
Super Secret Steampunk Story Sneak Peek

Nov 19th, 2012
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  1. Of Steamworks & Camaraderie
  3. A section from: Chapter 1 - Technomancer
  5. “Just… one… more… turn…” The nut within the grasp of the technomancer’s wrench gave its final stand of resistance as it refused to tighten any further. His latest invention, admittedly sewn together with stray pieces of scrap laying around, was for the most part complete. Setting down his trusty spanner, he leans back in his seat to admire his work. With his knack for breathing new life into dead machines, he had spawned a mounted mechanical arm to write his letters for him. Why would he build such a device when he could easily write himself? Well, why not?
  7. Now, for the dreaded moment to test whether or not it works, he takes the jumper cables from their hooks on the wall and clamps the metallic mouths around the two bolts protruding from the power supply. Sparks fly and gears whir to life. The cogs click and spin and the arm rises to life.
  9. “Wonderful! Once again, you’ve outdone yourself you clever son of a bitch!” The man, overwhelmed with excitement for his new creation, rises to his feet, knocking his wheeled chair across his workshop. “Oh, the money I can make with this! Those silly fingerless ponies will be awestruck and amazed! They’ll- oh, let’s get you some paper!”
  11. Pulling out the drawer where he thought he left that stack of parchment he sought, he instead finds a number of leather belts and chains. Trying the drawer beneath inside is not the paper but is instead a jumble of multicolored wires. “Oh, now where the hell did I put that paper?”
  13. Growing impatient to test his new invention, the inventor begins pulling out all the drawers in his workshop in a loud clamor. Tools, as well as a wide assortment of metallic scraps, slip out of their containers falling to the concrete floor with loud clangs. Loud enough for his hostess to peek her head in to see what’s going on. “Mort, ya loon, if Ah didn’t know any better, Ah’d reckon you was startin’ a war in here!”
  15. The orange pony pokes her head through the doorway, careful not to let herself within harm’s way. Her mane, a golden blonde, was braided today, her hat atop her head adorned with the pair of goggles he made for her. “Oh hi AJ, sorry for the noise, I’m looking for my paper for- OH! I have a surprise for you! Just need to find that damn parchment…”
  17. Applejack trots over to the desk where his letter writing arm sat amongst a jumble of gears and little pulleys. “Ya mean this paper under this ‘ere doohickey?”
  19. The pony points a hoof at the stack of parchment beneath the machine Mort built, smeared with grease and oil. He brings a grime coated hand to his forehead. “Ugh, I did it again… Yes, thanks AJ. Anyway, let me show you this ‘doohickey’ as you call it.”
  21. The orange pony rolls her eyes and inspects the mass of gears and metal framework on the desk. “So what did ya cook up now? Somethin’ that’ll butter mah toast for me, or somethin’ that’ll sort out silverware?”
  23. Mort removes his own grime covered goggles from his eyes and leaves them to rest on his forehead, a huge grin spread across his face. With his chest proudly puffed out and hands on his hips, he turns to his guest. “Though I will admit some of my past creations were… uh, not of use to everyone, this my dear will actually make us rich. Guaranteed.”
  25. After his round of boasting, he flicks a switch at the base of the machine and plugs in the voice receiver that lay next to it. Carefully picking it up, Mort slides out a piece of paper form the middle of the stack and places it under the hand. In a state of utter glee, he watches closely as the pulley system and cogworks make the arm move to its starting position. Holding the receiver to his mouth, he turns to Applejack, proclaiming proudly,
  27. “I present to you, my latest creation my dearest pony friend!” As he speaks, the arm scribbles the words onto the paper in total automation. The feint hum of machinery emitted from the device has Mort’s ego inflated to dangerous levels, though Applejack doesn’t seem too impressed.
  29. “With my machine, the struggle ponies have with writing utensils will be obliterated! Annihilated! Liberated! Utterly Des-“ The orange pony gives Mort a sharp shove in the side, interrupting his rant. An odd one he was, his eccentric interests impossible to bottle.
  31. “Ah got the gist of it sugarcube, another mad scheme o’ yours ta make some bits.” Mort, his ego unassailable, returns to his proud poise of superiority after bringing his goggles back down over his eyes with a snap.
  32. “Just you wait and see my equine friend, I’ll be bathing in bits in no time.”
  34. “If ya say so.” Applejack’s smug smirk of self knowing remains as she begins to take her leave of the fanatical man’s lab. “Ah’m off ta fetch mah buckin’ boots and get back ta work now, don’t you be hurtin’ yourself now, ya hear?”
  36. “Pfft, you know quite well that I am the undisputed lord of my domain! Why, I know this shop like the back of my hand.” Turning around to reclaim his discarded chair, Mort trips over the cable for his welder and falls to the floor in a flailing flurry of limbs. His wrench is shaken off his desk and falls in his head with a clang. Rubbing his head, his cheeks turn a brilliant red as he watches Applejack try to hold back laughter, perhaps with more effort than she should. The pony, having had her fill of the humorous sight, vacates the workshop of Mortimer Coggen, leaving him alone amongst his brass creations.
  38. ===
  40. The final kicking blow for the day brings end to her work as Applejack brings the last of the harvest to the awaiting machinery below. Wiping her brow with the sleeve of her blouse, she surveys her efforts with content. Her trees were arranged in rows with wheeled conveyer belts on either side of the trees to collect her crop. Piles of deep red fruits rest in piles atop the wheels of her network awaiting her automation of the machinery. With a relieved sigh, she unbuckles and kicks off her mechanical augments on her hind legs, leaving them leaning against the side of the barn.
  42. Making her way inside, she comes to the large iron boiler that powered the farm machinery. A load of coal was already shoveled inside beforehand; all it needed was a light. No need for matches or manual ignition as she simply pulls the crank that sparks the flame within. The boiler slowly begins to roar to life as the temperature rises, or, should be rising at least. The needle in the steam gauge doesn’t move one bit. This calls for a little intuitive thinking of the inner mechanics.
  44. Applejack delivers a swift kick to the metal contraption instead.
  46. After a loud clang and the sound of pressure rising within, the gauge operates properly and the water tank boils. By no means was the simple farm pony well versed in technology though she did find her own methods effective enough. It’d be a waste of her friend’s time and efforts not to at least try and take advantage of his creations.
  48. Outside, the sun had begun to set quite beautifully behind the apple trees. Over the hill, it cast a deep glow of orange and yellow over the clouds. Applejack stood in the cooling evening breeze, admiring the gorgeous colors Celestia’s sun shone over the skies, catching sight of a flock of birds on the horizon. The rustle of leaves on the trees met with the humming of engines from the- wait… engines? That wasn’t right, birds did not sound like that. Squinting at the black shapes in the distant skies, AJ couldn’t quite make out what they were.
  50. Back to her previous spot where she first caught glimpse of the objects on the horizon in the glare of the setting sun, Applejack has returned with her telescope. Extending it to its full length, she gazes through, her sight greatly enhanced. What she saw brought waves of rising panic.
  52. ===
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