2138. [22:13]<demdigs> how r u
  2139. [22:14]<REX_GAMBIT> Later MJ
  2140. [22:15]<wink> bye mj
  2141. [22:16]<isabela> fine and u
  2142. [22:16]<isabela> hello winkie
  2143. [22:16]<demdigs> i am ok
  2144. [22:17]<demdigs> salvaging my account
  2145. [22:17]<.MjΓΆlnir.> hold on parting song first cause it's a long way to the top if ya wanna rock and roll
  2146. [22:17]<.MjΓΆlnir.> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIXV0cir4-E
  2147. [22:17]<isabela> whats wrong with it?
  2148. [22:17]<.MjΓΆlnir.> ok byes now
  2149. [22:18]<wink> hi isabella
  2150. [22:18]<demdigs> i haven't played the game in a year
  2151. [22:19]<isabela> long time
  2152. [22:19]<demdigs> yup, u where in roads if i remember right
  2153. [22:19]<isabela> yeah
  2154. [22:20]<demdigs> i am trying to figure out what i want to do with my cities
  2155. [22:20]<isabela> keep growing them?
  2156. [22:20]<isabela> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgNNb8bm_b8
  2157. [22:20]<wink> how is the beautiful isabela doing
  2158. [22:20]<isabela> happy to be home
  2159. [22:21]<demdigs> no, i am moving some to tbl
  2160. [22:21]<demdigs>
  2161. [22:21]<demdigs> how many idk
  2162. [22:21]<isabela> i moved one down there
  2163. [22:21]<isabela> took foreva
  2164. [22:21]<Elrond1> hey to Mjolnir
  2165. [22:21]<demdigs> at least 3
  2166. [22:21]<demdigs> probably 5
  2167. [22:21]<isabela> move the small ones painfull to regrow big ones without prestige
  2168. [22:21]<Elrond1> Hi wink
  2169. [22:21]<wink> hi elrond
  2170. [22:22]<isabela> have your small ones razed
  2171. [22:22]<isabela> they are not in the best spots either way
  2172. [22:22]<demdigs> no, i will move them
  2173. [22:22]<demdigs> down to tbl
  2174. [22:23]<isabela> sorry- was on phone
  2175. [22:23]<isabela> yeah thats a nother option
  2176. [22:23]<demdigs> its ok
  2177. [22:24]<demdigs> i have already moved 1 in route now
  2178. [22:29]<isabela> cool
  2179. [22:29]<isabela> congrats
  2180. [22:29]<demdigs> ty
  2181. [22:34]<demdigs> so what's new with everyone?
  2182. [22:36]<GM Rikoo> I still have the Heart of Corruption on my map. Someone sent it to me I think.
  2183. [22:37]<demdigs> hi GM Rikoo
  2184. [22:37]<GM Rikoo> Howdy!
  2185. [22:37]<demdigs> I am demdigs, i have taken a leave of absense
  2186. [22:37]<demdigs> lol
  2187. [22:37]<Clyde3> that is the proper way to say hello in Texas
  2188. [22:37]<demdigs> i just started back on
  2189. [22:38]<SimplyDivine> Howdy!
  2190. [22:38]<demdigs> again
  2191. [22:38]<isabela> well well well its SD
  2192. [22:39]<isabela> oh u changed your avatar nice rikoo
  2193. [22:39]<llb> Howdy back
  2194. [22:40]<Devastruktor> Throm-Ka Rikoo ork!
  2195. [22:41]<GM Rikoo> Yep, was tired of people asking.
  2196. [22:42]<Erista> lol
  2197. [22:42]<Erista> another transgender
  2198. [22:42]<wink> he wanted to look more like me in rl lol
  2199. [22:43]<SIMPLY_BEAST> Rikoo, you need Cerberus to put a slayer tshirt on that orc avatar
  2200. [22:43]<GM Rikoo> ha there's a lot I want Cerb to do.
  2201. [22:44]<WOLFEATER> i think all of us do
  2202. [22:44]<SIMPLY_BEAST> hey Mr Wolf
  2203. [22:44]<WOLFEATER> Hi SB
  2204. [22:45]<WOLFEATER> things change so does sparta
  2205. [22:45]<WOLFEATER> 300 never stops growing
  2206. [22:46]<WOLFEATER> but a name change is a must
  2207. [22:46]<SIMPLY_BEAST> change is good
  2208. [22:46]<demdigs> anyone looking for a large trade?
  2209. [22:46]<WOLFEATER> change in sparta will be big lots being kicked
  2210. [22:47]<WOLFEATER> am refining the alliance
  2211. [22:47]<SIMPLY_BEAST> Best of luck
  2212. [22:47]<Ppjotr> Hi GC !
  2213. [22:47]<SIMPLY_BEAST> Dem, what kind of trade?
  2214. [22:47]<demdigs> i need alot of saddles
  2215. [22:47]<WOLFEATER> active members only accounts being sat will be got rid of
  2216. [22:48]<demdigs> as in 50k
  2217. [22:48]<SIMPLY_BEAST> lots for sale in centrum
  2218. [22:48]<SIMPLY_BEAST> no trader?
  2219. [22:48]<WOLFEATER> no luck required its me they like it or not am gone any way
  2220. [22:48]<demdigs> i do, but i prefer for that much to do one or 2 large trades
  2221. [22:49]<demdigs> nvrmind
  2222. [22:49]<demdigs> found some
  2223. [22:49]<demdigs> ty beast
  2224. [22:49]<SIMPLY_BEAST> np
  2225. [22:49]<demdigs> i was looking at per item not quantity
  2226. [22:49]<demdigs> oops
  2227. [22:50]<WOLFEATER> dien is now in charge of sparta not me
  2228. [22:50]<WOLFEATER> so i am going some were fun
  2229. [22:50]<SIMPLY_BEAST> where to?
  2230. [22:50]<WOLFEATER> no stress
  2231. [22:51]<isabela> i think having 2 leaders works just well
  2232. [22:51]<WOLFEATER> who knows have had lots of options
  2233. [22:51]<WOLFEATER> i am free lance
  2234. [22:51]<SIMPLY_BEAST> a lone wolf?
  2235. [22:51]<SIMPLY_BEAST>
  2236. [22:51]<isabela> lol
  2237. [22:51]<WOLFEATER> as it was ment to be sb
  2238. [22:52]<SIMPLY_BEAST> You should create a new alliance and call it the Wolf Pack
  2239. [22:52]<WOLFEATER> all ready have one in mind
  2240. [22:54]<demdigs> everyone look at 723 -2969
  2241. [22:54]<demdigs> what is that?
  2242. [22:55]<Devastruktor> same as tidal water?
  2243. [22:55]<WOLFEATER> the wolf pack insults me
  2244. [22:55]<WOLFEATER> and its crude
  2245. [22:56]<SIMPLY_BEAST> Really?
  2246. [22:56]<WOLFEATER> will go with my own idea
  2247. [22:56]<SIMPLY_BEAST> sorry
  2248. [22:56]<SIMPLY_BEAST> Wasn't meant to be crude, just thought it was a cool name
  2249. [22:57]<WOLFEATER> i used to run with the knights confed
  2250. [22:57]<Haizea> Pift
  2251. [22:57]<Haizea> Wolf pack isn't bad, its just simple
  2252. [22:57]<WOLFEATER> so it will be something along that line
  2253. [22:57]*Haizea rolls eyes
  2254. [22:57]<Jessie-Chan> i run out of money what should i do?
  2255. [22:57]<WOLFEATER> rolle away
  2256. [22:58]<Haizea>
  2257. [22:58]<SIMPLY_BEAST> are you related to Jackie Chan?
  2258. [22:58]<SIMPLY_BEAST>
  2259. [22:58]<Haizea> kill off troops
  2260. [22:58]<WOLFEATER> the knights will one day regain wot they lost
  2261. [22:58]<Haizea> check your production and see why you lost all your money
  2262. [22:59]<Haizea> and ask your alliance for more. They should be able to help you ^.^
  2263. [22:59]<Haizea> and hopefully the knights will learning a little spelling
  2264. [22:59]<Haizea> ^.^
  2265. [23:00]<WOLFEATER> all knights will regain there place in time
  2266. [23:01]<Jessie-Chan> i see that....
  2267. [23:01]<Haizea> lol. Will they be sporting the furs of fallen wolves?
  2268. [23:02]<SIMPLY_BEAST> Wolf, I wish you the best in your attempt to bring back the Night Confed
  2269. [23:02]<SIMPLY_BEAST> its a steep hill to climb
  2270. [23:03]<WOLFEATER> a hill you your self will help when the time comse
  2271. [23:03]<Jessie-Chan> ok i see. how do i get more money incume back?
  2272. [23:04]<WOLFEATER> it was never lost sir bradly
  2273. [23:04]<demdigs> everyone having a good day?
  2274. [23:04]<Jane DarkMagic> yes, very relaxing
  2275. [23:04]<demdigs> hi Jane
  2276. [23:04]<demdigs> long time no see
  2277. [23:04]<WOLFEATER> it remains dorment till the time comes
  2278. [23:04]<SIMPLY_BEAST> the roots are there, but it needs work
  2279. [23:04]<Jessie-Chan> ok thank you wolfeater
  2280. [23:05]<WOLFEATER> indeed it does and we are all still here
  2281. [23:05]<WOLFEATER> and jessie sod off
  2282. [23:05]<Jane DarkMagic> hi dem
  2283. [23:06]<Jane DarkMagic> indeed, haven't seen you in ages
  2284. [23:06]<WOLFEATER> and keep your comments to your own kind
  2285. [23:06]<Jane DarkMagic> what's new?
  2286. [23:06]<demdigs> how have you been?
  2287. [23:06]<demdigs> I got burnt out of the game
  2288. [23:06]<demdigs> haven't played in a year
  2289. [23:06]<Jane DarkMagic> i know how that is
  2290. [23:06]<Jane DarkMagic> i mostly just come here to chat these days
  2291. [23:06]<demdigs> oh ok
  2292. [23:06]<demdigs> cool
  2293. [23:06]<Jane DarkMagic> though i've been moving cities to BL
  2294. [23:06]<Jane DarkMagic> i don't know why
  2295. [23:07]<demdigs> i am moving one there
  2296. [23:07]<Jane DarkMagic> just randomly got the idea into my head
  2297. [23:07]<demdigs> i will move 5 or so
  2298. [23:07]<Jane DarkMagic> i was thinking of moving 8
  2299. [23:07]<demdigs> wow
  2300. [23:07]<Jane DarkMagic> just keep the ones in norweld
  2301. [23:08]<Jane DarkMagic> keppen is a bit far away for tournaments
  2302. [23:08]<demdigs> got it
  2303. [23:08]<Jane DarkMagic> and we don't have enough numbers there to ever have a go at the keppen square
  2304. [23:09]<demdigs> ouch
  2305. [23:09]<SIMPLY_BEAST> Hey JDM
  2306. [23:13]<Jane DarkMagic> hi sb
  2307. [23:13]<Zynot> hi sb
  2308. [23:14]<Jessie-Chan> thank you for the gold. xx
  2309. [23:14]<Devastruktor>
  2310. [23:18]<SIMPLY_BEAST> hi zynot
  2311. [23:20]<Deicide> 31 tentacles on the map, with the progress of adding 1 tentacles a week we can wake up Audrey in only 41 more weeks!
  2312. [23:20]<Deicide>
  2313. [23:20]<demdigs> oh?
  2314. [23:21]<demdigs> how does it gain tentacles?
  2315. [23:21]<Zynot> i dont waste time with audrey
  2316. [23:21]<Deicide> feed it diplos or troops
  2317. [23:21]<demdigs> how many per tentacle?
  2318. [23:21]<Deicide> best to send scouts
  2319. [23:22]<SIMPLY_BEAST> Epi, how much xp is needed to get audrey to grow?
  2320. [23:22]<SIMPLY_BEAST> any idea?
  2321. [23:22]<Deicide> no clue, I send around 10k scouts a week. No clue how much others are sending.
  2322. [23:22]<Deicide> no idea SB
  2323. [23:22]<SIMPLY_BEAST> so at least 10k
  2324. [23:22]<demdigs> i could feed it 21k
  2325. [23:22]<Archimedes> When do I go from a Small Hamlet to whatever the next town size is?
  2326. [23:23]<Galanar Aldaren> Hi all
  2327. [23:23]<Archimedes> Hello.
  2328. [23:23]<Deicide> http://forum.illyriad.co.uk/population-steps_topic4812.html Archimedes
  2329. [23:25]<Galanar Aldaren> Thanks Zynot
  2330. [23:25]<Deicide> I've only really been watching Audrey daily for about a week. Its grown from 29 to 31 in that time.
  2331. [23:25]<SIMPLY_BEAST> its probably a round number like 1 million xp
  2332. [23:27]<Captain Kindly> I sent 14K Knights once. Nothing happened.
  2333. [23:27]<demdigs> wow
  2334. [23:27]<SIMPLY_BEAST> I have never sent a troop to it
  2335. [23:27]<SIMPLY_BEAST> or diplo
  2336. [23:28]<Captain Kindly> Oh, I won't send anything again. I just needed to get rid of the army.
  2337. [23:28]<SIMPLY_BEAST> To me, its not the real Heart of Corruption in illy
  2338. [23:28]<Captain Kindly>
  2339. [23:28]<Captain Kindly> We all know that's Pongo
  2340. [23:28]<SIMPLY_BEAST> lol
  2341. [23:29]<Deicide> It may be like when the heart is beating, amounts don't matter, just the number of times its hit.
  2342. [23:29]<SIMPLY_BEAST> so single missions might be more effective then
  2343. [23:29]<Deicide> I know messengers are perfect for when its beating
  2344. [23:30]<Captain Kindly> most people send messengers once it's beating, because else they can't reach it before it closes
  2345. [23:30]<Allamagoosa> another 15k diplos sent to Audrey.
  2346. [23:30]<Captain Kindly> I asked SC about that, and he said the mystery is not to be solved by all players
  2347. [23:31]<SIMPLY_BEAST> you need to have a close city
  2348. [23:32]<Captain Kindly> I've heard it mentioned that you need to have finished all crafting research too, in order to get anywhere. So I'm not bothering
  2349. [23:32]<SIMPLY_BEAST> the fact that it requires 20 tentacles and it near impossbile to get beating, I would say not all players are going to get it
  2350. [23:32]<Archimedes> Ummm... How do I get into alliance chat?
  2351. [23:33]<Erista> press F5 archimedes
  2352. [23:33]<Archimedes> Ah.. What a silly concept, refreshing the page like that. LOL
  2353. [23:33]<Lagavulin> Arch, it is on the panel to the bottom right of the main window
  2354. [23:33]<Wartow> F5!
  2355. [23:33]<Deicide> thank you demidigs and Allamagoosa
  2356. [23:33]<Lagavulin> click on the blow out icoon to make it bigger
  2357. [23:34]<ronm> i have seen her press other things to
  2358. [23:34]<demdigs> yw
  2359. [23:34]<Deicide> I can reimburse the horses if you want
  2360. [23:34]<Pellinell> hello GC
  2361. [23:34]<SIMPLY_BEAST> Hey
  2362. [23:35]<Captain Kindly> btw, hello all
  2363. [23:35]<Pellinell> Hello SB
  2364. [23:35]<Pellinell> HOW GOES
  2365. [23:35]<Lagavulin> hi CK
  2366. [23:35]<Pellinell> oops sorry
  2367. [23:35]<SIMPLY_BEAST> good, you?
  2368. [23:35]<Captain Kindly> hey Laga.
  2369. [23:35]<ronm> dem did you get your saddles
  2370. [23:35]<Pellinell> pretty good ty
  2371. [23:36]<Zynot> hello pelli
  2372. [23:36]<demdigs> am waiting on res to get to the hub
  2373. [23:36]<Pellinell> hello Zynot
  2374. [23:36]<demdigs> will tonight
  2375. [23:36]<ronm> kk
  2376. [23:36]<demdigs> ty though
  2377. [23:37]<ronm> yw
  2378. [23:37]<Pellinell> demdigs, long time
  2379. [23:37]<demdigs> yup, haven't been on in almost a year
  2380. [23:38]<Pellinell> wb
  2381. [23:38]<demdigs> got burnt out
  2382. [23:38]<demdigs> ty
  2383. [23:40]<Pellinell> yw, great seeing players return
  2384. [23:40]<Captain Kindly> hope you are better now, demdigs.
  2385. [23:40]<Pellinell> hello CK
  2386. [23:40]<demdigs> ty
  2387. [23:42]*Sisren fires jelly bellies at CK at mach 2
  2388. [23:43]<Captain Kindly> ambush!
  2389. [23:43]*Lissilene pounces on Sisren and raids his supply of jelly bellies.
  2390. [23:43]<Lissilene> Yummy :3
  2391. [23:43]<Sisren> <-- cereal killer
  2392. [23:43]<wink> hugs liss
  2393. [23:43]<Captain Kindly> or in good Star Wars talk: 'IT'S A TRAP!'
  2394. [23:43]*Lissilene hugs wink. Hello there.
  2395. [23:43]<Sisren> well...an elf cutie pouncing me...
  2396. [23:43]<Sisren> can work with that
  2397. [23:43]<Sisren>
  2398. [23:43]<Lissilene>
  2399. [23:44]<Captain Kindly> speaking of movies, Trailer of "The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies" is out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSzeFFsKEt4
  2400. [23:44]<Sisren> CK, join LOTRO with me
  2401. [23:44]<Sisren> come, to the dark side
  2402. [23:44]<Sisren> we have cookies
  2403. [23:44]<Sisren> and...lembas
  2404. [23:44]<demdigs> hi sisren
  2405. [23:44]<Lissilene> For goodness sake. How many movies are they going to spin out of that one book?
  2406. [23:44]<Sisren> 7
  2407. [23:44]<Captain Kindly> lol. I may ask you about that on the H? forums. I'm now waiting on what Firefly Online will bring.
  2408. [23:44]<demdigs> omg
  2409. [23:45]<Sisren> firefly online....sounds awesome
  2410. [23:45]<System> ** News Flash: FritzHugh's small city of Overlook of Óðinn is now under siege by Brandmeister's [eCrow] burgeoning city of Streitaxt Kaserne
  2411. [23:45]<Captain Kindly> lol Lissi, this be the last one, but there are rumours of a 6 set blu-ray with even more extra scenes. Which I will not buy.
  2412. [23:46]<Lissilene> lol
  2413. [23:46]*Lissilene snuggles CK
  2414. [23:46]<wink> how are you liss
  2415. [23:46]<Sisren> CK
  2416. [23:46]<Sisren> http://keepflying.com/cortex/pclogin.html
  2417. [23:46]<Sisren>
  2418. [23:46]<Sisren> keep flying
  2419. [23:46]<Lissilene> I'm doing alright. How are you?
  2420. [23:46]<Captain Kindly> right now you can only sign up an account, Sis. But I saw some of the actors are doing scenes in there
  2421. [23:46]<wink> doing great ty
  2422. [23:47]<Captain Kindly> I'm there, Sis.
  2423. [23:47]<Captain Kindly> signed up an account last summer
  2424. [23:47]<Sisren> take my love, take my land, take me to where i cannot stand
  2425. [23:47]<Sisren> i don't care, cuz im still free
  2426. [23:47]<Sisren> since i found serenity
  2427. [23:48]<Captain Kindly>
  2428. [23:49]<Captain Kindly> They had some of the crew actors show up in a few Castle episodes.
  2429. [23:49]<Sisren> im in there too
  2430. [23:49]<Sisren> Kordrath
  2431. [23:49]<demdigs> got to go
  2432. [23:49]<demdigs> bye all
  2433. [23:49]<Captain Kindly> Stormy
  2434. [23:49]<Captain Kindly> cya demdigs
  2435. [00:03]<IValor> HI Illy!
  2436. [00:09]<Bonfyr Verboo> Hey IValor
  2437. [00:09]<IValor> Hi BV!
  2438. [00:10]<Bonfyr Verboo> Holy CRAP! That was 6 minutes ago..lol
  2439. [00:10]<IValor> Haven't seen you in a while, how are you?
  2440. [00:10]<Bonfyr Verboo> Howsit goin?
  2441. [00:10]<IValor> Going good
  2442. [00:10]<Bonfyr Verboo> Im well..just on for a minute
  2443. [00:11]<IValor> How's TOR-U?
  2444. [00:11]<Bonfyr Verboo> Hmmm?
  2445. [00:11]<IValor> Oops
  2446. [00:11]<IValor> Sorry I had no sleep
  2447. [00:12]<IValor> I meant TRIVIUM
  2448. [00:12]<Bonfyr Verboo> No sleep isnt nice...
  2449. [00:12]<Sisren> i live that life BV
  2450. [00:12]<Bonfyr Verboo> We are getting moved...its taking some time but we're getting it done
  2451. [00:12]<Bonfyr Verboo> Hey Sis...
  2452. [00:13]<IValor> KoV is moving too
  2453. [00:13]<Bonfyr Verboo> Sorry to hear that...sleep is jy friend
  2454. [00:13]<Bonfyr Verboo> my friend
  2455. [00:13]<IValor> slowly......
  2456. [00:13]<Bonfyr Verboo> Slow is the name of the game in Illy
  2457. [00:14]<Sisren> dong le ma?
  2458. [00:14]<IValor> ?
  2459. [00:15]<Sisren> are we clear here?
  2460. [00:15]<Sisren> learning chinese
  2461. [00:15]<IValor> OH
  2462. [00:16]<Bonfyr Verboo> Nice chattin with you...gtg
  2463. [00:16]<Aquennomi> English in GC.... .:P
  2464. [00:17]<Sisren> au revoir BV
  2465. [00:17]<IValor> Au revoir
  2466. [00:20]<IValor> Wow, GC is quiet
  2467. [00:21]<Sliveen> ahh Fritz- sure do miss u
  2468. [00:23]<Zimnimhik> Ok, can't have a quiet GC. Let's blow the roof off this place!
  2469. [00:23]*Zimnimhik blows up the roof*
  2470. [00:24]<Sliveen> up, off, away= ehhh, good nough for guvment work
  2471. [00:27]*Tiarna Riocard gets launched,,
  2472. [00:27]<IKnights> Greetings Illyrians!
  2473. [00:27]<Fiona> Hey
  2474. [00:27]*Tiarna Riocard spills hs beer,,
  2475. [00:28]<IKnights> Gives TR a new beer
  2476. [00:28]<Sliveen> Im starving. I need food. and beer. and water balloons
  2477. [00:29]<Tiarna Riocard> IK!! thx man!
  2478. [00:29]*IKnights gives out food, beer and water balloons*
  2479. [00:29]<IKnights> You're welcome man
  2480. [00:29]<Sliveen> a ping pong ball, a funnel, and a nerd
  2481. [00:30]<Lon Blackstone> cant eat or drink water ballons, *gets out beer hose*
  2482. [00:30]*IKnights calls one of his servents who brings a ping pong ball and a funnel*
  2483. [00:30]<Malsvir> ..ill take the nerd...least they be useful
  2484. [00:31]<Sliveen> funny thing about nerds. They dont mind being objects of a science experiment for the greater good
  2485. [00:31]<Sliveen> How fast can a nerd deflate a ballon without spilling a drop?
  2486. [00:31]<Malsvir> ..not very scirnce minded..
  2487. [00:32]<Malsvir> nor spelling minded it seems
  2488. [00:32]<Sliveen> What? This is very science minded.
  2489. [00:32]<IKnights> By drinking it...... 37 seconds
  2490. [00:32]<Malsvir> i wasnt talking about ur question
  2491. [00:32]<Sliveen> ahhhh- but how fast can a nerd deflate 5 beer balloons?
  2492. [00:33]<Malsvir> i was answering the one before it lol
  2493. [00:33]<Agathokles> I have a dumb question.
  2494. [00:33]<Vanerin> I might be able to answer that one
  2495. [00:33]<Sliveen> go for it ankles
  2496. [00:33]<IKnights> There are no dumb questions
  2497. [00:34]<Lon Blackstone> youn can always reach the feet and toes
  2498. [00:34]<Sliveen> Gotta have a standard for them to pass, so im gonna work on the balloon issue while you ask away
  2499. [00:34]<Agathokles> Is this a game where it is inevitably a struggle to maintain food supplies to keep up a sufficient armed force?
  2500. [00:35]<IKnights> No
  2501. [00:35]<Malsvir> food isnt troop related gold is
  2502. [00:35]<Sliveen> depends on your perspective of the right sized army
  2503. [00:35]<Vanerin> Having a good food supply is important to have a large army
  2504. [00:35]<Vanerin> But if you are interested in the military aspects here, a large army is not the most important thing
  2505. [00:36]<Agathokles> INteresting.
  2506. [00:36]<Vanerin> Being able to build an army fast is a bigger deal
  2507. [00:36]<Vanerin> And even more important than that is having good friends
  2508. [00:36]<Agathokles> So higher level recruitment buildings etc?
  2509. [00:36]<Sliveen> hey van, pass over that shoe lace. Im gonna tie this here beer ballon to the tree and try free style
  2510. [00:36]<IKnights> yep
  2511. [00:36]<IKnights> gives a shoe lace
  2512. [00:37]<Vanerin> Technically you need troop sov to build troops faster, but yes that is the general idea
  2513. [00:37]<Vanerin> Hmm, shoelace....
  2514. [00:37]<Sliveen> loo at that. beer growin on trees
  2515. [00:37]*Vanerin is barefoot
  2516. [00:37]<Sliveen> trout slaps vanerin. just steal it from the oaf next to you!
  2517. [00:38]<Vanerin> Doh!
  2518. [00:38]<IKnights> gives out shoes
  2519. [00:38]*Vanerin reaches into AC and pulls out a shoelace
  2520. [00:38]<IKnights> and oinment
  2521. [00:38]<Sliveen> ointment, shoelace, beer baloon. Not seeing the connection
  2522. [00:39]<Vanerin> Agathokles, if you want to pursue a strong military force, I would suggest not having too big an army too early
  2523. [00:39]<Vanerin> Having a good foundation is helpful for building a strong army
  2524. [00:39]<Sliveen> tackles Iknight and choke holds him. then forces beer baloon into his maw
  2525. [00:39]*Rill salutes Vanerin
  2526. [00:39]*Vanerin hugs Rill
  2527. [00:39]*Rill hugs Vanerin
  2528. [00:40]<Rill> I agree with Vanerin
  2529. [00:40]<Vanerin> I haven't seen you for a while. How are you doing?
  2530. [00:40]<IKnights> the balloon pops in IKnights's teeth
  2531. [00:40]<Rill> I am doing pretty well -- I made an agreement with a local yarn store to teach classes there, and I have my first student on Thursday!
  2532. [00:40]<Sliveen> grins delightedly then send Iknights to back of nerd line
  2533. [00:40]<Rill> so I'm pretty busy getting everything together
  2534. [00:40]<Sliveen> gotta do it over
  2535. [00:41]<IKnights> I am not a nerd
  2536. [00:41]<Vanerin> Oh wow, that is awesome!
  2537. [00:41]<Rill> yup, I am really excited
  2538. [00:41]<Rill> how have you been?
  2539. [00:41]<IKnights> ointment, shoelace, beer and a balloon
  2540. [00:41]<Vanerin> Will you be teaching crochet or knitting?
  2541. [00:41]<Vanerin> I have been rather busy, but I am well
  2542. [00:41]<Rill> Agathokles, for the first few days you want to focus on library, storehouse and resources
  2543. [00:41]<Rill> like Vanerin was saying
  2544. [00:42]<Rill> both crochet and knitting -- my first class will be crochet
  2545. [00:42]<Rill> someone called them and told them they want someone to make a sweater
  2546. [00:42]<Rill> I had to tell them I don't do sweaters
  2547. [00:42]<IKnights> put the beer and the ointment in the balloon, tie it to a shoe lace
  2548. [00:42]<Rill> my knitting skills are pretty basic
  2549. [00:42]<Sliveen> ties off balon, slaps ointment on it, drops into horse trough and then throws town drunk into trough face first
  2550. [00:43]<Sliveen> can drunks drown in a horse trough filled with beer baloons?
  2551. [00:43]<Rill> but I'm having lots of fun making class samples
  2552. [00:43]<IKnights> yes
  2553. [00:43]<Vanerin> Yeah, sweaters seem rather intimidating
  2554. [00:43]<IKnights> if the balloons pop
  2555. [00:44]<Rill> lots of increasing and decreasing
  2556. [00:44]<Sliveen> Stalks malsvir and catches by the neck
  2557. [00:44]<wink> you can drown in a teaspoon of water
  2558. [00:44]<Rill> there is a yarn shop about an hour from me that is offering a class on knitting first aid
  2559. [00:44]<Rill> I think I am going to take that, my knitting often has minor mishaps
  2560. [00:45]<Vanerin> Like how to save a knitting project, or how to save yourself from a knitting project?
  2561. [00:45]<Sliveen> omg, i thought the yarn was getting cotton scratches or something
  2562. [00:45]<Rill> Agathokles, check out this link if you are interested in getting started on army stuff
  2563. [00:45]<Rill> http://forum.illyriad.co.uk/basic-military-development-for-new-players_topic5440.html
  2564. [00:45]<Rill> lol Vanerin, I think the former
  2565. [00:45]<Rill> we have a thrift store near us that specializes in craft stuff
  2566. [00:46]<Sliveen> drops malsvir. appears to have left spirit in other world
  2567. [00:46]<Rill> so if your knitting project gets completely out of hand, you can drop it off there in the middle of the night in a brown paper wrapper
  2568. [00:46]<Rill> no questions asked
  2569. [00:46]<Vanerin> lol
  2570. [00:46]<Ammianus> what is a knitting project? something employing Knights ?
  2571. [00:46]<Sliveen> aye. they are forced to go shear sheep for women folk
  2572. [00:47]<Ammianus> good evening GC
  2573. [00:47]<Rill> that's a good alliance name, the Knights who Knit (KNIT)
  2574. [00:47]<Sliveen> knitting bones and skewing ligaments
  2575. [00:47]<IKnights> facepalms
  2576. [00:48]<Biff> Any crows here? I saw this on reddit . .. reminded me of you. http://i.imgur.com/KlDDjhf.gif
  2577. [00:48]<Sliveen> what? is it skewering?
  2578. [00:49]<Malsvir> aww cute
  2579. [00:49]<Sliveen> lol. crows begging for food
  2580. [00:49]<Malsvir> erm water
  2581. [00:50]<Vanerin> Aww, that is cute
  2582. [00:50]<Biff> cheers
  2583. [00:50]<Rill> wings are useful, but sometimes there is no substitute for the opposable thumb
  2584. [00:50]<Rill> thanks Biff
  2585. [00:51]*Biff np, closing GC now again permanently.
  2586. [00:51]<Malsvir> yes ty it made me smile
  2587. [00:52]<Malsvir> grr i forgot how hungry lil citys get for food lol
  2588. [00:53]<Malsvir> ty rill but i didnt say it for that lol
  2589. [00:54]<Malsvir> i dont like seeing red numbers is all
  2590. [00:54]<Rill> I know you didn't
  2591. [00:54]<Rill> but you are welcome
  2592. [00:54]<Malsvir> maintaining balance is difficult in the beginning lol
  2593. [00:54]<Agathokles> What enables the building of a Mage Tower?
  2594. [00:55]<IKnights> Arcana
  2595. [00:55]<Agathokles> In research?
  2596. [00:55]<IKnights> You have to research it
  2597. [00:57]<Gwendalynn> Question again --What or where is the Options menu in the top left hand side of screen cant find it
  2598. [00:59]<Silthra Kaharem> ah Knights nice to see you about!
  2599. [01:00]<Vanerin> Gwen, option menu for what?
  2600. [01:02]<Rill> Options menu?
  2601. [01:02]<Rill> All this time I've had options?
  2602. [01:04]<Sliveen> when you have more than one town you will have an option bar to switch between towns
  2603. [01:07]<J.Froelich> The white window with your city name will get arrows and pull down capabilities to select the city you want to look at.
  2604. [01:07]<Gwendalynn> I was asking to sit someone account and the message I got said to go to the upper left corner
  2605. [01:07]<Gwendalynn> Rill I could forward the message to you
  2606. [01:08]<Rill> I think that is from long ago
  2607. [01:08]<Rill> in order to set an account sitter, mouse over your portrait and click on the "Account and Preferences" menu (list button)
  2608. [01:08]<Rill> please forward me the message though, so I can suggest whoever it is change their information
  2609. [01:09]<Rill> after you click "Account and Preferences" http://elgea.illyriad.co.uk/#/Player/Account
  2610. [01:09]<Gwendalynn> OK
  2611. [01:09]<Rill> then you want to click on the tab that says "Account Sitters"
  2612. [01:10]<Sliveen> I am at this present time, seeking 20 air salts and 20 ancient oak. I will pay 4M Gold for it.
  2613. [01:10]<Isthra Myrna> Hey Rill how ya? long time no speak.
  2614. [01:10]<Rill> I am well! how are you, Isthra?
  2615. [01:10]<Rill> your cities are looking good!
  2616. [01:10]<Isthra Myrna> very well. been busy lately eh? Thank you. Your help has been great.
  2617. [01:12]<Rill> Gwen, I think they haven't updated the system mail since they released the "new" uI
  2618. [01:12]<Rill> can't remember whether that would be UIv2 or v3
  2619. [01:12]<Rill> but in either case, they should have updated that
  2620. [01:12]<Rill> I think I petitioned that a long time ago, but I'll review my records and petition it again if I didn't
  2621. [01:13]<Sliveen> it cant really be again if you didnt
  2622. [01:13]<Isthra Myrna> Anybody seen this "Witches of East End"?
  2623. [01:13]<Sliveen>
  2624. [01:13]<Gratch> Evening GC
  2625. [01:13]<Wartow> hiya
  2626. [01:13]<Gwendalynn> so I do I get to his account
  2627. [01:14]<Gwendalynn> Yes I have seen Witches of East End pretty good
  2628. [01:14]<Gratch> anyone need any res?
  2629. [01:14]<Sliveen> nope. but can you sell me 20 ancient oak and 20 air salts?
  2630. [01:14]<Rill> after you get to the Account Sitters tab the instructions are the same
  2631. [01:15]<Rill> mouse down to Accounts I Sit for, then click "take control"
  2632. [01:15]<Rill> Gratch! great to see you!
  2633. [01:15]<Gwendalynn> Thanks I got it
  2634. [01:15]<Isthra Myrna> @Gwen; yeah it's been pretty good so far.
  2635. [01:15]<Gratch> I cannot Silveen, sorry
  2636. [01:16]<Gratch> Great to see you too Rill
  2637. [01:16]<Isthra Myrna> umm....animal hides welcome...if that counts as res.
  2638. [01:16]<Boppo> Haven't watch it lately thou
  2639. [01:17]<Gwendalynn> Ok got it
  2640. [01:17]<Isthra Myrna> hmmm...I wonder how long I'm going to have to play to pass you Rill?? what do you think?
  2641. [01:17]<Rill> ah yes, Gwen, I filed a petition about that on June 6, 2012
  2642. [01:18]<Rill> I expect they will get right on it to implement a correction
  2643. [01:18]<Gwendalynn> well some things take time
  2644. [01:18]<Isthra Myrna> I wish that I wouldn't get 2 messages for a quest and I wish that we could hold shift and select multiple to delete.
  2645. [01:18]<Sliveen> got it. and paid way less in centrum.
  2646. [01:18]<Isthra Myrna> that's all the mail issue I've got.
  2647. [01:18]<Chris G> hehe,,Rill,,look at yer trade rank,,the one above you
  2648. [01:19]<Rill> you can put those ideas in the suggestions forum, Isthra
  2649. [01:19]<Rill> I haven't done any trade in months ...
  2650. [01:20]<Chris G> my trading is rally slow too,,but,,i think you was the first trade i ever made,,you even sent me a cute mail with it,,
  2651. [01:20]<Sliveen> lol, im on page 17 of the trade ranks...
  2652. [01:20]<Rill> awww
  2653. [01:20]*Rill hugs Chris
  2654. [01:21]<Rill> congrats on your new trade rank!
  2655. [01:21]<Rill> now I have to go find something to trade ...
  2656. [01:21]<Chris G> hugs Rill
  2657. [01:22]<Isthra Myrna> ah comrades??
  2658. [01:23]<Chris G> haha! found the mail,,
  2659. [01:24]<Rill> "Pleasure doing business with you"
  2660. [01:25]<Chris G> lol,,
  2661. [01:25]<Rill> lol! I didn't remember the part about the clay
  2662. [01:26]<Chris G> i'm sure that was a reference to Ryelle,,
  2663. [01:26]<Rill> yes, yes it was
  2664. [01:29]<Malsvir> hehe The First Stirrings Of Chaos Begins Anew
  2665. [01:31]<WisperingArrow> If anyone would like to provide prestige for gold, please IGM me, I need it badly. Thanks!
  2666. [01:32]<Malsvir> oh they have that option here..
  2667. [01:33]<Malsvir> whats the going rate?
  2668. [01:33]<wink> i will do that to
  2669. [01:33]<wink> hi mal
  2670. [01:33]<Malsvir> hey wink =]
  2671. [01:34]<LoonieOne> Somebody sends me real gold, I will give them prestige!
  2672. [01:34]<Malsvir> lol
  2673. [01:35]<wink> hi loonie
  2674. [01:35]<Fiona>
  2675. [01:35]<Wartow> Hi Wink! Hi Loonie!
  2676. [01:35]<wink> hi fiona
  2677. [01:35]<wink> hi war
  2678. [01:35]<Fiona> Hi Wink
  2679. [01:35]*Wartow is sad about Ellieh.
  2680. [01:36]<LoonieOne> hello everyone.
  2681. [01:36]<LoonieOne> ???
  2682. [01:36]<wink> will watch over her
  2683. [01:36]<Fiona> What?
  2684. [01:36]<wink> she is ok
  2685. [01:36]<Wartow> Just gameplay.
  2686. [01:37]<Fiona> oh ok
  2687. [01:38]<Havoc> wartow
  2688. [01:38]<Wartow> Hi Havi-oc.
  2689. [01:38]<GM Rikoo> You cannot exchange gold for Prestige, no. Just to be clear.
  2690. [01:38]<Havoc> lol i got booted from MOON
  2691. [01:38]<wink> yes
  2692. [01:39]<Wartow> I heard, Havi-oc... Back in NS yet?
  2693. [01:39]<Havoc> totally disagree with the charges
  2694. [01:39]<GM Rikoo> You can have a player sit your account and buy Prestige on your account, but that's between you and your (trusted hopefully) sitter.
  2695. [01:39]<LoonieOne> lol! yes. We know GM
  2696. [01:39]<Havoc> yes
  2697. [01:39]<Wartow> Good. Probably for the best.
  2698. [01:39]<wink> havoc should mind his manners
  2699. [01:39]<Malsvir> oh okk ty for clarification
  2700. [01:40]<Havoc> bull
  2701. [01:40]<Wartow> Let it go.
  2702. [01:40]<wink> never
  2703. [01:40]<Havoc> lol ok
  2704. [01:40]<Havoc> but you dont want me to get started
  2705. [01:41]*Wartow already has the sads about his friend, this needs to be over.
  2706. [01:41]<Havoc> what friend? you okay bro?
  2707. [01:41]<Wartow> Yup. Just some other shakeups in Moon.
  2708. [01:42]<Havoc> i find MOON to be too....tight
  2709. [01:42]<LoonieOne> I am trying to remember the name of the game, I think it was in china, where it turns out a programer was taking payoffs and helping people cheat.
  2710. [01:42]<Wartow> Probably not a good permanent, or even 48-hour, fit for you.
  2711. [01:43]<Mr. P> Good evening gc
  2712. [01:43]<Wartow> Mr. P!
  2713. [01:43]<LoonieOne> Moon, too tight? Would that make it a Full Moon?
  2714. [01:43]<Mr. P> Hey wratow
  2715. [01:43]<Wartow> I pity the fool that confuses Mr. P with Mr. T.
  2716. [01:43]<Havoc> yup it would
  2717. [01:44]<LoonieOne> I like full moons!
  2718. [01:44]<SIMPLY_BEAST> MOON is tight?
  2719. [01:44]<Mr. P> my rl first name starts with a T. lol
  2720. [01:44]<Havoc> very tight
  2721. [01:44]<SIMPLY_BEAST> there might be a joke or two in that
  2722. [01:44]<Wartow> Isn't what the kids call "tight" a good thing?
  2723. [01:44]<Havoc> ik i chose my words wisely you know
  2724. [01:44]<System> ** News Flash: Soulwarrior (Abandoned)'s sprawling city of 6. Eisch VII-CS_KH is now under siege by Leinad__'s [WoT] thriving town of 1.MagicLand
  2725. [01:45]<Mr. P> it is not only kids that like tight things
  2726. [01:45]<SIMPLY_BEAST> :O
  2727. [01:45]*Wartow had too much for dinner... belly feels tight.
  2728. [01:46]<Havoc> hear hear mr p
  2729. [01:46]<Havoc> the p tells it all
  2730. [01:46]<Fiona> lol
  2731. [01:46]<LoonieOne> My gf is tight.
  2732. [01:46]<Fiona> o.O
  2733. [01:46]<Havoc> awesome job in finding her man
  2734. [01:46]<LoonieOne> She doesn't like me spending and money.
  2735. [01:46]<Mr. P> as old as I am, I think I can speak from experience
  2736. [01:46]<Havoc> keep her close, you dont wanna let her...loose
  2737. [01:46]<demdigs> hi
  2738. [01:47]<Mr. P> HI digs,Havoc,loonie and fiona
  2739. [01:47]<Havoc> hi
  2740. [01:48]<demdigs> hi mr P
  2741. [01:48]<Fiona> Hi Mr. P
  2742. [01:49]<LoonieOne> Well, no newbies around to send stuff too, so I am out of here.
  2743. [01:49]<Fiona> Nite loonie
  2744. [01:49]<LoonieOne> later all
  2745. [01:49]<Havoc> wait right there
  2746. [01:49]*Wartow sends out hugs in the right direction.
  2747. [01:49]<Orga> hello
  2748. [01:49]<Havoc> you in the BL?
  2749. [01:50]<Havoc> is always on the right side and gets a hug
  2750. [01:50]<Wartow> Hi Orga!
  2751. [01:50]<wink> hi orga
  2752. [01:51]<Mr. P> HI Orga
  2753. [01:51]<Orga> Hi!!
  2754. [01:51]<Orga> Thanks guys!!!
  2755. [01:51]<Orga>
  2756. [01:51]<Wartow> All of the Orc faces look the same to me.
  2757. [01:52]<Wartow>
  2758. [01:52]<Orga> I know LOL
  2759. [01:52]<Orga> Kind of like Droopy.
  2760. [01:53]*Wartow just assumes there are no orcs upset with him.
  2761. [01:53]<Orga>
  2762. [01:53]<Orga> ^^upset face
  2763. [01:53]<Orga> cant tell
  2764. [01:53]<Mr. P> I put a real screen shot of me on my profile page. Not droopy
  2765. [01:53]<Devastruktor>
  2766. [01:54]<Orga> Lol Mr.P
  2767. [01:54]<Orga> Wow impressive
  2768. [01:54]<Orga> Thanks for the res all
  2769. [01:55]<Mr. P> you should see the mrs. she even scares me
  2770. [01:55]<Devastruktor> wif my one toof stickin out,,
  2771. [01:55]<Wartow> Go Orga!
  2772. [01:55]<Orga> We can be scary
  2773. [01:55]<Orga> LOL War
  2774. [01:56]<Orga> You guys are awesome!
  2775. [01:58]<Lorcan> orcs should check into black skull horde. my alt may try to get in there
  2776. [01:59]<Devastruktor> me cant leave cave,,
  2777. [02:00]<Devastruktor> am leader nows,,
  2778. [02:00]<Orga> Cool Deva
  2779. [02:00]<Lorcan> glad orcs eat elves , not dwarves
  2780. [02:01]<Devastruktor> fanks Orga,,
  2781. [02:01]<Orga> np
  2782. [02:02]<Sheza> Pfft
  2783. [02:02]<Devastruktor> dorf goods for tossing games
  2784. [02:03]<Lorcan> i beg to differ
  2785. [02:03]<Devastruktor> ov course yous do,,
  2786. [02:04]<Devastruktor>
  2787. [02:04]<Mr. P> when you lay them on the ground and make a circle with their arms, you have just the right size circle for lawn darts
  2788. [02:05]<Lorcan> has his mules to chase orcs
  2789. [02:05]<Devastruktor> heheh
  2790. [02:05]<Lorcan> kick them wolves in the teeth
  2791. [02:05]<Lorcan> lol
  2792. [02:06]<Mr. P> HI love roasted mule meat,makes a great change from them pesky human horses
  2793. [02:06]*Devastruktor like Lorcan dorf spirit,,
  2794. [02:06]<Lorcan> trying not to get into a
  2795. [02:06]<Lorcan> lol
  2796. [02:06]<Sheza> No eating Horse or Horse type animals !!!
  2797. [02:07]<Lorcan> no Mc horse burgers
  2798. [02:07]<Sheza> No!
  2799. [02:07]<Devastruktor> sez the elfie wif yummy lookin earz,,
  2800. [02:07]<Sheza> Grrrr
  2801. [02:08]<Lorcan> they put the ears at the checkout counter for the dog toys . no?
  2802. [02:08]<Devastruktor> ouchies
  2803. [02:09]<Lorcan> forgot, those are pig ears
  2804. [02:09]<Lorcan> pig elf,all the same. lol
  2805. [02:09]<Devastruktor> bit below the belt,,but what yu expect from dorfies/
  2806. [02:10]<Devastruktor>
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