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Oct 24th, 2016
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  1. It was a popular superstition that a handful of dirt from a planet prior to take-off meant good luck if it was smeared across the foremost point on the ship itself. The ritual was to be applied by the captain of the vessel, witnessed by the crew signifying a bond between them and the perils that they would share on long trips like this one. Off-loading, On-Loading. New sights and smells came with each new stop, along with dangers of the law and any bull-headed bounty hunters feeling lucky. This run was to be kept under wraps. Quick, professional, and quiet. Aside from weapons, fuel, and supplies needed for a deep-space trek, precious cargo was on-board though not as obvious to the rest of the crew. When asked about the out-of-the-way stop at Earth by the Navigators, The Captain simply responded that they were dangerously low on chocolate. The Crew Chiefs remained confused, scouring over the manifests for such commodities, unaware that the greedy hound had been hogging the treat to himself. The alternating glow of red and yellow lit the cold corridors only to the lowest functioning levels. Sparse with chatter and the ever present hum of the droning engines gave life to an otherwise dead hulk of metal drifting silently through the black, starlit abyss. Wolf himself had taken a keen liking to his company, very few were allowed to see the interior of his quarters. Equipment monitors were dimswitched in favor of faint static-laced music that alternated frequently with the changing of reception over the radio. He allowed himself the luxury of carpet padded over the usual tile of welded grates. It wasn't pretty, but it functioned. Just like everything else in the economized suite. It would likeness all but lonely save for the view of the universe outside, shared by one lone window built into the wall, laying parallel to his bunk. He found himself staring off into it at times when he needed sleep. But now, sitting with boots propped up onto his desk something far more gorgeous had caught his eye
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