
Rebels in Equestria 16

Dec 10th, 2013
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  1. > She runs her fingers against her own face.
  2. > It's soft.
  3. > And cold.
  4. > Her hands run about, exploring the various textures and feelings of her skin.
  5. > Skin.
  6. > Something completely alien to the Princess of the Night.
  8. > She takes a glance around as her eyes adjust to the darkness.
  9. > She's in....a bathroom.
  10. > It's worn and battered, as to be expected.
  11. > Slowly but surely, she gets up on two legs.
  12. > Although it's a bit difficult, she still manages.
  13. > Luna haunches over to a nearby sink and stares up at a broken mirror.
  14. > Instead of the blue coated alicorn, a young human girl stares back her.
  15. > She stares for what seems like an eternity.
  16. > Holding her hand up to the mirror, only to be greeted by cold glass.
  17. > Luna sighs.
  18. > No matter how mine she steps foot in this world, she'll never get used to it.
  20. > She starts walking out the bathroom, into a small apartment.
  21. > It's shoddy, worn out and long since abandoned.
  22. > She walks over to a nearby window and stares outside.
  23. > Snow gently falls onto the nearby cityscape.
  24. > It's a calm visage, one that reminds her of Equestria's Frozen north.
  25. > But her peace is broken all too quick.
  27. > A loud gunshot rattles throughout the building.
  28. > She grasps her ringing ears in pain as she falls to her knees.
  29. > “Him!” an angered voice shouts. “Tie him next!”
  30. > Luna regains her composure if ever so briefly.
  31. > She stumbles about the dark apartment until she finds the exit.
  32. > It leads her to a hallway full of doors.
  33. > “Tie him up good!” the voice shouts. “We don't this fucking rat to escape now!”
  34. > Luna shudders as the voice sends a cold chill down her spine.
  35. > “F-Fuck you! L-Let go of me!” another man yells.
  36. > Luna perks up at the familiar voice.
  37. > It was Anonymous.
  39. > “You little- Muzzle him!” the disgruntled man shouts. “Show this rat some fucking manners!”
  40. > Soon after that a loud 'thud' echoes throughout the hall, followed by Anonymous' muzzled screams.
  41. > She continues down the hall. As the sounds grow even louder.
  42. > “Once more!” the gruff voice shouts. “Once more! With feeling!”
  43. > As the continues down, the sounds grow louder.
  44. > Finally, she'd reached the end of the hall.
  45. > A door was left ajar, soft light flickers through the crack.
  46. > Carefully, Luna peers inside.
  47. > A small wooden chair sat in the middle of the apartment.
  48. > The place was barely lit.
  49. > A single lamp casts a soft glow in the room.
  50. > It was just barely bright enough to see inside.
  52. > A small group of uniformed men stood about the room.
  53. > They laughed and chatted amongst themselves over the sounds of muffled cries.
  54. > The room stank of blood and booze.
  56. > In the center of the room, a single uniformed officer stood haunches over the wooden chair. He wields a lead pipe.
  57. > There was a prisoner in the wooden chair.
  58. > Bounded and gagged.
  59. > He was a bloody mess.
  60. > His clothes and restraints were soiled with blood.
  61. > And by the smell of it, the poor bastard had probably soiled himself.
  62. > His head was covered with a thick plastic bag that quickly contracted and expanded as the man hyper ventilated.
  63. > “Ey! Maybe he'll talk now!” one of the soldiers jested.
  64. > “Maybe! Maybe!” another sneered.
  66. > The officer removes the plastic bag from his face.
  67. > Luna cringed.
  68. > It was Anonymous. Bloodied and broken.
  69. > They removed the gag from his mouth.
  70. > “Now! Talk!” the officer demanded. “Where are the supply depots!”
  71. > Anonymous didn't respond.
  72. > Instead he mustered what little strength he had to spit at the officers shoes.
  73. > “You- You insignificent whelp!” the officer shouted, “Answer! Where are the supply depots! Where are you rats keeping all your munitions!”
  74. “G-Go to hell. You sick fu-” Anonymous whispered.
  75. > Before he could finish, the officer struck Anonymous with the butt of is rifle.
  76. > The force of the blow knocked the chair over.
  77. > Helpless, Anonymous lays on the floor.
  78. > He spits up a mix of blood and teeth.
  80. > “Now! Answer me!”
  81. “Don't you get it!? There aren't any depots! You fucks haven't the slightest idea what's going on!”
  82. > “He's a fucking liar!” one of the soldiers shouts. “Him and the rest of the Emmerian scum!”
  83. > The officer spits at Anonymous.
  84. > It lands on his face.
  86. > Luna cowers back for a moment
  87. > With all her strength she tries to cast one of her many spells.
  88. > But no matter how hard she tries, she fails.
  89. > Without her horn, she is powerless.
  91. > Anonymous lies face first in a pool of his own blood and wastes.
  92. > “Now!” the officer barks. “I will ask you one more time! Lest you want to share the same fate of your comrades, I suggest you tell me what I want to hear!”
  93. > The officer uses his rifle and gestures at a pile of corpses in the corner of the room.
  94. > One of the officers laughs and kicks Anonymous in the ribs. “This little shit ain't worth it!”
  95. > The officer chuckles.
  96. > “Where are the depots!?”
  98. > Anonymous struggles to breath, let alone speak.
  99. > “Eat s-shit.” Anonymous mutters, hacking up blood.
  100. > “Hmph.” the officer scoffs.
  101. > He turns back to his comrades.
  102. > “They're a persistent bunch. I'll give them that.”
  103. > He pulls out a revolver from his belt.
  104. > Anonymous' revolver.
  105. > He holds it up to his face.
  106. > “One last chance, Emmerian!” The officer yelps.
  107. > “G-Go to hell.”
  108. > “Hmph.”
  109. > Instantly, his head disappears behind a mist of blood and gore.
  110. > The floor behind him is painted red.
  111. > The soldiers around the room only break out in laughter.
  112. > Luna's stomach drops.
  113. > “No...” she whispers.
  115. > She slowly backs away from the door, eager to get away from here.
  116. > But she was not cautious.
  117. > As she backs away, she steps on some broken glass scattered on the floor.
  118. > In the dead silence of the night, the sounds of the glass underneath her boot felt as if it could be heard for miles.
  119. “Damn.” she whispers.
  121. > The officer turns to face Luna.
  122. > His glare is cold and unforgiving.
  123. > “There!” he shouts. “We're being watched! The door! At the door!”
  124. > The officer points his weapon at the door and starts shooting.
  125. > The rest in the room follow suite.
  126. > A flurry of automatic gunfire flies at Luna.
  127. > She had no time to react.
  128. > She didn't stand a chance.
  129. > She shrieked in pain.
  131. > Luna felt her heart pounding relentlessly as she began to bleed out.
  132. > Her vision began to fade as the life escape from her body.
  133. > The officer approached the bleeding Luna.
  134. > Luna stared straight down the barrel of Anonymous' revolver before being violently thrown out of Anonymous' dream.
  136. > She awoke in a jostle as the dream walking spell broke.
  137. > A sigh of relief overcame her as she realized she was back in Canterlot.
  138. > She awoke standing over a sleeping Anonymous, with a dozing Rarity close by his side.
  139. > He thrashed in his sleep. Still locked in his nightmares.
  140. > A cold sweat had drenched Luna's coat.
  141. > 'Something is wrong with him.' Luna thought to herself, looking over the sleeping Anonymous.
  142. > 'Something was VERY wrong.'
  144. ---
  147. > “Anonymous!?” Rarity shouts.
  148. > You glance over to see the white unicorn sitting idly by your side.
  149. > “Well?” she asks impatiently. “What happened next!?”
  150. > You glance at her with a confused look.
  151. > “For heavens sake!” she scoffs, “You're such a scatterbrain today!”
  152. > With a pair of scizzors, she snips small strands of hard off your head.
  153. > “The story with that girl? What happened next?” she eagerly asks.
  154. > You snap back to attention.
  155. “Oh. Right. Right.” you mutter, “Where was I again?”
  156. > “The girl? What happened to the girl?”
  157. “Oh right!” you laugh. “It's funny really. Her mother simply walked out the room in a deep blush. For woman was speechless.”
  158. > “I can only imagine!” Rarity giggles.
  159. > Small strands of hair fall onto purple barber's cape tied around your neck.
  160. > Occasionally, a small strand of hair falls onto your skin.
  161. > But she is quick to brush it off with her magic.
  162. “Her father on the other hand.... Son of a bitch looked like he was gonna kill me!... But, I can't really blame him.” you chuckle, “Hell. I'm pretty sure anybody would be pissed after finding their daughter sleeping with some snot nosed punk.”
  163. > You let out a hearty laugh.
  164. > “Well? Go on.” Rarity eagerly asks. “What did you do next?”
  165. “The only thing I could! I gathered my clothes and ran off. I'm just grateful her father didn't kill me right then and there.”
  166. > Rarity produces a comb and slicks your hair back.
  167. > Stray strands of hair fall out in the motion.
  168. > “What about the girl?” Rarity asks, “What happened to her?”
  169. “Oh. Her? Her parents were upset, obviously. But they eventually let her off the hook.”
  170. > “That's good to hear. Did you two stay in touch after that?”
  171. > You paused before letting out another hearty laugh.
  172. “Are you kidding me? A girl like that? Oh. We definitely stayed in touch.”
  173. > “Really? I'd imagine a young relationship like that would have been halted by such a fiasco.”
  174. “If anything, that definitely rekindled the relationship.” you laugh foolishly, “...If you catch my drift.”
  175. > Rarity blushed for a moment, which brings a cheeky grin on your face.
  177. > “Oh come on, Rarity. Don't tell me you don't have any raunchy stories yourself.”
  178. > She lets out a sheepish gasp before continuing on with her work.
  179. > “T-That's not something you ask a lady!”
  180. > You chuckle as she finishes the final details on your haircut.
  181. > She swings your chair around and brings a mirror to your face.
  182. > “So? What do you think!?” she eagerly asks.
  183. > You take the mirror for yourself and inspect her work.
  184. > Everything is just as you'd imagine it'd be.
  185. > Your hair is neat, trim and sleek.
  186. > All in all, you couldn't have asked for a better haircut.
  187. “Rarity, it looks great!” you excitedly notion.
  189. > She smiles in delight.
  190. > “Ooh. I just knew you'd love it!”
  191. > You run your hand through your hair once.
  192. “You know Rarity. I'll admit, I was kind of afraid to letting you cut my hair.”
  193. > “Oh?” she curiously replies.
  194. “I didn't know if you'd be able to cut a human's hair just right.”
  195. > She giggles for a moment.
  196. > “Oh, nonsense! It was no different that grooming a stallions mane!”
  197. “Well, that's good to hear.”
  198. > You reach toward your waist and undo a small bag tied to your belt.
  199. > The small burlap sack jingles with coins as you bring it up.
  200. “How much do I owe you.”
  201. > “Oh nonsense!” Rarity exclaims. “I could never charge you a fee!”
  202. “Thanks Rarity.” you grin.
  204. > You get up from the small chair.
  205. > Rarity removes the barber's cape from your shoulders while removing any unsightly hairs.
  206. > She takes a moment to put her tools away.
  207. > You step over to a nearby window and peek outside.
  208. > The Equestrian sun hangs high overhead.
  209. > A cool breeze gusts through the air and runs against your skin.
  210. “Getting kind of nippy, isn't it?”
  211. > Rarity looks up from her work.
  212. > “Hmm?”
  213. “The weather.” you idly respond, “It's starting to get too cold for my tastes.”
  214. > “Really?” Rarity asks, trotting over to the open window.
  215. > Another strong gust of wind blows through the window that sends a chill down your back.
  216. > Rarity stares at you with amusement “Why. I don't feel a thing!”
  217. “That's because I'm not blessed with a thick coat of fur like you all.”
  218. > You rustles Rarity's mane before she's pushes your hand away.
  219. “How cold does it get here?” you ask.
  220. > “Oh. Not cold at all.”
  221. “Really?”
  222. > “The Weather Team always takes precautions as to ensure the safety of it's citizens.” Rarity expains. “Sure, it might get chilly. But it never becomes freezing.”
  223. “Tch.” you response. “You guys got it easy.”
  224. > “Hmm?”
  225. “I used to live in a port town. So we'd get bombarded by the freezing sea breeze in the winter.”
  226. > “Is that so?”
  227. “Yeah. The war only made matters worse.” you casually explain. “Without any heat or power, we were practically exposed to the elements.”
  228. > “Oh it couldn't have been that bad.”
  229. “But it was.” you harshly state. “I remember having to dispose of the bodies of my comrades who died of hypothermia.”
  230. > “Hypothermia?”
  231. “Yeah. Poor bastards were frozen solid when I go around to them.”
  232. > “Frozen? Like actually frozen?”
  233. “Frostbite is a nasty one, Rarity. It wasn't uncommon to see someone with a few toes of fingers amputated due to it.”
  234. > A cold shiver runs down Rarity's body as she pictures the idea.
  235. > Perhaps this isn't the best topic of conversation right now...
  237. “So hey, Rarity.”
  238. > She snaps out of trance to look back at you.
  239. > “Yes?”
  240. “What are your plans for today?”
  241. > “Hmmm.” she replies. Her hoof held firmly against her face. “I've actually got a few errands to run in the city.”
  242. > You smile for a moment.
  243. “Mind if I tag along?”
  244. > She smiles awkwardly for a moment before turning back to you.
  245. > “Oh. But I'm just going shopping for some fabrics. It's nothing special.”
  246. “Oh.”
  247. > “It's nothing to write home about darling. In fact, you'd probably be better off here in the castle.” she chuckles. “I honestly wouldn't want to bore you to death here in the castle.”
  248. “It'll take a lot more than that to kill me.”
  249. > Rarity stares over to you, unimpressed.
  250. > You chuckle for a moment.
  251. > “Well. I'll be heading out in a few. So I'll be needing to get dressed.”
  252. “Dressed?”
  253. > “Why of course!” she exclaims. “You don't expect me to head into the fashion district without looking my best, do you?”
  254. > You exchange laughs.
  255. > Rarity opens the door with her magic.
  256. “A-Are you serious?” you ask in shock.
  257. > “Well of course!” she remarks. “You don't expect me to get dressed in front of you, do you?”
  258. > You stare at her in disbelief.
  259. “Rarity. In case you haven't noticed. You don't usually wear clothes. You're practically naked twenty four seven.”
  260. > She let's out a melodramatic gasp before ushering you out of the room.
  261. “Tch. Alright. Alright! No need to be so pushy,”
  262. > You quickly are ushered out of the room as the door shuts behind you.
  264. > You let out a soft chuckle before heading out into the castle halls.
  265. > Brightly colored tapestries and stained glass stretch as far as the eye can see.
  266. > Each one of showing an eventful moment in Equestria's history.
  267. > As the days go by, you start to take their history and lore to heart.
  268. > You lose yourself to thought.
  269. > Mentally envisioning what life could have been like in those times.
  270. > But.
  271. > It's not before long that your train of thought is broken by the constant beat of footsteps.
  273. > A young palace guard quickly marches down the castle hall.
  274. > His movements are precise and quick.
  275. > As you pass him by, he draws his broadsword and holds it across his chest.
  276. > “Sir!” he salutes.
  277. “At ease.”
  278. > “Sir!”
  279. > You glance over to him.
  280. > He's a young stallion. Orange coat and blue mane.
  281. “I haven't seen you around too often.”
  282. > You crouch to eye level with the guard.
  283. “What's your name, soldier?”
  284. > “Flash!” the stallion shouts. “My name is Flash Sentry, Sir!”
  285. “Sentry, eh?”
  286. > You stand back up on your legs.
  287. “I got to admit. It's got a nice ring to it.”
  288. > “Thank you, sir!”
  289. “Hey hey now. No need to be so formal.”
  290. > You pat him on the back a few times.
  291. > To which he flinches at your touch.
  292. “My name's Anonymous. But you can call me Anon, if you'd like.”
  293. > “Pleasure's all mine, sir!”
  294. > You offer a small nod before sending the guard on his way.
  296. > Navigating the halls has become a cinch since you've been staying here.
  297. > You come to learn it's various nooks and crannies.
  298. > And despite it's staggering size, you manage to make your way around it just fine.
  300. > You head over to the far end of the castle to the observatory.
  301. > Finally arriving at Luna's room.
  302. > You knock quietly.
  303. “Luna?” you whisper, “You in there?”
  304. > No response.
  305. > You knock again.
  306. > Still nothing.
  307. > Pressing it against the door, you open it by a crack.
  308. > You stick your head inside.
  309. “Luna?” you whisper.
  310. > There's no response.
  311. > You peer inside the room.
  313. > It's dark.
  314. > Pitch black.
  315. > Curiosity gets the best of you, and you step inside to the darkness.
  316. > You look over to the windows.
  317. > It's a strange phenomenon.
  318. > The sunlight shining from the outside only seems to make it in a few inches before being consumed by darkness, leaving it almost pitch black inside.
  319. > It's an interesting spell.
  320. > You make a mental note to have someone cast it on the windows in your bedroom.
  321. > Waking up at the crack of dawn isn't really your thing anyways.
  323. > A soft shimmering sound erupts from above.
  324. > You glance at the seemingly vast ceiling.
  325. > Magic has changed it's form.
  326. > Giving it the illusion of the night sky.
  327. > Stars and constellations dance to the soft sounds of magic.
  328. > You chuckle.
  329. > Only the guardian of the night would decorate her room as such.
  331. > You also hear the sound of soft snoring.
  332. > It's Luna.
  333. > She looks tired.
  334. > She mumbles something in her sleep.
  335. > You swear you hear her mumble your name a few times.
  336. > You juggle the though before putting it to rest.
  337. > Glancing back at Luna, you notice she looks restless.
  338. > It'd probably be best to leave her.
  339. > You make your way back out the room and into the hall.
  341. > Once your safely outside, you give a deep sigh.
  342. > Boredom is starting to take it's toll on you.
  343. > And with Luna out of the question your plans for the day are shattered.
  344. > You start to aimlessly wander down the halls.
  345. > You have no particular destination in mind.
  346. > Instead, you take time to greet all of the castle servants and workers once more.
  347. > You strike up a few conversations with the guards and servants.
  348. > All of which are happy to give a few moments of their time.
  350. ---
  352. > “Rarity!” Twilight yells. “Rarity! I'm here!”
  353. > Twilight clumsily gallops down the city street, occasionally knocking into other pedestrians.
  354. > Rarity sits verdantly at a coffee shop's patio.
  355. > She puts down her newspaper and takes a sip from her coffee.
  356. “Took you long enough, you know?”
  357. > “I'm sorry! I j-just got held up at the library is all.” Twilight pants.
  358. “The library?” Rarity questions. “Isn't the library here fully staffed? Surely they didn't need you to pull a shift today, did they?”
  359. > “Oh heavens no.” Twilight replies. “I was doing research.”
  360. “Research? On what?”
  361. > “Oh. On Anonymous.” Twilight mumbles.
  362. “Anonymous?” Rarity baffles. “If you've still got anymore questions, I'm sure you could just ask him directly. He's quite open with that sort of thing, you know.”
  363. > “I suppose. But it's not about him personally I'm interested about.”
  364. > Rarity lifts an eyebrow in confusion
  365. > “I'm interested in his people... His origins, if you will.”
  366. “And what of it?” Rarity asks. “Did you come up with anything?”
  367. > “Sort of.” Twilight replies.
  368. > She reaches for her saddlebag and pulls out an old book.
  369. > Withered away by what seems like hundreds of years of storage, it hangs together by just a few threads.
  370. > Rarity gently grasps it in her hands, careful not to damage it anymore than it was.
  371. “And what is this?” Rarity asks.
  372. > “It's an old lore book I found in the archives. It dates back to a little before Celestia's reign.”
  373. “Oh? And what makes this one so different from the hundreds of other Ponytale books in Equestria?” Rairty asks sarcastically.
  374. > “Because this one has this...” Twilight replies.
  375. > She flips the book open to a small illustration of a human.
  376. > Rarity's eyes open wide at the drawing.
  377. “I-Is that?”
  378. > “Yes.” Twilight replies. “Humans. In Equestria.”
  379. “But I thought Anonymous was the first of his kind here!”
  380. > “Apparently not.” Twilight replies. “There's a few legends in here of humans building grand civilizations before the colonization of Equestria.”
  381. > Twililight pulls out another faded document from her saddlebag and presents it to Rarity.
  382. > “Apparently they thrived on this planet long before we were here.”
  383. “What happened to them?” Rarity asks
  384. > “I- I don't know...” Twilight mumbles.
  385. “You don't know? Why not?”
  386. > “The book's incomplete!” Twilight remarks. “I figured most of it was lost during the Canterlot Archive's relocation from the Everfree location.”
  387. “Hmmmm..” Rarity mumbles. “That is a shame.”
  388. > “B-But it's not all bad!” Twilight whelps. “I did manage to find some interesting facts.”
  389. “Like?”
  390. > “Okay, you know the Canterlot Castle?”
  391. “Oh, of course!”
  392. > “Well, apparently. It was built and designed by human hands as a gift for Equestrians.”
  393. “Really?”
  394. > “Well that's what the book says. And it's dated pretty far back.”
  395. “Do you think Celestia would know anything about this?”
  396. > “I doubt it.” Twilight remarks. “It's dated before her rule, remember? She probably was just a little filly back then.”
  397. “Well, we could always just ask. Now that you mention it, it is curious as to why the castle is desgined the way it is.”
  398. > “What do you mean?”
  399. > Rarity pulls up a chair for Twilight and pours her a glass of coffee.
  400. “Well. Anonymous is a tall fellow, and he has quite a bit of trouble getting around Equestria.”
  401. > “I-I don't under-”
  402. “He's just too big. Nothing was designed for him. The doors are too short. The houses are too small. The beds aren't wide enough. Nothing in this land seems to suit him.... Except the castle.”
  403. > “I really haven't noticed...”
  404. “Really? You haven't noticed how everything in the castle just seems to be a perfect fit for the lad? The doorways, the benches, the furniture even the beds?”
  405. > Twilight scratches her head in puzzlement.
  406. “You know, now that you mention it. Human's building the Canterlot castle isn't as far fetched as an idea as I thought. And just as always, you've peaked my interest yet again, Twilight.” Rarity claims.
  407. > Rarity finishes her drink and fetches for the check.
  408. > She hops off her table and places a hands a few bits to the waiter.
  409. “It's an interesting development.” Rarity smirks. “One I'll definitely keep in mind whilst we shop today.”
  410. > “S-Shopping?” Twilight asks “Is that why you called me over here? For shopping!?”
  411. “But of course!” Rarity replies. “Hearth's Warming Eve is just a few weeks away! Or did you simply forget?”
  413. > Twilight glances around the city, only to find it decorated for the upcoming holidays.
  414. > Wreaths are scattered about.
  415. > Ponies are out and about shopping for their loved ones.
  416. > And decorations are a plenty.
  417. > Twilight's breath even fogs up the air in front of her.
  418. > A sure sign of the approaching winter.
  420. “Now, I remember Anonymous once mentioning a human holiday called “Christmas” celebrated on the exact day as our Hearth's Warming Eve.”
  421. > Twilight sits puzzled as she searches her mind.
  422. > Christmas.
  423. > It's a familiar word.
  424. > Yet so foreign.
  425. > But she's seen it somewhere before.
  426. > But where?
  427. > Where?
  428. > Twilight rubs her temples.
  429. > “R-Right. I remember now.” she remarks. “Christmas. A time where humans exchange gifts to one another.”
  430. > An epiphany broke as she recalls the alien word.
  431. > She's seen it once or twice in one of Anonymous' journal entries, but hastily skimmed through it.
  432. > Twilight makes a mental note as to go back and look through it later.
  434. “Oh, he's told me all about it.” Rarity grabs Twilight by the shoulder. “They get together, share presents, they tell stories and they feast on the most delicious foods! He tells me how entire cities would light up in colors the holidays.”
  435. > “Oh?” Twilight mumbles. “Is that so?”
  436. “Poor Anonymous. He's been through enough already.” Rarity whelps. “I just want to get a head start on everything. I want to be sure he has the best 'Christmas' ever. It'll be a great idea! We can get everypony together, and Pinkie can throw another party! Doesn't it sound like fun, Twilight?”
  437. > “Rarity....”
  438. “He'll be thrilled. Oh. I just know it!”
  440. ---
  442. > You pause before the grand set of doors, only to look down to your side.
  443. > Flash Sentry stands idly by your side.
  444. “And, you're sure she's in here?” you ask timidly.
  445. > “Sir! But of course!” he quickly replies. “The Princess is known for spending much of her free time in here!”
  446. “And what did you say this place was again?”
  447. > “Sir! The Royal Gymnasium.”
  448. “A gym?”
  449. > “Well. That's one way of putting it, sir.”
  450. “I didn't think you were all to big on sports here.”
  451. > “As if. Equestrians love their share of sports.”
  452. “Figures.”
  453. > “Well that being said. Is there anything else I can do for you, sir?”
  454. “No no. That should be all. Thanks again for leading me here.”
  455. > “Not a problem.”
  457. > You send him off and head into the gymnasium.
  458. > The doors swing open, giving way for a magnificent hallway.
  459. > A large grassy area sits in the middle of the hall with spectator seating flaking every angle.
  460. > Large pillars run across the walls and give way to a giant skylight above, flooding the room with natural sunlight.
  461. > The sounds of metal clanking against each other fills your ears.
  462. > You look down at the grassy pit to find two ponies in the center.
  463. > Curiosity get's the best of you and you make your way closer.
  464. > You pick a courtside seat and watch the two ponies.
  465. > Much to your amusement, you spot a familiar white Alicorn.
  466. > She's fencing.
  467. > You watch for a few moments in amusement.
  468. > Celestia is donning a white fencing helmet and holds a long saber with her magic.
  469. > Her opponent is in a similar fashion.
  471. > It's strange.
  472. > This isn't necessarily what you had in mind when Sentry mentioned a 'gym'.
  473. > You juggle the thought before quickly dismissing.
  475. > Altough different in stature, they seem to play the sport similarly to humans.
  476. > You watch in awe as Celestia maneuvers against her opponent with grace and ease.
  477. > Celestia lands the final blow to the match, just barely grazing her saber against the opponents chest.
  478. > You give them both a hand of applause for their game.
  479. > Only then does Celestia notice your presence.
  480. > She trots over to you, finally removing her helmet.
  481. “Fencing, eh? You know, I never figured you guys to be into these kinda of sports.”
  482. > “Oh?”
  483. “I knew that flying competitions are foot races are common practice here in Equestria. But fencing? Seems a bit off the wall to me.”
  484. > “Alas. It is a dying sport. But one I've kept to me heart all these years.”
  485. “You know, I figured a person like you would always have their hands full.”
  486. > Celestia lets out a slight giggle.
  487. “What's so funny.”
  488. > “Keeping my 'hands' full?”
  489. > You blush for a moment.
  490. “Sorry. Old habit, I guess.”
  491. > “No. No. It's quite alright. I think it's adorable, actually.”
  492. “Hmph.”
  494. > You glance over to the saber that Celestia holds in her grip.
  495. > “Care to try a few rounds?”
  496. “Ah. I'm probably not good. I've never done this before.”
  497. > “Oh nonsense. There's a first time for everything you know. In fact, I remember the first time I picked up a saber.”
  498. “Oh? And hold long ago was that?”
  499. > “You know, you shouldn't really ask a lady her age. It's impolite even here in Equestria, you know.” Celestia responds giggling.
  500. “Oh. Right. I'll have to make note of that.”
  501. > She wraps her wing around you.
  502. > “It's quite alright. Twas' simply a joke. Now, if I remember correctly. I first started just perhaps two or three hundred years ago.”
  503. > You burst out laughing.
  504. “Three hundred years of experience? Hah! Now I know I don't last a chance.”
  505. > She smiles before leading you into the arena.
  506. > “Hmm. I think I've got some old gear that might fit you.”
  507. > Celestia focuses her magic and produces an old chest from mid air.
  508. > Inside is an old saber and fencing suit.
  509. > She hands you the saber.
  510. > It's slightly shorter than Celestia's.
  511. > The grip is contoured to fit your hands.
  512. > It's strange.
  513. > Weighted and heavy to hold, it gives a satisfying sound when cut through the air.
  514. > She dusts off the fencing suit and hands it to you.
  515. > You sit back amazed.
  516. > Human clothes?
  517. > Celestia is just full of surprises.
  518. > She hands you the jacket.
  519. > And much to your surprise, it fits like a glove.
  520. “Huh. It's a perfect fit. You've got anymore human clothes laying around Celestia?”
  521. > She only smiles warmly.
  522. > “Now. This truly is a simple sport. The key to it's success is to the technique.”
  523. “Technique, eh?”
  524. > “Come.” she notions “I can teach you the proper form.”
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